How to clean a suede bag at home. Milk with baking soda. Features of drying suede bag

The suede bag gives the wearer a touch of elegance and aristocracy. But exactly until the moment when spots, weasels and other traces of active use do not appear on the suede. To maintain your reputation, it is worth learning how to take care of your bag and clean it properly.

Features of suede and its difference from other materials

To understand the peculiarities of caring for suede products, let's figure out what kind of material it is.

Natural suede - soft leather of a special dressing. To obtain it, the skins of elk, deer, and small ruminants are used, subjected to fat tanning. Due to this processing, suede stretches well, allows air to pass through, and has a soft pile.

Suede stretches well and is breathable

Artificial suede is a new generation material that imitates the appearance of natural. It is made of polyester fiber with the addition of cotton impregnated with Teflon. This gives the material strength and resistance to sunlight, moisture, chemical and mechanical damage. Unlike natural, artificial suede does not allow air to pass through, does not fade, it is difficult to tear it.

Another material that is often confused with suede is nubuck. For its manufacture, skins of cattle are used, grinding them from the side of the cut with fine abrasive agents. The result is a leather with a low fine nap, not protected from moisture, dirt and grease.

Methods and means of cleaning these materials directly depend on their characteristics. For all three species, they are similar, but each has its own characteristics.

Depending on the problem, you should also select the means to eliminate it.

We clean suede at home

This should be done regularly, as "emergency" cleaning before going out can only ruin the thing.

Homemade compositions prepared on their own work no worse. But their application requires a lot of effort and accuracy.

Remove greasy stains

Before starting to remove stains, remove dust and dirt from the surface with a soft bristle brush. This should be done in neat circular movements in one direction. It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily so that the dirt does not dig deep into the suede.


Absorbents are liquid or powdery substances that completely absorb fat.

  1. Heat baby powder, starch, chalk, tooth powder, or other absorbent in a dry skillet.
  2. Sprinkle the absorbent over the grease stain, place several layers of paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, and anything heavy as a press on top. Wait 2-3 hours for the fat to be absorbed.
  3. Brush off the remaining powder with a suede brush, lifting the nap along the way.

Baby powder or talcum powder is an effective absorbent

Fine salt can also be used as an absorbent:

  1. Sprinkle plenty of salt over the stain and let sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Rub the salt into the lint. Shake off excess.
  3. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

If these methods fail to get rid of the greasy stain, use a gel for washing wool and delicate fabrics (Meine Liebe, Cotico, UNICUM, Laska).


A heavily soiled bag can be cleaned with dishwashing detergents, liquid soap or shampoo.

  1. Add 20 ml of gel to a liter of water.
  2. Take a sponge or brush and scrub the bag with the resulting solution.
  3. Remove the rest with a dry sponge.
  4. Dry your bag away from heat and direct sunlight.


A solution of ammonia will help with complex dirty spots and streaks.

  1. Dilute ammonia in water in a 1: 4 ratio.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad with the solution and treat problem areas.
  3. Rinse with a damp cloth.
  4. Dry naturally, away from heating appliances.
  5. Brush dry the bag against the lint.

Refined gasoline

Gasoline is considered a good means of cleaning suede from all types of dirt, including greasy stains, however, it must be used with great care and preferably in a cleaned form so as not to damage delicate material.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in the product, gently wipe the stain with it.
  2. After 10 minutes, sprinkle with fine salt, shake off and sprinkle again. The salt will absorb any remaining dirt and gasoline.
  3. After 5 minutes, brush the bag with a rubber brush.

This radical method should be used only when others have not had an effect.

Treatment of oiled areas

The lashes on the bag look ugly. There are several ways to deal with them.

Stuffed folds and straps lend themselves well to cleaning with an eraser or sandpaper - zero. The color of the eraser should be close to the color of the bag to avoid staining.

The eraser will deal with small stains and raise the lint

Milk and soda

The method will help not only get rid of unnecessary shine, but also refresh the color of the bag.

  1. Combine a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of skim milk.
  2. Rub the resulting gruel with a sponge and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Finish with a sponge. Pre-moisten it with vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water.

If the material is dark, the milk should be replaced with water.

Features of cleaning light, colored and brown bags

A light-colored product can be easily cleaned with a mixture of one teaspoon of ammonia, one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a quarter of a glass of water.

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with the solution and process the product.
  2. Blot with a soft cloth and dry naturally.

Crushed chalk, left on the stain for 7-8 hours, and table vinegar are also suitable for this purpose.

  1. Dilute vinegar 3 tablespoons per liter of water.
  2. Moisten a sponge with it and squeeze it well. Vinegar drops on your bag can leave streaks.
  3. Gently wipe the stained area and pat dry with a paper towel.

Colored material can be cleaned using any of the methods described, by first testing on an inconspicuous area. The ammonia, vinegar and glycerin will not affect the pigment.

The brown bag can be cleaned with coffee grounds. It will remove dirt and freshen up the color.

Steam will also help remove dirt from a dark-colored bag.

  1. Remove all contents from the bag.
  2. Hold it over steam for 5-10 minutes. This can be a boiling kettle or hot water poured into a basin.
  3. Lightly rub over greasy areas and stains with a suede brush.

Steam will help get rid of weasels

Video: an experiment on cleaning suede with professional and home remedies

We erase suede correctly

If possible, it is best not to do this at all. Suede does not like water and can deform so that it will no longer be possible to carry a bag. The result of such an experiment largely depends on the quality of the garment and on the selected washing temperature. But if you do decide to take the risk, consider a few helpful tips.

  1. Washing is allowed only by hand and quickly so that the surface does not have time to get wet through. To wash artificial suede, a detergent is used for wool and delicate fabrics, it is better to wash the natural one with a special shampoo or soft gel, whipping it in water until it lather.
  2. Do not soak your bag completely in water. Spread it out on the table and treat the dirty areas with soapy foam in a circular motion.
  3. Remove the product with a sponge soaked in water.

The product should not be rubbed, wrung out, excess moisture will be blotted out with a soft towel. The bag is then air-dried in a hanging state.

  • If only the lining needs to be washed, remove it, shake out the debris, wash in a detergent solution and dry.
  • If the lining cannot be removed, turn it inside out, gently sponge with a soapy sponge and dry.

In case of extreme dirt, when local cleaning and hand washing do not help, it is allowed to wash the bag in the machine, but without preliminary soaking and spinning. In this case, the water temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees.

Nubuck, unlike suede, cannot be washed and subjected to any wet processing. Purchase a special nubuck cleaning cloth and spray frequently with a protective spray.

Dry the suede after washing

Often, water stains cause trouble, so you should not not only wash, but also use suede clothes in rainy weather. What if my bag gets wet?

  1. First, the bag needs to be dried at room temperature. Do not try to speed up the process with a hair dryer or heating appliances. If the bag is soaked through, empty the contents and fill with paper.
  2. Brush the product while it is still wet.
  3. If after drying you still find stains, treat the stains with warm water and soap, then rinse with clean water.
  4. Let dry again at room temperature and brush.

After washing and drying, the suede may become a little rough. To fix the problem, sand the surface of the bag with a rubber suede brush or fine-grain emery paper. To prevent it, treat the item with a glycerin solution (half a teaspoon per liter of water).

If all your efforts have failed to get rid of the stains, it is better not to use stronger products, but to take your purse to a dry cleaner. Not all bags can be dry cleaned, this information is on the product tag.

Suede is a noble but very delicate material that requires careful maintenance. If you become the owner of an elegant accessory, treat it with care, clean it regularly, choosing professional or home remedies, depending on the color of the product and the type of pollution. Remember that sprays and shampoos, as well as impregnations that protect suede from moisture and dirt, are not a whim, but a necessity to keep your bag in good condition and ensure a long life.

Products made from natural suede look impressive and sophisticated. Its accessories add elegance to even a simple business suit. But this material is not very practical. Abrasions and dirt are immediately visible on the velvety surface. Gentleness combined with proper care and cleaning will help maintain the beautiful appearance of your suede bag.

Differences in cleaning natural, artificial suede and nubuck

Natural suede - soft leather with a velvety surface. It is made from the skins of medium-sized animals by the fat-tanning method. The material is porous, elastic, wear-resistant, breathable and therefore very comfortable, but expensive. Its modern substitutes are close in their characteristics to the original, and in some even surpass it. This, of course, does not apply to fragile and quickly losing their appearance products from cheap substitutes. In appearance, it is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish between artificial and natural suede, but upon careful examination, the differences can be found:

  1. Sniff the surface of the bag. Real suede has a distinct leather smell. Artificial does not smell.
  2. Examine the surface carefully. Natural suede has a porous structure and a slightly uneven color. Synthetic materials are usually perfectly uniform in color.
  3. Slide your finger along the pile: real suede will change the shade to a lighter one.

Artificial suede is distinguished by a variety of colors, no smell and an even texture

Artificial material is much less picky about cleaning. If the bag is not on a frame, then it can be washed using gel for wool and delicate fabrics... True, you need to be prepared for the fact that the artificial pile "sticks together" and it will not work to spread it with a suede brush. Alcohol and other solvents can damage the finish in some cases.

If you have a bag made of faux suede, strictly follow the instructions on the tag.

Natural suede should be cleaned with special means, and washed only with a special shampoo. A aggressive detergent and improper drying can damage the shape and color of the product... Suede will lose its softness and brightness. But it can be cleaned, if necessary, using alcohol solutions.

Made from leather of cattle, nubuck is machined with abrasive materials to create a suede effect. But for tanning, not fats are used, but an aqueous solution of chromium salts. Outwardly, these materials are rather difficult to distinguish, but in use - the difference is obvious. Nubuck that has not undergone special treatment with fat-containing substances quickly loses its appearance, becomes dirty and greasy. Unlike suede, for nubuck cleaning with moisture-containing products, washing, and even more so washing, is categorically unacceptable. He is shown only dry cleaning with special means.

The nubuck bag can only be cleaned dry

What to expect when dry cleaning a suede bag

If for some reason you do not want to clean your bag at home, you can put it in the hands of professionals. Before that, it is recommended to clarify which method and preparations will be used in the processing process, to what extent they are consistent with the recommendations indicated on the manufacturer's label.

There are several methods of dry cleaning. They differ in the degree of aggressiveness of the drugs used and the risk of damage to the product being processed.

  1. Perchlorethylene dry cleaning requires specialized equipment and strict safety precautions. This is the most common way to remove tough stains, but also risky: paint can easily be removed along with grease and dirt. If the item was previously treated with water-repellent or protective impregnations, they will be damaged.
  2. Cleaning with hydrocarbons is the most delicate and gentle method, it does not damage the tissue structure. The surface remains soft, retains its original color and does not have a specific odor. The method is most suitable for cleaning suede, but not suitable for heavily soiled.

How to clean your suede bag

One of the features of suede is that the fibers of the pile easily break and crumple, and the surface of the material quickly becomes dirty and begins to shine. Regular cleaning is essential to remove dust and even out lint. A suede and nubuck brush is best for this. A set of special tools for caring for such materials usually also includes a sponge and an eraser.

Suede dry cleaning tools - photo gallery

Talc can remove grease and protein stains from suede

If the stain persists, you can try to remove it with ammonia:

  1. Mix ammonia with water in a 1: 4 ratio.
  2. Moisten a sponge with the solution and wipe the stain, then brush it off.
  3. Blot the surface thoroughly and dry the bag.

To remove greasy stains, use the following method:

  1. Make a gruel from ammonia and starch.
  2. Apply a small amount to the stain.
  3. Let dry and then brush away.

If contamination is difficult to remove, treat it with refined gasoline (for lighters)... But this must be done very carefully, since gasoline is too aggressive medium for delicate suede.

The overgrown areas are removed with starch: you need to sprinkle it on the stain, hold it for half an hour, and then remove it with a brush. The worn-out places are restored by rubbing with a bread crust.

... and against water stains

Talcum powder also cleanses water stains:

  1. Sprinkle powder over the area to be treated.
  2. Brush the bristles well with a toothbrush.
  3. Shake off any remaining talcum powder.
  4. Hold the garment over steam to soften the material.
  5. When the bag is dry, brush the lint with a soft brush.

The bristles are combed with a toothbrush or other soft bristle instrument

We clean up the dirt without panic

If splashes of dirt get on the suede, do not try to wipe them off immediately:

  1. Dry the stains first.
  2. Then shake off large particles of dirt with a stiff brush.
  3. And brush the material with a rubber brush.

A special eraser is used as a tool for cleaning suede from dirt, but you can also take a simple clerical one.

Washing a suede bag: evaluating the pros and cons and acting carefully

Natural suede does not like moisture. Therefore, using such a radical cleaning method as washing should be done with caution and only when more gentle ones do not give the required effect. A compromise option is a neat washing of the material:

  1. Prepare a detergent composition with suede shampoo and water at room temperature. Approximate proportion: 20 g of product per 1 liter of water.

    If you decide to wash your suede, do not skimp on a special shampoo, it will cost less than a new bag

  2. Brush off the dust from the bag and lay it out on a flat surface.
  3. Soak a cotton swab or sponge in the detergent and wipe the suede. The process should take place as quickly as possible so that the material does not have time to get wet through.
  4. Then also wipe the bag with a cloth dampened with clean water, rinse it and repeat, cleaning the surface of the remaining detergent.
  5. Blot the surface thoroughly with a terry towel. Do not twist or rub the bag.

    At the end of washing, the surface of the bag must be blotted with a towel or napkin.

  6. Spread the product and hang it to dry indoors. Do not use a hair dryer or hang a bag near heating appliances.

Features of cleaning white and colored suede

To prevent the material from losing its brightness or color change in the place of the former dirty spot, use various means:

Folk recipe: cleansing white suede with soda milk

  1. Make a mixture of skim milk and baking soda (half a glass of milk, 1⁄2 tablespoon baking soda).
  2. Soak a soft brush in the mixture and gently wipe off the dirt.
  3. Remove the composition with a sponge dipped in clean warm water.
  4. Dry the surface with a napkin and finally dry the bag flat at room temperature.

A mixture of skim milk and baking soda is great for cleaning a light-colored suede bag

How to restore softness to a bag after wet cleaning

To restore the stiff suede, the easiest way is to use professional conditioners - Suede Revive, ECCO, Proofer.

Conditioners for suede soften the material, preserve its color and elasticity

Of course, there are also popular ways of solving this problem.


You can soften the hardened material by steaming.

  1. The bag is placed over a container of boiling water for about half an hour.
  2. The product is straightened, hung and dried at room temperature.
  3. Steaming is repeated. You need to do at least 5-6 cycles.
  4. After the final drying, the material is treated with a suede brush.

For the same purpose, you can use an iron with a steamer, only the processing should be carried out without touching the material, but passing over it in the air at a distance of 2 cm.

To process suede, the easiest way to use a steamer is to set the minimum steam temperature on it.

Glycerin treatment

A common way to soften leather and suede is to use glycerin.

  1. Prepare a solution of glycerin: half a teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The surface of the product is moistened with a sponge.
  3. After the solution is absorbed, the bag is wiped with a napkin.
  4. Dry at room temperature.

After treatment with glycerin, the suede softens

Using vinegar (essence)

A tablespoon of the essence is diluted in 1 liter of water and applied with a sponge to the surface of the bag. Further actions are the same as when processing with glycerin.

After carrying out serious cleaning and freshening of the bag, such as washing, steaming, mechanical cleaning of large areas, treat the suede with a special conditioner and impregnation to protect it from moisture.

To keep the bag looking good for as long as possible, treat it with special protective equipment after cleaning.

Video: which cleans suede better - homemade or special products?

To care for suede, a variety of methods and simple cleaning techniques are used. The competent use of improvised means will help to maintain a good appearance for a long time even for such a delicate accessory as a bag made of natural suede.

A modern woman's wardrobe must have at least one suede bag. It is a beautiful and elegant accessory that suits many clothing styles. But, unfortunately, a suede bag is not a very practical thing.

During wearing, scuffs appear on it, it quickly loses its appearance. Any stains are noticeable on suede, even dried drops from rain, and settled dust. However, this is not a reason to immediately abandon such a bag, it can be quite easily tidied up.

For this, it is not necessary to go to the dry cleaner every time. In most cases, you can do it yourself if you know how to clean a suede bag at home.

Basic ways to clean a suede bag

Suede can be natural and artificial. A bag made of artificial suede, despite the lower cost, is an impractical thing, because it loses its qualities much faster.

The main feature of suede is that it is made by fat-tanning leather and has a fleecy structure. Its fibers are very easy to deteriorate and wrinkle. The fabric itself gets dirty easily and starts to shine pretty quickly.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the appearance of the suede bag and carry out regular surface cleaning in order to shake off the dust and straighten the pile. It is best to have a special suede brush for these purposes. It happens:

  • bristle;
  • rubber.

You can sometimes use the smoothest sandpaper in place of such a brush.

There are other items created specifically for the care of suede products:

  • sponge;
  • eraser;
  • grinding cube.

Cleaning a suede bag is possible with the use of various chemicals (cleaners, impregnations) in the form of liquids, aerosols, gels, foams. They are designed to restore the softness, appearance and brightness of the color of the bag, as well as to create a dust and moisture repellent effect.

Use of such products should be done in moderation and in strict accordance with the instructions.

However, in order to clean a suede bag, you can do with the usual improvised tools that are always found in the household. To do this, apply:

  • soda;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • dentifrice;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • milk;
  • coffee grounds.

It should be remembered that it is first recommended to test any product in the most inconspicuous place (on the inner seams or curls).

Do not use acetone, degreasing solvents, chemical stain removers to clean suede.

There are many popular recipes for how to clean a suede bag. It is also suggested to clean using the steam method, eraser or soapy water. If the problem is serious enough, it is better not to risk it, but to seek help from a dry cleaner.

Cleaning bags with folk remedies

To remove the gloss, it is advised to wipe the problem areas with vinegar solution (1 tsp vinegar essence per 1 liter of water).

To eliminate the shine in such places, you can use a mixture of warm milk and baking soda (1 tsp baking soda for 1 cup milk). This recipe is also used to freshen up the color of the handbag.

Any protein stains should be removed immediately. To do this, first wipe the place of contamination with a damp cloth, and then brush it with a rubber brush.

If the stain is difficult to remove, you can try lightly rubbing with a foam rubber sponge dipped in a solution of ammonia and water (1: 4). Then brush and pat dry well with a towel.

It is advised to remove the oily stain using talcum powder. The powder needs to be applied for several hours, and when it is absorbed, brush the area with a brush. Some recipes suggest adding gasoline to talcum powder, but you need to be extremely careful with this substance so as not to spoil the suede product.

There are recommendations for using starch instead of talc in such cases. The process is similar. If the desired result is not obtained, it is advised to mix starch with ammonia until a thick gruel and apply it to the stain.

After this mixture dries, it is removed with a brush. Starch is also used to remove rubbed areas. Sprinkle them generously with starch and leave for half an hour, then wipe it off with a brush.

Using the eraser

Any stains or shiny areas that appear can be removed with a special or regular stationery eraser. Any simple contamination is enough just to rub it gently.

Blocked areas must first be treated with a cotton pad dipped in a solution of water and ammonia. Then wash this area with clean water and rub with an eraser.

You need to rub with an eraser very carefully, without pressing.

Steam method

To straighten the pile and freshen up a suede bag, it is advised to use the steam method. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan or kettle and bring it to a boil. Hold the bag over the steam for a few minutes. During the procedure, turn the product, exposing the entire surface to the steam.

Then the bag needs to be brushed.

Some stains can be removed in the same way. They should be wiped off with a brush directly while the bag is over the steam.

Dry cleaning

Sometimes cleaning a suede bag at home does not give the desired result. In order not to overdo it and not spoil this delicate thing, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. Of course, this is an extreme case, since it involves the use of professional chemicals, which can have undesirable consequences:

  • change in the general condition of the product (may "sit down");
  • loss of material quality (coarse);
  • loss of color.

Some suede bags are not dry-cleaned at all. This should be indicated on the label.

But at the same time, it is better to rely on the experience and professionalism of specialists than to stubbornly engage in amateur performances.

Washing a suede bag

Suede does not like water very much, because when wet it swells, and after drying it becomes rough, hard and loses elasticity. Therefore, washing a suede bag will be appropriate only if multiple stains and dirt appear on it.

Only a genuine suede bag can be washed.

You can wash (more precisely, wash) a suede bag only by hand using warm water, laundry soap or shampoo. It should be laid out on a flat surface and gently wiped with a sponge dipped in soapy water. The process must be very quick so that the suede does not have time to absorb water.

Then wipe well with a cloth dampened in clean warm water. This fabric can be rinsed several times if necessary. Finally, blot the entire surface thoroughly with a soft towel.

Do not rub the bag intensively and twist it!

In order for the bag to remain soft and pleasant to the touch after washing, it is recommended to apply a glycerin solution before drying. For it, you need to add half a teaspoon of glycerin to 1 liter of water.

The bag can be dried only at room temperature in a straightened hanging form. The use of additional heat sources is not allowed. After the bag is dry, it is advised to shake it well and straighten the pile with a brush.

Tips for cleaning different color suede bags

Many questions arise about how to clean a light suede bag. She really needs some extra cleaning. For this procedure, you need to mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in water (1 tbsp of water, 1 tsp of alcohol and peroxide). Wipe the surface of the product with a dampened cloth and dry with a soft cloth.

Colored bags can be cleaned using aqueous ammonia (5: 1) and wiped with vinegar diluted in water (1: 1). This will not change the color of the item. If the bag is brown, it is recommended to clean it with coffee grounds.

Also, for cleaning colored suede handbags, it is recommended to purchase special cream - paints and color activators.

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A suede bag is present in every woman's closet. She fits perfectly into a business and casual look. This material is capricious and needs special care. Suede leather easily collects street dust and dirt. In order for the thing to retain its original appearance, you should study the processing rules. We suggest using our recommendations on how to clean a suede bag at home.

To get rid of dirt from the bag, professional and folk methods are used. To begin with, the tool should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the thing.

There are devices for mechanical and chemical processing. You can clean a suede bag using the following mechanical means:

  • hard porous sponge for cleaning with foam;
  • sponges for gentle and delicate care;
  • glue-coated rollers for dust removal;
  • crepe brush for lifting the bristles and hard processing;
  • double-sided brush.

One side of the latter is made of rubber bristles, while the other is coated with a metal abrasive to clean the suede fabric.

A set of brushes will make it easier to care for your suede bag


  • emulsion;
  • shampoo for suede treatment;
  • foam;
  • gel;
  • cream.

The listed products are highly effective, as they cope even with difficult stains. They can be used to gently handle delicate suede materials.

Important: It is better to use special devices and means in combination. Apply cream or foam to the surface, clean with sponges or brushes.

Their cost is quite high, so you can use folk methods. They will act as a decent and budgetary alternative:

  • Table 9% vinegar. Mix 30 ml of vinegar and 700 ml of pure water. Moisten a sponge or soft cloth, squeeze well. Treat contaminated areas. It is important not to rub too hard. You need to act carefully, try to avoid divorces. Acetic acid fixes the shade. The method effectively affects bright colored bags - blue, red;
  • Ammonia. Mix ammonia (50 ml) and water (150 ml). Use a sponge or light-colored cloth to gently wipe the dirty areas. Wait 10 minutes, wipe with a damp cloth. If there is no result, you can repeat the procedure with a higher concentration of alcohol (70 ml). Then leave to dry in the fresh air. The bad smell will soon disappear;
  • Talcum powder or baby powder. The method is suitable for removing stains from wine, grease, coffee, blood. Distribute talcum powder over contamination. Rub the powder inside in a circular motion. Renew the powder every 30 minutes. Talc, absorbing dirt, changes its color. If the color of the powder has not changed, then the stain is clean;
  • Milk. The product will eliminate grease by updating your suede bag. Heat skim milk (100 ml), add baking soda (25 g), mix until smooth. Put down a lint-free cloth, apply in a circular motion to greasy areas. Leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse the rag well in clean water, remove the remaining solution. If there is no result, repeat the procedure;

After treatment with milk, the glazed areas look like new
  • Liquid soap. It will remove stains and soften suede. Better to use baby soap. Mix the product (25 ml), water (1.2 l), ammonia (2 ml). Moisten a cotton cloth in the mixture, treat the contaminated areas. Rinse with clean water. If contamination remains, take another approach. You should be aware that soap is difficult to wash out, and streaks often remain. Before proceeding with drying, you need to rinse the treated areas well. Make sure the bag is completely clean;
  • Refined gasoline, lighter fluid. Suitable for products of all colors, but you need to act carefully. Gasoline saves you from traces of grease that are difficult to remove. Treat contaminated areas with cotton wool or a lint-free cloth previously dipped in the product. Wait ten minutes. Then rub food salt into the contamination. Leave for a while, then shake off the bag. Salt again. It absorbs the remaining gasoline and grease. After five minutes, clean the item with a special brush;
  • Soft sandpaper or pumice. The method is perfect for removing dried dirt from suede without stubborn elements. Before doing this, wash and dry the cleaning tool. Stretch the bag material a little and start processing. Walk in a circular motion along the contaminated area, shake off the dust. Solid products for processing are used with extreme caution. If you press on them too much, you can remove the lint of the bag;

Using sandpaper, you can restore the original luster of the bag
  • Eraser. This method opts for uncomplicated stains. The rubber band can tidy up the product if it gets greasy. To avoid hurting your bag, it's best to use a new eraser. Stretch the fabric a little, walk over the surface;
  • Steam cleaning. Process the material with a vacuum cleaner, hold the bag over the steam. A pot of hot water or a kettle is used for this purpose. Rub the product with a crust of white bread and a special brush;
  • Ammonia solution. The method is suitable for bright colors. The ratio of ammonia to water should be 1: 5. Moisten the brush, treat stains.

The steaming method will be effective if the material is hardened. For this you need:

  1. Leave the bag over a saucepan of boiling water for about 30 minutes;
  2. Straighten, hang and dry at room temperature;
  3. Repeat the procedure. You will need to do 5-6 approaches;
  4. Brush with a special suede brush.

A hardened and dry suede bag can be brought back to life with steam treatments

Methods for light and dark products

Soda and salt are suitable for processing white handbags. These products remove any contamination. Bread, soap, milk, ammonia, starch, peroxide are also used.

Consider how to clean a suede bag at home if it is white:

  • Milk and soda. Warm 250 ml of milk a little, add 1 tbsp. l. soda. Go over the dirt with a hard sponge. If cleansing fails, add hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp);
  • Milk and ammonia. Pour alcohol (1 tsp) into 100 ml of the product, treat the surface;
  • Peroxide and ammonia. Mix 1 tsp in 250 ml of water. of each ingredient. Moisten a sponge, walk over the surface;
  • Starch. Pour onto shiny areas, leave for half an hour. After cleaning with a dry brush;
  • Ammonia. Soak cotton wool in ammonia, wipe the bag. If the surface is large, take 50 ml of the product for 100 ml of water;
  • Toilet soap. Clean the contaminated areas of the product with a dry piece;
  • The pulp of white bread. The method is suitable for delicate thin fabrics. Thus, it will be possible to maintain the velvety of the coating;
  • Talc, magnesium and turpentine. Treat contaminated areas with milk. Then mix the listed ingredients in equal proportions.

When choosing a method for a light bag, keep in mind that many products leave marks

After each method, wash the suede bag with a dampened sponge, and when it dries, comb it with a brush.

Important: If an eraser is used on a white bag, the color must match. The colored rubber will leave marks on the surface.

Cleaning a dark-colored suede bag is possible with the following ingredients:

  • coffee;
  • bread crusts;
  • sandpaper and match sulfur.

Coffee grounds are great for cleansing and refreshing brown or black bags. Before processing the product, you need to go through with a brush, then apply a small amount of dormant coffee with a sponge. Wait until it dries, remove the residue with a brush.

Stubborn areas can be brushed off with a dry crust of brown bread. Also, size zero sandpaper is used along with match gray.

Colored suede bag can be tidied up with bread crust

Washing accessory

Wet cleansing methods are used in the most advanced cases and if other methods have failed. When washing, follow these guidelines:

  • The water temperature should be at room temperature;
  • Do not pre-soak the product;
  • You cannot wring out the bag;
  • Use woolen gels, mild hair shampoo, liquid soap, or dishwashing detergent to cleanse. There should be no glycerin in the composition;
  • You do not need to moisturize the fabric too much, you should remove excess moisture with dry wipes.

Some stains are difficult to remove at home, so more drastic measures need to be taken.

Wet processing algorithm:

  1. Pour water into the container, then a small amount of liquid product;
  2. Wipe the gasket and contaminated areas with a foam sponge, previously dipped in the solution and wrung out;
  3. Soak the sponge with clean water, remove the remnants of the product;
  4. Remove moisture with a dry cloth or tissue.

Let's take a look at how to wash a suede bag. For this purpose, you need to immerse it completely in a bowl of soap solution. Rub with a brush for a few minutes, then rinse without wringing. Full wash should only be used in the most difficult cases.

Important: It should be remembered that you cannot wash a dirty suede bag in an automatic washing machine. The machine will cause irreparable damage to the product. Due to processing in the washing machine, deformation will occur, the color will deteriorate.

Features of drying suede bag

Dry the bag well after washing. To avoid deformation and damage to the appearance, you need to heed the following recommendations:

  • Drying should take place in a place protected from direct UV rays at room temperature. It is better to hang the bag on a hanger;
  • Hammer the product with paper to maintain its shape;
  • Do not use heating devices or hair dryers. This will ruin the material forever. It will acquire rigidity, deform;
  • After the bag is dry, brush the surface with a vacuum cleaner, pumice stone, or a regular brush with stiff bristles. This will help restore the lint.

After the bag is dry, brush the pile with a brush or soft sponge.
  • Some products can be aggressive. Therefore, you should test them in inconspicuous areas. An inner seam is suitable for this purpose;
  • Do not use substances with acetone in the composition and chemical stain removers;
  • If the case is serious (stubborn stains on a light-colored product), you should contact a dry cleaner;
  • In the event that there are splashes of dirt on the suede, you do not need to immediately try to get rid of them. It is better to dry them, then shake off large particles with a metal brush and go over the fabric with a rubber brush;
  • If food particles, especially fatty ones, wax from a candle or a drink have spilled onto the bag, you should try to get rid of them with improvised means. Greasy traces are removed with talc, ammonia;
  • The product must be treated at least once a week with a water-repellent agent;
  • It is not recommended to use the bag in wet weather;

Suede products never go out of fashion and look incredibly stylish and beautiful. This material, due to its softness, strength and pliability, is ideal for making bags. However, such a thing is very impractical and gets dirty very quickly. But if you know the little tricks on how to clean a suede bag, then it will become an indispensable accessory in the wardrobe of every fashionista.

First aid suede bag

Before proceeding with the main cleaning of a suede product, you should determine what dirt is on the bag. You may not have to resort to complex methods. If there are no greasy spots or visible dirt on the bag, then you can refresh it very quickly and at minimal cost.

In the case when there are glazed spots on the purse that spoil its appearance, they can be dealt with in several simple ways:

  • clean the scuffs with a regular eraser, but at the same time it must be new, otherwise the dirt will become larger, the thing can be ruined;
  • use a brush with soft, preferably natural bristles or a special rubber brush for suede products;
  • sandpaper (with minimal grit) or pumice stone can be used to remove greasy spots on the bag - very well suited for shoulder straps, handles or folds of the product;
  • for cleaning dark products, a crust of brown bread is suitable, with which you should gently rub the greasy place;
  • a fresh oil stain or blood can be sprinkled with talcum powder and left for several hours, then wiped with a dry cloth or sponge;
  • A brown bag can be freshened with dried coffee grounds, and a light one can be sprinkled with semolina or salt, the remains should be cleaned with a soft brush or simply shaken off.

Such express methods are effective for shallow dirt and will help if the handbag needs to be quickly tidied up or slightly updated. But if there are a lot of stains on the product, the surface is very dirty, then mechanical methods cannot be dispensed with, and then the bag should be wet cleaned or even washed.

The surface of the suede is very delicate, so you cannot use brushes with very hard or metal bristles for cleaning. This can puncture the item and just have to be thrown away.

We clean suede with improvised means

It will take some time to thoroughly clean your suede bag at home. It should be remembered that the leather is afraid of moisture and high temperatures, as it can deform from this, and the product, accordingly, lose its shape. Therefore, one should prepare for such a process - and, following simple recommendations, the purse can be returned to its former novelty.

The easiest, but also not the cheapest, way to clean your item is to use a special shoe or leather spray. Apply it to a stain or dirty surface, leave it on for five minutes, and then remove the residue with a piece of cloth or a brush. It is necessary to follow the application instructions, otherwise whitish stains may remain on the bag or the area of ​​application may become discolored.

If there is no spray, then you can use the tools at hand that are in every home. A solution of water and ammonia will be very effective, where one part should be taken of alcohol, and four parts of water. Apply it with a cotton pad or sponge to the problem area, but do not rub it in very much. After that, let the product dry away from heating appliances or direct sunlight, preferably in the fresh air.

You can use a formulation made with low fat milk and baking soda to clean any bag of any color. We take the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio, apply this mixture to the contaminated areas and leave for 10-15 minutes. Next, remove the remaining liquid with a slightly damp cloth and let the things dry.

You can also clean your bag with a vinegar solution in water. To do this, mix 5 parts of water and 4 parts of vinegar, you can add 1 part of ammonia. The resulting composition is evenly applied to the surface and left for 20 minutes, after which we wipe off the excess with a dry cloth.

You can try to remove the greasy stain on the bag using a mixture of starch and refined gasoline, brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the gruel to the stain and leave it for a while, then remove it with a rubber brush. This is a very radical method, and you can resort to it in exceptional cases.

Water treatments: steam cleaning or washing

But how do you clean a suede bag without ruining it if none of the above methods helped? Leather products are very afraid of water, but if the bag is not very expensive or is already old, then you can resort to water treatments.

Steam cleansing will be more gentle and gentle. To do this, pour boiling water into a basin or a wide saucepan and hang a bag over this container for ten minutes. In the case of very stubborn dirt, the steaming time can be increased. Then we wipe the surface with a soft brush, and then with a piece of cloth.

A suede bag can also be washed, but this is the most drastic way, so be very careful. We wash our item in warm soapy water. You can use either a liquid detergent for delicate fabrics or a shampoo. We put the handbag in water and soak it for a while. The product is not deformed or wrung out! After that, we take the bag out of the basin, the dirty places with three sponges or a brush and rinse in clean water several times. Then we let the water drain and remove its remnants with a dry cloth.

Hang the bag dry in a well-ventilated place. You can put old newspapers inside it, which will help to maintain its shape and protect it from deformation. The sun and the battery in such cases are strictly contraindicated, otherwise the product may shrink and become rigid.

After all cleansing procedures, treat your purse with a water repellent suede shoe. This will keep it free from dirt, moisture and dust, and you will not need to clean it often.

In cases where the product is expensive or has decorative details and elements, you should not risk it - hand over your bag to the dry cleaner and trust the professionals. However, chemical attack will discolor the product, and the color saturation will disappear along with the stains. If you properly care for your suede handbag, do not go out with it in the rain and do not expose it to high temperatures, then it will delight you for a very long time.