Ethical conversation in the middle group. Card file (senior group) on the topic: Ethical conversations with children of the older group

Ethical conversations with older children

The theme "Always be polite"


  1. To reveal to children the essence of the concept of "politeness", "good breeding". Systematize the rules of polite behavior.
  2. Exercise children in the analysis of the committed actions, in the understanding of whether they comply with the rules of politeness.
  3. Foster respect for surrounding adults and peers.


Preliminary reading of works of art by V. Oseeva "Three sons", "Magic word".

Pick up pictures with positive and negative actions of children.

Conversation progress:

The teacher, referring to the children, says:

Guys, has it happened to you that you do not know what to do? For example: met at the entrance to the kindergarten with someone's mother and do not know whether to enter the door first or wait until it passes? (children remember the rules)

Guys, today I propose to play the game "Appreciate the deed" with you. I'm going to talk about something, and you have to beat her and tell her how to do the right thing.

1 act: Children play football. One of them falls, he is badly hurt:

Children help him to get up;

Children bandage the boy's leg;

Children continue the game, not paying attention to the fallen one;

Children laugh at a boy crying in pain.

Act 2: The girl walks down the street. An old woman with a heavy bag met her:

The girl will pick up the cane that has fallen from the old woman;

The girl helps her grandmother to carry a heavy bag home;

A girl walks by;

The grandmother picks up the fallen cane herself.

Act 3: A boy meets a lost little girl on the street. She cries:

The boy calms the girl down, treats her to candy;

The boy takes the girl by the hand, finds out where she lives and takes her home;

The boy laughs at the crying girl, teases her.

The teacher praises the children:

Well done guys, coped with the situations. Tell me, how can the following proverbs be explained:

Do not dig another hole - you will fall into it yourself.

Whoever overcomes his anger is stronger.

Good to do - to amuse yourself.

Look for a friend, but you will find take care.

Game "Think of a fairy tale"

Guys, now, I'll give you a series of pictures, and you have to come up with a fairy tale based on these pictures about polite children.

After listening to fairy tales, I ask the children:

Guys, what rules have you learned today? What should you do to be a polite, well-mannered person?

Topic: "Rules of conduct in the game"


1: To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in games.

2: Develop attention, observation.

3: Cultivate a friendly relationship between children in the game.

Preparing for the interview:

Fairy costume making

Making magic glasses

Conversation progress:

I enter the group in a Fairy costume. I greet the children. I introduce myself.

Oh guys, where did I go? (to the older group "Fidgets")

So I flew to the correct address. And a sorceress sent me to you, who wants to find out what kind of children go to kindergarten now: bad or good, polite or rude, whether they know how to play with each other. Are you ready to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Game "Magic glasses"

Purpose: Removing negativity in communication with peers

Game description: Fairy shows children glasses and says:

Guys, I want to show you the magic glasses that the sorceress gave me for you. The one who puts on these glasses sees only the good in others, even what the person hides in himself. Now I will put them on: “Oh, how funny and beautiful you are! Come on, now each of you will try to put them on and tell your friend what he saw.

(Children take turns putting on glasses and saying pleasant words to each other)

Well done boys. In this game, I saw that you know how to be friends with each other. And now I will tell you an incident that happened in another kindergarten. Listen.

“The children played with the ship. The guys have already sailed the whole world and began to return from long voyages, and the whole team had a lot of work. The captain kept giving orders to the crew members. Suddenly the sailor Andrey began to scatter the Cubes from which the ship was built.

Andrey, our ship cannot be broken, we are at sea and we can all drown, - said the children.

And what does it matter to me. I want it and I break it, - they heard in response and saw that now their friend took the radio operator's radio and ran away laughing.

Sailor, take your place! Come to the shore. Prepare to throw in the rope, said the captain.

Throw it yourself, - was heard in response.

Guys, what can you say about Andrey's behavior in the game?

What ugly things did he do?

Do you have children like Andrey?

If you were to play with a boy like that, what would you tell him, what would you do?

Guys, let's now stand in a circle and throwing a ball to each other, let's name the rules that must be observed in the game. I start. I throw the ball to the child and say:

All the rules must be followed in the game

Be polite, friendly to the participants in the game

It is easy for violators of the rules of conduct to make a remark and say what violations have been committed.

Always treat others the way you want them to treat you.

At the end of the conversation, I tell the children:

Guys, it's time for me to return to the sorceress and tell that the children in the "Bee" group are polite, good, know how to play with each other, know many rules in the game and it will be very good if you always remember about them and follow them. And as a keepsake, master the meeting with you, I will give you magic glasses that will help you to be polite, friendly and sociable with each other. Goodbye!

Topic: "Rules of Conduct for Children at Work"


  1. To reinforce and generalize children about the rules of conduct in work: to clean up toys for themselves, to respect other people's work, to help each other with advice in work.
  2. develop attention, observation, the ability to notice mistakes in peers.
  3. foster a positive attitude towards work.

Preparing for the interview:

Preparing the Dunno doll for the lesson.

Conversation progress:

I come to the children with Dunno.

Hello guys, today we will talk about the work of children, about how to behave in work. Dunno will help you. Do you agree? I read a poem:

Dressmaker. Bookbinder.

I sew all day today. Got sick

I dressed the whole family. This book: tore up the bad

Wait a little, cat. I will regret the patient.

There will be clothes for you too. I'll take it and glue it.

Guys, what can you say about the children described in these poems, what are they like?

May I say: they are lazy, not attentive, angry.

Guys, did Dunno say correctly?

No. Children are hardworking, caring, kind, affectionate, attentive.

What stories or poems do you know about hardworking and caring children?

(Guys call stories)

Dunno, why are you silent? Tell us what you know about hardworking children?

Dunno: I'll tell you how we helped with Pinocchio Malvina.

Malvina put things in order at home, and we scattered toys. We had a lot of fun. (laughs happily)

Guys, tell me, was Malvina also funny? (No)

Is this a story about hardworking and caring children? (No)

Guys, explain to Dunno how you had to behave:

Help Malvina clean up the toys.

Asking if Malvina needs more help

Respectfully treat other people's work

To work together, collectively.

Jointly discuss upcoming activities

Help each other with advice in work

Dunno, did the children help you?

Highly. Thank you. Now I want to improve and help Malvina clean up the toys. I'll go to her right now, and Pinocchio will tell you about the rules of conduct. Goodbye, guys!

Guys, so you helped Dunno. Tell me and you will help your mothers.

Now I will tell you about the girls: Olya and Lyuda.

Is that so or not?

Olya and Luda were walking in the yard. Olya saw how Petya helps his mother hang clothes on the line and tell her friend:

And today I helped my mother.

And I, too, - answered Luda, - What did you do?

She wiped dishes, and spoons, and forks.

And I cleaned my shoes

Mom's? - asked Olya

No, their

Is this helping mom? - Olya laughed. - did you clean them yourself?

So what? But mom will have less work, - said Luda.

Is that so or not?

Guys, which of the children helped mom?

Can Luda say such a proverb?

They are judged not by words, but by deeds.

Guys, how do you understand the proverbs:

Small business is better than big idleness.

You can't get a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

At the end of the conversation, I praise the children:

Guys, you did a good deed today: you helped Dunno to master the rules of conduct in work, and at the same time you yourself remembered. Well done!

Topic: "Rules of conduct in the classroom"


  1. Continue to expand and consolidate the early knowledge about the rules of behavior in class: do not shout from a place, do not talk, do not distract a neighbor, etc.
  2. Develop observation, be able to notice and deal with shortcomings.
  3. Foster a positive attitude towards the lesson.


Pre-prepared performance of the fairy tale "Music Lesson" with the participation of children, learning words, remarks.

Preparation of costumes for Pinocchio, cat, dog.

Conversation progress:

I collect the children and say:

Guys, artists have come to you today and show children theatrical performances. Today they will show us the fairy tale "Music Lesson", where many rules of conduct are violated. Look carefully, then we will discuss which rules the guys broke.

Music lesson.

(Based on the tale of A. Ostrovsky)

Characters (performed by children): - Alyosha Pochemuchkin,

Dog Chizhik,


Teacher Cat.

(Alyosha and Chizhik are preparing for the lesson)

Chizhik: (mutters) to, re, mi, fa ...

Alyosha: Chizhik, you learned your lesson at home, why are you whispering?

Chizhik: I'm worried, I repeat. Av-av!

Alyosha: And I'm worried about Buratino. Again he is not there, again he is late and has not learned the lesson, probably.

Chizhik: The teacher is coming!

(Cat enters)

Cat: Hello!

Alyosha and Chizhik: Hello!

Cat: Let's start the lesson.

Chizhik: (quietly) Oh, I'm afraid they'll ask me now.

(Buratino runs into the classroom and falls)

Pinocchio: Oops!

Cat: Pinocchio! Firstly, you were late for class, and secondly, you didn’t say hello. Exit and enter again the way you need to.

Pinocchio: (Leaves, enters, stumbles and falls) Hello!

Cat: Pinocchio, you did everything wrong again, go out and re-enter the classroom, and do not fall at the doorstep.

Pinocchio: Well, again, no luck, I'll try again (leaves, knocks, calmly opens the door) Hello!

Cat: Sit down, Pinocchio! The lesson will be answered by Alyosha Pochemuchkin.

Alyosha: (Sings any melody with the name of the notes) to, re, mi, fa ...

Cat: Okay, Alyosha, I see you've learned your lesson. Well, Buratino, show your knowledge.

Pinocchio: Oh, I seem to have forgotten something! (whispers to friends) tell me, I haven't learned.

Cat: Have you forgotten the lesson?

Pinocchio: Yes! That is, no, I learned.

Cat: Name the notes in order.

Pinocchio: For what:

Cat: In order! If you're not ready, sit down.

Pinocchio: No, no, I'm ready. I will remember now. Before…

Pinocchio: (waiting for a hint) well!

Pinocchio: (hears a hint) not "well", but "re".

Pinocchio: Well! Re.

Chizhik and Alyosha: (in a whisper) mi, mi ...

Pinocchio: Mi-mi.

Cat: What note?

Pinocchio: (sings) mi-mi-mi ... (hears a prompt) beans.

Cat: Pinocchio, what beans?

Alyosha and Chizhik: (in a whisper) separately fa salt, fa salt.

Pinocchio: Separate the beans and more salt.

Cat: Enough, Pinocchio. How ashamed not to learn a lesson! Sit down, Buratino, you get "bad".

Pinocchio: Again, no luck! (Sighs)

Cat: Let's hear what Chizhik has prepared.

Chizhik: (afraid to answer) I sing notes (sings notes, timidly, quietly).

Cat: Not bad, Chizhik. You learned your lesson, but your excessive shyness prevented you, you sang softly and uncertainly. Sit down, okay.

Alyosha: Well done, Chizhik, learned a lesson.

Cat: To learn the science of singing.

So that the lesson is not in vain for you,

You must have patience

And it's very good to listen

Meow meow, and listening very well!

The lesson is over, goodbye!

We thank the guys for rehearsing the fairy tale. I ask the children:

Guys, what rules of conduct were violated in the lesson?

Together with the children, we formulate the rules of etiquette that future students must observe:

Come before the lesson starts!

Prepare for the lesson before the call!

If you are not ready for the lesson, you need to warn the teacher in advance before the start of the lesson and learn it for the next time.

Do not be late for the lesson, and if you are late, apologize and ask permission to attend the lesson.

Not prompting in the lesson, it is better to help your friend learn the lesson.

Remember! The hint humiliates the person.

Feel free to answer the learned lesson.

At the end of the conversation, I praise the children for the staged fairy tale and for correctly found mistakes.

Topic: "Rules of conduct on the street"


  1. To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, on the road.
  2. develop mindfulness.
  3. educate independence, the ability to cross the road correctly.

Preparing for the interview:

Preparation of the sidewalk (cut out of thick paper), crosswalk, traffic light.

Preparation of toy cars, rubber dolls.

Advance distribution of shares between children (turtles, dog, child with a typewriter, child with a ball)

Course of classes:

I am talking at a large table.

Educator: where is the beginning of the lesson? People gathered at the crosswalk. Everyone first waits for a traffic light to cross the street. They are standing on the sidewalk.

Traffic lights.

From squares and crossroads

Looks at me point-blank

Formidable and serious in appearance

A very important traffic light.

He has colored eyes

Not eyes, but three lights.

He takes turns by them

Looks at me from above

Look - kA now

A yellow eye lit up.

Guys, can I go, go? Right, no, this is a signal - attention?

Cars and pedestrians are standing.

The traffic light blinked and

Suddenly opened a green eye.

The path is open for pedestrians!

(Pedestrian toys cross the street. Children control the toys)

Guys, crossing the road, no matter how you hurry or hurry, you should not run, pushing passers-by, as if someone is chasing us.

In this case, we can say to those who are walking slowly: “Let me pass?

Try not to hurt passers-by with an umbrella, toy, bag.

Guys, let's remember the basic rules for pedestrians?

Walk only on the right side of the sidewalk

Do not walk on the pavement and do not cross the carriageway sideways

Do not push passers-by while rushing to the bus.

If you meet a friend, then in order to talk, step aside with him.

(the girl takes the turtle across the road without observing the rules)

Educator: - To me, - said the turtle, -

The feeling of fear is unknown

I don't look at the signals:

Where I want, I go!

Guys, explain to the turtle why she's wrong. (Guys explain)

In the meantime, I passed,

I got under the car.

(a boy drives a car and runs into a turtle)

Sparks gushed out of my eyes ...

It's good that the armor saved!

(a child rolls out a small ball onto the roadway, a dog "runs" after the ball)

The ball rushes after the ball:

I don't care about the car!

(the car goes around Sharik)

He did not have time to bounce

And miraculously remained intact.

Guys, explain to Sharik what rule he broke?

Children: Do not play near or on the roadway!

Guys, name the traffic lights. What do they mean? What are the rules of conduct for pedestrians and show their effect on toys?

Leaving the sidewalk, you need to look to the left, and after reaching the middle of the street, to the right.

You can cross the street in places where there is a crossing path.

Do not cross the street if special vehicles are moving along it.

Well done guys, coped with the task. Now let's play a game with you: "Right - wrong"

Purpose: Development of attention, the ability to find violations of the rules of behavior on the street, in pictures.

Equipment: Pictures depicting different situations on the street.

Description: Guys, carefully consider the pictures of what is right and what is wrong.

In conclusion, I ask the children:

Guys, tell me, will a cultured person talk loudly on the street, attracting attention, quarreling, throwing match husks, pieces of paper?

If you need to ask something on the street, what will you do?

Guys, what rules of conduct do you know on the sidewalk?

(do not push passers-by, do not litter, let passers-by through).

What rules of conduct do you know on the roadway?

(cross the road only on green, do not run across the road, do not play on the roadway)

At the end of the conversation, I praise the children.

Topic: "Rules of conduct when working with a book"


  1. To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the rules of conduct when working with a book.
  2. Develop attention
  3. To foster careful handling of books.

Preparing the Dunno doll

Preparing a book with a torn off page

Conversation progress:

I bring a torn book to the children and say:

Guys, look what Dunno did with the book. Did he do well?

Children: No!

And here Dunno himself is coming.

Dunno: Hello guys! Look how I played with the book in an interesting way.

Guys, explain to Dunno that they don't treat books like that.

(the guys explained to Dunno, and the teacher reads a poem):

Children are obliged to know

What not to spoil books:

You shouldn't paint in them

And pull out the leaves!

All pages in them are important,

You must protect books

The book must be put in the closet.

There are many books around

Each is a wonderful friend.

Guys, tell me, why should you handle the book carefully and take care of them?

(because we learn a lot from books)

Let's read with you a story from a book that Dunno.

(I read the story, but I stop at the most interesting place)

Children: Why?

Dunno tore out a page here.

What will he do now?

Let's tell Dunno how to handle books:

Protect books!

Don't rip up books!

Don't draw in books!

Take care of the book!

When working with a book, carefully turn over the pages, do not wrinkle them.

Store books in your closet or bookshelf!

Dunno, now you understand why you need to be good with books?

Yes! Thank you guys for your kind advice. I am very ashamed that I did this to the book. Let me now glue the piece of paper in place and we will finish the story.

(The guys, together with Dunno, glue the torn off page in place. The teacher finishes the story)

At the end of the conversation, the teacher says:

Guys, take care of your books, our dear and faithful friends.

The topic "On the culture of behavior"


  1. Continue to form in children a benevolent, polite, respectful attitude towards people around them.
  2. To form the ability to evaluate the positive and negative actions of peers.
  3. Develop coherent speech, intonational and expressive speech.

Equipment: toys, bear.

Conversation progress:

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, you have already talked about politeness so many times, learned to be attentive to each other, to adults. And toys also have courtesy lessons. I invite you to a lesson at the school of toys.

The teacher approaches the toys, takes them (one by one) in their hands and, on their behalf, greets the children:

Hello good morning etc.

The morning at the school of toys begins with an unusual exercise called "Get to know". You should go to the toy you like, say kind words to it, pick it up and gently squeeze or stroke it.

(Children get acquainted with toys)

So you met with toys. The toys secretly told me that they are very polite, kind and attentive. They know a lot of the necessary magic words. And they want to check if the guys know polite words. Let's prove that we also know and can do a lot.

The teacher takes the toys (in turn) approaches a child and asks: the hare (fox) wants to know ...

What do you need to say after lunch? (thanks)

To whom do they refer to "you"? (to adults)

How should you ask? (please)

How should I thank for the help? (thanks)

What should I do if I accidentally offended someone? (ask for forgiveness)

What words are spoken in the morning? (good morning)

How to invite to your place? (I will be very glad to see you ..)

Guys, now I will introduce you to a bear, for whom teaching at school is not easy.

Bear: I can do anything - I can dance

And draw and sing

I can stand on my head

Fly to Mars

I can jump to the moon

I can find a diamond

I can even dream

Without closing your eyes ...

I can not lie all day.

Can! Can! Can!

…but I do not want!

Did you like the bear?

What can you say about him? Do you want to be friends with him?

If there was such a boastful child in our group, he would say: “I can do anything! I will do the best! ”, What would you advise him? But the bear is not only a braggart. Listen to the poem:

The bear was angry today

I pushed my brother away.

And he was rude to his sister,

And he buried himself in the book.

(The bear turns away, covers his face with his paw)

How can you call such a bear?

Bear: I don't want to be rude. Tell me what needs to be done?

Let's help the bear get better. Let's tell you what each child and bear should do to be polite?

Quite right. Polite children are the first to greet adults, do not forget to say goodbye, apologize for worrying, and thank for their help. Polite children do not speak loudly, they do not tease their comrades, they know how to negotiate with each other. A polite child, if offended inadvertently, will definitely ask for forgiveness.

Mishka: I realized that it is very bad to be boastful, loud, rude. And you guys always remember this. Thank you!

Topic: "How to dress in cool weather"


  1. To generalize and consolidate the skills of correct, consistent dressing, dressing.
  2. Develop attention, observation.
  3. To cultivate independence, the ability to determine what to dress in according to the weather.


Paintings depicting different seasons; flat dolls, cardboard, with a set of clothing for the seasons; doll Tanya with a set of various clothes (dress, trousers, apron, etc.)

Preparation of costumes for Malvina, Buratina, Dunno.

Blank cards in green.

Conversation progress:

Malvina, Buratino and Dunno come to visit the children in the group. Children greet guests. Malvina says:

Children, yesterday I went to the middle group and saw how Tanya helped to dress the new boy Alyosha. And there was no one else in the group. I asked Alyosha where all the guys were. Alyosha said that they were at a music lesson, and he was late, because he did not know how to change - his grandmother always dressed him at home. Are you guys?

Do you dress yourself at home? Do you know how to dress quickly and neatly if your mother is not at home, and your grandmother is sick or busy and cannot help you?

(children answer)

Guys, let's check ourselves (shows the picture). Imagine: summer, warm, gentle sun. How to dress dolls in this weather? Let's put an hourglass and check how long it will take you to dress up the dolls for a walk. Our faithful friends will help us in this: Malvina and Buratino, who will give you green cards for the correctness of your actions.

Children turn to cardboard dolls with a set of clothes (for boys, dolls are boys, and for girls, girls). Pinocchio and Malvina help the teacher evaluate the actions of children, put green cards on the table for the one who will dress the doll correctly and faster than others.

At this time, Dunno tells the children, but again it is not true, which makes the task confusing. After counting the winner's green cards, Pinocchio and Malvina are awarded a flower.

Well done boys. Now imagine a cold, rainy fall. How to dress dolls in such weather?

The teacher puts an hourglass and checks the duration of dressing the dolls. All seasons are played in turn. After that, the teacher invites the children to dress dolls not for a walk, but for a kindergarten, for a visit.

After, Dunno turns to the children:

Guys, I also want to play with you: I know everything well and can.

Now let's check Dunno's knowledge, right guys? (Yes!)

Tell me, Dunno, which of these brushes should you clean your shoes? (Dunno points to the clothes). That's not true. This brush is for clothes, and if you once clean your shoes, then later it will stain your clothes. Now try to dress the Tanya skiing doll.

Dunno puts an apron on the doll. The guys tell Dunno.

The teacher instructs him to help Dunno to dress the doll correctly, and explain what his mistake is and why he dresses the doll differently.

Then Dunno tells the children:

Guys, now I know how to dress at different times of the year. Thank you.

Malvina and Buratino ask the children:

Guys, what do you remember today? What's new helped to learn Dunno? Well done, now we are sure that you can get dressed without the help of your grandmother.

Topic: "Make friends with a toothbrush"


Continue introducing personal hygiene rules. To form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe children's toothbrush and children's toothpaste, to bring an understanding of their purpose and function; Introduce children to dental care methods (brushing teeth, rinsing the mouth after eating, visiting the dentist for toothache and in order to prevent dental diseases)


Several different brushes for floors, hair, clothes, dishes, teeth.

Conversation progress:

Malvina and Buratino come to visit.

M: Hello guys! Look at Pinocchio. Come in, come in bolder, let the guys look at.

B: Guys, Malvina tortured me. Teaches and teaches.

M: But what about you, Buratino, not to teach! You don’t know the elementary things, you don’t know the rules of personal hygiene. Dear Buratino! How many times do you have to repeat before you sit down at the table, you should wash your hands!

B: Okay, wash my hands (Spits on his hands and rubs them).

M: Then wash (does not look at Buratino).

B: Look how I wash (rub my face with my hands without water)

M: Comb your hair.

B: It's easy! (Licks her hair with her hands)

M: And brush your teeth with a toothbrush (Buratino looks around in confusion, finds several different brushes for the floor, for hair, for clothes, for dishes, for teeth. He won't understand what kind of toothbrush!)

M: Don't worry, Pinocchio! The guys will help you find a toothbrush now. (children talk about the purpose of all brushes, and talk about a toothbrush)

B: And brushing your teeth is not at all necessary. These are shoes, clothes are dirty. And where can there be dirt on your teeth?

M: Guys, does Buratino think correctly? (no, you need to clean 2 times)

B: Why?

M: Yes, you will have to help Pinocchio understand why you need to brush your teeth. Sit down, guys, more comfortable and sit next to Pinocchio.

Guys, how many teeth does a person have?

What does a person need teeth for? (to bite food, chew it, a person is not beautiful without teeth)

And only a person has teeth?

Everyone needs teeth to bite, gnaw, chew food. Therefore, teeth are the hardest part of the body, and they are covered with a layer of white enamel. Let's knock our teeth. Now look at your teeth in the mirror: are all teeth the same? Yes, everyone's teeth are different. There are small, wide, sharp, narrow. Look at the front of the 8 sharp incisors. Behind them are 4 strong fangs. These teeth help chew through food. Behind them are the indigenous people who chew food.

All of your teeth will change soon. Milk teeth will fall out and grow permanent for life.

B: Oh, thanks, I went. They told everything about the teeth, I know everything.

M: No, wait. You don't know that you have to take care of your teeth. Why are teeth decaying? (ball game. Carrot, apple, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, kefir, useful for teeth. Not useful - chocolate, sweets, cookies, lollipops, marshmallows)

How can you help your teeth? (peel, rinse, gnaw fruits and vegetables)

How often should you brush your teeth, why?

So the best friend for our teeth is a toothbrush, toothpaste.

Are the brushes the same for adults and children?

How do you take care of your toothbrush?

M: Buratino, do you remember? (Yes!) What if your teeth hurt? (To the dentist). But don't wait until your teeth hurt, go to the dentist while your teeth are healthy.

B: Oh, there are also doctors who treat teeth?

M: If teeth are treated on time, they will never hurt. Let's call you the rules of caring for your teeth:

Brush your teeth 2 times a day.

Rinse your teeth after eating

Do not eat a lot of sweets, do not gnaw on hard objects

Use your own toothbrush

Visit the dentist

M: Today I went to the dentist, checked my teeth and told the doctor about you, about the guys. The dentist said hello to you and wished you health.

Topic: "We are going in transport"


  1. To acquaint children with the rules of behavior in transport: give way, be polite, do not push, etc.
  2. Develop attentiveness, observation.
  3. Foster a benevolent attitude towards people traveling in transport.


Preparation of seat-chairs, tickets.

Signboard "box office with tickets"

Conversation progress:

I invite the children to play the "bus ride":

Together with the children, I install the seats, attach the "ticket office", I tell the children:

Guys, Dunno and Buratino still want to ride with us on the bus. Shall we ride them? But, before inviting Buratino and Dunno, let's recall the main rules of behavior on the bus. After all, they will take an example from us:

Give way in transport for adults and kids.

Pick up and politely hand over the object taken by someone.

Boys: let the girls go forward into the transport, into the room.

Do not speak loudly in public transport.

Do not litter in transport.

Don't get the seat dirty.

After listing the rules, I invite the children to take their seats.

And which of us will be the driver? (Call the child). Now let's go. Vanya, give us a lift, please, to Dunno and Buratino.

The driver announces the route, the children drive. At one of the stops, the teacher sits down with Dunno. One of the children gives way to the caregiver. The teacher thanks the child.

During the trip, Dunno speaks loudly, demands a window seat; trying to get his feet on the seat, throwing candy wrappers around.

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, remind Dunno how to behave on the bus (children point out his mistakes).

Thanks guys, now I know how to behave.

At the next stop, Buratino sits on the bus, who picks up the handle that had been wounded by the teacher and says:

Sorry you dropped. Take it please.

The teacher invites Buratino to sit next to Dunno, so that he learns politeness from Buratino.

After several laps, the driver announces the “kindergarten” stop.

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, let's play a game with you, and Dunno and Buratino will see how smart you are.

The game "Continue the sentence"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about how to behave correctly for everyone.

Equipment: ball

Description: The teacher tells the children:

Now I will throw the ball to you and tell you about something, but listen carefully and continue:

  1. If you start jumping on the bus, talking loudly, then (this will disturb other people).
  2. If you climb on the seat with your legs, you litter, then (the bus will be dirty, and other passengers, children and adults, will not be comfortable).
  3. If you talk loudly and distract the driver from the road, then (it may end badly).
  4. If a grandmother or a sick person got on the bus, then (you need to give up your seat).

Well done boys. Now I know that you will behave well in transport and will set an example for other children to follow.

(Dunno and Buratino thank the children and say goodbye to them).

The topic "About friendship and friends"


1: cultivate a benevolent and caring attitude towards all people around you, and especially towards your friends.

2: develop monologue speech and coherent statements of children;

3 : reinforce the ability to answer questions with a full sentence.

4: to form children's ideas about friendship;

Teach children to write descriptive stories about friends using a flow chart.

Teach children to come up with adjectives for the word "friend".

Vocabulary work:Friendly, caring, attentive, affectionate, generous, generous.

Equipment: a plan-diagram of a friend's description, an audio recording by V. Shainsky "If you went out with a friend", pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets A5.

Event progress

Org. moment: The song of V. Shainsky "If you went out with a friend" is played.

Educator: - Did you like this song?

Who is she about?

You have friends?

Introductory conversation:- Tell about your friend

(stories of several children about their friends).

Educator: - Try to stick to this plan:

1. What is the name of a friend?

2. Where does he live?

3. Where and when do you meet with him?

4. What games do you like to play?

5. Did he come to your aid?

Praise children for full and interesting stories.

Educator: Who is such a friend?

Children: Who helps to tie shoelaces, shares toys, helps in class ...

Educator: Who can you call your friend?

Children: With whom it is interesting to look at books, it is interesting to play construction and other games, who never complains, teaches what he can himself, share everything he has.

Educator: - Make a conclusion “who is a friend? "

Children: A friend can be called someone who is ready to share your joy and your grief, and if you need it, then give you everything that he has himself.

Educator: - And how should you treat your friend?

Children: Trust him, share everything, do not offend, help, protect.

Educator: Listen to an excerpt from the story of boys who consider themselves friends, evaluate their actions.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the story

Sasha and Andreyka were so naughty and scattered that they crumpled the flowers in the flower bed.

It's Andrei's fault! - Sasha immediately shouted when he saw the teacher.

Andrey, is it your fault? - asked the boy's teacher sternly.

I, - Andreyka answered and turned away from Sasha.

Although only Andrey is to blame, I will punish both of you, '' Olga said.

Olga Ivanovna looked at him attentively, sighed and turned away. And Andrey moved away, sat down to Sasha almost with his back.

I’m also called a friend, ”Sasha muttered, but Andreika didn’t react to his grumbling.

Educator: - Did you like the story?

Why did Olga Ivanovna punish both Sasha and Andreyka?

Why did she sigh?

Would you like Sasha to be your friend?

Physical minutes: Study "Two girlfriends" (to form the ability to accurately convey one's own emotional state by means of facial expressions, gestures)

Balloon inflated by two girlfriends

They took away from each other -

All the pepper was scratched!

The balloon burst, and two girlfriends

We looked - there is no toy,

They sat down and wept.

Educator: Can girls be called real friends? Why? (children's answers)

Educator: Listen to one more story.

“Yura had a birthday. Children came to visit. They brought gifts, and Olya - Yura's best friend, forgot the present at home. She told the boy about it. "

Educator: - What do you think Yura answered to the girl? (children's answers)

Yura smiled and said: “Is a forgotten gift a reason for grief? I was expecting you to visit, not a gift. "

Educator: - What do you think, did Yura do the right thing?

Educator: - Remember and repeat the words with which Yura consoled Olya

I also consider Yura to be Olya's real friend.

Educator: And now we will come up with words for the word - friends - what should they be? (children come up with adjectives).

Now do you know who can be called a true friend?

The one who is in a hurry to help you, rejoices and grieves with you, knows how to forgive. He never offends you, does not shift the blame on you.

Educator: Remember the proverbs about friends and friendship.

"If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it"

"A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship."

"An old friend is better than two new ones".

"Friendship does not burn on fire and does not drown in water"

Practical activitiesin small groups (4-5 people)

Educator: - And at the end of our lesson, I suggest you make the "Rules of friendship in pictures", present these rules in pictures, models, pictograms.

Lesson summary: - What did we talk about today?

Why do you think a person needs friends? (children's answers)

File of conversations

on moral education

In children in the middle group


Why do they say hello?

Target: Form the basic rules of etiquette in children when they meet.Introduce ways to greet.To consolidate the idea of ​​the importance and the need to use "kind words" in colloquial speech, to induce the desire to use them.


"My good deeds"

Target: to deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express your opinion, show goodwill towards the judgments of other children), the skills of cultural communication with peers. Achieve benevolent intonation expressiveness of speech. To foster in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-esteem and respect for others, the ability and desire to come to the aid of adults and peers.


"What is kindness"

Target : To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds;reinforce children's ideas about good deeds, understand that polite words help people in communication. Form moral ideas about kindness. Foster good feelings for the people around you.


"Hurry to do good"

Target : Continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in everyday life. To acquaint with the ways of resolving the conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways of managing and regulating mood. Continue to foster friendships between children.


"If you are kind ..."

Target : To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, consciously show sympathy and do good deeds. To teach to understand the meanings of proverbs about good, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a certain situation. Teach children to show kindness, responsiveness to everyone who needs it.


"Polite words"

Target : Teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules of using greeting words. Contribute to overcoming shyness and stiffness in children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.


"Inadvertently and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form skills of game communication, without hurting the interests of the partner.


"Learning to forgive our friends"

Target : develop the ability of children not to take offense at each other; to form the ability to distinguish an accidental mistake from a deliberate one and react accordingly; lead children to understand the words "peaceful", "touchy".


"Why are there fights?"

Target : to form children's communication skills; develop an understanding of the meaning of norms and rules of behavior among peers; develop the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.


"Dreamers and liars"

Target : develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop a desire for truthfulness and tact.


" Let's make it up "

Target : develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be responsive, sensitive.


"A good friend is known in trouble"

Target : to form an idea that a real friend knows how to empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.


"How to behave during a conversation"

Target : To introduce children to the rules of conduct during a conversation.

(Speak in a polite tone. Use "magic" words. Look into the face of the interlocutor. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. You should not eat during a conversation. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand it to stop) ...


"Kind angry"

Target : To teach to give a moral assessment to the actions of the heroes, to bring up the desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that kind can be called a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.

To learn to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to the people around.



Target : To form ideas about the moral concept of "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's deed, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.


"What a friend should be"

Target : To form ideas about positive character traits and moral actions, to deepen ideas about friendship.To cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards your comrades, to teach to correct your mistakes, to ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. Teach children to be responsive, sensitive.


"Be neat and tidy"

Target : Teach children to monitor their appearance. Help to understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.


"Truth is not true"

Target : Explain to children that it is impossible to deceive others, that it is always necessary to tell the truth, that truthfulness, honesty always please adults, that these qualities are highly valued in a person, that they are praised for the truth.Help children understand that any untruth is always revealed, and the person who lied feels guilty not only for his own wrongdoing, but also for the fact that he told a lie.



Target: continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also hurts himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).


"Games without quarrels"

Target : Explain to children that fighting interferes with play and friendship.Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, not get angry at a loss, not tease the loser ..



Target : Teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, observe the rules of etiquette, based on the images of literary heroes, stimulate positive behaviors and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.



Target: Teach children to carefully and accurately treat things, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance, become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, making money.


"Mutual assistance"

Purpose: Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; it is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.


"The desire to help"

Target : Develop emotional responsiveness, willingness to help, showing empathy. Teach children to be responsive, sensitive.


"Generosity and Greed"

Target : To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad and generous is good.


"Why you need to be able to give in"

Target : Teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.


"Steps of Kindness"

Target : on the basis of the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​justice, courage, modesty and kindness, to foster a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the tale and the actions of the heroes.


"It's better to be kind"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of the emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). Learn to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve conflict situations and facilitate their assimilation in behavior. Generalize the notion of kindness and induce the desire to do good deeds.

Form a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior; reinforce the skills of friendly behavior in everyday life; to teach consciously refers to the actions of people, to be able to correctly evaluate these actions; encourage moral actions, arouse the desire to commit positive and condemn negative actions. Form the skills of using polite words and expressions in speech, teach children the correct construction of sentences.
Develop communication skills; thinking, memory.
To cultivate moral qualities of politeness, honesty, respect for elders, responsibility for their actions.

Preliminary work:
Conversations: "Always be polite", "Our good deeds." Reading works of art by V. Oseeva "The Magic Word", "Why?" Discussing the rules of courtesy. Learning proverbs about honesty, politeness.

Material and equipment:
Audio recording of the song "Smile", a ball, a sheet of Whatman paper, pictures, diagrams, a glue stick.
Course of the lesson
An audio recording of the song "Smile" sounds. The teacher invites the children to go and sit on the chairs.

Children, today we will talk about the culture of behavior. Please tell me how you understand the expression "cultured person"? (This is a person who does not swear, gives in to another, does not shout, does not interrupt adults, speaks polite words, does not deceive).
-Tell me please, which of the children in our group can be called cultural
man and why? (Children express their opinion).
- I am very glad that we have a lot of cultured children in our group who know how to be friendly to others. Recently we have read the story of V. Oseeva "The Magic Word", let us remember what Pavlik was like at the beginning of the story? How did you talk to others? (Shouted, cried, quarreled, clenched his fists, sniffled with resentment).
-How did Pavlik appear before us? Did you like it? How did the people around him feel about him? (Statements of children).
- Has Pavlik always remained such an ill-mannered boy? Who helped him to improve and how? (Answers of children).
- That's right, polite words should be spoken in a quiet voice and looked directly into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Do you think the old man can be called a wizard? Why?
(Answers of children).
- Well done! Indeed, the old man can be called a wizard, because he helped Pavlik change, become polite, and treat his loved ones kinder.
-Children, now I suggest you play the game "Say a polite word"
(Children stand in a circle, the teacher with the ball in the center of the circle. The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child. The child says a polite word and throws the ball to the teacher)
-What polite words should you say when you meet?
(Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hello).
-What polite words should you say if you are making a request to someone?
(Please, please, please, please, please, allow).
-What polite words do we use when we apologize to someone?
(Sorry, sorry, sorry).
-What are the polite words we say when we leave?
(Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, bye, goodbye, happy stay, goodbye).

Well done! You are very polite people, but what do you think, in order to be a cultured person, you only need to be polite? What quality do you still need to have? (Do not deceive adults and friends if you have promised something to be done).
-Right. In order to be a cultured person, you still need to be honest and truthful. Remember what story V. Oseeva teaches us these qualities? (The story "Why?").
-What did the boy do? (Answers of children).
- How did the mother know that her son was cheating? And what did she do? (The boy's knees were trembling, he "hid" his eyes, quietly rolled off the chair, said that Boom had broken the cup).
-Children, why does the boy confess? What haunted him? That its so
tormented? (He was ashamed that because of him his mother punished Boom, his conscience tormented him).
-Right. Conscience haunted him, she told him how to do the right thing. Tell me, has your attitude towards the main character changed? What can you say about him now? (He acted honestly, telling the truth, he is brave).
-To be a cultured person, it is not enough to be just polite,
you still need to be honest, truthful, and courageous. Let's remember with you the proverbs about honesty and politeness.
(Children take turns saying proverbs)
-In whom there is no truth. There is little good in that.
- Yesterday he lied, tomorrow they call him a liar.
-The truth does not sink in water, does not burn in fire.
- When demanding courtesy from others, be polite yourself.
- Politeness is worthless, but highly appreciated.
-Tongue will not dry out from an affectionate word.

And now I propose to you, together with me, to draw up a wall newspaper "The rules of conduct for a cultured person in a group." I have schematic pictures on my table, you must take a schematic picture, name the rule depicted on it and stick it on a Whatman paper with my help.
(Children go out one by one and call the rule corresponding to the picture-scheme)
-You can't shout in a group.
-You can't fight your friends.
-It is necessary to play calm games.
-Do not interrupt adults.
-Do not offend the younger ones.
-To help each other.
-We have got a wonderful wall newspaper. We hang it in a group and will follow the rules. On this our lesson ended. Many thanks.

Compiled by:

Kotlyarova I.N.

Moral education is one of the most important aspects of the general development of a child. The guideline for the teacher in the formation of the individual moral consciousness of the child is morality (a form of social consciousness). It reflects the prevailing ideals in society, norms and rules that govern the actions of people. Public opinion is a tool for evaluating, approving or condemning certain actions of people. The internal mechanism that prompts people to socially approved actions are conscience, a sense of justice, honor, dignity, etc.

The formation of these moral qualities is a long-term process that requires significant efforts on the part of parents and teachers. Everyday experience with others is a source of both positive and negative behaviors. The teacher helps children see the moral situation, highlight the moral side of the phenomena. The imitative ability of children helps teach them moral behavior.

Ultimately, moral actions are always a conscious choice, which depends on the degree of development of moral consciousness, which is closely related to the experience of relations with others and the experience of one's own behavior. All this forms the moral qualities of a person, develops forms of behavior habitual for each person. The most difficult thing is to identify the motive of the behavior - the inner stimulus of the action. Moral and selfish motives of behavior can be expressed in the same actions (he did good, wishing the other well; he did good, pursuing his own selfish interest).

All this should be borne in mind by the teacher who implements the system of moral education of the child. In this case, of course, one must take into account the general characteristics of the child's psyche and the specifics of his moral development.

In preschool age, the source of ideas about the moral side of life is an adult. The child takes the first steps in mastering the norms of life, communicating with an adult, adopting his experience of behavior, focusing on the words: "this is necessary", "this is not possible."

Each age stage in the life of a preschooler has its own mental characteristics that determine the specifics of moral development. Thus, the dominance of perception in the second year of life determines the attachment of an action to a specific situation. By the age of three, memory begins to occupy a dominant position as the basis for the preservation of personal experience of behavior. When thought processes come to the fore, it becomes possible to generalize the accumulated facts of moral content. The visual - figurative nature of thinking of preschoolers makes it possible to convey complex manifestations of morality to them in a figurative form. Naturally, the development of thinking is impossible without the child's speech development, which expands the possibilities of communication with others, allows the teacher to diversify the forms of working with children (more opportunities to accompany the demonstration with clarification, persuasion, and reasoning assessments of children's behavior).

The emotionality inherent in preschoolers, which often determines their actions by the motive "I want", is gradually balanced by the development of voluntary actions, volitional behavior, and the ability to be guided by rules.

General age characteristics of preschoolers do not exclude individual developmental options. This is especially noticeable in moral development: some children are very sensitive, show moral gifts, others are distinguished by moral callousness (N. Leites, J. Korczak).

Activity serves as a pedagogical tool for the upbringing and development of preschoolers. Learning, closely related to activity, provides meaningful material for it.

In the preschool period of the child's development, play activity is the leading one. Gradually, thanks to the game, the child masters a variety of activities.

The moral formation of a preschooler's personality requires compliance with certain pedagogical conditions:

· Humane attitude of adults (primarily parents and teachers) to the child;

· Clear statement of tasks of moral education and upbringing;

· Creation of conditions for active practical and intellectual activity of the child, which forms benevolent relationships.

To be cultured, educated is not the property of a select circle of people. To become a harmonious person, to be able to behave with dignity in any environment is the right and duty of every person. It is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of good form from an early age and continue throughout childhood.

Starting to actively use the rules of behavior in everyday life, play, and other activities, children learn them, and understanding the meaning helps the child consciously manage his behavior, emotions, independently regulate them in different life situations.

Our task is to introduce children into the "world of culture" through role-playing games, classes, and aesthetic conversations, to create conditions for the formation of a conscious attitude and behavior in them. It is in the awareness of one's position, one's assessment, one's behavioral step that a person's culture begins as a style of his thinking, behavior, which happens in the process of games.

At each lesson you must:

· To acquaint with the rules of etiquette;

· To form the skills of cultural behavior in everyday life;

· To teach to see one's own shortcomings in behavior and to be able to correct them; get rid of bad habits and contribute to the formation of useful ones;

· To teach to treat others with care and patience, but at the same time to be intolerant of bad deeds of people;

· Foster love and respect for loved ones and people around them;

· To bring up a respectful attitude to cultural values, to the native language;

· To form love for nature, native land, the desire to preserve and increase its wealth; cultivate compassion for all living things.

A special importance is attached to the game, it occupies an important place in the life of preschoolers. In the course of the game, concepts are easier to learn, skills are acquired.

A creative approach to teaching will allow you to use or come up with games on a variety of topics. It is important that children set the rules of play themselves, correlating them with the reality of life: this should not be so and how to fix what is, if it contradicts the norms of behavior.

When working with children, one should not get carried away with beliefs and definitions in their unambiguous version. Everything that is connected with a person is very multifaceted. It is important not just to know and formulate (as it should) what culture is, what a cultured person is, etc.

The main thing is to give the opportunity to understand and be able to speak out, assessing their behavior and those around them, asking questions and answering when discussing various ethical situations.

It is necessary to create an environment (specially organized, pedagogically appropriate and adapted to modern children), in which the mechanism of behavior of each child would be formed from observation (passive contemplation) - to experiencing - understanding - evaluating - choosing an attitude for oneself.

Children feel better examples of "external" discrepancy in a person than we do adults. You can have a dress without buttons, unkempt hair or nails, but remain a cultured person with a sense of shame, awkwardness for the temporary state of your appearance. And you can live in a clean, comfortable house, be absolutely neat, polite, but at the same time a cynic, barbarian, cruel person.

The result of the classes should not be a simple enumeration of what is good and what is bad, what behavior is considered cultural, since not only this is the position of a well-bred person. Let the children try all the "roles" in the game, we, adults, must help them determine their position towards certain manifestations of human life, "cultivate" their flexibility, tolerance towards different people, and understand sociocultural norms. All value judgments must be correct, but natural.

The use of musical, folklore material will make the classes more interesting, meaningful and informative. Folk ethics, wisdom, which we call worldly wisdom, is embedded in oral folk art.

It is essential that children understand that ethics is a very ancient science. It has evolved over centuries, generations.

Fairy tales are a treasure trove of folk wisdom. They ridiculed and condemned human vices and praised kindness, honesty, loyalty and love for others. Animals were endowed with human qualities and said: "Cunning like a fox, stupid like a ram, cowardly like a hare, brave like a lion, mighty like a bear, etc." Not a single generation has grown up on folk tales, jokes, proverbs, riddles. They teach to understand good and evil, love the world and hate violence in any of its manifestations. Take care of what you love and fight with what prevents you from living in peace and harmony.

As an educator of the older group, and now the preparatory one, in my work I pay great attention to one of the forms of teaching and upbringing of preschoolers - ethical conversation, which helps children to master the norms and rules of moral education.

The teacher prepares, conducts and guides the conversation. In the course of the conversation, the teacher not only asks questions for discussion, but also looks for the main thing that stimulates the desire of children to think, express their point of view, and prove it.

As the children master this form of communication with the teacher and among themselves, we can talk about the dialogue of the participants in the conversation. The teacher must strive for this; organizing an ethical conversation.

Dialogue is a form of communication, a conversation between two or more people, in the process of which personal relationships arise, such as: acceptance of the interlocutor's personality, the ability to listen and hear another, a reaction to a statement, the desire to understand the interlocutor, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts.

A positive attitude of children towards conversation is achieved through:

· Posing questions that are understandable to children and practically important for them, related to their daily experience. Questions are thought out in advance, but may vary depending on the reaction of the children;

· Presentation of material in a figurative form that can arouse the interest of preschoolers, attract attention. For this purpose, during the conversations, works of art, examples from life are used. They help to bring moral norms to the consciousness of children in a vivid form. The use of proverbs in the process of conversation helps preschoolers to penetrate (although not immediately) into the essence of the rules contained in them. To do this, it is necessary to associate the proverb with specific situations familiar to children;

· Encouraging the activity of children, their desire to take part in the conversation (for this purpose, the teacher corrects the child's statement, helping to adequately express the thought, supports different judgments, possibly controversial, requiring arguments).

The teacher should always feel how this form of work enriches and engages children.

Children love it when adults read to them. They strive to communicate with educators, feel a sense of satisfaction and even pride in answering questions and gaining approval, especially if the educator outlines the importance of the issues discussed. If the teacher does not support the emotional attitude of children to the conversation, does not speak about its importance, there is a danger of formalization of this type of work.

An essential factor that the educator focuses on when assessing the effectiveness of a conversation is the activity of children, their desire to speak out, argue, and prove. In a conversation, the teacher connects the rules and nomes of behavior with patterns that are understandable to preschoolers. Frequent use of general formulations, edification, didacticism are dangerous for fruitful, effective work with children.

In the classroom for the development of speech, familiarization with the world around them, and visual activity, the teacher teaches preschoolers to observe, to highlight individual signs of objects and phenomena, identifying the most significant ones. Children learn to analyze, compare, generalize, differentiate, etc. The educator is guided by these mental operations in the process of ethical conversation, only moral situations serve as material for them.

Ethical conversation helps to draw the attention of children to the inner world of a person (his thoughts, experiences), the world of human relations, which are manifested in good and evil deeds. At preschool age, all these moral categories appear before the child in the form of images, ideas about good and bad.

Children will learn that human relationships are subject to certain rules that need to be known and followed. The idea of ​​the need to obey the rules of the community, helping to live in harmony with others and with oneself, is mastered by children with the help of various images and examples, which in the minds of preschoolers are gradually generalized into a rule; the one who helps, does well, does a good deed. The teacher helps to make such a generalization by directing the statements of children answering questions that arise during the conversation.

In the conversation, the discussed facts, events are assessed. A positive assessment reinforces certain forms of behavior, a negative one is designed to inhibit unwanted actions. The imitative ability of preschoolers gives rise to the desire to follow what is approved and avoid what is condemned. A positive image becomes a guideline for the child in choosing an action.

Based on the materials of the conversation, children can draw a drawing, come up with a story, a fairy tale, give a name to the work, etc. (these tasks are optional). The creative work of children significantly increases the efficiency of assimilation and comprehension of moral concepts by them. In addition, drawings, good names can be used in everyday educational work, for example, an exhibition of drawings allows you to remember a particular rule. The same role can be played by a proverb or a line of a poem ("I will do well and I will not be bad").

Often, the knowledge of preschoolers about the correct behavior and the actions themselves do not coincide. It is natural. Children are still poorly oriented in various situations, do not know how to adequately assess their intentions and actions. In addition, children are prone to emotional outbursts, cannot cope with their desires ("I want"), sometimes show stubbornness, protest, etc. But all these facts are not grounds for denying the importance of "verbal" education.

Moral consciousness is the basis of moral behavior. It is necessary to lead children to this on the basis of the material that is available to them, and those forms of work that interest them and will contribute to moral development. At the same time, it must be remembered that ethical conversation is only one of the forms of the educator's work on the formation of the child's moral consciousness. It is combined with various types of practical, playful activities of preschoolers, exercises aimed at the formation of moral consciousness and behavior.

In the course of an ethical conversation, the teacher seeks to solve the following tasks:

· Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions, events, to understand their essence;

· To give an idea of ​​the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images of fiction and other types of art;

· Contribute to the accumulation and generalization of emotionally positive attitudes towards the images of good heroes and their actions;

· To form the ability to reasonably assess their own actions and the actions of other people (“you can” - “you can't”, “good” - “bad”);

· To teach to observe moral norms of behavior.

These tasks are adopted by the educator, depending on the level of development of preschoolers, their interest in the material, activity in solving the problems that the teacher sets before them.

Ethical conversations are gradually becoming more complex both in content and in the way of presenting the material. If in the middle group the emphasis is on the emotional response of children, then in the preparatory group the preschoolers themselves try to draw conclusions from the discussed moral situation. The teacher chooses topics that are most relevant at the moment for children or other ages.

The duration of conversations with children 4 - 5 years old is 20 minutes, with children 6 - 7 years old - 30 - 35 minutes. In addition, the educator constantly pays attention to the activity of children, their interest. If interest in the conversation begins to wane, it is best to end it early on a high note. The end of the conversation should be short, but interesting, emotional, vivid (a funny story, a rhyme, a short excerpt from a cartoon, a perky song, a game). It is good if at the end of the conversation there will be material for the next conversation.

The number of children participating in ethical conversation depends on the age and experience of preschool participation in this type of work.

By the end of preschool age, in the course of ethical conversations, children accumulate initial ideas about moral norms, moral choice (everyone decides for himself what to do: to confess to a misconduct or not, to yield to a friend or not), about the motive of the act. Also, preschoolers master the following skills:

· Are able to see the moral side of a particular situation;

· Know how to evaluate their own actions and the actions of other people;

• correctly use moral concepts (polite, truthful, caring, good friend, etc.) and their opposites;

· They can correctly choose the word (from the suggested ones) that most accurately characterizes the hero's deed;

· When working with a work, they can choose a title, change the end of the story to a positive one; continue the story (as the hero did);

· Explain the meaning of familiar proverbs;

· Can compose a story or a fairy tale by analogy.

Not all children master the above skills. In preschool age, they only accumulate basic ideas about moral norms, which require further work of teachers to systematize and deepen them.

In ethical conversations, we touch upon such concepts as: politeness, family, friendship, mutual assistance, benevolence, truth is not true, hard work, frugality.

Here are examples of courtesy conversations across different age groups.

What the sparrows did not know

(45 years)

In conversation, the teacher reminds children of the rules of polite treatment.

- Magic words have many secrets, which are not always known to us, - the teacher begins the conversation. - We will find out one of them now.

It was dawning. The sun was shining in the sky. Waking up, the young sparrows rejoiced at him. They jumped, shouted to the sun: “Hello! Hello!" "Hello!" - they said to each other, meeting on the fly. The old sparrow looked at the sparrows with love, sitting on a high branch of a tree. She was glad that it was already possible to say about them, such small ones: polite children. One sparrow flew up to the sparrow and chirped: "Hello." The sparrow was upset: “You know one rule. It's good. But you don't know one more rule. " "What?" - the sparrow was surprised. _ I know everything".

What rule does the little sparrow not know yet? How should a sparrow address a sparrow? ( Hello.)

The teacher invites children to remember how they greet adults, how they address them. From the answers of the children, it follows that the elders should be addressed to “you” and say “hello” to them.

Fairy teaches courtesy

(5 - 6 years old)

In the course of the conversation, the teacher, together with the children, recalls the rules of polite treatment.

Some children, - the teacher begins the conversation, - do not know the rules of politeness (like Pavlik from the story "The Magic Word" by V. Oseeva). And some know these rules, but do not follow them. Moms and dads can be very offended when their children are called ill-mannered.

The teacher invites the children to listen to I. Tokmanova's poem and come up with a name for it.

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them was lost,

And it is like a sin,

It is spoken most often.

This word follows

For a gift, for lunch,

This word is spoken

If thank you.

And for the whole day

He stubbornly repeats about him:

Such a trifle

You will not remember

Are you not?

But she is silent like a fish

Instead of each ... ( thanks)!

Do I need to teach Masha to say "thank you"? What for?

Parents do their best to teach their children courtesy. But not all parents do it. Hear what parents have decided to do to teach their children courtesy.

One day, the parents decided to turn to an old man who helped Pavlik to become polite. This old man knew one kind Fairy. She promised to help poor dads and moms. The fairy invited all the impolite children to the fairytale city. But she warned that she can only help those who really want to know the rules of courtesy and who will follow them.

When the children entered the fairytale city, the Fairy touched everyone with her magic wand. At the touch of the wand, the children's cheeks turned red with shame for their impoliteness.

In a fabulous city, children had to listen carefully and watch how very polite fabulous residents communicate. When meeting, residents smiled and said "hello", and saying goodbye - "goodbye." If they made a request, they didn’t forget to say please. For the help, the treats were thanked with the word "thank you".

When all the children had learned to be polite, their cheeks changed to a normal color. The happy parents wanted to thank the Fairy with something, but she refused: “Thank the inhabitants of this city, whose children studied. And my reward is your joy. "

What is another name for polite words? ( Necessary, magic ...)

Let's repeat the polite words we know.

In your free time, you can organize the game "City of the Polite". One of the conditions for this game is the use of words that the children learned in the conversation.

Good manners and politeness

(6 - 7 years old)

The teacher, together with the children, recalls the rules of courtesy. During the conversation, it turns out that a polite person not only uses polite words, but also with their help expresses his attitude towards others, that the ability to treat others well, to show respect for them is called good breeding.

The teacher invites children to listen to an excerpt from the work

G. Oster "Charger for the tail":

Education, what is it? The monkey asked.

That's a lot, - said the grandmother. - In a nutshell. Well, there you are, monkey. If I pick and give you a banana now, what will you do?

Ripe banana? - clarified the monkey.

Very ripe, - the grandmother nodded.

Eat! - said the monkey.

Grandmother shook her head disapprovingly.

First I will say "thank you", - the monkey corrected himself. - And then I'll eat it!

Well then, you will act like a monkey! - said the grandmother. - But politeness is not all education! A well-bred monkey will first offer a banana to a friend!

What if he takes it ?! - the monkey was frightened.

The baby elephant did not say anything, but he also thought to himself that if he offered a banana to a friend, then no friend would refuse a banana, unless, of course, he is smart, this comrade.

No! It is not interesting to be brought up! - said the monkey.

Try it! - Grandmother picked a ripe banana and handed it to the monkey: - Try it!

What to try? The monkey asked. - Banana? Or be raised?

Grandma didn’t answer. The monkey looked at the banana, then at the grandmother. Then again for a banana. The banana was very ripe and amazingly tasty to look at.

Many thanks! - said the monkey and had already opened her mouth to eat a banana, when she suddenly noticed that the elephant was looking at her very surprisingly. Or rather, not on her, but on her banana. The monkey was embarrassed. “You don’t really like bananas, do you?” She asked the baby elephant. - You probably don't like them at all, do you?

No, why not? - objected the elephant. - I love them pretty much.

The teacher invites the children to answer questions about the work they have read.

Why did the monkey not like being raised? (We need to share the banana.)

As the monkey asked the baby elephant if he liked bananas? What answer did she want to hear? What did the baby elephant answer to the monkey's question?

What should the monkey have done to be said about it "educated"?

Let's finish this tale and find out how the monkey acted.

And the monkey gave her banana to the elephant. The baby elephant said "thank you" and began to peel the banana. A parrot approached the baby elephant. The baby elephant sighed and placed a peeled banana in front of the parrot.

Take it! This is for you! - said the elephant.

The parrot thanked the baby elephant, took the banana and carried it to the boa constrictor.

A boa constrictor, said the parrot. - Take this beautiful banana from me!

I accept it from you with deep gratitude! - said the boa constrictor, took a banana and give it to the monkey.

At first, the monkey was very surprised, and then very happy.

I realized! Understood! It is very interesting to be educated!

In your free time, you can make a dramatization of this fairy tale.

Conversations on moral education in the middle group
Educator MBDOU No. 4 "Little Red Riding Hood" Sarmanovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan Abzalova E.N.
“Why do they say hello?
Purpose: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce ways to greet. To consolidate the idea of ​​the importance and the need to use "kind words" in colloquial speech, to induce the desire to use them.

"My good deeds"
Purpose: To deepen the children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express your opinion, show goodwill towards the judgments of other children), the skills of cultural communication with peers. Achieve benevolent intonation expressiveness of speech. To foster in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-esteem and respect for others, the ability and desire to come to the aid of adults and peers.

"What is kindness"
Purpose: To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds; reinforce children's ideas about good deeds, understand that polite words help people in communication. Form moral ideas about kindness. Foster good feelings for the people around you.

"Hurry to do good"
Purpose: To continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in everyday life. To acquaint with the ways of resolving the conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways of managing and regulating mood. Continue to foster friendships between children.

"If you are kind"
Purpose: To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, consciously show sympathy and do good deeds. To teach to understand the meanings of proverbs about good, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a certain situation. Teach children to show kindness, responsiveness to everyone who needs it.

"Polite words"
Purpose: To teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using greeting words. Contribute to overcoming shyness and stiffness in children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.

"Inadvertently and on purpose"
Purpose: to develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form skills of game communication, without hurting the interests of the partner.

"Learning to forgive our friends"
Purpose: to develop the ability of children not to take offense at each other; to form the ability to distinguish an accidental mistake from a deliberate one and react accordingly; lead children to understand the words "peaceful", "touchy".

"Why are there fights?"
Purpose: to form children's communication skills; develop an understanding of the meaning of norms and rules of behavior among peers; develop the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

"Dreamers and liars"
Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop a desire for truthfulness and tact.

" Let's make it up "
Purpose: to develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be responsive, sensitive.

"A good friend is known in trouble"
Purpose: to form an idea that a real friend knows how to empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

"How to behave during a conversation"
Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of behavior during a conversation.
(Speak in a polite tone. Use "magic" words. Look into the face of the interlocutor. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. You should not eat during a conversation. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand it to stop) ...

"Kind angry"
Purpose: To teach to give a moral assessment to the actions of the heroes, to foster the desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that kind can be called a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.
To learn to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to the people around.
Purpose: To form ideas about the moral concept of "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's deed, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.

"What a friend should be"
Purpose: To form ideas about positive character traits and moral actions, to deepen ideas about friendship. To cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards your comrades, to teach to correct your mistakes, to ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. Teach children to be responsive, sensitive.

"Be neat and tidy"
Purpose: To teach children to monitor their appearance. Help to understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.

"Truth is not true"
Purpose: Explain to children that you cannot deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness, honesty always please adults, that these qualities are highly valued in a person, that they are praised for the truth. Help children understand that any untruth is always revealed, and the person who lied feels guilty not only for his own wrongdoing, but also for the fact that he told a lie.

Purpose: to continue to educate children in a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also hurts himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).

"Games without quarrels"
Purpose: Explain to children that a fight interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, not get angry at a loss, not tease the loser ..

Purpose: To teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, observe the rules of etiquette, using the example of the images of literary heroes, stimulate positive behaviors and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.

Purpose: To teach children to carefully and accurately treat things, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance, become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, making money.

"Mutual assistance"
Purpose: Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; it is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.

"The desire to help"
Purpose: To develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing empathy. Teach children to be responsive, sensitive.

"Generosity and Greed"
Purpose: To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad and generous is good.

"Why you need to be able to give in"
Purpose: to teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.

"Steps of Kindness"
Purpose: on the basis of the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​justice, courage, modesty and kindness, to foster a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the tale and the actions of the heroes.

"It's better to be kind"
Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of the emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). Learn to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve conflict situations and facilitate their assimilation in behavior. Generalize the notion of kindness and induce the desire to do good deeds.