Emilia Clark Blonde or Brunette. Emilia Clark repainted into the blonde to the joy of fans. Biography of Emilia Clark

That was decided to do without soaring shades and chose a blond!

The younger sister (36) of Solan at a concert within the framework of a fashion week in New York appeared in a new image - she painted her hair in the blond and braid them in the pigtails! Now she will have to regularly apply oil on the tips of the hair so that they do not seine and do not dry.

When Kim came, everyone immediately thought that there was an ashes wig on it. But, as the star admitted, she really repainted! "I have long dreamed of becoming a blonde. And finally, I embodied my dream to reality, "wrote Kim on his website www.kimkardashianwest.com. "My favorite stylist made me perfect platinum hue."

To keep hair healthy after "bleaching", Kim regularly goes to the Nexxus salon in New York to the "protein" procedure Emergencée (which, by the way, is only $ 20 - this is about 1,200 rubles). If you do not have time for hiking to specialists, then be sure to use soft shampoos to maintain color, without silicones and other chemical additives!

Emilia was filmed as Daenener Targaryen in the series in the wig. Natural hair shade Clark - Dark! But, it seems that the actress liked to be on the bright side, that she still decided and rebelled in blonde the other day! Now she has to carefully follow her hair. By the way, so that the color does not tuck and there was no dry ends, it is worth using the means marked "for blondes" and be sure to with hyaluronic acid and vegetable oils.

This summer was repainted into a bright shade and a star "Divergent". It is impossible to say that it is a cardinal change (still Sheili was already blonde), but still it turned out very cool! In case of staining like Sheilin, the bet in care is to do on the restoring means "for damaged hair."

Not so long ago changed the image and crystice. True, it is far her not the first blonde. She also went with Ombre and Light Coloring. With such staining of cardinal changes in care is not required. Also use shampoos and balms with a note "for clarified hair."

Karly Medovo-Wheat blonde from nature. This summer for the show dior was repainted in an ice blond. "This shade is suitable for everyone who has a light shade of skin and bright eyes," explains the stylist Jen Atkin (who also changed the image of Kare Melievin - painted in a platinum blonde and briefly announced). Now the main product is to maintain the health of the hair of Carly - nutrient masks with oils.

Before that, she was a platinum blonde, and now Golden! By the way, the new shade made the face of Georia softer and aristocratic! By the way, to care for such a color is slightly simpler than the ash-white. The main thing - do not forget about hair masks: moisturizing and nutritious. Do them at least once a week, and then your hairstyle will be perfect!

0 September 19, 2017, 18:55

It seems, 30-year-old Emilia Clark can no longer wait for the last season "" (Game of Thrones)! Today, the actress reincarnated into his character Daeneeris Targaryen and in life, painting his hair into a bright shade. Clark reported on this page in Instagram, where he published a frame made during the transformation.

Oh shit. I did it. Mother of the Dragons, get to know Emily. Emilia, get acquainted with the Mother of the Dragons,

She went to the change of image Emilia as much as eight years. It was not solved to become a blond star because of fear that the hair can spoil.

Every time I wear a wig of my heroine, it seems to me that I look wonderfully with a bright shade of hair. It comes to mind the thought that I must repaint. But after filming, such thoughts disappear. I can say one thing - Blonde to be fun!

- spoke in one of his interviews a star.

Emilia Clark. Frame from the series "Game of Thrones"

The fans of the series are happy such a change to the image of the actress, because many of them believe that blonde hair goes Emilia more than her natural color. Now the users of social networks suggested that in the eighth season "Games of the Thrones", Daeneris can be browsed.

(Emilia Clarke) admitted that this project was influenced not only for her life and career, but also on her hair. The performer of the Mother of the Dragon Mother Deeneris Targarien told that the image in the project provoked the changes in her own image - the girl repainted into a blonde than spoiled his hair.

Recall that Clark dreamed of clarifying, as her heroine looked stunningly in platinum blonde. Putting on a wig, Emilia always felt perfectly with this color, however, they always afraid to repaint their brown hair, because he knew about the dangers of this procedure.

"Every time I wear a wig of my heroine, it seems to me that I look wonderful with a bright shade of hair. It comes to mind the thought that I must repaint. But after filming, such thoughts disappear. I can say one thing: blonde to be fun! "- Clark recognized in one of the interviews.

But when this idea still won the top, and Clark became blonde, she faced problems, because her hair became weakened. Now she dreams of correcting this situation and grow them. "I like my length, but I want mine they were even longer, - says the actress, - I fucking love long hair! "

The star "Games of the Thrones" said that she was trying to feed their hair with various professional means, enjoys specialized shampoos and air conditioning and dreaming of aging all that ruled. However, the light hair color continues to like it, and the fans are delighted with the fact that Emilia suffered his image from the series to real life and is very similar to his heroine DeEneris.

Actress Emilia Clark became known thanks to the role of Khalisi: Daeneris Brectober, from the house of Targarians, from the blood of the Old Valion, the mother of the Dragons, the Queen of Andalov, the Roynarians and the first people, the Khalisi of the Great Dotracian Sea. The name is long, but memorable, especially since this role gave emilia chance to manifest itself in the world of cinema. Detailed facts about this actress.

Biography of Emilia Clark

British actress Emilia Clark was born on October 23, 1986 in London. But she spent his childhood away from a big city in the town of Berkshire.

2. Parents

Father worked as a sound engineer, and his mother was engaged in business. Emilia has a younger brother.

3. Education

He studied at the Rye St Antony School school and St. Edward's School School in Oxford. In 2009, he graduated from Drama Center London.

4. Prestigious title

In 2012, the readers of the Askmen magazine recognized her the most desirable woman of the year.

5. To Glory

Before the role of Daeneris Targaryene, she had to work in several works. At the same time, she simultaneously worked as a bartender, a call center operator and a waitress.

6. Memorable eyebrows

As a child, he was attacked from their peers due to thick eyebrows. Then Mom told her "Do not take sex, do not use drugs and do not touch eyebrows." The Council turned out to be extremely successful, now lush eyebrows and expressive facial expressions are called one of the main advantages of the actress.

7. Alternative

According to the assurances of the actress itself, if not the acting career, it would become a singer, architect or designer.

8. Music

Since childhood, Emilia Clark is interested in music. Able to play flute, guitar and piano. He loves to sing, which has demonstrated in several popular videos on YouTube and Broadway production.

9. Sport

Likes sport. Riding horseback riding, ice skating, and also engaged in rowing.

10. Hair color

Fans know Emily as a blonde, but this is an unnatural hair color for it. In fact, she has dark hair with which it is less likely to know on the streets. The actress confessed that she likes the image of a blonde than her natural hair color.

11. Where does it live?

From October 2015 he lives in Hampeeda, London. In 2016, he acquired a house in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.

12. Instagram.

Instagram Emilia Clark has 8,000,000 subscribers.

Career Emilia Clark

14. Love for acting game

Interest in the acting work began to show at the age of 3, after the Father reduced her to the musical "Show Boat", in which he himself worked as a sound engineer.

15. School productions

Emy of Emilia Clark as an actress: one stage in school, 10 performances in Drama Center London. The first appearance in the film is a role in a short filter for Drama Center London. The first appearance on television is the role of Saskovia Mayer in the TV series "Doctors."

16. Work in the theater

Theatrical debut took place only in March 2013, but what, immediately the main role in the Broadway Stipging "Breakfast at Tiffany". After the speech, she tries to chat with fans and distribute as many autographs as possible.

17. Nomination for Emmy

In 2013, he received the nomination of Emmy for the best female role of the second plan in the dramatic series.

18. Terminator

Removed in the film "Terminator: Genesis" as Sarah Connor.

19. Could play in "50 shades of gray"

It was a candidate for the role of Anastasia Stil in the sensational film "50 shades of gray," but refused to role. One of the main reasons was a large number of naked scenes in the film.

20. Parallel work

In the breaks between the filming "Games of the Thrones" starred in such films as the drama "Spike Island" (2012) and the comedy "House Hamingway" (2013)

21. Fresh films

In 2016, two new films were published with her participation: "voice from stone" and "See you with you." She also played the role of Ki'ra in the film "Khan Solo. Star Wars: Stories. "

"Game of Thrones"

22. Main role

The real glory came to Emilia Clark with a bright role of Daeneeris Targaryen in the series of the channel HBO "Game of Thrones" on the cycle of the novels of George Martin "Song of Ice and Fire".

23. Tyoby

There was no time to prepare for the role of Deineris. In one day, she studied her character and conquered the hearts of producers on samples. But now she remembers the fact that because of the joke of the producer she danced the dance and robot in front of them.

24. Khalisi

Only in 2012, against the background of the popularity of the series "Game of Thrones" and Emilia, more than 160 newborn girls were named Khalisi. At the same time, in the TV series "Khalisi" - this is not a name, but the title of Queen at the Dotrachetsev.

25. In the world of animals

In honor of the character also called a new type of animal. The sea mucus with white color is now called Tritonia Khalisi.

26. Favorite role

Emilia Clark adores the role of Daeneris Targaryen. Khalisi at the same time and a strong person and woman, while she proves his femininity with the help of inner strength.

Other facts

In honor of the series "The Game of Thrones", the actress made himself a small tattoo in the form of dragons on his hand.

Photo: Instagram.

Another tattoo in the form of a bumblebee is banging on the girl's mother's. This drawing was made in honor of the film "See you with you", in which her heroine has the same tattoo.

28. Indestine outfit

In Los Angeles, an actress appeared in a black dress from Dior with a very transparent top with the anniversary 70th presentation ceremony of the television award "Emmy". Many hurried to blame the girl in a very vulgar choice of a dress that does not correspond to her image. But experts noted that instead of the body, everyone sees only a duplicate body of bodily color, and everything else is imagination.