Long-term creative project "I myself!" (early age group). Project Activity Topics for Toddlers

on adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

"I want to go to the nursery!"

“It's only a step from a five-year-old child.

There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me. "

Lev Tolstoy

Completed by the educator

nursery group No. 2:

Bichakhchan S.A.

Maykop 2016.


Relevance of the project. The admission of a child to a nursery usually causes serious anxiety in adults. And it is not in vain. It is known that changes in the social environment affect the mental and physical health of children.

Early age is especially vulnerable to adaptation, since it is during this period of childhood that the child is least of all adapted to being separated from his family, more weak and vulnerable. At this age, adaptation to a child care institution takes longer and more difficult, and is often accompanied by diseases. Changing living conditions The need to develop new forms of behavior requires great efforts from the child and adults. On how the child is prepared in the family for the transition to a child care institution and on how the period of his adaptation is organized by educators and parents, the course of the adaptation period and the further development of the baby depend on. The adaptation period is characterized by emotional tension, anxiety or lethargy. The child cries a lot, strives for physical contact with adults, or, conversely, irritably refuses them, avoids peers. The peculiarities of the behavior of children during this period are largely related to the peculiarities of their temperament. Children with a phlegmatic temperament will behave quickly inhibited, and children with a choleric temperament, on the contrary, will be overly excited. In any case, the child's social ties can be very tense, and sometimes completely disrupted. Emotional discomfort affects sleep, appetite. Separation and meeting with relatives are very stormy, exalted: the baby does not let go of his parents, cries for a long time after they leave, and the arrival again meets with tears. The child's activity in relation to the objective world also changes. Toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment decreases. The level falls. speech activity, the vocabulary is reduced, new words are learned with difficulty.

This problem was dealt with by such scientists as: N.M. Aksarina, K. Yu. Belaya, K.L. Pechora, also researchers N.D. Vatutin, A.I. Zakharova, E.O. Sevostyanova, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya and others.

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. This is a universal phenomenon of all living things, which can be observed in both the plant and animal world. Adaptation is an active process that leads to positive (adaptation, i.e. the totality of all beneficial changes in the body and psyche) results, or negative (stress). At the same time, two main criteria for successful adaptation are distinguished: internal comfort (emotional satisfaction) and external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill new requirements). With the arrival in the nursery, the child begins a new stage in his life.

Teachers and parents should remember that nothing can be done to make up for what is left in the upbringing of a child. ... "Early childhood is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future psychological development.", notes V.S. Mukhina.

Adaptation project "I want to go to a nursery!" for young children from 1.5-3 years old, taking into account the psychological, physiological and social characteristics of children of this age. As a result of the implementation of the project, a teacher-psychologist, educators of young age groups, and parents are involved, which will contribute to their unity. And one of the main directions of the project is helping children go through a rather difficult period of life to adapt to new conditions of life. We want the child to feel comfortable during this period and go to kindergarten with pleasure. The duration of this project is 4 months, half of the child's first year in preschool.

The leading activity in early preschool age is a game, the project is based on game exercises.


creation of favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the child and their parents in a kindergarten.


Overcoming stressful conditions in young children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

Development of children's interaction skills with each other, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child;

Development of playing skills, voluntary behavior;

Work with parents aimed at qualitative changes in the family's usual lifestyle, at new levels of interaction and cooperation with kindergarten staff; the formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; increased communication between parents.

Project type: social.

Project participants:

Educator-psychologist - Tsukanova E.S.

Nursery teachers - Svetlana Aleksandrovna Bichakhchan,

Kurmanova Anna Pavlovna.

Musical director - Petrenko Svetlana Lvovna.

Medical worker-Arustamyan Ruzanna Yurievna

Children and parents of children of the nursery group No. 2

Project type: long term

Terms of implementation: September - December 2016 The following facts affect the terms of the project - the adaptation period can be delayed, taking into account the individuality of the child and the peculiarities of family relations; date of admission to kindergarten; incidence / attendance.

The expected result of this project Is the successful adaptation of children and parents to the conditions of a kindergarten.

    Reducing morbidity in children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten.

    Involvement of parents of children of early preschool age in the conscious upbringing of their children, together with the medical, psychological and pedagogical service of the preschool educational institution.

    Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, training and development of young children during the adaptation period.

    The formation of partnerships, trusting relationships between the preschool educational institution and the families of the pupils.

    Creation of an open system of interaction between participants in the educational process at a preschool educational institution.

Project implementation.

Preparatory stage

    Selection of methodological, fiction, illustration materials, didactic games;

    Development of abstracts of adaptation lessons, joint activities with parents and consultations for parents;

    Replenishment of the subject-developing environment of younger groups;

    Development of information material for the parent's corner about the project "My first steps";

    Development of questionnaires for parents;

    Drawing up a plan for working with children and parents.

    Conducting awareness-raising work among parents.

The main stage.

    Acquaintance of children with kindergarten, with each other. Every day, consistently introduce the rules of conduct in the group and accustom to the daily regimen. Systematically conduct adaptation games and activities with children.

    Conducting parenting meetings, consultations, questionnaires. Organization of parenting meetings like a round table, parent conferences.

The final stage.

    Analysis of adaptation maps, determination of the level of adaptation of children.

    Summing up the adaptation results at the parent meeting and teacher's council in the form of a presentation and report.

Forms of work with parents:

1. Counseling - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, training and development of young children during the adaptation period.

2. Workshops - to promote the mastery by parents of constructive ways of interacting with children, awareness of possible problems in the parent-child system.

3. Selection of special psychological and pedagogical literature on the adaptation of children to kindergarten;

4. "Preschooler's Portfolio" - an interactive tool for working with parents;

5. Issue of memos, information sheets about the peculiarities of this age, recommended educational games.

Forms of work with teachers:

2. Workshops - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers in creating favorable psychological conditions for the adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions

3. Observing the interaction of teachers with newly admitted children;

5. Informing teachers on the means of using information and communication technologies: teaching aids, memos, information leaflets, presentations.

Project plan





children with kindergarten, with each other.

Conclusion of an agreement with parents;

Excursion of parents around the preschool educational institution, acquaintance of parents with the group and educators;

Acquaintance-conversation with parents and a child.

Acquaintance with the group, toys.

Organizational parent meeting;

Questionnaire "Is your child ready to enter a preschool educational institution";

Child's individual journal;

Memo for parents "Preparing a child for attending kindergarten";

Memo for parents "In the first days of stay in kindergarten";

Filling in adaptation sheets.

Fiction: Reading Rhymes

Lesson "Ladybug"

1. Greetings from the ladybug.

2. Game "Catch a bug".

3. Nursery "Ladybug".

4. Exercise "Where are the legs of the bug?"

5. Game "Ladybug and the wind".

6. Game "Ladybug and Sparrow".

7. Relaxation.

- "Minutes of entering the day" as one of the conditions for successful adaptation to a preschool educational institution (for educators);

Developing environment for children of early and junior preschool age (list);

Game activity: "Affectionate name"; "Centipede"; massages: "Mushroom rain"; BAT "Hedgehog"





educational psychologist, educators

educational psychologist

educational psychologist


educational psychologist



Consultation "Raising a healthy baby";

Mini-lecture "Children's hysteria";

Puppet show "How the Hedgehog Pikh was looking for his way home";

Testoplasty in subgroups "Ladybug";

Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship";

Lesson "Falling leaves"

1. Greetings.

2. Game "Top-top"

3. The game "Rain and Sun"

4. The poem "Leaf fall, leaf fall"

5. Nursery "on a flat path"

6. Relaxation

Lesson "Balls"

1. Greetings.

2. The poem "My cheerful sonorous ball".

3. The game "Hide and seek with the ball"

4. Nursery "Merry friend, my ball"

5. The game "Our ball"

6. Relaxation "The balls are resting";

Play activities: "Gray Bunny Sits", "Sun and Rain"; massage BAT "Reader for the mouse"; finger game "Fingers"


educational psychologist

muses. supervisor



educational psychologist



Development of cultural and hygienic skills.

Teaching children to self-care: show how to dress, brush your hair, hold a spoon or a cup, go to the potty, wash your hands.

Games-activities: "Put the doll Katya to sleep", "Dress the doll for a walk", "Teach the doll to undress"

Musical entertainment with parents "Autumn Festival";

Lesson "Soap Bubbles"

1. Greetings.

2. Game "Catch the Bubble".

3. The song "Ladies - palms"

4. Game "Blow the Bubble"

5. Relaxation "Bubbles"

6. The game "Fly on a bubble"

Lesson "Naughty little mice"

1. Greetings.

2. Game "On the contrary"

3. Nursery "Mice are jumping, rascals"

4. Game "Mice and Clock"

5. Exercise "This is a dad - a mouse ..."

6. Relaxation "Mice are resting";

Play activities: "Palm to palm"; The Lost Baby; massage BAT "Bear"


music director



Courses for parents on the basics of child psychology and pedagogy in a nursery group.

Testoplasty for subgroups "Flower meadow";

Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship:

Play activities: "Sun", "Bell";

Lesson "Bunny"

1. Greetings.

2. The poem "We made a snowball"

3. Nursery "Little gray hare sits"

4. The game "The Fox and the Hare"

5. Game "Find a carrot"

6. Nursery "Barely, the merry-go-rounds started spinning"

Lesson "New Year"

1. Greetings from Santa Claus.

2. Rhyme "In our group"

3. Poem "Spruce"

4. The game "Freeze"

5. Nursery "Our fingers will dance"

6. Nursery "Jump, jump more fun";

New Year's holiday "With mom, dad, we are going to visit Santa Claus!"

Diagnostics of adaptation to preschool educational institutions.


educational psychologist



music director




muses. supervisor.

educational psychologist


allowance. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2004.

2. Volosova E. Early childhood development (main indicators). - M .: Linka-Press, 1999.

3. Lip G.I. Complex developmental activities for young children from 1.5 to 3 years old. Study guide. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004.

4. Pavlova S.V., Savintseva E.A. Comprehensive developmental activities for young children. Children's club "Umka". - Study guide. - M .:

5. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2010. - 80s.

6. Ronzhina A.S. Classes of a psychologist with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. - M .: LLC "National Book Center", 2012. - 72p.

7. Yanushko E.A. The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children. - M .: Mosaic-synthesis, 2011 .-- 56p.

Health preservation project for preschool children 1.5 - 3 years old

(1 junior group No. 2)

"Be healthy, baby!"

Bichakhchan S.A.

Kurmanova A.P.


Environmental project for the nursery group "Live Branch"

Project implementation time: spring.

Project duration: 1 month.

Project type: short-term, practice-oriented project.

Project participants: children of the 1st group of early development, educator Shevela Natalya Albertovna

Focus of work: research.


    To form a respectful attitude towards the surrounding world of nature, a desire to take part in experimental activities.

    Improve children's knowledge that a tree is a living organism, and about the conditions necessary for its existence in nature (water, heat).

    Show the importance of water and heat for blooming trees.

    Develop observation, the ability to experiment, make inferences.


    Form an idea of ​​deciduous trees, show their development in the spring.

    Detect changes in the state of branches - buds on a branch (sleep, show the value of water in plant life, put into the light).

    Arouse in children a cognitive interest in the phenomenon of leaf blooming on trees.

    To develop the ability to analyze the changes occurring with plants in the home and ordinary conditions of nature.

    To develop the observation of children for natural objects, phenomena occurring with them.

    Arouse interest in experimentation and research.

Introductory lesson 1

Spring is coming: Streams run through the fields

There are puddles on the roads

The ants will soon come out after the winter cold.

Pictures of spring, signs (snow melts, streams run, birds fly, animals wake up, leaves bloom)

Spring song. From the roof drops

The streams began to sing

Sparrows chirp

They click in the spring (we dance in a circle)

Craft: cloud and rain - draw a cloud with gouache and rain with your fingers

Session 2

We remember that spring has come: The snow is already melting and streams are running

Spring breathed through the window.

Nightingales will soon be whistling

And the forest will dress with foliage (we repeat the signs of spring, show pictures, sing a song)

Outdoor play:

Come out bunny dance

Come out, bunny, stamp your foot,

Come out, bunny, spin

Come out bunny bow

Consider a twig in water, sculpt a twig from plasticine

Plasticine, a piece of cardboard

Round dance game: trickle

Oh, the water is running in a stream

No snow, no ice

Oh water, oh water

No snow, no ice

Session 3

We consolidate the concept of spring. We sing a song spring.

Spring, spring is red!

Come spring with joy

Come spring with mercy.

With high flax,

With a deep root,

With abundant bread !!!

We repeat the signs, look at the pictures

Outdoor play : "Chicken and Chickens"

A crested hen came out with her yellow chickens, a hen cackles, do not go far.

On a bench by the path, a cat has lain down and is dozing, the cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

Consider the twig: - draw swollen buds with our fingers on the twig.

Round dance game: "Carousel"- children in a round dance hold on to the rope

Barely - barely - barely - the merry-go-rounds spun, and then around, and then around, all running, running. Hush, hush the carousel stop.

Session 4

We continue to consolidate the concept of spring: - spring has come red,

Spring has come clear

Birds sing loudly - they don't let you sleep for a long time

Examining pictures, singing a song

Didactic game:

Find a bird (pictures of toys and birds)

Examining a twig

We sculpt a twig with sprouts, sprouts appeared on the twig

Plasticine and green sprouts

Low mobility game: - from bump to bump

Session 5

Didactic game: - select pictures with spring

Outdoor play: - one, two, three, four, five we go to play with you, trees and bushes, we walk in a circle, at the signal of the teacher we depict either trees or bushes.

Consider the twigs

Joint application spring park: - the leaves have completely blossomed.

We press the hand (tree, glue the leaves with our fingers)

Round dance game with spring: rain, rain pours and pours, does not allow us to walk.

shine the sun for us and live easily with you. And even a song on the way. It sings by itself (dress up the sun, show the sun, when the rain is hiding, when the sun is dancing with leaves)

All tasks have been completed.

    Children have formed an idea of ​​deciduous trees, their development in the spring is shown.

    Children discovered changes in the state of branches - buds on a branch (they sleep, they saw the importance of water and light in the life of plants.)

    Children have a cognitive interest in the phenomenon of leaf blooming on trees.

    Children began to analyze the changes taking place with plants in the home and ordinary conditions of nature.

    Began to be interested in natural objects, phenomena that occur with them.

    Children eagerly experimented and explored changes in plants.

Kaneva L.M., Nenyang E.A.,

educators MKDOU

"Kindergarten" Snow White "

Nadym city

The Sand Fairy Tales, Wet Riddles project is designed to work with young children. This project contains material on the educational area "Cognition", through the integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Security", "Communication".

This project is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions working with young children, parents.

Explanatory note

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education", "The Concept for Preschool Education", the Law of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "On Education in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug", the main priority of education today is the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with the child: personality, interests and needs, development of creativity and concern for his emotional well-being. The world around the child becomes more and more diverse and complex from year to year and requires from him not routine, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, and a creative approach to solving large and small problems.

The innovative policy of preschool education is aimed at increasing the individualization and uniqueness of the pedagogical influence on the child, strengthening the position of the parents - the participants in this influence. Preschool teachers are guided not only by preparation for school, but also by the preservation of a full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of the developing personality. Respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of conditions for development are indispensable components of a humanistic approach. The humanistic view of the essence of upbringing, which is adhered to by modern researchers (V.P. Bederkhanova, O.S. Gazman, V.G. Maralov, V.A. Sitarov), is associated with the understanding of upbringing as a joint activity of children and adults.

Modern preschool education orientates teachers to the use of the most effective pedagogical technologies in educational and educational practice, aimed at mastering the necessary knowledge, developing logical thinking, speech of children who teach how to find solutions in various problem situations.

One of these technologies is the project method, which in recent years has become very firmly established in the practice of preschool educational institutions. The project method gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling. In the context of modernization of the modern education system and awareness of the increased role of innovation, the teaching staff of the Snow White Kindergarten seeks to update the content, achieve a new quality of education based on the introduction of innovations in the priority areas of activity outlined in the Preschool Development Program.

A powerful tool to assist teachers in professional growth, pupils in the successful mastering of the requirements of the state educational standard, parents in the implementation of active participation in the educational process is the innovative project "Blooming kindergarten" (implementation period 2008 - 2013), within which teachers preschool institutions are implementing 16 mini-projects of various orientations, but having a common core - the social significance of specific activities that make up the essence of the project.

Each mini project is designed for a certain age of the preschooler and is implemented during the school year. In the 2010-2011 academic year in the early group, the project "Sand fairy tales, wet riddles" was implemented.

The leading cognitive process at an early age is perception. Its importance can hardly be overestimated. If the child does not receive the components that contribute to the development of perception, then he may have serious gaps in his ideas about a number of properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

The perception of the world by a child in the second and third year of life goes through feelings and sensations. These children are trusting and spontaneous, they are easily involved in joint practical activities with adults, they are happy to manipulate various objects. As practice shows, if a child is not taught at an early age to examine actions, the ability to observe, then in the future he does not always show a steady interest in the activity, experiences a feeling of fear when familiarizing himself with a new subject.

This problem can be solved if, from an early age, the child is actively involved in the natural world, which opens up great opportunities for cognitive activity for him.

This requires a systematic approach that allows the child to be included on a daily basis in search, creative activity, which contributes to the formation of his survey actions.

The main tasks of the formation of perception are integrated with the tasks of the development of speech, movements, playing skills. A series of observations, experiments and experiments contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, the development of observation and emotionality in communication with the outside world. In order to interest the kids, to awaken creative activity in them, play methods and techniques, the artistic word are offered.

The proposed material can be used variably, concretize it, supplement the tasks, methods of interaction with children.

This approach contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of the world.

The formation of survey actions occurs in objective activity. For its successful organization, a non-standard subject-developing environment was created.

The implementation of such an approach to the development of perception in young children allows them to stimulate their need for cognition of the world around them. They master sensory standards (color, shape, size) well, group, find and name objects of the immediate environment, correlate objects according to the selected features. Together with adults, they perform some survey actions, use them in independent activities. Show interest, curiosity, cheerfulness.

This material makes it possible to conduct purposeful work on the formation of elementary survey actions in young children as a condition for the perception of the world around them. It can be used by early childhood educators.

Objective of the project: acquaintance with the properties of water and sand, the formation of the skills of experimenting with objects, the development of fine motor skills, the enrichment of the vocabulary of words.

Project objectives:

  • to strengthen the physical and mental health of babies;
  • provide emotional well-being;
  • expand the horizons of children, create an atmosphere of joy and pleasure,
  • to foster feelings of sympathy for peers, to form a single child-adult team;
  • develop the mental processes of children, cognitive abilities;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • foster interest in the diversity of human relationships;
  • expand the experience of orientation in the environment, enrich children with a variety of sensory impressions;
  • develop the creativity and creativity of the project participants;
  • to form the communication skills of children, to promote successful adaptation in the team;

Helping preschoolers to master playing skills, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles organizing games in kindergarten:

First principle: the educator should play together with the children in the position of a “playing partner”, “able to play interestingly”, able to build a game in such a way that at the appropriate age stage, children are immediately faced with the need to use a new, more complex way of constructing a game.

Second principle: the educator must play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each stage the game should be developed in such a way that children immediately “discover” and learn a new, more complex way of building it.

Third principle: starting from an early age and further, at each stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary, when developing play skills, to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of a play action and to explain its meaning to partners - an adult or a peer.

The teacher's task: to form in a child by the age of three the ability to unfold conditional plot actions with a toy, a substitute object and an imaginary object, link two or three play actions in a semantic chain, verbally designate them, continue the meaning of the action begun by the adult partner, and then by the peer.

Forms of work on the project

- work with children:

1. Reading and considering fiction (nursery rhymes, jokes, jokes).

2. Conducting games with sand, water.

3. Conducting game activities.

4. Replenishment of the subject-developing environment of the group;

5. Experimental - experimental activity

- work with parents:

1 Selection of fiction;

2. Manufacturing of the mock-up "Moidodyr", "Aquarium";

3. Performing creative tasks;

4. Joint experimental - experimental activity;

5. Consultation

Project structure and content

This project presents:

ü long-term work plan for the academic year;

ü collection of game lessons;

ü experiments with sand and water

ü illustrated album "Vodichka, vodichka";

ü consultations for parents and teachers on playing lessons and experimental research activities with children.

ü photos of models "Moidodyr", "Aquarium".

Project implementation period: September - May.

Project participants: educators, children, parents.

1. The intended result is:



- children know and are well oriented in the ratio of the sizes of objects (small - large), they know colors;

Owns actions with objects, assumes a variety of ways to use them;

Possess elementary skills of productive activity;

Possess an extended vocabulary (verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.), use generalizing concepts (water, sand);

Communication skills:

Enjoy activities with adults,

Get positive emotions from holidays and entertainment;

Use speech as a means of communication with peers;

Prerequisites for scientific activity:

Have a strong interest in fiction;

Interest in significant activities arises;

Are able to clearly express a thought, enter into dialogical communication;

Planning of work on the implementation of the project

"Sand fairy tales, wet riddles"



Build knowledge about the properties of dry and wet sand; - To acquaint children with the properties of water


  • Teach the methods of examining the material (squeeze the sand in your hand and pour it from your palm);
  • To develop visual and auditory connections, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements;
  • Foster a positive attitude towards elementary experimental activity;
  • To form in children the skill of practical experimentation with different objects from different materials;
  • Develop an active vocabulary;
  • To cultivate a positive attitude towards the droplet character.

Educational area




Experimental activity "About a small droplet", acquaintance of children with the properties of water.


Selection of fiction (poetry, nursery rhymes, songs);

Learning the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, vodichka";

Examining illustrations


Playing with water "Vodichka, vodichka"

Sand game "Bake cookies"

Appendix 3

Subject - developmental environment

Working with parents

Replenishment of the corner of children's experimentation

Consultation “Playing with water and sand. It is interesting!";

Making a booklet "Sand fairy tales, wet riddles"

Appendix 7



To consolidate the knowledge of children about the property of wet sand - to maintain the shape of an object.

To acquaint children with the properties of rubber, stones. Rubber is light, it floats in water. The stone is heavy - it sinks.


  • Teach children to make prints of the palm, fist, edge of the palm.
  • To cultivate a positive attitude towards their work, the work of their comrades.
  • Teach children to act with rubber toys, natural materials - pebbles.
  • Develop the ability to pronounce a familiar nursery rhyme, show it using finger gymnastics.

Educational area




Experimental activity "Prints of our hands", acquaintance of children with the properties of wet sand.


Communicative games with the inclusion of small folklore forms (nursery rhymes, jokes, pestushki, lullabies)


The game "What floats like";

Game "Miracle Baker":

The game "Pour the soup"

Appendix 6

Appendix 2

Subject - developmental environment

replenishment of the children's experimenting corner with materials and equipment for experimental activities

Working with parents

Making a didactic toy "Moidodyr"

Consultation "Pour, pour, observe, compare"

Annex 1

Appendix 9



Strengthen children's knowledge of the properties of water and sand

To form in children the skill of practical experimentation with different objects from different materials.


  • Form the ability to recognize and name the main colors.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards basic research activities.
  • Teach children to act with natural material.
  • To develop visual and auditory connections, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.
  • To cultivate a cognitive interest in the world around us.

Educational area




Experimental activity "On a visit to the mouse"


Learning "Our feet walk on a flat path"


Find the ball game;

Game "Sand painting"

Appendix 3

Appendix 6

Subject - developmental environment

making a file of games with water and sand.

Working with parents

Making a model of an aquarium

Consultation "How to play with sand at home"

Appendix 11



Strengthen children's knowledge of the property of sand - to retain water.

To form an idea of ​​children about the property of water - the possibility of staining.


  • Develop imagination, creativity.
  • To cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to play next to comrades.
  • Train to name the primary colors.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards elementary research activities.

Educational area




Experimental activity "River and Stream"


Reading fiction "Snow, snow, whirling, the whole street is white"


Game "Watermill";

Game "Colorful water"

Appendix 2

Subject - developmental environment

Making didactic games: "The voyage of the ship", "Sinking and floating objects"

Consultation "Ice is also water"

Appendix 7

Working with parents

photo exhibition "Sand fairy tales, wet riddles"




Consolidate children's knowledge of the properties of dry and wet sand.

To give an idea of ​​the property of snow to turn into water.


  • Form an idea of ​​the number (one - many), size (large - small).
  • To develop the ability to display in speech using prepositions (on, under) the location of objects.
  • Develop general and fine motor skills, tactile sensations.
  • Develop a caring attitude towards animals.
  • To form in children the skill of practical experimentation with different materials.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards the Snowman character.

Educational area




Experimental activity "Snowman visiting children"


Learning: speech exercise with the "Snowman" movement


Water Circles game;

The game "Water from the Snow";

Game "Mink for animals"

Appendix 2

Appendix 6

Subject - developmental environment

A selection of fiction (fairy tales, songs, riddles, jokes)

Working with parents

Joint experimental - experimental activity "Find a bead"

Consultation “Playing with water and sand. It is interesting!"



Teach children to lay out a mold out of wet sand.

To give an idea of ​​the property of water to turn into ice.


  • To form knowledge about the height of the object - high, low.
  • To develop general motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.
  • Foster goodwill, a desire to help.
  • Form the ability to name the primary colors.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards the character.

Educational area




Experimental activity "Sand prints"


Learning "I bake, bake, bake"


The game "What different water";

Game "Bake cookies"

Game "Slides for kids"

Subject - developmental environment

Replenishment of the children's experimenting corner (pasochki, watering cans, nets, etc.)

Working with parents

Making a collection of games for moms and dads "Rash sand, pour some water"

Appendix 7



To consolidate the ability to determine the properties of dry (crumbles) and wet (keeps its shape) sand.

Give an understanding of the properties and qualities of ice.


  • Teach children to scoop up sand with a scoop, fill the form. Strengthen the ability to use a sieve.
  • Develop general and fine motor skills.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards the character, a desire to help.
  • Form an idea of ​​wild animals (hare, squirrel, bear).
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • To cultivate responsiveness, benevolence.

Educational area




Experimental activity "Beads for Bears"

Appendix 4


Learning "Teddy bear"


Children playing with sand "Fox visiting the children"

Festival of water and sand "Sand Men"

Appendix 6

Subject - developmental environment

Replenishment of the corner of children's experimentation

Working with parents

Replenishment of the corner of children's experimentation

Consultation "We throw everything into the water!"



Continue teaching children how to lay out forms out of wet sand.

To form in children the ability to name the temperature of the water


  • To teach children to finish the words of a familiar fairy tale
  • Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.
  • Cultivate empathy for the PCs, arouse a desire to help them.
  • Exercise in naming items of clothing, underwear.
  • Develop an understanding of some labor activities and items necessary for washing (water, soap, basin).
  • Cultivate an interest in the work activities of adults.

Educational area




Experimental activity "Washing the doll's dress"


Reading familiar fairy tales


The Miracle Baker game;

Game "Catch balls";

Game "Watermill"

Appendix 6

Appendix 2

Subject - developmental environment

Release of the photo album "Ah, water, eh sand";

Replenishment with didactic games, "Cut pictures", "Floats, does not float"

Working with parents

Release of the album "Castles in the Sand", "Magic Sand"


Strengthen the ability of children to lay out forms from wet sand.

Strengthen the ability to determine and name the water temperature "cold", "hot", "warm".


  • Learn to find objects hidden in the sand by touch and by name.
  • Develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards your character.
  • To teach children to use the names of objects, actions with them in speech.
  • Develop the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand.
  • To educate cultural and hygienic skills, behavior.

Educational area




Experimental activity "Find the beads"


Games for fine motor skills of hands


Game "Bake cookies";

Game "Catch balls";

Game "We wash the doll's linen"

Appendix 2

Appendix 13

Subject - developmental environment

replenishment of the corner of children's experimentation

Working with parents

Project presentation at a single project day at a preschool educational institution;

Holiday entertainment "Games and Fun"

Annex 1

Toy name: "Moidodyr"

Nominated: educational - visual aid.

Project name : "Sand fairy tales, wet riddles."

Target : creation of conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in young children.


Use game techniques when developing hygienic skills in children, fostering a culture of behavior;

Expand the field of surprises, problem situations, the use of the artistic word in organizing children's work with water and sand.

Used materials: cardboard boxes, self-adhesive films, cloth, cubes, dolls, straw, plastic parts.

Possibilities of use:

When carrying out regime processes, as a surprise moment or game motivation;

When organizing games with water and sand, as a surprise moment or motivation;

When reading fiction;

To add plot content to the design of exhibitions for parents;

To decorate a project corner, a center of water and sand, a washroom

Appendix 2

Gallery of unconventional games and tutorials

Games with water and sand.

Open up wide opportunities for the cognitive development of children. By pouring and pouring water into various containers, immersing toys in water, watching the ice melt, kids get new impressions, experience positive emotions, get acquainted with the properties of water and various objects (warm-cold, drowning-floats, etc.)

Center "Sand and Water" - helps the educator in solving one of the most important problems in the development of a 2-3-year-old child. We are talking about independent play - with experimentation, with various suitable objects and natural materials.

By organizing games with water and sand, the teacher not only acquaints children with the properties of various objects and materials, but also consolidates elementary ideas about the shape, size, color of objects, developing the child's fine motor skills. Kids love these games very much. Sand can be poured from palm to palm, from a scoop into a mold, you can bury various objects in it and dig them out, build slides, paths, etc., and then destroy and rebuild.

For playing with sand, you need scoops, various molds, medium-sized toys for burying (balls, cubes, rake sticks).

For playing with water - a set of rubber and plastic toys (figurines of fish, turtles, boats), nets, balls, a set of toys made of different materials (for the game "what floats", "what drowns"?), A set of colored pebbles, shells.

Water games.

The teacher offers the child experimenting with water:

  • Drowning does not sink
  • Gets wet
  • With ice
  • Hot, cold
  • With snow
  • Dissolves (paint, gouache)
  • Catching objects with juicy water
  • The voyage of the boat
  • Bathing toys
  • We erase - we help mom
  • Fishing
  • Freezing of water in a vessel


Our task is to teach the kid to transfer water from one container to another. A set of toy dishes works well for this. Invite your child to treat the doll with "tea" by pouring some water into a teapot. Please note that it should not overflow. Ask the baby: why is the water from the kettle not? Using a small sponge (it should be soft and small to fit in a child's hand), you need to pour water from one dish into another. To do this, put the sponge in a bowl of water, wait for it to absorb the liquid, and transfer it to another bowl. There we pour out the water, wringing out the sponge.

"Water Mill"

Another favorite fun of children is the water mill. Take a ladle with a spout, scoop up some water and show the kid what to pour, trying to the center of the blade.

"Pouring the soup"

Show your child how you can use a ladle to pour water from one small saucepan into another. Children are very fond of doing everything in an adult way, so they are happy to work with a ladle. And now, when we have already learned how to hold the ladle well, suggest pouring the "soup" into plastic plates without spilling.

"We catch balls"

You will need a small strainer, 10 tennis balls, a bowl. Invite your toddler to catch the balls with a strainer and place them in a bowl.

"Catch a piece of ice"

An adult puts 5-10 small pieces of ice in a container of water and says to the child: “Look, watch what is happening. The pieces of ice were big, but they are getting small. Let's save them! "

The kid takes larger pieces of ice out of the water with a net or scoop and puts them in a separate bowl. After all the pieces of ice have been removed, the adult asks: “Where did the rest of the pieces of ice go? What's with

Have they become? "They melted, turned into water."

"What floats like"

To play - experimenting, you need a set of objects made of different materials (a plastic boat, a rubber duck, a metal spoon, a pebble, a paper boat, a foam figurine, a wooden stick, etc.).

An adult invites the child to gradually lower all objects into the water: “What a beautiful boat! He is ready to set sail. Put it in the water, let it float. How many other items we have! They want to swim too. Let's send them sailing too. " During the game, the adult asks the kid to name the items and helps to comment on the actions.

Appendix 3

Experiments with water


How does water move? Why are the drops round? Why do some bodies sink while others float? What happens to a substance dissolved in water? We will find answers to these questions here.

Power of water

Water, like all liquids, has no form of its own. If you give it free rein, it will take up every possible space. Water flows downward under the influence of gravity, and when it falls from a height, its force can be converted into electricity. Slowly and imperceptibly, water rises up the trunk of the plant, supporting its life.

A flower blossoming on the water.



Colour pencils

Deep plate of water

Experience progress

1.Cut a star out of paper and paint it.

2.Fold the petals inward along the dotted lines.

3. put a piece of paper on a plate.

Result: The flower will gradually open.

It's because... that water, due to capillarity, penetrates into the smallest empty spaces between the fibers of the paper and fills them. The paper swells, the folds are straightened, and the flower blooms.


In the horizontal position, the lid does not sink, but in the vertical position it immediately goes to the bottom.

This is because ...

... that the more water is displaced by an object during a dive, the more forcefully the object is pushed upward. A plasticine boat and a saucepan lid displace water not only with their body, but also with their voids, and, therefore, displace a greater weight of water than they themselves weigh. They are subject to a buoyant force greater than their weight. She keeps them afloat. The plasticine lump and the vertical lid displace less water. And so the immersed volume in this case is less, then the buoyancy force is not enough for them to remain on the surface.

Buoyancy limit



Small items (paper clips, balls, pebbles, cubes)

Experience progress

1.blind plasticine bath

2.Pour water into a bowl and dip the tray into it. On board, note to what level she sank.

3. Gradually fill the bath with small objects and watch the mark sink into the water.


The more the bath is loaded, the deeper it sinks into the water.

This is because ...

... that the vat has a certain volume filled with air. But as it is filled with cargo, it becomes heavier with the same dimensions, that is, it acquires an increased density. As long as the bath displaces more water than it weighs itself, it does not sink, but only sinks deeper and deeper. But when the tub becomes heavier than the water it can displace, it will sink. This experience shows that the buoyancy of an object also depends on its density.

Appendix 4

Sand games.

Target: To acquaint children with the properties of sand. Promote children's knowledge of the properties of dry and wet sand. To intensify speech and enrich the vocabulary of children. Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills.

Tasks: Develop active speech in children. Teach children the skills of experimentation. Evoke positive emotions. Develop cooperation skills in a peer group.

Games with water and sand help adults in solving one of the most important problems in the development of children 2 to 3 years old. We are talking about an amateur game - experimenting with various suitable objects and natural materials.

By organizing games with water and sand, the teacher not only acquaints children with the properties of various objects and materials, but also consolidates elementary ideas about the shape, size, color of objects, and develops the child's fine motor skills. Kids love these games very much. Sand can be poured from palm to palm, from a scoop into a mold, you can bury various objects in it and dig them out, build slides, paths, etc., and then destroy and build again.

It is noted that sand games are more stable and focused than other types of games. Sand formation can be considered the beginning of construction, it forces the child to concentrate. If possible, organize a sand play at home during the long winter days. This will be happiness for the baby.

Sand games

  • Dry - burying objects in the sand
  • Building pyramids
  • Draw with sticks in the sand
  • Pouring sand from palm to palm
  • Pouring from the mill
  • Raw - bake cookies
  • Pasochki games
  • Burying, digging a toy in the sand
  • Construction of paths, slides
  • Make your mark in the sand
  • Laying pebble paths in the sand

"We bake cookies"

In the "Sand - water" center, there is dry sand in one container, and wet sand in the other. An adult shows the kid beautiful cookie cutters of different styles and offers to bake cookies. The child tries to perform actions with both dry sand and wet sand. Gradually, as a result of playing with dry and wet sand, he realizes that nothing can be built from dry sand, but from wet and wet sand it is possible. If necessary, an adult assists the baby or guides his actions verbally.

"Find the ball"

An adult buries a small ball in the sand and asks the child to find it. First, you can drop the ball in front of the baby, then so that he cannot see the actions of an adult

Download the project in full:

Environmental project with children of the 1st junior group "Our little friends"

Duration of the project: medium-term (two weeks).
Project type: cognitive research
Kind of activity: play, cognitive research, communicative.
Relevance of the project:
Preschool age is a very important period in the life of every person. At this age, children show interest in everything that happens around them. Maintaining children's interest, you need to lead them from getting to know nature to understanding it. And it is necessary to start from early childhood to educate the correct attitude towards animals. Love, understanding and care are precisely the qualities that each person should display in relation to the world around him. It is necessary to inspire the child that animals are the same living creatures, like you and me, they can also be hurt, offended, scared, they can also freeze from the cold and want to eat. Working on the project allows you to expand children's ideas about pets (dog, cat, hamster, aquarium fish), and also introduces the rules of caring for them.
Introduce preschoolers to the world of wildlife, foster a caring, respectful attitude towards animals, arouse the desire to take care of them, protect, protect, empathize with him. Preliminary work:
1. A selection of pictures, postcards with pets, cartoons, fiction, didactic games, loto, puzzles, cubes.
2. Create presentations.
3. Registration of a card index of finger, verbal, outdoor games for onomatopoeia and imitation of animal movements.
4. Planning GCD, conversations, observations.

5. Work with parents: bring photos, postcards, pictures, arrange, together with parents, albums about animals "My Favorite Animal", baby books.


1. Examination of pictures, albums, postcards with pets.
2. Conversations "Pets and their cubs", "What do we know about pets", "Do not offend animals" ...
3. Observation of a cat, a dog.
4. Reading and memorizing poetry, nursery rhymes.
5. Productive activity: drawing traces of a cat and a dog, "a ball for a pussy", modeling
"Treats for animals", design "Booth for a dog", "House for a pussy", applique
"Let's decorate the pussy bowl."
6. Learning nursery rhymes "Like our cat ...", "Pussy, pussy, pussy, scatter ...", "Kisonka -
murysenka ", the song" A dog came to us ... "," A pussy came to the kids ... "
7. GCD for the formation of environmentally friendly, safe behavior.
The intended result is:
1. Children will develop an interest in animals.
2. They will learn the norms and rules of behavior with pets, learn to take good care of them.
Project results:
1. Children have increased cognitive interest in pets, developed feelings of empathy, joy when communicating with them.
2. Children mastered the knowledge about the features of appearance, lifestyle of pets, as well as the skills of safe behavior when communicating with them.
"Pussy came to visit us"

"Acquaintance with the fish"

"Our pets"

"Birds are cold in winter, birds are hungry in winter"

A project in a group of early age kindergarten "Soap foams, look!"

Completed: Garaeva E. N., Gudyreva A. V. educators.

December 2016.


The child is curious. Tends to observe, experiment. Elementary experimentation is already available to children from an early age. The leading cognitive process at an early age is perception. These children are trusting and spontaneous, they are easily involved in joint practical activities with adults, they are happy to manipulate various objects. In order to interest the kids, to awaken creative activity in them, play methods and techniques, the artistic word are offered. For children of early preschool age, the principle of repetition is relevant, so we constantly return to many experiments and experiments.

Games with soap bubbles - this fun has been known for a long time and attracts both children and adults.
This unforgettable and exciting spectacle can bring animation to any occasion.
To expand children's ideas about the world around them, to further involve children in project activities, I have developed a project to familiarize themselves with non-traditional material - foam.

Target: Acquaintance with non-traditional foam material through experimenting games.

Tasks: To develop tactile sensations, emotional perception, observation, skills of experimental activity.

  • Encourage verbal communication.
  • To form ideas about the properties of the foam: "airy", "light".

During the implementation of the project, visual, practical and verbal methods were used: showing the teacher, questions, conversation, foam games.

Project type: Short-term, group - 1 week.

Project participants: Children, parents, educators.

Equipment: Basins of water, straws, soap, soap bubbles, a mirror, doll dishes, small toys (sinking).

Project product:

  • Photo report of the project.
  • Card file of games-experiments with young children.
  • Teamwork with children. Working with parents:
  • Learning poems with children, nursery rhymes at home. Reading fairy tales.
  • Consultation: "Development of cultural and hygienic skills."
  • Helping parents in the selection of materials and equipment for the implementation of some activities.
  • Support for the cultural and hygienic skills acquired at the preschool educational institution at home.
  • Preliminary work: Reading fiction by KI Chukovsky "Moidodyr", examining illustrations; game situations, performance of regime moments. Stages of project implementation.

I. Preparatory stage:
Supervising children.
Discussion of the topic, definition of goals, objectives of the project.
Organization of a subject-development environment.
Selection of literature, games, illustrations.
Discussing upcoming events with parents.

II. The main stage of the project:

1 day:
Finger game "Washer"
Goal: Development of fine motor skills, vocabulary activation.
We washed our hands (rubbing palm on palm) One, two, three. One, two, three (three claps). And over the handles, like clouds (hands up). Bubbles ... bubbles ... (jumping, hands on the belt).

The game "Let's make foam"

Target: Clarify knowledge about the properties of water (water foams).
In a basin with warm water (add liquid soap to the bottom).
Invite the children to touch the water, then whisk the water with a whisk, gradually foam begins to appear, more and more.
Invite children to touch the foam, play with it, you can blow it.
Conclusion - soap in water - foam appears.

2nd day:

"Game-experiment" Foam on the palms! "

Target: teach the child to lather hands from the outside and inside until the foam "gloves"
Dictionary activation: (soap dish, soap, soap)
Okay, okay, with soap, my sweethearts,
Clean palms, here's your bread, and spoons!
Water gurgles in the tap. Very cool!
Mashenka herself washes the little hands (the adult calls the child's name).
We know, we know yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding here!

Day 3:

Game-experiment "Catch the bubbles!"

Target: Develop tactile sensations. To consolidate ideas about the properties of foam (light, airy). Under the poem, children, together with the teacher, blow bubbles.
We open the caps,
Blowing out bubbles
These are the ones - look!
They are all airy!
And very naughty!
How can we catch them -

Hold it on the palm of your hand!

Target: Develop creative thinking, fine motor skills.
Children, together with the teacher, wash their hands and draw straight lines.
Conclusion - you can paint with foam.

Day 4:

Game - experiment "Find toys"

Target: Development of experimental activities in the course of the game.
Put toys in a basin with soapy water - children are looking for them, pushing back the foam.
Conclusion - the foam hides toys (it is transparent)

Day 5:

Game "Moidodyr's Helpers"

Target: Enrichment of the gaming experience, implementation and consolidation of practical actions on the properties of soapy water.
Together with the teacher, the children “wash” the doll's dishes, rinse them from the foam, and dry them on a towel.
Conclusion - soapy water washes away "dirt".

Unconventional drawing using foam and foam rubber "Soap Bubbles"


The children have formed elementary skills of search activity, knowledge about the properties of foam.
As part of the project, it was possible to evoke in children positive emotions from joint communication with adults and peers, the joy of reading works of art and finger games.
Parents became more active, began to take part in joint activities on the project.