If a man has become cold in communication. How easy to learn how to properly communicate with men


First of all, remember how you act if you suddenly have difficulties in communicating with any? That's right, you begin to accuse him in all mortal sins, as definitely, that or a misunderstanding he. It seems that a man is wrong, try to analyze the situation from his point of view. Try to think about how your partner is either a friend looks at this situation and on your behavior as a whole. After all, it is not a fact that it is always right and in everything.

Try to express your admiration for its work, actions and appearance as often as possible. Use the following principle: if you really want to tell him the "curve" word, better silent, and if the reason for praise is very small, then it is better praise. Men are incomprehensible to love compliments and do not bring critics. And you can't do anything about it, so you have to adapt to. But in this way you can gradually form the confidence that it is the kindest, skillful, talented, etc. Accordingly, he, considering itself such with your feed, will also change the attitude towards you for the better. Confident man is always more capable of acts worthy.

Politeness in relation to people to strangers becomes unwritten rules from childhood. But native to throw in the face all discontent and outrage is much easier. Why not realize that your native man is much closer than the seller from the store? Perhaps the relationship over time gives and responding positive changes from his part?

Another rule that is worth remembering is always quite traditionally: before you explode, try to touch the song and tribal to count to ten. Yes, it turns out this is not always. But sometimes such a simple way helps to stop the potential grandiose in the ensuing.

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Sometimes even the most independent beauties annoyed to routing evenings alone. But for some reason men are in no hurry to brighten up their company. Probably, the matter is in the inability to communicate with a strong floor. How to stop comprehensive and learn how to attract attention guys?


Men, as you know, love eyes. You may have a wonderful interlocutor, but do not neglect your appearance. Yes, yes, smart women will not hurt the ability to dress stylishly. Update your wardrobe, change the hairstyle - changes in the appearance always attract views. Well maintained - a strong female trump card.

Cake! So you will understand that they are ready to come to contact. Flirt does not mean your easy accessibility, it has nothing to do with vulgarity and at the same time does not oblige anything. Smile, keep up the conversation on funny themes, show that you are a holiday girl, and with you easily.

At parties, do not sit modestly in the corner simply because, according to the girlfriends, your waist is not sufficiently thin, and your eyebrows are not dipped in the last fashion. It is not so important how good you are from the point of view of modern standards. Beauty - the concept of a subjective, and in relations with a man it is more important to establish communication, and not to demonstrate the charms, not knowing how to support the conversation.

For a man, a woman is not only an object of contemplation and a mistress, but also an interlocutor. Not every girl knows how and knows how to communicate with guys, however, knowing some of the features of male psychology, it is easy to learn.

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Features of male character

All people are individual. Both guys and girls have their own features. The main thing is that they are united - these are instincts. Even the wounded man is guided by them, he does not suspect.

To understand how to communicate with a guy, you must remember the following sides of his nature:

  1. A man is a conqueror. Since the first people, much has changed, except for one - the desire to dominate. Any man likes to feel the winner, especially in the love sphere. Therefore, when communicating with a guy, you should not try to take the dominant positions. You should not call several times a day and write flattering or pour invitations on dates - it limits the man. Thus, he may think that they are trying to manage, and, of course, it will try to interrupt with you any connection. The best way to remind yourself - to show goodwill and care. Tell him than you remember the past meeting, or ask about his well-being and successes. How to start communicating with a guy? Show attention.
  2. Men's logic. The guys have a completely different type of thinking - they are more guided by logic, not feelings. Therefore, in a conversation with a man, excessive emotionality will be superfluous. However, it is not necessary to imitate his intelligence of speech and try to become "his boyfriend." To communicate on male topics, he has friends.
  3. Multitasking is not about them. Recent studies of the neural structure of the brain revealed that the brain of men is easier to cope with one-step tasks. Therefore, if a man eats or reads something, then your appeal is most likely not hear.
  4. Acute hearing. Men, unlike women, very sharply perceive the sound of sound. Therefore, it is important not what the girl says, but how she does it. When talking with a guy, you should follow the timbre of your voice: how it is softer, the more pleasant for the hearing.

If a person is silent, it does not mean that he does not like communication with you. To level the embarrassment of the partner, you should not be ashamed to ask questions - it will facilitate contact and make a conversation more saturated. You can start a conversation with a little reasoning out loud that will involve and interest the interlocutor.

What to talk to a man

Many girls, napping a pretty chosen one, are wondering " how to start communicating with a guy who likes?" You should not fall into a stupor at the sight of a man, because it is the same person as your friend or friend. When communicating with it, it is necessary to achieve the emergence of a natural and relaxed atmosphere.

The key to strong relationships is common interests. Therefore, at the first conversation, do not hesitate to ask the guy questions about his hobbies and hobbies. It is important to understand what he likes, and then it will be easier to build communication.

It is not necessary to prepare for a conversation with a man in advance, but to know what he is interested in will not be superfluous. You do not need to understand sports or weapons, to communicate with these topics he has friends. However, if you are really knowledgeable in these topics, you can support or add a conversation with your knowledge.

Optimal topics for friendly conversation are considered:

  • hobbies;
  • literature;
  • travels;
  • movie.

If the interlocutor likes science, you can talk to the accuracy topics with him. Discuss the existence of UFOs or ask him about what he knows, but you do not know. The man likes to feel necessary, so you should not be afraid once again ask for something to explain or tell.

To conquer from the first minutes

Many girls want to know how to communicate with a guy to please him from the first minutes of the conversation.

All people are different, however, knowing somewhat simple rules, you can arrange even the coldest guy:

  1. Mystery Girl. Men love to conquer, and the longer the interlocutor protects his secrets, the better. You should not open a guy on the first date and talk about mental wounds or ex-relations.
  2. Do not be shy. Modesty adorns the girl, but an excessive closure can bother. If you are cheerful with your chosen one, it will place it to you.
  3. Know yourself. Even if the reeble thing drives you crazy, do not forget about your own dignity. Pride - above all.
  4. Love yourself. Often women are wondering, "Why did the guy simply stop communicating?". Often, all the fault of the affected self-esteem. Before trying to conquer the attention of the partner, you need to love yourself.
  5. Stay feminine. When communicating, people have to copy behavior and speech revolutions of the interlocutor, it helps to find a common language. If in the lexicon men a lot of faded words or slang, you should not repeat after him, this contradicts female nature. This behavior does not like the overwhelming majority of men.
  6. Be yourself. In pursuit of response feelings, you can forget about your own personality. To further communication with the guy did not bring disappointment, you should not hide your own "I" for masks.

In addition, each girl must maintain its independence. A man should understand that the partner is a self-sufficient person who is looking for an equal partner, and not consolation or source of income. To understand how to communicate with a former guy, it is worth remembering his interests and hobbies. However, if there is no desire to renew your close relationship, you should not discuss intimate questions.

Chatting in Internet

Increasingly, the relationship begins with communication on social networks. Such an easy way to search for a partner is very convenient, but often interesting someone ordinary repository is not easy. There are several simple tips, how to communicate with the guy through the Internet.

To draw attention to yourself, it is enough to leave a cheerful comment to the photo, but do not "like" all photos or recordings on his page on social networks. If the guy did not answer your marks, do not be afraid to write first. Do not impose and begin communication with banal phrases. Try intrigue the interlocutor, show him than good conversation with such a girl like you.

Another way to correctly interest the potential "sacrifice" is to update photos on social networks. Men, as you know, love your eyes, so a beautiful avatar will definitely interest your chosen one. This advice helps to understand how to communicate with the guy on the Internet without the use of words.

Even if the guy shows a sympathy in the network, it does not mean the seriousness of his intentions. Often, the relationship on the Internet is regarded as light flirt, so one should not be a single chosen in love, without talking live with him.

In any situation, you should comply with several general recommendations that will help build interesting and long-term relationships. How to learn to communicate correctly with guys?

Do not forget about things like:

  1. Appearance. With a real meeting with a guy you should not put on the face of a kilogram of makeup. You should make a simple make-up that will not attract all the attention. It should be done naturally unobtrusive.
  2. Language of the body. During the date it is important to follow your position and television. Hand crossed on her chest, rounded back, lowered headed head - invalid errors. It is important to constantly maintain posture, not to take closed poses, look for a "moderate" contact with eyes. This does not mean that the guy needs to constantly look in the face. Excessive visual contacts can push. Occasionally, you can correct the disobedient curls.
  3. Perfume. It should not be snoring. For a romantic meeting, aromas with notes Vanilla, Lavender, Muskus are suitable.

« Why did the guy stop talking to me?"- a frequent question that the girls who are victims of deception are asked. Often, the collapse of the relationship is provoked by the carelessness of the girl to his beloved. In order to productively communicate with the guys, you do not need to attend many hours of trainings.

Ideals, as they say, does not exist. Everyone has their own standards. Nevertheless, let's talk about a certain ideal portrait of a woman who will like most men.

Communicate on topics in which you understand

Do not try to communicate with strangers for you, it looks ridiculous. A real woman should not understand football, machines, weapons and militants. Although if you know in this, it is a big plus.

But you do not need to show a man that you know more than he. Men do not like this very much. Be smarter and give them the opportunity to enjoy the fact that they are wiser, stronger and so on.

Take into account male logic

Men are guided by logic, women - emotions, so they often do not understand each other.

When you want to understand a man, just thinking a little more logically and straightly. Often, the men need to be perceived literally.

Unfortunately, completely thin female flirts and hints can only understand who are also rarely found like real ladies.

Late, but in moderation

No matter how much it wanted to write, but the expectation really strengthens the excitement from the meeting, and the woman becomes even more mysterious and desirable, because there is an extra 15 minutes to think about it.

Girls, late in moderation, no more than twenty minutes. And apologize for late, let a man understand that you did it not from silent.

Dress up stylish

The way you are dressed very strongly affects the first impression that the man has about you.

If you are looked into faceless clothes, which does not emphasize your advantages and beauty, you will not be able to get the attention of men.

If your clothes are too frank, the man interprets it as an easily accessibility, because there are no more riddles, you drank all your cards on the table, the man is shocked, but it is in the first and last time.

Remember, men love to fantasize, it looks much more attractive to the chest, covered with a jacket, in which there is no cut-out at all than the same breast with a push-up top with a deep neckline.

A woman should always be a mystery. Unobtrusively emphasize their strengths, and let the men fantasize and idealize.

When they face reality, they will already be conquered by you and will appreciate and love you that they imagine. And do not need to persuade them.

Evaluate a man in actions

Every man in his storyteller, someone tells fairy tales better, someone worse. Do not believe male fairy tales, listen to them, but evaluate the person only in actions.

Actions have always been, there are and will be more primary and more important than words. A person can tell us for hours, promise, shuffle, but never hold down the word.

Judge a person not in beautiful words, but according to his real affairs.

Manage the initiative

The initiative in relations should always come from a man, they must convince the woman that they are worthy of her. This is the law of nature. But this does not mean that the woman should inactivate and at all in no way show their interest.

The fact is that even the most man needs feedback confirming that he goes in the right direction. And here is very important initiative emanating from a woman. The man does not need to quit on the neck or confession in love, he will be happy to get a short warm SMS talking about that he tries not in vain.

There is nothing gallopped in the fact that the girl suggest a male to meet or at least hint at it.

Frankly, every man somewhere inside waiting for women's approval. For a man, this is very important. Be sure to show the man that you notice his signs of attention, and they are not in vain. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Who should pay

The eternal question, which is asked for men and women. In harmonious relationships (friendly or romantic), the issue of payment does not arise at all, as a rule, both say that today they want to pay.

In the relationship, the ideal situation looks like this: the woman gathered to pay the score, but the man said that he treats her.

A woman understands that a man is not obliged to pay her bill. A man understands that he cares and does not allow a woman to pay the score.

Position yourself right

You must clearly show the men's borders that he should not pass. Men like children, and if not stopped, they can very quickly break down and sit on your neck. And it will be almost impossible to remove them from there. You need it?

If you do not like something in his behavior, tell him it so that he understands, that is, right and more intelligible. A normal man will take into account the criticism and will do everything to be comfortable next to him. If the first time it does not understand, give additives, you may seem that you have begged a stick, but it is only for the better.


Be yourself! Nobody canceled naturalness in behavior. Watch yourself, pick up the clothes that suits you and emphasizes, and does not expose your advantages. Be an interesting interlocutor and support the conversation. Approve and show interest in it - moderately.

Communication with men, namely, effective interaction with representatives of a strong half is built on other laws than communication of a female or adult with a child. It is necessary to take into account psychological features, communication with a former man or with those who have sympathy now or just with a friend. You need to talk directly about your own needs and wishes. The maximum correct wording for understanding the man contains exclusively naked facts, excluding hints, dual understanding and abundance of emotional details.

Naturally, questions are relevant, morality, sensitivity. What seems to be rude to your girlfriend may seem like the same rudeness to a man. His desire to seem strong and hiding sharp experiences does not cancel the feelings of resentment, but you will not immediately understand that something has been treated with something. The woman most likely will give to understand with all his appearance that you made her unpleasantly or speak outdoor. A man will hide his feelings, and guessed about it, you can, if he avoids communication, emotionally closes, does not install the first contact.

No one loves or pretense, so try from the first day of communication with a man being yourself, and not try to portray another woman. It may seem to you that the tighter image is more attractive and fascinating, but it is worth thinking how much you can stay in it. Any representative of a strong half will overtake disappointment when the masks will be removed and is associated with it no longer with the fact that you don't come true to him, but with what completely disappears any trust in the person who deceived at the beginning.

Even the woman itself, such a masquerade is very harmful, because then it is not interested in those men, but those who are able to estimate her real pass by. The fictional relationships are still crumbling, only by the time of disclosure of the cards is attached, and the gap is harder, and they could just pass by.

Psychology of communication with men

Another psychological feature is in the difference of reality. So, a woman is able to simultaneously follow and participate in several processes - to prepare lunch, help children consult a colleague by phone. A man focuses on one process only, that is, if he is now nagging a shelf or leads the car, then it is useless to talk to him. He leaves you in response, but after time you will find that he does not remember the information. Such a mechanism was formed by many years of evolution, and a man cannot change it, like a woman cannot dive completely only in one thing. The need to follow the household entry, maintain the hearth, notice the approach of the predator and respond to crying children developed in a woman multisasadium, and the need for food extraction and successful hunting developed in a man the limiting concentration of one task in a man. If you want to discuss something important or the information that you say was taken into account, then choose a special time for a conversation when a man will be able to focus extremely. It is better to discuss the right time interval in advance to avoid a false understanding (if a man looks into a dark laptop screen, it does not mean at all that it is free, it is possible to reinstall the system).

Features of speech and building phrases also play a significant role during communication men and women. The ladies may seem that her interlocutor without emotional is not involved in the situation or does not understand the whole depth of her experiences only because most of the male phrases are specific and have few adjectives in their structure. At the same time, a large number of sensual and descriptive words can plunge a man into a stupor from the overaffect of information. If you want to be heard, talk about the fact and reduce the emotionality of speech (expressive statements, a loud voice, bright gestures). A splash of emotions, for the sake of a splash, it is better to leave friends or warn a man in advance.

If the man needs help, then after the situation indicated, it is necessary to sum up the results and ask for specific actions or ask whether it can perform the necessary (be sure to list everything). If you complain that the door opens poorly, then in the end you need to ask to solve this problem, lubricate the loop, replace the castle or tell your opinion. When a woman leaves an simply expressed situation, a man perceives it as a description of the surrounding reality, but it may not always be guessed that they want active actions about the transformation of this fact.

But the opposite situation happens when a woman complains just to express and reset emotional tension. Representatives of the strong half are guided by other principles, so any discontent with his beloved can be perceived as a call for help. When you do not need tips, no more than a change in the situation, but simply sympathy and support, it is necessary to inform about this man in advance (in front of the monologue). Otherwise, the Tirana-chief can break the windshield, and for the last money to buy earrings with sapphires (after all, they were not enough to tears to the tears yesterday evening).

In the dialogue it is worth discussing only one topic - such rules for communication with men. Even if you removed emotional bursts and clearly formulated needs, then a pair of jumps on other topics can be reduced to no effort. A man is able to perform only one task, and discuss only one topic. Ineffectiveness can be manifested by various options: a man can resent and not understand the turn of the conversation, can count the previous topic not essential, once switched to another when you return to this topic.

To cause a man's shame and a sense of guilt, many choose as a manipulative strategy. It is really critical, because men are practically not able to endure the data of feelings, but if it becomes too often, they simply leave those women who are forced to experience such constantly.

Women's tricks of communication with men

Based on the knowledge of the psychological characteristics and fine feelings of the states of another person, special ways of communication, called tricks, are built. Usually they serve in order to attract attention, fall in love, seduce, take a significant position for a man.

The same feature for both sexes is the desire to feel the best, selected, meaningful. If a woman manages to look at a man, as on the smartest and beautiful, he will feel like that, and begins to act appropriately. The initial role is played by a big role, and if it is underestimated, then too loud admiration can cause a lot of doubts and distrust. One who feels its uniqueness and superiority for quite a long time and superiority remains finally confirmed. No, a man is unlikely to take a surrounding and will go out in other places, because he clearly understands that he feels like the king of this world only in the presence of a particular woman.

Men love to be strong at the action level, and the more situations create a woman where he can show his positive qualities, the bigger hero he will feel. You do not need to make a dragon to do this, you can ask to spend to home or help install the application on your smartphone. Perfectly, if a woman does not disappear without male care and be able to change the mixer and hang the shelf, but better such own skills to hide, at least in his presence.

To show direct strength and knowledge is not always appropriate, it is better to leave this field of activity for male self-realization. Women's force is manifested in other things that admire men - it is caressing, kindness, tenderness, and not only to him, but to the whole world. Feed the hungry dog, calm the crying child, help the pensioner to deal with an ATM, bring treats to the whole team.

In communicating with a man, it is important to comply with the balance between defending its opinion and humility. On the one hand, completely obey a man stupid, even if this is your husband if you do not associate any relationship, then doubly. Adjusting its position, the argument of opinion, the ability to make a hunter instinct in men, it burns passion and interest. On the other hand, full and widespread resistance, submitting their information, as the only important can quickly kill male interest. I want such a woman to leave one, since she herself knows everything perfectly. Any man is nice when they listen to him, it includes responsibility and care when a woman goes to their principles and comes as he said. This is not just submission, it is the transfer of power, respectively, responsibility, and therefore large moral and emotional investments. The more we are responsible for someone, the more we are tied. If this is not total humility and infantilism, otherwise the reaction may be opposite.

The most important thing in communicating with a man is support and care, only not in the maternal execution, which more resembles edification and control, and in feminine. This is an active manifestation of interest in his opinion and affairs, but the ability to live their lives. This is a concern that manifests itself in the necessary situations, along with faith in his strength - no need to go through the entire city with bandages, if he hurt his hand, but it makes sense to cook hot tea if a man fell ill.

How to say a man that I don't like

Rescue, as a way of reporting information on its own discontent with the behavior of the other, are the most common, but least effective way. Usually it causes an irrational defensive position, where a woman can argue to prove why she herself is to blame for what happened, or simply leave to communicate. A separate complexity serves communication with a former man and attempt to explain his discontent him if he decided that you simply play and check his perseverance. It is in the statement of negative, the male desire for directness and honesty gives a failure in adequacy of perception.

Optimally, if a woman is able to concern information not in the form of charges, but denoting its own negative emotions from what is happening. That is, not a man is bad, but a woman is bad with such a situation, and not so bad when it turns into the evil fury, which deigns everything all the way, and so that it remains a tender, loving and caring, but upset and sad and sad woman.

We will have to report on your disorder several times, appropriate changes will come before, because a man is always convinced that this is a systematic phenomenon, and more than once under the influence of mood. It is important to talk about your discontent immediately, since the fact that he has not met you after the international conference at night at the airport in winter, in June will not be relevant, but it will be forgotten. As soon as the unpleasant situation occurs, it is necessary to immediately report what and how it is upsetting you, and not a man, but a situation (for example, "when I night alone, then I'm afraid and get upset that it's no one to protect me" instead of "You throw me at night").

A man should always have a choice to do what to do, but notify him about your own feelings regarding what is happening you are obliged if you want to at least some chances of change.

During communication with a man, it is worth talking about their feelings, and not to catch it on not fulfilling promises and ultimatums forced to execute (these are methods of court sentences). It is unlikely that a mentally normal person wants to appear from the one who says "Call me three times in a day", but the formulation "I feel unnecessary, if you don't call," can change something inside a person, while retaining his freedom. It is important that at this moment you yourself can, how to act as you like with your negative feelings - you can endure, but you can meet with friends and get communication there, instead of digging it from a man.

Hello, dear readers!

Contrary to a known opinion, most men do not like "legs from the ears" and a huge breast (especially, unnatural). And, oddly enough, they are attracted to a sports suit (there is a stylish, not shabby, with stains of 8 years ago), and a good girl appetite (not an increment, and at the same time the figure should be attractive). How to communicate with a man after so many myths are destroyed? Let's deal with!

It is unlikely that I will open America for you, saying that men's and female psychology are completely different things. But even knowing it, we rarely delve into what exactly they differ. I propose for clarity to familiarize yourself with several examples.

What we call care, they often equate to distrust. For example, regularly asking whether he does not go to high speed, we show our experiences. A man will perceive it as constant control and doubt.

Men do not understand women. So considers a good half of the representatives of the beautiful sex, however, few people think that they themselves lead to this. The fact is that without possessing such a margin of emotions as we, they are not able to catch the essence of the fact that we are expressing them.

A woman in a conversation constantly serves a replica, so she expresses attention to the interlocutor. For a man, interrupt - it means to be tuned aggressively.

How to communicate with a man

Yes, we are really different. But knowing some secrets, a wise woman will learn to talk to him in his own language. This means:

  • Do not bother to compliments (sincerely, without flattery) and this is perhaps the only thing that can be emotionally diluted with a specific conversation.
  • Being an ideal listener and emphasize your interest in him and everything is connected with him by asking questions.
  • Forget about hints and speak essentially.

With beloved man

Having trained at the staff and neighbors, you can manifest the skill on your loved one. Then Level is complicated. Motat on the mustache that:

  • Men do not use the "thoughts out loud" feature, respectively, on your part it will be perceived as an ordinary chatter of anything serious.
  • They do not develop an information flow between the right and left brain hemispheres, therefore, as a normal person can talk about several things at the same time, they do not understand. Try not to move to the next question until you finish the discussion of the first.

About kids

Talk about kids is a separate topic. Often, people live in civil marriage years, but for some reason they do not solve about the replenishment. Take everything in your own hands. First sit down and write down in detail what kind of relationship you are waiting with this man. Now review what they wrote and think: is it really all this with the very guy who is with you today?

If you came to the conclusion that this is your man, you can proceed to the conversation. You should not experience his nervous system by statements like "Let's start the child." You are a smart woman - come from afar. Ask questions what age he considers the best for paternity, how many children he wants to have what it means to be a good dad, etc. So the conversation about the general child will be claimed by itself and will be much natural.

Listen to him carefully. Be realistic if he is firmly sure that children do not want, do not think that you are able to change it.

In the Internet

There are several female tricks, while studying who you will be advantageous to stand out among the acquisition familiar to him.

  • This rule does not tolerate exceptions, especially on the initial pores: he always starts the conversation, forgive the first you.
  • The size of your response should be no more than half of its message.
  • Do not rush to respond. On the first message can be reacted after 40 minutes.
  • Try not to respond after ten in the evening. You're busy girl - at this time either life beats the key, or you need to relax after a busy day. He does not need to know that in fact you will sit at the TV in an embrace with the cat and reread his minds.

All this is necessary in order for him to understand - you are not as everyone, and you are uncomfortable to communicate virtually. So you will speed up your meeting.

Video in the topic:


On our relationship can not only affect what we say, but also how we do it. A woman who can manage his voice can rule and man.

  • Your voice should be only slightly painted emotionally.
  • Upon manifestation in a man's insecurity in a question, a female voice should sound stronger. So the spouse feels harmony and support.
  • Stayed alone with her husband? Why not let him hunt? Become a playful cat, put into your voice the maximum passion: speak quietly, clearly, persistently.

On the street

No need to tell the guy with whom I recently met, all our lives. If he is your fate, you will still have time to tell everything in a more suitable situation (so that he does not have the impression that you are just a bantushka, and you have that he is a scoundrel who got into the soul and trampled the most intimate). In addition, listening to more and smiling, less speaking, you will impress a mysterious woman, and it really likes that men.

With egoist

If you managed to fall in love with the egoist, and some inconvenience of communication with him still delivers, you will have to try on the role of the teacher of Makarenko. You run away for a meeting with a friend, and he wants a hot soup? It is enough to explain to him the connection between the pan in the refrigerator and the heating button in the microwave, instead of throwing off the heels and ride back into the kitchen.

Express your wishes out loud with it. No need threats, suffering, hysterics and ultimatums. Just state the fact. First it will be difficult, because he never thought that someone could experience something too. Over time will get used to.

What to avoid in communication

You can complain about your beloved only in exceptional cases, it is even useful, because you look weak, it is strong. But systematic nature does not have to take this. Because to complain for men means creating a problem that needs to be solved. But how can someone want to live in constant tension, gadaying how many other people will have to rake today?

A rare man suffers from shovels along with women. For most shopping hike - present stress. Do not carry it with you if he is no exception to the rules. Believe me, he will appreciate it.

It is impossible to criticize. Neither it nor anyone else, especially in the presence of others. Yes, men are those still gossips, but to move the bone to familiar in a purely male company and with a girl - things are different. A woman who behaves restrained very beneficially stands out against the background of others.

Do not impose. So you show that besides him you have no other interests, thereby lowering your value in his eyes.

If you happened to get acquainted with the introvert, do not press, but try to keep it gently. So you will help him reveal and reduce the distance.

How to communicate so that he fell in love

Show care, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, you need to be able to. So we reached the main secret. Examples of the "right" concern from which the roof blows from any man:

  • Having waited for their dishes in a cafe, put a napkin near the plate. And herself and him. It is necessary to do this in a conversation not to attract attention to action, but consolidate in his mind that you are an indispensable miracle that creates comfort.
  • Teach him to daily wishes with kind morning and good night. Even if it is only on your part. And after a couple of weeks, "Forget" about the ritual. He will feel the sharp shortage of you and will understand that you have already become Him roads.
  • Let him exercise masculinity - suspend before closed doors, wait until it naps you wine. Not demonstratively, it should look natural, because you can't imagine how it can be different, isn't it?

Several myths about communication with men

Myth 1.

The main thing is to ask. No, the main thing is to ask correctly. Avoid such wording as "could you ...". So you are on the subconscious level to prepare his response starting from denial.

Myth 2.

Men love lubricant silly. Not. Men simply do not like too smart, against which they themselves look like fools.

Myth 3.

No need to thank, because it is his duty. In fact, you need. Because thanking for the made trash you will be a hero in him. And the calling of the hero is to always make noble deeds.

Main mistakes

One of the most common female mistakes - noticing the lack of putting a tick in the head in the "Change" column. And then it is disappointed that he is not the way you would like to see him. The only thing you can do is easy to push to this change. Relations with married, daffodil, manipulator or tyrant means to tie a loop on my own neck. However, if you have chosen such a person to the role of your partner, or tolerate, or part, but do not waste time to be in attempts to change it.

Men appreciate the sense of humor in the sentence. But some of these skills are abused, ruling her beloved, especially in the presence of someone else. You do not want to be disappointed in you?

And further. Girls tend to complain. And often it happens that we do this without thinking, by habit. To whom we are not indifferent. Freeing the soul, we forget about the conversation, but the interlocutor is postponed in the head that this stump offended you. But the king makes a touch, so do not make the impression of him or about him ...

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