How to properly paint eyelashes with mascara. How to tint lower eyelashes. Eyelash extension

How to properly paint eyelashes with mascara? It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this matter, but not everyone succeeds in achieving excellent results. We will reveal all the secrets and teach you how to perform the perfect makeup.

What kind of mascara to choose?

Having decided to dye your eyelashes at home, be more careful about choosing a good mascara. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, choose one of these 8 options.


Equipped with a special curved brush with bristles of different lengths, which delicately curl each lash and give women's eyes a stylish doll-like effect. Contains resins and keratin, which, when dry, fix the hairs.


Contains micro fibers of silk, nylon and viscose, has a light consistency and a fairly thin brush, which allows the product to evenly paint over each hair. To lengthen even the shortest lashes, just a couple of strokes. If you overdo it, they stick together and look messy.

Important! The lengthening mascara contains a large amount of synthetic substances, which often leads to the development of an allergic reaction.

Water soluble

Has a gentle effect, has a wide color palette, can be easily removed with plain water, but does not tolerate rain, tears, sweat and other conditions of high humidity.


Mascara of this type makes the eyelashes voluminous and fluffy, and also gives the look an openness, expressiveness and sexuality. It contains synthetic fibers, viscous microparticles and beeswax - they cover each hair with a thin film, which holds the cilia in the right position.

Fortified or nutritious

Provides extra care, nutrition and protection. Recommended for brittle and weak eyelashes.

Transparent gel

It is the perfect choice for those with long, thick and black eyelashes. A special transparent gel gives them neatness and neatness, and also fixes the desired shape. These products contain useful ingredients, so they can be used as a base for any other type of mascara.


Waterproof mascara keeps makeup neat in wet weather conditions. Does not contain water-sensitive ingredients, so it can only be removed with a cosmetic make-up remover. As a rule, such cosmetics do not have additional properties - they do not add volume, lengthen or curl.

Advice! To get the desired effect, first paint the eyelashes with regular mascara, and then apply waterproof mascara on top.


Does not cause an allergic reaction, contains a useful vitamin and mineral complex, therefore it is ideal for women with sensitive mucous membranes. In addition, it gives the hair a natural shine and a seductive curve.

How to choose the right brush?

To paint your eyelashes beautifully, be sure to take into account the shape of the brush, since it is this that allows you to get the desired effect:

  • Classic - has fibers of the same length, evenly colors each hair, makes eyelashes smooth and emphasizes the shape of the eyes. Doesn't add length and volume;
  • Spiral - perfectly copes with the separation of eyelashes, allows them to maintain their splendor for a long time;
  • Conical - has dense bristles - long at the tip and shorter at the base. Comes with lengthening and curling mascara;
  • Flat - resembles a comb, gives the cilia volume and rich shade;
  • Silicone - distributes mascara over the hairs, lengthens and slightly curls straight eyelashes. The advantage of silicone mascara;
  • Curved - in this type of brush, the pile has different lengths. She is very fond of girls with naughty hairs sticking out in all directions.

You will be interested in: hypoallergenic mascara -

How to use mascara - step by step master class

How to make up your eyelashes so that they are long and lush? This detailed instruction with a photo will help you in this matter.

Stage 1 - Preparatory

Before applying mascara, you need to determine the length and structure of the eyelashes:

  • For hard ones, a fairly liquid mascara and a hard brush with elastic bristles are ideal - they will allow you to easily distribute the pigment along the entire length;
  • For thick ones, you need a brush with long bristles - only she can comb them well;
  • Rare people need a thick mascara with a frequent and short brush - this is the best way to fill in the gaps between hairs, prevent them from sticking together, and also add volume;
  • The owners of long eyelashes have almost no restrictions. You can use any kind of mascara, but cosmetics for volume are best;
  • To prevent soft and thin eyelashes from sticking together, stop with a hard brush - it will evenly paint over and separate the hairs. But it is better to refuse from silicone products - they will glue the hairs, giving them the appearance of the so-called "spider legs".

Preparation for staining involves degreasing the hairs with an alcohol-free lotion and dusting them with a light loose powder. This is necessary in order for the ink to hold better, lay down more evenly and not crumble for a long time. In addition, a thin layer of powder will make your eyelashes thicker, fuller and fuller.

Stage 2 - Twisting

Further staining of the cilia involves the use of those that allow you to curl the hairs. The main thing here is to be careful. Otherwise, you can lose most of your eyelashes. How do you use forceps?

  • Apply the device to the eye so that the eyelashes hit the middle;
  • Lift them slightly;
  • Hold for 10 seconds;
  • Move the device away from your eyes.

A safer alternative to curling iron is biowaving performed in the salon. In this case, before applying mascara, it is enough to correct the hairs with your fingers or comb them with a brush.

Stage 3 - Applying the product to the upper lashes

There are several ways to apply mascara to the upper lashes. The choice depends entirely on your preferences.

Method 1. Zigzag or horizontal

Mascara is applied from the bottom up, holding the brush horizontally and gradually moving from the middle of the eyelid, first to the outer and then to the inner corner. This method allows you to quickly lengthen the lashes and prevent them from sticking together.

On a note! The zigzag method is most often used by professional makeup artists.

Method 2. Vertical

Allows you to create the effect of teary eyes. In this case, the hairs are painted over with the tip of a brush, thickly moistened with the product. This method is not suitable for too short eyelashes.

Important! If you apply a lot of mascara, your eyelashes will stick together and look unnatural.

Method 3. Method of blinking

When using this method, you need to apply the brush to the lower eyelid and blink several times. This is a great option for thick and long eyelashes, thanks to which you can evenly dye each hair and give them a natural and very beautiful look.

Advice! To facilitate the coloring process, blot the lashes with a damp cloth.

Stage 4 - Applying cosmetics to the lower eyelid

To correctly and neatly paint your lower lashes, follow these guidelines:

  • Use a thin short brush for painting - this will facilitate the process and will not stain the skin;
  • When painting, move from the inner edge to the outer edge. Make sure that the movements remain soft and smooth;
  • When applying the product, it is important not to overdo it - a large amount of mascara will lead to sticking and weighting of the hairs. In addition, many experts believe that heavy staining of the lower eyelashes visually reduces the eyes. To avoid mistakes, conduct an experiment - if a similar effect really happens, either completely abandon the mascara, or just walk the hairs very lightly.

Step 5 - Combing the colored eyelashes

When performing eye makeup step by step, do not forget about this crucial step. The fact is that after applying mascara, lumps often remain on the hairs, because of which, in fact, they stick together. This small nuance can ruin not only the make-up, but also the mood. To save yourself from problems and to make up eyelashes without lumps, use a special comb. Such accessories are made from a variety of materials - metal, plastic, silicone, etc. The highest degree of rigidity is in metal products. They are also considered the most convenient and effective.

How to use the comb? To remove lumps and separate hairs, it is enough to hold this device from the bottom up (for the upper eyelid) and from top to bottom (for the lower one). The procedure is performed both from the inside and from the outside. It is advisable to cover the eyelids - this will prevent the mascara from getting on the mucous membrane. After that, your eyes will look truly perfect!

On a note! Many girls fear that the comb will ruin the mascara effect. You don't have to worry - this is far from the case.

Tips to help you learn how to dye your eyelashes:

How many layers to apply?

When dyeing eyelashes, you yourself need to decide on the number of layers. Typically, this depends on four factors - the time of day, personal preference, the quality of the mascara, and the event for which the makeup is performed. So, to obtain a natural effect (suitable for every day), it is enough to apply only one thin layer. The same amount will have to be dispensed with in the case of a quick-drying agent. When applied, a hard film forms on the hairs, which can be damaged if re-dyed. As a result, lumps appear on the eyelashes, and the mascara itself begins to crumble very quickly.

As for the evening make-up, it involves 3, or even 4 layers. And one more nuance - the lower eyelashes are painted with only 1 thin layer (so as not to make the look heavy).

Advice! There is a little trick that can be taken when using a quick dry product. To keep your lashes looking natural even after applying two layers of mascara, wait until the first layer dries well enough before applying the second. To do this, it is best to paint on the upper eyelid, then go to the lower one, and then return to the upper one again.

How to paint with colored ink?

To emphasize the beauty of the eyes and the depth of the iris, you can use not only black, but also colored mascara. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rule - you need to apply such funds over a black base. Painting "naked" eyelashes with colored ink will make the make-up look vulgar.

Also, keep in mind that if you have blonde hair, you shouldn't wear charcoal black makeup. For daytime makeup, brown-eyed blondes can use brown or gray mascara, blue-eyed blue, and green-eyed emerald.

Burning brunettes with brown eyes are ideally suited for the brown version, and burgundy with green ones. For the evening, choose cosmetics with sparkles and mother-of-pearl - it will give your eyes a magical glow. In this case, the lower eyelashes may remain black.

Now you know how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara. Finally, here are some simple tips from recognized makeup artists.

  • Both the lower and upper lashes begin to stain from the middle part. Then you need to move to the outer corner of the eye and only at the end of the procedure paint the inner part;
  • The largest amount of pigment should be along the growth line, the smallest - at the ends;
  • For a doll-like look, be sure to use a curling tool and apply two coats. If you don't have a pair of tweezers, close your eye and pull the hairs up with a clean brush;
  • With an overhanging eyelid, the lower hairs should be painted with a very thin brush;
  • Apply mascara with light springy movements, moving upward from the lash line. If you give the brush any other direction, the hairs will simply stick together;

  • For women of age, a means for giving volume is categorically not suitable. Adult ladies should opt for the lengthening option;
  • If the skin of the eyelids gets dirty during makeup, wait until the mascara dries and remove unnecessary marks with a damp cotton swab;
  • For a quick make-up renewal, go over the tips of the eyelashes with a brush smeared with a small amount of pigment;
  • When shedding the product, you should powder the eyelids and under the eyes. This will allow you to effortlessly remove traces of mascara with a regular damp cloth;
  • Be consistent with your makeup - dye your lashes after applying eyeshadow, foundation and powder. Otherwise, particles of makeup can settle on the already painted hair. This will make them sloppy and ugly;
  • If you want to keep the corners of your eyes as long as possible, use a brush with fine, short bristles. At the same time, try to open your eyes as wide as possible;
  • If you are using too thin mascara, it is better to use a special comb. Apply the product at the root line and stretch with a comb along the entire length of the hairs;
  • To make the look even brighter and more expressive, start coloring from the bridge of the nose and gradually move to the temples. Use volumizing mascara;

  • To make your lashes super long, apply the first layer, let it dry slightly, dust it lightly with powder and apply the second in a zigzag motion.

Popular bugs

When dyeing your eyelashes at home, try not to make mistakes that most girls sin.

Mistake 1. Strong pressure on the brush - will leave dirty marks on the skin of the eyelids and ruin the makeup.

Mistake 2. Applying mascara over oily-based firming gels. In this case, the pigment will peel off, flow and be imprinted on the skin.

Mistake 3. Dilution of dried cosmetics with tea, water or eye drops. These actions will only have a temporary effect. Already after a couple of days, the product will begin to crumble, smell very unpleasant and cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Mistake 4. Using forceps after staining. Remember, you first need to curl the hairs, and then apply decorative cosmetics to them. Otherwise, the eyelashes will break easily.

Error 5. Abrupt opening and closing of the tube. This promotes air ingress and speeds up the drying process. Handle your makeup gently, slowly and smoothly swirling the brush inside the tube.

Mistake 6. Poorly or not at all stained eyelash roots. Thanks to such inattention, you will visually make your eyelashes shorter.

Mistake 7. Hasty and sharp strokes of the brush. In most cases, this results in unkempt makeup. Even if you have very little time, never rush to apply mascara - believe me, it will take you much more energy to eliminate errors.

Mistake 8. Storing a tube in a handbag. When exposed to low and high temperatures, mascara will change its texture and will lie unevenly.

Mistake 9. Applying a large number of layers. Many fashionistas who want their eyelashes to look as luxurious as possible dye them many times. However, experts note that the more mascara is on the hairs, the more artificial they look. In addition, after a few hours, the mascara will crumble and spread under the eyes with dark spots.

Mistake 10. The use of outdated or low-quality cosmetics. Mascara loses its properties 3-4 months after opening. After this period, bacteria begin to actively multiply in it, causing burning, redness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. But that is not all! The longer the product is stored, the more lumps appear in it.

How to remove mascara correctly?

It is important not only to make up your eyelashes beautifully, but also to properly remove mascara from the eyelashes. This must be done, since as a result of prolonged exposure to chemical components, the hairs become brittle and begin to actively fall out. In addition, dry mascara particles can cause swelling of the skin and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. To prevent the occurrence of these troubles, perform makeup remover with special milk or liquid. They gently and gently remove the remnants of cosmetics, nourish and moisturize the hairs and skin of the eyelids, without affecting the structure.

Step 1. Moisten two cotton pads with makeup remover.

Step 2. Apply them to your eyes and hold them a little (one sponge - to the lower lashes, the other - to the upper).

Step 3. Gently rub the skin, removing the remains of mascara. Avoid pressing, abrupt or stretching movements on the skin - this can lead to loss of eyelashes and the appearance of expression lines.

Important! Do not use soap or other alkaline solutions to remove mascara.

It is not enough to buy high-quality and expensive cosmetics. If you do not know how to use it, then the perfect makeup will definitely not work, no matter how hard you try. Many people pay special attention to their look, namely the cilia. Do you dream that they are long and voluminous? Then find out how to properly dye your eyelashes with mascara.

Applying your makeup correctly is very important. But even if you do everything according to the instructions or on the advice of experienced professional makeup artists, nothing will come of it if you have chosen the wrong cosmetics.

So the first step towards an expressive and mysterious look is the choice of mascara. What to look for?

      • What do you want to see after using the product? If your lashes aren't as long as you'd like, buy an extension mascara that contains silk or rayon fibers that will cling to the ends for length.
      • If by nature you have thin eyelashes, give preference to voluminous mascara. It contains polymers or wax that adhere to each eyelash. Dreaming of a doll-like look with curled eyelashes? Then by all means buy curling mascara.

Forced to be in a hot or extremely humid environment? Then opt for waterproof mascara. Such a tool will allow you not to think that at the most inopportune moment your eyes will flow.

  • A universal and suitable color for everyone - this is classic black. But if you want to stand out from the crowd or conquer all the party guests, then buy a bright purple or blue mascara. And what? Very bright and original.
  • Pay attention to the brush, as there are a great many options. For example, a small spherical brush will paint over any areas.
  • A brush-comb with sparse bristles - a guarantee of stunning volume. But it will definitely not provide separation. If you want to separate the eyelashes and designate each of them, then choose a silicone brush. But this option will not allow lengthening and providing volume.
  • For tough and unruly lashes, a wide, spiral brush is ideal. If your eyelashes are not too long, or if you want to paint over all areas, then pay attention to the short bristles. A long-bristled brush will provide maximum volume and perfect separation (but this option is not suitable for owners of short eyelashes).
  • Almost solid bristles are a guarantee of chic volume and separation of thin eyelashes. The spindle shape allows you to get volume and paint over the corners. The curved brush is optimal for those who are used to curling their eyelashes a little. And the different length of the villi on the brush will allow you to paint over all the cilia and at the same time separate them.
  • You should definitely try the product on yourself, because if the application seems uncomfortable to you, then the perfect eye makeup will definitely not work. Determine the consistency that is optimal for yourself, try makeup on your eyes.

Learning to paint cilia with mascara

To get the perfect makeup, there are some important things to know and practice, practice, and practice again. But first, you need to study some of the features.

Application techniques

There are many application techniques. The most popular of these is the zigzag pattern. This is the method used by most professional makeup artists.

Just move the brush from one side to the other and at the same time lift up.

With such manipulations, a lot of mascara will settle on the eyelashes, which will allow you to achieve volume and length.

But this technique is more suitable for owners of not too thick and not very long eyelashes, since rare ones can stick together, and long ones will become heavier and become like sticks.

Many people prefer to place the brush next to the eyelashes and just blink. And this method takes place and is widely used.

It is optimal if the eyelashes are rather long. The blinking method will make them fluffy without disturbing their naturalness. It is worth noting that the faster you blink, the more natural your look will be, because the mascara will settle in minimal quantities.

Some people prefer to dye their eyelashes with the tip of a brush. This will maximize the volume. But the eyelashes at the same time often become heavier, become unnatural and ugly, stick together, because there is no separation, but the gluing effect will be very, very noticeable.

How many layers are required?

The number of layers of mascara depends entirely on personal preference, as well as on the quality of the product. For example, a single layer of mascara will give you a natural look. In addition, this amount will be sufficient even if the mascara dries quickly.

In such a situation, after the first coat is applied, it will dry out and form a hard coating, which can be damaged if re-painted. It turns out that lumps will form, and soon all the mascara can crumble.

There is one little trick. To make the eyelashes look natural after a two-layer application, you need to wait a little after the first staining.

But the whole secret is that the mascara should not dry out completely. It is best to paint the upper eyelashes and go to the lower ones, and then return to the upper ones again (they will not have time to dry completely, but they will dry out slightly, which will ensure optimal application).

Step-by-step instruction

So, how to properly dye your eyelashes with mascara? Detailed step-by-step instructions for you:

      1. If you want the eyelashes to be curled, then take care of this in advance. Use special tweezers, then start applying makeup. But if there is no such device in your arsenal, then you can make it easier. Bend the eyelashes up with your finger and hold them like this.
      2. Pick up the bottle with the product. Open it, take out the brush. It may contain too much mascara (this is especially true for recently opened funds), so the excess must be removed. Clean them with the edge of the bottle or with a paper towel.

Start dyeing your eyelashes. The first step is to apply the product to the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Pay attention to the inner corner of the eye, then move to the central part of the eyelid, move to the outer corner. Before each movement, make sure that you touch all the cilia in the area, try to fix them between the bristles.

  1. It is necessary to start painting from the roots, moving towards the tips. It is on the basis that the largest amount of funds should be located, this will allow you to create a kind of frame and at the same time not make the eyelashes heavier (and this is exactly what it would be if there were more mascara on the tips).
  2. Move on to the lower eyelid. Do not put the brush back in the bottle after applying the product to the upper lashes. The remaining amount of mascara is enough. In addition, this simple tip will help to avoid the formation of lumps and weight of the lower eyelid.
  3. After applying the first layer, you can additionally separate the eyelashes (if necessary) with a special comb.
  4. If necessary, apply a second coat (the first should not dry completely, remember this!).
  5. Ready!
  • If you have thick eyelashes that grow in several rows, then first lightly paint over the upper rows, holding the brush from the side of the eyelid, and then start painting over the lashes from below.
  • If you stain your eyelid, do not wait for the mascara to dry; immediately remove the dirt with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.
  • Do you want your lashes to be as thick as possible? After applying the first layer, you can powder them a little, and then apply the second.
  • Apply mascara to lashes after applying the eyeshadow. In addition, the face should already be powdered. This is necessary so that the particles of shadows and powder do not settle on the colored eyelashes, it will look sloppy and ugly.
  • Do not use mascara for more than 3-4 months after opening. Unfortunately, after this period, any product will dry out and clump. And the lumps are not very pretty.
  • Before applying mascara, you can lightly blot your eyelashes with a damp cloth. This will make the application process easier.
  • Do not apply too much mascara to your lower lashes, as this will narrow your eyes and make them look heavy.

Let your eyelashes be long and voluminous, and your look will become expressive and sexy!

On sale you can find a variety of options for mascara. The most popular are liquid products, packaged in convenient bottles and equipped with a brush mounted in the lid. Depending on the formula of the product and the shape of the brush, mascara can create a variety of effects. The choice of this or that option depends on the situation and the condition of your eyelashes.

Girls with too short eyelashes should choose mascara with a lengthening formula - it contains microvilli that effectively build up hairs. For those with sparse lashes, you can try a hair-thickening formula. This mascara is created on the basis of a combination of waxes that add volume, gloss and deep color to the lashes.

For owners of long but straight eyelashes, curling mascara is suitable - with its help you will create a beautiful curve that will be fixed for several hours

For everyday make-up, choose a classic mascara that colors and slightly increases the volume and length of the hairs. In the evening, a tool with the effect of a "butterfly wing" is more suitable - this mascara can turn your eyelashes into graceful fans.

Black mascara is a make-up classic. However, color options are very popular today. Chocolate is suitable for green eyes, ultramarine mascara for blue eyes, and dark blue mascara for gray eyes. Brown can be dyed with an emerald shade. For special occasions, mascara with microsparkles is intended - it looks especially festive and lights sparkles in the eyes.

How to color eyelashes at home

  • More details

How to apply mascara correctly

Eyelash coloring is the final stage of eye makeup. First, shadows and eyeliner are applied, and only then comes the turn of mascara. Too straight eyelashes can be curled with tongs before application - this will make the curl more stable.

Do not use dried ink - it will not lie neatly. Rinse the brush with warm water before use. Do not add alcohol or eye drops to the bottle - this can irritate the mucous membranes

Dip the brush into the bottle. Remove excess mascara by lightly rubbing the brush over the neck. Start coloring the lashes at the outer corner of the eye, looking down. For added convenience, you can hold the upper eyelid with your finger. To curl your lashes, press them with a brush and fix them for a few seconds.

Apply mascara as close to the roots of the lashes as possible, holding the brush horizontally and working towards the inner corner of the eye. Part lashes as you apply, preventing them from sticking together. If you accidentally stain your skin, wipe off the mascara immediately with a cotton swab.

If mascara has clumped, comb through lashes with a small comb or clean brush

Eyelashes stuck together in bunches is one of the urgent problems faced by millions of women every day. The eyes are the most expressive and charming part of a woman's face, and it is important that she looks well-groomed. High-quality mascara and professional advice from makeup artists on how to dye eyelashes correctly so that they do not crumble or stick together will help to solve the problem.

The perfect eye makeup starts with a careful selection of cosmetics. If you choose the unsuccessful option, expect the result in the form of heavy, glued eyelashes, which will leave imprints on the skin of the eyelids. Which product to buy depends on a number of important factors and the type of hair.

  • Rare cilia. Apply mascara with a medium-bristled brush.
  • Tough. For even coloring, use the curling spiral comb.
  • Soft. To prevent cilia from sticking together, work through them with a classic comb with even bristles along the entire length.
  • Narrow eyes. Spread the paint with a thin, elongated brush.
  • Lashes are medium soft and firm. A silicone brush is ideal for separating and densely applying paint.
  • Short hairs. For length, use a sparse brush.
  • If you want expressive eyes with unrivaled volume, you will need a conical comb.

To prevent the eyelashes from looking heavy, sticky, and not overgrown with unaesthetic lumps, you need to choose the right type of mascara.

  • To add volume with a coloring pigment, it is recommended to purchase a product containing silicone fibers and waxes, which envelop the hairs and visually create a thickening effect.
  • Decorative paint based on nylon and silicone fibers will help lengthen the cilia. The composition will cover and visually add length.

  • For waterproof makeup, mascaras with a special composition are used. If the product is of high quality, then you can even swim wearing makeup without worrying about your appearance.
  • It is advisable to paint hard eyelashes with a liquid composition, soft and thin ones - thicker, stretching.

Thanks to the harmonious combination of the right brush and paint, an even distribution can be achieved.

How to dye your eyelashes to keep them from sticking together

The method of applying the coloring composition to the eyes is the main secret of creating a sexy, alluring and mysterious look.

How to prevent eyelashes from sticking together:

  1. If you wear contact lenses, you must wear them before using makeup.
  2. Remove the brush from the mascara tube. Check that there are no excess and lumps on it. If the texture is too runny and runs off, gently dab it on a clean cloth.
  3. Raise your head slightly to avoid upper eyelid marks.
  4. Start coloring the ends from the outer corners.
  5. Zigzag the entire surface of the hairs, starting from the base towards the tips. Try to cover the area as much as possible in one stroke so that the eyelashes don't stick together and look heavy.
  6. Gently paint over the ends of the lower lashes.

Wait for the paint to dry and, if necessary, repeat all the steps from the beginning. If you perform the actions with the right accessory and without haste, then the hairs will not stick together and the look will look bright and expressive.

Why eyelash extensions can stick together

The extended eyelashes look impressive and are able to mask imperfections, but provided they are glued correctly and with high quality. Many women complain that artificial fibers stick together in the morning and take a long time to put them in order.

What to do to stop eyelash extensions from sticking together:

  1. To choose for the work of a professional master who knows the intricacies of the technology of attaching artificial hairs.
  2. Regularly, in order to separate them and comb out the already peeled off ones.
  3. Do not sleep with your face in the pillow.
  4. Gently separate with a comb after taking a shower, but only after complete drying, when the properties of the glue are restored.
  5. Do not rub your eyes with your hands.

If you need to apply eyelash makeup for extra expressiveness, use mascara that does not contain moisture-resistant components.

It must be removed gently with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, without applying force or pressure. Use a toothpick or fine brush to separate a tightly stuck beam.

Why laminated eyelashes stick together

Afraid of laminating your eyelashes because of the scary bonding effect? Do not be afraid, this is a temporary phenomenon that is observed only in the first knocks after visiting the master. In order for the eyes to look well-groomed and with a natural lengthening effect after this time, the following rules must be observed:

  • in the first 24 hours, do not sleep with your face in the pillow, do not rub with your hands and do not wet laminated hairs with water;
  • wash off cosmetics with a sponge;
  • do not comb.

On the first day, the hairs can stick together and look like they are oiled. They will shine and look ugly, but this effect lasts until the laminate is completely dry.

In the future, the treated cilia do not require special care and you can take off the following actions:

  • wash with cosmetic care products;
  • to be painted with ink;
  • go to the bathhouse and sauna;
  • apply cream around the eyes;
  • sleep in your favorite position;
  • swim in the sea and pool;
  • wear lenses;
  • sunbathe.

There are no restrictions, you can lead a familiar lifestyle and not be afraid that the cilia will start to stick together, break and look not well-groomed.

What to do to prevent lashes from sticking together

Many of the fair sex make mistakes, which is why the hairs stick together and become covered with lumps.

  1. A beautiful curl is created not with ink, but with tweezers. Make a bend first, and then paint can be applied.
  2. For daytime make-up, 1-2 layers of pigment are enough, for evening make-up no more than 3-4.
  3. While processing the hairs, hold the brush strictly horizontally, if you place it vertically, the eyelashes will be painted unevenly and stick together in bunches. Correct position will provide full coverage and perfect combing.
  4. Use only high quality cosmetics. Mascara is suitable for use within 3 months after opening the tube, after which it can cause irritation and allergies.
  5. What to do to prevent hairs from sticking in the cold? Paint with waterproof ink. From the cold, it gets wet and further hitching.

If you are concerned about the not aesthetic appearance of the eyes, learn how to choose the right cosmetics and accessory for its distribution. There are many nuances in perfect makeup and it is important to be able to take them into account. First, determine the type of cilia, and then, identify the reason why they began to interlock. After a detailed study of the problem, you will definitely understand your mistakes and find a way out of the situation.