Good sun tanning oil. Sun cream - a brief description, properties, composition. Which tanning oil is better - expert reviews


Currently flat Tan a golden hue is considered beautiful, moreover, it is partly recognized in public opinion as a sign of a person's success, since you can get such a skin color only at a resort on the seashore. Due to the popularity of golden skin tones, many people try to tan in various ways, both in resorts and on beaches near freshwater bodies, as well as in tanning salons and studios.

In view of the popularity of tanning, consider some of the safety issues in the tanning process, as well as ways to give the skin a delicate golden hue. However, before proceeding with the coverage of these issues, we consider it our duty to indicate the position of the World Health Organization (WHO) on sunburn.

So, the WHO, on the basis of the scientific data available to the organization's specialists, came to the conclusion that tanning in any form (with the exception of self-tanning and bronzing) causes the human body much more harm than good, since any darkening of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (and under natural sun, and in tanning beds) is the skin's reaction to damage in the form of a burn. The fact is that any tan is a skin burn of a greater or lesser degree with all the consequences that follow from this fact. After all, the production of melanin, a pigment that gives the skin a dark tint, is triggered by the body as a protective reaction, the purpose of which is to protect the skin from burns caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning lamps.

If the burn from ultraviolet radiation turned out to be too strong, then they say that the person "burned out", and in this case the skin turns red and peels off. If the burn is moderate or weak, then the process of melanin production starts, which gives the skin a brown color and protects it from the scalding effects of ultraviolet rays in the future. In addition, prolonged sun exposure or tanning in tanning beds increases your risk of developing skin cancer in the future. Thus, given the mechanism and nature of sunburn, WHO recommends avoiding skin tanning and not seeking to get it. But if a person still wants to have tanned skin, then in the process of obtaining a golden hue of the skin, it is recommended to use a variety of sunscreens, such as creams, lotions, emulsions, etc.

Sun cream - a brief description, properties, composition

Commonly used at the household level, a synonym for the term "sunscreen" is "sunscreen". These terms are used to refer to a cream, emulsion, lotion, gel, or other topical product intended to be applied to the skin before going outdoors to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Let's consider the composition and properties of tanning creams.

Tanning creams are divided into two broad categories - tanning in the sun and tanning beds. Moreover, these types of creams are very different from each other in their properties, composition and purpose, therefore they are not interchangeable. That is, tanning cream in a solarium cannot be used to apply to the skin when exposed to the sun and, accordingly, on the contrary - sun tanning cream should not be used when visiting tanning salons.

The fact is that sunburn creams contain substances that prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the skin. And the effect of a tanning bed is based precisely on the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the skin, as a result of which the use of a sun tanning cream in the sun before a session in the studio will lead to a complete lack of effect, that is, a person will not sunbathe.

Tanning creams in tanning beds, on the other hand, contain ingredients that enhance tanning, such as bronzers, moisturizers, antioxidants, and compounds that improve blood flow to the skin. Accordingly, using a tanning cream in order to protect the skin from direct sunlight is completely useless, ineffective and even harmful, because after its application, the sun's rays will have a stronger effect on the skin, which is highly likely to provoke a burn with redness and subsequent peeling. In this section, we will only consider sunburn creams, and tanning creams will be described in the corresponding section below.

Sunblock creams are designed to protect areas of the body not covered by clothing from the harmful effects of sunlight. The harmful effects of solar radiation is understood as penetration into the deep layers of the skin. ultraviolet rays such as UVA and UVB... So, rays of the UVB type lead to the appearance of tanning, but can also cause burns to the skin. And rays of the UVA type to a lesser extent lead to darkening of the skin (sunburn), but are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and provoke the rupture of collagen molecules with the effect of severe thinning and drying of the skin with the subsequent appearance of wrinkles and early aging. Both types of sun rays - UVA and UVB - contribute to skin aging and are carcinogenic, that is, increase the risk of developing skin cancer in the future.

Accordingly, protection means shielding the harmful spectrum of solar radiation (UVA and UVB rays) and preventing it from entering the deep structures of the skin. However, you need to know that currently there is not a single sunscreen that would completely protect human skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Various products provide varying percentages of protection, keeping from 93 to 99% of the sun's harmful UVB rays and up to 25% UVA, but still not 100% protective. Therefore, the use of sunburn creams in the sun will only partially protect human skin from harmful radiation, but it is still better than no such protection at all.

You need to know that tanning creams are not able to protect a person from sunburn, therefore, when using them, you should not be in the sun for longer than the period of time that your skin type can withstand. In addition, when you are near water bodies (sea, river, pond, etc.), it must be remembered that the effect of solar radiation is enhanced by additional reflection from the water surface. Therefore, when you are near water bodies, it is imperative to use sunscreen and not be in the sun for more than 45 minutes without a break.

Thus, it is obvious that tanning creams do not provide 100% protection from harmful solar radiation, but only partially neutralize the harm of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the application of sun cream should not create a false effect of complete "protection" in a person, due to which the usual rules and recommendations for exposure to the sun are ignored. You should always follow the rules and times of exposure to the sun recommended for each skin type, even if a person has generously applied sun cream to the skin. After all, the cream will only partially protect against the harmful effects of the sun's rays, but will not completely eliminate it, making the process of getting a tan completely safe.

Tanning creams contain specific and non-specific ingredients. Specific include the so-called screening substances that delay harmful solar radiation and prevent it from entering the deep layers of the skin. Nonspecific substances include various substances used in other cosmetic products, such as bases, nutrients and moisturizers, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and prevent aging, etc. Accordingly, the most important components of a tanning cream are specific substances, the amount and composition of which is necessarily indicated by generally accepted markings on the packaging of the products.

So, to designate specific components, each tanning cream has UVA, UVB and SPF markings, which indicate the degree of protection against harmful effects of sunlight (in the USA, IPD and PPD markings can be used instead of UVB). Availability on packaging UVA markings indicates that the cream will protect human skin from this type of rays. But, unfortunately, such protection will not be complete, since modern substances used in creams are able to trap only 20 - 25% of UVA rays. Accordingly, when exposed to the sun using a UVA-labeled tanning cream, human skin will not receive all of the harmful UVA rays, but only 75%.

UVB marking means that the cream will protect the human skin from this type of rays. The amount of UVB rays that a tanning cream can block is indicated by the so-called protection factor - SPF, expressed in numbers. The higher the numerical value of SPF, the more harmful UVB rays are trapped by the cream, preventing them from penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.

Sun creams with SPF do not prevent skin darkening, so they can be safely used to protect the skin from harmful solar radiation during the tanning process. But creams with UVA screens somewhat reduce the ability of the skin to sunburn, but they protect it from early aging, the appearance of wrinkles and dehydration. And since the creams retain a maximum of 25% of UVA rays, their use will only slightly reduce the degree of tanning obtained, but will reduce the intake of harmful radiation into the skin by a quarter. Therefore, if a person wants to get maximum protection from harmful sun radiation and at the same time is ready to sacrifice a small degree of intensity of the resulting tan, then he should choose creams with UVA and UVB. If a person does not want to sacrifice the intensity of tanning, then only creams with UVB should be chosen.

The specific components of tanning creams, depending on their mechanism of action, can be of two types - screening (reflective) and absorbing filters. Shielding agents are inorganic compounds that are distributed over the surface of the skin and mechanically reflect the sun's rays, scattering them and preventing them from penetrating deep into the skin. Currently, only two substances with a shielding type of action are used in tanning creams - zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Both inorganic screening agents provide protection from both UVA and UVB rays. A certain disadvantage of screening agents is that they are easily removed from the skin, for example, when bathing, wiping with a towel, etc.

Absorption filters, unlike screening substances, penetrate the skin, trap ultraviolet rays and convert them into thermal radiation, as a result of which the skin can sweat profusely. The effectiveness and reliability of tanning creams containing absorbent filters is higher than those with screening agents. In addition, due to the fact that the filters penetrate the skin, when using them, you do not need to reapply the cream after each bath, since most of the substances remain active due to being in the deep layers of the skin.

Unfortunately, absorbent filters can cause allergic reactions, so people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies cannot use creams with these ingredients.

Absorbent filters can only protect the skin from UVA or UVB rays, and from both UVA and UVB at the same time. The following absorbent filters are currently used in tanning creams:

  • Avobenzone - provides protection from UVA rays;
  • Benzyl salicylate - protects against UVB rays;
  • Benzophenone-4 - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Dioxybenzone - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Mexoril XL - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Octocrylene - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Octyl Triazone - protects against UVB rays;
  • Octyl salicylate - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Oxybenzone - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid - protects against UVB rays;
  • Roxadymite - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Tinosorb S and Tinosorb M - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Trolamine salicylate - protects against UVA and UVB rays;
  • Phenylbenzimidazole - protects against UVA and UVB rays.

Sun cream with SPF

SPF is usually numerical and reflects the amount of UVB sun rays that the sun cream can keep from penetrating into the deep layers of the skin. Various creams can have an SPF of 2 to 50. Creams with an SPF greater than 50 are now commonly referred to as 50+. However, there is no direct relationship between the SPF value and the amount of harmful sun rays captured. So, creams with SPF 15 trap about 93% of UVB rays falling on the skin, creams with SPF 30 - 97%, and creams with SPF 50 and 50+ - 98 - 99%. Thus, it is obvious that products with a very high SPF value are not much more effective than creams with SPF 15 - 20. It is in connection with the absence of a significant increase in the degree of protection with an SPF of more than 50 that cosmetics manufacturers at the legislative level in European countries and the USA were prohibited from specifying the exact SPF value , and just write 50+ to minimize speculation on the "high degree of protection".
Depending on the amount of harmful UVB rays captured, it is customary to subdivide the SPF of tanning creams into the following degrees of protection:

  • Low: SPF 2 - 5 (retains 65% of UVB rays);
  • Average: SPF 6 - 11 (retards 85% of the rays);
  • High: SPF 12 - 19 (delays 95% of the rays);
  • Very high: SPF more than 20 (delays 97 - 99% of rays).
The SPF value is necessary for the correct selection of the cream according to the type of skin and its sensitivity to sunlight. So, people with very white skin, red hair and freckles, which "burn out" very quickly and easily, need a cream with SPF 20-30 "burn out", creams with SPF 15 - 20 are perfect. For swarthy representatives of the Caucasian race, who almost never "burn out", creams with SPF 5 - 10 are enough.

Important! The widespread belief that SPF should be multiplied by the time in minutes that people with a particular skin type can safely be in the sun to get the amount of time a person can safely be under the sun while using sunblock, absolutely wrong. No suntan cream with the highest SPF increases the length of time you can safely stay in the sun. The cream only protects human skin from the penetration of harmful solar radiation into its deep layers!

This means that if for very light, sensitive skin prone to burns, the safe time spent in the sun is 15 minutes, then this non-hazardous interval will be equal to a quarter of an hour, both with and without the use of sun cream. Therefore, each person should determine a period of time that is safe for his skin type, which he can spend under the influence of sunlight, and, if possible, not exceed it. It is better to spend only a safe time in the sun, then go into the shade for 1 - 2 hours or get dressed, after which you can go out into the open sun again. This behavior - the alternation of being in direct sunlight and in the shade with the obligatory use of sunblock, allows you to minimize the harm of ultraviolet radiation.

SPF actually means how many times a large portion of ultraviolet radiation without any risks can withstand the skin with the cream applied to it compared to unprotected skin. For example, when using a cream with SPF 30, the skin can tolerate exposure to an ultraviolet dose 30 times greater than without a protective agent without harm.

You also need to know that the presence of the protective factor SPF does not reduce the ability of the skin to tan, that is, acquire a dark shade. This means that for a safer tanning, it is rational and recommended to use a cream with an SPF suitable for a particular skin type. In addition, a cream with SPF is not able to completely protect against burns, so even using a product with SPF 50+, it is quite possible to "burn out" if you stay in the sun for too long.

It should be remembered that the simultaneous use of creams with different SPF levels does not lead to the summation of their protective properties, and more is absorbed by the less. That is, the cream that has a higher SPF will work, and a product with a lower SPF will be wasted.

How to choose a sun cream?

When choosing a tanning cream, you should mainly be guided by the indicators of its protection from the harmful effects of sunlight and your own skin phototype. It also takes into account a person's own desire regarding the intensity and speed of tanning.

If a person wants to tan as quickly and intensely as possible, then one should choose creams that contain only UVB protection and no UVA protection. Such creams on the packaging are labeled UVB, as well as a numerical indication of the value of the SPF factor, which means the degree of intensity of protection against ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the packaging of such sunblocks may be labeled "sun block".

If in the first place for a person is maximum safety when exposed to the sun, and the intensity of tanning is less important, then you should choose creams that contain protection from both UVB and UVA rays. This type of creams, due to partial trapping of UVA rays, reduces the intensity of tanning, but effectively prevents skin aging, wrinkles and dehydration. Tanning creams with protection against two types of rays are labeled on the UVA + UVB packaging, indicating the SPF value for the UVB rays. Also, on the packaging of this type of sun cream, UVA protection can be marked with the designations IPD, PPD or PA +. At the same time, the more plus signs will stand next to the letters RA, the more UVA rays the cream does not pass into the deep layers of the skin. In addition, the packaging of such tanning creams may be labeled "total sun block".

Further, when choosing a sun cream, you need to pay attention to the type of filters contained in the tool. So, if a person has a tendency to allergic reactions, then he is advised to choose sunblock with screening filters - titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. If allergic reactions are not common, then it is better to choose sunblock with absorbing filters, since they are more effective and better retained in the skin than screening agents. It is easy to isolate creams with absorbing filters - various organic substances will be indicated as active components in the composition and there will be no zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. If the cream contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, then it contains screening filters.

Having decided what protective filters should be in a tanning cream and what types of rays it should protect (UVA + UVB or only UVB), it is necessary to further select an SPF-factor suitable for the type of human skin. To do this, it is necessary to determine which of the 6 phototypes the skin belongs to:

  • Celtic type- the skin is very white, thin, with freckles, red or light blond hair. The skin of this type practically does not tolerate the sun, a person almost does not tan, in the sun he quickly (literally in 30 - 40 minutes) "burns out", peels off, and the cycle repeats again.
  • Nordic type- the skin is light, the hair is light brown or blond. This type of skin tans, but is prone to burns, that is, such people often "burn out".
  • Central European type- the skin is light, slightly yellowish (ivory), the hair is dark blond, brown-haired or dark-haired. This type of skin tolerates the sun normally, tans well and rarely "burns out".
  • Mediterranean type- dark skin, dark hair. This type of skin perfectly tolerates the sun, tans well and almost never "burns out".
  • Eastern type- the skin is dark or olive shade, the hair is dark. This type of skin never "burns" and tans well.
  • African type- the skin is dark (various shades of brown), the hair is black. This type of skin never "burns out", but tanning is not visible on the skin because of the initial dark shade.

People with the Celtic phototype need sunblock with SPF 30-50, with the Nordic type - with SPF 20-30, with the Central European type - with SPF 15-20, with the Mediterranean type - with SPF 6-10. sun creams with SPF 2 - 6.

Residents of the CIS countries located in the European part, as a rule, have a Nordic or Central European skin phototype, the Celtic type is somewhat less common. Mediterranean skin type is typical only for certain ethnic groups, such as Roma, mestizos from marriages with Italians, Spaniards or Portuguese, etc.

Having selected a sun cream with an SPF-factor level suitable for your skin type, you must apply the product to areas of the skin not covered by clothing (face, hands, décolleté, neck, etc.). Considering that the screens contained in the cream deactivate within 1.5 - 2 hours, with prolonged exposure to the sun, the agent should be reapplied every 2 hours, as well as after bathing, profuse sweating or wiping off the skin with towels. If you intend to constantly be in a room with occasional going outside, then sunscreen should be applied before each time you go out into the sun.

No need to try to find a high or very high SPF tanning cream because all products with an SPF greater than 50 block the same 99% of UVB rays and most of the UVA rays. As a result, when using creams with an SPF of more than 50, sunburn practically does not appear at all, even with prolonged exposure to the sun. It is recommended to use products with SPF 50 or more only to protect the skin after any aggressive effects on it, such as plastic surgery, peeling, etc. And people with healthy skin that have not undergone aggressive procedures and manipulations do not need creams with an SPF index of more than 50.

For all skin phototypes, it is imperative to use sun creams with SPF 50 and 50+ in the following cases:

  • After skin peels (within 2 weeks);
  • After plastic surgery (within 2 - 4 weeks);
  • Against the background of photodermatosis (allergy to the "sun");
  • Against the background of photosensitivity of the skin, provoked by taking medications;
  • The tendency of the skin to hyperpigmentation and the formation of age spots.
It is recommended to use tanning cream from early spring to autumn every day, and not only on the beach or in nature, since this allows you to protect the skin constantly, and not sporadically, during periods of greatest exposure to sunlight.

How to choose sunscreen? What does SPF and PPD mean - video

Which tanning cream should be preferred in different cases (examples of creams with different characteristics)?

Let's take a look at examples of tanning creams that are best suited for a variety of purposes.

High SPF sun cream. Creams with SPF 20 - 30 trap 97% of UVB rays, creams with SPF 30 - 50 trap 98% of rays, and creams with SPF over 50 - about 99% of rays. Moreover, any SPF value over 50 provides a delay of the same number of UVB rays - 99%. Accordingly, the difference in the amount of trapped harmful rays in creams with SPF 20 and SPF 50+ is negligible, so you should not strive to purchase products with a very high SPF value. Such creams (with SPF 50 or more) are designed to protect skin that has been exposed to aggressive influences (operations, peels, etc.), since they almost completely block not only UVB rays, but also UVA, as a result of which, when used, they tan on the skin does not appear at all. Therefore, if a person wants to sunbathe, but at the same time get the maximum possible degree of protection from the harmful effects of sunlight, then it is recommended to choose a cream with SPF 20-30.

Sunscreen cream for children. A child definitely needs a baby sunblock, since cosmetics for adults may contain fragrances, fragrances and other substances that are poorly tolerated by the child's skin. But if there is no sun cream for children, then you can use a product for adults as an exceptional measure - in such a situation, the risk of allergies with protection from the harmful effects of sunlight is better than a complete lack of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Sunblock creams for children are hypoallergenic, do not contain fragrances and alcohol, but they must contain substances that protect against both UVA and UVB rays. The degree of protection from UVB rays, as in the means for adults, is determined by the value of the SPF factor. Accordingly, a cream for a child should be selected based on his skin phototype. In this case, the value of the SPF factor for a baby sun cream should be the same as for a product for an adult with the same skin phototype.

The best baby sunburn creams that can be used from 6 months are produced by Environ, Nivea, Bioderma, LaRoche-Posay, Leirac, Bubchen, Hipp, Biocon and some others.

Sunscreen for the face. For application on the face, you do not need to buy a special cream, it is enough to purchase a high-quality cosmetic product for the whole body, and it is perfect for the face skin as well. The only parts of the face that need special sunscreen are the lips and skin around the eyes. For these areas of the face, it is recommended to purchase a special tanning cream for the skin around the eyes and a lip stick.

Tanning cream for feet. Currently, there is a series of cosmetic products, the use of which provides the effect of tanned legs. Such creams are popular among women. At the beginning of summer, the fairer sex wants to wear skirts and shorts not with white and pale legs, but with tanned ones, since in their opinion such a combination is more advantageous.

Sunblock creams for feet do not provide protection from the sun's rays - they only darken the skin by toning it up and thus mimicking a tan. The most popular in the domestic cosmetic market are two creams for tanning legs: Floresan Cream-gel "invisible tights" with the effect of increasing tanning and Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs spray for legs with a tan tint.

Sunblock for the sea. For a trip to the sea, you can buy a tanning cream from any serious company, choosing it according to the SPF value, suitable for the skin phototype. After all, sun cream is designed to provide protection from the sun's rays in any open place - both at sea and on a river beach, and simply in a city where there is often no shade. Therefore, there are simply no special sunblock creams for the sea. But if the buyer is offered sunblock creams for the sea, then this is just a publicity stunt, the purpose of which is to distinguish the company's products from a number of similar products from other manufacturers.

Moisturizing sun cream. As a rule, tanning creams do not have the function of moisturizing the skin, since their main purpose is to protect against ultraviolet radiation. And to moisturize and nourish the skin, it is recommended to use after-sun creams that contain substances necessary for the skin. However, manufacturers of professional cosmetics also offer Guerlain Terracotta Sun moisturizer for tanning.

Sunscreens: screening, blocking, SPF (cosmetologist's opinion) - video

Mistakes when using sunscreen - video

Sun cream - price

The cost of sunscreens ranges from 100 to 5000 rubles, depending on the brand and manufacturer. However, one should not assume that inexpensive sunscreens are of poor quality and poorly protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. This is not true, since in fact both budget and expensive sunscreens protect the skin from the sun's rays, but products of well-known brands with expensive natural ingredients, in addition, have an additional positive effect on the skin.

After sun cream

After sun cream should be applied to the skin in order to neutralize the harmful effects of the sun's rays. After exposure to the sun, any skin needs moisturizing, nourishing and cooling, since ultraviolet light damages collagen, elastin and other components of the deep structures of the skin, as a result of which the skin dries out, loses moisture and elasticity, becomes thin, brittle, rough, prone to wrinkles and early aging. That is, tanned skin is always weakened and dehydrated skin, which, if left untreated, will quickly age and become wrinkled. Accordingly, tanned skin needs to be helped to restore its normal properties. For this purpose, first of all, during the period of active tanning, after-sun creams are best suited. Special after-sun creams are recommended to reduce the drying and damaging effects of the sun on the skin.

After sun creams have the following effects on the skin:

  • Restore the amount of moisture in the skin, eliminating dehydration and fragility, and restoring elasticity;
  • Improves the restoration of damaged skin structures, due to which the tan lays down evenly;
  • Reduce skin discomfort caused by sunburn;
  • They fix the melanin formed in the stratum corneum, thanks to which the tan lasts longer.
High-quality after-sun creams usually contain the following substances with a moisturizing and regenerating effect: vitamin E, bisabolol, panthenol, calendula extract, jojoba, sea buckthorn, shea, apricot, etc.

After sunburn should be applied after every trip to the beach and a dose of ultraviolet rays. Before applying creams, be sure to wash your face and body with warm water and a mild cleanser.

After sun oil

After sun oil is used for the same purposes as after sun cream. Fatty and essential oils are great for moisturizing and soothing the skin, so they can be used as an after-sun care product.

The following types of fatty oils have the best effect on sun-damaged skin:

  • Coconut;
  • Peach;
  • Jojoba;
  • Almond;
  • Macadamia;
  • Olive;
  • Wheat germ;
  • Grape seed;
  • Sesame.
Accordingly, any of these oils can be used for application to the skin after sunburn. These oils can be used individually or mixed in different proportions and additionally added essential oils to enhance the positive effect. In this case, essential oils are added at the rate of: half a teaspoon per 100 ml of base oil. The best for the skin after sunburn are the essential oils of sea buckthorn, lavender, chamomile, geranium, ylang-ylang and rose, because they soothe and moisturize the skin, which is necessary after the damaging effect of sunlight.

Oils are applied to the skin after each sunbathing, after washing it with warm water.

Cannot be used as an after-sun treatment oils of cumin, cinnamon, citronella, clove, lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit, bergamot and tangerine, as they, on the other hand, can dry out the skin even more.

Nowadays, after-sun oil can be made by yourself or you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product. The most popular ready-to-use after sun oils are Synergic, Avon After sun butter, and Floresan Body Butter. These commercially produced oils are excellent for soothing the skin, relieve pain and redness, prevent flaking and strengthen the tan.

Which after-sun cream to choose?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to give any clear recommendations on the choice of an after-sun cream, since everyone has their own cosmetic preferences, knows their skin type and its reactions, and on the basis of this selects the optimal creams and other products. It is simply impossible to take into account all these nuances in general recommendations. Therefore, the main recommendation when choosing an after-sun cream is as follows: buy a product from a company whose product quality you are sure of. Otherwise, you can choose just on a whim - like / dislike. Almost all after-sun creams contain the same components, as a result of which their action and properties are similar.

The only nuance that should be considered when choosing an after-sun cream is the method of obtaining a golden skin tone: a solarium or natural sun. After tanning in a solarium and in the sun, creams are different, so you need to select only the appropriate product.

After sunburn cream. Currently, the following after-sun creams are most popular in the CIS countries:

  • Green planet, after-sun cream-gel with aloe vera, lemon balm and verbena;
  • Garnier Ambre Solaire after sun, aloe vera soothing after sun cream;
  • Sunny Day, moisturizing after-sun cream;
  • Kolastyna, moisturizing after-sun balm with allantoin and chamomile extract;
  • Eveline, S.O.S. cream from sunburn (great for use as an after-sun cream);
  • Belita Vitex-Solaris, cream-cream after sunburn with sea buckthorn oil;
  • Avon Sun +, after sun cream with panthenol;
  • Floresan, Panthenol SOS, Formula 312, After Sun & Anti-Burn Cream;
  • Clinique After Sun rescue balm with aloe, a soothing and cooling after sun cream;
  • Floralis, Sun Healthy, After Sun Cream;
  • ELFA, after sun cream.
Of course, there are many third-party after-sun creams that are also of high quality and have excellent effects, but the above are the most popular. Their popularity is due to their good price / quality ratio and affordability for almost any category of the population.

After sun cream in the solarium. As a rule, when using an artificial ultraviolet solarium for tanning, creams are applied not after sunburn, but directly for tanning. Tanning creams in a solarium are applied to the skin immediately before an ultraviolet irradiation session and are designed to accelerate and intensify the intensity of skin darkening, as well as to prevent photoaging. Creams after sunburn in a solarium are intended, first of all, to fix the sunburn and increase the duration of its retention on the skin. In addition, after-sun creams in a solarium restore, soothe, nourish and moisturize irritated skin.

Currently, the following after-sun creams in solariums are most popular:

  • Kolastyna, after sun cream in a solarium;
  • Tannymaxx;
  • Devoted;
  • SuperTan.
After tanning cream. These creams, in addition to soothing and moisturizing the skin, also consolidate the tan, as a result of which the desired intensity of dark skin color is achieved faster and is not washed off for a longer time. The most popular post-sun fixing creams are as follows:
  • Caribbean Gold Pretty after-sun cream with a firming effect;
  • Collistar After sun fluid Soothing Refreshing cream after sun with a fixing effect;
  • Australian Gold Hemp Nation Toasted Coconut & Marshmallow after-sun cream with a firming effect;
  • ELFA Sun Energy emulsion, fixing tan.
After sun moisturizer. Currently, the most popular after-sun creams with pronounced moisturizing effects are the following:
  • D-Panthenol Ekolla, after sun balm with chamomile and string;
  • Australian Gold Soothing aloe after sun gel
  • Clarins Ultra Moisturizing After Sun Cream;
  • Green planet, after sun cream-gel with aloe vera, lemon balm and verbena;
  • Sunny Day, after sun milk;
  • Garnier Ambre Solaire after sun after sun milk with aloe vera;
  • Kolastyna, after sun balm with allantoin and chamomile extract.
After sun cooling cream gives the effect of a pleasant chill on the skin heated by the sun's rays. Currently, the most popular after-sun creams with a pronounced cooling effect are the following:
  • The kingdom of fragrances, gel after sunburn;
  • Belita, cream-cream after sunburn with sea buckthorn oil;
  • Green Mama, milk Denis Ozorin;
  • Clinique After sun rescue balm with aloe
Soothing After Sun Cream reduces itching and skin tension after sun exposure. Currently, the most popular after-sun creams with a pronounced soothing effect are the following:
  • Belita, after-sun mousse cream;
  • Annemarie Borlind after sun, a soothing lotion;
  • Mineraliq, after sun cream with Dead Sea oils and minerals;
  • Sole Mio, an after-sun soothing milk;
  • Elfa, after sun cream;
  • Avon Sun +, after sun cream;
  • Oriflame after sun Shimmering lotion
After sun cream with panthenol. Panthenol is a remedy for the treatment of any thermal burns. This means that the presence of panthenol in the after-sun cream provides quick and effective elimination of redness and pain from sunburn. Currently, the most popular panthenol after-sun creams are as follows:
  • Sun Energy, after sun cream with green tea extract, white cotton extract and panthenol;
  • Avon Sun +, after sun cream;
  • Floresan Panthenol SOS, formula 312, after sun cream;
  • D-Panthenol Ekolla, after sun balm with chamomile and string;
  • Sun Time, after sun cream with panthenol and peach milk;
  • Alliance of Beauty, Bio-panthenol cream after sunburn.
After sun cream. Since the skin of the face is indistinguishable from the skin of the rest of the body in its properties, any after-sun cream intended for the skin of the body can be used as an after-sun cream for the face.

Body cream after sunburn. Since it is assumed that a person is tanning naked, then after-sun creams are intended to be applied to the skin of the entire body and face. Therefore, for the body, you can choose any cream after sunburn.

After sun cream for burns. Even with the observance of the rules of behavior in the sun, sunburn can occur on the skin. So that after the appearance of a burn, the skin does not peel off, but becomes brown and tanned, as well as to relieve pain and reduce the degree of redness, use after-sun creams from burns. These creams perfectly relieve pain, reduce redness and prevent flaking and peeling of the skin after a few days. Currently, the most popular after-sun creams for burns are the following:

  • Sun Energy, panthenol burn cream;
  • Eveline Q10, sunburn cream;
  • Kolastyna SOS, sunburn cream;
  • Eurocosmetics, sunburn balm;
  • Ekolla Balm-spray SOS Sun Time, sunburn cream with panthenol and calendula.
Baby cream after sunburn. Children need an after-sun cream for the same reasons as adults, that is, to restore the hydrobalance and elasticity of the skin, accelerate regeneration, and eliminate dryness. After-sun creams for children are produced by many cosmetic companies, however, according to parental reviews, the best today is the after-sun foam "Panthenol Active" produced by Biocon.

Tanning oil and other products

Tanning oil

Various vegetable oils can be used for tanning as products that protect the skin from the negative effects of solar radiation, as well as promote an even and beautiful tan while maintaining the elasticity of the skin. In this sense, the use of oils is a substitute for tanning creams.

The oils cover the skin with an even film, nourish it and prevent excess moisture evaporation, as a result of which the tan lays down evenly and beautifully. In addition, tanning oils keep your skin tight and dry even after prolonged sun exposure.

However, it must be remembered that while tanning oils provide a beautiful and even darkening of the skin, giving it a golden hue and maintaining elasticity, they do not provide a high level of protection from the harmful effects of the sun. In the degree of protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation, oils are significantly inferior to tanning creams. Therefore, people with white skin prone to burns, it is better to abandon the use of oils in favor of tanning creams.

Since oils have a cumulative effect, it is advisable to start using them 2 weeks before the active tanning period. In 14 days, the skin will be saturated with nutrients, get used to the action of oils and will tan perfectly.

Currently, for tanning, you can use vegetable oils purchased in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacies, or use ready-made oil formulations produced by various companies.

SPF oils for tanning

The SPF level of oils is difficult to measure accurately. However, based on laboratory data, the SPF levels of various vegetable oils used for tanning range from 6 to 9.

What oils can I use for tanning?

The following oils are best suited for tanning:

  • Coconut (refined and unrefined);
  • Cacao butter ;
  • Olive;
  • Rosehip;
  • Mango;
  • Jojoba;
  • Avocado;
  • Cedar;
  • Macadamia;
  • Sesame;
  • Rice;
  • Arganovoye;
  • Wheat germ.
These oils can be applied to the skin either individually or in the form of mixtures in various proportions.

In addition, essential oils such as neroli, bergamot, green coffee, mandarin and wild carrot can be added to these base oils to enhance the intensity and speed up the tan. Essential oils are added to the main ones at the rate of half a teaspoon per 100 ml.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is excellent for tanning applications because it has shielding properties that reduce the sun's harmful effects on the skin. In addition, coconut oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, maintaining its elasticity and firmness, as a result of which the use of this oil will allow you to get a beautiful tan without tightness, dryness, redness and flaking. Both refined and unrefined coconut oil are suitable for tanning. The oil should be applied to the skin before going outside, and it should be applied every 3 to 4 hours. It is not necessary to add oil after bathing - it does not come into contact with water and is not washed off the skin. But if the skin was wiped off with any cloth, then you will have to reapply the oil, since in this way it is removed from the surface of the skin.

Olive oil

Olive oil is good for tanning. It has protective properties, and due to them, it reduces the harmful effects of solar radiation on the skin. In addition, olive oil gives the skin elasticity and retains moisture in its deep structures, which prevents it from thinning and wrinkling after exposure to the sun. The use of olive oil provides an even and beautiful tan combined with a firm and elastic skin texture. It also accelerates the darkening of the skin, allowing even people with very light skin to get a gorgeous dark tan after 2 - 3 days.

Due to its high iodine content, olive oil gives the tan a golden hue, no matter where it was obtained - on the seashore or on the nearest river. That is, sunbathing on the banks of a river or lake, using olive oil? the tan will turn out not grayish, but golden, as if the person has been to the sea.

For tanning, it is better to buy oil in the pharmacy, intended for external use. Olive oil from the grocery store can of course also be used, but a topical product is better suited for tanning.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is poorly suited for tanning because it does not provide the skin with significant protection from the negative effects of sunlight. But sunflower oil provides an even and beautiful tan, which lays down in an ideal layer due to the additional dispersion of ultraviolet radiation by oil particles on the skin. This type of oil does not increase the darkening of the skin, but only allows you to acquire a very beautiful uniform golden tan.

Intense & Fast Tanning Oil

For a quick and intense tan, olive and sea buckthorn oils are ideal, which significantly increase the darkening of the skin under the sun's rays. Of the ready-made cosmetics with oils that provide intense and fast tanning, the following are currently the most popular:

  • Floralis, oil for a quick and intense tan;
  • Floresan Malibu and Hawaiian, quick tan oils;
  • Floresan Jeness Soleil, a quick tanning oil;
  • Sun Time Sexy Bronze, a quick tanning oil;
  • Green planet, oils for fast and intense tanning;
  • Michel laboratory sun power, oil for a quick and intense tan;
  • Nivea sun, oils for a quick and intense tan;
  • Sun energy Brazilian Carnival "Coffee and Vanilla", oils for fast and intense tanning;
  • ELFA Shea African Fantasy, oil for a quick and intense tan;
  • Belita Solaris, oil for quick tanning;

Tanning oil and tanning activator oil

Tanning oils and tanning activators are another term for intense tanning oils. This group of oils has the ability to intensify the darkening of the skin, as a result of which a chic and even very dark tan can be obtained in just a few days. Accordingly, olive and sea buckthorn oils, as well as the following ready-made cosmetic products, are referred to as tanning oils and tanning activators:

  • Eveline Sun Care, an oil to set and provide an intense tan;
  • Garnier Ambre solaire, intense tanning oil;
  • Biocon Dry Gold and Spray Activator, oils for intense tanning;
  • Yves Rocher monoi de tahiti, intense tanning oil;
  • Avon Maxi tan, tanning spray.

Which is better: oil or sunscreen?

It is impossible to unequivocally assess which is better, oil or sun cream, since the answer to this question depends on which characteristics of each product will be compared. In terms of providing sun protection, a cream is by far superior to oils. But from the standpoint of acquiring a beautiful and even tan, oils are much better than creams.

Accordingly, if safety is in the first place for a person, and the intensity and beauty of tanning are secondary, then for him tanning creams will certainly be better than oils. If a person first of all wants to get an intense, even, beautiful tan, and protection from solar radiation is secondary, then oils will be better for him than creams.

Other tanning products

In addition to creams and oils, other cosmetic products for tanning are produced: foams, gels, mousses, sticks, lotions, milk, sprays, etc. All of these cosmetics, like creams, contain screening agents that protect the skin from the negative effects of solar radiation. In fact, other cosmetics differ from creams only in consistency, and all the properties related to protection from sunlight are exactly the same. Therefore, the choice between a cream or another cosmetic form is made depending on the type of skin on which the product will be applied. So, for dry skin

  • Review of after-sun products with oils

After sun oil: what is the benefit

Natural oils are known to be rich in composition and many skin-friendly properties.

    Fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 nourish the skin and promote the integrity of the hydrolipidic mantle.

    Vitamins and trace elements provide antioxidant protection and skin regeneration.

    The lipid layer that oils form on the skin's surface prevents water from evaporating.

However, for all its wonderful properties, pure vegetable oil or a thick nourishing cream with a high fat content - not the best after-sun remedy.

Natural oils do not prevent burns. © IStock

Dehydrated and sun-damaged skin needs moisturizing rather than nourishing care. It's no coincidence that after-sun formulas are light, cool textures and include ingredients capable of:

  1. 1

    saturate the skin with moisture;

  2. 2

    calm down;

  3. 3


Vegetable oil or nourishing butter cream cannot provide a triple effect. Medical expert Vichy Elena Eliseeva indicates another significant disadvantage:

An oil-based nourishing cream for photodamaged skin may become redundant. The fatty film does not allow moisture to evaporate, but at the same time interferes with the cooling of the tissues. That is why the popular coconut oil, alas, is not the most effective substitute for a specialized after-sun remedy. "

But that's not all! Heavy oils have a comedogenic effect and can irritate the skin after sunburn, especially after sunburn.

However, you shouldn't give up on vegetable oils. Just apply them without fanaticism, little by little. For example, add a few drops to a moisturizer, or "seal" the moisture in your skin with oil by applying it over milk or body lotion.

The surest way to incorporate natural oils into your after-sun care is to use ready-made, oil-based formulas labeled After Sun.

The best natural after-sun oils

Here, coconut oil lovers will be disappointed. Yes, it helps you get an even tan. Yes, it nourishes and protects the skin during sunbathing by forming a waterproof lipid barrier on the surface. But it will not be able to restore the skin after sunburn, and even more so after a burn.

After tanning, light oils and shea butter will do. © IStock

For these purposes, oils of a lighter consistency with good penetrating power are suitable. This does not include coconut oil or everyone's favorite olive oil. And which ones can be taken into account?

    Jojoba oil. Liquid wax, similar in composition to sebum, quickly penetrates the epidermis without leaving a greasy film. It has regenerating properties.

    Avocado oil. Contains skin-related fatty acids and vitamin A, is easily absorbed, promotes skin regeneration.

    Shea butter. Despite the fact that it is a butter, that is, a solid oil, it has a rich composition and outstanding regenerating properties, it is easily incorporated into the lipid layer of the skin. Cosmetics manufacturers often include it in after-sun and anti-burn formulas. In the list of ingredients, shea butter can be hidden under the complex name Butyrospermum Parkii or simple and understandable - Shea Butter.

Heavy, thick oils and most butters that form a water-resistant film on the surface of the skin are not suitable for skin care after the beach and when signs of photodamage appear.

Cosmetic oil mixtures after sunburn

Vegetable oils are part of SOS balms after sunburn. These are carefully balanced formulas with a precisely calculated dose of lipids that help restore the hydrolipid mantle damaged by UV radiation. Most often, shea butter appears in the composition of balms.

The balms have a more intense texture compared to moisturizing gels and milk, which does not prevent them from being well absorbed, leaving no greasy film on the skin. This is one of the important advantages of ready-made cosmetics over home-made mixtures.

Which oil is better to choose: cosmetic or natural

If you are one of the craftsmen who masterfully create their own oil mixtures, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by practice, butter your skin after sunbathing the way you like. However, it is best not to joke with sunburn.

We advise you to use a ready-made formula in which the beneficial properties of vegetable oils are combined with the moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties of other components for the speedy recovery of the skin after injury.

Tanning oil makes it possible to remember the days spent on the coast for a long time, giving the skin a charming bronze tint for several months, while keeping it healthy.

Oil for intense tanning in the sun: benefits and effects ^

The modern science of cosmetology offers a fairly extensive palette of skin care products for sunbathing sessions. These are a variety of sprays, emulsions and gels, creams and mousses, milk and foams. They differ from each other in consistency, structure, all kinds of chemical constituents.

Today, without any doubt, we can say that a well-chosen oil for a quick tan is a panacea so that the sun does not harm the body, and the skin looks smooth, shiny and without wrinkles after taking a significant dose of ultraviolet radiation. And all because covering the body with a film, it simultaneously retains moisture in it and deeply nourishes the cells with all the useful substances and components that are included in its composition.

Having studied the large audience of consumers, you can make confident conclusions about the degree of popularity of a particular type of cosmetic product:

  • In the first place are essential oils with a wide range: their feature is naturalness and the ability to make tanning oil at home;
  • The second place in the popularity rating is shared by industrial sprays, gels and creams; as a rule, they contain components such as fragrances and preservatives; you should carefully read the composition when buying, especially if such a product is intended for people prone to allergies or pregnant women;
  • The third place belongs to tanning cosmetics containing bronzers; these are substances that significantly accelerate and enhance the tanning effect; they do not harm, but they affect the skin from one to several days and are used mainly by bodybuilders for colorful performances in front of the public.

The best oils for quick tanning: how to choose and apply correctly ^

Coconut oil for tanning

This cosmetic product is not in vain among the first in this section. Coconut oil has practically no contraindications - it does not cause allergic reactions, due to its delicate structure it is easily and imperceptibly absorbed into the skin, leaving no marks on clothes. It is advisable to apply it after every bath.

  • Coconut oil also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Even if the body under the rays of the sun turns a little red, you can safely apply oil to relieve irritation.
  • It is not difficult to determine its naturalness: place it in the freezer compartment and observe. A pure natural product at a low temperature must freeze and turn into a solid state.

Olive oil for tanning

  • By applying it on the body before visiting the beaches, you can be sure that the moisture balance of the skin will be maintained for several hours and it will not lose moisture.
  • This remedy, together with the morning sun, will help the skin acquire a seductive bronze tint.

It is only important to know that the indicator of protection against ultraviolet radiation for this product is small, therefore, experts recommend using it for natural dark-skinned women or those who have already received the first portion of tanning in the season.

Carrot sunburn oil

For those who want to tan quickly and at the same time keep their skin fresh and healthy, beauticians recommend using carrot oil. Orange root vegetable contains a tremendous amount of vitamins A, E, D, folic acid. All of these components are likely to provide nutrition and protection to the epidermis.

  • It is vitamin A that will mercilessly fight the excess of ultraviolet radiation during tanning and will save the body from burns.
  • The SPF in carrot oil is several times higher than in others, and is 35-45 units.
  • It is recommended to apply it on the body two to three times per daylight.

Walnut oil for tanning

Using it for tanning, you can be sure that the skin color acquired in the sun will remain for several months.

  • The ability of this product to protect the skin from excess rays is not very great, so you should definitely use additional sunscreens - a noble stable skin tone will be provided.
  • Walnut oil is quite fat, so it will not wash off the body even after sea procedures.

Sunflower oil for tanning

Refined, free from impurities, it is ideal for sunbathing! You can use regular cooking oil. It is only important that it does not contain dyes and fragrances.

  • With a high fat content, this fairly simple product perfectly "revives" and nourishes the skin, and also stays on it after several baths in salt or fresh water.
  • You just need to pour sunflower oil into a small container with you, drop a little of any essential oil into it - and the beach cosmetics are ready!

Cocoa butter for tanning

This product is a unique ingredient for homemade tanning products. After all, it includes a considerable amount of polyacids so necessary for the skin. By using it on the beach, you don't have to worry about the appearance of wrinkles on your face, neck or décolleté.

  • Cosmetologists advise to cover the skin of the eyelids with this product before each sun exposure to avoid the appearance of a "cobweb" around the eyes.
  • Having the ability to protect the skin from drying out, give it a beautiful color, cocoa butter will also keep hair from the effects of sea salt water and the hot sun. Before going outside, evenly distribute a few drops of this elixir over the strands.

Apricot sunburn oil

If the oily sheen on the skin does not suit you, but you still want a beautiful tan, apricot kernel oil is ideal. It is so gentle and light that it is completely absorbed. It is recommended to use it for people with problematic, fair and sensitive skin - it can even cure some skin diseases.

This natural remedy is an excellent base for the preparation of perfume oil mixes for tanning. Almond oil or avocado oil, as well as wheat and jojoba are ideal for it.

Hemp oil for tanning

Perfect for getting a beautiful tan, this oil extract from hemp seeds, which stimulates the function of the sebaceous glands, has the ability to regenerate, so it will be ideal for skin that begins to age.

  • It is absorbed rather quickly, so it will not stain clothes.
  • Cosmetologists advise mixing it with carrot seed oil. Then the tan will turn out to be golden and the body will be protected from ultraviolet rays of high intensity.

After-sun oil: how to keep your skin tanned and healthy ^

When using natural hard-pressed oils and essential oils for sunbathing, it is very important to remember simple rules to keep your tan for a long time:

  • Prepare your skin in advance: several scrub sessions two weeks before vacation; nourishing body masks based on carrots, peanut butter and lemon; drinking enough water and natural juices before and during the period of being under the sun;
  • Never be in the sun during the period from 10 am to 4 pm;
  • After sea and sun treatments using oils, be sure to take a warm shower and cover your skin with a moisturizer; coconut or apricot pits are perfect, as it will relieve fatigue and possible irritation from the skin;
  • Store tanning oil in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place to maintain its beneficial properties and not cause skin rashes or irritation.

Reviews of our readers

Olga, 25 years old, hairdresser:

“I love to sunbathe and I think that a dark body looks sexy and attractive. For the first 3-4 days for tanning, I use a traditional tanning cream, and then I put coconut oil on my body, it perfectly protects my skin from drying out in the sun and is practically not washed off when bathing. Ten days of vacation - and I am fully armed! "

Ninel, 52 years old, administrator:

“I am a white-skinned blonde, my tan practically does not“ stick ”to me, I am in the sun even under a canopy and will certainly blush or, God forbid, I get burned. I tried to use sunblock creams, but for some reason there was irritation on the skin. I decided not to experiment anymore. I saw a woman on the beach smearing her body with something oily. It smelled great - a little tart. And the skin took on such a seductive look !!!

It turned out that this oil is from apricot kernels. It moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and smooth, and relieves inflammation. Now I use only this tool! Yes, I do not become a "mulatto - chocolate", but at my age it is not necessary. The main thing is to keep the skin smooth, get a light golden hue and not get extra wrinkles. "

Stepan, 32 years old, bodybuilder:

“I read an article about tanning enhancers. Quite interesting and informative, but I want to add on my own. It is important for me that the color of the skin is of a beautiful, even shade, so that the skin does not peel off and its color remains for a long time. I am an adherent of a healthy lifestyle and I use only natural cosmetics. So, before visiting the beach or solarium, I apply a mixture of carrot seed oils and cocoa to my skin, and I use olive oil as a base. The girls are delighted with the result! "

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

Tanning is one of the most natural ways to improve your appearance. It is beneficial in moderate doses, but overexposure to sunlight can cause early aging of the face and body. And in order to get a beautiful shade and not harm your health, you need to use natural remedies.

Why you need tanning oil, and which one is considered the best

  • You should be aware that oily products do not have the required protective level and are more suitable for dark and tanned skin, and are especially useful for dry skin. If you are relaxing on the sea, where the wind and salt water literally dry up the surface of the body, protection is simply necessary;
  • Which oil is best for tanning? Oily products have many positive properties as they are free of flavorings, preservatives and stabilizers. Therefore, the plant matter is excellent for sensitive cover. It is also very economical, it only takes a couple of drops to cover a large area of ​​the body;
  • The oil is of great benefit for sunburn pain, swelling and itching that you often encounter in nature.

A huge specific assortment is presented on store shelves. Well, what to do if this cosmetics is not available or you went on vacation and forgot to buy cosmetics. The answer is quite simple, for darkening the body, you can use oil - olive or sunflower, for more exotic natures coconut is well suited.

Sunflower oil for tanning

It is an excellent choice in cases where a professional cosmetic product is not at hand. When buying this product, you need to choose the cold-pressed option, since it retains more nutrients, such as vitamins A, E, D, as well as trace elements necessary for nourishing the dermis.

Sunflower can be used not only for tanning, but also for face and body care at any time of the year. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, promotes healing of the epithelium and cell regeneration. This type of protection creates a special film on the body, which allows the sun's rays to be better scattered, and as a result, to obtain a beautiful and even shade. Sunflower oil also has disadvantages.

It is quite oily and poorly absorbed, sand sticks to it.

Olive oil for tanning

Before going to the beach, every girl has a question: buy a protective substance in the store or try something natural and safe for the skin. I must say that the second option is often used. An olive remedy is an excellent choice in this case. It is not only safe for health, but also has tremendous benefits for the body in the sun.

Olive oil softens and retains moisture, which is essential for supple and firm skin. It rejuvenates the skin and smoothes wrinkles, and does not cause allergies. For girls who want to keep their tan, the main factor is that the dermis darkens faster with olive oil. And even if you have white skin that turns red from the sun, using this wonderful oil, you can get a dark shade already on the second day of sun exposure.

In addition, the skin color itself, obtained from exposure to open sunlight, causes a lot of admiration. Sea tanning is different from normal tanning, as salt water contains a high percentage of iodine, which is responsible for the golden hue. And after you come home from vacation, iodine is easily washed out of the skin when you shower. Therefore, the marine shade disappears very quickly.

So, there is already a sufficient amount of iodine in olives. And therefore, the skin from it turns out to be clean and beautiful. Even if you sunbathe on the river and use olive oil, you can tell your friends that you have been to the sea.

How to use this tanning product? If you are afraid to look stupid on the beach, smeared from head to toe with the shiny squeeze of an olive, you are worried in vain. Of course, for a beautiful and even shade, a sufficient concentration of this product is necessary, but it is not at all necessary to use it in its pure form. For example, you can use olive oil and water.

To do this, you need to mix olive oil and pure still water in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix everything well and pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle so that the mixture is comfortable to wear on the skin. You need to store all this in the refrigerator, and each time, 2 hours before going to the beach, take it out so that the mass warms up.

Coconut oil for tanning

This substance is obtained from the bark of a coconut. This product is very popular among women. This is not surprising, as it contains many unsaturated fatty acids that are easily absorbed and do not clog pores, as well as have a nourishing, moisturizing and softening effect.

Refined coconut oil can be used in its pure form, and other types can be mixed with other creams in proportions of 1: 5 at a temperature of 22-30 degrees above zero. Such a mass is in a solid state, and therefore, before use, it can be slightly warmed up to make it easier to apply to the skin. In addition to its medicinal properties, coconut oil promotes the formation of an even darkening.

Benefits of peach oil for tanning

This product has a lot of advantages. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, makes it smooth, helps the tan to look fuller and more velvety. In addition, the peach product has a pleasant smell.

The main feature of this substance is that it contains a large amount of fatty acids that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, girls can calmly sunbathe without worrying about the harm of the sun's rays.

Cosmetologists advise using a peach-derived product as an excellent alternative to ready-made tanning products. It can also be used as an after-dark lotion. Peach fixes the tan and moisturizes the skin. The undoubted advantage of this product is that it is non-greasy and does not leave marks on the skin, it is perfectly absorbed and does not require rinsing.

How to make tanning oil at home

You need to cook it a week before the vacation, so that the essential oils have time to completely dissolve.

Oils with SPF help you get an intense, even tan without harm to the skin. They protect the skin from both UVB rays, which cause redness and burns, and UVA rays, which are the causes of photoaging and age spots. In addition, these products nourish the skin and activate the production of melanin. They need to be applied 15–20 minutes before sun exposure.

1. Oil for tanning Lancaster Sun Beauty Satin Sheen Oil Fast Tan Optimizer

  • Suitable for all skin types of face and body, skin color is very light and light.
  • SPF: 30.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: sweet orange, buriti.
  • Manufacturer: Lancaster, Monaco.
  • Price: 2 699 rubles.

Thanks to SPF 30, this gentle oil can be applied from the first days of your holiday. It helps people with very fair skin to get it without harming their health. Also enhances the existing tan, gives a pleasant bronze color without reddishness.

The consistency of the oil is non-greasy. It is conveniently sprayed, quickly absorbed, and does not leave marks on clothes. The product is non-comedogenic, suitable for people with oily skin. The oil contains nutrients, so the skin becomes not only tanned, but also elastic.

The oil should be renewed every 2-3 hours and after bathing.

2. Tanning enhancer with B-carotene KORA

  • Suitable for dry and prone to dry skin of the face and body, skin color - light and light brown.
  • SPF: 20.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: sea buckthorn, calendula.
  • Manufacturer: Kora, Russia.
  • Price: 478 rubles.

The subtle floral scent helps to achieve a beautiful tan and protects the skin from burns and chlorinated pool water. Moisturizes and nourishes it.

The texture of the oil is light, watery. Thanks to this, it is evenly distributed. It is absorbed in about 10 minutes and does not make the skin sticky or oily. Sometimes it can leave a thin film. However, customers claim that this does not cause discomfort.

  • Suitable for all skin types of face and body, skin color - light brown.
  • SPF: 15.
  • Water resistance: yes.
  • Oils in the composition: macadamia and marula.
  • Manufacturer: Sun Look, Poland.
  • Price: 389 rubles.

Rich in vitamins and oils, this product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, leaving it silky smooth. The oil is quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes and streaks on the body and face. The only thing that will remind you of its presence on the skin is a light sweetish aroma.

The oil strengthens the protective barrier of the skin, restores and protects it from drying out and the harmful effects of the sun, wind and water.

You need to renew every 2-3 hours and after wiping the body with a towel.

4. Oil-gloss for intensive tanning Librederm

  • SPF: 10.
  • Water resistance: yes.
  • Oils in the composition: almond, Chinese rose, sunflower seeds.
  • Manufacturer: Librederm, Italy.
  • Price: 902 rubles.

The oil activates the production of melanin, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness. It also protects against the negative effects of UV rays and prevents photoaging.

The texture of the oil is light, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen. It smells like vanilla.

You need to update every 2 hours.

  • Suitable for dry skin of the face and body, skin color - naturally dark, tanned.
  • SPF: 6.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: soybeans, sunflower seeds, corn.
  • Manufacturer: Charm Cleo Cosmetic, Russia.
  • Price: 604 rubles.

This tanning oil is an excellent combination of a protective complex and a quick tan activation complex. It has a non-greasy texture, spreads well over the skin and is quickly absorbed.

The product protects the skin from sunburn and premature aging. The vitamins in the oil nourish, nourish and moisturize the skin, prevent dryness and flaking.

  • Suitable for all types of body skin, skin color - naturally dark, tanned.
  • SPF: 6.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: coconut, gardenia.
  • Manufacturer: Monoi Tiare Tahiti, France.
  • Price: 742 rubles.

The oil is recommended for dark-skinned girls. But even fair-skinned customers speak of the oil as a miracle cure. Despite the low level of protection, no one, even if they were in the sun all day. The tan turned out to be persistent, rich, without redness.

The oil has an unobtrusive floral-fruity aroma. The consistency is liquid, there is no dispenser, so pour it into your hand very carefully. There are flowers at the bottom of the bottle.

You need to renew it every 3-4 hours and after bathing.

7. Oil for even tanning Le Café de Beauté

  • Suitable for dry and prone to dry skin of the face and body, skin color - naturally dark, tanned.
  • SPF: 4.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: almond, coconut, avocado, apricot, orange.
  • Manufacturer: Le Café de Beauté, Russia.
  • Price: 348 rubles.

This oil not only gives the face and body a beautiful, even bronze tint, but also makes the skin soft and velvety. as a formulation, it moisturizes the skin and helps maintain an optimal moisture balance. Vitamins slow down the aging process and fight dryness.

Also, customers note a very pleasant unobtrusive oil aroma and economical consumption.

You need to renew it every 1.5-2 hours and after bathing.

The best sun oils without SPF

Oils without SPF attract the sun's rays, nourish and moisturize the skin, and protect it from drying out. They also give her a shine, intensify the existing tan and contribute to the appearance of a darker complexion.

Already quite tanned girls and those who never get sunburn can use the following products. But fair-skinned people risk getting it.

1. Oil for deep and maximum tanning Mixit Tan & Chick's Oil

  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: coconut, almond, rose hips, avocado, jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood.
  • Manufacturer: Mixit, Russia.
  • Price: 495 rubles.

The oil has a liquid consistency and is conveniently distributed. After application, it is quickly absorbed, does not make the skin oily and sticky.

The most remarkable thing is that tanning with this product is very persistent and appears rather quickly: a couple of hours is enough to get a chocolate shade.

You need to renew it every 2 hours and after bathing.

2. Oil for tanning Australian Gold Dry Oil Intensifier With Bronzer

  • Suitable for all body skin types.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oil in composition: carrot oil.
  • Manufacturer: Australian Gold, USA.
  • Price: 2 159 rubles.

The oil provides an intense, even tan and moisturizes the skin. It has a pleasant texture, spreads easily and absorbs quickly. After applying the product, the skin does not shine and does not stick. Australian Gold Dry has a sweet, but not sugary aroma.

You need to renew it every 2-3 hours and after bathing.

  • Suitable for dry and dry skin of the face and body.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils in the composition: wheat germ, jojoba.
  • Manufacturer: Ome, Russia.
  • Price: 890 rubles.

The oil has a pleasant sweetish aroma and delicate texture. It is absorbed in 5 minutes and does not reveal its presence on the skin in any way: no greasiness, no stickiness, no shine. Perfectly nourishes the skin, deeply moisturizes and helps maintain an optimal moisture balance. Tanning with this tool lays down smoothly and quickly.

You need to renew it every 3-4 hours and after bathing.