Kindergarten in-depth study of English. English kindergarten? Or maybe an English nanny

Another language is a different vision of life.
Frederico Fellini


IN The eternal dilemma of young mothers and fathers is the choice,what is better for a child: a nanny or Kindergarten? The answer to this question is especially difficult for those parents who seek to raise a bilingual or polyglot. They need to understand what is better to cope with the task of teaching the baby a second language: an English kindergarten or a nanny from England? Consider the pros and cons of each solution.

Known fact: from 0 to 3 years -

the best time to learn a second language.

During this period, the baby learns

another language along with the native.

Next « golden time» - 4–7 years old.

IN preschool age children don't translate

in my head, but simply switch from one

language to another. And the third period, when

parents have a chance to raise a bilingual -

from 8 to 10-12 years old.

Choosing a private English kindergarten


  • The kid is surrounded by peers and not only masters the language, but also learns to communicate with children;
  • The group has a teacher with knowledge of English, who is a native speaker;
  • The private kindergarten is organized according to the principle of forming small groups of 10-15 people, which guarantees high-quality language teaching and child care;
  • Kindergarten develops the child's independence skills and instills elements of etiquette;
  • Children are provided with educational activities suitable for their age;
  • In the kindergarten, children are prepared for the subsequent admission to school.

The listed pluses are more likely to be an ideal kindergarten. Unfortunately, even in Moscow, one can count on one hand the institutions that not only bear the name "English kindergarten", but really offer high-level services.


  • A teacher with knowledge of English is not always a native speaker and has the necessary qualifications. Most often, educators are former tutors and teachers who do not have experience working with young children;
  • In most foreign kindergartens, children and teachers speak Russian, and a second language is given in special classes. It is impossible to talk about the effect of immersion in another language environment with this approach;
  • Getting into a good bilingual kindergarten is not easy. Upon admission, the baby must speak English, since communication in the kindergarten takes place only in a foreign language;
  • in the right English gardens- international groups. For example, a kindergarten at the British Embassy introduced quotas: only 10-20% of children from the total number of students per nationality, so there are not always places for Russian-speaking kids;
  • An English kindergarten can work according to the British education program, which Russian children do not need;
  • Children may experience delay mental development due to the fact that communication takes place only in English. This actual problem for children who come to kindergarten at 4-5 years old with zero knowledge of the language;
  • In specialized gardens, there may be a bias towards classes to the detriment of walks and games. It turns out that from the age of 4-5, the baby practically ends up in an English special school;
  • Foreign language kindergarten does not always lead to second language fluency because the daughter or son does not receive language support at home.

We add to this that any kindergarten - viral diseases. Children visiting kindergartens get sick more often than home babies.

Kindergarten may be far away, and small children often get sick in the car. In this case, every trip will turn into a problem.

It is not uncommon for parents to have a “non-Sadikovskiy” baby, and then about any even very good kindergarten there can be no talk.

Psychologists say that in order to

child grew up bilingual 30% of the time

awake he must use

second language. Otherwise baby

begin to understand foreign

language, but will not become a native speaker.


An English kindergarten does not guarantee the development of bilingualism in a baby, and a lot of effort and money will have to be made for education.

Choosing an English nanny


  • A nanny from the UK will start looking after the baby almost from birth, while kindergarten with English is usually accepted from 2–2.5 years old. For working parents, this can be a problem.
  • Nanny from England is a native speaker. She communicates with her ward only in English - this guarantees immersion in a different language environment, which a kindergarten with a foreign language cannot always provide
  • The duties of a nanny include not only teaching English, but also comprehensive development, as well as daily care for the pupil
  • English nanny - professional worker who was trained in the UK before starting his career
  • A nanny from England goes through a tough selection, so the horror stories about mistreatment, which are usually used to scare each other opponents of hiring nannies, are excluded
  • An English nanny simply has no right to work badly. Receipt negative feedback will lead to her exclusion from the database and the inability to get a job as a nanny anymore


The only negative is the cost and the need to provide a place to stay in a family. But even this minus can be eliminated if you invite a nanny without accommodation.


a bilingual kindergarten cannot compete with a professional nanny from England who will offer individual approach and maximum immersion in the language environment.

English nanny has knowledge

in the field of child psychology,

first aid, prevention

illness and child care.

Babysitters study at the Creative Skills special course

educate kids through games

and respond appropriately

subordinates' actions. Babysitters located

in the English Nanny database, have a diploma

CACHE (or similar) and certificates

for first aid.

All candidates are screened

on criminal bases CRB.

It is worth adding that in some cases there is no question of competition. A good English kindergarten accepts children with knowledge of English. It is quite reasonable to first hire a nanny from England for a newborn, and then, when the child grows up, take him to an English kindergarten at the age of 4-5.

A nanny or a governess from England will prepare the baby for admission to a kindergarten with a foreign language. In the future, they will help him with his homework, since the entire program in specialized kindergartens is conducted only in English.

Anglo-American School of Moscow (AAS)

1st Beregovaya

Britannia School

st. Fabricius, house 36

The British International School (BIS)

School No. 1 - B. Academic, 24;

School No. 2 - Priorova, 9;

School No. 3 - Novoyasenevsky pr-t, 19/5;

School No. 4 - Inessa Armand, 4A;

School No. 5 - Nakhimovsky Ave, 35A;

School No. 7 - Priorova, 9/1;

School No. 8 - Rosinka;

School No. 9 - Nakhimovsky Ave, 35B

The International School of Moscow (ISM)

Krylatskaya, 12

English Playschool Moscow

Leninsky avenue, 87a

Little Angels Kindergarten

Novocheremushkinskaya, 49

Kindergarten Lychik

Alabyan, 12k9;

Ostozhenka, 7

Magic Castle

M. Karetny lane;

Serebryany Bor, Picturesque, 3/1;

Dostoevsky, 1/21

Kindergarden Magic World

Michurinsky Ave, 6/3

Montessori "Happy Child" Pre-school

Udaltsova, 36

Moscow Montessori School

Starovolynskaya, 12/3

Pre-school P "tit Cref

B. Afanasevsky per., 41;

Myakinino, cottage settlement "Residence Rublevo"

English Nursery School

Obrucheva, 4, building 3;

4th Dobryninsky per., 8;

Pyreva, 10A;

21st km of Novorizhskoe highway, Onegino cottage settlement

IN modern conditions a person who speaks one language is initially placed in worse conditions than a bilingual, and even more so, a polyglot. Ceteris paribus, his chances of landing a high-paying job are much lower, especially if we are talking about a company that is active in international activities. About prospects career development in general, it is better to keep silent: for promotion to high position knowledge of languages ​​is usually required.

Bilingual kindergartens initially prepare children for living in a multilingual space. IN tender age children learn active vocabulary and commonly used grammatical constructions much better than schoolchildren, and even more so adults. In the future, a graduate of an English kindergarten is far ahead of classmates in terms of linguistic achievements. In addition, the early learning of foreign languages ​​has a positive effect on general development child.

The best bilingual kindergartens: their difference from the usual ones

Almost every kindergarten in Moscow, municipal or private, offers pupils circles for studying foreign languages, but this does not make them bilingual. True bilingualism occurs when a child is able to communicate in two languages ​​almost equally, for example, moves from Russian to English fluently, depending on the speech of the interlocutor.

A foreign language circle is necessary and useful, but it does not solve the problem of acquiring communication skills in full.

Signs of bilingual kindergartens are:

  • the presence of teachers who are native speakers who also speak Russian;
  • special development programs, usually the use of the method of immersion in a foreign language environment;
  • a special contingent of pupils: many children from international and foreign-speaking families.

When choosing an English kindergarten (well, or another bilingual kindergarten), you should pay attention not only to the main area of ​​activity, but also to other parameters: schedule of stay, availability of additional options, catering, and so on.

Based on the feedback from parents and independent teachers, we have created an impromptu TOP of the best kindergarteners whose programs are aimed at developing bilingual skills.

The KidsEstate kindergarten is located in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Patriarch's Ponds. The kindergarten was founded in 2003, and has accumulated vast experience in working with a variety of children.

The main value is maximum careful attitude for children and an individual approach to each. That's why studying proccess optimally organized and combined with healthy regimen. Babies are not only healthy and mental strength, but also multiply them.

The guys will get to know the world in two languages ​​with native English speakers from the USA and Great Britain and Russian-speaking professionals. The team creatively, cheerfully and effectively organizes the everyday life of kids in the garden. You won't get bored in the English-Russian kindergarten KidsEstate! And at the same time - no overload and maximum effect in the Anglo-Russian education from two to seven years.

The first half of the day is in English, the second half is in Russian. Many interesting interactive projects in which children go to the zoo, planetarium, and also meet in the garden interesting guests, such as, for example, the musicians from the Novaya Opera.

According to his desire and interests, the child can choose additional sections and workshops: martial arts, a theater studio, a robotics workshop, an English language studio, including Cooking Class and chess in English, a section on rhythmic gymnastics, creative workshop.

In the summer, KidsEstate turns into a real one summer camp. The largest protected area in the center of Moscow, shady canopies, green lawn and trees - excellent conditions for summer education and recreation.

Magic Castle International School

Magic Castle International School has been in existence for over 10 years. All 3 of our kindergartens in Moscow operate under the international program National Curriculum for England, and we guarantee that after our kindergarten, the child will be able to continue studying under the international program in Russia or abroad in a group of children of his age. Experienced teachers of native speakers find an individual approach to each child.

We are proud of the atmosphere that reigns in Magic Castle. Our team of professionals manages to create a comfortable and friendly environment in which every child feels happy. Love and care are the fundamental principles of work at Magic Castle International School.

We believe that language immersion is the most effective and natural method learning. We only speak English throughout the day. Children from different countries and by communicating in the same language, children can play and explore the world together.

We understand how important it is to give the child to try as many activities as possible - creative, sports, intellectual. Every child is talented and our task is to give him the opportunity to reveal his talent. Every day in the Magic castle is filled with amazing discoveries.

Children inspire us to constantly develop - we add new additional classes, implement new programs and directions. Extension for schoolchildren in English, summer camp at sea, city summer camp for schoolchildren, huge selection classes for mothers and babies, interesting excursions, learning more than 6 foreign languages ​​with native teachers - these are just a small part of our projects. With Magic Castle International School you can be sure of the quality of education and leisure for your child!

School of Cooperation and its bilingual kindergarten

The School of Cooperation operates one of the best English kindergartens, where the unique program "English Theater" is being implemented. This wonderful place has Pushkin Garden, a corner of Germany, France, Ancient Hellas and, of course, Great Britain, but no matter what wonderful “country” we are talking about, English is spoken everywhere! The children were presented with a real theater, where they act as both actors and directors.

A theater zone with an almost "real" stage and a set of props is available in almost every group. Children actively use the theater corners on their own, trying themselves as heroes of various works, and experienced teachers (of course, native speakers) help the children in staging real musicals. Education in the kindergarten of the School of Cooperation is an amusing trip around the world with a theatrical-linguistic bias!

P'titCREF: learning three languages ​​at once!

P'titCREF is one of the few kindergartens offering three languages ​​at once: Russian, English, French. Children just play, boring cramming is completely absent: foreign languages ​​​​are absorbed organically.

P'titCREF has many children from bilingual families. Some of them do not speak Russian at all. The methodology is based on the unification of multilingual children into a single group: kids can always agree. They do not notice the hardships of education at all, and the program also includes other subjects: reading, writing, arithmetic, logic, fundamental preparation for school is underway. Creative and sports activities, because, according to P'titCREF teachers, every child should have every opportunity to develop their abilities. And for kids that two languages, that three - it is completely indifferent, they have no fear of mistakes, so children learn with joy.

Four kindergartens of the P'titCREF system are currently open in Moscow. Children who have reached two years of age. The guys are divided into groups of 8-12 people, according to age.

Baby-Bilingual Club - one of the best English kindergartens

The branched structure of the Baby-Bilingual Club includes three bilingual kindergartens, working according to the well-proven method of immersion in the linguistic environment. Boring classes, desks and thick textbooks - this is not about the Baby-Bilingual Club: it is always fun there, they sing songs, put on theatrical skits, read and discuss fairy tales. And all this in English!

The special pride of this English kindergarten is a unique pedagogical team. The Baby-Bilingual Club employs exclusively native English speakers who are professionals in early development. All of them have at least 5 years of experience and excellent references from past jobs.

In addition to fun and useful activities aimed at developing communication skills, children are offered a lot of other interesting activities: making crafts, extravaganza of board and active games, theatrical performances, choreographic studio. Teachers, pupils and their parents celebrate many holidays together, often on fresh air. In the summer months, a language camp is organized on the basis of the club in the Hermitage Garden.

Bilingual Kindergarten MILC

MILC operates two bilingual kindergartens, where the well-established “fifty/fifty” system is being successfully implemented. That is, until the middle of the day, children study in English and use it in everyday life, in the afternoon - in Russian. Classes are taught by native speakers who are professionals in early development at the same time. That is: we went through the topic in English, then it in Russian and vice versa. This system is very conducive to consolidating knowledge in full and expanding the active vocabulary.

Staying in these kindergartens has a lot of additional advantages: for example, classes in the sensory room contribute to the development of fine motor skills and the enrichment of the palette tactile sensations. And the salt cave will become a natural clinic for children with various allergic reactions and will help strengthen the immune system.

English Nursery & Primary School: English kindergarten and primary school

The system unites five kindergartens and primary school. Teachers are specially discharged from the UK and have vast experience in working with foreign-speaking kids.

Before entering the kindergarten, each small applicant passes a mini-test, the purpose of which is to determine the optimal scheme for adapting to the English-speaking environment. Preschools practice the use of the English system of pre-school education approved for kindergartens in the UK (the official Russian program is optional). Toddlers are given the opportunity to learn a third language, attend sport sections and a variety of creative studios.

Fly High Kids Academy: every child is unique!

Future citizens of the world must comprehend not only the authentic features of cultures, but also their similarities and learn to realize their unity. It is to life in the international world and free communication with representatives of various nations that they teach at the "Children's Academy of Aerobatics".

Children are accepted into the kindergarten from the age of one and a half, but classes in bilingual groups begin only at 3.5. Groups are formed on an international basis: children from different countries learn to interact during the game and resolve everyday situations. The process is led by native speakers. There is a day mode organized classes too, but the guys are not allowed to fool around and try themselves in all areas of activity.

HappyBee Kindergarten: Montessori system in action

HappyBee Bilingual Kindergarten implements the Montessori system, which means that pupils are given maximum freedom of action. Classes are conducted by native English speakers, but they do not mentor the child to a given goal, but gently guide him in accordance with an individual program.

The kid himself chooses the type of activity (practical, educational, creative, and so on), and English-speaking educators help him improve. All Montessori manuals involve learning in interaction, through play and communication. The guys comprehend not only English, but also Russian, mathematics, natural sciences, develop Creative skills on music and fine arts.

The mode of the day is as free as possible, there is no obligatory quiet hour. Children from 1.5 years old are accepted, for a full day - from 2.5 years old.

"World of Wonders": bilingual kindergarten-lyceum

The main thing in the activities of the "World of Wonders" is the development of the child's natural thinking: everything is done to ensure that the baby is independent of stereotypes. Children are taught to think and analyze their own actions, which helps them to become leaders in the future.

The World of Wonders educates potential leaders: in addition to English lessons with native speakers, kids are invited to study the basics of etiquette and general education disciplines. There are creative studios (including a theater group), sports activities are organized. A psychologist works at the kindergarten, you can additionally study a third language, French.

ABC KIDS Preschool: British format English kindergarten

In the ABC KIDS Preschool garden, the British pre-school education program is being implemented in synthesis with educational programs developed in Oxford. With each group of 10-12 people, not only the teacher-native speaker works, but also a bilingual assistant, whose main task is the organic integration of the child into the English-speaking environment. There are only 4 groups in the garden, enrollment is made throughout the year.

The garden is located on Prospekt Vernadsky, in an elite complex, so the pupils have at their disposal numerous sports and playgrounds, a lovely park with a pond and even a small zoo!

English classes instill interest in a foreign language, it is necessary that the child learns the language with pleasure, showing activity and initiative. To develop interest allows a variety of forms of education. Most efficient view activities at preschool age is a game, so we have English in an exciting game form.

In the classroom, children never get bored: they sing, draw, decorate, make crafts, move and play while learning English. Widely used application visual material: cards, posters, multimedia, songs and cartoons in English. Classes are held exclusively in English.

Speech and articulation skills are formed at a very early age. Already at the age of six months, the child consciously perceives the surrounding sounds, learns to correlate them with a specific source and independently recreate what he heard.

In the future, his intellect, curiosity, and ability to assimilate new information depend on how varied and rich the communication of the baby in the preschool period will be. Therefore, the professional language preparation of children for school in kindergarten is of great importance and always gives the expected result.

"Development of the 21st century" - a confident start in learning English

The institutions in our network employ experienced and talented educators who specialize in teaching children aged 2 to 6 years. By choosing a kindergarten with English "Development 21st century", you are doing a significant contribution to the happy and successful future of your child. Several factors contribute to high learning outcomes:

  • accounting age features;
  • classes in small groups;
  • use of author's methods;
  • an exciting game form;
  • teachers - native English speakers;
  • colorful visual material.

Among the priority tasks of our teachers are not only direct teaching of English in kindergarten, mechanical memorization of words and phrases. We strive to make learning new information interesting, memorable and fun.

A solid approach is a guarantee of successful results

Each lesson in our institution is developed the best specialists in Moscow. The learning process involves visual, auditory, motor memory, creative thinking and imagination. This provides variety, fast and untiring consolidation of the material covered. By attending a private kindergarten with a native English speaker, a child with any level of training quickly masters:

  • correct pronunciation;
  • auditory perception;
  • construction simple sentences;
  • basic vocabulary and intonation;
  • important communication skills.

Kindergarten with the study of English forms the ability to quickly switch attention, update information and actively, without any restrictions, use the knowledge gained.

Interesting learning and harmonious development

Kindergarten with a native speaker of English "Development of the 21st century" is a unique institution where every child is surrounded by care, attention and help from professionals. Classes for the study of foreign vocabulary and grammar include different kinds activities:

Thematic classes are closely related to each other, which allows you to constantly refresh knowledge and form an extensive lexicon. At the same time, the emotional, intellectual and physical load is optimized.

The kindergarten with in-depth study of English is waiting for everyone who wants to provide for their children a good education And favorable conditions for harmonious development.

Every parent asks himself at some point important question Why does my child need English? Why should my child learn English when he is not yet 3 years old, is it really so important for his future?

"English for the little ones" allows children to develop harmoniously and easily learn a foreign language. Learning English from the very beginning early age- this open road to a successful future and a guarantee of a solid foundation for your baby already from the cradle.

The format of the English kindergarten in Moscow

For children from 1 to 6 years old, Smile English School offers an educational program "English for the little ones" in the Mini Club group.

All classes are conducted by a native speaker, he is assisted by an assistant, this allows children to fully immerse themselves in the language environment and hear real English from an early age and think in a second language.
Our experienced teaching assistants will hear the request of any kid in time. They will be able to give the child a drink, or help with the application, or go to the toilet with him. Thanks to this, all our young students will feel comfortable and easily immerse themselves in the exciting creative process in English.

There are no more than 6 people in each Mini Club group - this is the optimal composition of the group so that children can communicate and learn from each other, and at the same time the teacher can pay enough attention to each kid.

Our English private kindergarten conducts all classes in a playful way with the child's attention switching every 10-15 minutes. This is a full and exciting life in English, which your little one will definitely like.

It's no secret that children need to play for quick and deep assimilation of new knowledge. The game is conceived by nature itself as an activity that allows kids to explore the world. All that remains for teachers is to direct this natural process, to introduce new experience. The main thing is not to be late.

What we do in class:

  • we develop fine motor skills, these exercises also have a positive effect on memory, attention, the ability to concentrate and the vocabulary of our students;
  • we sculpt, draw, make applications, various crafts, which contributes to the development of fantasy and imagination;
  • we study the basics of mathematics (colors, shapes, counting, comparisons, size, etc.), thereby developing logical thinking;
  • playing, we learn English verses and new words and expressions, we develop memory;
  • we read and learn to tell, express our thoughts in English;
  • dance, sing and play active games, thereby learning to express ourselves and communicate easily in English;

Classes in the Mini Club is a well-composed rich program that allows you to harmoniously develop all the skills, abilities and abilities of a young talent. In addition, our kindergarten with in-depth study of the English language, which will allow children to easily and naturally learn English.

Daily routine of the Mini Club group

  • Morning exercisesfunny songs and counting rhymes in English, which easily fall on the ear and are remembered, raising the mood of the child, and charge him with vigor for the whole day.
  • circle time is one of the key activities in our mini-club. Remember how in the pioneer camp you gathered in a group in a circle and talked, discussed important events days, told stories or sang songs? During circle time, children get together with teachers and read a book in English. During the reading, new words and concepts are explained, the teacher and students act out scenes, play, sing songs or do crafts. All activities are connected with the plot of the book, woven into the narrative, making it alive, which contributes to a better assimilation of new material. By participating in this activity, children actively develop their speech, expand their active vocabulary, learn to use knowledge in practice.
  • Theater and Sport Therapy- promotes the development of plasticity, coordination of movements, improvement of posture, artistry, teaches the child to concentrate, keep balance, makes him dexterous and enduring, develops the ability to speak in public and interact in a group, reveals the creative abilities of each child. The teacher is a certified teacher in plastic and theater, has an international certificate.
  • Dance- are used in the classroom best exercises from ground gymnastics, elements of baby yoga, stretching, dance elements are being learned. Parents can see the results at one of our matinees. The teacher is a professional dance teacher.
  • Music in Russian- these are a variety of English songs, acquaintance with different musical instruments and their use as an accompaniment to songs. Classes are conducted by a qualified music teacher together with a group teacher.
  • Movie and Library time- time to get acquainted with all the variety of fascinating English books and our video library, kids have the opportunity to read, hear or see their favorite story in English. Also choose a book to read at home or a video in English to watch with your family.
  • puzzle time- time to collect the most interesting puzzles and practice with puzzles.
  • Montessori time- classes aimed at developing fine motor skills, logic, memory, speech and thinking. Work in a Montessori environment with educational materials.
  • messy play- activities that have an art therapeutic effect include games with a variety of soiling materials (paint, sand, water, cereals). These games develop the imagination of children, teach them to communicate with each other. Children become more confident and learn to understand the world around them. Classes develop sensory skills, fine motor skills, logic, thinking.
  • Arts and Craftscreative pursuits where children perform crafts using a variety of techniques and materials. The topic for creativity is set by the teacher depending on the topic of the lesson.
  • Active games- active games to switch the child's attention and consolidate the material covered, songs and poems with movements are also used to work out previously studied vocabulary.

Our kindergarten with a native English speaker conducts classes in the Mini Club group, which help kids not only to get acquainted with English and master it, but also learn to communicate freely with peers in English, understand the English language of teachers, easily make new friends abroad and be harmonious develop. Mini Club is a world of colorful, joyful and happy childhood for inquisitive, active, creative, responsive and smart children.