How beautiful to make up eyes with shadows and eyeliner. Makeup with purple eyeshadows. How to make makeup last longer

Black shadows are charm and elegance... Not every girl dares to do makeup with black shadows, because they imply a bright and shocking image. It is important to use them correctly, which requires training and knowledge of the makeup technique, otherwise black shadows look vulgar and sloppy.

How to apply black eyeshadow for bright, elegant makeup? First, black shadows do not suit everyone. If your appearance is delicate, light and you are not used to wearing black or bright things, black shadows will not work. Also, black shadows must be chosen of high-quality, preferably professional - they will not roll down, crumble, perfectly shade and lie on the eyelids beautifully and neatly.

Black eyeshadow should be chosen for evening makeup. During the day, they prefer colored shadows, because in the evening the color is no longer perceived and in order to highlight and beautifully emphasize the shape of the eyes, monochrome shadows are suitable. Therefore, it is better to paint with black eyeshadows in the evening or for a gala event.

In makeup with black eyeshadow, the accent is on the eyes, so choose a dull and neutral lipstick.

Before doing such makeup, be sure to tidy up the skin. All small wrinkles, spots and irregularities must be hidden under foundation and powder. Black shadows only look great when paired with perfect skin tone.

The eyelids and skin under the eyes should be well powdered., if the shadows crumble, they can be easily shaken off with a brush. If the skin is “naked”, the shadows will simply be smeared and a special makeup remover is indispensable.

How to paint eyes with black shadows: a step by step photo tutorial

You will need:

  • makeup brushes,
  • black shadows, brown shadows, light shadows (ivory),
  • black pencil

Step 1-2 Apply black eyeshadow on everything with a brush, moving slightly up towards the tip of the eyebrow. Make sure that the shadows do not crumble. it is better to apply them with patting movements. Then type brown shadows on the brush and blend them - applying on the border of black shadows. Blend the edge of the brown eyeshadow with a clean brush, and under the eyebrow, apply an ivory shade. All flower borders should be well shaded and blend smoothly into each other.

Step 3-4 With a small flat brush, brush the bottom edge to the middle of the pupil, also blend with a soft brush.

Step 5-6 Now it remains to draw the waterline (wet line above the lower lashes) with a black pencil. We also draw the upper eyelid along the contour of the eyelashes with a black pencil and fill in between the eyelashes. If your eyelashes are not so long, you can use false eyelashes. We paint over the upper and lower eyelashes well with black ink. And the makeup with black shadows is ready! A languid, attractive look beckons to the pool ...

Another option, how you can paint your eyes with black shadows:

Required for makeup:

  • Flesh-colored shadows
  • Matte black eyeshadow
  • Black pencil
  • Light shimmery eyeshadow with shimmer
  • Black mascara and optional false eyelashes
  • Makeup brushes

Step 1 Cover your eyelids with primer, and don't forget the under eye corrector. Apply light beige eyeshadow all over the movable eyelid and under the brow.

Step 2 With a soft black pencil, draw the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eye, bring it into a small arrow

Step 3 Collect black shadows on the brush, shake off the excess (so the shadows will not crumble under the eyes) and apply on the upper eyelid, as shown in the photo: with a thin line at the inner corner and gradually expanding to the outer, drawing out beyond the eye contour and making a thick arrow.

Step 4 Draw the lower eyelid with a black pencil, starting from the middle, connecting with the shadows on the upper eyelid. Blend the pencil gently so that there is no clear border.

Step 5 With a soft brush, blend the black shadows a little on the upper eyelid, moving the corner of the arrow to the side and up.

Step 6 Draw on the brush light shadows with a shimmer (with sparkles or pearlmouth) and apply them to the inner corner of the eye (top and bottom), on the lower eyelid to the middle, under the eyebrow. Notice how the eyes sparkled immediately!

Step 7 Draw a line above the lower eyelashes to the middle of the pupil.

Step 8 Thickly paint the eyelashes with black ink or glue false ones. Makeup is ready!

The third makeup option with black eyeshadows:

Required for makeup:

  • Black pencil, black shadows
  • Beige or peach shades
  • Black eyeliner

Step 1 - Apply primer and cover the eyelids with a flesh-colored shadow. With neat strokes, draw a curved line with a black pencil, as in the first photo.

Step 2 - Draw the line under the lower eyelashes with a black pencil, reaching the middle of the eyelid.

Step 3 - Cover the area behind the arched black line that we drew on the upper eyelid with black shadows, repeating the shape of this line. We carefully shade the border. You can use brown shadows. The darkest place will be in the corner and gradually fade towards the bridge of the nose. Put some shadows on the lower eyelid and blend gently.

Step 3 - Apply light peach shadows to the inner corner of the eye to the black line.

Step 4 - It remains to bring the upper eyelid with liquid black eyeliner and paint the eyelashes with black mascara. Makeup is ready!

Combine well with gold or silver:

Black shadows highlight the eyes well, emphasize the whites of the eyes, add mystery and attractiveness to the look. Still, they need to be used very carefully and they require more professionalism than other shades of colors. We hope that after these lessons you will make your eyes amazing with black shadows!

Do you do your makeup with black eyeshadows? We are waiting for your comments!

Techniques used by professional makeup artists transform the look. By applying makeup correctly, you can mask minor imperfections and bring the natural benefits of your face to the fore.

In makeup, every detail is important, but there are also basic components that attract attention in the first place. The eyes are one of them. The impression of the image largely depends on how to properly make up the eyes with shadows. A step-by-step guide with a photo will help you correctly highlight your beauty.

The sequence and methods of eye makeup depend on the occasion and time of day. If you need instructions on how to make up for your everyday option, use the first guide. If you are invited to a theater, restaurant or party, give preference to the second guide.

Day eye makeup in light colors

Sparkling blonde makeup is a great way to spice up your everyday look. Small glitters brighten the look by highlighting the areas where they are applied. A shiny make-up does not have to be associated with a holiday. Using a natural palette can brighten and freshen your natural complexion.

How to properly paint eyes with light shadows? This step-by-step photo guide will show you where and how to apply your makeup for amazing results.

  1. Start by applying a primer. You can use your regular concealer instead. Spread the product all over the eye area, then powder and apply the creamy eyeshadow with a soft, medium-bristled brush down to the brow line.

  1. Work out the fold with a light brown shade. Make sure that there are no clear lines in the corners - blend the makeup.

  1. Add a darker tone to the middle of the line at the crease of the eyelid to emphasize the curve. Pay attention to careful blending to create a nice gradient.

  1. Highlight the area under the outer part of the eyebrow by applying white or creamy shades for this (the choice depends on the skin tone).

  1. Cover the surface of the skin of the movable eyelid to the crease with glitter using a standard sponge applicator from a palette. If you have large eyes, leave the corners of your eyes intact.

  1. Finish off by lining up the upper and lower eyelids with black pencil and adding mascara to the lashes. You can add false eyelashes if you like.

This palette will suit the owners of any shade of eyes, if you choose the right tonality depending on the color type. Bright colors and sparkles give the look a festive chic - with this makeup you just want to go to the party! If you do not know how to properly apply eye shadow, step-by-step instructions with a photo will be enough to create an attractive evening look. Follow the recommendations step by step and the result will please you.

  1. Prepare the skin around the eyes for make-up: gently distribute the primer or concealer on the surface of the upper and lower eyelids. Top with creamy eyeshadow in a natural shade.

  1. Cover the entire surface of the upper eyelid with a bright pink saturated color using a medium brush. Paint on the lower part with the same product, following a line along the growth of the lashes.

  1. Emphasize the fold of the fold with lilac or lilac flowers, gently blending the borders to avoid crisp lines.

  1. Use black to add intensity to the make-up - accentuate the crease of the eyelid with it. Be careful not to overdo it, otherwise you will have to wash everything off and start over. Feather the dark line.

Voila! You are 100% party ready!

From birth, all people are endowed with certain facial features. Someone is not satisfied with the shape of the lips, someone is not satisfied with the shape of the eyes. With the help of cosmetics, any representative of the fair sex can make changes in her appearance - gently retouch the data donated by nature. Skillfully selected shades of cosmetics and sophisticated technique will help to correctly place accents on the face.

To get a truly beautiful eye shape that is perfect for your type of appearance and face shape, you need to figure out how to apply eye shadow in stages. Photo lessons will help you understand the sequence of applying cosmetics.

Makeup is a kind of art, and eye makeup is a collection of subtle strokes and barely noticeable accents that lead to perfection of their owner.

Important to remember! You need to be very careful with eye makeup, you just have to go over the shades a little and instead of the expected beauty, you can get vulgarity.

Applying eye shadow, as well as the entire makeup process, is a whole art.

There are basic shadows to follow:

  1. Preliminary cleaning of the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Mandatory application of the base.
  3. Use of quality cosmetics and accessories.
  4. Using tones that suit the type of appearance.

Before you start applying makeup, you need to understand the variety of shadows, since there is no shortage of them now.

Types of eyeshadow

Dry shadows

These shadows are based on a free-flowing substance that resembles a powder. They are often used as eyeliner.

The main advantages of using this type of shadow are:

  • ease of use and ease of application;
  • good shading ability.

Dry eyeshadows are more suitable for oily skin, but liquid ones - on the contrary.

The main disadvantage of using dry shadows is their excessive flowability., which can be inconvenient for women who wear contact lenses. In addition, they often dry out the skin of the eyelids, for which moisture is never superfluous. But at the same time, this type of shadow will perfectly fit on the oily skin of the eyelids.

Liquid shadows

Liquid eyeshadow is a great option for evening events, it will add chic, thanks to the richness of bright colors presented.

This type of shadow can be applied both in stages and in one layer. Liquid eye shadow is easy to apply, but dries quickly. In addition, in the photo they can look like a large glossy spot fused together. That's why, when applying them, you need to observe the measure and technique of application.

The main advantage of using this type of eyeshadow is its texture, which can dry instantly. This same feature causes difficulties in application, they will not give a second chance - you need to apply them perfectly correctly the first time.

Note! Liquid shadows, due to their consistency, are not recommended for use on skin prone to oily, they will lie poorly and can quickly smear. In addition, it is important not to apply such shadows in two or more layers, such makeup will look rather vulgar.

Cream eyeshadows are considered to be quite long-lasting.

Cream eyeshadows - available in the form of a stick, gel or pencil. These eyeshadows are extremely light and gentle and very comfortable to apply.

The main advantages of cream eyeshadows are considered their resistance to shedding, ease of application., but the disadvantage is the likelihood of pellets and difficulties with application on oily skin.

Loose Shadows - Powder-like in appearance and texture. They are usually supplemented with reflective pigment, which gives the eyelids extra light and magic.

It is very simple to use loose shadows: you need to brush over the surface of the container with shadows, and then lightly powder the eyelids.

Their important advantage is a rich variety of bright colors, ease of use and durability. The main disadvantage of such shadows is the ability to scatter them. Due to its delicate consistency, shadows can rise into the air at the slightest breath of breeze.

Loose shadows are very easy to use - you just need to powder them with them.

A wide selection of types and shades of shadows for applying on the eyelids and creating magical eye makeup helps to create any image in stages: both daytime neutral and hiding all kinds of imperfections (for example, to create the perfect photo).

Combining the shade of the eyeshadow with the color of the eyes

It is not enough to use shadows for makeup that are suitable in texture for the type of skin, or repeat the color of an evening dress with their shade.

It is important to choose a palette that can not only emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes, but also give them a special depth.

Interesting fact! Do not match the color of the shadows to match the color of the iris. As a result, you can get something unintelligible or frankly defiant. The following tips will help you choose the right color palette for different eye shades.

So, what shades are able to skillfully emphasize such a delicate blue eye color? First of all, you need to pay attention to warm shades: chocolate, copper, cream. Such a color scheme will emphasize the coldness of the blue tint, but will not make it too strict, adding softness and warmth to the eyes.

Blue eyes are in perfect harmony with brown shadows.

Generally, any shades of chocolate and brown are perfect for owners of blue eyes The tone that will definitely not suit this eye shade is green. In addition, do not use a purple tint, it can give the impression of a tear-stained face.

For emerald eyes, applying shadows in soft shades of a warm palette is an excellent solution., moreover, gold or bronze can be applied both in stages and in one approach: the eyes will sparkle with such a light that it will be visible even in photographs. The color of copper will be especially advantageous to emphasize green eyes.

Carefully! Do not use silver-colored glitters in green eye makeup. The fact is that they give the face the stamp of fatigue. In addition, there is no need to apply pinkish and blue shades to the eyelids.

For girls whose eyes are brown, almost all eyeshadow colors are perfect.

It is important to choose a tone that will be in harmony with the reason for which the eyes are painted.

Beige and bronze colors are perfect, a lilac shade in combination with snow-white, golden, green and blue will also look just great.

But brown-eyed girls are perfect for any shades of shadows.

There is only one taboo: brown-eyed women definitely should not apply eye makeup using shadows, both orange and its shades. Even superimposed in stages, this color will make the owner of brown eyes the heroine of a humorous photo.

Women with magical black eyes can afford makeup in shades of blue or in rich green tones. It is worth experimenting with more soothing colors. Pale pink, peach and blue tones will look great. And eyes, painted with shadows of a metallic shade, will not give rest to any man.

Eyeshadow accessories

Eyeshadow requires gentle application. On the Internet, you can familiarize yourself with the correct technique and decide how to apply eye shadow in stages. There are a lot of photo tutorials with different examples published. In order to make up your eyelids beautifully, without making them vulgar, you need to choose the right accessories.

On the cosmetics market There are a variety of brushes available to help you apply makeup:

Different brushes are used for eye makeup.
  • large and wide is used for voluminous spaces, for example, if you need to apply a light-colored paint;
  • with small brushes, apply shadows of dark colors on small areas of the eyelid;
  • a brush with a hard bristle is ideal for dusting the eyelids with transparent tones;
  • a small brush, but with a voluminous head, will perfectly apply shadows to the crease of the eyelid;
  • small hard brush gently blend eyeliner or shadows in dark shades;
  • for a thin line of eyelids, a brush with a thin, coarse, small bristle is well suited.

There are two types of brushes:

  1. Natural - they are used to comfortably apply shades of a crumbly texture.
  2. Synthetic - used to gently apply eyeshadow with a gel or cream texture.

But for a list of all the tools and tools for proper face makeup, go.

Step-by-step instructions for applying shadows

Makeup will help emphasize the depth of the eye color, thereby distracting attention from imperfections, such as asymmetrical eyes or drooping eyelids, and highlighting the woman's virtues (for example, long eyelashes). In addition, eye makeup helps to favorably emphasize the beauty of the eyes in the photo. But to achieve the desired effect, shadows need to be applied in stages.

A specific shade of eyeshadow is applied to each part of the eyelid

Any eyelid makeup should start with a base that helps to even out skin tone.

In addition, the shadows fall on it more easily and look more natural. After leveling the skin of the eyelids, it is the turn of two main stages of applying shadows.

Upper eyelid decoration

This process begins by applying shadows of a light shade to the area under the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye, so the look becomes more open. The middle part of the upper eyelid should be shaded with medium saturation colors, but the darkest shades can only be applied to the outer side of the eyelid.

Do not forget about the obligatory shading of each stroke of shadows., so the transitions between colors will be smoothed out and will not be conspicuous. The finishing touch can be the eyeliner of the upper eyelid using a pencil or liquid liner, and the pencil must also be shaded.

Shadows must be shaded.

Lower eyelid staining

It is not necessary to paint the lower eyelid for daytime makeup, it is enough just to lightly powder it with beige shades. For evening makeup, you can bring the lower eyelid in with a pencil, which must then be carefully shaded.

There is one general rule of thumb when applying shadows to the upper and lower eyelids: in both cases the inner side of the eye should be emphasized with light shadows.

The subtleties of smokey eyes makeup

The Smokey Eyes eyelid make-up technique firmly occupies a leading position among others. There is nothing difficult in performing this technique, you just need to follow all the steps:

  1. A very light shadow should be applied to the inner area of ​​the eyelid.
  2. The middle part of the eyelid is decorated with shadows of a dark shade, gradually shifting to the outer edge of the eyelid, while it is important to choose a darker shade with every millimeter so that the extreme point is as black as possible.
  3. Do not forget about the obligatory eyeliner of the upper eyelid with its obligatory shading.
  4. On the brow arches, you need to apply snow-white shadows, carefully shading the transition from dark shades.
  5. Mascara for this type of makeup is applied in several layers. Mandatory requirement: eyelashes must be painted thick enough.
  6. The lower eyelid must be drawn in the same sequence as the upper.

Performing smokey ice make-up

Tricks of coloring eyes with shadows

As noted above, shadows can perfectly correct some imperfections in appearance, be it deep or close-set eyes, wide-set eyes or bulging eyes.

Correction of close-set eyes

As a rule, the correction of such a deficiency allows not only to visually increase the distance between the eyes, but also to give them a seductive almond shape. To correct close-set eyes, apply shadows of a light shade on the area from the inner part of the eyelid to the middle of the browbone. The very corners of the eyes can be highlighted with shadows with a slight pearlescent shine.

The main emphasis should be placed on the outer part of the century., visually slightly raising the corners of the eyes to the temples, it is here that the darkest colors of the shadows are superimposed.

Thorough shading of the eyeshadows throughout the eyelid is a must.

When making up close-set eyes, accentuate the outer corner of the upper eyelid

Makeup for wide-set eyes

In the event that the eyes in the photo look too far set from the bridge of the nose, shadows should be applied in stages, as if visually reducing the distance between the eyes. You can purchase a palette of specially selected three shades of eye paint.

Shadows of light tones are applied under the eyebrows, a slightly darker tone should be imposed on the middle part of the eyelid, but its inner part is decorated with the darkest shadows. Smoothly shaded shadows will give the eyes a closer effect.

Eyeliner for both eyelids will not be superfluous.

Correction of deep-set eyes

To correct such a problem, you need to apply shadows of light colors to the upper eyelid, and you need to add shine to the bridge of the nose. It is preferable to apply dark shades on the crease of the upper eyelid, and they can also indicate the contour of the eyelashes.

Shadows must be matte, so the attention from the eyes will be a little distracted. In this case, you do not need to use eyeliner, unless it is very thin and not too bright.

Performing makeup on deep-set eyes

Bulging eye makeup

To soften bulging eyes it is imperative to focus on the corners of the eyes with dark shades of shadows.

A drop of light tone should be added between the inner and outer edges of the eye, ascending to the eyebrow. The line on which the lower eyelashes are located should also be emphasized with shadows of a dark color.

It is important to make sure to soften the transitions from color to color by shading the shadows.

To make your makeup flawless follow these stylists' recommendations:

  • eye makeup should begin with the design of the eyebrows, then shadows are applied, and only at the end the eyelid is drawn in with a pencil;
  • An excellent way to accurately apply liquid eyeshadow is to work with your own fingers. The fingertips will apply the paint more evenly than the brush;
  • older women should use only matte shadows, so as not to emphasize wrinkles with mother-of-pearl;
  • owners of small eyes should not get carried away with dark shades of shadows, but light ones will only advantageously enlarge their eyes;
  • to make the eyes look very expressive, you need to draw the free space between the eyelashes with a black pencil.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the technique of proper eye makeup is not very difficult, and even more so, an exact science. There are a number of rules here, but there is always room for imagination, which means that any girl can create high-quality eye makeup (with frequent practice).

One has only to carefully read the instructions, which indicate how to apply shadows to the eyes in stages, the photos of these stages will help to make any makeup with high quality.

Stay always charming and confident with gorgeous makeup.

Watch a video on how to perform professional eye makeup, namely, applying shadows:

How to choose the right shadows in accordance with eye color - you will learn from this video.

And another interesting video about the popular brown makeup and makeup for impending eyelids:

Preparing the face for makeup

First of all, you need to prepare your face for applying makeup.

    Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and a mild foam or other skin cleanser.

    You can use a matting toner, it will dry the oily skin of the face and the cosmetics will lie down evenly.

    Pat dry your face with a soft terry towel.

    Apply an age-appropriate moisturizer to prevent the make-up from drying out your delicate skin. Usually, manufacturers indicate on the packaging age recommendations for the use of a particular product. Today on the market you can find BB make-up bases that already contain moisturizing ingredients. It is not necessary to apply additional cream with them.

After the cream is absorbed, you can start making up.

How to choose the right shadow?

Choose shadows based on their type and color.

Choosing the type of shadows

First you need to decide what kind of eyeshadow you are going to use: dry, cream, liquid or pencil eyeshadow?

    Unlike others, dry eyeshadows produce softer, translucent colors and are better suited for nude makeup.

    Liquid eyeshadows are sold in a convenient package with an applicator for application and lay in a dense, even layer.

    Creamy eyeshadows do not require any prior application of a make-up base, but they tend to clog into the creases of the eyelids.

    The shade pencil, thanks to its shape, can be applied without the use of additional tools.

Choosing the color of the shadows

Eye shadow color can either enhance or ruin your look. In order to purchase only suitable cosmetics in the store, you need to understand the intricacies of choosing shades.

Shiny or matte?

The first thing to look out for is the shine of the eyeshadow.

    Matte shadows visually smooth out wrinkles and require a high-quality makeup base.

    Pearlescent shadows accentuate wrinkles, visually making them deeper, therefore, they are mainly suitable for younger girls.

    Glitter eyeshadows can contain different sizes of glitter. Large glitters are more appropriate for evening make-up, and small powder particles can decorate everyday make-up.

The color of the shadows and your color type

It is customary to divide the appearance into 4 color types according to 3 main features. The table for determining your color type is presented below:

When you decide on your color type, use the scheme to calculate the shades that suit you:

Eye shadow color

The color of the shadows can also be matched to the color of the eyes. There are two main directions for choosing shadows: complementary colors or contrasting ones. Complementary colors enhance the natural shade of the eyes, while contrasting colors can distract attention from it and act as an independent accent.

Eye shadow technique

Today, make-up does not obey almost any rules. The technique of applying shadows is limited only by the tools available and the result you want to achieve.

The main tools for eye makeup are considered to be:

    Oblique brush

    Blending brush


An oblique brush is needed to create straight lines, for example, in graphic makeup or for drawing arrows. The blending brush allows for smooth color transitions. The applicator is needed to apply a thick layer of eyeshadow.

To make your makeup last as long as possible, you must first apply a special base under the eyeshadow. The color should match your skin tone.

Basic shadowing techniques

It is not necessary to do makeup with bright contrasting shadows, sometimes classic schemes look much more interesting in pastel or neutral shades.

Versatile shading technique

The versatile shading technique involves the use of three different colors: light, neutral and dark or bright. Shadows of a light shade are applied to the entire upper eyelid, emphasizing the eyebrows - this technique visually widens the eyes and makes the look fresh. Then neutral shadows are applied to the movable eyelid. It is better to choose matte colors for this - they will look appropriate in any makeup. Bright or dark shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eye, shading them towards the tip of the eyebrow and the center of the eyelid.

When applying this scheme, it is important to pay attention to shading: all transitions should be as smooth as possible.

Vertical shadowing technique

With the vertical technique of applying shadows, the eyelid must be mentally divided into 5 zones with vertical lines, as shown in the figure. When using this technique, you must start with zone 1, located at the inner corner of the eye. This is where we apply the lightest shade of the eyeshadow. And then, moving to the outer corner of the eye, we fill each zone with more and more dark colors.

Horizontal shading technique

With the horizontal technique of applying shadows, the eyelid is mentally divided into 5 zones with horizontal lines. Wherein:

    The first zone is at the level of the inner corner of the eye

    The second zone is located at the level of eyelash growth

    The third zone covers the entire movable eyelid

    The fourth zone is located in the crease of the eyelid

    The fifth zone occupies the entire upper eyelid

Apply light shiny shadows to the inner corner of the eye. Then paint over the lash line with a dark matte color. Apply matte shadows of a neutral shade to the movable eyelid. Apply a dense dark or bright color to the crease of the eyelid. Re-fill the upper eyelid with neutral or light shadows.

Technique for creating almond eyes

The almond shape of the eyes is considered the most complimentary. You can achieve this effect even if the outer corner of your eye is down.

To create this makeup, use our step-by-step instructions:

    Apply light glittering eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eye

    Apply a dark shadow to the lash line. Then apply a small amount of dark shadow to the outer corner of the eye and blend towards the tip of the eyebrow and along the crease of the eyelid.

    On the upper eyelid, apply a light matte shadow to the very line of the eyebrows.

Rules for applying shadows for different eye shapes

With the right eye shadow technique, you can correct the natural shape of the eye.

    Close-set eyes can be visually separated from each other with the right color accents. To do this, apply light (you can even pearlescent or shiny) from the inner corner of the eye, and dark from the outer.

    The opposite method will help to bring wide-set eyes closer: apply light shadows to the outer corner of the eye, and dark ones to the inner corner.

    To raise the outer corner of the eye and achieve an almond shape, apply dark shadows from the outer corner to the tip of the brow. Blend the line towards the center of the eyelid.

    To enlarge the eyes, use eyeshadow in lighter shades and apply glitter to the movable eyelid.

Unusual ways to apply eyeshadow

To paint your eyes, you can use not only standard schemes, but also try unusual options, such as a predatory or dramatic make-up.

VIDEO. Predatory make-up:

VIDEO. Dramatic make-up:

Fantastic makeup with bright colors and unusual lines is also suitable for a themed party.

VIDEO. Fantasy makeup:

But even the simplest nude make-up can be made special.

VIDEO. Bobby brown makeup:

How to paint green eyes beautifully?

One of the heroes of Chekhov's story "A Guide for Those Who Want to Get Married" said that only fools or crazy people have green eyes. Be that as it may, beautiful green eyes need an original make-up.

Best color combinations for green eyes

Best of all, bright green eyes complement warm hues. When choosing the color of eyeshadows for makeup, you should pay attention to peach and bronze colors, purple tint with a pink tint. Green eyes can be accentuated with emerald eyeshadows. When doing this, try to avoid cold blues as they muffle the natural vibrancy of the green.

Makeup options for green eyes

Any girl needs to know at least one daily and festive makeup scheme suitable for her. As an addition, you can study the technique of unusual makeup for green eyes, which will help out in the event of a themed party or a bright photo shoot.

Daily makeup for green eyes

We need:


    Blending brush

    Light peach matte eyeshadow

    Dark peach shadows

    Black eyeliner

As you can see, only neutral, calm shades are needed to create this makeup. It is ideal for going to work or school.

The easiest way to accomplish this make-up is using step-by-step instructions:

    Using the applicator, apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye. Take a brush and blend the shadow towards the middle of the moving eyelid.

    With the applicator, apply dark peach shadows in a line from the outer corner of the eye to the edge of the brow. With a brush, blend them towards the bridge of the nose along the crease of the movable eyelid.

    With the applicator, apply light shadows to the upper eyelid. Using a brush, blend them down to the brow line.

    Using a pencil, move the upper eyelid along the lash line and draw arrows.

    With the pencil, lightly trace along the lash line on the lower eyelid. Blend.

You can fix your makeup with a colorless powder.

Holiday makeup for green eyes

The perfect festive makeup for green eyes combines luscious greens with golden glitter.

We need:

    Peach shadows

    Black pencil eyeshadow

    Dark green shadows

    Copper shadows

    Yellow-green shadows

    Black eyeliner

    Golden glitter

Step-by-step instruction:

    Apply peach eyeshadow all over the eyelid

    Apply black eyeshadow pencil along the lash line on the upper lid

    Apply dark green eyeshadow to the movable eyelid

    Apply copper eyeshadow along the crease of the upper eyelid, blend slightly upward

    Apply dark green eyeshadow along the lash line on the lower lid, then blend until a hazy effect is achieved

    Apply yellow-green eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eye

    Line up your eyes with a black pencil

    Apply gold glitter along the lash line on the upper lid

Unusual makeup solutions for green eyes

VIDEO. Fantasy makeup for green eyes:

How to paint your eyes with dark and black eyeshadows?

Black shadows are suitable for all girls, regardless of eye color and color type. The main thing is to be able to apply them correctly.

Classic smoky ice

The most popular makeup using black eyeshadow is smoky ice. This is an ideal option for an evening that everyone can do with the help of step-by-step instructions.

We need:

    Basic shadows for your skin tone

    Black shadows

The step-by-step instruction contains only 3 points:

    Apply base eyeshadow all over the eyelid

    Apply black eyeshadow strictly along the lash line on the upper eyelid. Draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to the edge of the eyebrow.

    Blend black eyeshadow towards the middle of the eyelid

Smokey ice for the impending century

Smoky eyes can visually make the overhanging eyelid even heavier, so it is better to replace the base shadows with white matte ones, and add a little white pearl shine to the inner corner of the eye.

So different smokey

The ideal smokey eyes are different for everyone, so it's important to get familiar with the different views on this technique.

VIDEO. Perfect smoky from makeup artist Jordan Liberty:

VIDEO. Dissolving smokey:

VIDEO. Very black makeup:

VIDEO. Glamorous smokey eye:

Makeup for blue eyes

The right makeup for blue eyes can make them look brighter. Consider a scheme for daily use, as well as an evening option.

Makeup nude for blue eyes

For nude makeup we need:

    Light peach shadows

    Intense peach eyeshadow

    Black eyeliner

Apply light eyeshadow all over the eyelid, and rich eyeshadow along the crease of the upper eyelid. Feather, erasing the borders of the transitions between colors. Draw an arrow using eyeliner pencil.

Evening makeup for blue eyes

To make an evening make-up for blue eyes, we need:

    Turquoise matte eyeshadow

    Maroon matte eyeshadow

    Matte white eyeshadow

    Black eyeliner

Apply turquoise eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eye and blend away from the bridge of the nose. Add white shadows to the middle of the moving eyelid. Apply dark shadows with a line from the outer corner of the eye to the tip of the eyebrow and along the crease of the upper eyelid to its middle. Blend the shadows well to smooth out the borders of the flowers. Draw a thin arrow using eyeliner.

Creative makeup for blue eyes

Blue eyes can be made up in an unusual way. Whether you are having a theme party or a fabulous photo shoot, these videos will help you create a unique look.

VIDEO. Modern makeup for blue eyes:

VIDEO. Bronze glitter for blue eyes:

Eye makeup is a whole art. Feel free to try new things and experiment, because make-up can be your way of expressing yourself!

Share photos of your makeup, reviews of your favorite makeup and beauty secrets in the comments!

Makeup with black shadows is an option that deserves the eyes of a fatal seducer. He continues to be popular, despite the wave of natural makeup, because his power and open sexuality never ceases to drive the strong half of humanity crazy.


Make-up with the participation of black shadows is quite an unusual variety, it is not suitable for every girl. If the complexion has a pronounced pallor, and the wardrobe lacks bright things, it is better to refuse such makeup, preferring calmer pastel colors.

In addition, even if the skin tone matches black eyeshadow, if applied incorrectly, instead of the eyes of a languid cat, you can get small panda eyes. The nuance here lies in highlighting the inner corner of the eyes with a light tone and applying several shades of shadows - from gray to black.

And this image also requires good cosmetics. The best solution here might be to purchase a professional series. Such products will be well applied and shaded. For the last procedure, you should stock up on brushes of various widths with a beveled edge.

Of course, it's important to understand what type of makeup is right for you. Perhaps it will be a classic smoky eyes or an evening version with sparkles complemented by rich colors. There can be many options here, which means that a lot of pleasant and stylish experiments with black shadows are already awaiting modern fashionistas.

It is better for women of respectable age to limit the use of dark shades for the eyes, with all their desire.

The fact is that in most cases, women who overcome the age threshold for 40 years have mimic wrinkles on their faces. Crow's feet and fine wrinkles tend to be located around the eyes. At the same time, black color will only highlight such age-related changes, clogging and rolling into them. The only possible option here is to highlight the outer corner of the eyelid with a dark palette.

What cosmetics to choose?

Make-up in black tones can be realized in any beauty salon, but the opportunity to visit it does not always appear. If you want to do this stylish make-up at home, it is important to arm yourself with the right makeup.

So, for a fashionable look, you will need a small set of cosmetics, such as:

  • black contour pencil;
  • loose black shadows;
  • lighter shades (depending on eye color and makeup type);
  • shiny light shadows with shimmer;
  • ink.

You will need a set of brushes as tools.

It is worth remembering that each element of the kit must have high durability characteristics.

Falling shadows and mascara will quickly appear under the eyes, creating a sloppy look of a tired woman. It is necessary to use and purchase glitter eyeshadows very carefully, because glitters fall off much more often and more than matte shadows.

Brown shadows work well to smooth out blacks and smooth transitions. Their shade can go to a sandy tone or play on orange notes. For the inner corner of the eye, light tones of beige and brown are suitable.

How to paint your eyes beautifully?

To highlight the eyes with the help of black shadows, it is important not to disregard their shade and color, because the choice of shadows "thinners" of black is diverse. So, blue eyes look great in pure black, as well as in combination with shades of gray, purple, blue and brown. The beauty of green eyes will be even brighter against the background of graphite, plum and dark green tones. Gray eyes will be filled with magnetism with a combination of smoky and dark blue shades. For brown eyes, liquid shadows in a chocolate palette are suitable, shading the special depth of the dark "lakes of the soul", as well as black and white solutions for the image of a fatal seducer.

One of the key links in the entire makeup algorithm is the shape of the eye.... The eyelid may hang over the eye or be regular in shape. It is much easier to paint eyes of the correct shape, because you have to apply and shade the shadows along the existing fold. The application technique for the impending eyelid is to artificially create a fold over the movable eyelid. The cavity between the overhanging eyelid is darkened in stages (using brown shadows or a sculptor for the face), deepening more and more when using shades from dark to light.

An easy way to enlarge the eyes is to draw arrows. A soft and somewhat blurry effect will be obtained if you apply a black pencil and shade it. "Cat" eyes will become more accurate with a black eyeliner, which is applied to the movable eyelid and slightly out of the eye area. An interesting option can be "oriental" makeup with arrows drawn not only on the mobile, but also on the lower eyelid.

Whichever method is chosen, preparation of the face for makeup remains the key factor. Foundation, primer, or loose powder will help the eyeshadow lay down better and look presentable for a long time. The area under the eyes should be densely covered with powder, because when dark shadows fall, it will be easy to remove particles of the black palette from such a surface.

Step by step guide

Makeup with black eyeshadows is not as simple as it seems, because if you exclude any stage, you can irretrievably spoil yourself with small eyes. When applying eyeshadow at home, it is important to be patient and take enough time to follow each step of the way.

So, it is very important to prepare your face for cosmetic procedures. Cleansing and moisturizing will mask any existing flakes, creating the perfect base for applying foundation. Most makeup artists advise using matte foundation and powder in tandem with black make-up, but for the evening, an inclusion of small shining particles of foundation is suitable. After the foundation that matches the tone of the face, the procedure is continued with a corrector, hiding dark circles under the eyes. If such a feature is not observed, the item can be omitted. The stage is considered important, because against the background of a black tone, the darkening will play even brighter.

The upper eyelid can be complemented with a primer or light matte eyeshadow. This is followed by the stage of highlighting the eyes with a black pencil. They are supplied with both the upper and lower eyelids. It must be applied as close to the eyelashes as possible. An alternative to a soft black pencil can be dark shadows in tandem with a flat brush. The outer corners are raised slightly upward when using any of the above methods.

The next step is to carefully feather the borders. On the upper eyelid, strokes are carried out towards the eyebrows. The movable eyelid is further covered with dark shadows completely, if we are talking about the classic smoky eyes. The depression is carefully highlighted (or drawn, in the case of an overhanging eyelid). Just above the movable eyelid, an intermediate shade is applied under the cavity - for example, brown or gray. Light or pearlescent tones cover the eyelids from brow to hollow.

The final and most important step is feathering all the tones at the seams. Every transition should be smooth. After the result is achieved, further attention is paid to the lashes and their thorough coverage with mascara in several layers. For celebrations, it is advisable to use false eyelashes.

An example of a beautiful black smoky eyes, see the video below.

Makeup examples

Modern makeup artists create many makeup options with black eyeshadow, however, smoky eyes are still considered the most popular. Its classic version can be carried out only with a pencil and black shadows, complemented by an intermediate shade. It does not suit every eye shape, but captivates with its unconditional depth and contrasts.

Black makeup that challenges everyone is called "avant-garde". Its peculiarity lies in the dense application of black shadows on the eyelids, sometimes reaching the eyebrow line. The skin should look like white matte porcelain. Makeup with this name can be the highlight of the thematic image.