How to start a conversation with a guy "in contact"? Useful tips for girls. How to communicate with a man so that he always has an interest

Completely different people are hard enough. And with the fact that the men's and women's psyche differ, no one will argue. No wonder now there is such a mass of jokes dedicated to mutual understanding of the floors. What is there to go far - to take at least phrases about women's logic or about male habits (for example, lying on the couch with a beer in hand, while the wife fuses around, making a lot of homework). In this article, I want to talk about how to communicate with a man: what to do to be heard, and what mistakes in communication with representatives of the opposite sex is better to avoid.

The main rule

It is worth saying that the tips on this topic can be given a great set. Meanwhile, it is not possible to reinvent the bike, but to find out all the important information, so to speak, from the original source. Yes, yes, tell us how to communicate with a man, maybe myself guy. It is necessary to ask him about it. After all, how many people, so many opinions, and therefore, there is no universal "recipe". But there is one thing: it is possible to do so, only if the relationship with this person is already very strong and trusted. At the first stages of dating, such questions are not recommended, it is better to comply with the general rules of decency when communicating. But when the relationships reach a certain stage, with his beloved you need to always speak openly and directly, so as not to make what he does not like or Tuj annoys. By the way, the young man should also come.

Banal politeness

So how to communicate with a man? First of all, we note that no one has canceled politeness yet. Guys are the same people, and they also require a good attitude towards themselves. Do not forget to tell them "Thank you", "please", etc. All requests and comments should be correct. Special category of question - quarrels. Everything happens, and the passions of passions are provided here (where so without it?), However, at the moments of finding out the relationship, it is not necessary to pour all the dirt on the guy, then you will have to regret it. Remember the mutual respect and the rules of decency (even if it happens quite hard).


Young young ladies who are interested in how to communicate with a man, the following recommendation will be useful: you need to know how to formulate your requests to it. So, the guys do not like the arrogance and narcissists, who believe that the whole world is spinning around them. All requests again should be based on politeness. Forget about the ordinary tone - he is not a servant and not a boy on bliss. Remember o - not a single normal "man" will not tolerate, so that the legs wiped it. The strongest weapon of women6a is its weakness. Helpless look, insecurity in their own power, a timid question: "Could you (could you) ...?" - Do your job. And the representative of the strong half of humanity already feels a superhero ...

Topics for conversation

Many girls wonder: "How to communicate with a man so that he has always had an interest?" The answer to indecent is simple: to be interesting to him. To do this, you need to read a lot, develop in different industries. Those times passed when a smart woman was considered a white crow. Today, a lady just needs to be educated, for a modern man is in dire need of a highly intelligent satellite of life. Thus, to be able to determine the attention of representatives of the opposite sex for a long time, it will have to try to trough. However, it is not necessary at every opportunity to "shine with the mind", it is best to simply be able to competently support the conversation. If knowledge in a particular area is very weak, there are no or based on rumors, it is better to pose, not to talk frank nonsense and do not put themselves with a silly. But there is one thing: some guys are just afraid of smart girls, because they are not too developed. Therefore, this method can not only bind a young man to yourself, but also to scare away. What to do? Looking forward to the object of your sympathy, listen to his speech, pay attention to manners. All these little things are capable of telling a lot.


Very important advice for those who do not know how to communicate with a man to tame a handsome man: do not arrange scandals and disassembly. The guys do not like this terribly! A sad glance and quietly accustomed tears will make much stronger than screams and hysterics. In addition, every woman must remember that men can not tolerate when they "wicked" brains, especially if the reason is nonsense, not worthwhile. To arrange the scene, because the guy did not call or talked with another girl in social networks or live, - a huge nonsense. If the quarrel is abandoned, say everything is directly, not hinting and not trying to make him get to think independently. After all, what seems important to us, men often seem to be a trickle. In general, the best development of events is a frank conversation, without screams and morals. Sit, slamming the door, very easy. It is much more difficult to stay, listen, understand and accept.


We go further, dealing with how to communicate with men. You must give them freedom. The guy does not need to throw sms-kami every 10 minutes, it is not necessary to name it all day (except that the young man does like that or he likes it). Understand: People need to relax a little from each other. And yes, he must have its own space. And hiking with friends on football or cafe. Try to turn this minus borrowing in Plus: Let him get bored for you! This does not mean that it is necessary to pretend that his adventures are indifferent to you. No, just let go of it ...


What else can you suggest women who want to understand how to communicate with men? Do not control them. The guys are terribly not like to like when a woman takes on the role of Mom and wants to know when and where she was his beloved, what did and what he went. This is a certain continuation of the rule of freedom, but with small reservations. There is even an old joke that a man, like the dog, needs to be kept on the leash of medium length: not too short, so that he does not try to touch him, but not too long, so that he could not run around the corner.


You can also recommend the girls who want to know how to competently communicate with men, the following: We must always be in a good mood. Of course, there can sometimes be exceptions, but the displeased expression of the face of the lady can not just upset the man, but also to set it up negatively. Well, think about who, who is interested in braking the princess, Nesmeyuana? Another thing is when the girl smiles, laughs, and sometimes even fools (from time to time you can afford and such behavior). All this will cause a guy only pleasant impressions and the corresponding positive reaction.

Listen and hear

Who does not know that this truth is old as the world. How often, sneaking, we declare that the guys do not hear us. And what are you? But they also want to be listened to. And at the same time they also heard. Do not ignore the stories of your beloved about how the day went. Especially you need to get together with the forces and listen to a young man when he tells about his passion: hunting, fishing, football ... And if a girl decides that it is interesting, she will ask questions or make a competent remark, a man will come in full delight And look at it completely differently.

Zodiac signs

About how women should communicate with men - representatives of different signs of the zodiac, it is worth talking separately.

  1. Aries. By nature, these men are energetic, restless and always in motion. To cause interest in your person, you need to be well-read and a very educated lady.
  2. How to communicate with a man-taurus? This is a very interesting question. So, these are open people, emotional and sincere. The same they will require and from in such relations the lady it is better to remain the same and remember that the calves love honesty and devotion.
  3. Twins. Representatives of this sign on their nature of freedom-loving and not too serious. From communicating with a twin guy, a woman should not expect much. The lack of obligations and the minimum of requirements is the key to successful relationships.
  4. Crayfish These are people of strong spirit and tremendous will. To hit the representative of this sign of the zodiac, it is necessary to relate to its weaknesses, as well as be benevolent.
  5. How to communicate with a man-lion? Here the name of the character of the zodiac circle speaks for itself. So, these are people who love themselves, besides, they are leaders in nature. To communicate with such a person you need a maximum of equal and in no way to put yourself at least a little higher. Lions love praise very much and do not tolerate betrayal. If you comply with these simple rules, communication with the lion will be pleasure.
  6. Virgin. Representatives of this sign are hardworking, have a cold calculating mind. Their interest will cause those ladies that are well educated, advanced through the career ladder (reached a certain level in labor activity). Also Virgin love praise.
  7. The next sign - scales. What you need to remember in this case? How to communicate with a man? Scales are people who often change their opinions. At the same time, they are calm, funny and attentive. And the lady should be the same. In a difficult minute for them, you need to quit everything and be near: these nature, like no other, require attention and support.
  8. Scorpio. The question of how to communicate with a scorpion man is incredibly relevant, since these are extraordinary individuals. Often this is a dealership of pride. Communicate with representatives of this sign is better at ease, without provoking them on a quarrel. If you know about a weak point of such a man, do not try to use this information as a weapon directed against him - nothing good will lead to anything. Scorpio may be painfully painful, and not only in a word.
  9. Sagittarius. These are very sociable men. Therefore, the lady should be ready to communicate with many of their friends and acquaintances. Prohibitions In this respect, the chosen will not understand and will not accept. The basic rules of communication with the Sagittarius: do not open all secrets (they do not know them in themselves) and not impose.
  10. Capricorn. By nature, this is very patient and restrained personals. In addition, they are always serious and often do not like excessive greeliness. Communicating with a representative of this sign, all the time you need to prove your reliability and loyalty. And do not forget that Capricors demand from their halves of understanding and sympathy.
  11. Aquarius. No less need to be a hint on how to communicate with a man-water. These people are not arrogant, sociable. They need to be equal with them, they love it. In addition, you need to remember two important item: a conviction will not succeed, you should not even start; The status is not important for representatives of this sign, but the inner world of the interlocutor is of great importance.
  12. Fish. By nature, fish are very susceptible to everything that surrounds them, they are also very wounded. Find a common language with a representative of this sign is not so easy, for he does not allow everyone to him. Only showing goodwill, sincerity, and later complete devotion, you can earn the love of male fish.


And now let's talk about what a girl should be avoided in communicating with guys.

  1. Do not teach. A woman should not indicate a young man what to do or talk is a huge mistake.
  2. Do not interrupt. The man needs to be completely listened to, not trying to insert their "five kopecks". Only after the end of the monologue, you can express your opinion on this or that matter.
  3. Do not criticize. It is strictly forbidden to criticize the guy himself or his closest environment, especially parents and friends.
  4. Do not impose. If a man at the moment can not or does not want to communicate, you do not need to insist on this.
  5. Do not extol. Girls should remember that you do not need to advertise too much, even if you are an angel in the flesh. Let the guy know gradually and preferably from alien mouths. And every time emphasizes what kind of clever you are just stupid.

And the last thing I want to say is: all the rules and tips are good, however, you don't need to dwell too much. It must be remembered that in communication with the representative of the opposite sex, you need to be at the maximum open and natural, and then everything will happen by itself, and communication will be released on the level that both.

We are all different, and if someone has a communication with the opposite sex, it goes to others, then for others, it becomes an insurmountable problem for others. Increased impactivity and pressure may be peculiar to both men and women of different age categories. But today we will talk about young people, about youths and girls. Or rather, how to start a conversation with a guy a girl who is not distinguished by courage and freezing.

For example, you see the guy for the first time, but suggests something: this person can change your life for the better. Rate the situation and act creatively. Be afraid, shy, comprehensive, then, after. And now - imbued with one thought: "If we don't get acquainted, I will not conspire - it will disappear in the crowd, and we will never see you again!" The best motivation for your further action, a cute lady, and not need! And then - in circumstances.

  1. How to start a conversation with a guy if you are traveling in transport? More ideal opportunity and invent hard! Toleric is your ally. You can ask for permission to hold for his elbow, sprouting the grimace of helplessness and confusion, praps for persuasive cilia. No matter how stupid it does not look like - it will work, you can be sure! After all, you will touch on one of the main psychological male "dotnikov": according to your request to understand what you see in a young man, self-sufficient individual, able to protect a weak woman. And if the guy sits, ask permission to sit down on your knees! Believe me, you need to gain courage only for the first phrase: "Sorry, I'm so tired (in the sports training, in the dancing classes, running shopping shopping, looking for a buzzing dog - in one word, compose as true as possible), no strength stand, and Together with warmer (if winter) ... ". And then chat with a guy will go by itself. After all, now you are young, and youth is already the charm yourself, plus some tricks of possession of cosmetics ... A young man will be pleased with the attention from a pretty stranger. If he is not shy and not clamped, an interesting lyrical adventure is provided to you!
  2. Do you see a pleasant young man just outside or outside the window cafe? Well, here there are many ways to start a conversation with a guy. If you are with a girlfriend, you can approach the as closely as possible (not disturbing the decencies, naturally!) And, let's say, a ringing infectious laugh (but not vulgar laughter) to attract his attention. It is several times to look at him, trying to catch his eyes and slightly to smile to him personally. Napping such an obvious young man and does not seem to get acquainted with you. Another opportunity to start a conversation with a guy in this situation is to approach him and say that you have argued about something with a friend and ask to become a judge in your dispute (we can go about the sensational film and his directory, about what then book, athlete, etc.). Here the main thing is the first step. And then the matter will go by itself.
  3. The young man you like lives next door or studying with you in one institution, you go to the overall gym, you have a real opportunity to meet him several times a day with him on the streets, in corridors and other places? Watch him, find out the routine of his day. Try to come across to my eyes. At the same time, it is desirable that you have something that distinguishes you from the total mass, it will make acquaintance with a guy easier. For example, bright clothes, long loose hair ... Seeing you several times on the day in different situations, the guy gets used to you, starts to subconsciously perceive you as "yours." After a week and a half of such meetings, once again passing by, say hello to him. Make it with an ordinary, business tone, as of course, of course. And so a couple of days. Soon the young man will greet you first, then the tone can be done warmer, sincere, and it will be the next stage of your task - how to start a conversation with a guy. With such a situation, the next step on rapprochement will already do it myself!

Notes Finally

What we advised you in this article, dear girls, probably, only a hundredth part of the possible options for action. You can refer to the guy about your mobile phone, referring to his malfunction, you can ask the way or find out what time it is to ask the breed of his dog or ask for a leash for the leash, while you are on sneakers or fasten the unfounded boot ...

The main thing is not to be afraid, do not get dry. And when the conversation rose - try to behave naturally, and unobtrusively let the young man understand that he is sympathetic to you.

Romance in your life more!

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It so happened that the girls rarely show the initiative, it is prerogative guys. But what to do, if reluctant to wait or do not want to lose a chance to talk, and perhaps and continue to get acquainted with your favorite guy? Is it possible to make it unobtrusively and nice? You only need to use small secrets.

Do not be shy

Woman should be modest and brought up to start the conversation first. No need to blush, stuff and hide a look when talking.

It is necessary to be the most open, natural and liberated in the good sense of the word. The main trump card is let and imagination, but ease.

The guy should not see that you are embarrassing, scary, or that you do not know where to start. You should immediately seem to him cheerful, perky, somewhat pissing.

Do not be afraid that the guy will think that you are frivolous. All your fine nature, deep soul and light mind you will show him later. Your task at the stage of the first conversation is to lure, attract, cause interest. And the modest gray mouse is unlikely to like it.


If we are talking about a random acquaintance or an unforeseen situation, you will not know anything about the guy. We will have to act spontaneously. But if you have already seen before the object of your interest, maybe even familiar, but then "hello" does not matter, learn more about it:

  • If he is a sweet tooth: cross the cakes;
  • loves films of a specific category - look at them and then you can talk about it;
  • adores cars - learn brands and car parts.

You need to know what the guy is interested. Then you will not fall into an awkward situation (for example, congratulate it with the Christian holiday, and he will be a Buddhist or offer to try a delicious cake, and he is convinced of the refrigerated). You can also know exactly what to talk to him than to interest.

Having learned more about the guy you will create an interesting image of an interesting, diverse girl who knows the lot in many ways. It will be interested in a guy. You will not be ignored.

How to approach

The most important question remains the right one to begin to speak. What a question is to ask that it is not stupid and trite. And how to make the guy listen to you, became interested and did not convince?

It is necessary to find the right moment. Consider some of the most common situations:

At work:

  1. It is convenient to talk during lunch ( "Oh, you also have salted soup?" "I love buckwheat, and you?");
  2. perfectly scold bosses together ( "Chef, very nervous lately");
  3. you can lend a cigarette (" Oh, smoking threw, but because of the working stress again broke, we can't treat one? ");
  4. invite on coffee during a break ( "Let's go drink coffee, they say in the next cafe he is otmnaya");
  5. but the best option will be a request for help ( "Sorry, please, my computer hovers, help. I heard that you cope with it perfectly ").

It is with a request for help when your eyes are begging (remember the cat from Shrek), and the voice is quiet, but at the same time confident, you can start friendship and conversations. Especially important at the same time praise a man. He immediately melts.

On learning:

Here everything is simple - to really ask about the location of the cabinet, ask the book, talk about the teacher, ask for a council about something relating to study ("Sorry, are you with 25 groups? Have you already been a Sidorenko teacher? They say it is very strict"). And everything, it will go.

The main thing is to naturally depict the excitement, fright, joy.

And show him with all his own kind that his answer is very valuable for you: "Thank you, so let us pass our that Sidorenko is not so strict".

In transport:

You can ask about the stop ( "Sorry, and you do not know when to go out to go to the sport committee") Or ask: "Sorry, I did not come to your leg?" Or something like that.

Be natural, usually in transport to get acquainted very hard.

The exception is the train and the plane when you really go to fly, fly. Here you can find a variety of questions: "Are you afraid to fly? - Not? And I'm afraid. And how do you calm down before flying? " Or, for example, a dreamily looking into the train window to pronounce: "How beautiful, I remember sometime in my childhood my grandmother in the village was exactly the same pond as we just drove ..." You will begin the first, but most men will continue the conversation. After all, you will give a sign that they are ready to talk.

In the cafe:

It is sometimes difficult to start acquaintance here, because in most cases it come here either to eat quickly or together or companies. Therefore, it is necessary to find a reason, for example, ask for help with a telephone or laptop, suddenly "randomly" hung. Suggest enter the password from Wi-Faya in a cafe ( "Bitch hour I enter the password, but for some reason all the time a mistake"). And when a young man agrees to help, be sure to praise him and thank for the help. Most men will continue to acquaint.

On the party:

In principle, it is not necessary to invent anything here: weddings, name days, birthdays, a variety of walking have to talk to conversations and acquaintances.

You can ask about whether the guy is a guy at the wedding, like health, if a person you have seen before, invite to the white dance, to ask if he did not see any of your trinkets.

Ask to look together for a lens or pin, but anything. The main thing is that it looks like you randomly lost something, and then everyone asked if they did not see the loss. In the end, at the party you can just approach and introduce yourself: "Hi, I am Maria, you have beautiful eyes. Let's Dance". And everything, nothing more thing is necessary.

On the street:

If you liked the guy in the park, on the street, in a public place - pretend to be a tourist. Tell me that we came to the city on a tour, study or something else cannot find, for example, theater or some monument. Most likely, you will not only help, but even agree to spend. And then take the phone guy and ask, causing innocently with eyes: "And suddenly I will not find, I can call you back, and you explain to me how to go there again?" Of course, in case of continuing the relationship, it will be a little difficult to explain to him why it suddenly you have become a tourist in your hometown. But you are important to the first effect, the impression. Then explain everything.

Or you can just ask trite: "How to go to the museum or any other organization". Motivate this by the fact that the streets were renamed, and you just got confused. Even in the hometown is full of places that no one knows or difficult to find them.

Emit kindness

If you want to speak first - forget about aggression, malice, be prepared for defeat. Not the fact that you will be answered.

If it really happened that you received a refusal, you ignored you - do not perceive it to heart.

Friendly smile laughing eyes, good intonation in a voice - all this will place a guy to you. No need to try to be perfect. But more positive for you will be a huge plus.

If you are being prepared for the fact that today will speak with someone new - you should look stunning.

But no need to overdo it, let the guy think that you are always charming. Everything should be in moderation: perfume, cosmetics, clothing emphasizing the figure, but not causing. A light charm, a little elegance and a very little inaccessibility - and everything will work out.

Open questions

If you start the conversation first, always ask open questions. It is necessary for the guy to start talking and entered into contact. Even if it is a banal: "How to go to the clinic?" Do not finish the question. Continue "And then I have complications after the influenza, the ear hurts the ear. Now many influenza. Did you have? " Of course, all this should be smoothly, gently, without pressure. But so you can start talking, contact will appear, the guy "Talking".

Many girls who saw near the photo of the guy who at the moment they are interested in the mark "online", they immediately think about what to write to him. By the way, the question of "in contact" is mainly interested in the audience from twelve to seventeen years, that is, teenagers. According to numerous polls, people over seventeen-eighteen prefer alive, and not virtual communication.

How to start a conversation with a guy "in contact" if you are not familiar?

Perhaps looking through the list of friends from one of the acquaintances, you hit an interesting questionnaire. You naturally wanted to communicate with its owner. But here it begins to torment the question of how to start a conversation with a guy "in contact". First you need to overcome the insecurity, if there is a one. Remember: starting the conversation, you do not lose anything absolutely. Of course, the young man who liked you may not justify expectations, but it is possible that you have a lot of common interests. You can start a conversation with simple: "Hi!" After not to use the banal phrase "How are you?", For politeness, ask if a young man has a correspondence with you.

Having received an affirmative answer, you can fully manage the situation! For example, look at its audio recordings and browse the list of favorite performers and music groups. Open video. Perhaps there are saved several films that you could discuss when talking. Pay attention to the guy's speech manner, finding out in this way whether he wants to continue communication.

How to start a conversation "in contact" if you are already familiar with the young man?

Maybe you learn together / work / regularly attend the same event, go to one gym. Options dozens, but the essence is one - you are familiar. Maybe you occasionally communicate in reality or only nour each other in greeting. Start from the scheme placed in the first part of the article ("How to start a conversation with a guy" in contact "if you are not familiar?")

As you know it a little, you should at least superficially be aware of it will significantly simplify the task. Again, watch his speech. If he answers reluctantly and short phrases, then most likely does not want to communicate. But in the case when the guy enthusiastically responds to the questions you specified or, which is even better, asks you myself, then everything is fine.

How to start a conversation "in contact" with his guy after a quarrel?

Come on with his second half, we are all waiting for the partner of the first step to restore relations, while remaining proud and arrogant. But what to do if the girl wants to make up, but it is still difficult for her to talk to a guy at a meeting, and there is no desire to invite him to this meeting? The optimal option is a conversation in the social network. You can write him one long letter or just lead the usual conversation, if desired. Adhere to several rules: Do not use abnormative vocabulary, intelligibly explain your thoughts and argue them, do not use sharp statements towards his friends, friends, relatives.

The Internet. It would seem that the innocent word, but how much all it carries. Through the Internet you can buy, sell, change, fall in love and, in the end, get married. Yes, if you take this miracle, and here our life will find a gray monotonous color. The days will become boring, night sleepy. As in general, you can imagine at least one day without this almighty monster communication. Nowadays, it is not embarired for a long time to get acquainted in the network. And where else to find a suitable friend, the interlocutor, a guy, as not in the virtual world. Only here you can find out, communicating with him, whether he is suitable for you and is it worth continuing to continue to continue to communicate in real life.

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Photo Gallery: How to start a conversation with a guy on the Internet

And here we are sideways in chat rooms and social networks in the hope of meeting the only one with whom you can share your feelings. And so, it seems you found it (at least, you think so at this stage), day after day, you follow when it appears online and wait, but suddenly a miracle happens and he will write you himself. But believe me, miracles are very rare. Therefore, do not wait "By the sea of \u200b\u200bthe weather" and begin to act itself. Just write him first. Let's think together how to start a conversation with a guy on the Internet?

Let's start with the fact that you should clearly post the fact that you want from your chosen object. Without this, you can not act clearly, guided only by what you like. Sympathy is different. For example, he might like it exclusively as a friend, in this case and the tactics of the battle is completely different. The main thing is not to confuse a sense of a friendly sympathy with a sense of attraction to the guy, otherwise there may be misunderstanding between you, which are hardly positively affect your further communication. So, how to start a conversation with a guy on the Internet? Remember any first communication, whether it is virtual or in real life, should be based on one clearly built plan: Establishment of contact, a story about yourself, in other words "presentation itself," and, directly, communication in the form of a dialogue with the conclusions about the future fate of your relationship (for example, a meeting in real life).

The second step, which is necessary to establish contact, should be the collection of information about this guy. Study from "A to Z" his questionnaires and photo albums on social networks (in contact, classmates, Facebook, different chat rooms, where he sits), see if you have common friends who would help you learn it as much as possible. On the photographs, pay attention, how he spends his free time, what kind of institutions visit, the person in itself is active. It will help you to learn how to learn about his interest, hobby, beloved music, movies, etc. By the way, it can happen that you have something to be tastes, and this is already plus, and knowing as much as possible about Him, you will be much easier to establish contact with him. And by the way, more precisely fill out your questionnaires, whatever the guy also had an idea of \u200b\u200bwho communicates with. Surride your electronic photo albums, lay out the best pictures, preferably in different angles and various places where you were to see that you are an active cheerful man. Personal photos should be clear, where your face is well and clearly seen. If you have beautiful, eyes, hair, sponge emphasize it in our pictures.

Communication itself start with the standard: "Hi! How are you?". By the way, another "plus" is the fact that guys, as a rule, are much more likely to come to a conversation with girls, so to start your conversation with an extraordinary phrase, it is not worth it. Well, if you, of course, you want everything at once, then write him something like "Hello! How do you look at to get acquainted with cute and while the lonely girl! " Or, for example, "Hello, and you could not tell ...", and then your fantasy is already. His answer will tell you how to behave with him further.

And here your first contact took place. Do not miss the fact that starting communication with this person, you may be disappointed somewhere in the depths of the soul, waiting for another thing. But do not forget that there are no ideal people, so do not give up at once. Perhaps in real life it is not at all like that. But no matter how there it was, in any situation, they don't agree without any hints, be yourself, in no case do not deceive it, in any case, I answer all questions as it is (do not start communicating with deception, because sooner or later It will be a reality). Show him your interest as you like to communicate with him, as interesting. Tell something interesting about yourself, your hobbies, friends (story from their or your life), create your own image in his head. Of course, a lot of talking about yourself is not worth it that he needs to know he will ask himself. Try to answer all his questions without leaving the answer, and also feel free to ask him what interests you. And do not forget to leave at least some information to meet in real life. Try to joke, for example, throw off a couple of jokes or funny links. I think, at this stage you will already have a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200beach other. And you will understand what exactly the person sits on the other side of the monitor. And then you will come to help your knowledge of him, which you read out of his questionnaire. To support the conversation, offer to discuss, some film, a book (all as part of his interests), if you have common sympathies, it will not be superfluous to hint about it. Try more to ask his opinion, you can even argue about something. Installing the contact and first impression at this stage are completed. Do not overgrime stick in communication, in one day a lot of information, it is too. Do not forget that any communication should be completed (in the good sense of the word), thank, for communication and hint, how it would be nice to continue in the future.