How to understand that a guy likes you: important signs and tests for sympathy. How to understand that a guy likes you: the main signs of sympathy

Any girl, having met a pretty and well-built guy, at least once asked herself the question: how to understand that a guy likes you? After all, if sympathy has appeared, interest will certainly arise, but does the potential chosen one experience similar feelings or is he completely not interested in you?

How to understand the true emotions and experiences of a man if he does not give any obvious signs and, at first glance, does not show his sympathy in any way? You need to take a simple test of affection, identify some of the characteristics that indicate a man's feelings, and maybe just talk to him about it.

Contents, quick jump:

1.1 Look
1.2 Communication
1.3 Gestures

2.1 "Look"
2.2 "Request for help"
2.3 "Provocation"

How to understand that a guy likes you: key signs of sympathy

Revealing the interest of a teenager or a guy is not an easy task. After all, many of them are not eager to show their emotions to others, continuing to secretly dream of the girl’s favor, which, in turn, may very well not mind, but ... However, not everything is so bad, because hiding such a strong feeling as sympathy or falling in love, without showing any signs, almost impossible. We will help you learn to pay attention to these very signs that make it clear that a guy likes you and draw the right conclusions.


They say that the eyes are a reflection of our soul ... They say it right, because the guy will not miss the opportunity to see the girl he likes more often. Or just a dreamy look will stealthily admire the object of sighing.

The amorous inclinations of a man will give out his own look. A guy who knows or doesn't know you likes you if he:

  • now and then strives to look in your direction, even when he is talking with other people;
  • looks at you when he thinks you won't notice (but peripheral vision will help you out).

Another subtle, but obvious sign that a guy likes you is dilated pupils when looking at you. In individual situations, such “symptoms” indicate not only primary attraction, but also full-fledged love.


Try to take a closer look at his manner of communicating with you. The following signs will help you know if a guy likes you or not.

  1. Check the "strength" of his look. Is eye contact maintained during communication, or does he continually strive to look anywhere but in your eyes? However, remember that shy guys can be embarrassed by a direct look, especially if he really likes you.
  2. Pay attention to how easily he is distracted by other people who are nearby and stops the conversation he has begun. If, after another person has contacted him, he does not continue the conversation with you, or immediately answers the call, not allowing you to finish even a word, most likely, communication with you is far from the first place (an exception is a long-awaited and important call or more relevant interlocutor in this situation).
  3. To understand if a guy likes you, it is important to filter the content of your conversations as well. Hints, compliments, personal interest are also an important indicator of interest in a girl. Sympathy is evidenced by:

● light teasing and harmless banter;
● touching on personal problems in a conversation (that information that is not shared with anyone);
● compliments, hints, admiration and just nice words;
● asking questions about your relationship with your ex.


How to understand if a guy likes me if he is not very talkative? Sometimes words are not so necessary to understand it. After all, you can watch the body language, which is no less willing to tell you about his feelings.

  1. Leg put forward. First of all, such a stance indicates the indecision that a guy experiences in the presence of a young lady who has liked him (thus he creates support). And secondly, the toe of the exposed leg - unconsciously points to the girl you like.
  2. Every young man wants to appear stronger, taller, fitter and, in general, more successful next to a girl he likes. A kind of peacock from the world of people. Only instead of a tail, he tries to spread his shoulders as wide as possible, straighten his back and draw in his stomach, if any.
  3. Another clear signal of a guy's sympathy is the involuntary duplication of your movements. For example, you straightened a strand of your hair - he unconsciously touches his hair, pulls out the phone - and he also reaches for the smartphone.
  4. The position of the body in space when communicating with you will also indicate that the young man liked you. If during the conversation the guy is completely turned towards you, his arms and legs are not crossed, this indicates his openness, which means he will carefully listen to any nonsense. An even more obvious sign of sympathy is a slight lean in your direction when he says something to you.

Another important area where you can understand that a guy likes you is social networks. In correspondence with a girl he likes, the guy will try to joke more, be courteous, gallant and funny. Will subscribe and be added wherever he finds. In addition, he will appreciate many of your photos, and not only avatars, perhaps he will throw something interesting or funny on the wall. In general, it will show interest in your activity on the network. However, drawing conclusions only from communication in social networks is fraught with disappointment. It is better to make sure of the adequacy and transparency of intentions in a personal meeting.

Interest test

How to know if a guy likes you? In addition to the external signs that we examined above, you can turn to more precise definitions of a young man's interest in you. To do this, you will need to conduct some kind of "experiment". It is associated with direct interaction with you, and therefore sympathy will be more obvious.


This is more of a psychological test, requiring the attention of a handsome young man. Let's simulate the situation: you are sitting together at the table during the lunch break at work or at the university, you have a casual conversation. Now catch the guy's eye and immediately look at the phone, then look at him again. If a man also looked at your smartphone, and then back at you, this is another clear sign of sympathy.

"Request for help"

To understand how much a young person sympathizes with you, try breaking, say, a pencil and asking the guy you like to fix the situation by sharpening it (you can also "accidentally" break the lock on your purse). If a young man gets down to business without further ado, we can conclude that he likes you.


The next test will require you to do a little bit of acting, but you won't go far to find out if a guy likes you or not. Come up with a banal but believable story about how you and your girlfriend were going to go to the premiere of a new movie (do not forget to read it), but in the end you were left without a company. If a young man likes you, he will offer himself in the place of his girlfriend without any hesitation.

Do not get too carried away with such testing, otherwise the guy may see through you and understand that you are conducting “experiments” on him. To be a guinea pig - few people like it.

How to understand if a man likes me?

It is much easier to find out about the attitude of an already mature man towards you, because his period of understatement and indecision has long been left behind, so he will not hide his intentions. If he liked you and aroused interest, then he will try to take the first step as quickly as possible.

To make sure that a man likes you, pay attention to:

  1. Courtship is key in any relationship. Gifts for any occasion, lush bouquets, gatherings in cafes and restaurants are obvious signs of romantic affection for a girl.
  2. A less striking, but no less characteristic attribute of a man's sympathy is a high interest in all spheres of life of the object of sigh - the girl. A man usually asks about studies or work, hobbies or interests, family problems and affairs, does not miss the opportunity to offer help or in any other way participate in her life.
  3. The tactile aspect is also very important. If a man likes you, then he will not miss a single opportunity to touch you. For example, to give a hand not only when leaving the car, but also when going down the stairs. This also includes assistance with putting on outerwear.

Mature, accomplished men who are self-confident and know what they are doing, as a rule, do not take too long with confessions of sympathy and an offer to meet.

Correct inference from male behavior

There are a lot of tips on how to understand that a guy likes you. However, it would seem that even with obvious signs, not everyone is able to draw objective conclusions, discarding feelings and fantasy. This happens because girls, following their tender feelings, take ordinary politeness for sympathy, and modesty, due to high expectations, for indifference.

Examples will make it clearer:

  1. Let's simulate the situation, a guy you have known for a long time, at each of your meetings, greets you warmly and asks about your successes at work or study. With a high degree of probability, this is a sign of a good upbringing. No more and no less.
  2. Are you convinced that a guy does not admit his sympathy only because of innate modesty? What if he just doesn't care about you? Once again, go through the signs of sympathy, conduct a small experiment, give a couple of not too intrusive signs. If there is no reaction, most likely he does not feel anything for you.
  3. If a man does not miss even the slightest reason for a compliment, this does not mean that it is time to pick up a wedding dress. Perhaps this is a hallmark of his character - courtesy. In addition, many modern guys are not shy about expressing their admiration for good-looking girls.

Yes, the more of the above signs in the behavior of men you notice, the higher the chance of his attraction and romantic intentions for you. However, remember that observation is a rather subjective thing and is usually interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are filled with tender feelings for the object of sighing.

And yet, no cunning test, fortune-telling or clever trick can replace a simple sincere conversation. If the story of your love is considered to begin, then it will come precisely from this frank conversation, otherwise, you can quickly let go and forget the failed relationship, so that later you can pay attention to another guy who, perhaps, has been waiting for this all his life ...

How to understand that a modest guy likes you?

The Humble Guys are more of a mystery than black holes. To understand that such a guy likes you, you need to be Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple in one person, in addition, there is a risk of making a mistake - suddenly this is really indifference, and not modesty at all. How to understand that a modest guy likes you? In order not to harbor illusions on this score and not wishful thinking, you should pay close attention to his behavior. Let's start small
So, if a young man likes all your posts and photos on social networks, and also tries to find out from your friends if you have someone who is attractive to you, these are signs of passion. Most likely, he really cannot approach you and invite you on a date, but at the same time he is really interested in your life. In such a situation, it makes sense to gently push him by talking about a new film that you really want to go to, but have no one with - apparently, you will have to enjoy it alone.
Looking at the result
But if, in response to a direct offer to go for a walk, he refuses, citing employment, and this is repeated several times - most likely, sadly, the matter is indifference.
His communication skills
Some modest people, not being able to compliment a girl and even more so to admit that they liked her, act like children in elementary school - they show attention to what they get. And the problem lies in the lack of communication skills, so you can safely show such a rude man that he is not at all an unfortunate lover, but may well count on reciprocity. However, if a guy is rude not only to you, but to everyone around, then it is unlikely that he is in love - most likely he is just an ill-mannered boor.
Unable to control myself
If a young man begins to stutter and blush (turn pale) in front of you, this is a great sign of embarrassment that a poor modest woman experiences next to the object of her tender feelings. In order not to injure his psyche even more, it is best to start showing attention not with words, but with special smiles.
A sure sign of sympathy will be the fact that a shy modest in your presence will suddenly turn into a joker and macho. Does he desperately flirt with your girlfriends and drink without snacking? It's all to impress, so there's no shame in seeing off a slightly overdone guy and kissing him goodbye on the cheek. But this should not turn into a habit - if a young man comes to a girl only under the chauffeur, this is a sure sign that he likes her only when he is not responsible for his actions. There is no future for such relations, of course.
Shows initiative
And finally, he, albeit in his own way, takes the initiative - showers you with pictures, offers to listen to the “amazing new album” and do a laboratory together. Here it is definitely worth opening your eyes wider - this is clearly love. But if the initiative is only yours - well, then it's not destiny.

Read also:

Do you like a man? It does not matter who he is - a classmate, a guy from the course, a neighbor, colleague or friend. Every girl in love wants to know if he has mutual feelings. After all, not all guys can come up and say directly about their intentions, admit that they like you - shy guys silently cast loving glances.

How do you know if a man likes you if he doesn't talk about it? Do you really have to live in ignorance, guessing on the coffee grounds? If you look closely at his gestures and behavior, views, you can see some signs of sympathy on his part.

Boy in love

How do you know if a boy likes you? Teenagers are generally afraid to admit their desires and feelings, because due to inexperience they may misunderstand the girl. The fear of being rejected, ridiculed, and sometimes it happens, prevents him from asking for a date. . If you like a boy, never laugh at his mistakes.

There are brave guys who can immediately say that they like a girl, but this is rare. Timid guys are easier to "read" by their behavior:

  • When he feels sympathy for her, he always tries to turn his face to her, to admire her, and when she notices his gaze, she quickly takes him away.
  • Turning to you, he holds his gaze longer than other boys.
  • He will try to touch the lady during communication. However, you should not take seriously a guy who flirts with all the girls and tries to touch each one. He definitely doesn't have any real feelings.
  • You can understand that a guy at school likes you by talking - usually they get nervous, get confused, they can start talking about their hobbies, wanting to open up to the girl they like.
  • He can enthusiastically communicate with another girl, but at the same time constantly looking at you - this means that he is trying to make you jealous.
  • How do you know if a boy likes you? If he writes funny comments to all photos, puts likes, marks you on his photos, this is a clear sign of interest. What to do? Do not remain silent - it is better to enter into correspondence with him, especially if you like the boy.
  • Active communication on the phone or online is another sign that proves whether a boy likes you. Often, chatting between lovers in a chat can drag on until the middle of the night.
  • If you like a boy, and he began to wish you good morning, day and night, most likely you will soon be called a couple.
  • Do you notice that the guy reacts with lightning speed to your messages? That's right, he liked you.

How do you know if a boy likes you or not? Take a closer look at his facial expressions - if he tries to copy your behavior, repeat your facial expression, then you are definitely not indifferent to him. Do you like a boy, but he jokes with you all the time? This is also a sign of sympathy - the psychology of young lovers is a strange thing, they can even pull their hair, take away their bag, showing with their whole appearance that he does not need a girl. Although in reality the situation is different.

There are other signs that a guy likes you - when he compliments a new hairstyle, notices a changed manicure, a new accessory or dress, he is definitely in love.

These are the main points that a girl should look at if she likes a boy. But what if all the signs betray him, but he still does not confess his feelings? Help him by pushing him to action - a positive reaction to his stories, active participation in the conversation, sincere laughter from his jokes will let him know that you like him. However, it’s definitely not worth acting on your own - let the boy take the first step.

A man in love

Despite the fact that the boys grow up, become more experienced and stronger, constraints and complexes sometimes still prevent them from directly communicating their sympathy. Surprisingly, the signs that a man likes you are also determined by gestures, behavior and facial expressions. Let him not say that he liked you, it is easy to determine by watching him:

  • If he likes a woman, he will carefully monitor his appearance, and when she appears, he will frantically straighten clothes, hair, buttons, etc.
  • A man's gestures give him away - if he likes you, he will be nervous, fiddling with buttons, scratching his cheeks, chin or back of his head. It can easily blush when communicating, laugh nervously.
  • Whether you are attractive to a man or not, you can understand if you look at his lips - when he looks at you, and his mouth is slightly open, it means that his delight knows no bounds.
  • Hands on the belt, slightly raised eyebrows, confident gait and stance - if a man does this only in the presence of the person he likes, she is not indifferent to him.

How to determine if a man likes you? If some time ago he did not strive to dress well, went untidy, and now he looks like a model from the cover of a magazine, then he fell in love with someone. How can I check if it's you or someone else? Give a compliment - for example, note that this shirt is great for the color of his eyes. If he is interested in you, he will wear this shirt until the end of the week!


It is conversations and conversations that determine the further development of relations - lovers do not notice anyone around, they are looking forward to meeting in order to talk again. This behavior is typical for all ages. How do you know if a guy likes you at school? Or how to understand if a man likes you? When he constantly talks to you, talking about all aspects of his life, not embarrassed even by mistakes, you can be sure that the feelings are mutual.

When a girl likes, a man will never make rude jokes about her. To love does not mean to offend, so you should be careful if communication on his part takes place only in this way. What to do in such a situation? Tell him about the offense and ask him not to joke like that - perhaps he made a mistake on a nervous basis. If the situation repeats, alas, the boyfriend, most likely, does not appreciate your communication and the emerging relationship.

married men

The stamp in the passport and the ring on the finger does not prevent men from falling in love. How to understand that a married man likes you? The psychology of their behavior is no different from young or free guys. They behave in a similar way, trying to draw attention to themselves. They can give gifts, try to look more attractive, start playing sports. The behavior of a man changes, but this is noticed not only by the object of his sighing, but also by his wife.

What to do? If a woman likes a man, he is married, but she is ready to meet, you should first watch him - perhaps he will never decide to cheat. You can’t take the first step, because of it the family can collapse. Talking about this topic with colleagues and friends is also not worth it. A married boyfriend must decide for himself who he should be with and what he is ready to do. The main thing is that we know how to understand what a man liked, and time will tell how the further fate of a possible relationship will turn out.

Unfamiliar men and colleagues

How to understand that a stranger likes you? And how do you know that a male boss or other employee likes you? These two categories of the opposite sex have never seen you, or observed you occasionally, so they are characterized by the following actions that prove sympathy:

  • Communication always begins with a smile - when he likes being next to you, even when he greets you, he will shine like the sun. The boss, who previously did not notice you, will walk to his office through your workplace every time with a smile on his face.
  • If at a meeting he spreads his arms wide, it means that he wants to hug you.
  • Loosening a tie, unbuttoning a jacket and the top buttons of a shirt, showing palms are clear signs of how to understand that a guy likes you. It means he is comfortable in your company.
  • A slight tilt of the head towards the girl during the conversation confirms sympathy.
  • How else to understand if a guy likes you? If he looks at you all the time, it means that he is trying to get to know you better, to see some special facial features.
  • Personal correspondence also answers how to find out what a guy likes - emoticons, jokes, nice words directly indicate the fact of sympathy.
  • During a telephone conversation, an adult man always wants to talk tactfully, although the excitement in his voice is very noticeable.
  • The psychology of men is complex, but once he sees a girl in a crowd and falls in love with her, he will look for meetings, appearing in the most unexpected places.
  • Search in social networks - what to do if yesterday you were introduced, and today he has already found your page? Most likely, he liked you, so with the help of mutual acquaintances, he tracked you down. There is no doubt, he is interested!

You can understand that a colleague likes you by his unambiguous views, frequent jokes and signs of attention. All kinds of invitations to the cinema, theaters, walks in the park and cafes are the most visible and unambiguous signs of sympathy. It is unlikely that a girl or woman who has received such an invitation will ask the question “how to understand that a guy likes you”?

When exactly is there no sympathy?

You always have to be ready for any outcome of communication, so it is important to know the reverse side of the situation - how to understand that a man does not like you?

If he behaves exactly the opposite, does not smile, is rude, shows with all his appearance that he is busy, does not always say hello, then the woman is indifferent to him. If a man, if a man does nothing towards the person who is in love with him, he will have to put up with the lack of interest.

If he needs you, he experiences at least a minimum of emotions towards you, at least one of the signs in his behavior will appear. Male psychology is a complicated thing, but a boy, guy or man who is really in love will definitely give himself away and find a way to get to know each other, see each other more often and start dating.

Hello dear friends! Are you always able to sort out your feelings? I can confess to you that even as a psychologist, it is not easy for me to fully comprehend my own feelings and experiences. What to say about other people! Sometimes it seems that it is unrealistic to understand what a person feels. But sometimes it's so important. For example, if a young man is attractive to a girl, and she wants to find out for herself whether she is interesting for him. How to understand that a stranger likes you? I will be happy to talk to you about this topic, which is probably very relevant for many of my readers.

Explicit "symptoms" of sympathy

The topic of relations between the sexes has always been and remains a burning one. Therefore, many good works of psychologists are devoted to it. You can read the book How to understand that a guy likes you, a man. Signs, advice, psychology". And I will talk about my conclusions, which I came to in practice.

To make it easier to deal with the attitude of another person, you should immediately pay attention to. You don't have to be a psychologist to catch them. Moreover, such “symptoms” are read even if you do not personally communicate with the guy.

And first of all, sympathy is given out by the eyes. No wonder they say that this is a mirror of ours. From the look, you can almost certainly conclude that an interesting young man is not indifferent to you. If there is sympathy, it is difficult for a guy to take his eyes off the girl. He not only examines her, sometimes furtively, but also tries to catch her.

Another sympathetic young man willy-nilly wants to be closer to the object of his adoration. He does not want to turn away from the girl, he becomes so as to be facing her. At the same time, the guy tries to look presentable. Therefore, he straightens his shoulders, straightens his hair and clothes.

Also quite often the admirer, admiring the girl he likes, involuntarily begins to copy her gestures. As soon as she touches her hair, and his hand reaches for his head. A person who is attractive to him takes on a mobile phone - and the guy can subconsciously grab his own.

How to take the first step

It's great when a guy is brave and he himself is looking for ways to get acquainted with a person he likes. If there is a joint social circle, he can initiate acquaintance, using any convenient opportunity. But this is not always the case!

So there is nothing wrong if . After all, it is precisely the gesture on the part of the lady that is sometimes not enough for the representative of the stronger sex. How to start communication? You can just walk up and introduce yourself, especially if you are constantly in a common company.

Not everyone is able to act so directly, which I consider quite natural. Then you can take advantage of the circumstances. The most banal options: at the institute, you can ask a fellow student for a schedule of lectures, - clarify some working moments, finally, on the street - ask what time it is or how to get to the library.

I assure you, if a guy is interesting and attractive to you, he will pick up the conversation with pleasure or with embarrassment, take steps to deepen his acquaintance. And if not? It's OK! You can just become good friends without worrying that a person will think badly of you.

What can be learned in communication

And, of course, already in conversations with a young man, you can even more easily make sure that he is not indifferent to you. During communication, the guy will be a counterpart to every word and even lean slightly towards the subject of sighing.

Poses speak volumes. When a man talks to a woman he is interested in, he is open. It is also really important for him to learn about the personality: the conversation touches on the widest range of topics. The guy is interested in what the girl's hobbies are, what she does. He is also drawn to help with at least something: offer a sweater in cool weather, take a heavy bag.

True, I will immediately warn you that already in communication you should not forget that some men are naturally gallant and attentive towards all women. There is nothing wrong with this, it's just worth taking a closer look at the guy before drawing a conclusion about his indifference to you.

I want to wish all readers reciprocity in feelings, and girls a little more courage. Sometimes only it is not enough to start sincere with a guy you like.

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