Historical Hook Hook. Material on technology "History of crochet"

The earliest written mention of this type of needlework was recorded entitled "Shepherd Knitting" in The Memoirs of a Highland Lady by Elizabeth Grant In The 19th Century. For the first time, crochet patterns were published in the Dutch magazine Pénélopé in 1824. The proof that crochet was a novelty in the XIX century, consider the publication of 1847 A Winter "S Gift, which contains detailed instructions for the execution of crochet techniques, while at the same time, when the foundations of other types of needlework for readers are not explained. Knitting description Crochet in Godey "S Lady" S Book in 1846 and 1847 appeared before the adoption of unified schemes in 1848.

Knitted canvas is known since ancient times, but unknown crochet samples dated earlier than 1800, nor in ethnographic collections, nor among those found during archaeological surveys. According to the encyclopedia of the Briton, this kind of knitting appeared in the XIX century as a sign of the embroidery by a tambour, but using the hook needle instead. Most of the old samples that were considered knitted crochet were actually performed by a needle.

Donna Cooler believes the hypothesis about the occurrence of crochet from embroidery with a tambour erroneous: hooks for embroidery by a cam, preserved to the present day, have a screw that prevents knitting "in the air". The cooler suggests that the industrialization has begun to be a push for the development of this type of needlework. The manufacture of knitwear with a crochet requires a much larger amount of threads than with other methods of knitting and cotton yarn the most suitable for this type of needlework material. And after the appearance of cotton cleaning machines and mechanical sniffs, the cotton thread in Europe and North America has become widely accessible and inexpensive.
The first knitting hooks were both primitive bent needles in cork handles, such used poor Irish knitters, and expensive silver, steel, from ivory, created not so much to work, how much to decorate and attract attention to the ladies. In Ireland, during the hunger of 1845-1849, one of the forms of the starving the hungry was to ensure their orders for crocheted lace (the production of knitted lace was an alternative way to make money for Irish workers). Mademoiselle of the business of Blanchardier, published in 1846 the first book of models from Irish lace, usually attribute the invention of this type of crochet. Fashion on Irish knitting in Europe and America lasted up to the First World War. Crochet in 1910-1920 has become even more complex in patterns and methods of connection.

In Russia, crochet was distributed since the end of the XIX century. The masters knit predominantly lace, borrowing patterns from the folk embroidery of the cross and weaving.

Nowadays, knitting with crochet has become very popular and included in the number of favorite classes, because to learn how to crochet is easy, easier than the needles.

The history of the emergence of knitting

The history of knitting continues to worry the minds of researchers, since it is not quite clear to this day. Knitted products are short-lived, and the most ancient exhibits apparently have not been preserved. Therefore, different historicals of needlework include the beginning of the history of knitting to different epochs. There are ancient ancient findings about the 19th century BC - this means that knitting arose about four thousand years ago! It is difficult to say that it appeared earlier - knitting with knitting knitting or manufacture of crochet knitting; It is likely that the first masters or masters knit at all without tools - on the fingers.
The place to which most likely refers to the beginning of the history of knitting - Egypt. It was in the Egyptian tombs who found ancient preserved knitted things: a children's shoe, a sock with a fine finger sock - for shoes with a strap between the fingers. According to one of the versions, the knitting came to Europe from Egypt.
However, there are versions that in ancient Europe, knitting existed regardless of the countries of the East. Remember the Gomeov "Odyssey"? Penelope, who was waiting for Odyssey, denied the grooms, referring to the fact that he had not yet finished a wedding session - and in fact she dismissed the fact that in the afternoon. So Gomer's poem has been translated. But some researchers are inclined to the fact that this is either the wrong translation, or the word "weaving" the Homer itself was designated knitting: after all, it would be knitting with knitting needles or hook that would quickly dissolve the knitted product and use the thread react.

In addition, it is proved that the ancient civilizations of the new light also have their own history of knitting: knitted products found in the territory of the current Peru (Knitted belt with the image of Hummingbird) belong to the 3th century AD, but the most difficult execution technique indicates that that this craft was mastered there much earlier.

In Europe, knitting with knitting and crochet began to develop approximately the 9th century of our era and in the 12-13 centuries, the manufacture of knitted products has become a popular homemade craft, and then the industry. In the northern edges knit warm clothes, in the south - hats, umbrellas, etc. It is interesting that knitting was originally exclusively male craft. (However, today there are a lot of men-masters of knitting needles, and their products are distinguished by special creativity!)

In the 16th century (1589), Englishman William Lee invented the first knitting machine. True, Queen Elizabeth I did not fall to taste: the stockings associated with it, the queen found rude and refused to inventor in Patent, advised to "make money honest labor." W. Li moved to France and opened the first knitted workshop in Ruang. In the 18th century in France invented the car for circular knitting stocking in the shape of a pipe.
Mechanization to a large extent sustained manual knitting needles, but did not push out: handmade always appreciated. Even less influenced the appearance of knitting machines for the manufacture of knitted products with crochet: I did not learn such knitting machines.
Most interesting is the history of the emergence and development of knitting lace, which has reached in 18-19 centuries a truly level of the highest art!

Interest in manual knitting needles and crochet does not decrease - knitted products certainly appear in fashionable prospects every year, and how many fans and even, as told, the fans of this type of needlework, and do not have to talk.
It was especially famous for the Brussels lace, which in turn, in turn, in turn, a model for the Irish: Knitted with crocheted products of Irish lace - real masterpieces. By the 19th century, the creation of a knitting pattern recording system also includes. The first schemes with the designations of the hinge species were invented in Holland; To date, there are two unified systems - British and American. We use mostly American system.

Source http://coolwom.ru/index.php/istoriya-vozniknoveniya-voyazaniya.



a) the relevance of work.

Now needlework for a woman has become a pleasant entertainment. Modern women do not engage in cutting and knitting, but buy everything in the store. But every woman understands that a purchased sweater is one thing, and with his own hands is completely different.

One of the most common types of decorative and applied art is crochet. Crochet Just and accessible to everyone!

Crochet allows you to get away from traditional looks to fashion, both in a suit and home interior. Knitted products are most debts even among fashion and can decorate the interior and wardrobe for a long time.

My goal to tie a crochet with a napkin for mom.

  • c) tasks.
  • 1. Find out everything about crochet
  • 2. TB with crochet (technological stage)
  • 3. Does crochet fauna harmful (ecological education)
  • 4. Advertising, emblem

Historical Hook Hook

Let's remember the ancient Greek myth about theses and Ariadne. Theses saved Ariadna from Minotaurus - Monsters with a bull head and human torso. So that the hero does not get lost in the Milotaurus Mabyrinth, Ariadne gave him a tangle. The discharge thread indicated the return route. It follows from this myth that the ancient Greeks knew knitting. And woolen thread, like the thread of Ariadna, takes us through the labyrinth centuries in gray antiquity.

Knitting was also known in Ancient Egypt. At the egyptian art monuments that have reached us are depicted in dresses. Moreover, the dresses are fitted with a figure so closely that some art historians consider them knitted.

In Egypt, in one of the tombs, archaeologists discovered a knitted children's shoe. As established archaeologists, this discovery belongs to the 3000th to our era.

V century knitting well developed in the east. And the hook looked like a smooth wand. Knitted things were found in the ancient burials of Egypt, Greece and Rome.

After crusades to the East, somewhere in the 9th century, crochet penetrated into Europe.

In Europe, the Spaniards, Scots and French were famous for knitting skills. The national head fault of the Scots - Knitana Beret - for several centuries! In France, the beginning of manual knitting refers to the XIII century. In this way, the caps, berets, gloves manufactured.

In 1589, the first knitting machine was invented. And it seemed that the machine knitting for the further development of the technique would cause manual knitting. However, life has refuted such an assumption.

The larger the products of mass machine production were produced, the more valuable things were made by their own hands. This was especially related to crochet because, knitting on the knitting needles is very similar to the machine, and in crochet's knitting is always urgent. Starting from the XVI century, knitted lace, garments and household items went through Europe, and in the XIX century this art became truly jewelry.

Knitted products of the time preserved in museums and private houses admire beauty and grace, are affecting labor consideration and skill. The greatest development of knitted lace was obtained in Ireland. Taking the example of a very expensive Brussels lace, which they were not affordable, the poor and illiterate Irish peasants brought the art of knitted lace to the masterpiece. The so-called Irish lace and to this day in price.

In Russia, crochet spread from the end of the last century, and women became engaged in them. On the territory of the Novgorod region, this type of needlework appeared in the 30-40th years of the twentieth century. Before that, local craftsmen were fond of embroidery. Therefore, it is not by chance that the patterns for knitting were borrowed from her.

Hooks were homemade, most often from wire, sharpened from one end. Then hooks appeared on sale. The threads first were also made at home, linen, and even later began to apply coils. The patterns of the patterns did not use, and tied them with each other. The main, most common motifs are various geometric shapes, flowers.

Having passed through the century, knitting reached our days, it became very popular and entered a number of favorite handmakers.

Unlike classic knitting, the origins of which are torn to the first civilizations, crochet, despite the fact that it has been caught up for a long time, and in some countries and overtook him in terms of development rates, it is not at all an ancient type of needlework. His story is relatively short, but bright: appearing only a few centuries ago, based on a simple technique, but opening unlimited possibilities for creating things of various sizes and functions, needlework quickly entered the lists of traditional and mandatory hobbies for each lady.

Knitted textiles and clothes were the consistent part of home the house from ancient times, but here is a knitted canvas, which would be obtained by crochet, did not meet in any of the archaeological or ethnographic studies before the early 19th century, which suggests that earlier 19th century crochet as such did not exist at all. Vintage fabrics with similar textures, which, according to some ethnographs, were created using a hook, as further studies have shown, were performed using the needle.

The beginning of the 19th century - the emergence of knitting

The theory is generally recognized that the birth of this type of female needlework after 1800 is associated with the modification of the embroidery by a cam, to increase the productivity of which they gradually began to use no needles, but hooks. But not all researchers support this theory: hooks for vehicles are not suitable for creating air loops, because they have a special screw that greatly complicates work.

For example, the legendary Don Cooler believes that crochet has arisen as a result of market changes: cotton thread, massively produced on rapidly developing factories in Europe and America, was inexpensive and widely accessible, but not too fit for classic trees. And crochet, albeit a much larger amount of threads, made it possible to get an aesthetically equivalent product from this affordable material.

The first written evidence of the new type of needlework belong to the periodicals. In the Dutch fashion magazine "Penelope" in 1824, the first patterns and schemes for crochet were published. This kind of needlework was considered a novelty not only in Europe, but also in the new light, and each publication with separate knitting schemes was usually accompanied by detailed instructions on how to perform one or another type of loop and columns.

Such detail in publications was unique: no other kind of needlework, who considered traditional, never clarified from a technical point of view. Such instructions later could be found in the legendary books for Ladies and such popular magazines as the "Winter Gift". Unified techniques, uniform standards for performing the technical foundations of knitting were accepted only in 1848 and immediately appeared in the encyclopedias of homemade life and books for housewives.

Ireland - Motherland of Irish Lace

The most actively crochet was distributed in the English-speaking world, and the world leader in the production of lace and other "subtle" hook related objects was considered to be Ireland. The invention of the unique technique of Irish lace is associated with the name Mademoiselle de la Blanchardier, who in 1846 first released the book of lace models. Manual knitted laces were considered the most valuable and fashionable, and it is this country that crochet was an alternative to heavy, slave labor workers was the leader of their production.

The peak of the development of the lace industry in Ireland fell at the end of the 50s of the 19th century, when, during a hunger, one of the forms of assistance approved orders for the manufacture of lace, which were then turned into a whole hand-made industries.

In the beginning of the 20th century, the compound methods and patterns became even more diverse, and the variations of the manufactured products are extremely variative. Irish lace was at the peak of popularity until the beginning of the First World War.

Development and growth in popularity

With the arrival of a new world order and the active development of the economy, the value of handmade and its role in the modern world has changed dramatically, and crochet moved into the category of personal hobbies and hobbies. Due to the simplicity of the development of basic techniques, as well as unlimited possibilities of creating products, it has become one of the most common types of knitting with a wide range of use.

Instructions for new appliances needlework and schemes for creating individual items of clothing and life every year became more skillful as the tools for knitting. After all, the first hooks with a special tool were difficult to call: it was very primitive in their design curved needles, fixed for safety in a cork handle.

Of course, the hooks for knitting at the "Proshirotok" and representatives of the highest light differed drastically. Poor Irish, for example, enjoyed simple iron and very rough needles, and "real ladies" - made of ivory, silver or prefabricated steel, which were rather not a tool, but decoration.

Only from the mid-20th century, the production of special hooks for knitting made it possible to create a highly specialized tool market for this type of creativity.

National history

The domestic knitting history of crochet is largely similar to general trends in the world: for the first time this kind of needlework won the hearts of the ladies in the 19th century, when the unique and rare technique gradually gained popularity, becoming a rival of classical weaving and embroidery.

Up to the 20th century, the main direction of knitting crochet remained the manufacture of lace, patterns for which they were often taken from the motifs of cross-embroidery. Only from the 20th century began to actively develop the manufacture of knitted clothes, and gradually - and a variety of crafts, including knitted toys, souvenirs.