How to pay pension co-financing. State pension co-financing program Pension co-financing program sberbank

The state program for co-financing pensions allowed its participants to increase their pension savings. The concept of the state program is to double the personal contributions of citizens to funded pension at the expense of budget funds.

What are the ways to receive co-financing payments? How are they done? What is the procedure for obtaining them? We will answer these questions in this article.

Features of the formation of pension savings with co-financing of pensions

To motivate citizens to form their own pensions, the state doubles their voluntary payments under the co-financing program. That is, if the insured voluntarily contributes from 2,000 rubles to 12,000 rubles during the year, he receives the same amount to the account from the budget.

Citizens who have already received the right to a pension, but have not applied for it, have benefits. Their contribution is quadrupled. For example, if a citizen makes a contribution of 2,000 rubles, the state will transfer 6,000 rubles to the account. Thus, over a year, pension savings will increase by 8,000 rubles.

The program is valid for 10 years from the date of payment of the first installment. It was possible to register in it until December 31, 2014. Since 2015, you cannot join this program.

When can I receive co-financing money?

A funded pension, like other pension options, is issued only upon the occurrence of an insured event. For funded security, the most common reason for receiving funds is reaching the retirement age.

Earning a pension ahead of time is only possible in cases prescribed by law. For example, when working in the Far North or in hazardous conditions. Early payments are also provided for:

  • for women with 3 children or more;
  • some categories of disabled people;
  • unemployed of pre-retirement age, etc.

A complete list of reasons for going on a well-deserved rest ahead of time is indicated in Art. 30-32 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

There are no exceptions for co-financing savings. Citizens can return money only upon obtaining the right to a pension. In most women, it appears at 55 years old, in men at 60 years old.

Ways to receive funds

The legislation approved three methods for the payment of voluntary pension savings, including funds from co-financing:

  • life pension;
  • urgent payment;
  • one-time payment.

The life pension is paid until the time of death. To determine the monthly amount, pension savings are divided by the expected payment date. In 2017, it is 20 years (240 months).

An urgent payment differs from a life pension by self-setting the date of receipt of funds by a pensioner. This period cannot be less than 10 years. Usually, for urgent payments, the monthly amount is slightly higher.

A lump sum payment is provided for citizens whose pension savings are low. The entire amount can be immediately received by persons whose funded pension is less than 5% of the insurance pension.

According to the FIU, at the end of 2016, the average payments are:

  • old-age insurance pension - 13,172 rubles;
  • cumulative - 802 rubles;
  • urgent payments - 1,052 rubles;
  • lump sum payment - 10,184 rubles.

Procedure for registration of payments of pension savings

You need to receive a funded pension at the place where the funds are placed. If the savings are transferred to the NPF, you should contact the territorial branch or the head organization of the fund. When placing funds through a management company, an application for payment is sent to the FIU.

Often, applicants do not know where their retirement funds are. You can find out information in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. For this, a request is generated about the state of the individual account. You can submit an appeal in person, via the Internet or by mail.

On the official web resources of insurers and the FIU, you can find all the information about the place of circulation and the required package of papers. Usually, along with the application for the payment of the pension, the fund will ask for:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate from the place of residence;
  • work book;
  • Bank details.

Other documents may be required depending on the circumstances. For example, certificates on the amount of maternity capital funds, in the event that it was directed to the formation of pension savings.

After receiving the appeal, the fund specialists determine the option for issuing pension funds. The decision on the appointment of a pension is made within 10 days from the date of submission of all papers. The lump sum payment is processed within 30 days.

Issuance of pension savings to heirs

Unlike an insurance pension, the funded part can be inherited. The owner of the savings account can at any time choose the persons who will be entitled to pension savings after their death. If no choice is made, the funded pension is inherited in the order of priority of successors.

The remainder of the savings funds is inherited in all cases, except for the appointment and payment of life support. To receive money, heirs must contact the insurer or the FIU within six months from the date of death of the insured person.


The procedure for receiving payment of funds from co-financing is similar to the procedure for receiving payment of a funded pension. A citizen must submit an appropriate application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or NPF and choose a method: urgent payment or monthly payment. The decision to satisfy the citizen's appeal is made from 10 to 30 days inclusive.

Department Pension Fund of the Russian Federationin the Morgaush region sent letters to the participants of the State Pension Co-financing Program reminding them about the payment of voluntary contributions for 2017.

The state doubles voluntary contributions to the funded pension in the amount of 2 thousand to 12 thousand rubles per year within 10 years from the year of payment of the first contribution. Citizens who paid the first installment in 2009 the term of state support ends in 2019. That is, the contributions for which there will be co-financing can be paid to them in 2017 and 2018.

Additional insurance premiums for an increase in pension are accepted in any bank, the receipt is posted on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the section "Electronic services" / "Generate a payment document" ( And there is an opportunity to pay contributions to Sberbank through ATMs and payment terminals, you can make payments also, without leaving home, using the Internet service Sberbank-online.

Funds are paid under the Program, taking into account investment income when assigning an insurance pension for old age, including early. If, when calculating, the monthly payment is no more than 5% of the total pension, then the entire amount will be paid at a time. Otherwise, at the choice of the citizen, an urgent payment for 10 or more years or a lifelong payment may be assigned - in this case, the funds are paid monthly.

Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Morgaush districtreminds that if earlier a pensioner could apply for a lump sum annually, then since 2015 - every five years. That is, to citizens who applied for pension savings in 2015 and received them in the form of a lump sum, the next lump sum payment can be made not earlier than 2020 year.

The amounts of urgent pension payments and funded pension are automatically adjusted annually from August 1 including insurance premiums received by the Pension Fund after appointment or previous adjustment.

Citizens whose pension savings are formed in a non-state pension fund (NPF) should apply to the selected NPF for processing payments. The addresses and telephones of regional offices can be found on the website of the fund itself or the Deposit Insurance Agency. If there is no NPF representative office in the republic, you can send a notarized application for the appointment of a pension or submit an application in person at the nearest branch.

Where it is formed, you can find out in the "Personal Account of a Citizen" on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia in the section "Management of Pension Savings Funds", the service "Get information about the current insurer." ...

Payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is the responsibility of all registered individual entrepreneurs. Sberbank customers do not need to come to the branch and stand in long queues, because you can pay contributions from anywhere in the world via the Internet. All you need is a device with network access and a working account in the Sberbank Online system.

Payment of contributions to the Pension Fund on the website of the system

To gain access to payment of fees and perform other operations on the card, you must first go through authorization on the site - enter your login and correct password in the appropriate form.

We enter your personal account

Payment of pension contributions is made in the "Transfers and Payments" tab

Go to the item "Transfers and Payments"

(the second item in the green menu bar at the top of the page). In the section "Payment for purchases and services" you need to find the subsection "Traffic police, taxes, duties, budgetary payments"

Choosing the "Pension Fund" service

and select the item "Pension funds" in it. Then the screen will display a list of available services and organizations. The required item is different for citizens living in different regions. So, Muscovites should choose "OPFR Moscow and Moscow Region", and residents of, for example, Kaliningrad - "Pension Fund of Russia - Kaliningrad Region".

Attention! You need to make sure that the correct home region of the cardholder is specified. Otherwise, the search results will not display the required services and organizations.

Choosing the service you need

1) Service name. The options may be different, you should choose the most appropriate for the situation, for example, "Mandatory and other contributions."

Choosing a service

It is also important to make sure that the name indicates the correct region (city, not region, or vice versa).

2) Card of write-off. You can specify only a bank card, payment from an account via the Internet is not available.

3) TIN of the card holder. It can be viewed on the website of the Federal Tax Service - Federal Tax Service (

4) Registration number in the Pension Fund.

After entering and checking the correctness of the requested details, you need to request an SMS confirmation,

SMS example

indicate on the website the code from the message that came to the phone, and the contribution to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will be paid. The column “Payment status” should show “Executed”, and next to it there should be a blue seal with the same inscription.

On the same page, you can add an operation to the list of templates,
and then the next time, if it is necessary to pay a fee to the Pension Fund, all clicks on the links and filling in the details will be made automatically. You only need to adjust the payment amount (if necessary) and confirm the payment via SMS.

An auto payment connection is also available,
in which the payment of contributions to the Pension Fund will be made automatically, almost without the participation of the cardholder. To do this, press the appropriate button after completing the operation on the "Payment Status" page or click on the "Connect Auto Payment" link in the "My Auto Payments" section of the Personal Menu.

Payment of contributions to the FIU through a mobile application for android

Owners of smartphones and tablets should install the bank's mobile application on their devices, since it is much more convenient to perform banking operations from it: firstly, its interface is specially designed to work from the active screen, and secondly, the application includes several additional functions that use the capabilities mobile devices.

To enter the application, you need to enter the correct five-digit password,

Enter the password into the Andoid app

after which you can immediately proceed to paying contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This operation is carried out in the "Payments" tab.

Select the item "Payments"

To get there, you need to swipe right once. Next, you should find the section "Payments" and select the item "Taxes, fines, traffic police" in it.

We select the item "Taxes, fines, traffic police"

An extensive list of available organizations will appear in the window that opens, among which you need to find the required institution corresponding to the payer's region. For convenience, you should enter the name of the organization in the search bar (if you know its exact name). In most cases, a search for the query "FIU" helps.

Choosing a service

Then you need to select a service, for example, "OPFR Moscow - Obligatory and other contributions" or a similar one, suitable for the situation and the city of residence.

The next step is filling in the details. You can enter the TIN and registration number manually, or you can scan the receipt (if any) by pointing the camera at its barcode. You will also need to select the card from which the payment will be made and confirm the operation with another touch.

The successful payment of contributions to the FIU will be indicated by a corresponding notification on the screen. Also, upon completion of the operation, you can save and later print the receipt, view the detailed information about the payment and save the payment as a template.

Payment of contributions to the FIU through a mobile application for ios

We enter with the mobile application for ios

Choosing the service "Taxes, fines, traffic police"

We select the item "OPFR Moscow and Moscow region"

We fill in the details.

2017,. All rights reserved.

Navigating the article

Contributions for participation in the program

The procedure and conditions under which the state co-financing of pensions is carried out are established and regulated by Federal Law No. 56-FZ dated April 30, 2008, as amended on November 4, 2014 and with amendments that came into force on January 1, 2015.

The co-financing participant's contribution cannot be less than 2 thousand rubles per year... An increase in the amount of transfers occurs only if the program participant deposits an amount from two to twelve thousand rubles per year to his savings account, which can be transferred either at a time or in installments or in the form of monthly installments. If the amount of annual contributions is less than 2,000 rubles, then such a contribution will not be taken into account and there will be no increase.

The amount of the voluntary insurance contribution by the participant of the co-financing program is determined independently, but the state contribution cannot exceed 12,000 rubles per year, and in the cases provided for by Part 2 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law No. 56, when the participation of the state is established in an increased amount - 48,000 rubles in year.

Increased co-financing installed under the simultaneous observance of the following conditions:

  • availability of the right to;
  • refusal from insurance and funded pension;
  • refusal of pension payments provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 2 ФЗ № 360;
  • waiver of another pension, including the monthly maintenance of a retired judge.

Dates of entry and end of the program

Initially, in accordance with the conditions set out in Federal Law No. 56, the deadline for joining this program was set until September 30, 2013, and its effect was only extended to insured persons who applied with an application before October 1, 2013.

  • In many enterprises, voluntary contributions for participation in the Program were included in the social package when drawing up labor contracts with employees.
  • The employer can join the Program at any time, and the amount of contributions is not limited.
  • Contributions for voluntary pension insurance within 12,000 rubles not subject to taxation insurance premiums and included in expenses when calculating the taxation of profits.

Program participants who transfer contributions through an employer can apply for a tax deduction from the amount of additional contributions within 12 thousand rubles by contacting the accounting department.

Employers who transfer additional contributions for employees can find the details of the recipient of additional insurance contributions on the official website of the PF of the Russian Federation.

Procedure and terms for payment of additional contributions

Payment of voluntary insurance contributions can be made personally by the insured person through credit institutions to accounts, the details of which can be found:

  • at any branch of the Pension Fund;
  • through the employer, having previously applied to the accounting department.

Accounting employees are in constant contact with the Pension Fund authorities and monitor all changes in legislation, thanks to which they have more opportunities in terms of ensuring the observance of the pension rights of their employees.

Payment of additional contributions is made by the employer to the budget of the PRF in the same order and in the same terms as determined in relation to (determined by the law of 12/15/2001 N 167-FZ) - no later than the 15th of the month following the month for which the payment is being transferred.

A program participant who has already paid the entry fee can at any time stop, and then, determining the payment terms at his own discretion, resume the payment of insurance contributions for the formation of a funded pension under the state co-financing program, but within 10 years, for which its effect is calculated in relation to each citizen who joined the Program.

At the end of the 10-year period, the doubling of voluntary contributions will be stopped, and all subsequent transfers made by the insured person or his employer will increase the funded pension already without state participation.

Ivan Petrovich, being a recipient of an insurance pension since January 25, 2013 and continuing to work, applied through the accounting service of his enterprise to the Pension Fund of Russia with an application to join the State co-financing program in order to pay additional contributions for the formation of a funded pension on September 30, 2013.

At the beginning of 2014, the first installment of 5 thousand rubles was transferred and another 5 thousand were transferred to Petrovich's personal account from the employer, who decided to participate in co-financing the formation of the employee's pension savings as a reward for his high professionalism and many years of conscientious work at the enterprise.

Ivan Petrovich has the right to state support in the formation of a funded pension under this Program because an application for participation in it was submitted by him before the entry into force of Federal Law No. 345, that is, within the period established by the previously effective version of Law No. 56 FZ and the amendments made by Federal Law No. 345 to paragraph 1 of Article 12 of Law No. 56 cannot apply to him.


The meaning of the State co-financing program is to create a material base for future pensions, formed at the expense of the amount of which is increased by the state.

  • When deciding on further participation in the state program of co-financing or on its termination, it is necessary to take into account many factors, the main of which is the deepening economic crisis, which, unambiguously, will reduce profitability in the investment market, in which various NPFs and management companies are participants, at their disposal are the financial resources of citizens involved in the formation of funded pensions.
  • On the other hand, the ongoing reform of the state pension system, which is not expected to be completed in the near future, is also does not contribute to the growth of trust citizens. Especially considering the latest decisions related to By "freezing" funded pensions and for certain categories of pensioners.

However, if the employer takes part in the formation of the pension savings of his employees, then this, of course, has a positive effect on the microclimate in the team and labor productivity.