How to keep the look of a natural fur coat for a long time. Tips for caring for natural fur. fashion coats. Fur care. How to clean natural fur products at home and other useful tips

Hello dear readers.

Today it began to rain and the thought that it would be time to clean and hide the furs and all winter clothes began to knock on our minds more and more often.

All the same, it’s enough to scare the spring with your sheepskin coats and fur coats. Let's remember a few rules for storing and cleaning fur. It is only at first glance that storing and cleaning fur is a simple matter.

Storing and cleaning fur at home

So we begin to hide winter clothes and questions are pouring out of a bag: when to clean the fur, or maybe not clean it, but throw it away; how long does fur last? I will give here, well-known and not so, tips for caring for furs.

fur sock

The service life of fur products is long. For example, rabbit fur wears out most quickly, it will last up to 4 years, mink will last up to 12 years, and arctic fox up to 7 years, the “long-liver” is otter and beaver fur - they are worn up to 20 years, provided that the fur is stored correctly . Fur cleaning also plays an important role in the life of the fur.

The following signs will help you find out that furs have already worn out:

  • loss of color uniformity;
  • dust deposits;
  • formations in the form of nodules, tangled lumps, split ends of the fur.
  • particles of debris between the hairs.

What can not be done with fur things at home?

Fur cleaning starts from the opposite. Here, the conditions that cannot be done with fur are more important.

  1. Wash stains on your own, wash fur, wet with water and detergent or powder.
  2. Dry the fur coat on the battery, over the fire, heating devices. It's like drying your hair with a hairdryer - very harmful. After all, we know that there should be thermal protection for the hair, and, accordingly, drying the fur after rain or snow should be in a ventilated room, but not in a draft! Fur cleaning only after drying.
  3. Remember that the fur coat is leveled on its own and it is strictly forbidden to iron it!

fur storage

  • When laying fur items in a box, dry them in the air in the shade. After drying the fur thing, carefully knock it out and shake it.
  • It is better to store coats with fur collars and fur coats in plastic bags (air access is mandatory, otherwise the fur will deteriorate) or in thick paper bags. Be sure to put a moth repellant in there.
  • So that the fur does not wrinkle, these bags should not be put down, but hung in a closet.
  • Light fur turns yellow from light, so store it in heavy dark paper bags.
  • Do not hang dyed and undyed fur side by side - undyed fur can be stained.
  • Do not hang against a wall with whitewash: lime spoils the fur.
  • If the fur coat is wrinkled, wipe it with a damp sponge and shake it to dry.
  • Fur hats are best kept in boxes so they don't lose their shape.
  • Store fur garments separately from woolen and felt ones.

How to store a fur coat

What does not like fur?

  • Light . Natural fur does not like artificial, bright light and direct sunlight. Many products turn yellow, already in the window.
  • Leather beetles, they say b - they like to feast on fur products, especially those that have not been remembered for a long time. You can save a fur coat with a bag of lavender and proper storage in perforated cases.
  • Cosmetics and perfumery. Especially fur does not like perfume and foundation. Apply perfume in advance, put on a fur coat after it is completely dry. Foundation is also dangerous, so put a scarf or scarf around your neck.
  • Nobuk and suede accessories. A fur coat that has come into contact with accessories made of such materials may become stained in their color. Cleaning the fur after that is very difficult.

How to clean yellowed fur

Folk recipes for cleaning fur:

  • To clean light fur from dirt, you need to take starch or semolina, sprinkle it on a fur coat, and then comb it well.
  • The use of alcohol solutions, a mixture of water and vinegar, hydrogen peroxide for cleaning light fur can be fraught with consequences. They may help to remove dirty and greasy stains from natural fur, but this is a huge risk! And getting such a solution on the core can seriously damage it. Fur cleaning is best shown in dry cleaning.
  • The best friend for a white hat or coat is starch. Pour it generously into the fur, and gently knead and rub it until the starch collects the dirt. After that, shake the coat well and comb it. If the starch comes out gray and dirty, repeat the procedure.
  • To clean the sleeves and hem of a dirty white zigey or sheepskin, rub starch into the fur. Then spray the edge with a solution of washing powder. You will get a mass that you spread with your hands all over the wool. Let the "dough" dry, then scrub it with a brush, shake and comb it with a slicker.
  • To remove a greasy stain from light-colored fur, make a solution of table salt (3 teaspoons), ammonia (1 teaspoon), and water (0.5 liters).
  • The best advice is to go to a professional dry cleaner who specializes in cleaning fur. It is not advisable to remove dust from your pet with a vacuum cleaner: direct air currents are not desirable for fur.

Remember that loves care like a real woman! Brush it a couple of times a month with a coarse pet brush available at any pet store.

How to clean natural fur

arctic fox

For seasonal care, prepare a solution of ammonia (0.5 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of alcohol, 3 teaspoons of table salt). Moisten the swab with the resulting liquid and remove the spots with the help of combing. The last step in cleaning the fox is drying the raw fur product.


Cleaning mink fur provides for the return of shine to furs. During wear, due to the washing out of the fatty composition, the shine is lost. You can restore it in the following way: dissolve 100 grams of fish or pork fat and 10 g of soap in 1 liter of boiling water. While stirring, add up to 12 drops of ammonia to this mass, cool to 35 degrees and apply this composition to the fur with a brush. Fur storage after such procedures is provided in two days.


The first thing to do at home is to comb it out with a comb. Further, a swab richly moistened with acetic acid (5%) or hydrogen peroxide (5%), treats the hair in the direction of fur growth. After this procedure, remove the remaining hydrogen from the fur with a damp cotton pad. Make sure that the leather lining does not get wet.


If your gray astrakhan has turned yellow, lighten it with a 5 or 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (for 1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon of peroxide + a few drops of ammonia).

Otter, beaver

Mole, otter, beaver fur products are cleaned with hot dry sand. Sand the fur up and rub with the palm of your hand. Do this until the dirty fur is completely cleaned.

I hope you can take something for yourself in the home piggy bank of usefulness. Good and pleasant rest to your furs! And you have a great mood!

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No matter how much opponents argue, natural fur never goes out of fashion: soft, warm, gentle - it always looks luxurious. But often it is not enough to buy an expensive fur coat, you also need to know how to properly care for fur, how to store and clean it so that the fur coat looks new even many years after purchase. By popular demand, I have prepared this publication based on my experience and the recommendations of many masters, so forgive me if I repeat.

Fur care is simple and the application of this knowledge will significantly extend the life of your fur items,
and it will allow you to enjoy the joy of owning products made of natural fur longer.

How to take care of your fur daily

When putting on your pet, do not forget that such products as hairspray, perfume, foundation spoil the fur. Take advantage of them ahead of time.

If you get into a car, it is better to remove a long fur coat so as not to jam and spoil the fur with heated seats.

If the fur product is in a room where people smoke, it will easily absorb the smell of cigarette smoke, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it (so are other smells, for example, from the kitchen).

On the street, a snowstorm or even wet rain caught you by surprise - do not worry if you know the following rule: shake your fur coat and hang it freely in a well-ventilated area away from heaters and direct sunlight. It is the batteries that can cause the greatest harm to fur - under the influence of heat, the skin shrinks, and overdried villi become brittle and brittle. Comb the fur along the hair before and after drying.

The fur coat should be hung on special wide hangers that prevent the product from deforming.

Coming from the street, do not rush to hang the fur in the wardrobe, inspect it and remove street dirt from the hem. To do this, let it dry first, and then you can remove it and carefully comb the fur coat with a special fur comb in the direction of pile growth. Try to lift the hem of your fur coat on the stairs and in transport.

Another place that quickly gets dirty is the cuffs of the sleeves and the collar. A scarf or neckerchief will help protect the collar from dirt and abrasion, and special sleeve cuffs will help protect the bottom of the sleeves.

When removing fur products for storage, you must first clean them of dust and dirt and dry them thoroughly. Valuable furs are dried in a draft, less valuable - in the air, but in the shade. Regardless of the value of the fur, you need to remember: light-colored furs under direct sunlight may turn yellow, some colored furs may fade.

All types of natural fur, as well as fur products, like to absorb odors and dust, stains from perfume or foundation may appear on them, lumps, knots often form, things lose their original luster. This type of fur coat is unlikely to bring joy to its owner. Of course, you need to take your fur coat to a dry cleaner, but many do not trust their favorite thing to such establishments, and not every city provides such services.
Therefore, the question of how to clean a fur coat at home remains relevant and in anticipation of cold weather is of interest to many women.

Let's try to get acquainted in more detail with the methods of cleaning a fur coat at home, which are time-tested and quite effective. But if you are not sure that you are able to clean your favorite fur coat yourself, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning, or try to clean a small section of the fur coat.

For high-quality cleaning of a fur coat at home, you can use two gentle methods: dry and wet cleaning.

Dry cleaning of fur

Dry cleaning a fur coat at home is considered safer, but it will not be able to remove heavy dirt or greasy stains.

For dry cleaning of fur coats, you can use products that are found in the house of every housewife: talc, starch, flour or semolina.

They absorb dirt and dust well, eliminate minor yellow spots, return the coat to its original color and shine.
Then lightly rub the fur with the palm of your hand and brush off the fur coat. If necessary, you can repeat the cleaning procedure.

If the coat is made of light fur, it can be cleaned with starch diluted in gasoline (use gasoline of the highest quality). A gruel is prepared from starch and gasoline, which is applied to the fur of a fur coat, then allowed to dry, and then the starch must be shaken well and cleaned with a special brush. This tool is best used for small, but strong pollution. For example, they can clean the collar, remove the stain from the juice or fat. Starch and gasoline are diluted in equal proportions.

Wet fur cleaning

Wet cleaning of a fur coat is a more responsible procedure that allows you to clean the fur coat well from stains, dust or other stubborn dirt. In this case, the fur coat must be cleaned in an upright position, hanging on a hanger.
There are several ways to wet clean a fur coat, which are used depending on the type of fur and the degree of contamination.
Long-haired furs should be wiped with the selected product in the direction of hair growth, and short-haired furs - against the hair.
After processing, the hairline should be carefully combed with a comb with rare teeth, shake, and then dry the fur coat at room temperature. Let's take a look at a few ways to wet clean a fur coat.

Grease stains can be removed with refined gasoline, which should be wetted with a cloth and rubbed with light movements. After cleaning, the fur coat must be well ventilated.

You can return whiteness to yellowed fur in several ways:

Hydrogen peroxide solution (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water and a few drops of ammonia) - use a spray bottle to apply the solution to the hairline and leave the product for one day in bright sun;

Potato starch or semolina - sprinkle them on the fur and rub, then shake the fur well and comb;

To keep white fur from turning yellow, store it in a blue linen bag or blue paper.

You can clean the fur at home with rye or wheat bran. The bran is heated in a metal bowl to a temperature “so that the hand endures”, and hot they begin to wipe the fur gently and carefully in small areas. Particularly contaminated items can be treated with bran two or three times. After processing the fur, the bran is cleaned with a brush and the thing is knocked out with a thin stick.

Home cleaning of fur is also done with the help of sawdust from deciduous trees. To do this, the sawdust is sieved,
moistened with gasoline and processed fur, as well as bran. Dry cleaners use sawdust impregnated with special products.
Colored astrakhan fur is cleaned with oatmeal or rye flour.

Stains from foundation or lipstick are removed with medical alcohol. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in a solution of medical alcohol and gently remove dirt.

Furs of aquatic animals can be cleaned with hot, dry and clean sand. The fur coat should be laid out on the table, sprinkled with sand and rubbed with the palm of your hand. The remaining sand must be shaken off well and, if necessary, applied a new one. After cleaning, the fur coat must be well knocked out or shaken, so that the sand is completely removed from the thing.

Wet cleaning can be done with steam (steam should not be very hot and wet - you can get dry steam with a professional steam generator!). You can use a steam cleaner (also from a distance and with the utmost attention - steam with water droplets!). After steam cleaning, you need to carefully comb the fur coat with a brush with rare teeth.

Stains from fat or sweat on the fur are well removed with a mixture of ammonia and kitchen salt. You will need 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 3 teaspoons of kitchen salt diluted in half a liter of water. Take a clean cloth or clothes brush, soak it in the prepared solution and wipe the stain on the fur until it disappears. Then dry the fur and comb it gently

A special aerosol for wet cleaning of a fur coat, which can be purchased at a special fur care store, is considered a safe fur coat cleaner. Before applying the spray, the fur coat should be shaken well from dust, sprayed and brushed. Before use, read the instructions for use of the aerosol.

After cleaning the fur product with a wet or dry method, the fur coat should have a uniform sheen over the entire area.
The presence of dull spots indicates that the cleaning was performed poorly. Therefore, additional cleaning is required.
If the cleaning was successful, but the fur coat has lost its luster, you can use vinegar essence, which needs to be lightly wiped over the fur coat.

It is very difficult to dye / recolor the fur skin at home. Please do not believe any "magazine-newspaper" advice! Dyeing fur at home is always a risk of permanently spoiling the skin! Moreover, the skin is unknown by whom and how dressed!
You can take risks only when there is a choice: or throw it away altogether, it will suddenly work out ... But fur and leather are quite expensive materials .... And unsuccessful experiments with them can be quite expensive.

No less important in caring for a fur coat is its proper storage, which will help protect it from moths, dust, yellowness and other contaminants that may appear outside the process of wearing.

Cleaning a fur coat at home can both improve the condition of the fur, remove dirt, give it its original shine, and spoil its appearance. It is very important to properly clean the fur coat and not use dubious products!

Let's repeat a few rules that cannot be used while cleaning or storing a fur coat.

After cleaning the fur coat, you can not dry it over fire, batteries or use a hair dryer.

It should dry on its own, in a warm room hung by the shoulders.

As it dries, it needs to be shaken and combed with a brush with rare teeth.

It is not necessary to comb the fur unnecessarily.

It is forbidden to clean the fur with washing powder, which contains enzymes in its composition. Such a powder can ruin the fur. It is better to use liquid powder.

Do not clean your fur coat with dubious means at home.

It is forbidden to store a fur coat in a plastic bag, or folded.

The fur coat should be cleaned at the end of the season, just before it is hidden in the closet.

Use lavender-based moth repellents that can protect your item. An effective remedy for moths - place dried orange peels or tobacco and geranium leaves, lavender flowers in a case.

If the hairs of the fur have fallen off, lumps and balls have appeared - carefully comb these places with a comb with long sharp and sparse teeth. If you are dealing with a long-haired product, you can try to pre-moisten the problem area with an alcohol solution or glycerin and carefully disassemble it with your hands, then comb it in the direction of the natural direction of the pile.

Harmful for a fur coat are considered direct sunlight and temperatures above 25 degrees.

Proper storage and cleaning of a fur coat will help increase the life of a fur coat and reduce the amount of dirt.

Long life to your fur products!

(36176) - Vostrukha, 01/08/2008

Epiphany frosts are on the nose, it's time to put on fur products. But as with sleds, any thing that it always looks good requires care. How to properly care for fur products? Behind our fur coats, collars, hats that are made of fur and which not everyone can afford to change following the seasonal fashion. So what kind of care does fur need?...

Regular fur care

If, after prolonged wear, the villi have fallen off, lumps and balls have appeared, carefully comb these places with a comb with long, sharp and sparse teeth.

If the fur coat is very dusty, lay it out on a wet sheet with the fur down and beat it out vigorously.

Do not rush to hang a fur coat on the balcony - under the influence of the sun, dark fur fades, and the light one turns yellow. At high temperatures and low humidity, the fur dries out, deteriorates, and loses its elasticity.

If the core of the fur has coarsened(this is why caps and hats lose their shape, and coat shelves warp and become shorter), you can restore its elasticity. Moisten the surface with a solution of vinegar essence with table salt (2 tablespoons of essence and 3 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of water). Knead and gently stretch in different directions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times with breaks of 2-3 hours. Lubricate the dried product with a fat emulsion (dissolve 100 g of soap in 1 liter of warm water, add 100 g of castor oil and 15-20 drops of ammonia).

Fat spots remove from the cuffs and collar of the fur coat by wiping the fur with a cloth soaked in gasoline. If the fur is fluffy - along the pile, if smooth - against the pile. Fat can be removed with a mixture: 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 3 teaspoons of salt per 0.5 l of water. After treating the fur with gasoline, wipe it several times with a swab dipped in clean water and wrung out. Do not let the base of the fur get wet.

White items can be cleaned with starch. After that, they must be shaken out and combed. Starch will give whiteness to sheepskin: sprinkle it with potato flour and spray generously with a warm solution of universal washing powder from a spray bottle. Spread the dough-like mass with your hands, and when it dries, remove with a brush. The cleaned product is dried, then the fur is carefully combed.

Yellowed gray astrakhan fur can be lightened with a 3-5% solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per glass of water) with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. Colored astrakhan fur and white hare fur are cleaned with oatmeal or rye flour.

Beaver, otter, mole fur products are cleaned with dry hot sand. Spread it fur-side up on the table, sprinkle with sand and wipe with the palm of your hand. Dirty sand shake off, pour new. Do this until the product is completely clean.

Goat fur products are washed with cold soapy water, rinsed and dried. If natural fur is crumpled, wipe it with a damp sponge so that the villi get wet, then comb in the direction of the pile, dry and knock out.

Fur products should be stored in a cool place in dark cases.. It is not recommended to hang one on top of the other, and put fur hats one on top of one. In the closet, fur clothes should hang freely so that the pile does not wrinkle. Do not sprinkle it with mothballs and do not hide it in a chest or in a sofa.

Daily fur care

Slush, sleet and salt are the worst enemies of leather and fur. Returning even from a short trip down the street, do not rush to put your fur coat in the closet, but carefully look at what has become of it. Let the adhering wet dirt dry, then carefully brush it off (for this there is a special “comb” - a comb for fur, sold at any pet store). A fur coat that has been exposed to rain is dried in an open space (wet leather in the closet will definitely “sit down”), at room temperature and away from heating appliances. You can not dry the fur with a hot hairdryer - in nature, animals do not do this. The dried fur is easily shaken so that all the hairs fluff up and fall into place. Once every 2 weeks, you need to look at the sleeves, collar and hem, where greasy dirt appears faster. These places are gently (like cats wash themselves) wiped with a soft sponge moistened with vodka.

On the street, a fur coat should also be protected in every possible way. Especially a lot of troubles fall on the hem. He must be lifted on the stairs, getting into the car and other vehicles. You can’t stand at the exhaust pipe: the skin in a few seconds is welded, compressed and begins to break.

Fur soaked in wine, coffee or sauces is best dry-cleaned. Away from civilization, vodka will help, degreasing the surface. There are also old ways of cleaning: rub dirty short-haired fur with hot mashed potatoes, then shake it off thoroughly. Long-haired fur was cleaned with talcum gruel and kerosene. Expensive furs were washed with cold water, dried and combed with an infrequent comb. Fur coats were refreshed with dry bran heated in the oven: first rubbed, then shaken out.

Even worse is a fur coat that is not worn: it ages 2 times faster. If there are a lot of fur coats or the winter turned out to be warm, they walk it on the street like a pet, but once a month for an hour. The best weather is dry hard frost with heavy snowfall. After a walk, the fur coat is dried, shaken and cleaned until the next time. In winter, you can hang a fur coat on a coat hanger on the balcony (not in summer and not in the sun), and if there are no crows nearby.

Fur products are afraid of moisture- It is undesirable to walk in them in the rain and sleet. If this nevertheless happened, the fur coat should be shaken and dried on a coat hanger at room temperature. Do not dry fur products near heating appliances.

Do not hang dyed fur in the closet next to undyed fur or against a whitewashed wall (whitewash ruins the fur).

Old fur will shine, if it is moistened with glycerin or vinegar, and then, without letting it dry, wipe it with a cloth dipped in alcohol.

Before storing the fur, it must be dried and cleaned of dust and dirt. After that, carefully knock out with a thin rod, but so as not to damage the hairline.

Optimum storage temperature for fur products from +5 to -20C (fur coats are stored in the refrigerator in pawnshops). In a city apartment, it is useful to ventilate fur products in the air on clear frosty days. If the thing is removed for long-term storage, put a moth remedy in the closet, if it is not there, dry geranium, lavender, wormwood or fragrant soap. When storing fur hats, wrap them in paper and put them in a box with a tight-fitting lid. At its bottom, put an anti-moth in a bag.

Based on materials

Every woman dreams of becoming the owner of a luxurious natural fur coat, and this is quite understandable, because a natural fur coat has long been considered a sign of wealth, luxury and respectability. However, if you want a fur product to please you with its unsurpassed appearance for a significant amount of time, then you need to properly care for it. We will talk about how to do this in this article.

How to care for a fur coat in winter?

The weather in winter is quite unstable, for example, it can snow in the morning, but in the afternoon it can be replaced by light rain, which negatively affects the appearance of the fur product. Such situations are inevitable, and in order to eliminate the consequences with “minimal losses”, you should do the following: when you come home in a wet fur coat, try to dry it immediately, but remember that fur products should never be dried near radiators, air conditioners, etc. P. You should also not use a hair dryer. After all, such “shocks” will only exacerbate the result. The fur coat should dry without outside interference: hang it on a coat hanger in the room. In no case do not dry the fur product in a closed closet.

After the fur coat dries in a dry room at room temperature, it should be combed. For these purposes, a comb with fine teeth is excellent. When combing, you should also follow certain rules: first on the "wool", then - against. This is necessary so that each villus takes its place. After you comb the fur coat, you need to shake it a little, and then run your hand along the pile. This rule is relevant for all fur products, except for astrakhan fur.

In the event that your favorite fur coat got wet in the rain quite strongly, then a qualified furrier will help to “bring it to life”. Do not be too lazy to take the product to him, otherwise the fur coat may simply lose its shape and become unusable.

In the process of wearing, a button can come off the product, but dealing with this problem is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because buttons are sewn to fur products in a special way. First of all, take care of buying cotton thread 60 - 80 numbers. Between the button and the fur, you should lay a piece of dense fabric, leather or suede, because it is to this fabric that the button will be sewn. In order for the button to pass freely into the loop, it is necessary to leave a place between it and the fabric. By the way, do not be upset about a torn off button, because there is a sign that this is a pleasant surprise.

Of course, the fur can also get dirty, of course, in this case it needs to be cleaned. It is absolutely impossible to wash natural fur. After that, he will immediately fall into disrepair. The best option in this case would be to contact a specialized dry cleaner. If this option is not suitable for you, then you can try one of the following popular methods:

  • Suitable for small dirt. You should take a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and wipe the contaminated area with it.
  • If the pollution is of a larger scale, then we advise you to heat the bran in a pan and sprinkle it on a fur coat. After a while, you should brush off the bran with a brush. For fur coats made from hare fur, astrakhan fur, etc., pure oatmeal can be used instead of bran.
  • There is a special way to clean a mink coat. It is necessary to take a rag and moisten it in refined gasoline, wipe the stain with a rag. In order to get rid of the smell of gasoline, starch can be used. True, do not overdo it with it, because it attracts moths quite strongly and, moreover, is difficult to remove.
  • There is another rather interesting way, it involves the use of ordinary hair shampoo. The proportions in this case should be as follows: one spoon of shampoo per glass of water, the resulting mixture should clean the contaminated areas of the fur product. Then you need to wipe the fur coat with a clean cotton cloth.
  • Women using foundation should not wear a product without a scarf, of course, if it has a high collar, since cream stains cannot be removed from fur even with professional dry cleaning.
  • It is difficult, but you can remove chewing gum from a fur coat. Here you need to be extremely careful so that there is no stain without fur on the product. So, first of all, it is necessary to pull out those parts of the gum that do not “sit” very tightly, you will have to tinker with the rest. To do this, take ice, wrap it in thick cellophane and apply it to the chewing gum. The hardened parts will separate easily enough from the villi. The remains can be carefully combed with a comb.
  • To remove stains from wine or coffee, we recommend using an alcohol solution. This method is not suitable for muton fur coats.

In all of the above methods, it is necessary to scrub the dirt in the direction of the pile. Otherwise, the product may lose its attractive appearance.

If you are not sure that you can cope with the removal of stains on your own, then it is better not to risk it, contact the professionals. After all, a fur coat is an expensive thing and I would not want to spoil it.

True, remember that, on average, one fur product can withstand about 5 cleanings without harm, then treatment with chemicals begins to adversely affect the appearance of the product, so try to wear a fur coat as carefully as possible: if possible, do not eat in it, do not wear it in rain and mud.

Fur coats from different types of fur require different care, for example, a mink must be stored in a tight and dark case. Nutria is great for rainy weather, the main thing. - dry it after. Rabbit fur should be protected from moisture, it is not recommended to clean it yourself.

Bags should not be worn on the shoulder, as they can spoil the appearance of the fur product, for the same reason we advise you to refuse belts.

If you are the owner of a light-colored fur coat, then most likely you are worried that it will not turn yellow over time. In most cases, such troubles arise due to improper storage of the fur product, especially in the summer.

How to care for a fur coat in summer?

Here, special attention should be paid to preparing the fur coat for cleaning in the closet. By the way, it is at the end of the season that it is recommended to clean it from pollution. Before you put the fur product in the closet, you should make a thorough visual inspection, its purpose is to make sure that the fur coat is whole and clean. If the fur has fallen off in some places, then it should be combed.

If the fur coat has parted along the seam, then it must be carefully hemmed. If the fur is not torn at the seam, then the restoration work must be entrusted to qualified specialists. They will independently select the most suitable pieces of fur in color and sew them on.

Today, there are special cabinets for storing fur products, their peculiarity lies in the fact that they have the most favorable conditions for natural fur, however, the purchase of this kind of cabinet is quite expensive, and the size of most modern apartments does not allow you to purchase a separate cabinet for fur coats. That is why let's figure out how to create comfortable conditions for a fur product in an ordinary wardrobe.

So, for starters, you must find strong and rigid coat hangers that will not sag under the weight of a fur coat. The coat hangers should fit the product in size so as not to stretch the fur and not deform it.

The only thing you should definitely buy is a special case. Such covers are usually opaque, but due to the special structure they can “breathe”. When hanging a fur coat in the closet, make sure that it is not pressed down by other things. By the way, do not forget about this trick: for light fur products, you should purchase blue cases, since the product will definitely not turn yellow in them over time.

Direct sunlight is harmful to natural fur, but the fur coat needs to be taken out of the closet from time to time. For these purposes, it is best to choose a cloudy day. Fur coat should be aired in a cool room.

Another important point that should not be forgotten: summer is the time for insects, which means that you must definitely think about purchasing a moth remedy. There are no special recommendations here, you can purchase any, the most inexpensive tool. The preferred scent is lavender. Be sure to change the moth remedy with the onset of each summer season.

In no case should a fur coat be stored in a plastic bag, as well as rolled up, otherwise wrinkles may appear on the fur, which will make the product untidy and unpresentable.

Before you put the fur product in the closet, you can lightly grease it with glycerin. In this case, the fur coat will acquire its former brilliance and attractiveness. Apply glycerin as follows: rub it in the palms of your hands, and then gently apply it to the fur in the direction of the pile.

Olga Nikitina is a housewife with 25 years of experience, she loves to cook and bring comfort to the house.


The Russian harsh and snowy winter makes people warm with fur. Finishing coats and hats with fur is also common - it is beautiful, stylish and in line with the trends of any winter fashion. But before the owners of these warm and beautiful things, the question always arises - how to clean them, how to care for fur products?

Read also:

15 most important rules for caring for fur products at home - how to care for fur products?

The best home fur care products - how to care for fur and how to clean it?

  • You can't iron the fur! If the lining is crumpled, you can straighten it with a vertical “iron” with steam when placing the product on the coat hanger. You can’t even iron the lining on the ironing board - the fur will take on, and it will be impossible to straighten it.
  • You can steam a fur product on a delicate mode , and only by placing a fur coat - on a coat hanger, a hat - on a blank, a boa and a muff - hanging. The outlet of the steam generator cannot be pressed close to the fur - it is necessary to ensure that the steam only slightly touches the surface of the fur, otherwise the “welding” of the skin and damage to the product may occur. Steaming should be used only in very rare cases, when the product has persistent creases and rumpled places.
  • If the creases on the fur are very strong, then they should first be processed mixture of alcohol and water , proportions 1 to 2, then steam off.
  • You can wash a fur product at home , but on condition that the hostess is confident in the strength of the mezdra. When washing, use only manual way , warm water, liquid detergents for wool products. The fur product must be thoroughly rinsed, the last rinse should be with cold water so that the fur shines.
  • It is necessary to dry washed fur products with good air ventilation, without using air conditioners and heaters, and also without hanging them in sunlight. During drying, it is necessary to shake the product often, to give it its original shape. Expensive and very delicate fur items must be dry-cleaned for a professional approach to an expensive product.
  • Care fur hats is the proper storage and proper cleaning of this product. If sewn on a dense adhesive frame, you can not use washing, as well as deep steaming. It is necessary to store a fur hat on a blank (you can make a cardboard cylinder yourself for this purpose), or on three-liter jars. A hat made of fur should not be combed with a thick comb or a very hard brush, because the fur can become smooth and lose fluffiness, and if the mezdra was initially very stretched, then the hairs will begin to fall out. It is better to straighten the fur with your fingers, shaking the product, or with a comb with very rare teeth (preferably antistatic).
  • Most of all, on a fur hat, the lower occipital part, which is in contact with the neck and collar of the garment, as well as the lining above the forehead, gets dirty. Women face a problem when foundation and powder applied to the forehead contaminate the lining of the hat. In order to wash the lining, you need to carefully rip it off in a circle, and after washing and drying, sew it to the hat with exactly the same stitches. If it is not possible to remove the lining, it can be cleaned with Vanish carpet cleaner foam - to do this, place a thick foam on the contaminated areas of the lining fabric, rub them a little and immediately clean them with a vacuum cleaner (put the smallest nozzle on the tube. This procedure can be repeat, then wipe the lining with a cloth dipped in water with the addition of vinegar (1 teaspoon per glass), shake the product and place it on a blank or jar in a well-ventilated place.
  • Fur collars coats are easiest to peel off when they are removable. To clean the fur collar, you can use the same products as for cleaning fur hats - starch, refined gasoline, bran, hot sand, fried oatmeal, etc. It is necessary to clean the collar by first hanging it on a wide comfortable coat hanger, or on a mannequin.
  • If the coat collar is non-removable, then a different tactic must be used to clean it and fur cuffs. Most of all, the places of the collar that touch the neck and clothes are polluted; fur cuffs get dirty and wrinkle from the inside of the sleeves. If it becomes necessary to clean these products, it is necessary, first of all, to secure the lining fabric and the drape of the coat itself so that after cleaning they do not appear stains. When cleaning, the coat should be laid out on a wide table, put a thick cloth and cellophane film under the collar and cuffs on the drape.
  • General cleaning of fur collars and cuffs consists of driving starch and other products described above into the fur, and then combing them out of the product. To clean the most polluted places of the collar and cuffs, you can prepare a mixture: mix alcohol, table vinegar, water in equal proportions. Dirty places gently wipe with a foam sponge, which is moistened in this liquid. Then you need to take a dry, clean linen napkin, and wipe the cleaned places with it. Then the product must be shaken, if necessary, combed with a soft brush, giving the correct direction of the pile, and placed on a coat hanger to dry.
  • Fur sheepskin coats cleaned in the same way as fur coats. But the suede surface of the outer side of the sheepskin coat needs a completely different approach. Small scuffs and stains can be tried to be cleaned with a student eraser. Glossed places on the elbows of the sheepskin coat can be held over the steam from the kettle, and then cleaned with a stiff brush.
  • Stains on a sheepskin coat do not need to be cleaned with salt or any other means that can leave stains. It is worth using starch or semolina, gently brushing them over the suede with a brush, then shaking off the product. Starch, semolina, as well as bran, ground oatmeal, cornmeal do not leave streaks, and clean the thing well.