Where to find a good husband. Exotic is good for the time being. The groom's friends are a mirror of the future

Every girl sooner or later dreams of becoming a wife. We need a good or rich man, so girls often have very clear selection criteria. But why do many girls suffer in marriages, or do not find worthy husbands at all? An online magazine site finds many factors that influence unhappy marriages.

If earlier parents chose potential suitors for girls, now the ladies themselves are doing it. You can trust the experience of your parents, but a woman will have to live with her husband. Therefore, you need to turn on your head and look at what is offered as a possible groom.

Psychologists immediately say that you don’t need to choose your fiancé purely on emotions. Love between partners should be, but it should not be the only link. The fact is that many people confuse love feelings with passion or falling in love. But these experiences pass. So it turns out that when the feelings pass, the spouses get divorced, because nothing else unites them.

When looking for a husband, do not focus only on feelings. A man should also attract as a person. When the feelings pass, you should appreciate and respect your husband.

How to find a husband?

All people are looking for a soul mate. All people want to create a strong family based on love, mutual understanding and harmony. But in order for all these dreams to become a reality, you need to answer the question for yourself: do you want to find yourself a ready-made husband or create a partner for yourself who will be perfect for you?

All people are different. But for some reason, partners forget about this difference when they start. Every woman wants to meet her ideal partner already. Is it possible to find a person who would be perfect for you from the first days? Perhaps if this person will deceive you and splurge. You can be an ideal partner literally from the first days of your acquaintance, but only if you know how to deceive and be dodgy.

There are no perfect people. Therefore, parents are not born and raised by husbands, they become next to those partners who are chosen by them for life together. You can bring up openness and honesty in a man, but if his woman tells all her girlfriends his secrets that he reveals to her, then his honesty and openness will be inappropriate next to this particular lady. Although another woman would appreciate his qualities and rejoice in them, keeping all the secrets to herself. Or, for example, a woman is ready to save the marriage, no matter what. But, is it necessary to save the family when her husband cheats on her, beats, insults?

As you can see, it is impossible to become husbands outside of a relationship with the person with whom you are building an alliance. With one person you will behave in one way, and with another - in a different way. Partners adjust to each other, find out where they can afford liberties, and where to keep themselves on a short leash if they want to save the union. Therefore, husbands are not found, they are created, and this is done by those partners with whom these people create family unions.

Where to start looking for a husband?

  1. With an assessment of their capabilities and basic parameters. What kind of woman are you? What are you interested in? What can you give a man? What do you possess? Many girls dream of princes, while they themselves are not princesses. That is why their desires are not realized. You need to match your man. If you like to work, then most likely you need to choose the same workaholic. If you like to travel, then you need to choose an active guy.
  2. With the cessation of attempts to "wrap" a man. Various books and magazines offer ways to please a man. But all of them are aimed at throwing dust in the eyes. Sooner or later the veil will fall from the eyes, and what will the man see? If everything was built on games and, the man will soon understand this.
  3. With the cessation of attempts to solve their problems at the expense of a man. Often women are looking for wealthy men who will solve their financial issues. Someone runs away from loneliness, and someone tries to subdue their partner. In other words, a woman is not looking for a beloved man, but is trying to fall in love with someone at whose expense she will solve her internal or material problems.
  4. With the development of a sense of joy. Men are drawn to those women who are internally happy. And when a woman is angry, offended or upset, she does not attract men, although she really needs them.

How to find a good husband?

"A good husband" is a vague concept. For every girl, a husband is good in his own way. That is why sometimes you need to decide on the criteria for goodness in order to understand what kind of husband will be considered as such.

  • A little older than himself, no more than a couple of years. This is associated with the peculiarities of the psychological maturation of men and women. It is better when a man is a little older than a woman.
  • Choose the same active man as the woman herself. This feature does not change. There will be no contradictions if the partners are equally active in their lifestyles.
  • Choose with a clear understanding of who you need. Make a list of criteria that a man must meet. This will also allow you to understand where to look for it. What should a man be interested in and what image should he lead? Look for him there.
  • From a good family. It should be understood that on a subconscious level, a man adopts those models that existed in the family of his parents.
  • Free. Married men are no longer suitable. They cannot be good husbands if they take you as mistresses and even leave their wives.
  • With acceptable flaws. Understand that perfect men do not exist. Whatever husband you choose for yourself, he will have flaws. If you can put up with them, then this person is right for you.

You can look for a husband anywhere: in the company of friends, on dating sites, in a cafe and even a nightclub. It is not known where fate will bring you and when it will happen.

How to find a rich husband?

One of the popular criteria for selecting men for husbands is wealth. Many young ladies are looking for exceptionally rich husbands. Well, they are entitled to it. How to look for them?

All rich men are divided into:

  1. Clearly rich men. Such men are very easy to see and recognize. They are literally hung with wealth. They drive expensive cars, wear luxury watches, eat in restaurants, travel everywhere, go only to expensive places, etc. Such men love admiration, so they show their wealth. You can find such a husband in the place where he is found - in any expensive institution. At the same time, you yourself need to look very rich and luxurious. A man will evaluate your appearance, manners, and then your willingness to admire him. To attract him, you need to show that you are interested in his personality, and not money. But here, too, one must not overdo it.
  2. Hidden rich men. Such men are very difficult to recognize, because they do not stand out from ordinary people. They have a lot of money, but at the same time they buy only high-quality food, cook it themselves, buy comfortable, sometimes unfashionable clothes, a car should be practical and comfortable, not expensive. Such people can rest in the same places as ordinary people, or they can end up in expensive establishments. They are very difficult to recognize at first. Women are not chosen by their appearance. Even very beautiful and chic ladies may not attract them. How to conquer them? Here the man needs to show that you are an interesting, extraordinary, practical and unique person. You can’t play games with him, he sees them and refuses to communicate. He loves openness and honesty. At the same time, a woman should be interesting and even help and support him in some way.

How to find a husband on the Internet?

If you decide to find, then you should be careful and careful. When posting photographs, exclude sexual and compromising ones from them. Do not arouse sexual desire if you do not want offers to see each other for one night.

Go online regularly, constantly keep in touch with men. Be open and honest. In your profile, indicate the goals and criteria of the men you are interested in. When communicating with men, try to learn as much as possible about them. Do not pause, but do not rush to answer. At first, communicate with a man, you do not need to immediately give your phone number. In a few days, you can give your number to chat live and even see each other.

How to find a husband for a woman with a child?

Many ladies think that having children deprives them of the opportunity to organize their personal lives. This is fundamentally wrong. Men are ready to communicate with women who may even have two or more children. The problem is not with the children, but with the women themselves.

Many mothers forget about themselves as women. They are engaged in everyday life, children, cease to be interested in anything and please themselves. What can mothers do? To become interesting for men, you need to be a woman. Do not forget about your child, but also take care of yourself:

  1. Get yourself in order.
  2. Dress nice and wear makeup.
  3. Interested in something else besides the child.
  4. Flirt with men.
  5. Be happy and interesting.

How to find a husband after 40?

If a woman starts a new personal life after 40, then she needs to remember how to communicate with men. You need to be attractive, beautiful and lively. Do not forget that a woman should be cheerful and interesting. At 40, people already have established habits that they are not ready to give up. Most likely, a woman will have to change for a man or look for such a gentleman who will have the same habits as her.

Don't try to start dating right away. Base your relationship with a man on common interests and lifestyle. Realize that you are no longer little children. Use your experience. Eliminate from the relationship those mistakes that previously led to the rupture of the love union.


It is easy to make a mistake and choose a loved one, with whom the days will then be filled with suffering, indignation and anger. You know for yourself how the world begins to seem when relationships do not go well. But a loved one is the one you want to trust, you give everything, from whom you give birth to children. This is much more than just an acquaintance or friendship.

It's easy to choose the wrong partner. Much depends on a clear understanding of what kind of relationship is needed and what is required from partners in this case. It's one thing if you are looking for a lover, then it doesn't matter to you what he is like when he is sick or has a headache. The main thing is that he be handsome, energetic and creative at the right time. Another thing is when it comes to a person with whom you would like to start a family. It requires more than just beauty and sexual liberation.

Everyone should make their own list of the parameters by which they will choose their spouse. But there are 3 main criteria that are absolutely necessary to create a strong and developing family:

  1. Partner agrees. It does not obey you, does not subjugate itself, namely, it agrees. After all, a family is created by two adults, and not by a slave and a slave owner. Therefore, you should look at how the other half knows how to conduct partnerships, where he is respected and you are respected.
  2. Does the partner admit his own mistakes? People are wrong. During a quarrel, you can make a mistake, your partner can make a mistake. Usually two people are involved in a quarrel. As such, both are to blame. The first started a quarrel, the second made his contribution to discontent - and off we go. So, does the partner admit his part of the blame? If he doesn't apologize for what he did, then understand that he blames everyone but himself.
  3. What does the partner say about other people, especially members of the opposite sex? Listen to how a man speaks about others. There are no perfect people. But if a loved one offends, and representatives of your gender generally shock, surprise and annoy him, then understand that soon he will speak these words to you, do not hesitate.

Use these criteria when choosing a partner with whom you can still create a strong and happy family. Of course, add your selection options as well. Only you know how you personally see your family life. Choose exactly the one who fits into this picture and wants to live the same way.

The most important task in finding your soul mate for a woman is, paradoxically, the search for herself. It is a search, not an external improvement. If you can reasonably assess your capabilities, aspirations and requests, finding a guy or a man for life will become much easier. In the old days, they said about an ambitious or, on the contrary, too modest girl: “She doesn’t know how to set prices for herself,” meaning the above.

Exotic good for a while

Important in the search for a partner is the now forgotten concept of class. Whatever the Democrats say, it’s better to look for your own kind. If you are a city dweller in seven generations, a man born in the countryside, be he three times good and rich, after a while will begin to seem to you a klutz. In his childhood memories, he has a wonderful time for haymaking, and you have your first trip to the ballet with your grandmother, a music lover. Of course, love works wonders, connecting different worlds. But it will take a lot more effort to grind. In addition, not only you, but also your relatives on both sides will have to grind. Conflict is almost inevitable. In general, do not chase the exotic.

Figuratively speaking, you will not be able to eat bananas and cassava all your life without violence against yourself if you grew up on milk and buckwheat.

It is important to read some books

But common memories of similar conditions of growing up are what will bring a woman and a man together additionally. It is important to read some books and watch some films. For life, you need to look for a man who shares most of your values ​​​​and beliefs, views on the upbringing of future children and the tasks of spouses in the family.

Only after polishing such beliefs in oneself, one can go in search of a soul mate. Otherwise, how will you know if this is your half, or from a completely different opera?

Search group in action

Look for a man to live in those places where your life basically takes place. Although, unfortunately, very often for women such a place is their work. An alliance with a person working in the same direction as you can make your couple stellar. You understand each other from a half-word, support professionally, are engaged in a common interesting business ... But do you have enough energy and common sense to continue your life in the profession, becoming an apprentice, secretary and housekeeper of a successful specialist?

For some reason, often, women stumble precisely on this, hiding behind the back of a former colleague, and now a loved one.

It is best to set up a search in places that are not directly related to your work activity. Attending all sorts of lectures and interest clubs, volunteer events, perhaps even religious ones - this is exactly what you need. Social networks will also help, although the mass of absolutely normal applicants treats them coldly, sincerely wondering why such a waste of time is needed? But if a person wrote somewhere in the comments a hot review for a concert of a group that you are crazy about - this is a completely different matter. It is not a sin to meet such a person in real life.

The most unimportant options for finding a man for life are vacation spots, gyms and nightclubs. Acquaintance on the street also has little chance of turning into something worthwhile.

Why do some women literally bathe in male attention, while others can sit on dating sites for months, but never go on a single real date? Answering this question, psychologists have established that all problems are exclusively in our head. It is not necessary to be a beauty with model parameters in order to drive the members of the opposite sex crazy. In order to find the man of your dreams, it is enough to follow six simple rules.

Let go of the past

The model of relations between a man and a woman is laid in a girl in the family, and if you saw before your eyes a not very good example of your parents, then the chance to simulate the same painful situation again and again, but already in your relationship, increases dramatically. Try to let go of the past and forget about old grievances. Each man is a certain experience, which may not have made you happier, but certainly added wisdom to you.

Decide on a set of qualities that an ideal man should have. For someone it will be a sense of humor, generosity and the ability to meet you halfway in conflict situations. And someone loves athletic men and dreams that he could cook as well as Jamie Oliver. Try to introduce your future partner as carefully as possible. If you like a certain type of appearance, then it will not be shameful to put your favorite actor or performer on the screen saver on your phone. Visualize your dreams, more often imagine how you would like to be courted or where your ideal first date could be. The more clearly you formulate your desires, the sooner the universe will respond to your request.

love yourself

Before saying the phrase “I love you”, learn to say the word “I” - this approach to life really works, because people who do not respect their own individuality and consider themselves mediocre are unlikely to be able to attract the attention of a worthy man who can build a healthy relationship . Learn to accept yourself for who you are. And even if you still can’t do it because of a couple of extra pounds, at least try to start fighting with your complexes and shortcomings. The flaws that you see in yourself, most likely, are only in your subjective opinion. Remember: for every product there is a buyer. Many men, by the way, consider feminine forms to be much more attractive than athletic figures.

Imagine what kind of woman can interest the man of your dreams, and just become her. If you want your future husband to be a top manager of an oil company, while in your wardrobe there is not a single dress, not to mention high-heeled shoes, then count on the potential prince on a white horse when he sees you on the street , will hardly see the woman of his dreams behind the girl in a sports sweatshirt and hair hastily pulled into a ponytail. Be objective: if you want to meet the perfect man, make sure that he cannot pass you by.

Stop living as a "hermit crab", get things that suggest the presence of a man in your life. For example, buy a pair of men's slippers and put them in the hallway - just in case. Or replace the narrow sofa with a full double bed. All this will help create the right energy around you. Allow yourself to think that very soon a person will appear in your life who will need all these things.

Let go of the situation

There is one interesting pattern - as soon as you let go of this or that situation in your life, it resolves itself. And love is no exception. So stop looking in every pretty member of the opposite sex for the one with whom you can spend your whole life. Learn to enjoy flirting and courtship, and once you do that, believe me, the man of your dreams will immediately appear on the horizon.

Such qualities of a man as kindness, fidelity, caring, diligence, generosity and beauty are invariably attractive to girls. But it should be understood that there are no abstract "good husbands." There is one, your own, the right person for you.

You can consider financial solvency as the main advantage. But you will have to live not with money, but with a living person. To meet every day, communicate, show love and care, raise children with a man who is rich and generous, but unpleasant to you, is very difficult. And such a life cannot be called happy. Therefore, when choosing a candidate for husbands, psychological factors and personal qualities of a man should come first.

  1. Psychological compliance. They say that opposites converge. Yes, but not for long. The best husbands are those with whom women feel an inner connection and spiritual unity, with whom it is good, pleasant and easy.
  2. similarity of outlook. This should be understood very broadly - both as a commonality of interests (only this alone can become the basis of a long-term relationship), and as a correspondence of the intellectual level, and as a similarity of traditions, beliefs, and cultural preferences.
  3. Lifestyle should not be too different either. A man's love for fishing, nature trips or mountain walks can become a source of serious conflict if his wife is a homebody and does not favor outdoor activities. Therefore, a life partner must be chosen according to oneself.

"And what about love?" - you ask. Love is a wonderful and strong feeling, but, unfortunately, mixed with physiology. She often makes it difficult to sensibly assess the qualities of her chosen one. In addition, you are going to live a long life with your betrothed, but what will happen if he loses his physical attractiveness?

In search of a husband, the girl tries to look as attractive as possible. Indeed, a man can fall in love with beautiful legs or a perfect face, but building family relationships with these parts of the body is somehow strange. And after 30 years, many men understand this.

How to choose a husband wisely

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Where to find a good husband

This question is asked by unmarried women, especially those over the age of 30, even more often than the first. If younger girls communicate with their peers at the university, at parties and parties, in clubs and fitness rooms, then the life of a woman after 30-35 years is often limited to work, home and rare meetings with the same unmarried friends.

If you want to find a good husband, then you should get out of your shell and start exploring the world outside of work and home.

  1. Sign up for a sports section, start going to a fitness club or gym. Even if you don’t meet a candidate for husbands there, you will become healthier and more attractive.
  2. Do you need not a "jock", but an intellectual? Then sign up for courses like in English or coaching.
  3. Are you looking for a solid, accomplished man? Then you need to attend various conferences, presentations, exhibitions more often.
  4. It is easy to find a future spouse in places of rest: on beaches, resorts, tourist bases. Often, a short-term flirtation of a holiday romance develops into a strong relationship.
  5. A common way of dating is specialized sites on the Internet that have recently become popular. According to statistics, 37% of online dating continues in real life.
  6. In the end, it makes sense to take a closer look at single men at work.

Finding a good husband is not an easy task. But, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone. And it is also important to remember that good husbands are not born and what your chosen one will become depends largely on you.

It is not easy for a woman to find a good man, but, in truth, it is not easy for a man to find a good woman either. This article is written by a man for almost desperate women who are sincerely looking for a good partner, but find only losers.


    Be yourself. When you get to know someone, you may want to show off your best side. There's nothing wrong with trying to make a good impression, but it's important not to get carried away, because otherwise, trying to sound like someone you're not will alienate a man. This also applies to myths about sexy clothes and constant flirting. If you don't respect your body, you'll only attract men who don't respect you and your body just the same, and it's just hard for a good man to take you seriously. Be yourself and men will respect you.

    Live life to the fullest. Unhealthy relationships built on one partner's overdependence on the other and obsession are often the result of your desperate need to have a man by your side to fill the gaps in your life. If you have low self-esteem, work on yourself, and over time this will change. Achieve your goals, devote time to your hobbies, live an interesting life that will not be limited by relationships with the opposite sex. Do not try to hide shyness under external unavailability. Learn to build relationships with different people and trust them, and then you will be able to share something not only with your man, but also with your friends. But above all, trust yourself. If you don't trust yourself, you won't be able to trust your man either.

    Be calm and confident. Men do not like it when their girlfriends act too intrusively, jealously, try to control everything, want to spend all the time together and throw tantrums. Learn to be calm about everything and enjoy life. Everyone has something from time to time, so do not demand increased attention to yourself. The presence of a woman who makes life harder, not more pleasant, will lead to a loss of interest on the part of a man. If, after a hard day, you are next to a man to support him and calm him down, you will win his favor, and he will reciprocate. Remember that all men, especially those who are considered to be good, look for a woman next to whom he is calm, and avoid those who make them nervous.

    Be aware of the difference in perception. Men often don't understand women's non-verbal cues. Do not be offended by this - men are simply arranged that way. A man perceives a woman's smile only as a sign that she may like him; he is afraid of accusations of narcissism, and therefore cannot perceive these gestures in any other way. Gradually give him more obvious signs of attention: touch his hand, wink, play a good-natured joke on him, do something else playful and sweet, and if you already know him well, you can even look for places where he tickles. Don't be afraid to tease him about the little things - women who think their men are perfect are often seen as weak. Flirting will not only allow you to show a man that you are ready for a closer relationship, but also help a man to start taking the initiative himself. Do not forget to consider the reaction of a man to all your actions.

    Take a look at yourself. The results of psychological research suggest that people are looking for partners to fill their spiritual emptiness. Sometimes emptiness turns out to be unhealthy: a woman may seek a man solely for seduction, in order to feel desired and draw attention to herself. Think about why you need a man so much, and be honest with yourself. Talk to a psychologist about this if you feel the need. A woman with a lot of psychological problems can only attract a man who also has a lot of psychological problems, and no normal man wants to deal with a woman with a lot of internal problems. To build a strong relationship with the right man, make sure your state of mind is in order.

    Don't play games. Nobody likes people people who play with the feelings of others. This is a scam and will hurt anyone who trusts you. Always be sincere, do not play games, and men will respect you, and someone may want a relationship with you. If you like a guy, don't push him away or be cold to him. Tell him about your feelings. Yes, some men like to be hunters, but all decent men will respect you and your feelings, so if you want to be left alone, they will not insist. Remember that men only understand everything literally: If you act like you don't like a guy, he will think you don't like him.

    Respect the man. This is the most important principle. Men do not tolerate women who discount their masculinity, so any self-respecting man will rush to part with such a woman. Don't be afraid to help a man boost his confidence. Let's reveal a little secret: men can feel vulnerable in the same way as women. In the presence of family members or with his friends, do not miss the opportunity to emphasize the masculinity of your chosen one. This will help you win his respect and love.

    Don't be afraid to take the initiative. A good man does not feel a desperate need just for a woman - he dreams of finding a suitable match for himself, that is, a really good woman. At a minimum, he will be happy with compliments on his appearance. But remember that compliments are usually appropriate only between acquaintances; if the relationship between two people is closer, people feel more comfortable and can afford to tease or make fun of each other without feeling embarrassed. It is these relationships that develop between brothers and sisters, parents and children, and a harmonious couple will also have such relationships - they love to joke, flirt with each other and laugh together. A woman who constantly compliments may seem boring, and her behavior will be perceived as a desperate attempt to please. Even if it is unacceptable for you to ask a man on a date, you can always look for a way to be with him and spend time with him. But do not overdo it: if he did not show you signs of attention before, your careful attempts to arrange a meeting that he did not plan may betray you, and then you will no longer look so attractive in his eyes. First, win his favor.

    Respect yourself. If you say no, he should stop. If he doesn't stop, leave. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable when you say no. Don't try to keep a man by compromising your beliefs. If you have to break your principles for the sake of his society, then either he is not worthy of you, or he is a good person, but not right for you (for example, he is ready to move on to a physical relationship and speaks honestly about it, but you are looking for spiritual intimacy first of all ). However, feel free to say yes. If you think this is the right time, trust that this is the way it should be, and don't worry about wasting yourself. You respect yourself, and if he feels it, he will want to be with you. A man who does not respect you in the morning has not respected you before, and a man who is not ready to accept your desire to take your time is too impatient and will not make a good partner. In both cases, look elsewhere.

    Follow the golden rule. Demand from yourself the same thing that you want to demand from the rest, including your man. Real men notice when someone does this, but prefer not to talk about it. For example, if he says he has a girlfriend but the relationship isn't working out, stop - this can be a test, so be firm and stop talking (this is how the golden rule works). Or another example: if you are trying to find places on his body where he tickles, do not be offended if he tries to do the same to you. Do not complain to him about men and do not declare that you do not need anyone, unless you want him to answer you in the same way. Show respect for men, behave with dignity and nobility. People around you will notice this, and if they know that you are looking for a good man, but while you have no one, they may introduce you to someone.

    Don't be too intrusive. In other words, don't smother him with your love and don't spend all your time with him. He also needs his space, and it is important for him to know that he can go somewhere without you. And, most importantly, he needs to know that you have your own life.

  1. Read something on this subject. If you want to learn more about how to meet your man, you may find this e-book helpful: www.howtogetaman.org

    • The easiest way to get to know someone is through mutual friends or acquaintances or on the basis of a common hobby, but you should not find new hobbies for yourself just to get acquainted with them with someone. If you meet a man at a bar, he may turn out to be a drinker. If you meet him in a church, he will be religious. The first impression is very important, so if his first impression of you is the image of an eternal party girl, it will be difficult for you to change anything in his perception later. If you seem nervous to him or inclined to play with human feelings, it will also be difficult for you to get rid of this image.
    • Remember the golden rule. If you want him to do something, you must be willing to do it yourself. Do you want him to ask you out on a date, take you somewhere, or do something else for you? You must sincerely want to do the same for him. Don't expect him to always do everything first. A real man respects a woman who demands the same from herself as from her partner.
    • Men feel when communication in the office becomes impersonal and cold. But you can fix the situation by becoming sweet, outgoing, and charismatic. Light flirting can be a way to dilute boring office days, and it is quite possible that from time to time passing colleagues or even fans will flirt with you. Eat well, take care of yourself and exercise. Why not? Visit a beautician, work with a stylist if you want to look perfect.


    • Always give a man his personal space when he needs it - never get between a man and his friends, family obligations, or a favorite hobby (for example, playing a musical instrument in a band). Put him in front of a choice, and he will hate you for it, even if, given the choice, he would prefer you to the rest.
    • Remember that interesting men seek interesting women. Don't limit your life to a relationship with a man.