How to sign photos in a child's photo album. Beautiful words, quotes, comments on photos on Instagram, VK, Odnoklassniki: words, text. Beautiful words, quotes, comments under the photos of children, sons, daughters, girlfriends, friends, girls, women,

In this article you will find options for comments and captions for Vkontakte photos.

Beautiful words in social networks for photos of children, daughters, sons: words, text

Sometimes signing your photos on social networks with the simple words "my daughter" or "my son" is boring enough. It is much more pleasant to befit the necessary and important words or beautiful quotes that will create a mood and prompt thought. Thus, the photograph itself will become more meaningful and valuable.

What can be used as a signature:

  • Personal philosophical thoughts
  • Memories
  • Emotional stories
  • Words and sayings of famous people
  • Quotes from movies
  • Excerpts from books

Beautiful quotes to photos of children, girls, boys in social networks: words, text

Of course, every child is individual and good in its own way. For his parents, he is the most special and the best. Parents, of course, are proud of their child by posting his photo on social networks. It is very easy to convey this note of mood by making an accurate and very empathetic caption to the photographs.

Beautiful comments on photos of children, girls, boys in social networks: words, text

Even if you do not attach photos of your children, you can always comment on someone's published picture, showing yourself from a good side and leaving a mark on your friend's page. Choose the most beautiful and wise statements that can "awaken" emotions and make a positive imprint.

Beautiful words in social networks for photos of girls, women: words, text

A beautiful female photograph cannot be ignored in any way. It evokes a lot of positive emotions and makes any user of social networks react somehow: put a "like" or leave a personal comment. So that your words do not go unnoticed, you should choose the most effective and beautiful quote, or a personal emotional statement.

Beautiful quotes for photos of girls, women in social networks: words, text

If you cannot find the words yourself or are lost in your thoughts, you should leave quotes or aphorisms of famous personalities in the comments to the photos.

Beautiful comments on photos of girls, women in social networks: words, text

Well-chosen words or quotes will surely decorate every photo posted on the social network. If you want to please a person or just please, do not miss the opportunity to leave your "special" comment.

Beautiful words in social networks for photos of guys and men: words, text

Even men are pleased when women react to their photos. Do not miss the opportunity and make a small surprise for the "strong half of humanity" by leaving a couple of gentle and very precise words about their superiority.

Beautiful quotes for photos of guys and men: words, text

If it is difficult to "gather your thoughts into a bunch" and write something below the photo, you can always use a famous quote or statement of a famous person.

Beautiful comments on photos of guys and men in social networks: words, text

Comments under photos are always an indicator of how beautiful a picture is and how much people like it. Therefore, do not be lazy to leave your comment under the photo of an acquaintance or just a man you like.

Beautiful words in social networks for wedding photos: words, text

Of course, it is impossible to leave a wedding photo without any signature. People who will view it must definitely feel the moment and only correctly chosen words can help in this. These can be personal impressions, poems, or famous quotes about happy love.

Beautiful quotes for wedding photos: words, text

If you notice that one of your friends on social networks has posted a wedding photo, be sure to leave your congratulatory comment under the photo. It should contain the most beautiful words, convey all your admiration and joy for the fact that two people have tied the knot.

Beautiful comments on wedding photos in social networks: words, text

The comment under the photo can be in the form of prose or a poem, the main thing is that it must be congratulatory. You can also notice how beautiful the couple is in the picture and wish her happiness.

Beautiful words in social networks for family photos: words, text

A family photo always evokes emotion. There are tons of famous quotes about love and family left by famous people that are perfect for captioning a photo posted on the social network.

Beautiful quotes for family photos: words, text

At times, quotes will express the mood of a photograph much more vividly than words. Try to find beautiful aphorisms.

Beautiful comments on family photos in social networks: words, text

Do not forget to comment on the photos of your loved ones and good friends on social networks. You will please them and will be able to show how much you care. Choose a well-known phrase or aphorism as a comment.

Beautiful quotes to photos of friends and girlfriends: words, text

Friendship is one of the most important values ​​in life. She must be appreciated and respected, she must not be forgotten. You can show how much you need friendship with the help of your comment or caption under the photo.

Beautiful comments on photos of friends and girlfriends in social networks: words, text

How many people - so many opinions, different points of view and comments. To be appreciated for your wisdom and sensuality, choose the most sensual words to leave a comment under a friend's photo.

In the article you will find tips and ideas for creating a children's photo album with your own hands.

Photo albums for newborn boys and girls "Our baby is the first year of life" with captions: scrapbooking, master class

Every person who becomes a parent wants to keep in his memory the warm and joyful moments of his child's infancy. Therefore, moms and dads collect photos of the baby, putting them into albums. By the way, you can make an album with your own hands and decorate it to your liking.

The most suitable technique for work is scrapbooking, which includes cutting, gluing, combining, composing with decorative materials: design paper, lace, mesh, dried bouquets, leaves, pearls, rhinestones, clippings and ribbons. Depending on whether you are a girl or a boy, you can choose colors and styles.


  • You can make the album yourself by stitching or knitting dense sheets of cardboard. You can also use a ready-made store album, which is enough to cover it with fabric or decorate with various finishing materials.
  • For girls, it is customary to choose pink, beige and purple colors for decoration. Boys are selected for jewelry and materials in blue, blue and gray shades.
  • At the craft store, you can find tons of ideas for decorating an album, both the cover and each page. If you don't want to buy material, use buttons, embroidery, dried twigs, clippings and prints.

An interesting idea is to use satin ribbon bookmarks in the album. You can leave bookmarks on those pages that contain especially dear and beloved photographs of your child. Along with the pictures, place in the album also photographs from an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, prints of the baby's arms and legs, and his first drawings.

Wallpaper decorated with buttons looks very beautiful and delicate. They should be matched to the color of the entire album and combined with other decorations. From the buttons, you can also lay out a word or pattern, the name of the child.

You can sew on or glue on every detail of the decor, creating multi-layered decorations on the cover. You can also cut pictures from old postcards, print poems or beautiful sayings about children, love and family.

INTERESTING: In modern craft stores, you can easily find decor in the form of patterns and figures cut from plywood. These are delicate and beautiful decorations for any craft, including a photo album.

IMPORTANT: If you know how to crochet, you can independently make several beautiful elements to decorate the album, for example, knit voluminous flowers, a stroller, mittens or socks, and then glue them.

INTERESTING: The album itself can be made in such a way that it is fastened with a button, latch, button, or simply tied with a ribbon on a bow. It looks very cute and elegant, and also will not allow the album to unfold, even if a child picks it up.

Photo albums for newborn boys: design ideas, sheet templates

To make your photo album look organic, you can use ready-made templates to decorate its pages. These are backgrounds or clippings that should be printed on a printer and glued to sheets (before or with photographs). Some will work great for captioning photos, while others will become frames or frames.

IMPORTANT: Templates or "tags" will help to identify each photo, for example, to remind exactly what moment the child experienced in the picture, for example, "my first step" or "my first tooth".

Templates and tags:

Background "elephants" for decorating a children's photo album

Photo albums for baby girls: design ideas, sheet templates

A photo album for a girl should be especially elegant and delicate. To do this, you will need not only labels with signatures, but also beautiful feminine backgrounds, pictures, frames and frames.

The options are:

background for baby girl photo album

DIY photo album titles for newborn boys and girls

In addition to the fact that the entire decor, and the photo album itself, can be made by hand, you can also name it as you wish. It is not necessary to use only the child's name for this (this is rather boring). Remember what you called your baby at birth, for example, “our little bead” or “Princess Elizabeth).

Names are also suitable:

  • "Our little prince"
  • "Restless legs"
  • "The sweetest girl in the world"
  • "Our happiness"
  • "Gift from heaven"
  • "Our kids"
  • "My heart"
  • "Little Princess"
  • "Our sun"
  • "This is a boy!" ("It's a girl!")
  • "Our treasure"
  • "The most precious treasure in the world"
  • "Sweet face"
  • "Pearl"

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with a photo of a boy and a girl

Not sure what to write next to your baby's photos? Then you can print (if you do not know calligraphic handwriting) tags, poems or inscriptions that will very emotionally and accurately convey the mood to those who are looking at the photo album.

The options are:

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with mom and dad

In the children's photo album, there will definitely be photos of the child with the parents and they should also be signed emotionally.

The options are:

  • My mom and dad
  • I love parents!
  • I love my family!
  • I look like mommy! (I'm like a mom!)
  • I look like daddy! (I'm like dad!)
  • My parents
  • Friendly family!
  • The family is out for a walk!

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with grandparents

In the photo album, you can paste photos not only of mom and dad, but also of other close relatives, for example, grandparents.

Signature options:

  • My beloved grandmother
  • My beloved grandfather
  • I'm like a grandmother!
  • I'm like a grandfather!
  • And I love my grandmother!
  • And I love my grandfather!
  • I'm visiting my grandmother!
  • I'm visiting my grandfather!
  • My big family!
  • Beloved and loved ones
  • Beloved granddaughter!
  • Dear granddaughter!

Poems in a photo album for newborns for a boy and a girl

You can also add beautiful poems to your baby's photos.

The options are:

Photo album diary, questionnaire for a newborn: how to conduct - tips

A newborn questionnaire is a kind of list of features and personal information about a baby, for example, his height and weight at a certain age. Such a profile will be a great addition to a children's photo album.

Questionnaires and inserts:

Beautiful photo albums for newborns: samples, photos

You can get an idea for creating your own personal photo album for your kid by looking at ready-made options for work in different techniques. Before you start creating, decide which style you like and which album design suits your child. Children's photo album No. 4 Here only high-quality goods are on sale and there is always a wide range of styles, shapes, colors, sizes.

But on the pages of the Aliexpress store you can find not only photo albums, but also decorations for the design of your own works (lace, beads, rhinestones, pictures, ribbons). In addition, the site offers the lowest and most affordable prices for all goods, which means you can save money by purchasing quality products.

Video: "How to make a photo album for a child with his own hands?"

We sell original scripts of the holidays at low prices from 99 rubles. In our online store you will find full holiday SHOW programs and mini-sketches, or contests with which you can diversify a large script.

The most popular sections of our store:

  • New Year - scripts for New Year's corporate parties and performances for children, as well as short skits and musical fairy tales-alterations by roles. We pay special attention to the preparation of scenarios with the symbols of the year according to the Eastern calendar. For example, 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat. And we are already preparing a lot of shows for adults, with the release of the Mouse and the farewell to the Pig. For children, we compose interactive New Year's theatrical performances with the participation of Mice and Rats. For example: "About Shapoklyak and Rat Lariska". Our materials can be used in a recreation center, at a Christmas tree, a cafe, a school, at work in an office, at home. New on our site - New Year's quests for an exciting search for gifts.

  • Anniversary and birthday - perhaps the largest section of our site. Here we have collected a collection of detailed scenarios of the celebration for the heroes of the day, as well as comic performances in verse and prose for congratulations from guests with and without dressing up. Among the scenes there are from one person and several, from colleagues, relatives, children, friends. Also for the hero of the day, we write ditties and congratulations to order.

  • A wedding is a very bright event in life, so the preparation of a wedding celebration should take place according to a beautiful and original plan. We write long entertainment programs with congratulations for the newlyweds, joke scenes from guests, humorous fairy tales of love by role, and also rework the lyrics to the motives you have chosen. Such a program turns out to be original, unique, and if the script is written to order, it is also very individual.

  • March 8 is the day when men congratulate women with funny scenes and prepare a corporate party according to our scenarios, which include various jokes, dressing up, funny parodies, jokes, gentle romantic poems for ladies. Buy fresh material from us and surprise your colleagues!

  • February 23 - a page with scripts for a strong half of humanity - our dear men, in connection with the Defender of the Fatherland Day. To help the presenters, fresh humorous scenes, full corporate party programs with cool numbers are offered.

  • May 9 - soulful concerts for schoolchildren and adults on Victory Day. In connection with the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory, thematic programs for congratulating veterans, performances for adults and children, containing touching to tears fresh poems by modern authors, mini-performances, the best and rare songs of the war years.

  • Graduation and last bell is a favorite category of our visitors who are involved in the preparation of graduation events in schools and kindergartens. We offer not only detailed scripts, but also comic mini-scenes, cool songs-alterations to modern motives, for example: Svetlana Loboda (Superstar) and Tim Belorusskikh (Forget-me-not) - break all records in popularity.

  • September 1 - a section with festive performances for the day of knowledge, for the opening of a solemn line, with congratulations and parting words for first graders, teachers and children of other classes. The section is filled with comic mini-sketches for the school.

  • Mother's Day is a special catalog of scenarios for performances, scenes and congratulatory programs for our beloved mothers, dear grandmothers, to facilitate the fate of the presenters and save their time.

  • Teacher's Day - scenarios with congratulations and scenes from students, warm words of gratitude to teachers, respect and recognition of the great profession - a teacher!

  • Day of the Elderly - new programs for recreation centers, rural and urban leisure clubs, school theaters, performances for preschool educational institutions, with wishes to grandparents of good health, with soulful songs, humorous scenes and ditties!
  • We also have scenarios for other holidays: Valentine's Day, child protection, professional holidays (day of the builder, trade, doctor, driver, etc.). A wide variety of events and plays for the school theater: for a summer camp, at KVN, scenarios of sports events, for the day of health, on the themes of traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, environmental protection.
    We did not ignore the preparations for Easter, Maslenitsa, the day of family, love, and fidelity, the day of Russia.

    To help the hosts of the holidays, we develop ready-made scenarios with a selection of music tracks that contain remake songs, skits and impromptu fairy tales, comic horoscopes, a variety of contests, games, quizzes with questions and answers. Such programs are especially popular in the New Year, for birthdays and anniversaries, at weddings.

    If you do not find a suitable script or scene in our store, then do not rush to leave. We will definitely help you and write the material to order in a short time. To contact us, you can use the feedback form on the site or write to e-mail: [email protected] site.

    Such paws are copies of daddy and mommy.

    Happy children's smiles reflect the well-being of the family.

    My happiness, my meaning in life and hope for the future.

    My little crumbs and my biggest achievement.

    * * *

    Tiny toes, little feet. There is no more beautiful boy. There is nothing more dear to the heart.

    I already have two teeth. And not a lot, but not a little! And teeth marks are everywhere, no matter what I chew!

    I am mother's treasure and father's joy. I am grandmother's sun and grandfather's award!

    From the smile of a toddler immediately joy in the soul. May children always laugh from the heart, all over the Earth!

    It is immediately evident that dad and mom tried their best. It is a real joy when there are kids in the house ...

    Such cheeks, such eyes! Let your daughter grow up as in a fairy tale - a princess of a fragile and gentle lady and live happier than everyone in the world!

    Son is your copy. You worked like a copier! Let him surpass you, live richly, carefree!

    You got a gift from God. While it is fragile like crystal. Only a little time will pass and it will become stronger than steel!

    Commentary on the photo of a little girl

    I have my mother's eyelashes and my eyes are so brown)) I am obedient, good-looking, like a little inch!

    There are many pretty girls, but I'm the prettiest of all))

    My dear girl is growing up very quickly. I enjoy her childhood. I try to delay the time until it grows up and flies away from the house ...

    I've been waiting for you, baby. I dreamed of how we would play with dolls and read books with you. You turned everyday life into a holiday, changed my goals in life and made the whole family fall in love with you!

    This is my copy! This is a little me! My dear girl, the world is better than heaven!

    Compliments to a little girl for a photo

    What cheeks! Like two juicy peaches with charming dimples.

    What freckles! You are the beloved child of the Sun himself!

    Such a baby - ah, what a smart look!

    Just a miniature Barbie!

    Sparks are scattered from your sincere laughter.

    I want to admire your childish smile again and again.

    Such a snub nose just wants to kiss.

    * * *

    What a coquette you are, but you look like a sweetie.

    Lighter for smiles, warmer for hearts.

    You are probably often asked questions about how to sign photos with children on social media. networks or in an album? Here are some ideas to keep in mind:

    Photos of children

    Even the dullest room is decorated with children ... beautifully placed in the corners ...

    Childhood is that happy time when you run out of the toilet at night and are glad that you were not eaten.

    When Saint Exupery was asked: "Is it worth pampering children?"

    Undressing a sleeping baby is like defusing a bomb. One sudden movement - minus 3 hours of sleep.

    Childhood is when you can show your age on your fingers.

    Children are a perpetual motion machine

    Children are a perpetual motion machine, a jumper, a runner, a pusher, a jumper, a grabber, and also a tight hugger and kisser))

    The most valuable cargo in the world is a toddler in the belly !!!

    Thinking that all children are angels is a delusion that can be dangerous for you.

    Children - flowers

    When Saint Exupery was asked: "Is it worth pampering children?"

    There is happiness ... I know him ... I know the color of his eyes, his laughter ... And it calls me mom!

    Probably, this is happiness: to wake up at night and hear how he comes up to the baby's bed and, taking him in his arms, says: "Hush, honey, don't cry, otherwise you will wake up your mother."

    If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life ... then this man is her son!

    They are the same, but their own mother will never confuse them!

    Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

    Fathers who have beautiful children believe in heredity most of all.

    You can only give birth to an ideal man yourself ...

    If a man has a son, he becomes a father ... And if a daughter is born to him, he becomes a dad)

    Where does happiness begin?

    Where does happiness begin? From the strips on your test, from the ultrasound, what the child will show, from the fact that now you are THREE!

    Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she wore under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step when her son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a MOTHER!

    There are two of us and that's great! We are together and life is good! What a happiness it is to carry a baby under your heart!

    The only man I will run after will shout to me: "Catch up, mom!"

    The most expensive necklace on a woman's neck is the arms of a hugging child!

    A gentle face, every dash, snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, career - all this is unimportant, important - he sleeps side by side.

    Think before you do a bad deed. You have a child behind you who thinks that you are a hero to him!

    Child is a mirror

    The child is a mirror. Recognize yourself in it.

    A child is a creature that you carry in yourself for 9 months, in your arms for 3 years, and in your heart until you die yourself.

    As a child, it seemed to me that adults are some kind of silly creatures. As an adult, I realized that I was mistaken in the arrangement of the definition, they are sheer assholes.

    A little son asks his father: "Dad, dad! How much does it cost to get married?" Dad thought and replied: "You know, son, I still don't know, because I'm still paying."

    Childhood of girls: this is when you flip through a fashion magazine with your girlfriends, and when you see a beautiful model you say: “This is me, this is me!”

    Childhood is when you go to bed with a toy and do it so that the toy is comfortable)))

    There is nothing authentic left in the world. Except for a childish smile.

    Childhood is the time when you think that you are an adult, and adults think that you are a child. And at the same time, everyone is fundamentally mistaken.

    Eyes shine, constant smiles on the face, ringing laughter, conversations all day and night long. This is our happiness. Let's not give it to anyone :)

    What a joy to be with you! - said the wife to her husband. What happiness is it to enjoy you! - said the husband in response. What a misfortune to sleep next to you - the child answered * _ *

    In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that they were found in cabbage.

    HAPPINESS splashed on the floor, Barefoot and without pants, My HAPPINESS is barefoot, It’s silly, Shebut and not meek, Here it breaks, there it breaks, Above the lip - a kefir mustache ... Here it is, it runs to me !!!

    Happiness cannot be bought. But you can give birth to it!

    Photos with mom

    I love my mom
    I will give her a kiss!

    I just adore my mom!
    I hug and caress!

    Together with my mother.
    No one is dearer to me!

    I'll snuggle up to mommy ...
    All the sadness will pass at the same moment!

    Only together, only near ...
    I'm always glad to be with my mother ...

    Photos with dad

    Dad will be very useful
    When to rage!

    I'll climb into my dad's arms,
    And I will snuggle up to his chest ...

    It can be seen that dad loves very much
    This sweet little lump ...

    Mom, dad here and I
    - Together, our whole family!

    I will smile sweetly at my mother
    And I'll fall apart on my dad.

    I am happy to meet dad
    - After all, I fly with my dad!

    Photos with older siblings

    Why am I so happy:
    I have a sister!

    He's funny and funny
    My little brother!

    I'm actually very happy
    - I have an older brother!

    Very nice girls
    Two merry sisters!

    Photos with grandma

    Oh, these grandmothers!
    Okay, okay!

    With grandma "ah" yes "uh"
    It is already breathtaking!

    This is my grandmother:
    We are great friends with her!

    Photos with grandfather

    Something I have no rest:
    Too mustachioed grandfather!

    Even if I'm small
    - Grandfather is already proud of me!

    Our whole family is assembled:
    Everyone loves me very much!

    Girls (boys) my dear,
    Most loved ones!

    Everyone will tell mom directly:
    "A wonderful son next to you!"

    You, yes he, she, yes me,
    In general, our whole family!

    By the signs of the zodiac

    You, little ARIES,
    The character is not always even -
    You can be mischievous
    A bit stubborn and funny.
    Do not butt us, Sheep,
    Grow up smart, kind!

    How nice it is for Taurus
    Facial expression,
    Affectionate and kind look
    Like little calves!
    Our calf is beautiful
    Grow up and be happy!

    Gemini child is
    A good sign of spring and summer!
    Grow warm, light,
    Shine like the sun!

    Dear CANCER child!
    Grow up without knowing fights!
    Be cheerful always, everywhere,
    Like a crustacean in river water!

    A LION
    Be strong, friend, from the cradle!
    You are a Lion according to the horoscope!
    LEO looks like the sun -
    Just as bright and good!

    Virgos are rightfully famous
    Affectionate and kind disposition.
    All sweeter, softer, more beautiful
    And our VIRGO is happier!

    Our baby LIBRA
    Amazing beauty!
    Like a scale, always be accurate
    Very fair and honest!
    (Like a Libra, be accurate
    Fair and honest!)

    SCORPIO you are, but not scary -
    Sweet, nice and homey.
    Grow up, our Scorpiosha,
    Kind, smart and good!

    You are our little SAGITTARIUS
    Well done and dashing!
    You grow up happy baby
    Get into the top ten aptly!

    You are our dear baby
    Our beloved KAZEROZHKA!
    Never butt
    Always be kind, gentle!

    Our dear AQUARIUS!
    Tears you pour less often!
    Be beautiful like a rain
    Like a transparent dewdrop!

    Sweetheart, dear FISH,
    Always please us with a smile!
    Be happy and skillful
    And swim through life boldly!