How to fulfill my desire. What needs to be done in order to fulfill the cherished desire? The destructive character of desire

Every person always has a few desires. Some of them are minor, others, on the contrary, very important and significant. Desires may relate to the material sector or spiritual.

Materialization of desires or their absence - to solve you

If a person has dreams, then he does not have a set of any qualities, energies, information necessary for the materialization of desires. There are 2 Event Development Options:

1. Refuse to desire.

2. To change something in yourself, so that these qualities and energy are turned on, earned and attracted to your life desired.

How to start the materialization of the desired?

Imagine that your desired already has, log in to this image, "Imagine" into it, imagine all the consequences that will bring you the desirable. Do not hurry. Try to experience changes as fully as possible. Now remove emotions. Take a look "sober" on yourself, possessing desired.

Learn how to bypass all the obstacles of the subconsciousness so that the desires are really executed! Free registration here \u003e\u003e\u003e

Listen to yourself, is it left in you? Perhaps the possession of what is needed for you now, will bring any unpleasant moments in the future? Perhaps soberly looking at the events, do you decide that the desire is not worth the effort?

If the desire remains?

If this desire remains, and changes that will certainly occur due to the possession of the desired one for you are permissible - you can move to the materialization of desires.

5 techniques for making desires

Sign in resonance with desire

You need to tune in to the frequency of vibration of your desire. To do this, imagine that you have the necessary and trace your feelings. Feel how your body responds, feel emotions. Emotions cause certain vibrations. Further you need to send these vibrations as much as possible to the outside world, while tune in to your desire.

After such a work, the universe forms for a person the event that corresponds to the radiation of its energy field, this event is gradually materialized in life.

You can learn more about the vibrations and settings in the article: "68 secrets: Magic money. Secret 14 - Vibration Frequency will change your life ยป

Why is it not happening everywhere?

Everything dreams of something and seemingly radiates these vibrations. However, as life shows, often fantasies remain fantasies. What to do?

It is necessary to turn fantasy into the intention to have, and the intention is in the inner state of the possession.

Bioenergy - your key to the execution of desires

What error should be avoided during the materialization of desires?
You can not bring the desire to the absurdity, it is impossible to dwell on it, it will only be able to come true. And yet: each event is needed energy. The larger than your desire, the more energy will require its implementation from you. Moreover, a person receives such a quality of events that corresponds to its inner state and feeling.

If you are ready to work on the materialization of your dreams, you can use any technique for execution of desires.

You will learn about one of them in this article.

What will you need from you?

Pay for desire. Materialization of desires involves a certain price. The price may be different, it depends on what you need. It is not important what you give, but the willingness itself will give.

However, each field requires a different fee - material - material, spiritual - your energy, your emotions.

If your goal is material values

If your goal is to achieve material goods, then the technology will work through the energy field of material values. In this case, you should be prepared to pay the price when you really get this material benefit. Pay situationally. Do not be scared, this fee will be deprived of negative, and you will have to pay less than you get. You may have to help someone who appeal to you for help. Watch out for the signs of fate! Do not pay anything in advance.

68 secrets: Magic money. Secret 24 - How to get a lot of money?

What do you need from the field of material values?

Your inner readiness is needed to give (much less) to get more. When the field of the Universe reads this readiness from your field - it begins to form events that will lead you to achieving the desired one.

Decide for yourself, are you ready to give to get?

If "yes" - then this technique for you. If "no", better not use it. The material valuable field itself will control the implementation of your obligations with all the ensuing consequences. Using this technology, you, thereby, conclude a contract with the field of material values.

If you have a spiritual goal

If your goal does not pursue the receipt of material values, but aimed towards personal development, in this case you should not anyone. The field of spiritual practices, as the field of personal relationships, does not set the requirements of material compensation. You will "pay" your energy, actions, feelings and emotions.

How to formulate a desire, what would it be?

For example, your desire belongs to the sphere of personal relationships. It needs to be formulated like this: "I found mutual love and I have a common future with this person!" If you are already in a relationship, but you want to improve them, make more harmonious, then formulate something like this: "My relationship with (name) is perfect, we are happy to be together!" Any intention must be formulated in the present time and without a particle is not. It should be completely positive approval.

This secret can give you everything you want. Happiness, health, love, power, beauty and money. You can be the one who wish. Miracles happen to people every day, if people know how to turn their life to where they want.

How to fulfill your desire for 1 day? Verified method

What is this mystery?

The world rules the law of global attraction! What a person thinks about something attracts to himself. From each thought there are waves - vibrations, they are already easily fixed by modern scientific laboratories.

Thinking about something constantly, you send signals into the universe, she reacts on them and attracts what you think about. But! Most people think about what they do not want. If you also think, do not be surprised why negative events are attracted to you.

How to pull in your life what you want?

To materialize the desires occurred, you need to think about what you want, and not what you do not want. This law is always working with everyone, regardless of whether you want this or not. You always get what you think about.

In each of us enclosed the infinite power of the subconscious. You can think about anything and the universe will attract it to you, regardless of whether it is bad or good.

Similar attracts like this!

We attract people, events, things, lifestyle, etc. Quantum physics today confirms from a scientific point of view. "How to be?" - You ask, because we think about anything constantly? First, concentration is very helpful here. A little practice, and you can learn to control your thoughts. Secondly, know - any positive thought is many times stronger than negative!

Understand, all that you have now - you pulled into your life consciously or subconsciously. Even if it is not very pleasant to you. Emotions and thoughts are vibrations that we send to space!

All you feel is the reflection of what is already becoming a reality.

So, what is the technique about which they spoke?

5-minute technique:

This technique of execution of desires is easy to perform, you will need 5 minutes of time. The only condition is to perform it every day.

All you need is 5 minutes a day (preferably at a certain time and better fulfill the technique before bedtime) think about your desire as if it was already fulfilled, thinking and sending the corresponding vibrations into the universe. Also before starting classes, determine what you are willing to sacrifice, for the sake of the fulfillment of the conceived. Make a list of what you are ready to go. Remember, after your desire is fulfilled, the Universe will offer you to pay for him.

What errors do often do when working with appliances?

For example, a person caught fire some kind of idea. He is waiting, and nothing happens. The fact that the results come gradually, he does not take into account. When the desire starts to be executed, and this necessarily happens, a person says: "It does not work!" Desire - law. The power of thought is a step towards action. The universe receives an order: "It does not work!". And she performs him - the desire does not come true.

Remember, the universe responds to an emotional splash, so be careful with emotions or learn how to use them for yourself. How? Find out in the article: "Do you use your emotions to fulfill the desires and get rid of the negative?"


That the desire is fulfilled to be asked to believe and take

As they say in the fundamental book on the fulfillment of the desires of "Mystery" so that the desire is to fulfill the process of creation, consisting of 3 consecutive steps.

The creation process used in "Mystery" is borrowed from the New Testament.

This process is extremely simple, and with it, you will create what you want, in just three steps

I will give proper to this book, and I will say that, despite its popularity and mass, in this book they are really written.

Important! The process of creation is really simple. And if you apply it exactly, you can get everything about what you dream.

Step 1st: In order for the desire to be fulfilled to ask

Lisa Nichols:

The first step is to ask. To give the team of the universe, the universe answers your thoughts - let me know what you want.

Bob Proctor:

What do you really want? Sit at the table and write down all your desires. Write in the present time. You can start with the phrase: "Now I am happy and grateful for ..." And then explain what you want to see your life in all details.

You need not only to choose what you want, but also have a clear idea about it. Such is your job. If you do not understand what you want, the law of attraction will not be able to give you the desired. You will emit an inaccurate frequency, and the results will also get indefinite. Think carefully (perhaps for the first time in my life), what do you really want. Now, when you know that you can become anyone, have and not anything and limits you do not have - what do you want?

Your request is the first step in the process of creation, so learn how to ask, make it a habit. If you need to make a choice and you do not know what way to go, just ask! You will never find yourself in a dead end, you will always know what to do next - just ask!

Joe Vital:

This is incredibly fascinating. As if the Universe is your directory. You are viewing it and say: "Oh! I would like to experience this experience, and still have this thing and meet this person here. " You post your order in the Universe. Everything is actually so easy.

You do not need to ask again and again - only once. It really looks like an order by catalog. After all, when you order something, you are not tormented by doubts if your order will take place, and do not repeat it again and again. You do it once. The same with the process of creation.

The first step is to clearly understand and choose what you want. When you all clearly understood, you have already sent the order - asked.

How to ask for the universe of the desire? Answer in this video

Step 2nd: In order for the desire to be fulfilled to believe

Lisa Nichols:

The second step is to believe it. Believe that the desired already belongs to you. Let love feeds your faith and makes it unshakable. Believe that your desire is materialized.

It is necessary to complete and absolute faith. You must unbeate that you have already got the desired. You need to know: What you want, has become at that very moment when you asked him. You sent an order and have no doubt that you will get it, so you can relax and enjoy life.

Imagine what you want is already yours. Know: The desired will come to you at your request. Do not worry about him, do not worry. Do not think about how you lack it. Think about it as your own belonging to you already in your property.

At that moment, when you ask and believe when you firmly know inside yourself, that the desired thing or event is already yours, the whole universe changes so that it manifested themselves in the surrounding reality. You must think, talk and act as if you're already getting it now.

Because the universe is a mirror and the law of attraction reflects your dominant thoughts. Therefore, you need to represent how you already accept the desired one. After all, if there is a consciousness in your thoughts that you have not received your "order", you will continue to attract non-treatment, the absence.

You have to believe that you already have to have it, that it is already yours. So that the universe reflects the pictures of your imagination in the form of events of life, you need to emit the frequency of getting the desired, create such a feeling.

And when you do it, the law of attraction is powerful leading in motion all the circumstances, people and events so that you get the desired.

When you order a tour of vacation, a new car or buy a house, you know that these things are yours in advance. You will not order another round at the same time, you will not buy a second car or house. If you won the lottery or got a big inheritance, you know that your money is your own before you take them in your hands. This means "to believe that your desired already." This is a sense of possessing what you wanted. Believe and feel that everything you wish is yours.

Then the law of attraction is powerful leading in motion all the circumstances, people and events so that you get the desired.

How to bring yourself to such faith?

With the help of imagination.

Stay like a child: fantasize, believe in imaginary. Watch yourself as if you're already desired, you already have, and you will begin to believe in what they got it. Ginn replies to your main thoughts all the time, and not only at the moment when you ask. That is why after you asked you to continue to believe and know. Believe that you already have the desired; Unsupported Vera is your greatest strength.

As soon as you manage to believe it, the magic will begin!

You can get what you want, if you know how to cast the form of the desired in your own thoughts.

There is no such dream that will not become a reality when you learn how to use the strength of creation and let it act in you.

If the method works for one person, it will work for all.

The key to strength lies in the use of what you have ... freely, completely ... and, thus, in the opening of the channels, through which you will flow even more of the strength of creation.

Joe Vital:

The universe will begin to rebuild to happen what you want.

Jack Canfield:

Most of us never allow themselves to want what they really want, because they do not imagine how this can be obtained.

Bob Proctor:

Even a small study will clearly show you: everyone who reached something, did not know how he will do it. He just knew that she would certainly do it.

Joe Vital:

You do not need to know how it happens. You do not need to know how the universe will rebuild.

How it will happen, as the Universe will deliver you desired - not your care. Let the universe itself do everything for you. When you try to figure out how it happens, you radiate the frequency of a lack of faith - you do not believe that you already have. You think you have to do everything yourself, and do not believe that the universe will do it for you. "How" is not your part of the creation process.

Bob Proctor:

You do not know how - but you will be shown. You will attract the way.

Lisa Nichols:

It happens that we do not see what they asked for, and upset.

We are disappointed and begin to doubt. Disappointment creates doubts.

Realize your doubt and replace it with unshakable faith: "I know that everything goes as I need."

Step 3rd: In order for the desire to be fulfilled to take

The third step and the final stage of the process is to accept. Come on this reason in the excellent location of the Spirit. Feel like you to feel when the desired comes to you. Do it now.

In order for the desire to be fulfilled, to stay in a good mood during the entire process, feel happy, because when you are configured positively, you go to the frequency of what you want.

Michael Bernard Beckvit:

Our universe is the universe of feelings. If you believe only by the mind, but do not have the appropriate feelings, you will not have enough strength to realize what you want in life. It is necessary to feel.

First ask, then believe me that you have already gotten, and now you only need to save a positive attitude. How to do it?

When you are in a good spirit, you are tuned to the receiving frequency. You are at the frequency attracting everything good and you get what they asked about.

You would not ask about it if you were not going to enjoy, isn't it?

Then tune to the frequency of good mood and take the desired one.

A quick way to tune in to this frequency is to tell yourself: "I'm doing now. Now I take everything good in my life. Now I accept (insert the desired). " And feel it. Feel your way as if you were already accepted what they were asked.

My wonderful girlfriend Marti is one of the greatest facilities that I met. She feels everything. She feels what will take what she asks what. Marti materializes all with their feelings. She is not trying to figure out how, when or where the desired, she just feels it, and everything appears.

So feel perfect now.

If you once managed to embody a fantasy into reality, you want to build more and more ambitious fantasies. And this, my friends, and there is a process of creation.

Matthew Gospel:

And all that neither ask for prayer with faith, get.

Gospel from Mark:

Therefore, I tell you: everything that will be asked in prayer, believe that you will get, and it will be you.

Feel possession of the desired now

The law of attraction, its study and application is just an understanding of what helps you feel the possession of the desired now.

Ride on this machine. Go to the store and buy something for the house that you dream. Try to get into the house. Try to create a feeling that your desired is already, and remember this feeling. All you do to approach the desired will help you literally attract it to yourself.

When you feel as if you already have it, and your feeling is so realistic that you believe in possession of the desired, you will certainly get it.

Maybe you will wake up, and what you dreamed about, already there. It manifested. Or you will illuminate a brilliant idea that you need to take to receive it. Of course, you should not think: "Okay, I can do this, although I can't stand it!" This is a false way.

Maybe you have to do something, but if you are in accordance with the fact that the Universe is trying to bring you, these actions will give pleasure. You will feel joyfully and lively. Time will stop, and you can deal with the whole day.

Action is a word that for many people means approximately the same as "work". But the inspired action does not seem to work at all. The difference between inspired and ordinary actions is as follows: if you act in the desire to get the desired, this is an inspired effect.

If you are trying to make anything happen, you are moving away from it. The inspired effect does not require effort and brings great sensations, because you are at the adoption frequency.

Imagine life in the form of a river with a rapid flow.

When you try to make something happen, you go against the current. You feel it as a difficult work as a struggle. But when you act to get the desired from the universe, you seem to be carried by the river. It does not require effort. This is the feeling of inspirational action and staying in the stream of the universe and life.

Sometimes you may not even realize what "acted" until you get the desired, because the action turns out to be so pleasant. Then you look around and see a miracle - and you will realize how the universe has led you and what you wanted to each other.

The universe loves speed

In order for the desire to be fulfilled, do not postpone, do not think, do not doubt. When there is an opportunity, impulse, inner feeling - act. It's your job. And that's all you need to do.

Trust your intuition, because the universe itself inspires you.

The universe speaks with you on the receiving frequency.

If the inner feeling and intuition is suggested to you, follow them, and you will find that the universe, like a magnetic field, attracts you to getting what you asked about.

You will catch everything you need

If you need money, you will attract money. If you need people, you will attract these people. If you need some particular book, you will pull it out.

You should remember what you are striving for, to give him a lot of attention to him: while you hold in the mind of the desired image, it attracts you to him, and it is to you.

But what you want, comes into physical reality with your help, in accordance with the law.

Remember that you are a magnet, you attract to yourself. When you clarified in our consciousness, what exactly do you want, you turned into a magnet that attracts the desired one. It, in turn, attracts you.

The more you practice the mystery, the better you begin to see how the law of attraction brings you all you want, and the stronger magnet you become, because the power of your faith, conviction and knowledge will grow and fix.

Michael Bernard Beckvit:

You can start on an empty place, and an opportunity will appear from emptiness, the path will open.

All you need is you and your ability to materialize things from thoughts. Any inventions and creations of human hands began with thoughts. From the only thought was born the opportunity to become a reality.

Imagine that you are traveling along the night road.

The headlights light only fifty meters in front of the machine. You can drive from California to New Iork in the dark, and all you will see, fifty meters ahead.

Similarly, life opens in front of us. If you believe that once over time you will open the next fifty meters, your life will unfold in front of you like a night road.

And she will lead you to the desired goal, whatever this goal is.

In order for the desire to be fulfilled to trust the universe.

Believe and keep faith.

I absolutely did not imagine how to move the knowledge of the mystery to the movie screen. I just with all my souls sought to end the final result, which I clearly saw the inner gaze, which felt all my power, and everything you need to create the film came to us - writes Ronda Bern.

Take the first step, believing. You do not need to see the entire staircase - just step on the first step.

And if you want to learn more about my experience of visualization of desires, come to

The world around man is saturated with energy, which is able to create any miracle - the main thing, learn how to ask the universe about it. Each of us wants his desires to come true, however, not enough just to talk their dream or just think about it. If you want a thin, shrouded in the secret world to help you, tune in as he heard you. And how to make a desire to turn, right now we will tell in this article.

As we have already noted a little higher - it is not enough to simply say our desire to emptiness and look forward to the result. But do not despair. Below we consider several simple and efficient methods that will allow you to get the desired with a probability of 100%.

Half the path is passed - now not only you know what you want, but also the Almighty Universe. Now what? Do not dwell on your desire, release it. And the best way for this is start active actions to achieve your dream, you now know exactly what you need to do to make a desire. Very soon, you will be sure of your own experience that the possibilities for implementing your own desire are separated at each corner. The universe will help you, she will facilitate you with new and new chances. Your task is not to miss them, and the cherished desire will surely come true.

Rituals for the realization of conceived

You already understood what you want and even know how to act correctly. You can also take advantage of simple rituals and practitioners who will help to achieve the desired in a very short time. Plus such rituals are that all actions can be performed at home without resorting to complex frauds.

Magic notebook

One of the most common ways to ensure the fulfillment of desire for 1 day. Notepad is unsuitable for the performance of a huge, global dream. But to attract in your life the eyelids such an easy way will help accurately.

So, we need a small, pleasant in appearance notes. It is important not to give it to anyone in hand, as this is a subject of purely personal use. Use notebook need to new moon - in the first lunar days. However, many people do not choose successful days, but simply begin to use a small notebook for their intended purpose. It is worth repeating, that your notebook should really like youHe must be pleasant to the touch, beautiful and most magical. If you have already charged with positive energy and emotions, it is worth starting!

Open the first page and write a desire by observing a certain form - "I am grateful to accept from the Universe a large ripe peach." The subject can be any trifle that you yourself are able to implement (Apple, cream for hands, powder, orange and so on). After you designate your little dream - go to the store and execute it! Wish come true? Sure! So, notepad works!

The next step is gratitude. Under the first record, write something like: "Coming! Many thanks!". Now instead of the old performed desire, write down two new ones. That's the whole principle - as soon as one small goal is achieved - write down two new ones. IMPORTANT, one desire to leave on its own performance (for example, you made a hike in a cafe - go to it today and after the achievement do not forget about gratitude).

Thus, a kind of cycle of desires is obtained, and instead of one target reached two new ones. Part of the execution take on yourself, and the second part to trust the magic notebook. Do not forget about gratitude and periodically view your pages With fulfilled desires, it will not only charge you with positive emotions, but also will give a huge memory of motivation. You will feel that you can absolutely! Isn't it a reason for true happiness?

Bed Magic

Another simple way that will ensure the rapid and effective fulfillment of desires. The secret is that it is under your bed. If there is only dust, old torn things and dirt - there is nothing good to wait. Urgently get rid of everything that can symbolize something bad and negative. Wipe the floor and throw away the old trash - get rid of unnecessary and preventing your success. And instead of a dirty and negative, put the notes under the bed with desires and things that cause you positive and pleasant emotions.

For example, a beautiful bright postcard with roses under the bed will lead to what you will definitely get flowers as a gift, or some kind of pleasant purchase associated with flowers. The universe in any case will respond to this sign and pleasantly will surprise you.

Looking for a job? Put the workbook and note under the bed, which explains what you want from a new position. And now, do not despair and continue searching. You will see the long-awaited vacancy will soon appear and you will surprise you.

Dream about a date with a man from the most beautiful fairy tale? Put the tie and socks. Urgently need to fix financial position? Send a piggy bank under the bed or an ordinary jar with coins. And if we put a pen - this will lead to a storm luck.

The main thing is to experiment and invent your own associations. Sincerely believe in your success and do not refuse the drop-down opportunities. After all, who knows, maybe this sign of the Universe filed you?

Desirable gum

This method is not only incredibly effective, but also delicious. All you need is to buy chewing gum in any store ("Orbits", "Dirol", "Huba-Buba" and so on). And everything, the magic begins!

It is worth correcting one letter and "chewing" quickly turns into "desirable". Now just train the gum. Do not hurry. Such a pack can even take a whole week.

It all depends on the taste of your gum. For monetary, financial desires - mint is suitable, for love - strawberry, for traveling - with exotic fruits and so on. Use your rich fantasy and experiment. It is important to thoughtfully chew a gum, in detail presenting your dream. Sincerely believe in your own success and the response of the universe will not wait long for a long time!

Little secrets of a big dream

We will tell you some more special tricks that will answer the question - how to fulfill your desire right now. You have already invented, formulated the goal, compiled a plan of action, felt the charge of motivation. What else is needed for magic and miracle? Remove all secrets!

How to fulfill a desire for 1 day

The wizard can become each, however, it is not so easy. The modern world is not a fairy tale, therefore sticks, instantly executing wishes, does not exist. But if you read this article, then you are not afraid of anything, love to experiment and manage your own life. Consider the main qualities of a successful, seeking human heights:

As it turned out - to fulfill the dream - under the power of every person. Often, people do not believe in their own strengths and opportunities, afraid of change, they are afraid to leave the comfort zone, they think about the opinion of others and simply do not take their own desires, considering them stupas. Believe in yourself, give good, smile, put yourself new goals. And finally, fulfill your dream right now! You will succeed!

ATTENTION, only today!

Good was an old man from the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin! Without any mental streams and affirmations, he received the desired goldfish practically without wires. True, not his desires dealt with his desires, in the end. We are also interested in how to make a desire to turn, but the Golden Fish did not leave us in the end of the broken trough.

4 steps on the way to the performance of everything I want

There are many techniques promised to achieve unattainable. Most of them are aimed at seeking the fulfillment of the desired strength of thought. Basic mistakes on the path of beginner wizards:
  • There is no faith in what can be simple and without any conditions get the desired;
  • A person does not believe that his thought is valid;
  • There is no connection with the Divine Benefit, the Absolute, the Universe (name, as you want).
To work with the subconscious, which serves as a conductor to the world of abundance, you need to learn to give him commands, and for this it is necessary to go through several stages.

Learn to focus on the desired

The main condition that needs to be fulfilled before you realize your dreams and desires - to learn how to direct your attention to that positive and good, what would you like to get, and not think about what you fear and do not want. Creative thinking is included using the subconscious. It knows how to fulfill a desire, but the trouble - all thoughts takes for a clean coin, without distinguishing, whether they are blessing or will be harmful.

You can catch these differences with the help of our inner wisdom, which we know under the name of God or the Guardian Angel. It is necessary to ask God or Angel to stand on guard of thoughts and desires and did not let any negative. Yes, there is nowhere to go from the negative! - You will say. No one calls to look at the surrounding pink glasses. But not to let the power of thought in your mind, everything can be all in a row.

Beautiful landscape, house, monument, charming child, tastefully dressed woman, animals and plants - carefully consider what pleases the eye, think about what positive thoughts appeared at the same time, try to remember them. Such training will gradually teach the subconscious to the positive, it will only perform positive teams.

We master visualization

The visualization technique is not as complicated, as it seems to many. It is necessary to remember all the time that the image language is the language in which the subconscious is easy and pleasant to communicate with you. It is the picture that it perceives first and is trying to materialize, and words and thoughts moved to the background. At least a hundred times repeat: "I am healthy", if in my imagination you see a picture of how the disease overcomes you - this is this instruction the subconscious will take on execution.

If you asked God or Angel about something every day, and your prayers were not executed, it means that in their imagination you scrolled completely different pictures. How to realize your dreams and desires with the help of visualization? The technique is simple - it is necessary to submit that the cherished has already come true and create in the imagination what really wants to get. These images will become for the subconscious of what is for the architect the drawing of the house, for the engineer, a project to modernize production.

Takes to how to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe:
  • You need to put yourself in the center of the picture arising in dreams to perceive everything from the inside.
  • Finance the picture on the imaginary sounds, smells, feelings of taste and motor sensations, make it brighter and more specifically.
  • The feeling of pleasure arising at the time when this technique is used - an indicator that you are on the right track, and your subconscious mind is ready to perform the desired one.
Having practicing visualization, you can learn how to learn to enter the state of meditation over time, and this will speed up the process of execution of the desired one.

The formula of affirmation

Affirmation technique is another step towards how to correctly formulate a desire. Affirmation is the essence of your dreams, concluded in words. This is a symbiosis of imagination and thoughts, here they enhance each other's effect. It is advisable not to use other people's affirmations, but make up your phrases affecting the soul.

They can be written on paper, you can remember, the main thing to comply with such requirements:

  • Do not use a particle "not", the words "no one", "Nowhere", "Nikoma", etc.;
  • Avoid negative words and words causing unpleasant associations;
  • Use more words positive: love, happiness, health, etc.;
  • Feel pronounced, clearly presenting what is behind each word;
  • To try to pronounce them out loud or at least a whisper - so they are filled with greater energy. Although mentally uttered affirmations also work.
Technique applied every day several times. Positive statements need to be pronounced within 5-7 minutes. Regular fulfillment of these simple rules will help quickly materialize the desire.

Use the moment of falling asleep

How to correctly formulate your desire for the universe? You need to use the moment of falling asleep. The border between sleep and wakefulness, the moment of light dorms when falling asleep and during awakening from sleep - the most convenient option for solving the problem, how to make a desire. The fact is that it is in these moments that the conscious mind is not active, somewhat slowed down, and does not prevent the work of the subconscious work with their arguments.

How to formulate your desire so that it come true? An arbitrary technique is used:

  • Affirmations
  • Arbitrarily formulated desires
  • Prayers for God or Angel
  • Technique visualization
It is impossible in a state of waste productively work on the desire, which appeared right now. We need to prepare in advance, decide what desire you have chosen for execution. You can write a phrase that describes the desired, on paper, put under the pillow and refresh your memory before falling asleep.

Before the very moment of falling asleep, imagine the picture of your dreams and slowly say the prepared phrase. You can even sing it yourself instead of a lullaby until a strong dream comes. In the morning do not jump immediately from the bed, imagine once again that the desired materialized, and again say the phrase describing this picture.

Magic scroll of desires

The technique of "scroll of desires", designed to help those who reflect on how to realize their dreams and desires for the power of thought, named with analogous rite. Previously, desires intended for execution, it was necessary to record on parchment, turn the scroll and something to blame. Where did this scroll relate, the story is silent. We do not get a parchment, you will have to do with a notebook, let's call the "scroll of desires."

This notebook can not be shown to anyone, write in it only you. In a scroll of desires, it is written in such a way as if it was already. "I am happy with the love of love for my welfare," "With gratitude, I accept from God (or the Universe, or Angel) recovery from the disease." At the same time it is possible that you have not recovered yet, and love does not even loom on the horizon.

How to formulate a desire to come true? In the "scroll of desires" is allowed to record only what belongs to your life. If you really want to wish anything good native or close to a person, you need to write as follows: "With great pleasure I took from God (Angel, Universe) joy about the well-being of my husband!". All dreams listed in the scroll cannot be written with a "not" particle. So that wishes are performed, you need to write them as if they were already played right now.

When you achieved the fulfillment of the desired, you will certainly thank the universe (God, your guardian angel), you need to write such words to the scroll: "I thank Angela (God, the Universe) for the fact that my dream is fulfilled with your help." Then the desire, already performed, must be deleted and write the following two.

If new dreams appeared earlier than the previous ones were fulfilled, they still need to write to the "scroll of desires". This list can be replenished when you consider it necessary. To "scroll of desires" earned, notepad performing his role, you need to "activate", that is, to give to understand the highest forces that it is here that dreams are for execution. To do this, you need to write something easily in it, what you yourself can fulfill right now. "With a sense of gratitude, I take a new dress for my well-being from the Universe (God, Angel)."

Then you need to purchase what you are in the "scroll of desires", to quickly wear, and write gratitude. Then you need to make two new dreams for execution, write them. Everything, the scroll is already working on you. It is better if this activation occurs on a growing moon.

Calculate the golden minute of the day

There is another technology of how to realize your dreams and desires. In order for them to come true, there is a golden minute of the day. Every day, only one minute there is a channel that exists between us and the universe. During this session, direct communication can be asked for anything, to make any desire, and it will surely come true. If, at this moment, the highest strength hear how you list the list of claims for life, then these claims reinforced with the strength of thought with you and remain, and even double.

After all, the universe always performs your promise, and not her fault that it often hears only negative. The golden minute of the day is calculated by a certain technology. On any day you need to pay attention to the date, its designation on the letter and there will be this magic minute when you can ask for the Universe (God, Angel) about anything. For example, 23.02, it means that on this day the golden minute of the day will be at 23 o'clock 2 minutes.

It is at this moment that you need to make a desire. It should be clear and concrete, not blurry, contain clarifying parts. The amount needed by the location of the desired housing, its area, the floor of the future child, the color of the hair, growth, the age of one who will bring you new love - this list can be made up in advance to make a desire for a quick, one minute.

From 25 to 31 numbers of each month, the number of the day and month is changing places. That is, 25.10 you need to make a desired at 10 o'clock 25 minutes, and 31.01 - at 1 hour and 31 minutes. You can create a list in which you will write for every day when the time comes to let go of your thoughts into the universe.

We fulfill a desire with a glass of water

There is another opportunity to fulfill the desire for the power of thought. This is a glass of water, proposed and tested by famous Esoteric Vadim Zeland. It takes it a paper sheet, a glass of water. In the glass you need to pour a spring or at least melting water. Sheet is needed to write on it what you are going to ask or make it up. This should not be a whole list, the desire is expressed as an affirmative and positive thought form.

The sheet needs to be placed under a glass of water, pre-holding it between the closed palms and focusing on the content. Then we rub the palm to the appearance of the feeling of heat and then remove them, then approach each other. It is necessary to achieve the feeling that there is a balloon between them. You can try with the power to squeeze it and let go, twist, feel warm or cold, coming from the ball. This energy ball must be quickly released into a glass of water. Then voice out loud and drink a glass of water charged by your strength.

Such a ritual must be performed in the morning and before bedtime. A glass of charged water has a special force, under the influence of strong feelings, emotions, it changes its structure, in this case serves as a conductor of your energy.

If the list of desired is quite large, it does not matter if you use the strength of thought, a glass of water, a golden minute, will write and make a desire in the magic scroll in order to let them go to the universe. The main thing is to apply these methods regularly, and choose from them the most suitable for you.

Today I will share with you one magic ritual on fast execution of desire. I often use it myself when you need to urgently get something or quickly execute the "burning" desire.

Immediately make a reservation that your goal should not be global and hard to achieve. This technique is only suitable for the execution of real and quite "earthly" goals.

But at first, let's remember the embodiment of the intentional conceived with the help of the energy of the thought and strength of the inner intention.

  • The desire must be true . It should belong to you and anyone else - neither neighbor, nor a friend or advertising of some product. That is, your goal should not be imposed on the outside, but to go from the depths of your soul. How to check the desire for truth, can I learn from the article "?"
  • Relaxation . When conducting a ritual for rapid execution of the desire, you must relax and stop the action of the mind, that is, to stop the "thought thunderstorm" and calm your emotions.
  • Concentration . It is necessary to focus as much as possible and focusing the focus of its attention on the end result, throwing towards the path and ways to achieve it.
  • Imagination and emotions . Creating an image of the desired in its imagination and filling it with emotions is an important part of the ritual. The image should be clear and clear, and emotions are bright and stronger. The clearer image and stronger positive emotions, the faster and easier to achieve the goal.

Ritual for rapid fulfillment of desires

For the ritual you will need:

  • pure white paper sheet
  • red marker or felt-tip
  • white Long Wax Candle

Write your wish with a beautiful handwriting on a piece of paper. Let me remind you that it should be in the affirmative form, in the present time, do not contain the "not" part and the words "want". For example: "I get an increase in the post!"

Apply to the candle with the same marker 6 fission-markers at the same distance from each other. Thus, you divide the candle to 7 equal parts.

Light the candle, the extremely concentrate on your purpose and think about it continuously until the flame of the candle reaches the first division. For a second, do not let go of the focus of your attention from the target, connect all your imagination and energy of intent.

Try to see all the details of the desired already executed and soak emotions of joy from his materialization! After all, you have just embodied it in a small world, now - only a matter of time. Mentally thank the Almighty Universe for His Performance!

When the candle of the fruit to the first mark, hindle it (do not be blown!), Put it on the windowsill on top to the sheet with a mandated desire.

Repeat the ritual of 7 days in a row.

On the last, seventh day, at the time when the candle almost completely freezes, burn a sheet with a record in her flame, and the remaining ash can be cautiously in the wind through the open window of the same window sill, on which 7 days "lived" your desire.

If you have done everything right - it is extremely concentrated, connected to full power our emotions and brightly visualized the final goal - the desired must quickly be fulfilled.

Everything, your task is now - as quickly as possible ... Forget about it, so that the expectation energy does not "prescribe a reality" and did not interfere with the exercise of the desired. Switch to other cases and allow the universe to find the shortest paths and ways to implement it.

Well, now you know, quickly and easily. Share this wonderful ritual with your friends - To do this, click, please, on the buttons of social networks at the bottom under the article - let the opportunity and their dreams will be fulfilled as quickly as yours!

Alain Golovin

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