How can I strengthen the immunity to a child folk remedies. Medicinal products to help organism. Recipes of traditional medicine

It is impossible to protect children from bacteria and viruses, they surround newborns everywhere. What is unsuccessful to try to create sterile conditions, it is better to know how to raise immunity to a child with folk remedies and with the help of modern medicine. Then mom will not lie with a heart attack if her fidget will return from a walk all in the snow and with wet legs; Do not make disinfectant drugs, if it drags in the mouth of the candy, falling on the ground. Do not protect the baby from each dust, he needs to learn to live in a world where infections are present, dirt and cold. You can not change the conditions for its existence, which means you will have to prepare a children's body to combat diseases.

Toddler's health - the whole family

Often tips for improving immunity are suitable not only for children, they can take advantage of parents, grandmothers and grandfathers. Isn't it good when the whole family is not afraid of walks at any time of the year, skiing in the invigorating frost and even dives into the baptized hole? Methods are very simple, try to observe them, and you will not be terrible the most terrible flu epidemic:

  • healthy food;
  • full sleep;
  • right routine of the day;
  • purity;
  • hardening;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • active lifestyle.

Do not be surprised that the article about the fact that the child is needed for immunity, the point about bad habits hit. You and do not guess how many newborns "smoke" from the first day. In the family where ashtrays are placed in all rooms, parents may not notice a tobacco smell, assume that after airing the air in the apartment is clean. Particles of deadly smoke quickly absorb in wallpapers, furniture and clothing. If someone from family members cannot completely abandon cigarettes, let him smoke on the street.

Sterile conditions will not teach the organism of newborns to deal with infections, but this does not mean that the child should live in the mud. Clean the cleanliness and order, but do not rinse all things with disinfecting solutions and do not irradiate the room with antimicrobial lamps. Toddler still need to teach personal hygiene. Who from birth will get used to a clean ass, swimming before bedtime and washing hands, after a few years he himself will not be able to endure the unlike body.

The exhausted tired organism cannot be strong immunity. Restoring the child must be in a dream. The baby needs not only long, but also a calm night rest. If in the evening, parents often include loud music, watch the thrillers with blood sea and wild screams or climb a family scandal, the nerves of the baby will be at the limit of power. Perhaps after that he will fall asleep, but it will turn and scream. Before leaving the crib, create children a calm peaceful atmosphere, let's drink a brewed rosehip, read a good fairy tale, take up quiet games.

The organism of newborns should be accustomed to the drops of temperatures, cool water, the wind. The longer you keep the baby in greenhouse conditions, the stronger it gets sick from light draft. Start from the first days: Paste after bathing with cool water, leave for a few minutes with a slightly shine. Walk with the baby at any time of the year and do not kook it. Hardening is of great importance for improving immunity.

Periods of formation of the immune system

The initial immunity of newborns is formed before birth, antibodies come from mother's blood. The body of the woman is preparing to protect the baby and after its appearance. It is very important to immediately attach it to the chest, because the colostrum, sampled in the first days after childbirth, will give everything you need to supply crumbs, and to protect against infections. The first month the body uses only antibodies derived from milk milk. During this period, the most important for strengthening children's immunity - Mamino health and breastfeeding. Pint right, eat fruit, drink boiled rosehip so that the child gets vitamins.

From 3 to 6 months of antibodies in breast milk is becoming less and less. It's time to produce own agents to combat microbes and viruses. During this period, some diseases of the immune system are detected and allergies arise. Mom needs to make every effort to do without artificial supplies, until half a year, its milk contains everything you need for the kid. When applying the feeding, make a menu in which there are all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Instead of water, the baby can give a brewed rosehip.

There are many disputes, whether vaccinations need such a crumb. Vaccination can raise immunity in children, but only if high-quality drugs are used, and the child has passed a thorough examination and recognized as healthy.

Do not buy juices and vegetable purees in the store, prepare them yourself. The inscription on the label "without preservatives" is not a guarantee that there are no harmful connections in the product. Do not chase attractive imported vegetables and fruits, better buy them from a familiar dacnik, which does not apply hazardous chemicals. Do not collect a rosehip in the city or nearby businesses, find bushes on the edge of the forest.

From year to 3 years, the baby must already cope with infections, using only its own immunity, which is not yet enough formed. At this time, he develops almonds that will become an obstacle for infections. All necessary substances a child receives with food, which should be diverse and contain vitamins and microelements. The task of mom is not to go on the recreation, who in 2 years adores sweet kaskas and often refuses vegetables. You have to become a good cook and cook delicious dishes from any products. Be sure to give the baby useful berries: sea buckthorn, rosehip. Compelate with a pediatrician, which vitamins and drugs to enhance immunity can be enabled in the menu. The formation of the foundations of immunity continues up to 3 years, so in early childhood, hardening, physical education and full nutrition are very important.

From 3 to 6 years, immunity is strengthened, the foundations of which were laid last period. If some hidden innate diseases were revealed in the early stages, they often appear at this age. Allergic and chronic diseases may now arise. For these years there is a period of rapid growth, the body spends a lot of resources. The immune system may not cope with infections, it is necessary to support its healthy diet, to give special drugs, healing drinks in which cranberries, rosehip, sea buckthorn. The baby has not yet learned to tamper his instincts, he runs, jumps, refuses to wear a thick jacket in the warm season. Do not fight with him, Nature laid a desire to strengthen the body resistance to disease. The child is unconsciously engaged in physical education and tries to harm - direct this energy in the right direction.

The next dangerous period is a teenage age, which usually continues from 12 to 15 years. There is a restructuring of the entire hormonal system, the rapid growth of the body. During these years, adverse factors that arose in infancy are known: Rahit, improper use of medication. The body requires reinforced and full nutrition, satisfying physical exertion. But girls often sit on a diet to become similar to fashion models, or are engaged in bodybuilding. The young men are sitting at a computer in a stuffy room or quickly pumped up muscles, using steroid preparations. Mom will have to become a good diplomat to be able to convince the tinacer to lead the right way of life.

Building materials for the immune system

To increase immunity, strong protector cells are needed. In order for the body to produce them, the necessary components are required. The fact that the baby receives with food may not be enough: trading supplies us refined products, vitamins and useful microorganisms die with long storage and thermal processing. There are two ways to supplement the menu to all necessary and enhance immunity in a child: go to the pharmacy and buy drugs or refer to folk wisdom. The optimal option is to combine these methods and take from each best.

What can offer us pharmacists? They developed preparations with stimulus plants and fragments of pathogenic bacteria that do not provoke the development of the disease, but stimulate the body to resist infections:

  • "Bronchomunal";
  • "Ribominyl";
  • "IMUDON".

The development of the immune system takes a lot of strength at the kid. Drugs containing basic vitamins and minerals will help support the child.

  • Kinder Biovital You can give children from year to 13 years. Tabs will like pills in the form of funny bears.
  • Vitrum KIDZ is produced in 2 forms: from 3 to 7 and from 6 to 11 years. Vitamins of pleasant taste, made in the form of animals.
  • "Vitamins® Immuno +" The drug is made only from vegetable raw materials, including sea buckthorn. Recommended children from 3 years.

If you think that the baby needs pharmacy drugs, do not follow one instruction, be sure to consult a pediatrician who knows since what age you can use this tool, and prescribes the correct dose.

How to strengthen the child's immunity by folk remedies? Often, our great-grandmothers did not know what immunity, phytoncides and antibodies, but knew how to raise children healthy. They harvested a hips, brewed herbal teas, prepared healing decoctions. Fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamins were constantly attended on the table, thirst quasas with mint and places. And special honor used:

  • local Products: Prostokvash, Kefir, Kumy;
  • nuts;
  • onion and garlic.

Refuse lemonade and other carbonated drinks, instead, purge cranberries, currants and blueberries for the winter. After fragrant berry morse, the kid himself does not want to drink a solution of sweeteners and preservatives with taste amplifiers. Make a brew rose in the thermos to improve the taste, add a bit of honey there - hot it will replace tea, and in the cold - perfectly quenched thirst. No less useful chamomile decar with lime color. In such drinks, vitamins are contained in kind and large quantities.

Worried that the child often sick? And you do something to enhance its immunity: Hard, give a nickname, give vitamins and special drugs? So that the diseases bypassed the baby side, he did not need medicine, you need to make a lot of strength. Do not hope that newborns already have sufficient protection against infections, engage in the health of the child from the first day. Think right now, what useful plants are not far from your home. In the summer, go for a walk not around the city, but in the forest, collect strawberries, blueberries, rosehip, rowan. Already in 2 years, the baby will be with great pleasure to eat sweet berries straight from the bush.

How to raise immunity in children? Many parents are worried about this question.
Improving immunity is not such a difficult occupation, but requires constancy and systematic.

Natural immunity stimulants only three - Hunger, cold and physical activity. Children must walk more often, they do not need to be ridiculous, there should not be hot at home, it is impossible to feed by force too, it is necessary that the child himself asked for food.

So that the child does not hurt, it follows:
1. Store the room 1-2 times a day.
2. It's time to walk and move more.
3. Creation should be good enough.
4. Include in the diet as much as possible fruits and vegetables.
5. To refer to products with dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc. Do not teach children to chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and other products of the chemical industry.

We will consider simple recipes for improving immunity.

  • Lemon and honey.
    The recipe is: to squeeze the juice of lemon and drink it all day. The tool will be even more effective if you add a bit of honey here, if the child has allergies to him.
  • Delicious mixture.
    Skip through the meat grinder of 1.5 glasses of raisin, 1 cup of walnuts kernels, 0.5 glasses of almonds, 2 lemon, mix it with 0.5 glasses of melted honey. Give 1-2 l. (depending on age) 3 times a day per hour before meals. This mixture is suitable for children from two years and older. The mixture will saturate the organism with the necessary vitamins and microelements, which will help strengthen the immunity in children.
  • Echinacea
    At the beginning of the fall and early spring, it is possible to conduct a course of improving immunity using infusion of Echinacea, the dose is better to choose a doctor. Fish or seal fat is also well strengthened by the child's body, after taking, children are much less likely.
  • Useful teas.
    If the child does not want to rinse his mouth with salted water, you can teach it after eating a little infusion chamomile, Calendula or Hypericum. Delicious tea is obtained from a mixture rosehip, mint, chamomile. After eating, such tea or infusion washes off the residues of food with almonds and bactericidal affects the mucous membranes. This method is a good prevention of colds.
  • Shell.
    A wonderful means for strengthening immunity is the egg shell powder. The eggshell contains minerals that stimulate the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow.
    Rinse the shell, roll, then rummage in the coffee grinder until the powder is obtained. Let's children at the tip of a teaspoon 2-3 times a day after meals - drink water, or add to food.
  • A oats decoction.
    If a child has problems with intestines (constipation, dysbacteriosis) and immunity is weakened, it is useful to accept decoction of oats. 100 g oats rinse, pour 1.5 liters of water, insist the night, in the morning boil on quiet fire 1.5 hours, cool, strain, squeeze. Children from 6 to 12 months take 1 t. L., From 1 to 3 years - 1-2 tbsp. l., after 3 years - 100 g per day. Store no more than two days in the refrigerator. The course of treatment with this means is 1 month. Surplus drinking adults - the intestinal work will work, the liver will restore, the skin condition will improve
  • You can give a child in the morning an empty stomach of propolis tincture In 100 g of milk or aqueous extract of propolis in 100 g of water. Apply as prevention of diseases no more than a month, then a month break. The number of drops depends on the age of the child - from 3 to 7 years to give 3-5-7 drops.
  • Cranberry and lemon.
    Recipe: Skip through the meat grinder 0.5 kg of cranberries and 1 lemon, add 1 tbsp. Honey (with sugar allergies), mix well. There is a mixture of 1-2 tbsp. With tea 2-3 times a day.
  • Needles.
    2 tbsp. l. Coffee pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil 5 minutes, insist 2 hours, add 1 tbsp. l. Honey, adults drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, children - 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, depending on age.

Physical Education.

If a child often suffers from the angns, if he has a weak immunity, such exercises will help to strengthen it:

  • Pose Lion.
    Ask the child pulls the tongue to the chin and hold it so from 3 to 10 seconds. Such a stress pose of the tongue and pharynx improves the bloodstream, the throat is sanitized, the plugs are absorbed by the infection, causing angins and other problems. Let this exercise the child makes during each cleaning of the teeth. With an angina, it is advisable to do it every hour.
  • Workout neck.
    Slowly rotate the head to the right and left. This exercise acts on the ear lymphatic glands and protects them from inflammation.
    Massage of bronchi and lungs
    Teach the child to gently pick themselves on the chest on the exhalation cams with the sounds "A", "O", "U". Such self-massage of the chest is developing the natural protective forces of the bronchopulmonary system.

Proper nutrition.

For the immune system of the child normally worked, she needs proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, E) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, copper, iron).

  • Protein- Meat, Fish, Bean
  • Vitamin A - Vegetables of yellow and red, liver, eggs, butter
  • Vitamin C - Currant, rosehip, citrus, sea buckthorn, parsley, sweet pepper, strawberries
  • Vitamins Group B. - Sub-products, seeds, bread from coarse grinding flour, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, germinated cereals
  • Vitamin E. - liver, seeds, nuts, germinated cereals, creamy and vegetable oil, oatmeal, buckwheat, flax seed, eggs
  • Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron - Nuts, offal, cereals, apples
  • pay attention to State of the intestines of the child, T. K. Immunity depends on the intestinal microflora. It is in the intestines that the synthesis of immunoglobulin occurs, in addition, the linked intestine is an obstacle to the assimilation of the beneficiaries contained in food.
    In order for the intestines to be normal, try to drink more fermented dairy products, bio-bus and used food rich in fiber.

Hardening to strengthen immunity.

  • Hardening throat - Drink cool drinks, eat ice cream. It is necessary to act with caution, teach the child's throat to cold, you need gradually and neatly. You can start with cold water rinsing
  • General hardening the body - wiping with a wet towel, pouring cold water, contrasting shower, swimming pool.

Rinse of the oral cavity.
After each food, the child must rinse with salt water. This method will reduce the concentration of microbes and will save the teeth from caries. This procedure does not prevent adults.


  • it tool will save the child from frequent colds, angino etc. Take sea rounded pebbles. Follow them with warm boiled water with sea salt and vinegar drip. The child should walk barefoot on these pebbles for 3-5 minutes. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day
  • Useful massage feet Child with oils: 2 drops of eucalyptus butter, tea tree and lemon tree mix with 20 ml of any base oil. Massage Foot 2-3 minutes

Stress leads to the weakening of immunity. Try to make it so that the visit to the kindergarten was not stressful for a child. In addition, the desire to stay at home and do not go to the kindergarten can be a psychological cause of the disease.

Having achieved a three-year-old age, the child falls into an unusual environment: he already visits the kindergarten, it is often in contact with the peers and, as a result, is exposed to malicious microorganisms. Children begin to hurt. Parents think about how to help immunity.

Child Immunity

Parents are experiencing: how to raise immunity - a child for 3 years! The immune system is the ability of the body to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, own modified cells. Due to immunity, antibodies are produced that interfere with the penetration of infection. Children's immune system differs from an adult, the child is more susceptible to disease. Develop child-resistant to infection in children - the task of parents. This is especially important for 2-3-year-olds, which are preparing for a kindergarten: the resistance of the body is weak.

Starting from 2 years old, the kids especially need strong immunity. Why? Their contacts with the outside world are expanding: they are more walking, adapt to the environment. Infections can be transmitted from frequent peers, adults. The frequency of the disease affects the emotional attitude of the baby, which spends less time with mom. Therefore, the period from 2 to 3 years is the best age for hardening and teaching to the right lifestyle: strengthen health is better naturally.

When to start improving immunity in children

If the son or daughter falls 5-6 times a year, this is not alarm yet, because the body learns to resist, protective mechanisms are improved. But if diseases occur more often, it is worth a concern why to raise immunity - a child for 3 years. It should be noted, as the disease passes. If the infection does not cause a temperature rise, the treatment for a long time does not give proper effect and the recovery is delayed if the baby is sluggish, it is not allowed, pale, and the lymph nodes are increased, it is necessary to urgently apply to the immunologist and take into improving immunity.

How to raise immunity to a child

Even healthy children begin to hurt when they go to the kindergarten. The reason becomes what the immune system fails. A three-year-old kid oppresses an unusual situation for him, and this is stress leading to the weakening of the body's protective forces. How can I raise the immune system, if he is sick of the week? At home, methods of traditional medicine, drugs and hardening in a game form can be used. Over time, adaptation will come, the baby will strengthen.

How to increase immunity to a child after illness

What to raise immunity to a child to fight infections? After transferring diseases, the children's body is not ready to reflect the new offensive pathogenic microbes and viruses. Under time, the baby must be protected from contacts with people, among which there are diseases, to enable the immune system to recover. But this does not mean locked the baby in the hot room, feed with medicines. What to raise the immune system? Walk with him, exercise.

How to raise the child's immune system before a kindergarten

The immune system must be prepared for kindergarten, where the baby will be subject to constant contact with other children. It is necessary to order a child, to do physical exercise with it in the room after conducting, carry out wipes, dialing with a gradual decrease in the water temperature. After water procedures, it is necessary to wipe the body of the baby, dress it with warmer. Do not be afraid to walk in any weather in suitable clothes and shoes, do not boot.

What to increase immunity in a child? Provide it proper nutrition. The food must be a full, rich vitamin and mineral components. Sweets are better replaced by dried fruits or natural marmalade. Do not rush to peach a healthy man with immunostimulants. If there is an opportunity, to accustom to kindergarten in the summer, when there are fewer children. After a couple of months, the kid adapts. A healthy lifestyle will work out in the baby resistance to diseases.

How to increase immunity to a child

Support the health of children, can take care of immunity by normalization of the routine of the day. Fresh air, motor activity, good sleep, balanced nutrition will help to resist infections. Excellent if the baby sleeps in the afternoon - it gives him strength and good mood. Walking is an excellent tool for raising the child's immune system. The body will gradually adapt to various weather conditions. Parents should take care of the nervous system of the son or daughter: stresses weaken.

Folk remedies for immunity to children

For 3 years old and he often sick? So, it is necessary to try to strengthen immunity with the help of folk remedies, herbs, infusions, healing mixtures. Very often they are more efficient and safer than medicines. Here are some recipes:

  • 5 lemons twist through the meat grinder, add a glass of honey, 150 ml of aloe juice. Insist two days in a closed dish, give the baby on 1 teaspoon daily. Raises immunity and mood.
  • Two lemon and 1 kg of fresh berries of cranberries chop in the meat grinder, add 250 ml of honey, mix. This delicious and useful mixture will be with pleasure.
  • Increasing immunity to a child of three years such a folk remedy, full of vitamins and potassium: dried apricots, raisins, walnut kernels (200 g), 1 lemon. All chop in the meat grinder, connect with 200 ml of honey, keep in the refrigerator.

Vitamins for immunity to children

To strengthen the immune system, special complexes are needed that are sold in pharmacies and help eliminate hypovitaminosis. They contain the substances necessary for increasing immunity, which are necessary during the disease and for prevention. Vitamins will protect the baby from infections, they will appreciate the cells with oxygen, will improve metabolic processes, enhance the protective functions of the body, prevent the destruction of immune cells. But vitamins should enter the body daily.

We must know that:

  • vitamina and a lot in the liver, dairy products, carrots, eggs, pumpkin;
  • B2 (Riboflavin) is located in fish, meat, egg squirrel, cereals.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) will give peas, yeast, cauliflower, meat offal;
  • B6 (pyridoxin ) will come to the body with fish, chicken, cereals;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) contain poultry meat, any fish, eggs, milk;
  • vitamin from rich lemons, berries, green vegetables:
  • D3 (cholecalciferol) is in butter, yolk eggs;
  • E (antioxidant) contains nuts, cereals, seeds.

Preparations for lifting immunity in children

In the pharmacy you can buy an alphabet, peak, increasing immunity, especially in winter and in the spring, when the risk of getting sick. Doctors recommend interferon, immunal, viriferon, cycloferon, anaferon. Bacterial preparations contain microdoses of causative agents of infectious diseases, they teach the body to resist. IRS-19, Bronchomunal, Imudon will increase immunity, but a doctor should appoint them. Acidolac is produced in the form of Sasha, the contents should be stirred in yogurt, milk or water.

Video: How to raise immunity in a child

Autumn - the time of the first cold, in three months of the summer, children are too accustomed to walking in outdoor clothing and take sunbathing. Therefore, the first cold find our kids by surprise. How to raise immunity in a child - this question is asked almost every parent. At the moment, about 75% of children up to seven years have a weakened immunity, it particularly concerns the residents of megacities, where natural products containing vitamins are rare. Therefore, it is necessary to do pharmaceutical vitamins or folk remedies for increasing the child's immunity.

Let's see for a start, what kind of beast is this - immunity?

Immunity is the natural body resistance to various infections. Immunity - the result of the labor of the immune system, which produces many factors blocking the development of infection at the earliest stage of entering the body. Immunity is two species: specific and nonspecific. Simply put, specific is the immunity developed by the body independently, "on its own experience", as a result of suffering from diseases or vaccinations. His feature is that he opposes only one type of infection that has developed it.

Nonspecific immunity, on the contrary, protects the body from many non-specific microbes (a plurality of bacterial infections caused by pathogenic microbes: otitis, angina, bronchitis, pyelonephritis).

In children, the immune system is not so developed as in adults, therefore they are sick more often.

What does the child immunity depend on?

State of internal organs. The more coordinated the internal organs of the child, the higher his immunity. The immune system cannot develop if at least one internal kid body is affected. All the forces of the body will be spent on maintaining this body in working condition, and not to increase immunity.

Food child Vitamins, minerals and microelements should be brought into its body. The lack of a substance undermines the protective force of immunity. High-quality food is correct and diverse. More croup, vegetables, meat, poultry.

Psychological atmosphere. The quality of the child's life is determined by the emotional atmosphere in the family, school, kindergarten. If the psychological condition of the child is unstable, then there can be no speech about strong immunite. A healthy child is a child who gets a caress and love of his parents in full.

How to raise immunity to a child without resorting to drugs?

1. Good dream. Non-slip undermines immunity and reflected on well-being, brain and physical activity. The child should sleep at least 9-10 hours.

2. Movement - Life. First of all - charging. Also, write down the child to the pool, in the sports section, on dancing - it does not matter where! No diseases are not terrible and vigorous.

3. Take a rule every evening to brew home herbal tea. In such herbs, like a lot of useful substances. Moreover, they help normalize sleep.

4. Hiking. Fresh air when walking enriches blood oxygen, strengthens the nervous system, removes the voltage.

5. Cold and hot shower Perfectly improves blood circulation and increases the immune system of the child. Pay attention to contraindications: diseases of heart and blood, high pressure. Alternate should be cold shower with hot every 10 seconds for a couple of minutes. After the procedure, you need to lose the skin of the skin with a towel.

6. Vegetables and fruits. Every day, in the diet of your child should be at least one vegetable and one fruit. I think you should not repeat about the mass of vitamins and useful substances. In season, cold will increase the number of fruits containing vitamin C (lemon,).

7. Bath and sauna (In the absence of contraindications), it has long been considered therapeutic and preventive tool from many diseases. The bath improves blood circulation, expands the vessels, which helps the body to output toxins and increase the immune system.

8. Hardening. Definitely, to start hardening the child from 3-4 years, it is worth it. During hardening procedures, it is necessary to flatter the child's nutrition, providing it with fresh and healthy food. For the body of a beginner mortar, hardening - stress and he needs the forces that he takes from food in order to resist and strengthen the immune system.

Preparations for improving the immunity of children

1. Preparations of the interferon group (Viferon, Infpopheron). Biologically active substances that have the ability to block the development of infections are called interferons. More often, the aforementioned drugs for immunity for children are used in the treatment of colds. Experienced, it was found that the use of such drugs in the first days of the disease significantly reduces the duration of the disease, and also prevents the emergence of complications.

2. Inductors of endogenous interferon (Anaferon, Amixin). The presented group of drugs stimulates the production of interferons by the child itself. Used in the treatment of colds and viral infections. I would like to note that inductors of endogenous interferon can not be taken with interferon preparations. Reception of these drugs in a healthy state will not bring any effect.

3. Preparations of bacterial origin (Biostim, Imudon, Likopid). It contains the smallest bacteria-causative agents of infection, which in such a small quantity will not cause harm to the body, but they stretch the immune system of the child. These drugs for children increase not only local, but also common immunity. It is recommended for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, as well as diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, sinusitis).

4. Preparations of plant origin (immunal,). The advantage of such drugs for the immunity for children is a plant basis. Preventive treatment is carried out at the beginning of autumn, before the start of the school year. The duration of such treatment is no more than two months.

Take care of your children, appreciate and love them. Successes!

Each child is born with natural immunity, which from the first days of the life of the baby struggles with all sorts of microorganisms and viruses. When Choo begins to get acquainted with the society - a kindergarten, a school, he has to contact him more often with alien bacteria. With colds complicated by angina or bronchitis, immunity gives a "slack" and needs additional support. The increase in children's immunity is a difficult task, and traditional medicine will help to cope with her.

Causes of weak children's immunity

Many parents, not wanting to feed the child on the recipes of doctors with all sorts of immunostimulants, badges and other chemistry, are wondering how to increase the immune system to the child by folk remedies. The stability of immunity largely depends on the elementary norms, observing which, you can keep the state of the immune system under control.

What can be the cause of decline of children's immunity:

  • adverse living conditions of the child (frequent change of residence, uncompraced life, etc.);
  • depressing atmosphere in the family, children's team, constant finding a child in a conflict environment;
  • monotonous and unbalanced nutrition with low nutritional value;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • weak congenital immunity.

Constantly facing the source of the weakening of immunity, the baby risks to acquire the majority of the "bouquet" of diseases, all sorts of violations in the organs and systems of its body.

On a note! The effect of the pathogenic factor for a long time is able to lead even to the initial development of immunodeficiency, which carries danger not only to health, but also directly for children's life.

We increase immunity with a call

The first thing from which the strengthening of children's immunity begins is the formation of a healthy lifestyle. What is only worth the phrase "in a healthy body - a healthy mind!", And after all, it correctly displays the essence of maintaining the entire body in a tone. Strengthen children's immunity with simple life rules is not at all difficult. Another thing is that these rules require systematics and regular compliance. Only in this case will be able to achieve the most important result - so that the child does not hurt.


The room in which the child sleeps and spends most of the time must be regularly ventured. This does not mean that the window should be kept constantly open all year round, just 1-2 times a day to ventilate a room for 10 minutes. The ventilation room will be filled with oxygen and wet air, comfortable for breathing and necessary for health, cheerfulness and mental activity of the child.

Frequent walks and movement

If the child does not attend a pre-school institution, or forced to spend time at home, do not lock it in four walls. The more Chado moves, the better its lungs are revealed; Muscular activity makes a child clever, dynamic. Useful any kind of gymnastics after awakening and light gymnastics before bedtime.

Full nutrition

To organize the right diet from a child is easy if you approach this issue with understanding of the case. Proper nutrition should include the daily use of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and cereals. The balanced menu helps to take into account the necessary daily dose of all vitamins and minerals. But if there is no time for compiling, it will be enough that the child will eat for breakfast porridge, in the afternoon on the snack - an apple and carrot, and for dinner there will be rice with a piece of chicken.

Walking barefoot

Practice with the child walking barefoot. Stimulating each of the sections of the foot not only warns the appearance of orthopedic problems, but also strengthens the nervous system, improves the work of congenital immunity. Teach Choo from the Small years to concern with bare feet of the most surfaces. Walking around the pebbles, Rungery on the grass in the country, the immersion of the stop in the sea sand - the compatibility brings the hardening effect and positively affects children's health.

Strong and long sleep

It is no secret that sleep is another "tool" of maintaining immunity and the body in a state of health. The child must be saturated at the maximum, and 8 hours for the preschooler are categorically insufficient. If in the family an early rise, then you need to lay a child not later than 21 hours.

Effective folk recipes for immunity

When the number of child diseases over the year exceeds 10 or more times, it's time to alert - with immunity is not all right, and begin to take action. At first, you can try folk remedies to increase immunity in children. They are absolutely harmless and have no contraindications, and the effectiveness of such folk methods is tested not by one tenth years.

  • For children for 2-3 years, it is useful to give a liner mixture from dried fruits, honey and nuts. For this, in equal parts, grind walnut, dried walnut, prunes, cedar nuts, mix with honey and give as a dessert on a teaspoon after the main meal. Such a simple means will replace a whole complex of synthetic vitamins.
  • One of the effective ways to strengthen the health of children is 4-5 years during seasonal colds, this is the reception of the beam (for children from 12 years old - tincture) Echinacea for immunity. Echinacea is a field plant that has a positive impact on the immune system, stimulating its work and thereby preventing the emergence of infections of various etiology. Herb of Echinacea can be purchased at the pharmacy and give the child at the first signs of the appearance of a cold: 1 tsp. Dry component brew boiling water and give a warm decoction instead of tea.
  • If the child is about 6-7 years old, and he has no allergies for citrus, then as a means that strengthens the immune system, a ground lemon with honey is suitable. The "slaughter" dose of vitamin C in this bright fruit in combination with natural bee honey is able to efficiently support and restore immunity during seasonal colds. A couple of lemons must be carefully flushed and scroll through the meat grinder together with the skin. Crumpled lemon crawl mix with liquid lime honey equal to quantity. Tool shock into a glass container. Add a child to tea instead of sugar, or in hot water to taste.
  • Another of the most useful plants from traditional medicine to strengthen the immunity - Eleutherococcus. The tincture of this healing grass can be taken no earlier than the child will be 12 years old. But you can even cook a decoction of dry raw materials. It is very convenient to use Eleutherococcus in the filter - bags, one bag into a one-time welding. Take this tool you need after eating twice a day.

    Few people know, but some funds strengthening immunity are growing in our windowsill. Aloe is a common flower that can be found in every second house. Its juice has a bactericidal action, and its action is comparable to antiviral ointments, such as oxolin. Before entering public place, you order a child of 1 drop in the nostril of freshly squeezed aloe juice. You can apply this People's Council even kids age in a year and a half year old.

Important! In extreme situations, when the child's immunity no longer cope with ordinary colds and the disease instantly flows into the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take advice from the immunologist. Remember that the child's health is one thing, and better at the initial stage, make every effort to form healthy immunity than then look for ways to restore it.