How can you apologize to a girl or wife if you really hurt her. If you are offended. How to overcome resentment and what to do with the abuser

“The offender does not sin so much as the one who allows the offense” - VasilyI Macedonian

The famous grandfather Freud noticed that everything comes from childhood. Our dreams, fears, complexes and doubts are formed under the influence of external and internal factors in the first years of life. I am of the same opinion and agree with him.

To begin with, the feeling of resentment is not innate, but acquired. Babies have a sense of anger in their arsenal, and they will have to learn the feeling of resentment from about 2 to 5 years old. It is most often formed in a stereotyped manner or is borrowed from other children and adults. For example: "If you do not do this, I will be offended." Agree, we adults often use this kind of manipulation.

Let's figure it out: where do grievances come from? Why do we have this feeling? How to deal with it, and is it necessary?

Where do grievances come from?

The feeling of resentment arises from the mismatch of expectations about the behavior of the offender with the way he behaved in reality. That is, resentment is a consequence of three mental operations:

  • building expectations,
  • observation of behavior,
  • comparison of expectation and reality.

In other words, we expect a person to understand us, feel, do what we think about, but do not say aloud. And if we say it, then we always expect that the person will not refuse, will do it to please us, sacrificing personal capabilities and desires.

In a relationship, we expect the manifestation of love, care, tenderness, etc., while we do not consider it necessary sometimes to say what we want. How exactly do we feel when we are loved, how do we understand that we are being cared for. We keep in ourselves ideas about ideal relationships from our experience, from our picture of the world, forgetting that a loved one grew up in different conditions, in which everything was different.

Resentment is the pain we inflict on ourselves

Disappointment from unjustified expectations makes you look for the cause of the mental pain that arises in a given situation. So we find this reason outside. It is difficult for us to understand that we inflict this pain on ourselves, expecting that someone else will live our life and our interests, not taking into account their own.

But if you think about it, this is fundamentally wrong!

Only one who does not value himself will devote his life to another, and such a person will not give you anything. He himself needs to work on self-esteem. And it turns out that we expect from a person what, in principle, he cannot give, and we are counting on what we have no right to. Indeed, in fact, no one and DOES NOT owe us anything!

A loving person, voluntarily and based on his personal desires, has chosen you to be happy with you, because it is pleasant for him. And if, in order to be with you, he needs to “buy” this place, then sooner or later such a relationship will begin to destroy him and cease to bring joy. There will be a feeling of lack of freedom.

And what's good about that?

Most often we take offense at loved ones

Any relationship is everyone's choice in favor of this relationship. Choice implies freedom in the expression of feelings. We cannot test anything but GRATITUDE. After all, everything that we receive in a relationship should be regarded as a gift. Such a relationship has a bright future.

Most often, we take offense at close people, because it is not so easy for a stranger to offend us. We do not expect anything from a stranger, which means that we are not disappointed in him. There are, of course, people who are inclined to take offense at everyone: people, God, the Universe, life in general. Such people believe that everyone owes them. And they sincerely resent why they are not treated the way they imagine.

But that's another story ...

Resentment arises from inner trauma

Any resentment arises from deep inner trauma. At the heart of resentment is an inferiority complex: it is a constant doubt in oneself and one's abilities, inability to take responsibility for one's life and everything that happens in it, unwillingness to independently achieve goals.

We expect someone to come who will do everything for us and live our life for us too. And if this does not happen, we are disappointed and suffer.

Of course, if we wish, we can delegate responsibility for our lives to other people, empowering them with the power to influence our mood and well-being. Let them decide whether to make us happy or unhappy. Just remember that in this way we deprive ourselves of the freedom of choice and the opportunity to live life in joy and endless happiness!

Do you need to deal with feelings of resentment?

Perhaps I am talking too loudly about the fact that resentment makes it impossible to live a happy life. But, unfortunately, this is the case. Because of deep internal grievances, people get sick, suffer, die ...

You have a choice: to be offended or right from this second, once and for all, to learn to control this feeling, which corrodes and destroys like poison. The most important step towards getting rid of resentment is taking responsibility for your life!

When you do this, you will be able to manage your emotions and that feeling. The understanding will come that it is impossible to offend you. To help along this path, I want to offer several simple, but very effective practices, by performing which you will learn how to cope with feelings of resentment.

If you feel that you have been offended, you do not need to keep the negative in yourself. But you also don't need to run to a person and pour all this on him. Try to imagine the abuser. Perhaps you have a photograph of him, if not, you can take some object, a pillow, for example, and speak out.

Tell us what exactly offends, what you didn't like, what you expected. This practice will clarify a lot for you too. You will learn to express your feelings and desires before resentment rushes in.

If, nevertheless, you have been offended in word or deed, take some soft object, toy or pillow, imagine the offender in this object and reflect your pain and anger well through tapping.

By the way, tears also help. If at this moment you want to cry, do not hold yourself back.

If you can't get it out, write a letter to the abuser. In it, tell us everything you think about the current situation. Then the letter must be burned.

Learn to express emotions constructively. How? Try to talk to your abuser, not from the point of view of the accuser, but from the perspective of the person describing their feelings. Instead of: "You offended me, insulted!" say: "I am offended, and your behavior, your words offended me, I am upset." If a person is accused of something, then he has a desire to resist. Vocalizing your feelings helps relieve or reduce tension between people.

Try to understand the person: why he did this. Perhaps he does it unconsciously.

If something offended you, thank the person for it. You have been shown your weaknesses. Understand why it hurt you.

Forgive yourself for being offended. Yes, yes, on the one hand, it is so simple, but on the other, it is important.

If you are offended to tears, or there is a serious quarrel, there is a very effective method for the moment "here and now." Start breathing deeply, remember your offender and say out loud with the intonation of a king or queen: “I forgive you! I forgive you! I forgive you!".

After you say this for the third time, the offense will be removed as if by hand, and you will smile or even laugh.

The main thing is to understand that when you are offended, you are only doing badly to yourself. Therefore, think only about the good, free yourself from resentment. I really like Omar Khayyam's quatrain, which I want to remember:

Life is ashamed of those who sit and grieve,
Who does not remember joys, does not forgive insults.
Sing, until the strings of the chang snapped!
Drink until the vessel is broken against the stone!

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Not every young man, after a serious quarrel, knows how to apologize to a girl (especially if he greatly offended her). Of course, for this case on the network you can pick up thousands of different "clichés", but you want to do it beautifully, in your own words and really melt your friend's heart.

The girl was very offended and did not want to talk: why is this happening?

  • For a start, it is worth giving the girl the opportunity to calm down. She should be alone for a while: she does not need to call her and constantly remind her of herself.
  • The young man does not always understand why the girl was offended and what his act or words provoked her emotions. Often, the girl's behavior is perceived as flirting, even as a means of blackmail. Over time, the young man will learn to distinguish between sincerity and distortion of reality, and true resentment from the coquetry of the girl who is dear to him.
  • You can hurt with just one rude word or an unsuccessful joke. The psyche of a girl is structured differently than a man's. What is interesting and seems funny to an ordinary guy is not always so in the opinion of girls.

Conclusion: you need to learn to understand the girl's behavior, and if she is very offended, do not rush to make excuses “I’m not to blame,” “You did not understand me,” “You have no sense of humor,” etc.

How to apologize to a girl if you screwed up a lot?

Being honest and sincere is perhaps the most important message. If a girl needs to be alone, then a young man should also do it. To realize everything that was said to her, to analyze the reasons for the conflict, to think about how to apologize to the girl if he offended her greatly.

  • Sincerity is a very valuable quality, but also rare. It includes many facets and the desire to be pure in front of yourself and those whom you have offended. Being sincere is not easy, but it can be learned. The desire not to harm a dear person in this will help.
  • Apologizing is best done verbally. Whether it is an act of disagreement, or of words. In order to confidently speak and behave, one should be completely calm (after a certain period of time), be able to control oneself.
  • If the reason for the quarrel remains unclear, it is better to apologize after all. Then, in a calm conversation, ask to clarify what exactly offended the girl.

Important! While everyone's thoughts settle down, while communication is temporarily stopped, the young man should behave himself decently, not giving the girl any more reason to doubt.

How beautiful it is to apologize to a girl: concrete steps

  • Apologize in person. It is better to appoint it during the daytime of the day off, when the girl is not busy at work or school.
  • You can start a conversation with the phrases "I realized that I was wrong", "I would like to apologize for ...", "I am guilty, you are dear to me, let's forget about ...".
  • Discuss together how you will behave in the future. Make promises that you can keep.
  • A cute gift will not be superfluous: what the girl likes. A universal sign of reconciliation is flowers (better than light shades: remember that white symbolizes purity of intentions), sweets, a soft toy - all this together or separately. A worthy gift option is that the girl loves very much, an individual preference that the young man knows about.

  • Still, the main gift in reconciliation is sincerity, which is felt in the heart, and honesty, expressed in words and actions.
  • Asking for forgiveness is an art. It is both simple and incredibly complex. Its ease lies in the fact that you only need to say the simple words "Forgive me." It is sometimes difficult to force yourself to say them (meanwhile, it is them that the girl is waiting for). Sometimes just saying them is enough. But! It is enough to say the words once, no need to repeat them over and over again.

How to apologize to a girl and not hurt her again?

You should not allow the invasion of irritation, anger and annoyance in communication with the opposite sex. It is important to appreciate what we have today.

  • If something happened before the meeting with the girl and the guy is out of psycho-emotional balance, it is better to postpone the meeting.
  • You should not track down a girl if she is still not ready to meet after a quarrel, constantly call and bother with excessive attention.
  • Sometimes a young person will be helped by the reception of a radical change in behavior to the opposite.
  • If the girl called (or in some other way let her know that she wants to communicate with you) first, she is a real little treasure. In this case, you can not hesitate for a long time, but see her, discuss everything and invite her for a walk or to the cinema (not forgetting about a small gift).

The relationship between two people is an art that is comprehended and created by mental labor. The art of asking for forgiveness is valuable, as is the ability to forgive and keep a relationship.

Any man, at least once in his life, got into a situation when it was necessary to ask for forgiveness from a girl. The female psyche is a delicate structure, and one careless word is enough to bring confusion into a girl's soul. Moreover, the word itself may not even have a deep meaning. The intonation, and the place, and the time of its pronunciation have a meaning. If the meaning of the word is so great, then a man's act has a more destructive effect.

Sometimes it is difficult for a man to understand the true cause of a woman's resentment. A logical analysis of the situation does not provide an opportunity to see anything that could destroy the relationship. It's all about the perception of the situation.

An act of another is not as destructive as an offense. Resentment is the result of a complex chain of thoughts, reasoning and conclusions, supported by emotions. It is she who is able to lead to life conclusions from a trifling situation. And in this situation it is already difficult to understand the true reason for the broken relationship, because, in fact, it is no longer important.

It is not worth reducing also the opinion of people close to the girl, to whom she will have time to emotionally tell about your quarrel, while attracting her feelings, experiences and worries. The negative consequences of the quarrel will be exaggerated several times, in proportion to the number of listeners.

It is for this reason that it is important not to allow a fireworks of the girl's thoughts and you need to apologize right away.
However, do not become discouraged if the girl is offended. Women's anger is easily replaced by grace under the right circumstances. This circumstance can serve as a man's excuse. It is important to know how to properly apologize to a girl.

You need to wait for a short pause

"Women's passions" have a peak and a decline. Do not ask for forgiveness during the peak of stress. Remember that it is not the word or deed that hurts, but the thoughts that comment on the behavior. The so-called "winding up" occurs much later. Therefore, if it was not possible to apologize immediately, as they say, in hot pursuit, then it is better to wait for a pause so that the girl experiences her thoughts and is ready to accept others. A long pause can sow doubt in a girl's heart: is the guy really to blame for everything, or is there part of her fault? A very long pause can give a girl a sense of ownership and excitement. The girl will begin to doubt the correctness of her resentment, begin to get bored, and may even want to take the initiative in reconciliation. In any case, your attention after a while will be her joy.

Arrange a personal meeting

Don't call or write a message. You need to see the eyes of your chosen one. It is there that you will find the answer to all your questions and the willingness to forgive you. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to meet in person, then it is better to come up with something original: a letter in an envelope, a telegram, a carrier pigeon (with a courier). The girl will appreciate your action, which means you will be forgiven.

Take a special interest in the girl.

A girl must believe that she is the only one, special, very, very... Each girl considers herself unique, but it is much more pleasant to hear this from a loved one. Tell the girl how much she means to you, how beautiful and adorable she is. Focus on individual merits, not the details of your conflict. You should not make excuses or repeat individual phrases of the quarrel. You need to make the girl believe in your remorse without an emphasis on details.

Do an act

If the first attempt did not give results, then the reason may be either your deep fault or the girl's excessive stubbornness. In any case, an ordinary apology is clearly not enough and it is necessary to perform a special act that will elevate her in the eyes of others. Women have always depended on the opinions of society. And the ability to surprise others will cause a girl to be more delighted than a sincere intimate apology, especially since the latter has already been used to no avail.
We offer several options for special surprises:

  • A traditional large bouquet of flowers, presented on condition of the accumulation of significant people for the girl: colleagues at work, classmates, friends.
  • A special way of giving gifts: balloons, a kite, a parcel, a courier in a special carnival costume, etc.
  • Inscription with a declaration of love on the pavement, banner, poster.
  • Announcement on the radio, on the selector, at the lecture at your request, etc.

The options for surprises can only be limited by your imagination.

The opinion of authoritative people

This type of reconciliation is actively used in diplomacy and is well suited for personal situations. You need to attract people who are authoritative for the girl: girlfriends, parents, relatives, leader, etc. Try to explain to them that you made a mistake and are very sorry. People who are not emotionally involved in this situation will look at it from a logical point of view. And, most importantly, convince them in two situations: you love the girl. and you are very sorry.

Be persistent but not intrusive

Continue to show attention to the girl, in person and in absentia. Any sign of attention is pleasant and will bring you closer to your cherished goal.

Show pride

If your efforts have been ineffective for a long time, stop all efforts. Let the girl remain without your attention for a while. If she really is dear to you. Start again with the first tip.
Remember, there are no non-criminal fortresses.
And a few more tips:

  1. Be patient. Remember that an offended girl can commit rash acts. Forgive her in advance for all unnecessary words.
  2. Try not to justify your behavior. The fact is that in the eyes of the girl there is no excuse for him and it is useless to do it. Better to just admit your mistake.
  3. Make it a rule not to use harsh words with your girlfriend. This will keep you out of trouble in your relationship.
    Let your relationship be filled with love. And love can forgive everything.

The relationship between a man and a woman is always fraught with difficulties. It is important not only to kindle the spark of love, but also to preserve it. It happens that a guy and a girl quarreled, and she was offended in earnest. And what to do? How to apologize so that your beloved understands and forgives your beloved? After all, women are so emotional and vulnerable!

What to do when offended

Taking the first step towards reconciliation is exciting. Especially when he was really guilty! If she only did in a relationship that she was looking for a reason for a "quarrel", then it is better to break up with such a person.

It turns out it's not so easy to apologize! It all depends on the "degree" of guilt! Therefore, you should not drag out an apology for a long time, otherwise the girl may think that she means nothing to Him. And if this is not so, then you need to tell her about it! Be sure to say - sincerely, passionately, emotionally, looking at her.

It is important to offer your apologies live. No SMS will work as hard as words spoken to your eyes. However, a mobile message can be used if the girl basically does not get in touch: she does not answer calls, does not open the door. You can try to "catch" her near the institute (work, on the way to the store, near the entrance). The girl's loving heart will appreciate His feelings, readiness to repent, spend time, strength, and nerves to meet with her. However, one should not be too zealous either - it will look like "persecution". The girl should be allowed to “cool down” from the experiences!

Psychologists believe that with an apology, you can "pull" a little. And not at all for the girl to go crazy with jealousy and excitement about what is happening. She needs time - and then she will assess the situation not on emotions, but, as they say, “on a sober head,” that is, correctly. She may not want to put up right away. This is "normal" for an impressionable person. So the girl makes it clear "I am very offended at you."

On the other hand, during the “special” pause, she will again and again experience those “bitter” moments of resentment. There is nothing wrong with a girl questioning her behavior too. What if there is a share of her fault in the quarrel that happened? After all, as they say, both are to blame for the quarrel.

One-on-one conversation

If a loved one lives in another city, communication difficulties may arise. But after all, in the past centuries, people managed to "love" across distances - by sending letters, carrier pigeons. To help modern Romeo and Juliet modern means of communication: Internet, mobile phone, skype. It doesn't matter where the girl is. The main thing is to make her feel how dear she is and how much it means to Him. And finding ways of reconciliation is not so difficult if there is a desire and imagination.

What to say when the meeting finally happened? The banal "I'm sorry" may, in modern language, "not give a ride." It's like saying "let's get it over with the official part and move on to more interesting things." The girl should understand from the words of her lover that he really realized his mistake and this will not happen in the future. And for this, the young man will have to patiently explain that he was wrong:

  • acted cruelly and selfishly;
  • said hurtful words without thinking;
  • made it "hurt."

In general, this situation must be “talked to” with Her. If the girl made contact, it means that she is ready for reconciliation, or at least listen to his explanations. However, one should not expect instant forgiveness on her part. Again, it all depends on the situation when the guy offended the girl. Perhaps he offended her feelings and wounded her in the very heart with cruel words or his deed. Then in your apology you will have to apply all the delicacy, diplomacy and patience that you are capable of. But having given your word - keep it!

Fundamentally wrong position of a young man trying to blame his girlfriend, as if she was to blame for the situation. This is a direct threat to future relationships! "Ask a woman for forgiveness, even if you are not guilty ..." - wrote the wise poet. This tactic works very well! But at every step, you should not apologize either, otherwise the girl will think that her lover - a rag, henpecked, does not have his own opinion, and not everyone loves this.

"Women's hearts are not stones"

So, "the ice has broken" - the girl replied that she was ready to meet and talk. Not only ardent words of repentance will soften her heart, but also something "material". For example, a soft toy, a cute postcard with poems, a bouquet of flowers. Women love gifts so they feel more confident. After all, a souvenir or flowers are a sign of attention!

Any woman wants to be loved and desired. And therefore, when you meet, you need to "praise" her - say that she looks great, or notice another feature of her. A compliment, of course, should be made from the heart, and not be a homework. Sincere touching words will become for her "pleasant consolation" and "proof" of his feelings!

Here are some ironclad ways for a young man to properly apologize to a girl if he offended her a lot.

  1. Ask for forgiveness, but not in a derogatory manner, without making excuses, but admitting your mistake.
  2. In any possible way to show how he values ​​their relationship: you can make her happy - buy a cute souvenir, a huge bouquet of daisies, tickets for a concert of her favorite band.
  3. To do a dizzying act to make her gasp with delight - "He tried only for Her." It may be a carriage suddenly arriving, in which He will invite her to ride and make an important statement; the inscription in huge letters on the asphalt in front of its windows "Sorry, I was wrong"; an invitation to a cafe, where friends are already waiting for her, and in their presence, kneeling down, he will apologize. Let it be a huge balloon with her name written on it, and before her eyes he will release it into the sky with the words “Let everyone see how I Love you”!
  4. You need to be persistent, but not persistent! And if a girl is angry for too long, you can attract people she knows well - her parents, sister, friend - to her side. You need to try to explain to them that he feels bad without her, that he realizes how he hurt her, and ask him to help in reconciliation. The opinion of the "authoritative" persons should work. But only if He really convinced them that he was repentant!
  5. Take a short time out if all efforts were in vain. It is quite possible that without the attention of her lover, the girl will become nervous and understand that the resentment has covered her eyes, and, pulling long with reconciliation, she can lose him FOREVER. If after some time the young man starts the “attack” again, she will most likely “surrender”. However, you must act carefully and delicately!

All is fair in love! And there is no universal way to apologize to a girl. A young man must try all the options himself, based on the current situation, the temperament of his beloved and his capabilities. It is important that She feel - He values ​​her, He realized his guilt, He wants to be with her. If a girl is not indifferent to him, she will certainly appreciate his words, the desire to make peace and continue the relationship.

How to apologize to a girl if you hurt her badly? There are several ways to get the sweetheart's favor. We analyze even those situations when you do not understand what the essence of the whole conflict is.

It can be very difficult to apologize to a girl if you have seriously offended her. But more often than not, you can melt the heart of a loved one simply by asking for forgiveness. If that didn't work, then you should try one or more of the methods listed below.

In words

- For those who did not understand what, in fact, the matter is ...

I would like to start with this, because often the representative of the stronger sex does not understand female logic.

First of all, you need to analyze the reason for the quarrel, to understand what was the impetus for her resentment:

  1. Often men think that girls are just being capricious in this way, wanting to "rein in" their chosen one. However, this is not always the case. Yes, there are people who should be awarded the Oscar for the best dramatic role, but a sincere girl will not allow herself this, because she values ​​the feelings and emotions of her boyfriend.
  2. The girl’s resentment is often based on her vulnerability: she did not expect you to do this or say such words. To which men often answer: "There is nothing wrong with this!" No, her eyes and demeanor tell a different story. In this case, in a conciliatory conversation with a girl, do not start “pulling the blanket over yourself”, they say, “You, of course, forgive me, but I’m in fact not guilty of anything…”. This will immediately end a good conversation.

In order to understand and be understood, you need to:

  • prepare to speak sincerely;
  • calm down;
  • be willing to control your words and tone in conversation;
  • start a conversation with the words: "I would like to talk to you" or something like that;
  • ask a question about what exactly offended her;
  • try to understand that this is really serious for her;
  • if you don’t understand, just humble yourself;
  • Explain that you did not see anything wrong with this, and did not want to hurt her;
  • promise that you will try so that this does not happen again;
  • smile and kiss your beloved.

If the girl doesn't make contact, give her some time to calm down. Tell her that you will wait until she is ready for a peaceful dialogue. This will impress her and make her “slow down”.

- For those who admit their guilt

In a situation where your guilt is obvious, and you have already realized it, you need to act a little differently:

  • "Put on" the guilty person;
  • come up with a request to talk;
  • then start by fully admitting guilt, but be prepared that this is not enough;
  • if you can explain your action (roughly speaking, tell what made you do this: childhood traumas, upbringing, environment, influence of friends, etc.), be sure to do it - this will be a big bonus for you;
  • ask for forgiveness, but only sincerely, from the heart;
  • tell me that the most important thing is that you have already realized your mistake, so you are ready not to make it anymore;
  • mention how important your relationship is to you;
  • try to hug her or take her hand.

When you have such a conversation and talk about what motivated you to do so, speak with the intonation of a guilty person. Remember how you made excuses to your mom or dad as a child: with a pitiful intonation and guilt in your voice. Do not think that this will humiliate your manhood - for her it will look like your open soul. And for a girl there is nothing nicer than that.

Note! After you have received forgiveness and hugged your loved one, do not start with movements or words to hint at sex! Most likely, now she is touched and touched. Don't trivialize this moment! Of course, if she herself did not begin to act first!

In a letter

So what can a letter be like? There are several options:

  • a note left on the table, refrigerator, attached to the mirror, etc.;
  • letter by e-mail or on social networks;
  • a message thrown into a mailbox is a very romantic option;
  • text on beautiful paper embedded in a bouquet of flowers brought from you by a courier / friend / acquaintance / neighbor boy, etc. - is also not inferior in romance, etc.

What you need to write in the letter:

  • Nice appeal. For example: "My dear Katyushka!" or "The most beautiful girl in the world!" etc.
  • Purpose of the letter: “I don’t know how else I can contact you…”, “I would like to ask you for forgiveness…”, etc.
  • Realizing your mistake: "I realized that I was wrong ...", "It was very bad of me, and I understood it ...".
  • Explanation of your action: "These are all friends, damn them ...", "I thought it would be better for both of us ...", "I don't know how it should be, honestly - I don't understand much about this", I didn’t think it was so important for you ... ”and so on.
  • Asking for forgiveness: “I'm sorry, I didn't want it to happen”, “I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you,” “I'm sorry that I offended the person dearest to me,” etc.
  • Closing words: “I would like to continue to be with you, so that you teach me how to do it ...”, “I cannot stop thinking that you and I will not start a family later, we will not fireplace. Do not deprive me of this ... "and so on.
  • Signature: "A man who will not stop loving you ...", "Hopelessly in love with a beautiful girl (name)" or ironically - "Your dunce."

Please note that the text of the request for forgiveness can also be written in verse. Let it be clumsy and not very neat, but your girlfriend will see that you are making an effort in order to achieve her location.

If you wrote with soul and almost with tears in your eyes - DO NOT READ the letter after you have finished it. It is possible that you will feel uncomfortable (it is always uncomfortable to open your soul), after which you will not dare to send a message. Just send it quickly, without hesitation, until “that” mood is gone, and do not regret that you did it.


In order to ask for forgiveness in the well-known social network Vkontakte, there are many ways: from those that take a minute to those that require a lot of effort:

  1. Graffiti... Write a beautiful inscription to your girlfriend with words of apology. Support this with a light, beautiful drawing (kiss, heart, sad face, etc.).
  2. Music or video... Find what works best for your situation. Be careful, because the girl will literally try on every word from the song for your pair. Therefore, she will be touched if the text is appropriate. It is advisable to throw the file on the wall, and not in a personal, because girls love demonstrativeness.
  3. Photo collage... Pick your best photos. The happiest moments will come. But at them you must be present together (and nothing else!), So that the girl has before her eyes what she is losing. It is worth attaching words of apology and a suitable music track here. The goal is that she should remember those good days, read your heartbreaking words and be moved by the song.
  4. Cool apology... Please note that this method is only suitable for those girls who have a good sense of humor. Otherwise, your significant other will think you are bullying her. What can you think of here? Well, for example, send a photo showing how sad you are without her, demonstrate how gray and boring the world is without her (for this you can take a picture of your cat with a “sad” expression on his face, write on the refrigerator “How bad I am without your hungry eye, Dasha ", etc.).
  5. Shoot your own video... Here, ask friends, acquaintances, or even casual passers-by to say that you love her and yearn for you to forgive her. Then send the finished and processed material to her and wait for the reaction.

In sms

It is easiest to ask for forgiveness in this way: the phone is always at hand, it does not require much effort and time. But he needs your imagination! The main thing here is to sincerely express your thoughts.

Here is a sample message text:

  • “Sorry, I was wrong. This will not happen again. I promise!" - the simplest option;
  • "I feel bad without you. Sorry. I'm an idiot ... "- this SMS will be especially effective and effective from very confident guys, because self-criticism in this case will really say a lot;
  • “I don’t want us to fight. Let's put up? Tell me where and how, I'll arrange everything! " - this is suitable if your girlfriend has little habits; most importantly, she will be touched by your willingness to try.

Give your best in the text 100%, write from the heart, and then it will definitely help you to make peace.

When writing SMS, do not skimp on symbols (do not abbreviate words, do not remove spaces, etc.), otherwise such a message will produce the opposite effect.

Little surprise

Act outside the box! This will also help generate a positive reaction.

What comes up as a surprise:

  • soft toy;
  • flowers;
  • candies;
  • her favorite chocolate bar, etc.

Where to throw:

  • in your purse;
  • under the door;
  • to the workplace;
  • can be transferred with another person (friend, classmate, classmate, colleague, etc.).

It is advisable to attach a note here with a sincere request for forgiveness.
If this method does not help you to make peace, then it will definitely begin to melt the heart of your beloved, which is already considered a huge step!

  1. Don't share your fight with other people.... They are able to oppose you without realizing it. Everything that has been said by you can be turned over and given to your beloved. And this will act against you. Moreover, the girl can be "hurt" by the fact that instead of trying to improve relations with her, you go and talk about your affairs from right to left.
  2. Don't give up quickly... Sometimes a girl's resentment is so strong that from the first and second time she will not be able to forgive you. If this person is really dear to you, try again. It is best to act according to the following scheme: at first, "break" to her with a conversation, then, if she did not accept you, let her "move away", having waited about 1 day or even less. Then start trying again.
  3. Follow the conversation... Try to present your speech in a way in which it would be pleasant and not offensive to you.

And at the end I would like to remind you once again to be sincere with your loved ones. After all, this is the only way you can really convey to a person that you are not indifferent to everything, but value what you have.

Video: How beautiful it is to apologize to a girl