Rough skin on elbows treatment. Dry skin on elbows. Dry skin on elbows causes and treatment

Today the site wants to talk with you about a small, but very unpleasant problem in its consequences:. Often, peeling is the first sign that disorders are occurring in the body. That is why you should not leave this problem unattended.

You should immediately contact a dermatologist. Only he can find out the true cause or refer to the right specialist.

The main culprits of peeling skin on the elbows

  • Very often the cause of peeling is skin diseases. One of these is psoriasis. A similar phenomenon may occur as a result of the transfer of severe stress or nervous shock. Because, a malfunction in the work of these nerves leads to a malfunction in the work of the skin blood vessels, which cease to secrete fat and sweat. Very necessary ingredients for the normal condition of your skin. Among other things, psoriasis on the elbows can occur in people who are obese or have impaired endocrine glands. An exacerbation of this disease can cause any inflammatory process in the body. Unfortunately, today medicine is not able to. You can only minimize its manifestation. Another important factor is prevention. Compliance with simple rules will help you avoid the occurrence or re-emergence of the disease. Be attentive to your nervous system: do not test it for strength. Try to avoid stressful situations. Follow the diet, eating as little fatty foods as possible. And a healthy eight-hour sleep will not only prevent peeling of the skin on the elbows, but also improve overall health.
  • Lack of vitamins A and E- this is also the cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows. Moreover, vitamin deficiency is very serious, since it can also cause it. If you are convinced that the peeling of the elbows is caused by a lack of vitamins, then you need, first of all, to diversify your diet. Fruits and vegetables containing yellow-orange pigment will help you with this. And as an addition, you can drink a course of vitamins.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system lead to a violation of the hormonal background of the body. And as a result, skin problems. Therefore, a dermatologist, in the absence of evidence on his part, can refer you to an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist prescribes a blood test to determine the level of hormones. And then, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

Peeling skin on the elbows: less common causes

The basis for the care and prevention of skin peeling on the elbows is cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. Only proper care will help you get rid of dryness and avoid negative consequences.

1. The first thing to do is to thoroughly clean the elbows of dead skin particles. For this purpose, you can use sparing scrubs or gommages. And in any case, do not use pumice. It will cleanse the skin too much, cracks, abrasions may appear. This procedure can be carried out no more than twice a week.

If you prefer folk methods, then you can rub your elbows with a slice of lemon or potato before going to the bath. And then, in the shower, just lightly rub with a hard washcloth.

Very often, the cleansing procedure causes slight redness. Don't be afraid, it will pass. But, if it still bothers you, you can grease your elbows with lemon juice, grapefruit, sour cream or kefir.

2. After water procedures, the pores open and the skin is very receptive to emollients. To nourish the skin, you can use both cosmetic and folk remedies. Very good effect creams with castor, almond and nut oil. And also on the basis of medicinal herbs.

3. And one more necessary condition in order to prevent - This herbal baths. Once a week is enough to please your elbows with useful trace elements.

Take care of yourself and your skin. And thanks to the tips in this article from, your elbows will always look five plus.

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We constantly struggle with wrinkles around the eyes, take care of our hands so that they look young. But the true age can be given out by some parts of the body that we don’t even think about, for example, the décolleté area or the skin on the elbows. Indeed, we look in the mirror and do not see this area on our hands, but often the skin in the elbow area becomes dry, callous, literally whitish from keratinized epidermal scales. When opening the summer season with T-shirts and T-shirts, do not forget to take care of your elbows. After all, the hands should be charming from the playful shoulder to the fingertips!

Why does the skin on the elbows become dry

If you take a group of women of about the same age, you can see that their elbows are in a completely different condition. Even the most well-groomed lady can have rough and dry elbows literally with cracks. What is the reason for this skin condition?

  1. Excess friction. The skin of the elbows is really quite rough, but due to the fact that this area has a lot of load. If your work is connected with constant sitting at the table, if you regularly rest your elbows on the table, the skin invariably coarsens. In such situations, elbow care should be regular. The skin on the elbows becomes stiff and scaly in athletes who constantly get into the “plank” position to work out the press. To avoid this, you need to lay soft rugs under your elbows or use elbow pads.
  2. Lack of vitamins. In today's world, food is changing. We do not eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, but in our diet there is an abundance of various carbohydrates, pastries, and prepared foods. This is fraught with a serious deficiency of vitamins. The skin can dry out and die from a lack of vitamin A, E, C, B vitamins.
  3. chlorinated water. The paradox is that water dries out the skin a lot, especially with the addition of chlorine. If you go to a public pool, be sure to take a shower after swimming, otherwise the skin will begin to dry in the most damaged and vulnerable areas - on the elbows and knees. By the way, chlorine is also found in ordinary running water (in a less concentrated form). Therefore, frequent bathing is also very dry skin.
  4. Temperature jumps. Everyone knows that hair and nails are very vulnerable to temperature changes. That is why the skin of the hands and elbows most often suffers in spring and autumn. By the way, when you go from frosty weather to a hot and dry room, the skin also needs to be moisturized, otherwise it starts to peel off and crack.
  5. Eczema and allergies. Very often, various skin diseases appear in the most unprotected places. Eczema is an inflammation with which you should definitely go to the doctor. Skin lesions can occur on the elbows due to wearing clothing made from non-natural fabrics.
  6. Diabetes. With many endocrine disorders, a change in the condition of the skin is observed - the epidermis becomes dry, flaky, cracks appear that do not heal for a long time.

In addition, the skin can become rough and dry with other diseases, such as anemia or ichthyosis. Sometimes rough skin can be a sign of atopic dermatitis, a serious type of allergic manifestation. To cope with stiff elbows, the first step is to choose high-quality cosmetic skin care products.

Professional products for the skin of the elbows

In the arsenal of a modern woman there are at least three types of cream - for the face, hands and feet. There is no specific elbow cream commercially available, however hand or foot products can be used. The skin of the arms (hands) is very similar in structure to the elbows, it is just as thin and sensitive. In addition to hand cream, you can also use foot cream, because these products are more oily and dense, which is so necessary for rough areas of the skin of the elbows. So, let's try to figure out the most effective cosmetic products.

  1. Vitamin formulations. Pharmacies have special creams and ointments, which contain vitamins necessary for skin regeneration. In the fight against hard and rough skin of the elbows, you can use Aevit, Panthenol, Radevit. Sometimes you can just buy vitamins in ampoules, mix them with honey and apply instead of cream.
  2. Ointments based on medicinal plants. These are popular and effective formulations that not only relieve inflammation, but also relieve itching and swelling. Ointments are especially effective for the allergic nature of skin lesions. Among them are Boro plus, Faretal, Gistan.
  3. Healing ointments. These are pharmacy products that quickly restore and heal the epidermis, help strengthen the skin, and give elasticity. Salicylic paste and zinc ointment have an excellent effect.
  4. Cream. And of course, the most popular creams for hands and feet. Among the moisturizing and nourishing hand products, we can distinguish products from the brands Velvet Pens, Librederm, Nivea, Garnier, etc. Foot creams Effect, Himalaya Herbals, Shcoll, ForaFarm, etc. have an excellent protective and softening effect.

In the struggle for beautiful, moisturized and well-groomed skin, you can use simple cosmetic oils, which also heal cracks well, restore the epidermis and make the skin smooth. It is useful to rub rosehip, sea buckthorn, almond oil into the skin of the elbows. But in order for the product to be better absorbed into the skin, the epidermis should be prepared.

Have you found that the skin on your elbows has become dry, rough and cracked? Don't worry, with proper care, you can fix the situation in a few days!

First of all, you need to steam the skin and do peeling. Boil water or prepare a decoction of any medicinal herbs. When the water cools down a little, you need to hold your elbows over the steam so that the skin softens well. If you don’t want to suffer with basins, just go to the bath or sauna, the skin is perfectly softened there. After that, you need to carefully remove the keratinized scales. This can be done with a rough washcloth - just rub the elbow area. But much more delicately, you can clean the skin with a scrub. If the finished product is not at hand, you can prepare the scrub yourself - mix sugar, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Rub the softened skin of the elbows with this composition. Citric acid corrodes the hard layer of the epidermis, sugar “rips off” dead scales in grains, and oil softens and moisturizes bare delicate skin.

After steaming and peeling, carefully and generously lubricate the skin with any moisturizer or healing ointment from those that we have already talked about. To restore the natural water balance in the skin, you need to apply restorative and protective products twice a day, but peeling is often impossible - a maximum of once a week.

Buy and wear clothes made only from natural fabrics, especially if you wear these clothes constantly, throughout the day.

Try to eat right, include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, drink more. After all, the skin can dry out corny from dehydration. In the autumn and spring season, you should take multivitamin complexes that will make up for the lack of necessary substances.

If the elbows are dried due to some kind of disease, do not use creams - they will not help. It is very important to direct forces to the treatment of the underlying disease, and not to fight the symptom. If the cracks on the elbows do not go away, despite all efforts, you need to consult a therapist. If necessary, he will send you to narrower specialists - an endocrinologist or a dermatologist.

Folk remedies for dry skin on the elbows

There are many recipes in the piggy bank of folk wisdom that will help you restore and protect the delicate and thin skin of your elbows.

  1. Series. A decoction of a string perfectly copes with inflamed and reddened areas of the skin. In a strong decoction, moisten cotton pads and attach to the elbows, fix with an elastic bandage. After such a procedure, you can get rid of allergic manifestations on the skin.
  2. Glycerin and chamomile. Mix chamomile inflorescences with glycerin, infuse the composition in a cool place for about five days. After a specified time, you can lubricate the skin of the elbows with gruel - after such treatment they will be soft and silky.
  3. Sour cream and aloe. This is an excellent oily mixture that helps to cope with cracks and wounds on the skin. For the preparation of the composition, only an adult aloe tree, which is several years old, is suitable. We cut off a large sheet, cut it along and pick out a viscous transparent mass. It should be mixed with sour cream and rubbed into the skin of the elbows. The effect is noticeable immediately - the skin becomes incredibly soft.
  4. Vitamins and starch. Take one ampoule of vitamins A and E, mix them in one bowl and add a little starch. Apply a mushy mass on the elbows, cover with a film on top and fix with a bandage. After several procedures, the skin will change - it will become very soft and silky, there will be no trace of cracks.
  5. Coconut oil. This is a universal remedy that is used to moisturize the skin and hair, to remove makeup and soften cracks. Apply a small amount of coconut oil and massage it in thoroughly. Repeat the procedure every day and only memories will remain from rough skin.
  6. Honey and yolk. Mix some honey with a little yolk. If the skin on the elbows is not only dry, but also inflamed, add a crushed streptocide tablet to the mixture. Apply the gruel to the skin of the elbows, wrap with a film and put on the elbow pads. Honey and yolk perfectly nourish the skin, help to cope with peeling and keratinization.
  7. Buttered potatoes. Potato starch has an excellent healing effect. Raw tuber should be peeled and grated, mixed with olive oil. Apply the mixture on the elbows, fix. If you don’t feel like messing with masks, you can simply cut the potato in half and rub the coarsened places. If you carry out the procedure daily, the skin will become soft and tender.
  8. Beeswax. If there is beeswax in the house, by all means use it. The wax should be melted, applied to the skin of the elbows and allowed to harden, then remove the film. Wax contains useful components that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands; it is not for nothing that paraffin baths are gaining popularity in the world.

To cope with dry skin, it is not necessary to run to a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Look in your first aid kit, kitchen cabinet and refrigerator - you already have the necessary ingredients for the medicine at home.

Women are beautiful because they always strive for the ideal. We do not want to put up with wrinkles on the face, extra pounds on the waist and dry skin on the elbows. A little time, patience and imagination, and we are again ready to shine in front of others in perfect shape. Be beautiful from head to toe!

Video: how to get rid of dry skin on the elbows

There are many reasons that provoke coarsening of the skin. Moreover, most often the fault of the dry dermis on the elbows is the lack or lack of care. But in some cases, the epidermis in this area dries up and cracks due to diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of rough skin in the elbow area:

  • Hormonal imbalance. This often happens during pregnancy, obesity and thyroid diseases. With the normalization of the amount of hormones, the problem disappears.
  • Gynecological ailments. Usually, women with polycystic disease, endometritis, fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia suffer from increased dryness in the elbow joint. This is due to a lack of luteinizing hormone and progestins.
  • Sudden temperature changes. This usually happens in winter, when a person enters a warm room from a frost. At the same time, the skin on the elbows dries up and cracks.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The reason for the appearance of cracks and rough skin on the elbows is a lack of fat-soluble vitamins A and E. This usually happens in women who are on a low-carb diet and consume very small amounts of vegetable oil. It is the main source of vitamin E.
  • Eczema and psoriasis. These are ailments of a complex nature, when there is a malfunction in the work of the intestines and liver. With these diseases, the skin in the elbow area becomes thick and can peel off in layers.
  • Mechanical damage. Often accompanied by office workers who love to sit with their elbows on the table. The skin at the same time stretches, rubs and coarsens. Cracks and dryness may appear.
  • Lack of care. It is worth taking care of the skin in the elbow area. This area needs to be hydrated and nourished.
  • Love for hot baths. With daily bathing in hot water, due to the presence of chlorine in it, the skin dries out. Over time, it becomes rough and cracks.

Features of skin care on the elbows

There are several basic tools that are used to care for the skin in the elbow joint. The epidermis in these areas is often dry and flaky, so it is necessary to regularly remove its scales. This can be done with scrubs. But this is not enough to forget about dryness, moisturizing and nourishing products are needed.

Skin peeling on the elbows

Peeling allows you to exfoliate dead skin particles and make the area soft. Usually peeling is enough to carry out 2 times a week. In just a month of regular procedures, your elbows will become soft and tender.

Elbow peeling recipes:

  1. With salt. You need to pour 20 g of fine salt into a medium-sized bowl. Of course, it is best to take the sea, moreover, without additives and flavorings. Pour some bee nectar into the salt. It is advisable to use liquid and fresh. Do not use buckwheat honey, it is thick and expensive. For peeling, choose a cheaper option. Apply the lotion after bathing and massage your elbows. Wash off with warm water. After the procedure, it is desirable to soften the skin.
  2. with soda. This is an excellent peeling that both nourishes and exfoliates rough skin. For a scrub, you need to mix 30 g of baking soda and 50 ml of olive oil. Apply this paste on the elbows and massage thoroughly. Remove with a tissue and wash the skin with mild soap.
  3. With coffee. Take a ripe peach and remove the pit. Remove the skin too. Grind the pulp on a grater or in a blender. Enter a spoonful of black ground coffee. You can use the thick after you enjoy the taste of an invigorating drink. Apply the mass on the elbows and massage for 2-5 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
  4. With oatmeal. Take a handful of oatmeal and mix it with liquid bee nectar. Carefully average and apply the mass on rough skin. Massage problem areas and rinse with warm water.

Oily creams for elbow care

Now in stores a good range of products for the care of elbows and knees. It is in these areas that the skin flakes, darkens and cracks. Typically, these products include vitamins A and E, as well as plant extracts and essential oils.

Overview of elbow care creams:

  • Avon Planet Spa. This is a cream with shea butter, herbal extracts and white clay. The tool is used to care for the elbows, knees and feet. It has a pleasant aroma and light texture. The cost of a jar of 150 ml is $ 2.
  • Phyto cosmetics. This cream is great for moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis in the elbows, knees, feet. It contains oils that are famous for their regenerating properties. Can be used if there are cracks. The cost of a 57 ml tube is $1.5.
  • Boro Plus by Himani. The cream contains oils and herbs. Its smell is not very pleasant due to the presence of birch bud extract. Perfectly moisturizes the feet, elbows and knees. It has regenerative properties. The cost of a 50 ml tube is $3.
  • Ahava. This is a cream from a well-known Israeli company that produces cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals. For a good result, dry elbows need to be lubricated with them at night. Softens rough skin and brightens it. The cost of a 75 ml tube is $8.

Oil baths for elbows

Vegetable oil is a source of vitamins A and E. With the help of oils, you can significantly improve the condition of your elbows, making them softer. After a few procedures, the skin will stop peeling.

Elbow oil bath recipes:

  1. With glycerin. Warm up 100 ml of vegetable oil in a small bowl. Regular sunflower or olive will do. It is necessary that the temperature of the liquid was 45°C. Add 20 ml of glycerin to the oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and dip your elbows into it for 20 minutes. It is not necessary to wash off the product after the procedure. Blot your elbows with a tissue and apply a fat cream.
  2. With almond oil. Pour 100 ml of vegetable oil into a bowl and immerse it in a container of hot water. Add 5 ml of almond oil. Lower your elbows and sit for 15 minutes. Wipe them with a napkin and moisten with cream. You can repeat the procedure 2 times a week after scrubbing.
  3. With castor oil. Heat 150 ml of sunflower oil in a small bowl. Take refined, odorless. Add 20 ml castor oil. Immerse your elbows in the bath and soak your hands in the liquid for 15 minutes. Remove the rest of the product with a napkin. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

Compresses for the care of the elbows

Compresses help to make the elbows soft in just a few sessions. At the same time, the skin becomes noticeably softer, peeling disappears. For the preparation of compresses, oils, glycerin and fruit juices are usually used. Most often they are left on the elbows all night.

Recipes for compresses for elbow care at home:

  • With honey. Mix equal amounts of almond oil with warm bee nectar. Apply the mixture on rough skin and wrap with polyethylene. You can soak a piece of cloth in this liquid and also tie it with cellophane. The exposure time is 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With starch. Starch perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. To prepare a compress, pour a spoonful of potato flour into a bowl and add warm water. It is necessary to get gruel. Apply it to problem areas and wrap it with foil. Walk with a compress for 25 minutes. Rinse off any remaining product with cool water.
  • With tomatoes. Grind two tomatoes in a meat grinder. Choose fleshy varieties with little juice and seeds. Apply tomato gruel on the fabric and attach to the elbows. Wrap the compress area with a cloth and leave for 30 minutes. The acid in tomato softens rough skin.
  • With alcohol and vinegar. Pour 20 ml of alcohol and glycerin into a bowl. Alcohol take the highest strength. Enter 10 ml of vinegar with a concentration of 9% and a teaspoon of any cream. Apply the paste to a cloth and apply to rough elbows. The exposure time is 25 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Masks for nourishing the skin of the elbows

Elbow nourishment masks are applied after scrubbing. They help saturate dry skin with vitamins and relieve flaking. Some products should not be applied to damaged areas with cracks and wounds. This applies to mixtures with lemon and sour fruits. They can burn.

Elbow nourishment mask recipes:

  1. with propolis. Pour 25 ml of vegetable oil into the pan and fry the onion in it. Remove the onion pieces, and pour the oil into a metal container. Heat up and add a little propolis to the mass. Stir until the bee product dissolves. This liquid must be applied to the elbows for 1 hour.
  2. with cabbage. Grind two cabbage leaves in a blender. You should have porridge. Enter into it 20 ml of vegetable oil and 10 g of potato starch. Apply the dough-like mass on the elbows and wrap with oilcloth. You can cover with a towel. Leave on for 25-35 minutes. Remove residue with a paper towel and wash in warm water.
  3. with banana. Crush the pulp of one banana. It is necessary to get gruel. Enter 20 ml of glycerin into it and mix. Lubricate problem areas with greasy paste and cover them with cellophane. Application time is 25 minutes. Remove the mask and wash your elbows, do not forget to apply a greasy cream.
  4. With yolk. Separate the white from the yolk and pour it into a bowl. To the yolk, add 25 ml of olive oil and 5 ml of fresh lemon juice. Apply paste on elbows and wrap with oilcloth. Keep the mixture for 25 minutes. Remove residue with a dry cloth. Wash your elbows under running water.

Whitening products for elbows

Due to the increased porosity and the presence of peeling, dirt often accumulates in the elbow area. In addition, the skin in this area may darken. This significantly spoils the appearance and delivers a lot of trouble. To make the skin on the elbows lighter, it is recommended to use brightening masks. Usually they include parsley, sour-milk products and lemon.

Recipes for whitening masks for elbows:

  • With cream. Pour 50 ml of liquid cream into a bowl. Suitable product with a fat content of 10%. Put the bowl on the fire and wait until the cream begins to curdle. At this time, add 5 g of saffron powder and a spoonful of starch. Thoroughly blend the mixture. This paste should be rubbed into the elbows. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and rinse under running water.
  • with parsley. Grind a bunch of parsley until you get a gruel. For these purposes, you can use a blender. Put a spoonful of sour cream into the green gruel and mix. Apply the paste to the fabric and apply to problem areas. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse and lubricate with a special cream.
  • With lemon. Cut off the top of a lemon and rub the juice on your elbow. Leave the juice on your hands for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and be sure to apply a moisturizer or nourisher. Carry out the procedure 2 times in 7 days.
  • With sour cream. In a small bowl, add 20 ml of low-fat sour cream and puree made from one peach. Apply the mixture to the area of ​​the elbow joint and wrap it with a film or bag. Wrap with a towel and leave the mass on your hands for 20 minutes. Rinse without soap and apply a nourishing cleanser.

How to get rid of cracked elbows

To get rid of cracks, nutrients with healing components are used. Do not use ingredients that can irritate the skin and cause itching.

Remedies for cracked elbows:

  1. Healing mask with chamomile. Prepare a decoction of chamomile by pouring a handful of flowers into 500 ml of boiling water. Pour out the broth, and chop the flowers in a meat grinder. Enter a glass of fat sour cream and 100 ml of olive oil into the mass. Add half a cup of grated black radish. Mix all ingredients and transfer to a jar with a lid. Store in refrigerator. Use at night before bed. Leave the mixture on your elbow all night.
  2. With salicylic acid. Heat 100 ml of honey and olive oil in a small saucepan. It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous. Remember that honey should not be heated above 50°C. After that, enter the powder obtained from 4 tablets of salicylic acid. Pour the mixture into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Apply the mass for 1 hour, wrapped in cellophane. You need to use the product 3 times in 8 days.
  3. With vitamins. Vitamin E perfectly heals cracks. Pour 20 ml of any vegetable oil into a bowl. Add the contents of 3 vitamin E capsules to the fatty liquid. Enter a tablespoon of Panthenol. Close the container and shake it. Lubricate problem areas. The mixture does not need to be washed off, it is perfectly absorbed. In order not to stain your clothes, you can glue your elbows with a band-aid.

Most often, dryness and cracks in the elbow area are due to malnutrition and lack of proper care. To keep your skin like a baby's, follow these simple rules.

Rules for the care of the skin of the elbows:

  • Stop using soap. It dries out the skin and can cause flaking. After a shower, be sure to apply any hand cream. It is desirable that it contains vitamins A and E.
  • Try to take multivitamin complexes in the fall and spring. They help relieve dry skin.
  • It is very useful to take fish oil. It contains unsaturated fatty acids that prevent dry skin.
  • In order for the masks to bring results, spend them in courses. Usually 2 months are enough to completely restore the dry epidermis on the elbows and get rid of cracks.
  • Do not lean on hard surfaces. Get rid of the habit of propping your head up with your elbows.
How to care for the skin of the elbows - look at the video:

The skin on the elbows needs care, like the face and other parts of the body. To do this, you can purchase special creams or use inexpensive home-made products.

Our body gives signals of danger much earlier than the onset of the disease. You just need to be able to recognize them correctly and take action in time. For example, very often skin troubles occur on the elbows. It is difficult to hide these defects under a layer of clothing, especially in the summer. To conduct a competent treatment, you need to find out the reasons: why the elbows are peeling, and based on this, choose the right remedy for skin treatment.

What is peeling on the elbows

The skin on the elbows is always slightly denser than on the rest of the body. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal and is associated with the constant work of the joints: flexion and extension of the arm. In addition, the elbows are always drier than the rest of the arm due to the fact that there are practically no sebaceous glands in this place. However, it happens that roughness and dryness of the skin develops into a real problem. How to distinguish the norm from the beginning of pathogenic processes?

Peeling of the elbows, in fact, is the rejection of dead epidermal cells from the surface of the skin. Distinguishing normal exfoliation from disease-causing is not difficult. If the skin on the elbows is soft, does not cling to clothes and does not cause discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about. It is worth visiting a doctor or paying attention to the frequency of hand care if an unpleasant crust appears, cracks, or when the elbows begin to turn gray.

Why does the skin on the elbows dry

The so-called elephant skin effect can appear at any age and in people of all ages. There are a lot of reasons why elbows peel off, but special attention should be paid to:

  1. Health. Dry elbows are a common symptom of many diseases. For example, in this way the body can make it clear about violations in the endocrine system, about problems with the adrenal glands, thyroid gland or stomach. Dry skin often worries patients with psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, hypothyroidism, dermatitis, anemia.
  2. Nutrition. The lack of vital micro and macro elements, vitamins, can also affect the dryness of the skin of the hands. Monotonous nutrition, exhausting diets often become the reasons why elbows peel off. In order to avoid problems, it is worth including foods high in keratin in the diet: seaweed, fish, lean meat, milk, fresh vegetables, oranges and other fruits.
  3. hygiene. Too frequent hot baths, skin scrubbing is another factor leading to peeling on the elbows.
  4. mechanical influences. A crust on the elbows, redness of the skin, peeling are observed in those people who often work at a computer or with papers. In addition, improperly selected clothing can lead to such changes. Synthetics do not pass air well, which is why, by nature, the skin on the elbows coarsens.

Crusts form

If the skin on the elbows peels off and cracks, the causes may be any problems with the internal organs: the stomach, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys or liver. Whitish, almost transparent crusts on the elbows also appear as a result of disorders of the nervous system: after severe stress, nervous strain or increased mental activity.

If the red spot does not cause discomfort, does not hurt or itch, and the weather is cold outside, the temperature difference may have been the cause of peeling. To prevent this from happening in the future, dermatologists recommend in winter, before each exit to the street, lubricate the joints with a fat cream. To prevent goose bumps in the cold season, you need to take special supplements with vitamin A and E.

Rough skin

Peeling of the skin on the elbows in tandem with a strongly roughened epidermis is a more alarming signal. Such manifestations, as a rule, indicate the development of endocrine problems. It is worth consulting a doctor and checking the work of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Diseases of these organs are difficult to catch with the naked eye, as they are almost asymptomatic. Due to insufficient production of hormones, metabolism worsens, which slows down all body processes, including skin renewal.

Elbows blacken

Another serious cause of peeling elbows is hypothyroidism. Moreover, young girls and women often suffer from this disease. Hypothyroidism manifests itself in many different symptoms, but the most obvious sign is the darkening of the elbows. Why the skin on the elbows of women and girls peels off, turns black or gray, and for men the same symptoms are completely absent, it is difficult for doctors to answer unambiguously. It is generally accepted that this is due to hormonal imbalance during the menstrual cycle and weak hormone production.

What to do

The first thing to do if peeling appears is to see a doctor: first to a therapist, then to an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or even a gynecologist. Only with the help of a series of diagnostic procedures and a complete history taking, it is possible to establish the exact reason why the elbows dry. If these are internal problems of the body, adequate medical care will be needed. Only by eliminating the root of the problem, you can get rid of the symptoms.

If the reason why the elbows are very peeling is not established by the doctors, you need to take a closer look at the preparation of the menu. The diet should be enriched with foods rich in vitamins, healthy fats and amino acids. For greater confidence, it is worth drinking vitamin supplements, which will contain useful substances of groups A, B, PP, E. In addition, it is worth making it a habit to carry out pleasant elbow skin care procedures at least once a week.

Nourishing masks

To nourish the epidermis, externally saturate the skin with vitamins, cure dermatitis and make the elbows softer, special homemade hand masks will help. Try making a moisturizer out of carrots. It will give firmness and elasticity to the skin, saturate it with vitamin A and help tighten cracks or wounds on the elbow joint:

  1. Grate half a raw carrot.
  2. Mix it with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Take two cotton pads and carefully place the resulting mixture in the center.
  4. Attach tampons to the elbows, fix with a bandage bandage.
  5. After half an hour, wash off the remnants of the product with warm water.
  6. For maximum effect, you can take carrots inside.

If you don’t have much time to mess with the recipe, you can try to prepare a simple orange-based mask with ascorbic acid:

  1. To do this, lightly heat castor or olive oil in a small bowl.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed orange juice to the container.
  3. Pour a crushed ascorbic tablet into a container, mix.
  4. Massage the mixture onto your elbows with fingertips.
  5. Leave the product on for about 5 minutes and then rinse off.

Ointments and creams

During the period of exacerbations of cold weather, when the skin of the elbows is especially prone to peeling, and there is a lack of vitamins in the body, you can nourish the handles with simple pharmacy products. Make a habit of lubricating your elbow joints with baby cream, unscented oily ointment, or other moisturizers after every bath or shower.

With increased manifestations of internal diseases, the doctor will give a recommendation: apply therapeutic ointments or anti-inflammatory balms to the elbows. To cope with dermatitis, rashes and prevent the occurrence of cracks on the elbows will help:

  • Lipikar;
  • Atoderm;
  • Radevit;
  • Pitival;
  • Salicylic ointment.

Apply all of these funds to cleansed skin of the hands, in a thin layer once or twice a day. Upon receipt of persistent positive results, the use of pharmacy products can be suspended. When peeling of the skin is accompanied by a rough compaction of the upper skin, before applying the products, the elbows must be cleaned with a scrub or special exfoliating preparations should be used.

Folk remedies

Healing nettle baths will help to make the skin on the elbows beautiful, elastic and smooth. Such a bath procedure stimulates metabolic processes, heals small cracks, promotes wound healing, and relieves redness in the affected area. To prepare a bath:

  1. Take 300 grams of dried nettle leaves.
  2. Pour the raw material with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  3. It is not necessary to filter the solution, immediately pour the tincture into a small basin and lower your arms bent at the elbows to the bottom.
  4. Soak the bath for at least 15 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, dry the skin, apply a moisturizer to the joints.

Softens the skin, removes peeling and makes the elbows smooth olive oil baths:

  1. On a steam bath, heat 6 tbsp. l. oils.
  2. Divide mixture into two servings and divide among saucers.
  3. Soak your elbows in the oil for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rub the softened skin with a soft pumice stone, then wash off the remnants of the product with water and baby soap.
  5. Lubricate your elbows with a nourishing cream.

To reduce redness, irritation and rashes on the skin, lemon juice, rice decoction, and sauerkraut have long been used. These ingredients are considered natural bleaches. To eliminate peeling at home, you can make compresses on your elbows from sour cream or green tea, lubricate problem areas with honey, make decoctions of dry elecampane, chamomile and other herbs. To quickly soften the skin on the elbows, oils will help: sea buckthorn, buckwheat, almond.

Prevention of peeling elbows

So that the skin on the elbows always remains beautiful, does not cling to clothes and pleases with its softness, you should always follow the following simple rules:

  • drink at least one and a half liters of water per day;
  • replace daily washing in bathrooms with a contrast shower;
  • do not use untested cosmetics;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • take care of your elbows with special ointments, moisturizing creams or balms.

Video: The skin on the elbows of women is cracking

The skin on the elbows requires special care - without it, it quickly becomes dry and rough. What needs to be done to avoid redness and peeling of the skin, and why they appear at all, says Ph.D., dermatologist, cosmetologist and NIVEA expert Natalia Gaydash.

Natalia Gaidash

Dry skin on the elbows is a signal that should not be ignored. The most common causes of excessive dryness of the elbows are endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism), iron deficiency, lack of vitamins A and E, mechanical injuries (when working at the table), synthetic clothing. Elbows often show diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. The condition of the skin on the elbows is affected by age, heredity and lifestyle of a person.

Sometimes dry and pigmented skin on the elbows is a sign of serious health problems, such as the development of cell insensitivity to insulin. So there is a risk of developing type 2 sugar, hypertension, arthrosis. Therefore, it is best to contact specialists in parallel with home care: a dermatologist, endocrinologist or therapist.

The skin on the elbows is normally always denser and drier than on other parts of the body. Flexion and extension of the joints stretches the skin and thickens it. In addition, on the elbows, as well as in the knees, there are almost no sebaceous glands. Namely, the secret of the sebaceous glands prevents moisture loss. Therefore, you need to regularly lubricate your elbows with emollients and moisturizers. If this is not done, the skin may become rough and cracked. This happens especially often in autumn and winter - most of the time a person spends in heated rooms with very dry air. The skin on the elbows is covered with dry "goosebumps", coarsens and due to temperature changes - in the autumn-winter period, a person constantly leaves a warm room on the street, where it is cold, and vice versa, comes from the cold into the heat.

How to take care of the skin on your elbows

The best way to take care of your elbows is to use an all-purpose cream. It should only be applied to cleansed skin. At the same time, it is worth washing not with soap, but with emollients and moisturizers. For example, shower gels with a soft formula and caring properties. Once or twice a week, it is recommended to do a full body peeling or use a special brush (it can be moistened with glycerin) to stimulate skin renewal and exfoliate dead cells. A shower cream with small, soft scrubbing particles is also suitable. During cleansing or peeling, you do not need to rub the skin too hard - gentle massage movements are enough.

Frequent showering also provokes dryness. After cleansing procedures or swimming in the pool, it is important not to forget to use the cream. Once the skin is dry, apply an emollient and moisturizer to your elbows. It should intensively nourish and moisturize even dry areas of the skin. It can be applied every day.