We make a “Cockatoo” parrot and a penguin from beads. Lizard made of beads: weaving a three-dimensional figurine according to the pattern (video) Beaded figures of the penguin pattern

If desired, multi-colored beads can be turned into beautiful products, including making birds from beads. Learning to weave a swan, a parrot and a penguin from beads is not so difficult - you just need to be diligent and work carefully, following the patterns. In the above patterns, beaded birds are made using the parallel weaving technique.

How to weave a swan from beads

For example, a pair of swans, which, as you know, are famous for their fidelity, can be an excellent wedding gift. You can weave a swan from beads yourself. To do this, you need to use one of the many schemes, for example, you can make such a swan and even a small chick.

To work you will need:

  • snow-white or beige beads,
  • black beads for eyes,
  • red beads for beak,
  • wire with a diameter of 0.35 mm,
  • wire cutters.

Pattern for weaving a swan from beads

  1. First you need to measure 5.2 meters of wire - this is exactly how much it will take to weave a swan from beads. Then you need to work according to the scheme, stringing the number of beads on the wire that is indicated in the work diagram.
  2. The swan should turn out to be voluminous, so some rows will need to be curved towards you, and others away from you. The crosses in the diagram mean missing beads - this allows you to make a smooth bend in the neck or tail, for example.
  3. The swan's wings need to be woven separately, and then connected to the body and head with a long neck.
  4. Some may find it more convenient to work with fishing line. In this case, all the details will turn out soft. Consequently, it will be necessary to make a frame from strong wire on which the swan figurine will be “dressed.”

How to weave a parrot from beads

Bright parrots leave no one indifferent. And if for some reason you don’t want to have a live bird now, then it’s quite possible to make a bright parrot from beads. Such a bird can “settle” on a decorative flower or become a decoration for an interior composition.

Bright parrots made of beads

By the way, many needlewomen will be able to make a parrot from beads without even buying a large amount of new beads. The parrot is bright and colorful - it is quite possible to use the existing remains of beads. Or purchase all the colors indicated in the diagram.

Parrot weaving pattern

  1. So, weaving a parrot needs to start from the head. Following the detailed diagram, you need to string the required number of beads, and then move on to the next row.
  2. To create a parrot, parallel weaving is used. It is important to remember to pull both ends of the wire through each row of beads.
  3. If you need to make branches of feathers on the tail or wings, you should work with one end of the wire, pulling this wire in the opposite direction through the beads, without touching only the last bead.

How to weave a penguin from beads

A figurine of a funny penguin can be used to create a keychain or part of an interior composition. Children will also love to have a penguin as a new toy.

Cute beaded penguin

All that remains is to make a penguin, which can be made in traditional white and black colors or, for example, in white and blue and other options. Penguin weaving must be done according to the pattern.

Pattern for weaving a pigguin from beads

  1. First, the required beads are selected and the wire is prepared.
  2. Then you need to start weaving directly. The penguin needs to be woven from the head, stringing the required number of beads in each row. To form a three-dimensional figure, as required by parallel weaving, you need to pass both ends of the wire or fishing line towards each other in each row.
  3. To weave a black and white penguin, you need to alternate a row of black and a row of white beads.
  4. The penguin's beak needs to be made red, but the legs can be either black or orange, for example.
  5. The black wings of the penguin must be woven separately, making sure to firmly secure the fishing line or wire. You can attach them to the body using wire. The paws are also made separately.
  6. To connect all the parts, you need to use the free ends of the wire (which should be left when making each part). The wire must be pulled through the beads of the nearest row. This will allow you to firmly connect even small parts of the birds.

Three-dimensional beaded animals are small copies of real animals. Make a small zoo at home using the diagrams presented in this section.

The macaw parrot is a very beautiful and colorful bird. You can take any colors of beads at your discretion.

In this work, beads of red, blue, yellow, white and black colors were used. The figurine can be woven from both small and large beads. I used large beads because they are easier to work with and the figurine is large. You need to start working from the head of the parrot. The work is done using the method. Just follow the scheme and you will definitely succeed!

This is what the finished figurine looks like:

Below is a description of how to make a penguin from beads. The work, in my opinion, is not difficult. The figurine can be woven from both large and small beads. Working with small beads will be more difficult if done with small beads.

For work we will need:

  • Black beads;
  • white beads;
  • orange beads for beak and paws;
  • some beads of different colors for a scarf;
  • brass or copper wire;
  • nippers or scissors.

Description of work:

The penguin is woven using the parallel weaving method. We start working with the beak, then weave the head. We weave according to the pattern, not forgetting about the scarf. As you work, don’t forget to attach additional wire for the wings. The legs are woven separately and then attached to the body.

At the end of the work, the wire must be firmly secured, hidden and cut.

Penguin is ready!

The diagram below shows how to make a fox from beads. I would advise you to use large beads for the figurine. It makes the product more beautiful and easier to make.

For work we will need:

  • orange beads;
  • white beads;
  • bead for nose;
  • 2 black beads of the same size, for the eyes.
  • brass or copper wire;
  • nippers or scissors.

So let's get to work.

We begin to weave the figure from the spout, making it using a smooth bead. Next we move on to the head. As you work, don’t forget to attach additional wires, first for the ears, then for the paws. When finishing the work, secure the wire well, cut it and hide it. The work is done using the parallel weaving method.

At the end of the work, we give the figure volume and straighten it.

The fox is ready!

The beaded bear is ready!

Today we will tell you how to make a beaded penguin with your own hands using the Japanese beading technique. A step-by-step master class with photos will help us with this. Having mastered the weaving technique using such a simple figure as an example, you will be able to weave more complex three-dimensional models.

Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 4/10

  • large beads or beads: transparent, blue, black, red;
  • beading line;
  • 2 beading needles.

Japanese beading is an art that mainly focuses on animals, and much less on decorations. Therefore, today’s introductory master class is dedicated specifically to weaving a small charming animal - a penguin. Unfortunately, there was no Russian-language diagram of such an adorable Japanese panda.

For quite some time now, the whole world has known the passion of the Japanese for various cute toys. Animals with a human face. Gradually, this eastern hobby spread further and further, and now the whole planet is crazy about cute anime characters, amigurumi toys and three-dimensional beaded figurines. It was the Japanese who came up with a type of weaving that made it possible to make three-dimensional figures using fishing line and large beads.

Step-by-step instruction

To weave a penguin from beads, it is most convenient to use faceted glass or plastic beads.

Step 1: make a bead ring

Weaving toys, like knitting them, begins with a ring. But this time the ring is made of 5 beads. Start immediately with 2 needles. The first ring will be the breast, so make it from white beads. The needles should come out from 2 different sides of 1 bead.

Step 2: form the head

Place 3 beads on the first fishing line, 1 bead on the second, insert the needle of the first fishing line into the second bead, and then into the adjacent white bead.

On the fishing line remaining in the top bead, collect 1 black bead - this is the future eye, and one body color, in our case - blue. On another fishing line, as in the previous case, pick up 1 bead and insert the opposite fishing line into it. You should get 3 rings connected to each other by 2 common beads.

There are still 3 free beads left in the ring. Weave another ring on each one.

The last bead in the last ring (the one in which 2 needles meet) will become the 2nd eye.

You can see the same ring on top of the resulting workpiece. We will weave along it. The weaving technology is the same, with the difference that now 1 bead is put on both needles.

In this way, braid the entire ring.

When the ring is woven, you will get this cute penguin head.

Step 3: make the beak

But it seems that something is missing on it, namely a beak. To weave in the nose bead, bring both ends of the line forward.

Pass them through the yellow nose bead from different sides, thereby securing it securely. Lead the fishing line to the nearest side beads.

Step 4: make the wings

From the side beads we take the fishing line into the lower beads. Each needle goes into its own white bead. For each fishing line, 1 bead is collected for the legs. When the beads are on, simply pull the line up, thereby securing the legs.

Attach 1 wing on each side on top and move the needles back and down so that they intersect in 1 bead.

Step 5: braid the tail

Make a tail from a triangle of beads or one larger bead. Attach it to the penguin.

Secure the fishing line, hide it and trim the ends.

That's all! The cute beaded penguin is ready. The pattern of Japanese beading of toys is very similar, therefore, having made 1 figurine, you can easily master other, more difficult ones.

Small beaded figurines are unique handmade products that are not at all difficult to find uses for. First of all, you can use them to create entire collections of representatives of the animal world, which will become wonderful toys for your child. In addition, you can use them to make an original protein or a refrigerator magnet. Using today's example, we will look at how a penguin is made from beads. The first option will offer you weaving a simple flat figure, and the diagram of the second is an example of creating a more voluminous product.

This weaving option is quite simple. You can quickly and easily repeat it with your own hands at home. To work, you will need a simple set of materials and tools.

For the penguin you will need beads: blue, light, yellow and dark shades. Also prepare a wire for beading, seventy centimeters long (diameter 0.2 millimeters).

To weave the first row, string five blue pieces and move them to the center of the wire piece.

For the second r. – place seven blue beads (SB) on any tip, and place the second one in this low direction in the opposite direction. Pull the ends together so that the initial row is fixed in the center of the wire, and the new bottom of the second row is easily tight to the initial row.

All subsequent work on creating a penguin follows a similar pattern.

Third r. consists of nine SB.

To form the fourth r. string the following series of beads onto the wire: a pair of blue ones, one dark one and another pair of blue ones. The dark beads are the figurine's eyes.

  • fifth row: three SB, a pair of yellow, three SB;
  • sixth row: pair SB, pair white (BB), pair SB;
  • seventh row: 2 SB, 3 BB, 2 BB;
  • eighth row: 2 SB, 4 BB, 2 BB;
  • ninth row: 2 SB, 5 BB, 2 SB;
  • tenth row: 2 SB, 7 BB, 2 SB;
  • eleventh row: 1 SB, 6 BB, 1 SB;
  • twelfth row: 1 SB, 5 BB, 1 SB;
  • thirteenth row: three yellow. 2 BB, three yellow.

At this stage, work with the penguin's body is completed. After this, you can move on to creating the wings.

The first wing is made on one end of the wire, leave the other for now. Next, the following will be done on it.

Pass the tip among the twelfth and thirteenth rows of beads, then pass it further among the eleventh and twelfth rows.

Pull out the wire and string three SBs here. Holding the final tip of the set, pass the tip into the adjacent bead in the opposite direction. Then you will need to move this trio of beads as close as possible to the body of the figurine and tighten the weave tightly. String eight SBs here and insert a wire between the sixth and seventh rows.

In order to fix the wire, make a turn with this tip near the penguin frame among the sixth and seventh rows of beads. After completing this process, trim off the excess. The first beaded penguin wing is complete. The following is done in the same way at the second end. This stage is the last.

A flat beaded penguin figurine is ready. This is the easiest way that even children can repeat with you. To turn this penguin into a refrigerator magnet, attach magnetic tape to the back of it.

Pattern for weaving a penguin

The next option offers you a weaving pattern, on the basis of which you can make another penguin figurine from beads. Both large and small beads are suitable for work.
Shades of beads that you need to prepare: dark, white, orange, multi-colored (for a scarf). Also, grab some beading wire and some stems.

The weaving process consists of parallel stringing of beads. At the first stage, the beak is made, after which the penguin’s head is made, according to the diagram. During weaving to create wings, insert additional sections at certain points. The legs are also made separately, after which they are fixed to the figure’s body.

Having completed the process of creating the craft, the wire should be fixed and the excess cut off.
We hope you can take one of the proposed options as a basis and make a unique bead figurine with your own hands.

Video: Parallel weaving technique

The art of beading helps us turn colorful beads into unique products and crafts. In this lesson we will look at weaving birds from beads using the example of a parrot and a penguin. There are several weaving technologies on the basis of which such figures are made: these are flat and volumetric techniques. The first method is more suitable for beginners, the second is a little more complicated, but using a step-by-step master class with photo and video explanations, you can easily repeat the proposed weaving. Work slowly, learn to read diagrams correctly and you will definitely succeed.

This tutorial features a beaded Cockatoo parrot with its signature crest. In order to make such a figurine, you need to prepare the following simple kit with a set of materials and tools:

  • beads of white (BB), orange (ORB) and black (BW) colors number eight;
  • wire for weaving from beads with a diameter of 0.2 millimeters;
  • fishing line with which the product will need to be stitched.

For the main thread, take a wire of one hundred and fifty centimeters in length. So let's get started.

We weave the initial rows numbered one and two using the parallel weaving technique, picking up one and two beads respectively. Based on the step-by-step photos presented, it will be easier for you to understand the technique of weaving a parrot, so contact them if the described scheme of actions becomes not entirely clear to you. In the video you can also watch the weaving of similar figures.

In the third row we will use volumetric weaving. The levels of beads located in the upper part make up the back of the parrot, and in turn, the levels running along the bottom make up the tummy.

For the top level (UL) of the third row we string three black beads. We distribute this low in the same plane as the previous rows. The lower level (LU) consists of two BWs. Next, you need to bend the wire so that the beads lie at the bottom relative to the previous level. See how this process happens in the photo. After these actions, the parrot's weaving is tightened.

For the fourth row, we string the following series of main material onto one of the wires: four pieces are white and six are orange. After this, holding the trailing bead, you need to thread the tip of the wire through the remaining beads from those collected in the opposite direction. By pulling the wire, we will get one of the feathers that will be folded into the crest of our beaded parrot.

We resume working with the same wire and put two BBs on it. We insert the other tip through four BBs at this level, minus the beads from which the feather is formed.

For the lower level we collect 4 BB.

The VU of the fifth row consists of the following order: 1 BB, 1 BB, 3 BB, 5 ORB. Now, bypassing the closing one, we push the wire through the remaining orange and two light beads in the opposite direction. Further, the weaving is tightened and a set of beads is made, one at a time in white, black and again white. The second tip is threaded through six beads in the current level minus those that form the parrot's crest.

NK – five BB.

To create the sixth row, dial: four and five pieces of the main material, white and orange, respectively. Now, we pass the final one again and stretch the wire through four ORBs and one BB in the opposite direction. We tighten the work and string here the following light beads in the amount of three pieces.

The second tip is inserted into six light beads in the current level (minus, as usual, the details in the tuft).

NU – consists of 5 BB.

The seventh row consists of the following sequential set: two BBs and five ORBs. Here, we pass the final one and insert the tip into the remaining four in the opposite direction. We tighten the weaving and string two BBs. The second wire is threaded through four white beads.

For NU, string six BBs.

The eighth and ninth rows consist of light beads, respectively at levels four and seven, and also five and eight.

The top level of the tenth row consists of a low of six BBs. In this line, we need to add two wire sections thirty centimeters long. The first segment is stretched into a pair of outer beads at one end of the row, and the second, respectively, into a pair of outer beads at the other end. These prepared elements will later be used to weave parrot wings from beads.

NU – nine BB.

The eleventh row of beads is made up of seven light-colored beads. NU consists of 10 BB. Here, you need to add another additional wire, thirty centimeters long, and push it through the four beads located in the center, as in the photo. This detail will serve as the basis for creating legs for the parrot.

The next step is to create the twelfth row of white beads. Regarding the levels, dial eight and nine things.

The thirteenth row VU is 7 BB. NU – 8 BB. At this stage, all that remains is to weave one more additional piece of thirty centimeters and insert it with four beads in the center. The next leg of our parrot will be created on this part.

The fourteenth and fifteenth rows are beads of the same shade - white. According to the levels, these are six, seven and five, six pieces.

  • sixteenth row: VU – 4 BB, NU – 4 ORB;
  • seventeenth and eighteenth rows: VU – 3 BB, NU – 3 ORB;
  • The two final rows, numbers nineteen and twenty, are made up of only the upper levels, each containing four light beads.

At this stage, weaving the beaded body of the parrot is completed. It remains to fix the wire on which the work was carried out. To do this, pass any of its ends through the previous row of beads and twist the wires together. Trim off the excess. Hide the rest inside the figurine.

Now, let's move on to creating the parrot's wings on pre-prepared pieces of wire.

To create parrot wings, a simple parallel weaving technology is used, according to the following scheme:

  • 1 – 2;
  • 2 – 4;
  • 3 – 5;
  • 4 – 6;
  • 5 – 5;
  • 6 – 4;
  • 7 – 3;
  • 8 – 2;
  • 9 – 1.

After the parrot's wings are woven, secure the wire.

After the wings, we just need to make the legs for our parrot. For these purposes, we will use additional wires prepared in advance and threaded through the abdomen area of ​​the figure. The left leg is woven on a pair of tips on the left side, and the right leg is woven on the remaining pair of right ones.

For the parrot's legs, we use a volumetric weaving technique in levels.

So, the VU and NU of the first row consists of light beads, two pieces for each. The next row contains levels of one bead of light and dark shades. The remaining third row is one black bead, which is located in a parallel manner relative to the previous one of the same color.

Now we make the parrot's claws. We string four pieces of the main material of a dark shade onto either end and, bypassing the final one, draw a wire into the three previous ones. According to this scheme, make the remaining pair of claws. Thread this wire into the dark bead in the woven leg (NU of the second line) and pull it out. Thus, we have formed parallel tips, on which we carry out parallel weaving of a pair of rows made up of one dark bead. After that. You need to fix the ends, cut them off and hide them in the elements of the figure.

The next parrot's leg is created using the same technology.

This completes the master class on weaving a Cockatoo parrot from beads. To ensure that your figure takes on a stable shape, sew it with fishing line. This action will allow you to install this figure on any surface. By leaving the product unstitched, you can use it as an original pendant.

Flat figure penguin

The next master class will show you weaving a simpler one - a flat penguin figurine. With the help of additional fastening, such a beaded penguin can end up, for example, on your refrigerator.

Required materials and tools:

  • beads number ten: blue (SB), white (BB), yellow (ZhB) and black (BW) tones;
  • wire for weaving, the diameter of which is 0.2 millimeters.

To create the first line, string five blue beads and move them to the center. The next line consists of a set of seven SBs on one of the tips. The second end is pulled through this low end in the opposite direction. If you are not familiar with the parallel weaving technique, study the video with a master class on this topic.

Next, you need to tighten the weaving so that the first two rows are in the middle of the wire section on which the weaving is being carried out. Try to do this carefully, step by step. This way, you can be sure that both ends of the wire will be enough for you until the end of the entire weaving process.

Following the example of the previous lines, further weaving of all remaining rows is carried out, according to the diagram.

The third line consists of nine blue beads.

The fourth line contains the following sequence of beads: 2 SB, 1 SB, 3 SB, 1 SB, 2 SB. As you probably already guessed, the dark beads are the eyes of our penguin figurine.

Weaving pattern for subsequent rows:

  • 5 – 3 SB, 2 ZhB, 3 SB;
  • 6 – two blue, light and again blue;
  • 7 – 2 SB, 3 BB, 2 SB;
  • 8 – 2 SB, 4 BB, 2 SB;
  • 9 – 2 SB, 5 BB, 2 SB;
  • 10 – 2 SB, 7 BB, 2 SB;
  • 11 – 1 SB, 6 BB, 1 SB;
  • 12 – 1 SB, 5 BB, 1 SB;
  • 13 – 3 reinforced concrete; 2 BB; 3 JB.

After weaving the penguin's body, we move on to creating wings on one of the ends of the wire. On the second wire, another one will be created. We thread the wire among the twelfth and thirteenth rows, and then among the eleventh and twelfth. Then we pull it out and string three blue things. We pass the last one from the set and thread the tip into the bead next to it in the opposite direction, as in the photo. Now, you need to move all three elements towards the body and tighten the weaving tightly. We string the next 8 blue beads onto the wire and thread it through the sixth and seventh lines.

At the final stage, you will need to record the material on which the work was carried out. Make a turn with this tip near the penguin frame among the sixth and seventh lines and cut off the excess. This way you will make your first penguin wing.

Similarly to the described scheme of actions, we create another wing.

This completes the beaded penguin weaving. As you can see, the parallel technique is a fairly quick and easy way to create an interesting craft with your own hands in a matter of hours. Involve children in this kind of creativity; they will definitely love creating such cute keychains or refrigerator magnets for themselves and their friends.

Video: Studying parallel weaving technology