The baby does not hold his head. When the child begins to hold his head: ➄ reasons why he does not want to do this and ➄ exercises to quickly master the skill

When does a child start holding his head? The answer to this question worries every woman who has recently felt all the joy of motherhood. The ability to hold your head confidently is one of the first skills an infant learns. At how many months does the baby begin to raise his head and what to do if he does not cope with this task?

It should be?

The baby that was born is very weak and is not yet able to fully control his body. The development of all motor skills is gradual in accordance with the nature of the program. The first thing a newborn learns to do is to raise his head and hold it in this position for a while. At what age does this happen?

Holding the head is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The development of this skill takes place in three stages.

  • 1st month of life

In the first month of life, the newborn is not yet able to hold his head on his own. At this age, his parents help him. During bathing or swaddling, the mother supports the baby's head with her hands, making sure that the baby is comfortable. During this period, there is a gradual development of the neck muscles, and the child begins to master new motor skills.

At the end of the first month of life, the baby begins to turn over onto the stomach. At this time, the child is already trying to raise his head, but weak neck muscles do not allow him to hold his position for too long. A few seconds pass - and the baby lowers its neck, burying its nose in the diaper. This is not bad at all, because at this age, a child still does not have to confidently hold his head for a long time. On the contrary, if the baby is trying to stretch his neck and is in this position for a long time, you need to be alert. A similar symptom may indicate a serious pathology in the development of the child's nervous system.

  • 2 months

In the second month of life, there is an increased development of the muscles and ligaments of the neck. At 6 weeks, the baby already confidently raises his head and holds it in this position for at least 30 seconds. It is bad if at this age the child does not even try to change the position of the neck and look around. In this case, parents should definitely show their baby to a qualified pediatric neurologist.

Support your baby's neck until he learns to confidently hold his head.

  • 3 months

From how many months should a baby hold his head on his own? It is believed that at the age of 8-12 weeks, a child can lift his neck and hold it in this position for at least a minute. Lying on his stomach, the baby can not only raise his head, but also look around in search of bright toys. The child still gets tired quickly and needs rest from time to time. Do not be alarmed if the baby lays his head on the diaper after a while. Turn the baby over and let him rest for at least 10 minutes. Let the neck muscles relax before the child starts exploring the world again while lying on their stomach.

From how many months does the baby not only hold his head, but also with his whole body rises above the horizontal surface? On average, babies try to lift their upper body at 3-4 months of age. The kid does this quite consciously, wanting to learn as much as possible about the world around him. If the baby is held upright in his arms, his head, neck and torso will be in line.

All these parameters are quite individual. When assessing the development of an infant, it is necessary to take into account not only the existing skills, but also the general condition of the child. You should not strive by all means to teach the baby to keep his head at exactly 3 months. Some kids learn this skill a little earlier, while others take longer to train their neck muscles. If parents are worried about something, first of all, you should consult with a neurologist and only after that make any far-reaching conclusions.

Possible problems

There are two problems associated with the physical development of a child in the first months of life.

  • The child began to hold his head too early.

If a baby at 1 month old confidently lifts his neck and holds it in this position for more than 30 seconds, this is bad. At this age, a newborn is not yet able to independently maintain a similar position for such a long time. A similar symptom may indicate a serious damage to the central nervous system. Most often, this symptom occurs with increased intracranial pressure. Be sure to show your baby to the doctor and go through a full examination by a specialist!

  • The child does not hold his head.

How many months does a baby need to be able to hold his neck upright on his own? From 2 to 3 months, depending on the general pace of the child's physical development. It is bad if a baby at 8 weeks of age does not even try to lift his neck, and by 12 weeks is not able to keep his head upright. In this situation, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Possible reasons for this pathology:

  1. perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  2. weak muscle tone;
  3. prematurity;
  4. low birth weight;
  5. congenital malformations;
  6. insufficient baby care.

Perinatal damage to the nervous system can be the result of severe pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the baby's brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen. Hypoxia develops - a condition in which all internal organs suffer. The muscular system is no exception. A prolonged lack of oxygen leads to a decrease in muscle tone and a lag in the child's physical and mental development. The more serious the damage to the nervous system, the more difficult it will be for the child to master all the necessary skills in due time.

Prematurity and low birth weight are another factor that interferes with normal physical development. Such children not only hold their heads poorly, but also lag behind their peers in other respects. In the future, the child may develop other health problems, including those of the central nervous system.

How long does it take for a baby to catch up with other children in physical development? It is rather difficult to predict in advance. Some babies already in the first six months are no different from full-term and full-fledged babies, while others need much more time to master all the necessary skills. Full information about the child's health and the prognosis for the future can be obtained from the attending physician.

How can I help my child?

A toddler who does not hold his head well is a problem for parents. How to teach a child to keep his head up and avoid worsening his condition?

  1. Beginning at 3-4 weeks of age, lay your baby on her tummy for a few minutes. Support your baby's neck to keep him comfortable. If the baby cries, stop exercising and repeat the experiment after a while.
  2. Carry your baby vertically with the belly towards you. Make sure that the baby has the opportunity to turn his head if necessary.
  3. Place the baby on a flat surface with a small pillow under his neck. Lift the baby by the shoulders, holding him in this position for a few seconds.

Be sure to show your baby to an experienced neurologist. The doctor can not only find the reason for the lag in physical development, but also prescribe certain medical procedures. Massage of the neck area helps a lot. The first massage course should be carried out by a specialist. In the future, you can master the simplest massage skills on your own and engage with your child at home as much as necessary.

If the baby does not hold his head, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy. Drug therapy is used only for identified neurological disorders. The choice of the drug and its dosage will depend on the form of the pathology. The duration of drug treatment is from 14 days to 3 months. All medications are allowed to be taken only as directed by a doctor and in strict accordance with the prescription.

When a newborn should start holding the head on its own

  • Hold on, not hold
  • When the child starts to hold his head
  • If the child does not hold his head
  • How to help your baby to hold the head
  • If the child is holding his head and shouldn't

"Hold your head!" - the nurse strictly instructs young mothers in the maternity hospital, handing over the newborns to them. "Probably, if you don't hold your head, something terrible will happen!" - mothers think, fixing the back of the baby's head with a stranglehold ...

When will the child begin to hold his head on his own, and what is the threat of maternal negligence to the newborn?

Hold on, not hold

A newborn baby's neck muscles are still weak and the head is disproportionately large in relation to the rest of the body. However, a newborn is not at all as fragile as it often seems to parents; if he has already survived the progression along the birth canal, then he will somehow survive with his mother on the arms. The baby can fix the head in a certain position from birth, albeit not for long. If you are holding a child in your arms, the head may spontaneously fall to one side or even tilt back, which is especially frightening for parents, since it is accompanied by a sharp cry of the child.

"Has he broken his neck?" - mothers are worried, checking whether the child is paralyzed. No, it didn’t paralyze, although he was certainly uncomfortable and, perhaps, the sudden movement caused pain.

If you always firmly fix the child's head with your hand, then you prevent him from training the muscles of the neck, slowing down his development. Therefore, you do not need to hold the child's head all the time, you just need to hold it slightly, not allowing it to be thrown back sharply.

When should you hold your baby's head?

  1. When moving, when you get up, sit down, turn sharply with the child in your arms.
  2. During feeding, because the baby simply cannot hold his head in one position for a long time without your help.

Periodically, young mothers scare each other with stories about the "death nod". Like, one mother did not hold the child's head and ...

In fact, this is a terrifying term from the field of road injuries: during emergency braking and, even more so, in an accident, a child even in a car seat moves forward by inertia and a sudden movement of the head can damage the cervical vertebrae. This is why many manufacturers recommend positioning the infant carrier so that the newborn is facing the opposite direction of travel. In everyday life, it is almost impossible to achieve such an acceleration of movement.

When the child starts to hold his head

Of course, all the terms in question are the "arithmetic mean" in which a rare baby will fit. Most are one week ahead of or behind these dates, so look at them solely as guidelines.

8 weeks

At 8 weeks, the mother begins to notice for the first time that the child can already consciously control the movements of the head when she holds him in her arms: tilt her to one side, forward and straighten her. However, there is still a long way to go to full control.

3 months

This is exactly the period that is usually considered the norm for holding the head. At this age, the baby, lying on his stomach, can raise his shoulders and head and hold them that way for about 30 seconds. If you pull the child, lying on his back, by the arms, then, rising, he will keep his head in line with the body. Finally, your toddler can do without head support when in your arms.

4 months

Lying on his tummy, the baby can raise not only the shoulders and head, but also the upper body and hold in this position for about a minute. He reaches for the toy, turning his head, and feels comfortable.

5-6 months

The child freely holds his head in any position, can twirl it, sitting in his mother's arms and looking around.

If the child does not hold his head

Up to three months, it is difficult for parents to confidently judge whether the child has sufficient control over his movements or not. Even a harmoniously developing baby can lose balance at times and throw his head back abruptly.

However, if at three months, the baby, lying on its stomach, cannot raise its head even for a few seconds, you should show it to your local pediatrician or neurologist as soon as possible. The cause of the problem may be ...

    Prematurity or extremely low birth weight. Most likely, such a kid will catch up with his peers a little later.

    A birth injury that caused neurological problems, or diseases that prevented the baby from developing fully even before birth. The diagnosis and treatment regimen can only be determined by a doctor.

    "Tame" child. Sometimes, with hyperresponsible parents, the baby does not have a single chance to train the muscles of the neck - the head is always rigidly fixed in line with the body. Because of this, the muscles in the neck are weakened and need massage and exercise.

How to help your baby to hold the head

Generally speaking, no special effort is required to do this, but there are still some useful exercises that will benefit a healthy baby.

Toy tracking

Place a bright, attractive toy in front of your baby when he is lying on his stomach. Gently lift the child's head by the forehead - literally a few centimeters so that he catches the toy with his eyes. Feeling the independent movement of the head, gently release the baby. Two or three repetitions in a row are enough.

Lifting by handles

Laying the child on his back (preferably with a small pillow under his head), gently pull him by the arms towards you. As soon as the head begins to tilt back, gently lower it. Two to three repetitions in a row several times a day is enough.

If the child is holding his head and shouldn't

Sometimes parents underestimate the danger of the opposite situation - the child has been holding his head for a month. Sometimes this really speaks of the excellent physical shape of the baby, but more often it is a manifestation of pathology - muscle hypertonicity: they seem to be constantly cramped.

Most often, this is not the only sign that the baby has health problems; the child may sleep poorly, anxiously, cry often (at first glance, for no reason), vigorously regurgitate, and so on.

The only thing that can be advised in this situation is to seek medical help as soon as possible, even if you are not sure that you really see all these signs, but have become a victim of parental anxiety.

Controlling the position of the head is an important stage in the development of a baby, not only physically, but also intellectually. After all, now he can look at the world around him, watch his mother, follow the toys with his eyes ... so don't let this moment take its course, be sure to watch the newborn!

The onset of the moment when the baby independently raises his head and holds it depends on many factors. There are approximate dates, norms and ways to speed up this event.

When a child begins to hold his head - this is the first serious victory, the first step to gaining the ability to control the muscles, the spine, and move independently. The adults watching its development look forward to this moment. This is a kind of milestone in life, which you can later talk about to other mothers who are just as eagerly awaiting it.

But on the issue of timing, in the debate between mothers and grandmothers about how many months the child begins to hold his head, there are always some disagreements. After all, there is actually no definite timeframe in which a significant event should take place. In pediatrics, there is the concept of a relative norm, but no one can say that a child should clearly raise his head at 2 or 3 months. The relative norm provides for a certain period in which this should happen. Anything less than or more than this period is not the norm. Everything that happened at the right time indicates normal development.

Influence of individual development

Medicine has never come to a definite conclusion about the exact timing of when children begin the process of mastering the body. The reason for this was the individual development of the fetus during the prenatal period, and the baby itself in the first month of life. Not a single professor of medicine can foresee all the components of individual development.

Children develop in different mothers, receive different heredity, composed not only of the parental genes, but also of the genes of previous generations. Mothers during the period of carrying a baby are also in different conditions, eat different foods, experience positive and negative psychoemotional states.

The body of one pregnant woman is fully prepared for carrying a baby, in another it came earlier or later than the required peak of preparation. They wanted one baby, the other was born unwanted. Difficult transition through the birth canal for one baby was relatively normal, the other suffered a birth trauma, protracted, or rapid labor. Even the weight of newborns on one gurney, in one maternity hospital, can vary from 2 to 7 kg.

In such conditions, it is difficult to say exactly what time the child begins to perform certain actions. The kid starts them when his body has adapted and prepared for a new round in its development.

For example, in orphanages, children do not hold their heads for a long time. After all, as it is not sad, but no one loves them as much as their own mother can do. Nobody deals with them like that.

Relative norm

Therefore, pediatricians, in response to the question when a newborn begins to hold his head, skillfully avoid a direct answer. Someone says that he is already holding it when, lying on his stomach, he lifts it for a while to look around. Someone thinks that 1.5-2 months is the right time for this to happen. Someone writes that this should definitely happen by 3 months.

The most masterpiece formulation is that if he has not started by 6 months, then something is wrong with him. But if you started at 1 month, then this is also bad. There shouldn't be any panic in this matter. Hereditary pathologies with the modern possibilities of medicine are diagnosed almost immediately. If there is no threatening diagnosis in the medical record, you just need to do your main job - to be a mother:

  1. Eat right while breastfeeding so your baby gets everything he needs.
  2. Make sure that he does not get sick, that the umbilical cord heals properly, there is no diaper rash.
  3. You should not rush to introduce the necessary complementary foods.
  4. Bathe frequently to develop muscles. Use special tools for this, for example, circles.
  5. Constantly talk to him, play, sing songs.
  6. Often and for a long time in the fresh air, to consider the space around you.
  7. And the most important thing is to love him for who he is.

Here is a good and detailed video on how to properly bathe your baby to improve his development:

A normal developmental process, supported by quality care and exercise, will lead to the fact that he will begin to hold his head at the moment when he is fully ready for this.

If in the first month, after the first 5 days, when adaptation occurs after the transition from being in the amniotic fluid to an air atmosphere, he began to suck his fingers and chest, try to crawl when they touch his soles, lean on his legs when supported by his armpits, smile , in the prone position to raise the head, which means that the process of developing muscles, preparing their functions, is proceeding normally, and it's time to start to speed it up a little, very carefully helping your baby.

How to speed up the development process

There is no special wisdom in this. Everything that mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers did with babies was dictated by centuries of experience and common sense: laying out on the stomach, and carrying it on the hands, holding the neck and head, and a bicycle with legs with the help of mother, and even toys suspended over the bed.

At the end of the first month of life, there comes a time when the baby can hold his head. And do not think that if he is already trying to do this, then, as they write on some sites, he has high intracranial pressure. Just intrauterine development, normal nutrition, and exercise helped to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for this. After all, when a baby tries to walk at 10 months, no one puts forward the version that he has organ hyperfunction.

You can help the baby in development during this period, for this it is necessary:

  1. Lay the baby out on a flat and hard surface starting from 2 weeks for 2 minutes, gradually increasing the duration. Watch him closely while doing this.
  2. To carry out in the morning and in the evening a light relaxing massage of the body, legs, back, abdomen, neck. If you don't have experience, it's a good idea to watch a video or consult with a specialist.
  3. Bathing often, while providing some freedom of movement of the limbs, but fixing the head, special circles on the neck will help.
  4. Exercise while the child is active (but not immediately after eating). The set of exercises should be aimed at activating different muscles of the baby.
  5. Carry on hands in a vertical and horizontal position, holding the head so that the baby can look at the world around him, and at the same time train the neck muscles.
  6. Hang the toys over the bed, lowering them during the activity, so that the visual, auditory, grasping reflex develops, but at the same time also play with musical toys that emit different sounds. A good effect is guaranteed. Various music modules that can be hung above the crib will help you with this.

Is it easier to put the baby on his back in the crib and go about his business? Well, then by 4-6 months he will master this science on his own. A child is a kind of base: the more you invest in it, the more you get.

Approximate dates

A well-developed child should already be able to hold his head by 2 months. This is due to the degree of muscle development and the manifestation of the instinct for self-preservation, which makes him do this in order not to suffocate.

But a categorical statement cannot be taken as an axiom. All factors in the development of your baby should be taken into account, ranging from heredity, the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth, to previous illnesses, if any, have already occurred (colds, for example). Much depends on the weight gain of the baby, which in turn depends on the weight of the baby at birth.

For each baby, this happens individually, there are no two such alike in nature. Even twins develop at their own individual pace. You need to worry if your baby does not look up by 3.5-4 months. Until that time, he needs to be properly fed, bathed, walked, dealt with, talked to, nursed and just loved.

Most mums worry about how well their newborn babies are developing. The first thing that pays attention to is the ability of the baby to hold his head, which is the first independent skill of a newborn. Pediatricians and neuropathologists also pay special attention to this skill, since it can signal the presence of certain neurological disorders or be an indicator of the excellent health of the baby. Observing the emergence of this skill, it is important to remember that all children are completely individual and develop in different ways. If your child has not learned to hold his head by a certain date, this is not yet a reason for panic. Understand what is what will help you detailed information about when the newborn should hold his head.

When should a newborn start holding the head?

At birth, the baby has undeveloped muscles of the neck and back, so he cannot hold his head on his own. In the first few months of life, be sure to hold the baby's head when you pick it up. In no case should the child sit in a carrier chair that does not fix the head, as well as in a stroller until the skill of holding the head is formed - this can lead to damage to the child's cervical vertebrae.

What time should a newborn start to hold his head? Each child develops individually, so there is no clearly defined time frame for when a child will start holding his head. This process takes place gradually and is usually divided into several stages.

  1. In the first month of life, babies still cannot hold their heads on their own. From birth they have a very important reflex - if you put the child on his tummy, then, in order not to suffocate, he must turn his head to one side. This reflex is present from birth and the district pediatrician will definitely pay attention to it when examining the child. At this age, the baby can only raise the head at a very small angle for a couple of seconds. The baby turns its head in response to a touch on its cheek, in order to find its mother's breast.
  2. In the second month of life, babies usually improve the skill of holding their heads and by the end of this month they can raise their head at an angle of 45 degrees and hold it in this position for up to 5 seconds. Turn the head of the crumb to loud noises or noticing the face of a loved one.
  3. In the third month, babies usually continue to exercise and can hold their head almost vertical for 10-15 seconds.
  4. At the beginning of the fourth month of life, babies can almost always confidently hold their head upright, turning it from side to side and watching interesting objects or people. Often, by the end of the fourth month, babies already hold not only their head, but also tear off the upper part of the body, leaning on the arms extended in front of them.

This time frame is appropriate for most babies, but not all. Some babies begin to hold their heads well by the end of the first month, and some do not raise their heads even by three. Any deviations in one direction or another may indicate problems with neurology. For example, babies born prematurely or with low weight are more likely to lag behind in this skill. If up to three months your baby has not started trying to hold her head, then perhaps she needs help to acquire this skill.

How to teach a child to hold a head

Anyone, even a rapidly developing baby, needs help to learn how to hold a head. Your pediatrician should tell you how to teach your baby to hold the head when they first see your newborn. There are a couple of simple tricks for this:

Starting from 2 weeks of age, the baby must be laid out on the tummy several times a day. This position stimulates the baby to train the muscles of the back and neck, and also effectively helps prevent colic, removing gas from the baby's intestines. Even if your child does not like to lie on his tummy and is capricious, you need to be persistent by continuing to spread it regularly. It is important to be able to interest the baby with an affectionate conversation, a song, playing "okay" or a rattle, so that the baby is interested in raising his head. Starting from two months, you need to show the baby different toys - this way he will keep his head upright longer, examining them.

If your baby is already raising his head, then you can help train his neck muscles with the help of a simple exercise: take the baby by the arms and slowly pull towards you, as if planting him. The baby will reflexively strain the neck muscles, trying to pull up the head behind the body. You should start doing this exercise no earlier than from two to three months and do it infrequently - 1 - 2 times a day.

What to do if a newborn does not hold his head well

Sometimes there are situations when the first three months of a newborn's life pass, and he has not begun to hold his head or does not hold it straight. What should mummies do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to immediately contact a pediatrician and, possibly, a neurologist. Only doctors, based on the results of a thorough examination of the baby, will establish whether there are any violations, and also find ways to eliminate them. Most often, doctors prescribe to help the baby:

  • Massotherapy;
  • The use of medicines;
  • Remedial gymnastics.

Massage therapy is a very effective remedy for strengthening weak neck and back muscles in an infant. It is advisable that this procedure is carried out by a professional massage therapist, and not by a mother - this way you will achieve the result much faster. It is necessary to carry out massages in the course prescribed by the attending physician.

The use of medicines also successfully strengthens the muscles of the baby, especially in combination with massage. If you are intimidated by the prospect of giving a newborn medication, consult with one or more doctors - it is quite possible that in your case you can do without them.

Remedial gymnastics should be carried out by the mother, following the method shown by the attending physician. It is very important to do gymnastics every day for a long time to get the maximum benefit.

Applying in practice all these simple techniques, you can easily teach your beloved baby to hold his head correctly and well.

Photo and video: What time do newborns begin to hold their heads?

In most child development forums, young mothers are often asked about when a child starts to hold his head. It is very difficult to answer this question with certainty, since each child develops individually. The first year of the child is rich in the acquisition of vital skills. And holding the head is no exception.

But these skills come on time. Unfortunately, many mothers begin to wind themselves up if the neighbor's boy is already free to hold his head, and her toddler has just begun to turn it to one side. To allay concerns about this, we will figure out when newborns begin to hold their heads.

Every mother wants her child to be the best in everything. But still, you need to worry not only if the baby lags behind peers. Sometimes too early development is a sign of pathology. This rarely happens, but a consultation with a pediatrician will not hurt.

When it comes time for the child to hold his head on his own

Many parents believe that the neck muscles are strong enough at the moment when the newborn baby is confidently holding his head in the "column" position. In fact, this is not the case. This can be said only when the child keeps his head raised in the "on the tummy" position. It comes at about three months. But this period may vary.

So that you don't panic, consider the development of this skill in different periods:

  • The first days of the baby. During this period, be sure to support him under the head, as the child's muscles are very weak. After the navel has healed, sometimes it is already possible to lay the baby on the tummy;
  • One to two months. In a month, the baby can usually keep the head in balance for a few seconds. By the eighth week, he can already pull his head to his chest. But you still need to be careful, since the tension of the neck muscles during this period is short;
  • Three to four months. At this age, coordination of movements improves. Lay your baby on the tummy more often. You can also pull it up by the handles from a prone position. This is a great exercise for the child to hold their head;
  • Five to six months. At this age, children usually already hold their heads well and can turn it in different directions.

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What to do when the baby does not start holding his head at three months

As previously stated, every child is different. But still, at three months, he should already hold his head for at least a few seconds. If this does not happen, then the reasons may be the following:

  • The appearance of the baby was accompanied by difficult childbirth or he had neurological problems. In this case, a doctor's consultation is imperative;
  • Low neck muscle tone. It also requires a consultation with a neurologist. Most likely, he will prescribe a massage so that the child can hold his head;
  • The child was infrequently laid out on his tummy, which is why his neck muscles are not sufficiently strengthened;
  • Developmental delays can often occur in babies with low birth weight or premature babies. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician;
  • The kid holds his head, but not straight, but at an angle. In this case, a special massage is required.

If any deviations are found, be sure to consult a doctor. It is important to understand that you need to identify the problem immediately. In the future, the treatment of neurological diseases is very difficult!

How to teach a child to hold their head on their own

For prevention, experts recommend a certain set of exercises to keep the baby's head.

You need to start with the smallest. If the baby still does not know how to hold the head, then put a bright toy in front of him. Lay him on his tummy, and put your hand on his forehead. Lift the head gently so that the toy is visible. Hold it in this position for about five seconds. Such repetitions should be done 5-6.

If, during the exercise, the child tries to hold his head himself, then gently remove the palm, insuring him at the same time. If the baby is already starting to hold his head, more often stimulate him to do this.

Also pay attention to the muscles in your neck. Place the baby on a flat surface on the back with a pillow. Lift it by the shoulders, holding it for a few seconds. Over time, he will raise his head after his shoulders.

It is important to understand that the exercises described are not some kind of panacea, and your little one will immediately raise his head. Remember, everything has its time, and you do not need to rush things. You can only interfere with the natural process if you have been consulted by a doctor!

What to do when your baby starts holding her head too soon

Modern children develop much faster. Therefore, it may be the norm when the toddler holds his head already in a month. But this happens extremely rarely, so consultation with a neurologist is imperative.

Sometimes this situation is the result of hypertonicity of the neck muscles or increased intracranial pressure. You should be especially careful if the child is tormented by insomnia, he is capricious and cries loudly.

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Pathology can only be distinguished by an experienced doctor. It is treatable! Certain medications are prescribed, and massages and physical procedures are prescribed.

What to do if a child holds his head to one side

There is nothing wrong with that, if appropriate measures are taken in time. Just move your baby to different ends of the crib so that he regularly turns in different directions.

You can also use a special pillow to prevent the head from falling to one side. The pediatrician will prescribe special massages to eliminate this deficiency.

Be sure to watch when the child starts to hold his head. After all, this period indicates the correct development of the baby. Maximum attention is required from the mother in order to solve any problem on time. It is better not to postpone it until later, because, starting from a year, it will be much more difficult to correct something in physiology.