Human chorionic gonadotropin and hypofunction of the gonad of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Indications for use. HCG use for weight control

It is not necessary to wait for an ultrasound scan, a doctor's examination or a test result to find out about a long-awaited conception. The fastest and most accurate result will be given by a blood test for hCG, which is done after ovulation and shows how long the pregnancy is. This test determines the level of the hCG hormone in the woman's blood, which is produced by the chorion, one of the membranes of the fetus. Pregnancy tests work on the same principle, but their sensitivity is not so great, and besides, the result can be false positive or false negative. In this regard, a blood test will be much more accurate and will be able to determine pregnancy much faster than tests. Its value is quite large:

  • If you donate blood for several days, at intervals of a day, then by the growth of hCG you can determine whether pregnancy is developing.
  • The analysis will be able to tell at a fairly early date whether your pregnancy is multiple or not.
  • According to the results of the study in dynamics, it is possible to determine whether the pregnancy is frozen or not.
  • In addition, monitoring hCG over time will help establish whether the ovum has been removed from the uterine cavity, or whether the pregnancy continues to progress. This is shown in cases where the pregnancy had to be terminated for a short period of time for medical reasons.
  • An increase in hCG in non-pregnant women and in men will indicate the possible development of various diseases, and this will allow such people to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Thus, a blood test for hCG is important not only during pregnancy or planning it, but also in other situations that require medical supervision.

When to get an HCG test

Despite the fact that the level of hCG in the blood is most likely to herald the presence of pregnancy, this does not mean that you can donate it a few hours after intercourse during ovulation. The fact is that this hormone begins to be produced only when the ovum is implanted to the wall of the uterus (or to the wall of the fallopian tube, if the pregnancy is ectopic). Implantation does not take place during the first hours of conception. V in the overwhelming majority of cases, it does not occur even in the first two or three days after fertilization of the egg. According to observations, implantation of the ovum can occur no earlier than 4 days after ovulation, and the main percentage falls on 5-6-7 days. In total, implantation can occur on any day from 4 to 12 days after ovulation.

If you keep a chart of basal temperature, then there may be a characteristic decrease in temperature during this period: for one day it will drop by 0.3 - 0.4 degrees. For example, it can drop from 37.4 to 37.0 degrees. This is called implantation retraction, and it means that from now on, the embryo begins to produce the hCG hormone, which can now be found in the blood of its mother.

In this regard, many women ask themselves the question: when to take a blood test for hCG? Experts recommend doing this no earlier than a week after the expected ovulation. And it is advisable to donate blood not once, but at least two times, in order to make sure that the pregnancy is alive and progressing in its development. A little later, sensitive pregnancy tests can become an indicator of an increase in hCG: at first, their test strip will be dim, but if you repeat the procedure with a test of the same brand after 48 hours, then you can notice progress in coloring.

It is important to know some of the features of blood sampling for this test:

  1. HCG is given on an empty stomach, the break should be at least 5 hours, starting from the last meal;
  2. blood is taken from a vein for analysis;
  3. the analysis for hCG must be taken no earlier than 7 days after the expected ovulation;
  4. blood donation is desirable in the morning, when the break between meals will be quite long.

Now you can get the test results for hCG by e-mail, just a few hours after the blood was taken. This helps to act quickly if a hormone is suddenly detected, and a woman, for example, has a lack of progesterone.

HCG hormone and drugs containing progesterone

There is a category of women who have and in the second phase of the cycle they have to take special drugs that artificially increase the level of this hormone in the blood. As a rule, it is either Duphaston or Utrozhestan in various dosages prescribed by the doctor. In this regard, such women often ask themselves the question: how to take hCG if you have to take hormonal drugs? Will they affect the analysis result?

To answer this question, let's turn to what is progesterone. This is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands and which is indispensable during pregnancy: it helps her to stay, successfully implant and develop, bypassing detachment and regression. In turn, we know that hCG is a hormone that is secreted not by the woman herself, but by the ovum. Thus, it is obvious that taking Duphaston or Utrozhestan is not able to affect the blood test for hCG, causing the result to be false positive.

However, these two hormones are related, but only in the sense that progesterone helps pregnancy stay in the uterus and develop. Accordingly, the level of hCG is also growing, because the future baby is alive. If there is no pregnancy, and progesterone is being taken, then the test result will still be negative.

HCG growth in ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, the increase in the level of hCG in the blood has a completely different dynamics. With the uterine attachment of the ovum, the hormone doubles its amount in a woman's body every 48 hours. However, in a fallopian tube pregnancy, hCG growth will not be as rapid. If a woman looks at the dynamics of several of her tests, she will notice that the doubling of the level of this hormone will not occur in 48 hours, but only after a few days. Of course, the final diagnosis can only be made by ultrasound and after examination on a gynecological chair, but early observation of a blood test for hCG in dynamics will determine an ectopic pregnancy much earlier than it usually happens. This will help remove the ovum from the fallopian tube, avoiding rupture and thus avoiding a direct threat to the woman's life.

The rise and fall of hCG in frozen pregnancies

A frozen pregnancy only in rare cases gives a slight increase in the level of the hormone. Deciphering the analysis in dynamics, usually, shows that immediately after the death of the embryo, this hormone begins to break down in the woman's body. For some time, its amount can be unchanged and remain at the same level. Then hCG falls, which will finally indicate that the pregnancy has died.

In other cases, the level of chorionic gonadotropin begins to decrease immediately, on the first day after the end of the ovum.

It is characteristic that, unlike an ectopic pregnancy, a frozen pregnancy may have absolutely no signs. A woman may not have bleeding and pain, even all signs of pregnancy (toxicosis, breast tenderness) may still persist. It so happens that for two or three weeks she may not even know that the pregnancy has died. It is in these cases that the monitoring of the dynamics of the blood test for hCG will be able to diagnose the state of the embryo, and by weeks of pregnancy, when decoding the data, it will become clear whether the embryo is alive or died.

First, let's try to conduct a little experiment. Take a strip of filter paper about 10 cm long and about 1-1.5 cm wide (blotter paper, and even a piece of toilet paper, napkin or paper towel will work) and apply a bold dot at a distance of about 1 cm from the edge with a water-soluble black felt-tip pen or Rainbow ink or a horizontal bar. Now dip this end into the water so that the dot just marked just touches the surface of the water and hold. You will see how, under the action of capillary forces, the water rises along the paper strip, carrying the ink with it. Very soon you will notice that the black spot is spreading into three: red, blue and green. When the water reaches the end of the strip, pull it out of the water.
] The phenomenon of separation of a mixture into components when they move with a current of a solvent along a porous carrier was discovered about 100 years ago by the Russian scientist M.S. Color just on mixtures of dyes is what it calls chromatography, or color painting.
If for the experiment we take strips of the same paper of the same length (at the same temperature and humidity), you will notice that the colored spots are always located at the same height. This fact is used in test strips.
Human urine contains in dissolved form a huge amount of substances, including hormones. Most of these substances are colorless and, it would seem, chromatography is useless here - after all, we will not see spots on the strip. However, we can apply to those places where we expect to see the substances of interest to us, special developers, which give a noticeable bright color with the substance to be determined.
This is how tests are arranged not only for pregnancy, but also for other hormones, drugs, and the once popular test strips for nitrates in vegetables, and much more.
Pregnancy tests use immunochromatography - a type of chromatographic analysis based on the interaction of an analyte (usually of a protein nature) with antibodies to it. According to the same principle of antigen-antibody interaction, the body's immune system works, hence the name.
The determined substance is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a glycopeptide hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. The appearance and rapid increase in the concentration of hCG in the body (and in particular, in the urine) of a woman makes it a fairly reliable sign of pregnancy.
Usually on the 7-10th day after fertilization, the hCG concentration reaches 25 mIU / ml (international units per ml) and doubles every 2-3 days, reaching a maximum between the 8th and 11th weeks of pregnancy, and then decreases to almost zero by the beginning of the 3rd trimester.
25 mIU / ml is the minimum concentration of hCG determined using immunochromatographic tests.
The test strip contains a conjugate (loose connection) of anti-hCG antibodies with a dye. When the urine sample moves along the absorbent strip, the conjugate binds to the hCG and forms an antigen-antibody complex. In the zone of positive reaction ("pregnant strip"), the complex binds to anti-hCG antibodies. This releases the dye and forms a reddish-pink streak.
If hCG is absent in the sample, no streak is clearly formed.
In the meantime, the urine moves further, bypasses the zone of positive reaction and reaches the zone of negative reaction ("control strip"). There, unbound antibody-dye conjugate binds to the reagents of the control strip, the dye is released and a second (control) strip of the same red-pink color is formed.
All reactions occur within 3-5, at least 7 minutes.
In low-quality tests, the dye can be cleaved from the conjugate before the entire antibody-hCG-dye complex reaches the reaction zones, forming blurry spots. They are most often mistaken for a "false positive" result. True false positive results are much less common and are caused by very specific reasons. Also, a weak second streak can appear if you "overexpose" the test, ie. read the readings not after the 5 minutes indicated on the package, but later. Such a line arises as a result of the evaporation of water from the surface of the dough, from which the conjugates are destroyed and the dye is released. So you shouldn't wait 10 minutes instead of 5 to “be sure”.
Since not every woman can accurately follow all the instructions and correctly interpret the test results, doctors, especially the old school, are not inclined to trust the tests.
The pregnancy test determines human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone secreted by the placenta from the moment the embryo is implanted into the uterine wall throughout pregnancy. The reliability of this test is very high - there is no placenta, no hCG. HCG can be determined both in blood (in the laboratory) and in urine (in the laboratory and at home).
In principle, a positive result can be obtained as early as the 7th day after ovulation. The embryo implantation takes 6-12 days, usually about 10 days. So it makes sense to wait 10-12 days after ovulation, but even in this case, there are often false negative results (i.e., there is a pregnancy, but the test is negative).
A false positive is when the test shows two stripes in the absence of pregnancy. This happens when a woman takes drugs containing hCG, as well as with trophoblastic tumors. After a spontaneous miscarriage or early abortion or removal of an ectopic pregnancy, hCG remains in the body for some time, and the test gives false-positive results (i.e. there is no pregnancy, but the test is still positive).
As in the case of taking medications containing hCG, in order to obtain reliable results, it is necessary to make two quantitative determinations of hCG with an interval of 2-3 days. A decrease in hCG levels indicates that there is no pregnancy.
Thus, false positives are relatively rare as opposed to false negatives. The latter are obtained when the gestational age is still too small and the hCG level is too low to be detected by the test (or the test itself is not sensitive enough).
Tests from different manufacturers have different sensitivity, most of them are designed to be used from the 1st day of delay in menstruation. In 90% ± 5% of cases, by this time the embryo is already implanted into the wall of the uterus and begins to produce hCG. However, in 10% of cases, implantation has not yet occurred.
With a delay of 1 week, implantation occurs already in 97% ± 3% of cases. However, in practice, the reliability of tests is limited by their sensitivity, so the actual reliability is somewhat lower.
Since the hCG level doubles every 2-3 days, a recommendation follows: in case of a negative result, if menstruation does not start, repeat the test after a few days.
It depends on the time elapsed since ovulation. The most concentrated urine is the first morning urine and is best used. But in principle, if you are testing early, it is enough not to urinate for 4 hours before the test. The higher the level of hCG in your body, the shorter this time. If, for any reason, the test cannot be performed immediately after urine collection, the urine should be stored in the refrigerator (no more than 48 hours) or in the freezer (no more than 2 weeks) before the test.
Follow the instructions on the dough packaging. Midstream tests (for use in a stream of urine) can also be used as a normal test (ie dipped in a container of urine), but then all the advantages of the midstream design are lost.
But test strips in a stream of urine CANNOT be used! The urine should be collected in a clean glass, plastic or waxed container; no preservatives should be added. If the test or urine was stored in the refrigerator, it should be allowed to warm to room temperature before analysis, and frozen samples should be completely thawed, mixed thoroughly and warmed to room temperature (do not use a stove or microwave for this!).
Do not touch the reaction zone of the dough with your hands. The test must be free from moisture or dirt prior to analysis. The test cannot be used after the expiration date. Of course, no foreign matter should be allowed to enter the urine sample. Violation of these rules leads to unreliable results.
On test strips of the simplest design, the upper strip is the control one, and the presence of hCG is shown by the lower one. There are tests in which the control strip forms a minus sign "-", and the second, in the presence of hCG, forms a plus sign "+" with it. In more complex test designs, each strip has its own window, and it is impossible to make a mistake. The brightness of the second strip does not matter, the very fact of its presence is important.
The strip, regardless of the intensity of the color, should be located at some distance from the absorbent pad (or the edge of the window) and have clear edges. If instead of a clear line you see a pink spot, the test is invalid. However, if in doubt, it is better to repeat the test in a few days.
A positive result will not change: both stripes were colored and will remain. A negative result after 10 minutes or more may show a weak second streak as a result of the evaporation of water and the release of the dye (the so-called evaporation line). This, of course, does not mean that hCG suddenly appeared from somewhere.
A negative result will not become positive either after 10 minutes or after an hour, the second strip should appear within the time indicated on the test package (usually 3-5 minutes). However, if in doubt, it is best to repeat the test a few days later.
CAN ALCOHOL, MEDICINES, ETC. INFLUENCE THE TEST RESULT? Alcohol, medications (and even birth control pills), lactation, menopause, etc. do not affect test results. The only exception is drugs containing hCG (rot, prophasi, etc.). After the last intake of such drugs, you must wait 10-14 days, otherwise the test result will be false positive.
It is possible to make two quantitative determinations of hCG in the laboratory with an interval of 2-3 days: a noticeable increase in the level of hCG in the second analysis compared to the first indicates pregnancy, while a decrease in the level indicates that the hCG administered with the drug is excreted from the body.
ATTENTION! A PREGNANCY TEST DOES NOT Distinguish a Normal from a Pathological (eg, ectopic) pregnancy. 2) Pregnancy tests can be wrong! Manufacturers of rapid pregnancy tests unanimously promise 99 percent reliability of the results of their products. However, in reality, everything is somewhat different. As you know, home pregnancy tests can be purchased at any pharmacy. Their principle of action is based on the content in the urine of the "pregnancy hormone" - chorionic gonadotropin. In just a few minutes, the strip reacts to the level of concentration and gives the result in the form of one or two strips.
In most cases, the data from such a test can be trusted. However, women who have been struggling for a long time to achieve the desired pregnancy know that the test can show false positive results. It's not hard to guess what joy they felt at the sight of the long-awaited second strip! And what pain and disappointment a visit to the doctor brought them when it was discovered that in fact there was no pregnancy.
If a miscarriage is threatened, the test may suddenly turn negative. It happens that it is a negative result that becomes the first sign of an interrupted pregnancy. Poor quality test. If a year ago gynecologists trusted the test results for almost 100%, now they prefer to examine the patient and do an ultrasound. There is one more option: not a single strip is colored during the test. This means that the test is defective.
First. When performing a pregnancy test, errors are possible. First, the test starts working, at the earliest, 10-12 days from the day of conception. This usually means - from the day the delay started. Therefore, doing a test on days 15, 20, 27 of the cycle is absurd. Although sometimes it is impatient that the first test is done the next morning after intercourse ... So the test done during the last cycle is free to show what he pleases - it's still a wrong result. Wait for a delay. In addition, if intercourse occurred, for example, on the fifth day of a 30-day cycle, then the probability of conception is extremely small (although, of course, there is). Nevertheless, after 12 days, that is, on the 17th day of the cycle, the test will still give a negative result - and this will be true. Due to minor flaws in the methodology (which is very clearly stated in the insert for each test), due to the peculiarities of production, storage, transportation, etc. many tests really start working without errors only starting from 8-10 days of delay. Therefore, if you have a delay, and the test on the second day shows nothing, do not be too lazy to do it again in a week, or even better - donate blood for hCG. No other hormones, foods, stresses, etc. the test result is not affected. Therefore, one should not be deceived, for example, by what the test did against the background of a delay, immediately after intercourse - that sperm gave a false result ... It is unlikely that the test is more likely to be right. False negative results can only be in women with kidney disease, renal failure, arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart failure, atherosclerosis of the aorta, renal arteries and other diseases in which blood circulation in the kidneys is impaired. However, after a few days, these women will also test positive. In their thirst for a positive answer, many women observe the behavior of the test, not for 5 minutes, as indicated in the instructions, but for two hours! And really, finally, they guess some barely visible strip ... Alas, this is not a result, but the influence of external factors, which in 2 hours will do something that cannot be foreseen by a single instruction. Fifth. The tests are for urine only. Neither in the blood, nor in the saliva, hCG is not determined with their help. In any suspicious case, as well as if a very accurate and very early diagnosis of both the presence of hCG and its concentration in the blood is required, a venous blood test is performed. It is carried out in almost any gynecological institution for one day. The accuracy of this analysis is much higher than the tests, because more subtle methods of detecting the hormone are used. Therefore, if the presence or absence of pregnancy is a matter of life and death for you, not the third time for tests, immediately go for an analysis. Blood analysis for HCG is used not only to diagnose the presence of pregnancy, as such, but also to track the course of pregnancy and even for establishing the POSSIBILITY (but not necessarily) of an ectopic pregnancy. There are special tables of the concentration of hCG in the blood at each stage of pregnancy, and with an ectopic hCG level is approximately 2/3 of these figures. Therefore, by the way, the test can give a negative result, although the pregnancy develops in the tube.

Human chorionic gonadotropin it is customary to correlate with the activity of the female body. However, chorionic gonadotropin for men, reviews suggest that this hormone is not the last one to play in prolonging the active period of life of representatives of the strong half of humanity. Gonadotropin for men regulates the gonads, which are responsible for the processes of sperm production and testosterone secretion. With a hormone deficiency, either stimulating the synthesis of hCG or drug replacement therapy will be prescribed.

The effect of gonadotropin on the body of men

Insofar as HCG gonadotropin Is a bright representative of the subgroup of glycoprotein hormones, it is a complex protein. It combines a polypeptide base with carbohydrate units.

Amino acids of the base are identical to those of the pituitary gland - a structural unit of the endocrine system of men. Therefore, experts on the question, chorionic gonadotropin, what is it, the explanation is given - this is the most important hormone for the health of a sexually mature man.

Produced by the anterior pituitary gland, human gonadotropin has the following effects on the body of men:

  • regulation of the secretory activity of the gonads;
  • control of puberty in boys;
  • correction of sperm formation processes;
  • stimulation of testosterone production;
  • restoration of full sexual activity;
  • elimination of male infertility.

Of course, if the cells of the testes of men function satisfactorily, then sex hormones are produced in the proper volume. Whereas in case of semi-cellular insufficiency chorionic gonadotropin - hCG, helps to improve sexual function in men.

When there is a need for gonadotropin

In a healthy man hormone gonadotropin is present in the body in such minimal quantities that it is almost impossible to trace it in the laboratory. However, with its insufficiency, reproductive function begins to suffer, which is expressed in a deterioration in the quality and quantity of sperm.

Normally, gonadotropin is produced by the cells of the placenta in pregnant women, and is excreted in the urine unchanged. Therefore medicinal gonadotropin - what is it such can be understood by tracing the entire chain of its transformations. This is just a hormone extracted from the urine of expectant mothers.

In case of a need to stimulate the production of male testosterone, chorionic gonadotropin for men n is prescribed for the following pathological disorders and diseases:

  • diagnosed secondary hypogonadism;
  • various disorders of spermatogenesis - for example, or azoospermia, or;
  • male age-related androgen deficiency;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • hypoplasia of the testicles;
  • idiopathic male infertility.

However, only a specialist should recommend for use synthetic drugs with hormonal activity. Not only is it explained to them, chorionic gonadotropin, what is it, but also the optimal dose is selected, as well as the duration of hormone replacement therapy.

Therapeutic effects of gonadotropic drugs

Gonadotropic action is correction of the release of sex hormones in the body of men against the background of adequately selected doses of replacement drugs. If it is precisely the pathological deficiency of sex hormones that is diagnosed - due to a malfunction in the activity of the pituitary gland or the testicular cells of its own, then the specialist will select the optimal regimen of hormone replacement therapy.

Gonadotropin after the course treatment promotes:

  • restoration of the activity of the gonads of internal secretion in men;
  • improving the development and formation of reproductive organs in adolescents, for example, with their congenital hypoplasia;
  • full restoration of spermatogenesis;
  • activation of male libido;
  • increased testosterone secretion;
  • elimination of secondary infertility in men - by improving the mobility of sperm, increasing their total number.

Gonadotropin, according to men, has a beneficial effect on general well-being - mood improves, increased nervousness disappears, sleep and appetite normalize. The joyful feeling of being reappears and interest in the opposite sex increases. But all this is possible if the doses HCG medications selected by a specialist exclusively on an individual basis - based on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Analysis for gonadotropin: how to take and assess the result

In case of suspicion of hormonal imbalance in a man's body, a specialist is sure to recommend a complex of diagnostic procedures. Among them there will be a list of laboratory tests. To understand GTG blood test, what is it and what rules must be observed before visiting the laboratory, it is better to check with your doctor in advance.

Since the concentration of the hormone is assessed directly in the bloodstream, in order to obtain a reliable result on the parameters chorionic gonadotropin, then the instruction for men includes several important points:

  • last meal no later than 8-10 hours before visiting the laboratory;
  • if the study is urgently required, then on the day of donating venous blood, a man should not eat for at least the last 5 hours;
  • if due to other existing diseases it is required to take any medications, it is necessary to notify the laboratory assistant about each of them;
  • a few days before laboratory diagnostics, exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages, severe physical, as well as psycho-emotional overload;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse on the eve of the study;
  • do not use tobacco products for 3-4 hours;
  • sleep well.

Usually, HCG for men in the reproductive period of life should not exceed 5 mIU / ml. It is these parameters that make it possible to talk about the healthy functioning of the genitals. Deviations in chorionic gonadotropin for men- up or down indicate that there is a failure. It is imperative to exclude the formation of neoplasms and tumors in the pituitary gland, testes, and pelvic organs.

The main drugs for the correction of hCG

HCG drug- This is a prescription medication that is prescribed by doctors solely on the basis of the revealed gonadotropin deficiency. HCG in ampoules injected either subcutaneously or deep into the muscle mass.

However, the use of a hormone to resume the full-fledged release of one's own male hormones is far from always safe. The appearance of undesirable effects that worsen the well-being of a man is possible. Therefore, only a doctor should select the best option for hormone therapy. Preparations containing hCG, list:

  1. chorionic gonadotropin is a pharmacy lyophilisate for the subsequent preparation of a parenteral solution, in ampoules of 500 IU, 1000 IU or 1500 IU and 5000 IU.
  2. Ovitrel is a recombinant hCG-alpha, in the amount of 6500 IU.
  3. Pregnyl - in ampoules with a volume of active substance of 15,000 IU or 5000 IU.
  4. Horagon - chorionic gonadotropin analog, presented in pharmacy containers of 1500 units, as well as 5000 units.
  5. Choriomon - produced exclusively for 5000 IU of active substance.

Usually, hCG injections for men are produced in the form of a lyophilisate, a special powder for the subsequent preparation of a solution. This allows you to optimally extend the shelf life of the medication. The dilution liquid is sterile water for injection. Already prepared for administration, the product is allowed to be stored at room temperature for no more than 48 hours.

How to inject human chorionic gonadotropin- intramuscularly or subcutaneously, as well as the optimal doses and duration of the treatment course - all these issues are resolved by a specialist on an individual basis. In most cases, the scheme gonadotropin on the course provides for the introduction of 1500 IU 2-3 times a week, no more than 1 month. Subsequently, after assessing the laboratory parameters of hormones in a man, a second course of hormone therapy may be prescribed.

Adverse reactions

Since the pharmacy gonadotropic hormones are artificial substitutes for natural complex proteins, their introduction into the male body can provoke a deterioration in well-being.

On rare occasions chorionic gonadotropin for men, according to reviews, provokes the appearance of the following undesirable reactions:

  • excessive testosterone production and the occurrence of male gynecomastia;
  • hypersensitivity of the nipple tissues;
  • activation of sebaceous and sweat structures - acne, hyperhidrosis;
  • significant increase in libido, up to sexual preoccupation;
  • violation of motor coordination, concentration;
  • regular headaches, persistent dizziness;
  • sleep disorders.

In addition, with prolonged administration HCG in injections and violation of instructions for use, in the male body, excess fluid begins to accumulate, as well as salts and minerals. All this leads to puffiness of the body and face, increased blood pressure.

Another commonly seen hidden threat HCG injection there is a risk of feminization of the body of men - the figure acquires characteristic female outlines, up to the appearance of roundness in the pelvic region, an increase in the halos of the nipples and the mammary glands themselves. The emotional sphere also changes during therapy. chorionic gonadotropin, according to men- excessive tearfulness, moodiness appears.


Hormone therapy itself is a serious interference with the activity of the human body. The introduction of chorionic hormone has a number of restrictions and contraindications:

  • the presence in the structures of the small pelvis of an acute inflammatory or infectious process;
  • pituitary neoplasms;
  • individual hypersensitivity to hormonal medications;
  • malignant tumors of the testicles or prostate gland;
  • premature puberty of a teenager;
  • diagnosed cryptorchidism;
  • decompensated cardiovascular failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic migraine attacks;
  • severe bronchial asthma.

Of course, the children's category of boys who applied for possible hormonal deficiency is also not considered by specialists for hormone replacement therapy. Adolescents have a deficiency gonadotropin is a rare event. Therefore, hCG therapy is carried out exclusively under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist.

HCG in sports

The use of hormones in weightlifting sports is a long-known procedure that allows you to build up the muscle frame and achieve a relief figure in a short time. Found a wide application for myself chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding e. It helps athletes to restore their well-being after the end of the courses of anabolic steroids - to improve the activity of the testicles, adjust the concentration of testosterone, and also prevent atrophy of genital tissues.

Optimal schemes are determined by a qualified technician - gonadotropin in bodybuilding, how to take and whether it will harm the male body. The use of hCG is justified in sports solely to reduce the severity of undesirable effects from taking anabolic medications. The recommended therapeutic doses do not violate the physiological concentration of sex hormones in men and do not have a negative effect on the reproductive organs.

The appointment of hCG should not be dealt with by the athlete himself, but by his coach. In some cases, such "help" has to be abandoned - if contraindications are identified. Ignoring the restrictions listed in the attached instructions adversely affects men's health, up to and including death.

Chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone that is produced in a woman's body and plays an important role in the preparation, development and maintenance of pregnancy. If you have been tested for hCG, which revealed that the level of this hormone is below normal, this may indicate that the gestational age is less than expected. In addition, low levels of hCG occur with ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages. Despite this, try not to worry if the test results are below normal, since only a doctor can correctly interpret the identified indicators! In addition, chorionic gonadotropin preparations are used to treat infertility and increase the reproductive capacity of women. Treatment aimed at increasing the level of hCG should be carried out only under the supervision of a gynecologist who will prescribe medications for you. Remember that without the help of a doctor, it is impossible to effectively and safely increase the level of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Attention: the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Talk to your healthcare professional before using any home remedies or medications.


What to do if hCG levels are below normal during pregnancy

    Discuss the test results with your gynecologist. Low or low hCG levels during pregnancy quite often indicate serious problems, but you should not interpret the test results yourself - only a doctor can tell for sure if there is any reason for concern. If hCG readings make you anxious and anxious, discuss the test results with your gynecologist. Your doctor will likely ask if you have any symptoms that indicate a risk of spontaneous abortion, such as vaginal bleeding or cramps in the lower abdomen. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe you a second test to clarify the hCG values.

    Take the analysis for the hCG level again. HCG levels are usually used for a general assessment of the condition of a pregnant woman, and the results of one analysis are not yet cause for concern. Most likely, the doctor will recommend that you retake the test after a couple of days in order to track the dynamics of the hCG level in the body.

    Take an analysis showing the level of hCG more reliably. If you have passed a urine test that showed a low or decreasing level of hCG, take a blood test for hCG - it will help to assess the level of this hormone more accurately. If the gestational age allows, the doctor may order a gynecological ultrasound to check the condition of the fetus. Even at a period of 5-6 weeks, ultrasound allows you to obtain more reliable information about the course of pregnancy than an analysis for hCG.

    Never consume dietary supplements that are claimed to increase hCG levels. Chorionic gonadotropin is not a hormone that can be raised or lowered on its own. In order for the pregnancy to proceed without any complications, the body must maintain a delicate balance of a whole group of hormones, and the gynecologist will regularly check the indicators of this balance. Do not use products aimed at increasing hCG. These products have not been clinically proven to be safe, and uncontrolled use of these products can harm your baby.

    Treatment with hCG drugs to increase reproductive function

    1. Talk to your gynecologist about reproductive issues. Many women who are prescribed hCG drugs to increase fertility are previously treated with other means to improve reproductive function and take clotrifen drugs (Clostilbegit). For the treatment of infertility, doctors usually prescribe hCG drugs at the same time as other drugs, including menotropins (Menopur, Pergonal) and urofollitropin (Alterpur, Bravell). When discussing your HCG treatment plan with your doctor, be sure to tell them about the following aspects of your health:

This test determines the level of the hCG hormone in the woman's blood, which is produced by the chorion, one of the membranes of the fetus. Pregnancy tests work on the same principle, but their sensitivity is not so great, and besides, the result can be false positive or false negative. In this regard, a blood test will be much more accurate and will be able to determine pregnancy much faster than tests. Its value is quite large:

  • If you donate blood for several days, at intervals of a day, then by the growth of hCG you can determine whether pregnancy is developing.
  • The analysis will be able to tell at a fairly early date whether your pregnancy is multiple or not.
  • According to the results of the study in dynamics, it is possible to determine whether the pregnancy is frozen or not.
  • In addition, monitoring hCG over time will help establish whether the ovum has been removed from the uterine cavity, or whether the pregnancy continues to progress. This is shown in cases where the pregnancy had to be terminated for a short period of time for medical reasons.
  • An increase in hCG in non-pregnant women and in men will indicate the possible development of various diseases, and this will allow such people to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Thus, a blood test for hCG is important not only during pregnancy or planning it, but also in other situations that require medical supervision.

When to get an HCG test

Despite the fact that the level of hCG in the blood is most likely to herald the presence of pregnancy, this does not mean that you can donate it a few hours after intercourse during ovulation. The fact is that this hormone begins to be produced only when the ovum is implanted to the wall of the uterus (or to the wall of the fallopian tube, if the pregnancy is ectopic). Implantation does not take place during the first hours of conception. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it does not occur even in the first two or three days after fertilization of the egg. According to observations, implantation of the ovum can occur no earlier than 4 days after ovulation, and the main percentage is put on. In total, implantation can occur on any day from 4 to 12 days after ovulation.

If you keep a chart of basal temperature, then there may be a characteristic decrease in temperature during this period: for one day it will drop by 0.3 - 0.4 degrees. For example, it can drop from 37.4 to 37.0 degrees. This is called implantation retraction, and it means that from now on, the embryo begins to produce the hCG hormone, which can now be found in the blood of its mother.

In this regard, many women ask themselves the question: when to take a blood test for hCG? Experts recommend doing this no earlier than a week after the expected ovulation. And it is advisable to donate blood not once, but at least two times, in order to make sure that the pregnancy is alive and progressing in its development. A little later, sensitive pregnancy tests can become an indicator of an increase in hCG: at first, their test strip will be dim, but if you repeat the procedure with a test of the same brand after 48 hours, then you can notice progress in coloring.

It is important to know some of the features of blood sampling for this test:

  1. HCG is given on an empty stomach, the break should be at least 5 hours, starting from the last meal;
  2. blood is taken from a vein for analysis;
  3. the analysis for hCG must be taken no earlier than 7 days after the expected ovulation;
  4. blood donation is desirable in the morning, when the break between meals will be quite long.

Now you can get the test results for hCG by e-mail, just a few hours after the blood was taken. This helps to act quickly if a hormone is suddenly detected, and a woman, for example, has a lack of progesterone.

HCG hormone and drugs containing progesterone

There is a category of women who have progesterone deficiency and in the second phase of the cycle they have to take special drugs that artificially increase the level of this hormone in the blood. As a rule, it is either Duphaston or Utrozhestan in various dosages prescribed by the doctor. In this regard, such women often ask themselves the question: how to take hCG if you have to take hormonal drugs? Will they affect the analysis result?

To answer this question, let's turn to what is progesterone. This is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands and which is indispensable during pregnancy: it helps her to stay, successfully implant and develop, bypassing detachment and regression. In turn, we know that hCG is a hormone that is secreted not by the woman herself, but by the ovum. Thus, it is obvious that taking Duphaston or Utrozhestan is not able to affect the blood test for hCG, causing the result to be false positive.

However, these two hormones are related, but only in the sense that progesterone helps pregnancy stay in the uterus and develop. Accordingly, the level of hCG is also growing, because the future baby is alive. If there is no pregnancy, and progesterone is being taken, then the test result will still be negative.

HCG growth in ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, the increase in the level of hCG in the blood has a completely different dynamics. With the uterine attachment of the ovum, the hormone doubles its amount in a woman's body every 48 hours. However, in a fallopian tube pregnancy, hCG growth will not be as rapid. If a woman looks at the dynamics of several of her tests, she will notice that the doubling of the level of this hormone will not occur in 48 hours, but only after a few days. Of course, the final diagnosis can only be made by ultrasound and after examination on a gynecological chair, but early observation of a blood test for hCG in dynamics will determine an ectopic pregnancy much earlier than it usually happens. This will help remove the ovum from the fallopian tube, avoiding rupture and thus avoiding a direct threat to the woman's life.

The rise and fall of hCG in frozen pregnancies

A frozen pregnancy only in rare cases gives a slight increase in the level of the hormone. Deciphering the analysis in dynamics, usually, shows that immediately after the death of the embryo, this hormone begins to break down in the woman's body. For some time, its amount can be unchanged and remain at the same level. Then hCG falls, which will finally indicate that the pregnancy has died.

In other cases, the level of chorionic gonadotropin begins to decrease immediately, on the first day after the end of the ovum.

It is characteristic that, unlike an ectopic pregnancy, a frozen pregnancy may have absolutely no signs. A woman may not have bleeding and pain, even all signs of pregnancy (toxicosis, breast tenderness) may still persist. It so happens that for two or three weeks she may not even know that the pregnancy has died. It is in these cases that the monitoring of the dynamics of the blood test for hCG will be able to diagnose the state of the embryo, and by weeks of pregnancy, when decoding the data, it will become clear whether the embryo is alive or died.

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HCG: level and norm, deviations - increased and decreased, in women and men

In the body of each of us, there are many complex biochemical processes that are regulated by special substances - hormones. Most of them are the same in both sexes, the sexes are excellent, and during pregnancy new substances appear, including hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin.

Without hormones, it is impossible to imagine the correct metabolism, reactions to stress, adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. Pregnancy is a very special condition of the female body, which makes increased demands on its functioning and requires additional regulatory mechanisms. In the body of the expectant mother, the hCG hormone appears, which is produced by the tissues of the developing embryo and reflects the normal course of pregnancy.

Chorionic gonadotropin is the most important substance that supports the growth of the fetus; it is the first to "notify" the expectant mother about her special condition. The pregnancy test is based on the appearance of hCG, which is why most women have heard of it in one way or another.

HCG is formed by the membranes of the fetus, so it cannot be detected outside of pregnancy. Its content determines the physiological or impaired development of the embryo, and the appearance in the body of a man or not a pregnant woman indicates the development of a tumor.

Properties and role of hCG in the body

After the fusion of the sperm and the egg, intensive multiplication of the embryonic cells begins, and by the end of the first week it is ready to attach to the inner wall of the uterus. At this stage, the embryo is represented by only a small bubble, but the cells of its outer part (trophoblast) are already intensively producing a hormone that ensures normal growth.

The trophoblast is fixed to the endometrium and is converted into the chorion, which makes up the bulk of the placenta. Through the villous membrane, the connection between the blood flow of the mother and the fetus, metabolism, delivery of useful and removal of unnecessary metabolic products is carried out. Chorion throughout pregnancy secretes chorionic gonadotropin, which helps not only to develop the future baby, but also maintains the "pregnant" state of the woman.

At the onset of pregnancy, progesterone becomes the main regulatory substance in a woman, which at the very first stages of its development is formed by the corpus luteum of the ovary. HCG during pregnancy is needed to maintain the function of the corpus luteum and a constant increase in the concentration of progesterone, so it is not surprising that the corpus luteum in a pregnant woman does not disappear, as in the normal menstrual cycle.

The biological properties of hCG are similar to those of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone, but the effect on the corpus luteum is significantly predominant. In addition, it is more active than the "usual" luteinizing hormone, which is formed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, because pregnancy requires significant concentrations of progesterone.

In terms of chemical structure, hCG is represented by two subunits - alpha and beta. The first completely coincides with that of the gonadotropic hormones LH and FSH, the second, beta, is unique, which explains both the originality of the functions performed and the possibility of a qualitative analysis of hCG in blood or urine.

  • Maintenance of the corpus luteum and the formation of progesterone by it;
  • Implementation of correct implantation and formation of the chorionic membrane;
  • An increase in the number of chorionic villi, their nutrition;
  • Adaptation to the state of pregnancy.

The adaptation of a woman to a developing pregnancy is to increase the production of adrenal cortex hormones under the influence of hCG. Glucocorticoids provide immunosuppression - suppression of immune responses from the mother to the fetal tissues, because the fetus is half genetically foreign. These functions are performed by hCG, while "ordinary" gonadotropic hormones are not able to enhance the work of the adrenal cortex.

When chorionic gonadotropin is administered to a woman, ovulation and the formation of a corpus luteum are stimulated, and the production of endogenous sex steroids increases. If hCG is administered to a man, then there is an increase in testosterone production and spermatogenesis increases.

A blood test for hCG is used to establish the presence of pregnancy and to monitor its course. If a tumor of the gonads is suspected, it may also be necessary to determine the concentration of this hormone. HCG in urine allows you to quickly and fairly reliably confirm the presence of pregnancy, so this method is applicable for express diagnostics.

Indicators of the norm

The level of hCG is determined by gender, duration of pregnancy, and the presence of a tumor. In men and non-pregnant women, it is absent or does not exceed 5 mU / ml. During pregnancy, it appears about a week after conception, and its indicators continuously increase, reaching a maximum by the end of the first trimester.

If a pregnancy is suspected, it is possible to determine a negative hCG, the reason for which may be in a test carried out too early or in the ectopic localization of the embryo.

The table of norms by week is used to control the level of hCG and the timely detection of deviations. In the first or second week, it is IU / ml, by 6 weeks it can reach IU / ml, the maximum hCG falls on 11 weeks of gestation - homeU / ml.

Table: hCG rate for obstetric weeks

Thus, this hormone first increases, and from the second trimester decreases slightly, since the needs for it are highest at the time of the formation of the placenta. The ripe placenta from the second trimester of gestation itself forms the necessary amounts of progesterone and estrogen, therefore hCG gradually decreases, but it is still necessary for the nutritional role and stimulation of testosterone production by fetal tissues for the proper development of the gonads.

A blood test for hCG allows you to absolutely accurately confirm a short term pregnancy. In urine, this substance appears one or two days later, and to determine it, any woman can use an express test bought at a pharmacy. To obtain a reliable result and eliminate errors, it is recommended to use not one, but several test strips at once.

The level of hCG by days from conception is determined based on the average rate and rate of growth of the hormone for a given period. So, in the first 2-5 weeks, the hCG level doubles every one and a half days. If the fetus is not alone, then the concentration will increase in proportion to the number of embryos.

Table: Estimated HCG level by day from ovulation (conception)

With pathology, it is possible to either increase or decrease the amount of hCG required at a particular stage of pregnancy. An increase in this hormone may indicate the presence of diabetes, preeclampsia, or an incorrectly set gestational age. If a woman has undergone an abortion, and the concentration of hCG does not decrease, then this is a sign of the progression of pregnancy.

Low hCG or insufficient growth usually indicates a delay in fetal development, ectopic localization of the embryo, pathology of the placenta, and the threat of miscarriage.

When is hCG determination necessary?

It is necessary to determine the content of chorionic gonadotropin:

  1. To confirm the fact of pregnancy;
  2. In order to control its course;
  3. With possible complications from the fetus (defects) or placental tissue;
  4. To control the quality of medical abortion;
  5. With amenorrhea of ​​unknown origin;
  6. When diagnosing neoplasms that release hCG.

In men and non-pregnant women, the hCG test is usually negative, in rare cases, trace amounts of it are possible, not exceeding 5 U per liter of blood. With an increase in the concentration of the hormone in a woman, it can be concluded that pregnancy has occurred, while conception occurred at least 5-6 days ago. Then hCG increases continuously, its amount is compared with the values ​​normal for this period. For the correct decryption of the data, you need to accurately calculate the time of conception.

Determination of hCG during pregnancy is included in the so-called triple test, which includes, in addition to hCG, indicators of α-fetoprotein and estriol. A comprehensive assessment of the deviations of these substances allows one to suspect possible abnormalities on the part of the mother or the embryo.

In non-pregnant women and males, the need for hCG determination may arise in case of suspicion of neoplasia of the ovaries, testicles and other organs. Trophoblastic diseases (cystic drift, chorionepithelioma) are also accompanied by a change in the amount of hCG.

Blood sampling from a vein for hCG is usually taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. It does not require any preparation. When diagnosing pregnancy, in order to obtain more reliable results, it is better to donate blood at the earliest 4-5 days after a delay in menstruation. Pregnant women are prescribed it in the second trimester. If it is necessary to control the degree of increase in hCG in the first trimester of gestation, the analysis can be repeated every few days.

Deviations in hCG content

Any deviation from the data of the HCG table in a pregnant woman can be considered a sign of pathology of both the fetus and the placental tissue, therefore, requires close attention and further examination.

HCG increased

Exceeding the normal value of hCG is possible both during pregnancy and outside of it. In pregnant women, elevated hCG may indicate:

  • More than one developing embryo (hCG increases according to their number);
  • Prolonged pregnancy;
  • The presence of preeclampsia;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the expectant mother;
  • Fetal malformations;
  • Taking hormonal drugs.

If a woman is not pregnant, or the analysis is taken from a man, and hCG is elevated, the reason for this may be:

It is known that during menopause, when there are jumps in hormone concentrations, an increase in the content of hCG in the blood is possible. In elderly patients with kidney disease requiring hemodialysis, hCG can significantly exceed the norm (up to 10 times). This is due to a violation of the natural excretion of the hormone from the body and its accumulation in the blood, while its production by various tissues remains at the physiological level.

HCG lowered

Pathology is evidenced not only by an increase, but also by a decrease in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin. An insufficient amount of it causes a delay in the development of organs and tissues of the unborn baby, negatively affects the maturation of the placenta, and, therefore, blood flow, the exchange of nutrients and oxygen between the body of the mother and the fetus suffers. Intrauterine hypoxia can lead to serious abnormalities in the development of the embryo, therefore, low hCG also requires increased attention to the patient.

A decrease in hCG production in a pregnant woman may indicate:

  • Ectopic embryo fixation;
  • Slowing down the development of the embryo;
  • "Frozen" pregnancy or intrauterine death in the second or third trimesters;
  • Threatened miscarriage;
  • Insufficiency of the placenta;
  • Postterm pregnancy.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is not implanted into the lining of the uterus; it develops in the fallopian tube, ovary, or even on the peritoneum. In these organs, there are no conditions for normal fixation of the embryo, the correct development of trophoblast and chorion, therefore the level of hCG does not increase as expected in a particular gestational period. Determination of hCG, along with ultrasound data, can serve as an important diagnostic criterion for an ectopic pregnancy.

An increase in hCG in non-pregnant women and men indicates a probable tumor growth. If a neoplasm is detected and the patient is undergoing treatment, then the determination of hCG can help to assess the effectiveness of therapy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin in pharmacology

Chorionic gonadotropin is not only an important diagnostic indicator. This hormone can be successfully used in the treatment of certain diseases, and athletes decide to take the drug to achieve better training results.

HCG-based medicines are obtained by secreting the hormone from the urine of pregnant women, or with the help of special microorganisms. The most common are rot, horagon, prophasi.

HCG, having a gonadotropic effect, stimulates ovulation, maturation of sperm, improving their quality and quantity, increases the production of sex steroids, and affects the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Indications for prescribing a drug based on hCG can be:

  1. Violation of menstrual function in women due to a decrease in the production of gonadotropic hormones;
  2. Infertility;
  3. Stimulation of the ovaries during the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure;
  4. The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  5. Violation of the development of the sex glands in men (hypogonadism), sperm pathology.

HCG-based drugs are contraindicated for tumors of the gonads, decreased function of the thyroid and adrenal glands, thrombophlebitis. You cannot take this hormone to nursing mothers, and special care should be taken when prescribing it to adolescents, people suffering from heart ischemia, hypertension, and impaired renal function.

Usually, hCG is injected intramuscularly, and the scheme, frequency and duration of treatment depend on the goals of treatment and the gender of the patient. To provoke ovulation or "superovulation" in IVF, the drug is administered once in a high dose (up to 10 thousand IU). With the threat of termination of pregnancy, impaired sexual development in boys, hypogonadism, hCG is administered for 1-3 months, the dose is determined by the indications.

It is no secret that athletes are showing increased attention to various kinds of drugs that can improve training results. Using steroid hormones, it is possible to increase muscle mass and strength, but there are also side effects of this effect: a decrease in testosterone production, the risk of testicular atrophy.

In order to reduce the side effects of steroids and "smooth" the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome, athletes use hCG drugs, which increase the concentration of testosterone and prevent atrophic changes in the testicles. It is worth noting that hCG is not a panacea, it does not eliminate muscle mass loss and side effects of steroid use, but it can somewhat reduce them and only "delay" the withdrawal syndrome.

Experts have an extremely negative attitude to the use of hCG drugs by athletes, because metabolic disorders after taking steroid hormones can be further aggravated. In addition, the risk of tumors increases under the influence of hormone therapy. It has been noticed that testosterone levels may not increase, but excessive stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system will result in adverse reactions.

Thus, athletes should not trust the unverified information and advice of their colleagues who decide on such treatment. The effect of hCG drugs in athletes, and even more so against the background of steroid therapy, has not been fully studied, so there is no reason to assert that it is effective and, most importantly, safe. Not a single competent specialist will prescribe hormonal drugs without medical indications.

Preparations containing hCG list

It seemed to me a good article I am sharing with you.

1. Examination before the program. 2. Preparation for IVF. 3. Which protocol to choose. 4. What drugs are preferable. 5. When ICSI is recommended. 6. How many embryos can you get. 7. How to carry out embryo transfer - with ultrasound or not. 8. How many embryos to transfer. 9. What should be the analysis and support after the transfer. 10. When to test blood for hCG and other hormones. For a detailed answer to these 10 questions, see under the cut So: 1. Examination before the program. Should be versatile and include all POSSIBLE reasons for.

Valuable information. Pregnancy after IVF.

Unsuccessful attempts (((I want a baby Add as friend Information Private message Add to blacklist Complain Send a complaint 1 hour ago These measures, of course, do not guarantee 100% embryo implantation, but will significantly increase your chances of pregnancy. Source www.liveinternet. ru / community // post / HOW TO SAVE IVF PREGNANCY This topic has been repeatedly discussed. knowledge and experience.We have so many excellent different tops about preparing for the protocol, choosing a clinic, etc.

An interesting article about the causes of toxicosis and the fight against it

Girls who are interested, read under the cut

(LikNo, stolen) CONCEPTION

Preparation for conception

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE CONCEPTING Conception determines the onset of pregnancy. It is necessary to prepare for this important step in advance so that nothing later overshadows the meeting with your child. It is necessary to take into account many factors, such as age, the existence of hereditary and acquired diseases, nutrition, the presence of bad habits, etc. All this should be paid attention not after pregnancy, but before conception. Our ancestors treated pregnancy as an absolutely natural state of a woman, and no wonder: not only in peasant, but also in noble, merchant, bourgeois families of women.

(LikNo, stolen) CONCEPTION

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE CONCEPTION Conception determines the onset of pregnancy. It is necessary to prepare for this important step in advance so that nothing later overshadows the meeting with your child. It is necessary to take into account many factors, such as age, the existence of hereditary and acquired diseases, nutrition, the presence of bad habits, etc. All this should be paid attention not after pregnancy, but before conception.

Toxicosis: 8 theories and five ways to fight

Theory # 1: Toxicosis appears due to a special hormone called human chronic gonadotropin (hCG). This, according to experts, is a specific pregnancy hormone that not all women have. Theory # 2:. The reason for poor health is the immunological incompatibility of mother and child. Over time, the mother's body "gets used" to the baby, and the unpleasant sensations disappear by themselves. Theory # 3:. Since pregnancy imposes increased demands on the woman's body, the body of the expectant mother does not always immediately adapt to new conditions. Because of this, the nervous system fails and arises.

Home birth and not so ..

The birth of a new life. or A story about how you can experience the birth of your children as happiness no matter what. Tetrology. Foreword. Why did I describe all this? This time - not because of a simple desire to perpetuate their personal experience for posterity. I wanted to convey to other women my idea that in any situation there is a chance to give birth to a child in a human way. Often, girls believe that they have a special situation, in which it will not work out normally, anesthesia, stimulation, incisions, that is necessary.


EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE CONCEPTION Conception determines the onset of pregnancy. It is necessary to prepare for this important step in advance so that nothing later overshadows the meeting with your child. It is necessary to take into account many factors, such as age, the existence of hereditary and acquired diseases, nutrition, the presence of bad habits, etc. All this should be paid attention not after pregnancy, but before conception. Our ancestors treated pregnancy as an absolutely natural state of a woman, and no wonder: not only among the peasants, but also among the nobility, merchants, and bourgeois.

HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone synthesized by the genitals of men and women, but in medicine it is usually referred to as female hormones, because it is its concentration that increases in the blood and urine of a woman when she prepares to become a mother. An increase in the level of this hormone is the first sign of the development of the ovum, it is on the detection of an excess of its permissible norm in urine that pregnancy tests are based on. Normally, its concentration in the blood of men and women is contained in small quantities. What is the evidence of the excess of its permissible values, if pregnancy has not occurred, and what is its use in medicine?

The hormone and its role in the body

Like any hormone synthesized by the human body, gonadotropin is also presented in the form of a drug in pharmaceuticals. Normally, it begins to increase in pregnant women on the seventh day after fertilization of the egg, and the maximum concentration occurs by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Further, its amount gradually decreases, but it remains above the permissible norm until the very birth of the baby.

However, there are situations when the gonadotropin is increased, but there is no pregnancy. This occurs with the development of some types of malignant tumors, so it can be used as a tumor marker for some types of cancerous tumors.

There are two types of this hormone. One is synthesized by the body of a pregnant woman, the other - by the pituitary gland of the brain and is called luteinizing hormone (LH). The action of the two types is similar to each other, but only hCG is used in medicine. It is mainly used to stimulate ovulation in the fair sex, to maintain pregnancy in women with a tendency to spontaneous abortion, or with previously diagnosed infertility.

This element is also used to treat men. Medicines containing hCG are prescribed to stimulate testosterone synthesis with a lack of LH. Its deficiency in men can lead to cryptorchidism, a condition in which the testes do not descend into the scrotum. Gonadotropin is also used by athletes to stimulate testosterone production during the period of taking steroids or immediately after their withdrawal. With a course of steroid drugs, the natural production of testosterone stops and in order to restore this process, the use of this hormone in medications is prescribed.

However, the main task of the hormone is to maintain the ovum in the first months of pregnancy, since the fertilized egg contains the man's DNA, the body perceives it as a foreign organism and tries to get rid of the fetus. The increasing level of hCG prevents this, protecting the unborn baby from the cells of the immune system. Its second function is to enrich the tissues of the uterus with new blood vessels, which will help support the development of the baby.

How is the hormone used in medicine?

It is primarily used to diagnose pregnancy in women, but other ways of using it are also known.

So, with some types of oncological neoplasms, its rate in the blood rises. An excess of hCG values ​​above 5 mIU / ml in men may be a sign of a developing malignant process in the testes.

In women suffering from the absence of ovulation, stimulation of the follicle output with gonadotropin is performed. It is also used by patients who have undergone artificial insemination.

After the onset of pregnancy, taking drugs containing hCG can be prescribed to stimulate the synthesis of progesterone, a hormone also responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and the maintenance of the fetus in the uterus.

Also recently, the issue of taking Gonadotropin medications for all pregnant women with HIV-positive status has been studied during all months of gestation. This is due to the fact that in the first trimester, due to the high content of hCG, the virus is not transmitted from the mother to the fetus through the placenta. And in order to reduce the risk of transmission in the coming months, levels must remain high.

In men, human gonadotropin is used to treat infertility by stimulating testosterone-producing cells (Leydig cells).

Treatment, and especially the stimulation of ovulation in women, with products containing hCG, has its own undesirable consequences. So, the number of ectopic pregnancies after using these medicines is much higher than in the usual case. If the hormone was injected before in vitro fertilization, the release of the egg from the fallopian tubes should be regularly monitored using ultrasound diagnostics. This will help to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy in time if the fetal egg is fixed in the fallopian tubes. The hormone also affects the work of the circulatory system, therefore, it is forbidden to put its preparations on the prescription list for patients who are overweight, varicose veins and thromboembolism. In addition to the high risk of ectopic pregnancies, the risk of spontaneous abortion is also increased, which should also be taken into account.

In the treatment of men, such drugs are used to stimulate the synthesis of androgens.

However, representatives of the stronger sex also have contraindications for use. Do not prescribe funds to patients suffering from:

  • acute heart failure in any form;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys;
  • migraines;
  • epilepsy.

It is not advisable to put these drugs on the prescription list for adolescents. During puberty, there is a strong hormonal disruption in the body, and if at this moment you start taking hormones from the outside, there is a high risk of malfunction of the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of growth hormone. Like any drug for medical purposes, this medication can cause allergic reactions in patients who are hypersensitive to certain components.

It is worth noting that the uncontrolled intake of these funds can provoke the growth of malignant tumors in the mammary glands in women, the prostate gland and the scrotum in men.

Medicines have not only stimulating, but also a substitution function.

If, during a course of hormone replacement therapy, stimulate the production of testosterone with medications for a long period, then their natural production by the body will stop. And when the course is canceled, the body will begin to produce testosterone in larger quantities than before the treatment. In addition to an increase in the norm of the hormone, the growth of the testes is also observed in patients, the restoration of their basic functions, as well as the resumption of the work of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain.

Prescribing HCG medications to athletes

People who are professionally involved in sports, especially bodybuilding, often take drugs aimed at rapid muscle growth. They are based on the hormone testosterone, which reduces the functionality of the ovaries. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, all athletes using steroids are prescribed Gonadotropin. This use is justified by a preventive action. Also, thanks to hCG in combination with testosterone preparations, muscles grow faster. This medication is also effective on "drying", when the diet is changed to a less high-calorie one - this helps to avoid weight loss and muscle size.

However, prolonged and uncontrolled use of it harms the body more than helps. Side effects are very large - these are big health problems, the risk of developing oncology, etc. And the results that hCG gives are lower than when using only testosterones. The only positive effect of the use of Gonadotropin is the prevention of testicular atrophy, but only under the supervision of doctors and courses.

With the course of hCG therapy, the dose of the drug is much lower than when it is prescribed as an anabolic. The risks of developing side effects from use are significantly reduced, and the benefits increase several times. Another positive property of these funds in small doses is the reduction of side effects from the use of testosterone preparations.

Application features

Chorionic Gonadotropin is available at any pharmacy without a prescription. They are produced in the form of injections injected under the skin. Before the introduction of the agent, it must be diluted with distilled water, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. The action of the injections is quite long - 5-6 days.

On a short course of using anabolic steroids, there is no need to use Gonadotropin, but if anabolic steroids are used for more than two months, then hCG is prescribed in the amount of two injections per week, the dosage should not exceed ME. The second way of using the hormone is after a course of taking anabolic steroids. In this case, a single dose of the drug is 2000 IU, and injections are given once every two days. The maximum course of treatment is three weeks.

Professional athletes are prescribed such drugs on an ongoing basis if there are no breaks between courses of anabolic steroids. In this case, medications are taken in minimal dosages, and every five weeks they take a break for one to two weeks.

Side effects include the appearance of rashes on the skin of the face and body, malfunctioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, testicular atrophy, hair loss and enlargement of the prostate gland. In women, mastitis and excessive muscle mass can be added to these symptoms.

You can find out about the level of this substance in the blood by passing the appropriate test. To do this, you should visit an endocrinologist. Self-administration of hormonal drugs is strictly prohibited, since the risk of side effects is extremely high. Do not neglect your health and if you have any complaints, seek help from a medical institution.

By the way, this hormone does not always increase with the onset of pregnancy! For my friend, not a single test showed a positive result for two months, only the ultrasound could determine. that she is already 7 weeks pregnant!