Energy practices for women. Exercises for a set of female energy. Exercise "Inner smile"

When a lot of energy in a woman is like a magnet, attracts love, money, health and success. A woman is also a source of energy for his beloved man and a charger for the batteries of the whole family. The energy of women is the basis of the world.

Each woman has periods of energy recession and, every woman would like to know what to do so that such a decline happened as much as possible, and even stopped at all. What are the ways to increase and accumulate women's strength, female energy?

Woman to fill energy to fulfill women's practices. In this article, I offer you Taoist women's practices.

Dao is not only body health, but also acquiring internal silence, which contributes to creative gusts and vital activity.

First practice - "Breathing with ovary." The ovaries are a very important body in the female organism, which concentrates the mass of energy to create a new life. Practice "Breathing with ovaries" allows you to use this energy concentrate for the benefit of the body: the rejuvenation of internal organs, emotional stability, mental activity.

Practice "Breathing with ovarian":

Sit on the edge of the chair. Put the foot foot parallel to each other on the width of the shoulders. Hands put palms up on her knees. Relax. Feel the foot pressed to the floor. Purchase your mind with love and gratitude to your mind. Smile.

Move your hands to the ovarian area 2-3 fingers above the pubis. Massaging this place, feel the ovaries warmed up and excrete energy. This can manifest itself in the form of tingling, swelling, tension and pleasant sensations in this area. Make this massage for a couple of minutes, then lower your hands back to your knees.

Imagine that your ovaries are lungs, and the entrance to the vagina is the mouth.

Start "breathe" the ovaries. In the breath, inhale the scrambled eggs, lightness, youth, while tightening the anus, crotch, the entrance to the vagina and the muscle of the urine-holding stream. On the exhalation, relax these muscles and exhale everything that prevents you from being healthy, young and harmonious. Make 90-180 such breaths and exhale.

After collect energy in the navel area, place your palms on it, and, massaging it several times clockwise and counterclockwise, while sending always a smile in this area.

From doing this exercise you will receive not only energy, pleasure, but also health. The result will be better if you perform this breathing and in the morning and in the evening.

The performance of these simple exercises will already be enough to increase your energy potential. Folding out the female energy you will become for your beloved bottomless source of energy. Your attractiveness will increase for the opposite sex, men will more often pay attention to you. Practices "Breathing with ovaries", "Taoist breast massage" and classes with jade eggs will allow you to restore women's qualities, to gain confidence, preserve deep inner peace. You will have positive changes, both external and internal.

Girls, working with dairy glands and sexual areas need to all women. These are strong, energy-intensive vessels that should be involved in the general energy system of the body. A woman practicing these simple practices, no energy failures.

With love.
Your Natasha Masibut

For no reason for anyone, it's no secret that every sexual connection leaves in a woman the energy threads that it remains connected with a man for a period of about seven years, even if they broke up. According to these threads, the woman "feeds" the energy of all partners with which he had sex at least once.

The more such random partners, the smaller the woman remains energy. Yes, it can regularly practice practitioners, but, as they say, it is impossible to fill the vessel with clean water if there is dirty water.

Until the cleansing and breaking all past connections - they will inevitably take all the energy, which you are trying to accumulate. You do not flatter the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing an eternal "battery" feeding the brightness of life and the success of your former partners?! I think no. If you, of course, even firmly appreciate yourself and respect yourself.

In addition, it is necessary to make aware that while you are embroodied by the web of the solar bindings on a fine plan, it is energy reading with other men, so to attract a decent partner to your life and to create happy relationships with him becomes either very unreal or very problematic.

Getting rid of bindings of past links

Practice of shooting by an egg of sexual ties

Take a homemade living egg. Those. then the chicken egg that was fertilized by a rooster (as a last resort, you can take a regular egg from the store, but be sure to fresh)

Jump comfortable cotton linen.

Light a wax candle.

Say:« You are a living egg - it all started with you, remove me with me with me that in dirt»

Imagine that you are moving the album with photos of your former men.

Start swinging an egg on the crotch, sexual organs and the bottom of the abdomen. When you roll out, imagine your former partners. Each partner is to roll out until his image disappears from your thoughts. And only then go to the next.

When you finish a gallery, then break the egg and pour its contents into a jar with water.

By making this ritual, I have repeatedly watched a huge white worm of choking yolk or many thin threads of woven among themselves on the yolk. So your negative connections go to the egg. Therefore, then water with the contents should be poured into the toilet with the words " Where water, there trouble"And merge. Jar throw away.

Usually after such a ritual of the break of communication, men begin to call and try to join again. Be careful.
If you actually want to break this connection, then do not give in to these temptations.

The intention to purify the bodies and fields of a woman after sex with a man:

"I express your intention and ask my Higher I am, and all the forces of light that are appropriate for this process, clean my bodies and fields from the information component (the name of the man), which penetrated me during sex.
Please call this information component of the energies of light and love at all levels, bodies, plans, qualities, programs, installations, knowledge, sensations, thoughts, layers, chakras, lives, universes, in my mind, subconscious, evidence and heart.
I urge the law of the Divine Grace and I ask the ascended teacher of Jesus Christ, the Pleiadean Emissarians of the World, the Rental Devolution of Healing, Archangel Mikhail, (name the names of any other light entities you want to call) and my own Higher "I" now remove and heal all the painful emotions now , physical patterns, thoughts or beliefs, karmic structures or energies belonging to me or other people in which I do not need learning and growth. I ask for these energies to be withdrawn from my body and aura, transformed into clean creative vitality and returned to me back.
Thank you!"

Practice "Breathing by the uterus"

Practice "Breathing by the uterus" is basic for all women.
She connects us to the female center, which is in the uterus, harmonizes the work of the second chakra, favorably affects health and sexuality, fills in female energy.

Body position - standing, legs on the width of hip joints, knees slightly bent, hands are freely hanging along the body. It is necessary to breathe through the mouth, deep, passing breathing through the whole body.

Inhale doing through compressed teeth, as if sucking the air, exhale through a ripped mouth. On the breath, we compress the vaginal muscles, as if drawing energy inwards (at this point, imagine that the healing energy of the land enters into your feet, rises to the uterus and fills it). Help your hands, squeezing the palms in the cams and bringing them to the level of ovaries. On the exhalation of the muscles of the vagina relax, and the whole negative, everything is superior to the ground, the hands take a little ago.

Gradually, you will feel the light ripple of the uterus and the heat at the bottom of the abdomen. The exercise should be performed at least 5-10 minutes. After that, you should lie in silence, putting hands on the region of the uterus, feeling your female center.

Very often in the woman's uterus, the insults, feelings of guilt, other blocks that do not give to be filled, harmonious woman grow in the disease. Royal breathing heals, fills the energy of the Earth, the energy of femininity and sexuality. This practice helps to clean the women's breathing center.

At first, when you start practicing this practice, various emotions can emerge, break tears, even shouts. Do not scare, accept it with gratitude. Lay on the back, put hands on the region of the uterus and talk to your female center, ask for a forgiveness for the fact that so little attention paid for her, gave little love, ask the treasury that it worries her, how she feels like you can Do it. And the answers will come.

In the future, when you completely clean the uterus, it will simply be filling its energy, love, sexuality. If you do this practice regularly, you will begin to notice positive changes in a week.

The varieties of this technique there is a huge set, but the most important thing is to understand the essence of the process.

The uterus is not just a critical organ, it is a mini projection of the Universe And so there is already wisdom of all generations, great women in the world, etc.

And you can draw your strength, your knowledge, wisdom from your uterus, to negotiate with her about health, as soon as they open it, begin to communicate with her, clean it from the feeling of guilt, offended or other blocks that prevent you from harmoniously live and feel a real woman.

When we do not hear our intuition, the true desires are blocked by sensuality and orgasmium, and the energy wags in the uterus are also occurred, and then formation and seals at the physical level. Great aware of the rule "Where to your attention, energy goes there," Trying to lower the energy from the head to the uterus, thereby turning off the head and including your sensuality and femininity, filling the uterus and the body of female sexual energy.

Only after you feel your energy fullness, and makes sense to establish and improve relationships with your man or attract a new partner in your life.

If you had many partners or strong emotional bindings in the past, and you feel that they are not able to cope on their own, because you are experiencing:

Sensation of lack of energy
Internal devastation
Lack of joy and pleasure from life

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Tatyana Kulichich

In the modern world oriented on men's values \u200b\u200b(power, prestige, influence), many women feel that they lost contact with them. They may look great, but still feel their insecurity and the lack of happiness. Relations with the opposite sex do not add up, irritability and rudeness appears. After all, to be feminine means not only to dress beautifully and paint. Femininity is a special state of the soul, the finest Aura of Harmony and Heat, which comes from the one that mastered the art of being a woman. Want to learn this art? Want to become feminine, and therefore happy, energetic and filled? Want to be attractive and enjoy life? And in order to be attracted to you the most worthy men and thought for the honor and happiness to be near? After all, than feminine you, the stronger and courageous man next to you. Tired of weaklings and failed men in your life? So it has come to change the situation. In our article we will analyze the most effective energy practices for the development of femininity.

What is female energy and why should it be developed?

As the mystics and esoterics say, femininity is not a set of qualities, this is a certain energy. Some elements, symbols, minerals are considered female, because they possess this energy. What is she? Experts allocate the following features:

    1. Gentitude. People who have extrasensory abilities say that women's energy is horizontal waves, and men's vertical. Women are really stronger on their feet, they are less twisted in the clouds, compared with men. They are practical more careful, they are able to notice those details that elude male eyes. The most routine and landed occupation like cooking a woman can turn into a sacrament.

    2. Fertility. The main gift that the woman possesses is the ability to nose a new life. The female energy is created by nature itself for what to prove, protect, cross it out. This manifests itself not only in childbirth. Women are usually more open and generous than men. The female heart is softer and kinder, his love is poured on everything. Therefore, it is representatives of the beautiful sex that are more often charity. A modern woman is active, it is enough for work, and on the family, and on the hobby. As a beautiful and strong tree, she "fruits" in many areas of his life.

    3. Intuition. Female women truly phenomenally. She is able to feel their loved ones at a distance, guess their mood for the slightest change in the facial expressions. Therefore, a woman is so difficult to deceive. They are more likely to dream of prophetic dreams. Esoteric sciences are easier.

    4. Variety, multitasking. Everyone knows the anecdotes on the topic, as women know how to engage in thousands of business at the same time: cook, talk on the phone, learn. Attention to a woman works differently. It is not as focused as men, but it is capable of reaching greater. Hence the typical female curiosity and greed to knowledge. Woman is able to combine incompatible and reconcile any opposite. She knows how to be different, playing completely opposite roles. In the afternoon, she is a strict business woman, and in the evening mysterious geisha. With children - a kind mother, with a man - Muse and seducer.

    5. Adoption. The power of a man - in the ability to overcome circumstances, taking responsibility, in heroism and determination. The main female force is in adoption, in the ability to find peace and joy in the simplest things. Recall the women you consider a reference to femininity. They have a special cat's relaxation, isn't it? Decience, harmony with me and the world. A true woman trusts the universe and knows everything always happens at the right time. There is nowhere to rush.

So, female Energy will help you to become:

  • Attractive, charming, will reveal your charisma
  • Will develop in you intuition
  • Slaps a relationship with others, people will reach out to you, as a source of love and light
  • Fill confidence in yourself
  • Will add strength, make you more energetic, at the same time soften the rudeness
  • Will give a unique wisdom and the adoption of your life and love for yourself as you are
  • It will help to realize their special role in the universe.

Female Energy Filling

Technique "Goddess of Love"

In this energy practice, we will work with the most sacred female authority - the uterus. With its help, you can cleanse the energy blocks, uncertainty, problems with the intimate sphere. Also, this technique is perfect for those women who suffer from an irregular menstrual cycle and other female health violations.

Turn on slow, sensual music that can relax you. Lie on the back and bend the legs in the knees, put on the bottom of the abdomen. The left hand should be on top, since the left side is traditionally connected with femininity. Tell in this position for a few minutes. Blow smoothly, deep. Try to feel how the warmth of your hands warms the skin of the belly, how this energy penetrates the deep into your body, to the uterus.

Imagine how soft pink light fills your entire room. Inhale his full breasts. Feel how they gradually fill your body. The energy flows down, fills the uterus. With each breath, your muscles relax, warm, love and peace come into your body. With each exhalation, all blocks and clips dissolve. Full the soft waves of relaxation running through your body. It takes all the tension, fear, irritability.

And now I will make sure about how you fell into a beautiful garden. It may be the seaside coast of Mediterranean countries or native nature to you. Im present what you closer. You see around yourself fragrant plants, flowers, trees with ripe and juicy fruits. The birds sing as if burling you. Feel this beautiful flavor that fills the air. What is this smell: roses, daisies, field herbs? Inhale his full breasts and imagine how they are filled with your body, your uterus. You are a full bowl, fertile land. You are a true woman, a charming goddess of love! Full this, keep in this state for several minutes. And then slowly flip over your stomach, stretch, like a kitty, and you can climb. For a better effect, this meditation should be done every day for one lunar cycle, that is, 28 days.

Technique "Live Water"

Water is considered traditionally female elements. No wonder in many cultures of Bani, Hamama, the saunas were considered real femininity temples, places where women could share their secrets and even practice magical techniques (much is known about special fortune telling in the baths). In this technique in such an abode of femininity, we will turn our own bathroom.

Select the right time for this practice when no one disturbs you. It is better that you are at home alone. Light pink or red candles in the bathroom and turn off the light. Prepare a special salt scrub that will clean your energy. In magic, salt is considered the main cleansing ingredient capable of getting rid of any negative. Scrub is preparing like this: take a few spoons of crushed sea salt and add several spoons of your favorite vegetable oil (olive, grape bones, etc.) Apply a scrub on the skin of the body and face, massaging and imagine how the salt absorbs the whole negative, yours Fears and complexes. Wash the scrub with the words: "Body and soul cleaning, I open the new way!"

Now, after cleansing, it's time to drink its energy by the power of the female water element. To do this, fill the bath and add several drops of roses or jasmine oil into it (if there is no possibility to purchase oils, you can buy a foam with these flavors). Be sure to add flower petals, preferably roses. Establish on the edges of the bath 4 pink candles. Four - an even female number that means fertility and harmony.

Immerse yourself in the bath, presenting yourself a beautiful eastern princess. Play with water, like a little girl. Choose it in the palm of your hand, touch it, as if precious silk. Try to feel the energy of water. Imagine how she not only envelops your body with its softness, but also penetrates inside. The whole body from the inside is filled with its vibrations. Feel how for a couple of minutes they themselves turned into water, they became one with it. After taking such a bath, we have to have a beautiful, cozy clothes.

Technique "Power of Earth"

Earth is the second element, traditionally associated with femininity. And in this practice, we will work with its energies. To do this, you will need to go out and find a relatively quiet place where no one will disturb you. It may be a park or forest. It is important that your feet come into contact with the Earth, that is, it cannot be asphalt territory.

Stain smoothly, rectify the spine as much as possible, feel it stretched string. Focus on sensations in your feet. Full them, slightly move your fingers. Then imagine how the pile of dark green, emerald energy rises from the ground. He enters your body through the feet and rises above. Feel as he passes through the genitals and fills the uterus. Full this moment, imagine a small glowing ball of green in your uterus. Then the green pillar will rise above, to the heart. Here he turns into a small ball again. Your heart is filled with love to all the essence. It rises above and stops in the interbrass area, where the third eye is located on the beliefs. The green ball appears here. Imagine how the energy flow from the Earth connects the three luminous energy balls in your body: in the uterus, heart and head. You feel confident, calm and relaxed. You are protected by the mother of the Earth.

These practices will help you find contact with your mystical female essence, assure esoterica. You will become calmer, and at the same time liberated. Men will not hurt such a woman face!

Tatiana Kulichich for All rights reserved. Reprint article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and active link to the site

Tatyana Kulichich

In the modern world oriented on men's values \u200b\u200b(power, prestige, influence), many women feel that they lost contact with them. They may look great, but still feel their insecurity and the lack of happiness. Relations with the opposite sex do not add up, irritability and rudeness appears. After all, to be feminine means not only to dress beautifully and paint. Femininity is a special state of the soul, the finest Aura of Harmony and Heat, which comes from the one that mastered the art of being a woman. Want to learn this art? Want to become feminine, and therefore happy, energetic and filled? Want to be attractive and enjoy life? And in order to be attracted to you the most worthy men and thought for the honor and happiness to be near? After all, than feminine you, the stronger and courageous man next to you. Tired of weaklings and failed men in your life? So it has come to change the situation. In our article we will analyze the most effective energy practices for the development of femininity.

What is female energy and why should it be developed?

As the mystics and esoterics say, femininity is not a set of qualities, this is a certain energy. Some elements, symbols, minerals are considered female, because they possess this energy. What is she? Experts allocate the following features:

    1. Gentitude. People who have extrasensory abilities say that women's energy is horizontal waves, and men's vertical. Women are really stronger on their feet, they are less twisted in the clouds, compared with men. They are practical more careful, they are able to notice those details that elude male eyes. The most routine and landed occupation like cooking a woman can turn into a sacrament.

    2. Fertility. The main gift that the woman possesses is the ability to nose a new life. The female energy is created by nature itself for what to prove, protect, cross it out. This manifests itself not only in childbirth. Women are usually more open and generous than men. The female heart is softer and kinder, his love is poured on everything. Therefore, it is representatives of the beautiful sex that are more often charity. A modern woman is active, it is enough for work, and on the family, and on the hobby. As a beautiful and strong tree, she "fruits" in many areas of his life.

    3. Intuition. Female women truly phenomenally. She is able to feel their loved ones at a distance, guess their mood for the slightest change in the facial expressions. Therefore, a woman is so difficult to deceive. They are more likely to dream of prophetic dreams. Esoteric sciences are easier.

    4. Variety, multitasking. Everyone knows the anecdotes on the topic, as women know how to engage in thousands of business at the same time: cook, talk on the phone, learn. Attention to a woman works differently. It is not as focused as men, but it is capable of reaching greater. Hence the typical female curiosity and greed to knowledge. Woman is able to combine incompatible and reconcile any opposite. She knows how to be different, playing completely opposite roles. In the afternoon, she is a strict business woman, and in the evening mysterious geisha. With children - a kind mother, with a man - Muse and seducer.

    5. Adoption. The power of a man - in the ability to overcome circumstances, taking responsibility, in heroism and determination. The main female force is in adoption, in the ability to find peace and joy in the simplest things. Recall the women you consider a reference to femininity. They have a special cat's relaxation, isn't it? Decience, harmony with me and the world. A true woman trusts the universe and knows everything always happens at the right time. There is nowhere to rush.

So, female Energy will help you to become:

  • Attractive, charming, will reveal your charisma
  • Will develop in you intuition
  • Slaps a relationship with others, people will reach out to you, as a source of love and light
  • Fill confidence in yourself
  • Will add strength, make you more energetic, at the same time soften the rudeness
  • Will give a unique wisdom and the adoption of your life and love for yourself as you are
  • It will help to realize their special role in the universe.

Female Energy Filling

Technique "Goddess of Love"

In this energy practice, we will work with the most sacred female authority - the uterus. With its help, you can cleanse the energy blocks, uncertainty, problems with the intimate sphere. Also, this technique is perfect for those women who suffer from an irregular menstrual cycle and other female health violations.

Turn on slow, sensual music that can relax you. Lie on the back and bend the legs in the knees, put on the bottom of the abdomen. The left hand should be on top, since the left side is traditionally connected with femininity. Tell in this position for a few minutes. Blow smoothly, deep. Try to feel how the warmth of your hands warms the skin of the belly, how this energy penetrates the deep into your body, to the uterus.

Imagine how soft pink light fills your entire room. Inhale his full breasts. Feel how they gradually fill your body. The energy flows down, fills the uterus. With each breath, your muscles relax, warm, love and peace come into your body. With each exhalation, all blocks and clips dissolve. Full the soft waves of relaxation running through your body. It takes all the tension, fear, irritability.

And now I will make sure about how you fell into a beautiful garden. It may be the seaside coast of Mediterranean countries or native nature to you. Im present what you closer. You see around yourself fragrant plants, flowers, trees with ripe and juicy fruits. The birds sing as if burling you. Feel this beautiful flavor that fills the air. What is this smell: roses, daisies, field herbs? Inhale his full breasts and imagine how they are filled with your body, your uterus. You are a full bowl, fertile land. You are a true woman, a charming goddess of love! Full this, keep in this state for several minutes. And then slowly flip over your stomach, stretch, like a kitty, and you can climb. For a better effect, this meditation should be done every day for one lunar cycle, that is, 28 days.

Technique "Live Water"

Water is considered traditionally female elements. No wonder in many cultures of Bani, Hamama, the saunas were considered real femininity temples, places where women could share their secrets and even practice magical techniques (much is known about special fortune telling in the baths). In this technique in such an abode of femininity, we will turn our own bathroom.

Select the right time for this practice when no one disturbs you. It is better that you are at home alone. Light pink or red candles in the bathroom and turn off the light. Prepare a special salt scrub that will clean your energy. In magic, salt is considered the main cleansing ingredient capable of getting rid of any negative. Scrub is preparing like this: take a few spoons of crushed sea salt and add several spoons of your favorite vegetable oil (olive, grape bones, etc.) Apply a scrub on the skin of the body and face, massaging and imagine how the salt absorbs the whole negative, yours Fears and complexes. Wash the scrub with the words: "Body and soul cleaning, I open the new way!"

Now, after cleansing, it's time to drink its energy by the power of the female water element. To do this, fill the bath and add several drops of roses or jasmine oil into it (if there is no possibility to purchase oils, you can buy a foam with these flavors). Be sure to add flower petals, preferably roses. Establish on the edges of the bath 4 pink candles. Four - an even female number that means fertility and harmony.

Immerse yourself in the bath, presenting yourself a beautiful eastern princess. Play with water, like a little girl. Choose it in the palm of your hand, touch it, as if precious silk. Try to feel the energy of water. Imagine how she not only envelops your body with its softness, but also penetrates inside. The whole body from the inside is filled with its vibrations. Feel how for a couple of minutes they themselves turned into water, they became one with it. After taking such a bath, we have to have a beautiful, cozy clothes.

Technique "Power of Earth"

Earth is the second element, traditionally associated with femininity. And in this practice, we will work with its energies. To do this, you will need to go out and find a relatively quiet place where no one will disturb you. It may be a park or forest. It is important that your feet come into contact with the Earth, that is, it cannot be asphalt territory.

Stain smoothly, rectify the spine as much as possible, feel it stretched string. Focus on sensations in your feet. Full them, slightly move your fingers. Then imagine how the pile of dark green, emerald energy rises from the ground. He enters your body through the feet and rises above. Feel as he passes through the genitals and fills the uterus. Full this moment, imagine a small glowing ball of green in your uterus. Then the green pillar will rise above, to the heart. Here he turns into a small ball again. Your heart is filled with love to all the essence. It rises above and stops in the interbrass area, where the third eye is located on the beliefs. The green ball appears here. Imagine how the energy flow from the Earth connects the three luminous energy balls in your body: in the uterus, heart and head. You feel confident, calm and relaxed. You are protected by the mother of the Earth.

These practices will help you find contact with your mystical female essence, assure esoterica. You will become calmer, and at the same time liberated. Men will not hurt such a woman face!

Tatiana Kullinich for https: // Site

Website All rights reserved. Reprint article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and active link to the site

Nowadays, many women devote themselves to work and career, they forget about the house and completely go to the area of \u200b\u200bmaking money. Often, this happens forced, because how is the mother of a single still pull the family and feed the children? But sometimes women forget about themselves and about their role in this life are not because of some problems, but simply due to imposed stereotypes. And we see the crowds of strong, bold, confident in themselves, but terribly lonely young ladies. How to change this situation?

How to fill yourself with female energy?

The whirlpool of cases and worries make a woman direct their energy not at that direction, it is filled with male energy, thinking about work, money and survival. As a result, even if she dresses beautifully, walks in fitness and follows himself, men pass by, and in the shower of such a girl, the breakdown.

Most often, she overpowed to think about appearance over time, switches to work completely and forget about his female destination. It is completely wrong, because it is possible to fill with feminine energy due to various ways!

It is worth only to become a little feminine how happiness will come, and harmony will be reigned in the soul. You love yourself, and after that they will come and those who love you.

You can fill with feminine energy and just taking care of yourself, relaxing and spending purely female procedures. Go to the manicure, in the spa, Polystay the bright magazines, buy a new dress.

Massage and long walks also contribute to this case, in addition, women simply need communication, and therefore it is for a long time to chat with her friend - this is not a waste of time, but a way to fill yourself with the right energy. Cooking, creativity, caring for flowers will also help.

On the Vedas, it is possible to fill with female energy, regularly drinking overnight on a glass of sweetened warm milk with spices. If you give these occupations time, then feel harmony in yourself. But there are rituals that will help to fill the energy quickly.

In the woods

The trees have long been worshiped by our ancestors, each possessed its energy and strength. You can use ancient knowledge and now. Go to the forest and choose a tree next to which you cozy and warm.

But remember that, for example, Oak is a purely male plant, it can fill you with strength and clarity of thought, but now we need not. Pine gives an incredible will to life, increases immunity, but birch fills the soft and relaxed energy that women need so much.

It is best to go to the birch to 9 o'clock in the morning, then she reaches the peak of their strength. If you like her, she generously shares energy with you. It will also be useful for women and charge acacia or viburnum.

In the forest should be sent with pure thoughts, alone. Pull out your hand, listen to sensations - if you feel warm and tingling about the tree you like, then it suits you. Wait around the chosen of the village of about five minutes at a distance of the half meter, mentally ask him for help.

Now relax, completely trust him and come closer. Touch our forehead to the trunk, Kiss Craer, imagine how silver energy flows to you, how it fills you, flows up, legs, back.

Wait until the streams concentrate in solar plexus, thank the tree, bow to him and leave. It is not recommended to fill energy longer than three minutes.

Through the moon

Women's nature is directly connected with the moon, because the female cycle depends on it. The moon affects health, mood, thoughts of people. It is she who is the focus of female energy, and it's quite simple to recharge it.

It is enough to look at the luminaries for a quarter of an hour and represent how the light penetrates your body, filling it. This practice should be carried out regularly. In addition, it is worth talking to the Moon, tell her about her joy, thank for everything, ask for something.

Ask the moon that your femininity has increased so that you felt unity with our own nature. Remember that you can ask for an increase in something, for example, the budget of family or love can be on a growing moon, and about deliverance, for example, from diseases - to a decreasing.

In order to be filled with female energy through the moon, water can be charged. Take a transparent glass, fill it with clean, preferably spring or distilled water, and put on the windowsill - let the light of the moon falls on it. Leave it to stand so a few hours or all night, and then use the way you want.

Such "lunar" water can be drunk, and you can wash it, imagining how the face is washed with moonlight, you can add to the bath or even cook on it.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy - it's time when a woman is close as possible to nature when her true entity is revealed. In order to save and not be confused, as well as increase your female energy in this period, well to do yoga.

It is not only useful for moral and calm, but will also benefit the health of the future mother and the baby. In addition, listen more often to calm music, indulge yourself with delicious food, rub the tummy after the shower with fragrant oils.

To increase the level of female energy during pregnancy, forget about stretched hoods, buy some beautiful dress for pregnant women or new beads. If you know how to make embroidery or knitting - tie a hat or a blanket for the baby.

Energy practices during pregnancy are shown, but you need to carefully monitor your condition. For example, if you feel discomfort during meditation, pain in the heart, then immediately stop it. During this period, it is better not to engage in self-analysis, but to devote yourself to communicating with the baby.

Relaxing and closing your eyes, imagine how to send him a golden light of your love, visualize it, feel warm. The kid will surely answer the same.