How to inflate a children's swim ring? How to choose an inflatable neck ring for babies - a description of products with photos and prices How to blow off an inflatable swimming toy

There are many alternatives to a regular bed, among which air-inflated mobile options are particularly popular. The only difficulty that users face in practice is finding the right option for how to deflate an air mattress. The actual difficulty lies not in removing the bulk of the air, but in completely eliminating it from the cylinders.

You can pump it with a manual or electric pump, and it takes a small amount of time and effort. Here, too, there are individual characteristics, but they are not easy to notice when completing a task.


To quickly deflate an air mattress, you will need to adhere to a whole set of requirements. But at the very beginning, the surface is prepared for storage. For this, the material is cleaned with soapy water without aggressive chemical cleaners. The surface of the product dries up to the end on its own without using all kinds of heaters.

Particular attention is paid to the valves on the mattress through which air is released. There are 3 options for such products:

  1. Classical. First, the product protection is unscrewed, after which the valve is slightly compressed to allow air to escape. A common variant of a technological solution due to the combination of simplicity and reliability.
  2. Cycling. The valve is squeezed from both sides with fingers or with a match we press on the nipple in the central part. The product is twisted by the forces of two or more people, because it is impossible to do it alone.
  3. Removable. This valve model stands out for its simplicity among analogs, because to activate it is enough to unscrew the plug, after which the mattress itself deflates as quickly as possible.

A single product is deflated in 10-20 minutes, after which it is packed in a special bag or other structure for subsequent storage. Do not leave an air mattress in direct sunlight, as this leads to its early deterioration.

Before wondering how to blow air out of an inflatable mattress through a valve, let's take care of eliminating popular mistakes in advance.

Mostly people in such a task make the following inaccuracies:

  1. Surface. It should be as flat as possible, because this will eliminate even a slight retention of air in the product.
  2. Items. When deflating, punctures and cuts are especially likely, so sharp objects must be removed.
  3. Heaters. Sources of high temperature deform the rubber base of the product, so it is advisable to move them away from the assembly site.
  4. Minus. Freezing temperatures destroy rubber and a number of other materials, which is why they should not be in the room.
  5. Pumps. Only special models with low pressure are used, because in this case perfect air removal is ensured without damaging the elastic structure.

Avoiding them is easy enough if you prepare in advance and do not rush. Before sending for storage, each air mattress is carefully inspected for damage and adhered objects so that the condition of the product does not deteriorate while waiting for the next use. In this case, the result is always expected.

How to deflate an air mattress

To deflate as quickly as possible, you need to follow simple instructions. The process is carried out in strict accordance with the plan described below:

  • valves are initially opened so that air escapes under its own weight;
  • then the mattress is rolled up to concentrate the air in the area of ​​the valves;
  • when there is nothing inside the cylinders, the air mattress is folded for subsequent storage in a special bag or box.

You cannot make an effort or try to increase the speed, because the air itself comes out as quickly as possible. Therefore, rushing is likely to damage the product. Further, the mattress is removed for storage, and subsequent inflation will not surprise you.

How to drain with a pump

If you are wondering how to deflate an air mattress using a pump, then the process is much easier and faster. After the preparatory work and the deflation of air under its own weight, the following series of steps are taken:

  • the pump is connected to the valve, and the remaining holes are clogged (in some models, 2 or more valves are used);
  • air is eliminated with the help of traction;
  • the pump is disconnected and the product is folded for storage.

Competent deflation of the mattress will allow you to get the perfect result without wasting time and effort. In addition, the structure will remain in perfect condition, making it possible to use it in the future without the slightest fear.

All babies love bathing, because being in the water reminds them of the serene days inside their mother's tummy. To make the process of bathing babies more convenient and comfortable for both the baby and their parents, there are many accessories. One of them is a circle around the neck, which is also called a swim collar.


The circle on the neck is designed for bathing a young child. With such a circle, the baby can swim not only in a large bathtub at home, but also in the pool, as well as in a natural shallow body of stagnant water.


With a circle around his neck, the child can stay in the water longer, so bathing will become not only a daily hygiene procedure, but also an opportunity to swim. At the same time, the baby will work with muscles, throw out energy and frolic.

As a result, parents will notice such positive changes:

  • Due to the strengthening of the muscles during swimming, the child will quickly learn to roll over, crawl and walk.
  • The crumbs' immunity will be strengthened, and the metabolic processes will proceed quickly.
  • During swimming, the child's lungs open better, and intrathoracic pressure returns to normal.
  • Swimming also has a positive effect on digestion by relieving colic and constipation.
  • After such water procedures, children sleep better and are less capricious.


  • The bathing circle around the neck can be used from a very young age, even if the baby has not yet learned to hold his head.
  • The design of the swimming and bathing collar was carried out by specialists, so its design is safe for babies in the first years of life.
  • A child in such a circle moves calmly in the water - nothing interferes with moving his arms and legs, and fixing the head allows you to completely relax.
  • Thanks to a special inner collar, the child's head is protected from water ingress.
  • The material from which the circle is made does not cause irritation and allergies.
  • When using such a circle, an adult no longer needs to stand in an uncomfortable position, holding the baby in his arms for a long time.
  • In many circles, rattles are additionally available to make the water procedures more fun.
  • After swimming in a collar, the child learns to swim faster without a circle.
  • The fixing parts of the wheel are wear-resistant and durable.
  • On the front of the product, there is a place for the chin of the baby, thanks to which the child is quite comfortable in such a circle.
  • By using the circle around the neck, parents do not need to buy a baby bath.


  • During swimming with a circle on the neck, the load on the child's spine increases.
  • If the child is chubby, it is difficult to secure the circle on the baby's neck.
  • The product cannot be used with increased as well as low muscle tone.
  • The child grows up rather quickly and cannot swim with such a collar in a home bath, as he reaches the bottom with his feet.
  • To dress such a circle alone on a newborn baby is inconvenient and rather difficult.


The use of a circle on the neck may be contraindicated in some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, therefore, before arranging a fun swimming with a collar for a newborn, you should definitely discuss this with a pediatrician.

In addition, the circle is not used when:

  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Fractures or dislocations.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.

From what age is it used?

The use of a circle worn around the baby's neck for bathing is possible from birth. This accessory was created taking into account the body structure of a newborn baby, so it will not harm the baby. In practice, in most cases, the first bathing with a circle around the neck is organized from 1-1.5 months of age. Usually the use of such an inflatable collar is recommended up to 2 years of age.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular pediatrician considers a circle around the neck to help bathe a child a useful invention. He notes that with such a circle, it is much more convenient to carry out long swims in the bathroom, since parents do not have to stand in a bent position for a long time, which protects their lower back.

See the next video for more on this.

Popular models

Baby swimmer

Wheels from this manufacturer are intended for children aged 0 to 24 months and are capable of supporting a weight of up to 12 kg. The outer diameter of this product is 36-37 centimeters and the inner diameter is 8 centimeters.

Circles from Baby Swimmer are presented in different colors, as well as several series ("I love", "flora", "glamor"). They are made of dense, but soft material, equipped with reliable clamps and durable valves. The Baby Swimmer circle material is hypoallergenic and safe. The manufacturer confirms this with documents on compliance with all sanitary standards.


The circle on the neck of this Russian manufacturer is designed for a child's weight up to 18 kg and is used at the age of 0-2 years. The product is made of durable material and has rattles in its air chambers. To fasten such a circle, there are two fasteners on the product, and so that the parents help the baby swim and control the child's position, there are handles on the circle.


Products of this brand are intended for babies from birth to 2 years of age. Their difference from other circles on the neck is the use for fixing not only waterproof Velcro, but also clasps with a lock. The length of all fasteners is adjustable, and there are rattling balls inside the inflatable chambers.

How to choose

It is best to purchase a circle around your neck in large stores, choosing a product from a trusted manufacturer. In this case, you can be sure that you bought a collar made of safe and non-toxic material. So that you do not come across a low-quality item, carefully inspect the circle during the purchase. Make sure the product is complete and not damaged.

If in front of you is a collar with seams along the inner circle, loose fasteners, stuck rattles or a pronounced chemical smell, it is better to refuse to purchase it. A quality circle around the neck should be in a box, its coating should be smooth, and the smell should be weak.


If the circle was purchased in winter, then after returning home it should not be removed from the package for 1 hour. After unpacking the product and removing all the labels, gently straighten the circle, then open the valves through which air will flow.

Next, start inflating the circle - first the smaller chamber (located at the bottom), and then the larger (upper). Inflate the product slowly until all bends and wrinkles are completely relaxed. In order for air to enter the circle chambers without problems, the nipple on the valve should be slightly squeezed. When the pumping is completed, the nipple is released and closed, after which both valves are recessed inside the circle.

If as a result you see two air-filled chambers with a separation between them, as well as a contour to support the baby's neck and the place where the baby's chin will be, then you have inflated the circle correctly.

How to put on the circle correctly?

Grasp the Velcro fasteners at the back of the circle with your hands (they are on the bottom and top), and then detach them. Slowly spread the parts of the circle so that the child's neck fits into the resulting opening. When doing this, do not pull on the Velcro straps. After putting on the circle, release the divorced parts to return them to their original position. Make sure that the chin of the crumbs is located in the place intended for fixing it. Next, adjust the Velcro so that the inner contour of the circle fits snugly against the baby's neck, and then fix the fasteners.

This is clearly shown in the following video.

Instructions for use

So that the baby is not afraid of an unfamiliar thing, during the first bath, do not put a circle on the baby's neck, but put the product into the water so that it floats next to the baby. You can also let your child play with a circle outside the bathroom. Let the baby get used to the product, otherwise swimming will not be his joy.

The inflated collar should not be worn in the water and should not be removed without taking the baby out of the bathtub. Before lowering the baby in a circle into the water, make sure once again that all fasteners are securely fixed and that the inner contour of the product is adhered to the neck of the crumbs. In this case, the circle should not put pressure on the baby's neck, and a small gap is allowed between the accessory and the neck.

Remember that a baby with a circle around her neck will swim on her own and spend more energy on bathing, so do not let the baby get too tired. The first bathing with an inflatable collar should be carried out no longer than 5-10 minutes.


  • Even if the child is swimming with a circle, it is impossible to leave him unattended by an adult.
  • While the child is swimming, pulling on the circle is unacceptable.
  • Such a swimming device should not be used at great depths (deeper than 1 m).
  • Do not pump this circle with a pump.
  • When inflating the circle, do not let it pump over.
  • Make sure that the valves of the circle are tightly closed after inflating the product.
  • Do not forget that such a circle cannot be called a lifesaver.
  • If your toddler is very small, wear a two-person swim collar.


Keep the circle away from sources of fire, cutting or piercing objects. Do not dry the circle after bathing on a heater, and also fill the product with water.

Experts recommend using the circle when bathing your baby because of its beneficial effects on the immune system and the nervous system. The device facilitates the bathing process for parents, makes it fun for the child, but many mothers are interested in questions before using: is the newborn ready for bathing with an accessory, at what age can you start using it? How to properly wear a circle on a child in order to avoid negative consequences?

Circle on the neck: description and application

Externally, the accessory looks like a regular swimming ring, consisting of two inflatable chambers, one of which is located inside the other. The mechanism guarantees the safety of the child in the event of damage to the outer chamber.

There are adjustable buckles along the edges for a comfortable fit of the neck, and in the front there is a chin notch for the baby to feel comfortable. The surface is usually painted half in bright colors, the other half in a transparent color, inside which there are rattles to attract the attention of the baby. Some manufacturers produce circles with handles with which parents can control the movements of the child, directing him in the right direction.

The circle for bathing the baby has comfortable fasteners for the correct fixation of the neck.

The size of the product is much smaller compared to swimming aids. Made from PVC, the circle is environmentally friendly.

From what month can you bathe a child with a circle

At the age of 1-2 months from birth, it is already allowed to bathe the baby.

Pediatricians advise to wait for the healing of the umbilical wound... As soon as the umbilical wound heals, you can gradually begin to introduce the baby to the water procedures and the accessory, even if the child has not reached the age of one month.

You can bathe a baby with a circle from the moment the umbilical wound heals.

If the newborn has not yet learned to hold his head , then there is nothing wrong with that: the design of the circle fixes the head, and the neck muscles do not experience any stress.

The use of an inflatable ring is permissible up to two years of age.

Benefit for health

Experts speak positively about the bathing circle.

When swimming with a circle, the child's lung function improves.

It has been found that it has a beneficial effect on the development of the child, contributing to the strengthening of the back muscles, the development of the immune and nervous systems. Other positive qualities of the accessory include:

  1. Stabilization of metabolism.
  2. Stabilization of intracranial pressure.
  3. Getting rid of colic and.
  4. Improving lung function.
  5. Relaxation effect and sleep improvement.
  6. Decreased muscle tone.
  7. Development of coordination of movements.
  8. Development of motor skills.
  9. Developing walking and sitting skills.

For healthy children, the circle is absolutely safe and not capable of causing any harm. Negative consequences can be in the case of bathing the baby with contraindications or improper use of the thing.


If a child has a rash on the neck, then it is not recommended to use a bathing circle.

Swimming with a circle is categorically contraindicated for children with the following diseases:

  • Congenital and genetic diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the skin and internal organs.
  • Colds, ARVI.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Birth trauma.
  • Epidermolysis bullosa.
  • Ulcers in the neck.
  • Hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.
  • Increased or decreased muscle tone.

In cases where the child has no contraindications from the list, but there are other diseases, the question of using the circle is discussed with the pediatrician.

Learning to dress the circle correctly

It is necessary to put a circle on the child in the room. It is strictly forbidden to do this in water.

Before use, you must first inflate the circle and check for damage by immersing it in water. If everything is in order, then you can start swimming. Dressing the circle is as follows:

  1. Wash the circle with warm water and soap and dry it.
  2. Turn the child on his stomach, placing him on your lap.
  3. Gently put the circle around the neck at the moment when the child tries to raise his head.
  4. Make sure that the chin of the crumbs fell into a special notch.
  5. Fasten with Velcro.
  6. Look at the child's reaction to assess the degree of comfort.

Before using the circle, you need to inflate and check it.

It is necessary to understand that the first bath must be without an accessory. To begin with, you can lower the circle into the water so that he swims next to the baby. Then you can let the child play with the accessory in the room. The first water procedures should not last more than 10 minutes, because with the accessory, the baby makes most of the movements on his own and spends energy from this. It is necessary to gradually increase the bathing time, relying on the growth of the baby's activity.

If, during inflation, the two chambers are filled with air and there is a separation between them, a contour for the neck and a notch for the chin, then the product is ready to use.

Precautionary measures

While the baby is swimming, you cannot leave him unattended.

For a safe and comfortable stay in the water, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. You cannot leave your child unattended.
  2. The circle must not be inflated too much, otherwise it may burst.
  3. The baby's feet should not touch the bottom of the tub.
  4. Inflate only by mouth, do not use a pump.
  5. Do not unpack or inflate the circle at low temperatures.
  6. Close valves tightly.
  7. Do not pull on the circle during the procedure.
  8. Do not use deeper than 1 m.
  9. It is not a lifesaver.

Store the product away from cutting, piercing and heating objects. It is forbidden to fill the accessory with water.

How to choose the right circle on the neck for a newborn

When buying a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the fixing method, material, shape, size and presence of eco-friedly mark. This mark distinguishes the product from others by its higher quality. Preference should be given to large children's stores in order to return the product back in case of a defect.

It is better to buy a circle for a baby in a large children's store.

There should be no damage or strong odor. The seams must be soft, otherwise the accessory will press on the neck.

Popular models

The following brands are popular among parents:

  1. Flipper... Manufacturer: Russia. Weight: 18 kg. Age: up to 2 years old.
  2. Baby-krug... Age: up to 2 years old. A distinctive feature is that the product has not only Velcro, but also fasteners with a lock.
  3. Baby swimmer... Age: up to 2 years old. Weight: up to 12 kg. Complies with all sanitary standards.

The Flipper circle pattern is popular with parents.


Most parents note that after purchasing a baby circle around their necks, newborns enjoy swimming in the bathroom with great pleasure.

Babies enjoy swimming in a circle.

Some mothers speak negatively about the product, because they could not properly dress it on the child, did not follow the safety rules, or scared the baby, after which he refused to wear the circle. The advantages are that the device can be used even before the baby has learned to hold his head. In addition, the baby feels comfortable and free, he has the opportunity to move independently, and parents do not have to stand in an uncomfortable position and spoil the spine.

Video about a circle for bathing babies

Everything is very simple, but if there is no instruction in an understandable language, you really burst and remind Piglet. In short, you need to slightly squeeze the tube through which you inflate the circle with your front teeth (there is a special groove for this purpose). Then the valve will open slightly, and inflation will go easily. Similarly, to deflate - also squeezing. It really looks funny at first :-)


I recently tried to inflate a swimming circle in an unusual way: I took, pardon the prose, a CONVENTIONAL SYRINGE (with a dense rubber tip), and with its help I inflated the circle. True, first you need to inflate the circle with your mouth - as it happens. Then take the syringe, insert it tightly into the "nose" and squeeze all the air out of it. Then, for a few seconds, while we draw air into the syringe, close the "nose" with a valve, and then open it again. Here's a simple way!

Of course, inflating with your mouth is very beneficial for the development of the respiratory system, but still, in my opinion, the pump is an unsurpassed tool in this matter.
And so that there is no bleeding of air when the pump is disconnected from the swimming circle. Buy a floating circle with a nipple system, or as a last resort, if you could not find one or you want to save a little, you can easily insert a nipple from a damaged bicycle camera.

Before going to the sea or before going to the beach, look at the cork bend on the circle.
You need to specially prepare a tube similar to the body of a ballpoint pen, on one of the ends of the tapered tube. Prepare a small can of air by first pumping it with air on a special apparatus. You know or have seen how air balloons are pumped, they are not pumped with your mouth, but with a special apparatus. There are small cans, sold in stores, so buy one and you have enough of it. And you don't have to blush when inflating the lifebuoy. You simply insert the connections one into the other and press the lever to open the valve of the air canister, in a few seconds your circle will inflate and be very durable. It would be nice to place a rubber band made in the shape of a cone from the inside of the ball with a diameter of the decreasing cone corresponding to the size of the circle's bend. If it were so, then before inflating, this elastic band could be pulled in the direction of the air flow outgoing from the circle and thereby block the exit of air from the circle and then begin to inflate it.
In this case, air will not come out when you disconnect the tube in the form of a ballpoint pen-like body. And the circle will be elastic and will not release air.
Enjoy your stay!

In the summer, we bought a small pool for our country house. In the same store, they sold an electric pump that can be used to inflate this pool from an outlet, as well as from a car cigarette lighter. Quite compact, with different attachments. We inflated the pool from the car in 10 minutes. Very comfortably. It costs, of course, more expensive than manual, but no physical activity.

The circle around the neck for bathing newborns has long ceased to be a wonder. And the question of where to buy a circle for bathing babies is no longer relevant. Circles on the neck for bathing babies are sold in all large children's stores, but on the Internet, their range is simply colossal. Therefore, buying a circle for bathing babies is not a problem now!

For those who have not yet heard about this accessory, let us explain - a circle for bathing a newborn baby is an ordinary inflatable circle that has a slot in one place, thanks to which you can easily put the circle on the baby's neck so that the head is above the circle and not could slip down into the water.

To fix the circle around the neck, special fasteners are provided - Velcro or carabiners. It turns out that the child in this swimming circle seems to be hanging in the water - his head is above the circle and the surface of the water, and the body is all in water.

Different manufacturers try to make their circles for bathing babies more comfortable, interesting, and add various improvements, such as rattles in the circle itself. It turns out that the baby sways on the waves, and the rattle in the circle around his neck tinkles. In reality, this bloat is completely unnecessary. What do you need? What to look for when choosing a circle for the baby's bathing neck?

Choosing a circle around the neck for bathing babies

1. The most important thing to pay attention to is the certificate of conformity of the quality of the goods! You are buying not just a thing for a child, you are buying an accessory that should ensure your child is safe on the water! Unfortunately, cases when children drown in their own bathtub due to an oversight of their parents and because of a poor quality swimming circle for babies is far from uncommon. Therefore, we must look at the certificate!

2. The circle on the neck for bathing a newborn should have two separate sections for air - above and below. That is, you must first inflate the lower half of the circle, and then the upper one, through a separate hole for inflation. This is a very important point, because if for some reason one half of the bathing circle deflates, the other half will not let your baby go under the water!

3. We look at the fixing fasteners. The clasps that fix the baby bathing circle around the neck must be secure! They should not unfasten themselves, and a grown-up baby should not be able to accidentally unfasten them. Well, they should be easy to fasten so that it is convenient for you to quickly fasten them after putting the circle on the newborn's neck.

The fastest fasteners are Velcro. They must be long enough so that the adhesion area is large enough for such a clasp to hold securely. But the velcro has one drawback - an older baby can accidentally unfasten such a fastener!

Therefore, the optimal combination of Velcro and carabiner. That is, on one half, on the bottom, which is in the water, and which the child can easily reach with his hands, there is a carbine. And on the second half, which the child is not able to reach from above and to her, is Velcro.

Why not two carbines? Because the carabiner can easily loosen with the active movements of the baby, and the child will simply slip out of the bathing circle into the water.

Circles for bathing newborn Flipper

And so, we have chosen a circle for bathing a newborn around the neck. Now let's figure out how a child swims in it.

Everything is simple - the child's head is above the circle and water and the baby is examining everything around. And the baby's body is completely in the water, and the child moves his arms and legs freely as he pleases.

Thanks to this, parents can calmly play with the child, show him something, tell him, their hands are free, and there is no load on the back. Such bathing is also very useful for a child!

When the baby is in such a suspended state in the water, all muscles are completely relaxed, spasms are relieved, muscle blocks in the spine go away.

Free position of the body and warm water perfectly remove muscle hypertonicity, contribute to the normalization of neurological processes.

Therefore, bathing newborns in a circle around the neck is welcomed by both pediatricians and neurologists.

Over time, the child may begin to roll over in the swimming circle, or rather with him, on his tummy and try to swim in this position, on his stomach. You shouldn't be intimidated by this.

The child will not hurt himself, but at the same time will train the muscles that will soon help him roll over on land. Here you just need to make sure that the baby does not swallow water.

At what age can a newborn be bathed in an infant swimming ring?

In the bathing circle for newborns, you can bathe your baby from birth!

And how to properly put a circle around the neck for bathing a newborn?

Here everyone comes up with their own way. It is very convenient to put the swimming circle on the baby's neck together. One adult holds the baby with his tummy down, so that his head looks forward freely. The second adult, widely spreading the ends of the circle for swimming, brings the edge of the circle to the baby's neck, under the chin, and connects its ends from the side of the baby's back, tightly fastens the buckles.

Until the baby is holding the head, this is the only way to put a circle for bathing newborns around the baby's neck. As you use the bathing circle, you will invent your own way of putting on, which is convenient for you.

How long should an infant bathe in a swimming ring?

As much as you would bathe a baby without a circle. That is, we start with 5-10 minutes and until the baby gets tired or tired!

But we increase the time gradually. In general, all the recommendations for bathing children are also suitable for bathing newborns in a circle around the neck.

Up to what age should a baby be bathed in a baby bathing circle?

As long as it is comfortable in your bath. Or until the baby reaches the maximum weight that the newborn bath circle you purchased is designed for (usually 13 kg).

Is it possible to use the circle for bathing newborns in the pool or open water?

Of course you can! But here you need to be especially careful! A circle around the neck for bathing a newborn is not a lifesaver!

A child in a bathing circle must be supervised by an adult!

You should not take your eyes off the baby for a second. And in no case should you use the circle for bathing babies at a depth of more than two meters!

Your child's safety on the water is your direct responsibility!