How to clean gemstones in jewelry. How to cleanse precious stones and natural minerals from negative and foreign energy

Regardless of what the gem is used for (for medicinal, magical purposes, or as decoration), it needs to be looked after and sometimes cleaned. When you bought a stone, you need to cleanse it energetically. Keep it under running water for a few minutes. Better, of course, if there is an opportunity - to use natural spring water.

Minerals that belong to the quartz group can be put in a glass bowl of water and kept in the freezer overnight. You can put stones and products from them in a vessel with water. The water, freezing, will remove the dirty information from the stone, and it will be cleansed. In this way, you can clean both stones that you used to wear, and new ones - bought or donated.

In the same way, not only newly acquired natural stones are cleaned, but also those that you already have. This should be done at least once a year, and health stones are cleaned once a month on the waning moon.

Ruby, alexandrite and sapphire can be cleaned in a soapy solution with ammonia. The proportions of the solution are 0.5 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of alcohol. After cleaning, rinse the gems with warm water.

Amethyst, rhinestone and citrine should only be cleaned with ultrasound.

Turquoise is a whimsical gem. It cannot be cleaned with aqueous solutions; from their influence, the stone can easily lose color. Turquoise jewelry should not be exposed to sudden temperature changes, acidic and soapy solutions. To remove stubborn dirt, use alcohol or distilled water. To bring back the shine, use a piece of flannel or dry suede to polish the turquoise yourself.

Very often, dirt collects under the stone (especially in the ring, brooches). You can remove it with a match and a piece of cotton wool. Moisten cotton wool with glycerin or a solution of magnesia and ammonia. Using gentle circular motions, wipe the grooves and surfaces. If any dirt remains that cannot be removed, contact a jewelry cleaning professional. You may need professional cleaning with ultrasound. True, not all stones can be cleaned with ultrasound.

The versatile way to clean any stones

Minerals are placed overnight on an amethyst druse with very fine crystals (also called an amethyst brush or stone bed).

Also known to cleanse quartz druze is to place stones on the quartz druze overnight.

When precious stones look rich and impressive, they increase the social status of the owner. It is advisable to go to a good jeweler to clean and shine. But if necessary, you can also clean the gem at home.

List of essential tools for cleaning gemstones:

  • Sea salt
  • Gin
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Liquid soap

You can clean gemstones effectively with salt.

Method 1... Pour warm water into a glass or ceramic container. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in it, but always sea salt. After that, immerse your gem in it and leave it for 12 hours. After half a day has passed, it must be rinsed under cold water and then gently wiped with a soft and clean cloth.

Method 2... Pour salt into a deep container. Then put your gem in it and leave it overnight. After overnight, rinse it with water and polish it gently with a soft cloth.

You can clean gemstones effectively with baking soda.

Method 1... Pour hot water into a container and add one teaspoon of baking soda. After that, put this container on fire and immerse your precious stone in it. Boil for a few minutes, then remove the decoration. Then rinse it under water and polish it gently.

Method 2... Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of water. Then stir until a soft paste starts to form. Then, using a cotton swab, gently apply the cleaner to your jewelry. Wipe and rinse under water.

Gin will help to restore shine to the jewelry. This tool is not able to clean the gemstone from contamination. Wipe the stone with a cotton swab or cloth dipped in a drink.

If you want to gently remove dirt, then use a soapy solution. Take any liquid soap and pour it into water, then dissolve. Using an old toothbrush, gently clean the jewelry, the main thing is not to forget to moisten the brush in the solution. After cleaning, rinse the jewelry in water and polish with a dry cloth.

With constant wearing, jewelry, especially earrings and chains, darken, dust settles on them. Not everyone knows how to clean earrings at home, and grandfather's methods do not always have a positive effect on precious metal. In this article, we will look at effective ways to return jewelry to its original appearance.

How do I clean my earrings?

How to clean gold earrings at home

Gold tarnished by dust is not the best decoration. If you see that your gold earrings have lost their luster and become dark, you can contact your nearest jewelry store. There they will be quickly and "painlessly" cleaned with special products that you can purchase for the next cleaning at home. But what if there is no way to get into the salon? If your earrings are solid gold and without stones, the following methods will work:

· Cleaning with soapy water. In a special bath, make a concentrated soap solution, leave the earrings for a couple of minutes, and then wash well. Rinse under running water;

· Ammonia. If the soap solution does not remove the dirt on the jewelry, you can use ammonia. Apply a few drops to a cloth or directly on the object and rub gently. Then rinse with clean water;

· A solution with table vinegar. Vinegar cleanses gold perfectly. To do this, mix in a 1: 1 ratio of water and vinegar, in this solution rinse the product with a cloth. Rinse.

You shouldn't brush your gold pieces with toothpaste. This method is suitable for table and jewelry silver, but the gold may remain scratches due to which the jewelry will fade forever.

How to Clean Stone Earrings: Ways and Precautions

Jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones requires special care. It is better to go to a salon where the jewelry will be cleaned with a special paste. Another way to clean in salons is an ultrasonic bath. However, the answer to the question, you can clean earrings with natural stones with ultrasound, sometimes the masters themselves find it difficult to give. The stone is not always solid, it may have microcracks. With ultrasonic vibrations, they will become larger, which will lead to the destruction of the stone.

At home, the stones are best washed under running water, gently cleaning them with a soft cotton swab or disc. Moreover, if the stone is not held by special turns, "paws" of metal, but is glued like a rhinestone, it is impossible to wet it very often and lower it under water. In no case do not wash such items with a toothbrush and do not allow a sharp drop in temperature (do not wash the jewelry alternately in hot or cold water). This can cause the metal or stone to crack.

Chains and earrings, bracelets and rings - jewelry brings a whole sea of ​​pleasure. But the shine of all these "trinkets" can fade very quickly, if you do not make an effort. Learn how to clean gold at home and enjoy its beauty.

For home cleaning of gold rings and chains, these folk recipes will surely come in handy!

Powder, ammonia and water

Cleaning with ammonia will take several hours, but your accessories will simply sparkle!

    • Salmon - 1 tsp;
    • Water - 200 ml;
    • Powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Step 1. Pour the boiled water into a deep bowl.
  • Step 2. Add laundry detergent.
  • Step 3. Add ammonia.
  • Step 4. Stir well.
  • Step 5. Put the rings in water for about 2 hours.
  • Step 6. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.

Dishwashing liquid

Another good method to deal with even tough dirt.

Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

    • Water - 200 ml;
    • Peroxide - 40 gr.;
    • Liquid soap - 1 tsp;
    • Salmon - 1 tsp

  • Step 1. Heat the water a little.
  • Step 2. Add all ingredients.
  • Step 3. Pour the solution into a deep bowl.
  • Step 4. Submerge the gold for about 20 minutes.
  • Step 5. Rinse and wipe them.


You can also clean gold jewelry with kitchen salt. It's very easy to do!

By the way, salt in this recipe can be replaced with sugar. The effect will be exactly the same.

Foil, soda and water

These simple ingredients, found in every kitchen, will make gold shine.

Borax solution

If your gold chain is very dirty, try cleaning it with this effective cleaner.

  • Step 1. Soak a piece of silk cloth in the borax solution.
  • Step 2. Polish the jewelry with light strokes.
  • Step 3. Rinse and rub until shiny.

Chalk and ammonia


How to clean gold without harm and without scratches? Take table vinegar, soak a clean rag in it, wipe the dirty areas, rinse and dry.


A very unusual way, but quite effective!

  • Step 1. Apply some light lipstick to the gold ring.
  • Step 2. Walk it over the entire surface.
  • Step 3. Polish the ring to a shine with a piece of velvet.

Onion juice

  • Step 1. Squeeze the juice out of the onion.
  • Step 2. Soak a napkin in it.
  • Step 3. Wipe down the jewelry, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Special cleaning paste

How to properly clean jewelry with stones?

Classic methods of cleaning are not suitable for gold items with stones. Yes, and such products cannot be placed in water. Gasoline, cologne, or alcohol will be useful.

  • Step 1. Soak a cotton swab in any of these liquids.
  • Step 2. Clean the stones with smooth movements. It is better to do this with a rag, as sharp objects can damage the frame.
  • Step 3. Wipe the jewelry with a clean cloth and dry.

How to clean matte gold?

Jewelry of this type is becoming more and more popular, but you need to take care of them very carefully. Powders and hard brushes are not suitable for these purposes. We advise you to stock up on lime and ammonia.


  • Lime - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Water - 1 tsp;
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Step 1. Combine dry ingredients.
  • Step 2. Add warm water.
  • Step 3. Set aside the mixture for 3-4 days.
  • Step 4. Place the gold in this solution for several hours.
  • Step 5. Rinse and dry.

How to clean white gold?

The composition of white gold is an alloy of three metals (nickel, gold and copper), coated with a layer of rhodium. The surface of such jewelry can be wiped off quickly, so cleaning should be gentle and gentle.


With the help of powder, you can very easily and quickly clean white gold from blackness and impurities.

Ammonia, shampoo, water

  • Shampoo - 1 tsp;
  • Ammonium - 1 part;
  • Water - 1 part.
  • Step 1. Mix shampoo, water and ammonia.
  • Step 2. Throw the jewelry into this solution.
  • Step 3. Wait half an hour.
  • Step 4. Wash and dry.

Water and mild soap

Attention! For cleaning white gold, do not use products containing chlorine or harsh chemicals.

12/05/2017 2 7 545 views

Gold is a precious metal that absolutely everyone is not indifferent to. These jewelry hardly deteriorate, but they also need to be cared for. Let's take a look at how to clean gold at home to make it shine. There are many ways and they are quite simple. Unlike bijouterie, such items are practically impossible to damage during cleaning.

If stones are inserted into the jewelry, the process becomes more complicated. The fact is that each mineral requires an individual approach. They cannot be boiled like regular gold accessories. These rings and earrings are very fragile, so you need to hold them firmly in your hands when cleaning. Professional help may be needed if the fear of damaging the jewel is high.

Reasons why gold requires regular cleaning

Gold is a noble metal, but it can also lose its original beauty. If the jewelry has not been cleaned for a long time, this can be seen with the naked eye. Such items will not decorate the hostess as much as they could. Also pollution is harmful to humans. For example, unwashed earrings cause inflammation of the earlobes.

Reasons for darkening of gold accessories:

  • Violation of ligature inscription. Jewelry is usually made from alloys with silver, palladium, copper - these components increase the risk of wear resistance. Gold with a large amount of impurities oxidizes rather quickly. In such a situation, you should not clean the products at home, it is better to seek the help of a specialist.
  • Human nutrition. Substances are excreted from the body through sweat, which interacts with the bracelets and oxidizes them. A film appears, it contains dust particles, sulfides, fat.
  • Cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. They usually contain iodine or mercury. Gray spots may appear on the chain. In this case, the metal is destroyed and it will not be possible to clean it yourself. It is worth contacting a jeweler.
  • Polishing paste. Sometimes products are coated with this product. When wearing a piece of jewelry, part of it is erased, so stains of dark shades remain on the skin, and light ones on the ring. Then you need to remove the layer with a soft cloth.

How to properly clean gold at home?

Each piece of jewelry requires an individual approach. The method is selected based on the color of the product - it can be white or yellow. The coating is matte or glossy. It is important to consider whether there are stones - diamond earrings will require careful handling. The nature of the pollution is also important.

General rules for washing products at home:

  1. Jewelry with stones should be cleaned in an extremely gentle way, without adding acids or abrasives. It is advisable not to immerse them in water, but to use soapy water or a special paste.
  2. Do not wash different jewelry in the same dish (for example, gold and silver). There is a risk that they will turn white.
  3. Vinegar, dry baking soda, and citric acid should be used very carefully. These methods are suitable for jewelry that is in good condition. If damaged and scratched, there is a risk of ruining them even more. Also, these methods do not apply to accessories with stones.

There is no need to add laundry soap to the washing solution. This can make the jewel dull and lose its luster. It contains acids incompatible with gold.


The tool will help to achieve maximum effect when self-rinsing at home. The method is applicable exclusively for products without stones. To prepare it, you will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • 10% ammonia solution - 0.5 tsp;
  • dishwashing liquid (optional) - 1 tsp.

Mix the components, omit the accessory. The liquid will turn dark instantly. Then remove and rinse.


This requires the following ingredients:

  1. Boiling water - 250 ml.
  2. Ammonium alcohol - 1 spoon.
  3. Washing powder, liquid soap or detergent - 1 spoon.

Pour water into a glass plate, add other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Leave the items in the solution for two hours, then rinse with water and dry. The method is suitable for gold items with stones, but instead of boiling water, you need to use room temperature and keep them in solution for a short period.

Toothpaste or tooth powder

Silver accessories are often washed with paste; for gold, the method is also suitable. To do this, the cleaning agent must be applied to a soft cloth or cotton wool.

The method is used for gold jewelry with stones, since it does not require immersion in water. It should be noted that there are no small solid particles in the paste. Tooth powder for this purpose should not be used, because it is an abrasive agent.


To clean this way, you need the following ingredients:

  • baking soda - 1-1.5 tbsp l .;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.

Mix the components. Spread foil in a plate, pour in the solution. The products must be left for 8-12 hours (you can keep them throughout the night). The method is not applicable to gold earrings with pearls and other stones.

Dish detergent

This method can be used to remove iodine and other dirty spots from the accessory. This requires hot water (but not more than 60 degrees) and detergent. Lower jewelry, leave for about two hours. After this time, you need to pull them out, wipe them with a standard toothbrush. If dirt remains, you can repeat the procedure.

A mixture of liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide

For cooking you will need:

  1. Water - 250 ml.
  2. Ammonium alcohol - 1 spoon.
  3. Liquid soap - 2 drops.
  4. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution - 30 ml.

Pour water into a plate, add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Dip the jewelry in the solution for a quarter of an hour. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth. This method will not work for earrings with topaz or similar stones.


If you don't want to use ingredients such as alcohol and peroxide, it is recommended that you clean your jewelry with a saline solution. For cooking you will need:

  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • not iodized salt - 3 tbsp. l.

Keep the products in the mixture overnight, dry with a soft cloth.

How to clean gold at home to make it shine?

The following methods will help to add shine to your favorite ring or bracelet:

  1. Hyposulfite solution. You can find it in special stores. The tool helps well with jewelry. You need to take one tablespoon of it and dilute it in a glass of water. Hold the jewel for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Lipstick. It contains titanium dioxide, with which you can get rid of blackness. Apply the cosmetic product to a piece of cotton wool and wipe the accessory over the surface.
  3. Onions or vinegar. After wiping with food, rinse the product and dry thoroughly.
  4. Chemical solutions for cleaning gold jewelry. Thanks to them, sulfur compounds and fat are removed.
  5. Special paste. To prepare it, you will need petroleum jelly, grated soap, crushed chalk and water. The components must be in equal amounts. Mix everything, apply decorations to the surface, wipe with a soft cloth. Then wash with water and dry thoroughly.
  6. Sugar. The method will give the jewelry a shine, but it will not remove dirt. To do this, you need to dilute three teaspoons in a glass of warm water and leave for 8-12 hours.
  7. Paste GOI. You need to dip a piece of rag in it and wipe the product. Then you need to wash the ring in a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of liquid soap and a glass of hot water. Then rinse the jewelry and remove excess liquid with a soft cloth.

How to clean gold jewelry with stones?

It is forbidden to keep this type in boiling water. Usually stones are fixed with glue, so they can easily fall out. For hard types such as zircon, emerald, topaz, diamond, garnet, chrysolite and ruby, the following cleaning methods are suitable:

  • Detergent solution. The method is relevant for light pollution. The water should not be hot. Go over the decoration with a soft brush, then polish. The method is used for artificial stones. For example, for accessories with cubic zirconia.
  • Ammonia. It is used in advanced cases. Dilute a teaspoon of the product into 1/3 cup of water, then shake it up - this is how hard-to-reach areas are cleaned. Hold in liquid for 10 minutes and rinse the product.
  • Petrol. It will help eliminate grease and streaks. To do this, you need to blot a rag and wash the jewelry.
  • Professional cleaning products. You can buy them in a special store. Instructions are usually included.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dip a rag, gently wipe the product.
  • Fine ash. To get it, you need to burn the match, then polish it.

There are many ways for hard species, but soft stones require more gentle handling. This group includes serpentine, opal, pearls, coral, turquoise, malachite, amber. The following rules apply:

  1. Jewelry should not be subject to vigorous cleaning, especially with hard brushes. There is a risk of ruining the surface of the stone, leaving scratches.
  2. Special eyeglass wipes are suitable for these types. They can be ordinary or impregnated.
  3. When washing with soapy water, use a soft cloth and do not keep accessories in water. Liquid usually has a negative effect on stones. Therefore, they also need to be dried very well.
  4. You cannot use lemon juice or vinegar for real pearls, as the acid will corrode.
  5. The best option for these stones is a mixture of equal amounts of alcohol and water. After holding the ring in it, you need to wipe it with a soft cloth, which was previously dipped in a solution with soap. Rinse and dry well.

Washing products with stones is also carried out with the following folk recipes:

  • protein and beer. Mix the components thoroughly in equal proportions. Dip a flannel cloth in the mixture, clean the jewel;
  • onion juice. The method eliminates greasy stains. Squeeze liquid out of the vegetable, leave the accessory for ten minutes, wipe thoroughly with a brush;
  • vinegar will help remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas;

Video: how to clean gold with stones at home so that it shines?

What is the correct way to store gold items so that they do not darken or get dirty?

Basic storage rules:

  1. Any jewelry should be kept in a dry, dark place and be careful not to get moisture.
  2. Gold should be kept separate from other metals, especially silver. Their contact loses the attractiveness of jewelry.
  3. Jewelry should also be kept in a different place.
  4. If there are artificial stones in gold earrings or rings, they must be stored in wooden boxes, before that, wrapped in a cotton cloth. This type of crystals loses its former attractiveness faster and careless handling leads to cracks and scratches.
  5. Jewelry should be taken care of periodically - they should be cleaned and wiped with a flannel cloth before going out.
  6. A case with soft padding is suitable for storing gold. You cannot keep it in boxes and cardboard, because they contain sulfur, due to which dark spots appear on jewelry. They should not be left in plastic packaging either.
  7. Accessories with precious stones must be removed before cleaning. They are badly affected by household chemicals and kitchen utensils. They need to be washed two to three times a year.
  8. You will need to remove rings and chains before swimming in the pool (bleach can be harmful) and the sea (various impurities and salts). It is also worth doing this during sports training, as sweat is released intensely.

When cleaning, it is important to hold the jewel tightly and be as focused as possible. You should try to avoid alcohol, peroxide, citric acid, if the contamination is not too strong.

There are a lot of methods for cleaning gold jewelry, they are simple, but they require some accuracy. It is recommended not only to wash products at home, but also periodically contact a specialist. They can not only provide professional assistance to the jewelry, but also advise on methods based on its individual characteristics.

The best household and folk remedies for cleaning gold jewelry at home