How to wash a suede dress at home. Dark with a white collar. Basic Wedding Dress Wedding Rules

To see or carry in a dream. White dress foreshadows heart joy, ambulance wedding.

Green dress - to exercise hopes; Blue or blue - to go on the road;

A yellow dress is a sign of a lie, envy and gossip;

Red - to an important visit; gray - take care of general cleaning or repair;

Golden - Get help from sponsors; Multicolored and motley - to many entertainment;

Pale - relax in soul in silence and rest; A black dress foreshadows the sad news that will lead you to a strong disorder.

The dream in which it appears too short or close, not the size of the dress, foreshadows the worsening of cases in all spheres. Long, to the fifth dress means condemnation around the non-residential act.

Sewing the dress itself - your hardworking will be marked according to merit, and if you sew it in Atelier - you are waiting for meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will be wrapped with a chagrin.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long breaking.

If in a dream you are trying on the dress - it foreshadows the receipt of a profitable place or classes, which enlisters the side income that will exceed the main one.

A perfectly stitched dress means that I will like that the lifestyle you will bother you, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and besides very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in a family circle.

To see on some reason, ugly or slamming dress predicts troubles threatening from the rival.

Untid, crumpled or dirty dress means that in real life you have a meeting with a person to whom you feed an insurmountable hostility.

A torn dress - to the glooms and disagreements at work, shaped - large troubles, difficulties and the opportunity to lose property.

Dress with ruffles suggests that they will soon survive a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

Dress with a belt - lose freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other cords - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

Velvet dress in a dream - a lot of fans in real life.

The dress is covered with sparkles, foreshadows familiarity with the smug and arrogant applicant for your hand, which, of course, will immediately be rejected.

Empty or ironing a dress - to the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

See yourself eating in a dream - means fighting the past, which will end your victory.

If your clothes have become clean after washing - all your aspirations will bring you success.

If a woman is erased - she dreams of acquiring expensive things.

If a man is erased - in the near future he has a unpleasant conversation associated with everyday problems.

Washing linen - means the need to change your life.

Interpretation of dreams

You can wash your wedding dress at home, observing some recommendations for leaving delicate things.

Wedding dress - volume and complex product design. It requires compliance with certain conditions and a sequence of actions.

So that the wash process passes correctly, without damage, preparatory activities are needed:

  1. Decorative elements disappear before washing. If it is impossible, rhinestones, beads, embroidery are trimmed with satin ribbons. This is especially true of the elements attached to the product with glue. In the process of washing, they can fall off, and to return them to the previous place will be problematic.
  2. Metal parts are smeared with a thin layer of glycerol. Otherwise, under the influence of detergents, they can oxidize or rust.
  3. Before the main stage, it is necessary to climb the most contaminated details: sleeves, decolte area, hem. The contaminated hem is removed with a transparent dishwashing liquid or a children's shampoo. In order not to soak the product completely, it is suspended in such a way that the hem found himself in the bath. Then he was poured into the bath and dissolve the detergent in it. The beacon is thus keenly left for 2-3 hours. After this time, the fabric is several times right.

Election of stains

Ways to remove stains depend on the nature of pollution and tissue from which the outfit is sewn. Most often on the dress, traces of food, beverages, cosmetics, dirt and grass remain on the dress.

The following methods are used to remove them:

  • Pot stains effectively removes children's powder. 60-70 grams of powder pour into the floor-liter boiling water and are waiting for complete dissolution. The solution is equipped with up to 40 degrees, then applied to the fabric in the contamination area. Powder is washed off with warm water. If the sweat spots are not completely removed, the procedure is repeated several times.
  • Footprints of sweat on a silk dress are removed by salt solution. 45 grams of salts are bred in 450 ml of hot water. After dissolving the crystals, the solution is applied to the cloth with a sponge. The procedure is repeated several times, to the complete disappearance of the yellowness.
  • Wine spots are treated with ammonic alcohol, diluted water in a 1: 1 ratio. The solution is applied with a sponge to the contamination area. As soon as the spot starts to be blighted, it is poured with a children's talc. When Talc absorbs the stain composition, it shams it. The treated area is rinsed with warm water.
  • Traces of grass remove lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide (6%). Polluted places are wiped with cotton disk, moistened with these substances, are then closed with warm water.
  • Spots from dust or land. Dried dirt rubbed a soft brush or sponge. Then the contaminated area is washed with warm water.
  • Food stains well remove mineral water. The contaminated place is soaked in minequet for 3-4 hours. Then rolled with warm water.
  • Traces from lipstick moisturize and sprinkle with children's talc. It is impossible to rub and roll up the cosmetics, it is absorbed into the fibers.
  • Ink spots remove hair varnish. A small amount of varnish splashes on a stain. An hour later, the area of \u200b\u200bpollution is wiped with a sponge dipped in a soap solution.
  • Spots on a silk dress remove the dishwashing agent. It is foaming and applied to pollution. After 30 minutes wash off with cold water.
  • Silk fabrics are brushed from strong contaminants also a mixture of ammonia, glycerin and water.
  • Fat stains remove heated glycerin. It is applied to a contaminated place with a thin layer for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Spots on delicate fabrics are not clutch, but wet as pressing movements.

Select washing

Washing powder is not the best tool for the care of the wedding outfit. Powder is poorly washed out of the fibers and leaves divorce on delicate tissue.

Dress refresh houses with liquid gels for delicate fabrics. It copes well with gentle tissues and at the same time does not damage thin fibers a children's shampoo.

Methods of washing

After processing the stains and the most contaminated places begin to the main washing. You can wash the thing manually or in the machine machine. Each method requires compliance with certain recommendations.


You can wash your wedding dress by hand in two ways:

  1. Vertical. The product is suspended on the rope above the bathroom and wedged with warm water from the shower. Then a sponge, moistened in the cleaning agent, is treated with the surface of the tissue. Wash the dress from top to bottom. After 15-20 minutes, the detergent washed off with a warm water shower.
  2. Horizontal. A warm water is poured into the bath, dissolve the detergent in it and lower the dress. The highly polluted areas are slightly working with fingers or sponge. Water with detergent solid is drained and dress up a dress 3-4 times.

You can maximize the dress in the water for an hour.

In washing machine

You should not trust such a delicate thing with a washing machine. But if without a machine-machine can not do, it is necessary to do this, following the following recommendations:

  1. Decorative elements are squeezed by gauze in 2-3 layers.
  2. The dress is placed in a special mesh bag.
  3. The washing is produced in the "delicate" or "manual wash" mode.
  4. Spin disconnect.
  5. The washing temperature is not higher than 30 degrees.
  6. If the model is equipped with a fitness attachment, a tablespoon of starch is added to the rinse compartment. But even this technique will not retain the former shape of a fate. Products from it after washing inevitably lose their rigidity and shape.
  7. Remove the dress from the drum immediately at the end of the washing cycle. If the outfit remains for a long time in a typewriter, deep folds are formed on it, to smooth which it will be very difficult.

How to whiten the fabric

Sometimes even thorough, careful wash does not allow you to return the wedding along the original whiteness. Therefore, it is necessary to use whitening. But with this procedure conducted by conventional means, a gentle fabric may suffer.

For whitening, professional preparations of a new generation are used:

  • Lion Bright - bleach for delicate tissues of Japanese production. The remedy gently affects the fibers. Therefore, it is suitable for whitening thin tissues (silk, guipure, batista).
  • K2R - Special bleach for delicate fabrics. Easy and effectively gives fabrics crystal white color. Safe for all fabrics, including Silk, Lycra, polyester, lace.
  • Frau Schmidt Bellee White White - Soft bleach for underwear in tablets. Does not contain chlorine, so suitable for the finest tissues. The tool does not eliminate persistent pollution, but gives the tissues crystal whiteness.

While whiten the wedding dress without the use of chemicals can be in a cold saline solution. The dress is soaked in it for 30 minutes, and then erased the above-described means.

The bleach before use is tested on a small one. The most invisible piece of fabric. The tool is applied for 10-15 minutes and observed the tissue reaction. If the deformations did not happen, the bleach can be applied to give white to the whole dress.


Dress with corset erase solely by hand. It is impossible to prevent such a model in the drum of the washing machine. Corset is deformed, and the dress will be spoiled.

Washing a dress with a corset in a vertical position:

  1. The dress is suspended over the bathroom and moisturized with warm water.
  2. The soft sponge is applied to the fabric washing solution.
  3. Strong places slightly clutch with a soft sponge.
  4. After 1-3 hours, the detergent is flooded with cold water.


Wedding dress can not unscrew or press. Excessive water from it should drag on its own. If it is not possible to squeeze the product above the bathroom, it is laid out on the horizontal surface so that the fabric is stripped.

  • The final drying is carried out in a well-ventilated room. Ideal if the thing is on a draft. So drying will take place as quickly as possible.
  • The dress stitched from heavy tissues absorbing a large amount of water is dried in a horizontal position. Sliss such products can not be switched, since under the weight of water the fabric will stretch out and the dress is deformed.
  • The model with the loop is dried in a suspended state. The loop is placed on a horizontal mesh stand and carefully straighten.
  • The drying process is periodically controlled. Folds as farming are additionally straightening with their hands. Pull wet fabric is impossible.

It is impossible to put the heating appliances next to the dress in the sun. Under the influence of high temperatures or direct sunlight, the fabric can yellow.

When to wash

Numerous fittings of the wedding dress often lead to the need to refresh it before the wedding celebration. But the success of this event depends on the quality of the product fabric. If the outfit is exquisite, with many decorative elements or from a very thin tissue, it is better to trust the process of cleaning his cleaning professionals into dry cleaning.

Outfit from chiffon, tulle, natural silk, organza in front of the celebration is clean only from partial contaminants. Risk with the washing of the whole product home is not recommended. Otherwise, you may need an urgent replacement of dresses on the eve of the wedding.

To the wedding celebration, it is possible to refresh the outfit in the following cases:

  1. Paid separate details of the dress: Hem, Sleeves, Area Decolt, armpits.
  2. The model separate and refresh is one of the details: top or bottom.
  3. It is possible to fully wipe out the outfit, if it is sewn from dense tissue and is not equipped with a variety of decor.

Email the dress after the wedding has often, because after active use it is strongly polluted. There are general recommendations for the care of delicate products, which should be adhered to during self-washing:

  1. Erase the dress in warm, wipe in cold water.
  2. Put in order wedding outfit you need the day after the celebration. If you postpone the procedure in a long box, get rid of stains and strong pollution will be harder, and sometimes it is not possible.
  3. Models having many non-removable decorative elements are erased solely manually.
  4. The dress made of polyester can be erased by the usual powder manually or in a typewriter.
  5. Models from satin and acetate silk can not be bleached, since they will appear yellow.
  6. Colored models are rolled in water with the addition of vinegar. This technique will attack the dyes and give them brightness.

The dress from Sheocha is prone to shrinkage and deformation, so it's not worth the erase yourself.


  • The surface of the iron and ironing board must be perfectly clean. Iron use quality, without damage to the sole.
  • They smooth a wedding dress using an additional canvase, so that the fabric does not remain marks. The fabric should be slightly wet. The evaporation mode during ironing is disconnected.
  • Movement with ironing should be soft, smooth, without excess pressure and tensile fabric.
  • Lace stroke through the fabric by pressing movements. The usual iron movements are not allowed, the lace crushes and lose the form.
  • Atlas stroke with inside so that the fibers on the surface of the product do not swept.
  • Fatin and chiffon ironing in a horizontal position. They are smoothed by a steamer in a vertical position.
  • Multilayer skirts begin to iron from the inner layer. Gradually moving to the top.
  • To smooth the chances, it is not recommended to use wetting fabric by spraying: divorces will remain from droplets of water on the surface.
  • Ironing starts with sleeves and lifting dresses. Lastly I will seek skirt.

The floor under the ironing board while working with the dress, we climb a large package. If this is not done, the outfit will collect all the dusting, and it will be erased again.

The presented wedding dress is stored in a special case that protects the product from the settlement dust. Dress hang in the closet. If there is long storage, the outfit is periodically pulled out of the cover and ventilate.

The question is how to wash the dress becomes more relevant if it is sewn from delicate fabrics. If everything is clear with cotton or sitz, then the detail of the wardrobe of flax or openness is in doubt. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the decor on it.


Artificial silk is eliminated from contamination in a machine-machine, pre-providing "delicate mode". Prepare a special bag from the grid. It can be purchased at any economic store. As for the natural composition, it is necessary to handle it only by hand:

  • choose a temperature of up to 35 degrees;
  • give preference to soft gels (marked on the packaging "for thin things");
  • first, soak the thing for about 20 minutes, and then wash it out.

Do not twisted and not the three parts of the evening toilet, act very carefully.

We have coolet in cold water with the addition of 1 tsp. vinegar. This will save the brightness of the paints. Remember that the silk is not pressed, but wrapped in a terry fabric and twisted slightly.

Dry the silk product in a horizontal position (on absorbent moisture sheet).

Ironing silk only through cotton dry fabric or from the wrong side. In no case and do not use steam! Failure to comply with this rule will lead to the emergence of spots.


To start carefully read the label. If you can apply a machine wash, then go to the mesh bag. Before this, turn the velvet detail of the wardrobe on the contrary. Stop the option without pressing, up to 800 revolutions per minute and no more than 30 degrees.

Erase the clothes from the velvet in the same way as silk. It is not recommended to iron it, because you can take a pile. Therefore, it is better to use the vertical excipation method.

Forget about soaking velvet in hot water. This can trigger the shrinkage and coating of the synthetic pile.

White wedding

If you need to return the former gloss with a wedding white dress, follow the rules below:

  • All manipulations spend in the bathroom, and not in the pelvis. Do not use powdered or granulated drugs. They will leave insoluble particles in the fibers, which will be difficult to get rid of.
  • Take advantage of detergents in liquid form. In addition, folk remedies will help, for example, grated economic soap dissolved to foam. To achieve an optimal result, add 3-5 drops of the ammonia to the liquid. He will return the former whiteness.
  • Ensure the wedding dress from pollution, hanging it on the shoulders. Let all excess moisture flow into the bathroom. Before starting the process, it is better to immediately destroy problem spots. Among other things, drop the bottom of the skirt in a pelvis with soap foam and wait 10 minutes (this place is always lazard first). During this time, dirt will go away.
  • Rinse the dress in a lot of liquid with air conditioning and leave to dry in a vertical position (you can use a dryer for linen). In order not to appear in a sharp smell, open the door to the bathroom for drying.

The easiest to rinse the robe of the bride under the shower. Such a process should continue until the water becomes transparent.

Guipure, chiffon and openwork

Lace and guipure look very feminine and romantic. In order not to spoil it, destroy the pollution on clothes only in the pelvis. The exception will be a dense guipure. In this case, use a delicate option. Be sure to place textiles in a mesh bag so as not to damage textiles.

Such an evening toilet is dried on her shoulders, waiting for him to be completely dry. It is necessary to do this with an open bathroom door to avoid the appearance of the smell of sharpness. In the same way, they take care of chiffon and an openwork. Be sure to straighten all the folds so that the matter does not look like a reflection. If there are stains on the lace, remove them with economic soap.

They smooth such textiles with minimal heating, under wet gauze, folded in several layers. At the same time, remember that it should not linger for a long time in one place.

Staple and Len.

Staple and flax - capricious materials, which, with proper care, will serve very long and will not lose their color. In order for them to do not shrink, take care of them on delicate mode or in a container in a warm soap solution. A few more rules will help to maintain an attractive appearance of the outfit from such textiles:

  • do not unscrew the thing, and press it slightly in a sheet or towel;
  • dry in a vertical position;
  • ironing flax and staple is still wet.

It is necessary to know that when ironing the staples should be very tensioning tissue. This will allow him not to sit down and remain in the same size. It is recommended to carry out similar manipulations from the reverse side.


Pretty practical, but it needs the right care. Before spending the destruction of stains and dirt, it should be found out on what mode it needs to be done (for this take a look at the label with information from the manufacturer). The optimal option will be 40 degrees. If contamination is too strong, deviations are allowed to 60.

Standard powders are suitable. You can apply a linen rinse. If the detail of the wardrobe is not too dirty, take advantage of "fast washing". In the same way, you can upgrade the viscose outfit.

Attention! Never handle polyester at temperatures above 60 degrees. This leads to deformation of the fibers of the material. In addition, some types of tissues from polyester fibers can not be stroke, so check with information from the manufacturer on. If there is a need to slightly increase the polyester dress in size, rinse it in acetic solution of weak concentration. Then stretch and fix (for example, on the mannequin). Act care not to damage the material.

Dark with white collar

If your dark dress is decorated with a contrasting white collar, then his washing can be very heavy. Paint from the main product can get to the collar and the ugly divorces will remain. Therefore, the best option will be the collar and its washing separately with the use of bleach. After it is dried and drove, it is sewn with neat secret stitches.

If the sppache is impossible, prefer. With this option, the ability to spoil the cloth will be much lower. Do not pour chlorine or oxygen bleach on the detail of the wardrobe. Such drugs are able to damage the material. Use the following tools to return the collar White:

  • peroxide;
  • aspirin tablet with water in proportions 1 to 2;
  • summer and medical alcohol in identical shares.

Watch cotton swab in any of the listed mixtures and get into the part until the stains disappear. Then post it in warm water.

When processing a collar peroxide or ammonia, observe maximum caution. Make sure that the whitening makeup does not hit the rest.

Knitted, knitted and sequins

Knitted things require gentle manual disbuilt. As for knitwear, you can use. Prefer detergents depending on which composition (for example, with the additive of synthetic or cotton fibers). If you do not know anything about it (for example, the label is not preserved), take a soft tool with a neutral action in the store.

Do not dry your knitwear. This will lead to its pulling and loss of form. It is better to place the stasived product on the lattice above the bathroom. After the thing is almost dry, decompose it to bark on a clean towel.

The thing is separated by sequins or beads, it looks great, but such a spectacular robe is very easy to damage. Therefore, I exclude it only on your hands. Choose a gel, because powder granules will be clogged between the decor. The care algorithm is:

  1. take a special package with a mesh structure and put it in it (you can use the pillowcase);
  2. place the package in advance prepared soap warm solution;
  3. start to wash after five minute soaking.

Do not apply considerable effort, but simply slide a little matter, trying not to damage the decorative elements and accessories. Then we rinse well and dry on the table, shining towel.

Restore the robe, decorated with sequins or rhinestones is not easy. A vertical excipation will come to the rescue. Just hang out your thing on a hanger and spend a jet steam next to it. Also, do not give a thing with sequins in a dry cleaning. After such treatment, paint can be searched.

How to wedding dress? This question can often be found on household forums and on sites with the secrets of rational management.

Wine or grass, juices or fat creams from cake, vacuy or city dust are capable of spoiling not only any outfit, but also the general atmosphere of the holiday. Especially the stains and other flaws of those brides who took a dress for a celebration in temporary use.

Undoubtedly, specialists from dry cleaning can easily correct any situation, but this process will cost quite expensive. That is why you need to know and be able to use effective methods of combating mud at wedding dresses at home.

Being fully armed, the bride in this significant day for her can afford an exit photo session and participating in all sorts of fun competitions, and nothing will be able to overshadow the atmosphere so important in the life of every fellow holiday couple.

Means and devices

To combat pollution at wedding dresses will have to be patient, as well as prepare detergents and various laundry devices.

Due to the fact that wedding dresses sew from thin and expensive fabrics (silk, atlas, chiffon, fate and steaks), the means for their washing should be selected appropriate. You can also use harmless natural compositions. Most often wedding dresses are erased with addition:

  • means for removing spots;
  • washing powders for tissues requiring respect;
  • shampoos or liquid tools for washing;
  • household soap;
  • soap with bile;
  • dishwashing liquids;
  • calcinated soda.

Apply powders for visual bleaching or intensity of paints and all sorts of primary means of medical or food.

Most often used for ecosyrs:

  • drinking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • food salt;
  • aqueous solution of salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • vinegar.

For high-quality laundry dresses, as well as when removing stains, you may need:

  • toothbrush;
  • hand wash brush;
  • foam soft sponge;
  • cotton disks or cotton;
  • sprayer (sprayer);
  • several plastic containers of various volumes or plastic bowls;
  • hangers for clothes;
  • soft terry towel;
  • coversion of gauze or other white cotton fabric;
  • several plastic clothespins;
  • watering can with a spray nozzle.

All devices need to be assembled before starting to wash the dress. In addition to all of the above items, it will also be necessary to prepare hours with a timer. It would be nice to also get a horizontal dryer for linen and enlist the help of a loved one with a huge reserve of patience!

We wash wedding dress

Delicate and air wedding dresses are preferably erased manually, especially those that are decorated with rhinestones, beaded, cut off with gentle laces and decorated with manual embroidery. More simple dresses can be trusted with a washing machine. The choice of method of washing affects the degree of contamination, the presence of spots and other small flaws, as well as the bulky of the product.

Removing persistent spots

Before washing, any of the ways need to withdraw resistant stains. For these purposes, you can use special staining compositions or use folk recipes.

Which of the primary means can be used to remove stains, is described below. For convenience of perception and accelerate search, the information is decorated in tabular form.

Composition or substance

Remove stains from:

Terms of application

Water with ammonic alcohol

Wines, juice, fruit.

One tablespoon of ammonia is dissolved in a glass of cold water. The solution is poured into the pulverizer and spray on the stain.

As soon as the traces are discouraged, the place where before was the stain, closed with soapy water and wicked.

Medical alcohol

Lipstick, a tonal cream, mascaras for eyelashes and other means of decorative cosmetics.

Liquid is applied using a cotton disk. They also collect soften pollution.

Important condition: Movement when processing staining with alcohol should be directed from the edge to the center.

After getting rid of contamination, the place is littered with soapy water with the addition of an optical bleach.


Chocolate and fat creams.

A drop of substance is applied to a moistened sponge and foam. Foam is applied to the place of pollution and smear it, without rubbing.

The substance is left for half an hour, after which the site is caressed by hand with economic soap.


Fat stains.

The dry matter is poured on a stain and leave for twenty minutes. After time expires, the salt is replaced with a new portion and leave again for ten minutes.

As soon as the stain displays and decrease in sizes, the dress will need to rub the dishwashing liquid.


Solidola and lubricants, as well as shoe cream.

The remedy is squeezed with pollution and triturated with fingers.

The exposure time paste on dirt is one hour. After that, the substance is collected by a sponium, and the dress is littered with soapy water or applies a mixture of soda and water, and then woven.

Vinegar (Lemon Juice) and Economic Soap

Ball or creamy antiperspirant (deodorant).

Vinegar with the help of sponge is applied to pollution and leave for five minutes. After this time, the product is washed off with cold water, and the place is covered with economic soap.

Soda and hydrogen peroxide

Tomato and Ketchup.

The paste, cooked from equal parts of food soda and hydrogen peroxide, is applied to the stain and leave there for half an hour.

After the stain is discouraged, the place is closed with a washing powder and wipe.

Solo salt

Pot or his smell, as well as fresh blood.

To prepare the active substance, two tablespoons of salt should be dissolved in one liter of water. The rape is poured into the sprayer and spray at the place of pollution.

The dress should be in the salt solution for an hour. After the expiration of the place of pollution (under mouses or other), it is necessary to drain the economic soap and rinse with water with the addition of table vinegar.

Beach bile soap or detergent with other natural enzymes

Are universal means. Easily remove traces of juices, herbs, blood, wine, fat, coffee and sweat.

Soap or solution should be handled the contaminated area and leave the resulting foam on the spot for about half an hour.

After the expiration of time, if the stain did not go, it will be necessary to wash the contamination again.

After the contamination disappears, you can start the main wash of the product.

In addition to the above methods and means, in some cases you can resort to the clutch of the traces of cold running water. Thus, it is easily possible to remove traces of sweet carbonated water, milk cocktails, ice cream and white champagne.

All the means mentioned above and the compositions can be used on the tissues of various colors and textures, because they do not eaten paint and do not harm the fibers.

After getting rid of difficult varieties of stains, the dress should be wrapped. You can do this manually or in a washing machine. The choice depends on the appearance of the dress and the number of decorative elements on it.


The optimal, but most time-consuming process is the wash of a wedding dress manually. The procedure for processing wedding dresses depends on the location of the stain and the degree of pollution. Usually in this way it turns out to be removed almost all uncomplicated pollution.

Most often dresses dresses. This is due to long clothing and peculiarities of socks, because brides do not always manage to know the route of the wedding ceremony in advance and predict non-standard situations. Even if the girl itself is extremely careful, the bottom of the dress can outtop the loving guests.

Skirt, especially if it is multi-layered, you should begin to wash with the longest or from the inside (lining). For ease of processing, the dress should be fixed on the hanger, and it is to suspend it as high as possible. The hostess needs to sit on a comfortable chair, as the cleaning process will take a lot of time and will require maximum care.

Footprints from dust are well washed off with soapy. It is applied with the help of a sponge to polluted areas, after which the place is a soft brush. It is important to exercise caution when working and try not to deliver dirt. Hands should be smooth. They should be made from top to bottom.

The compacted edge of silk, satin and brocade skirts should be cleaned with a toothbrush. But the fate skirts cannot be rubbed with hard brushes, so the processing of such sites needs to be produced exclusively to the foam sponge.

The stuffing process is completed by rinsing. It is best to drain the water through the waters of the soul, but it is possible to use the polyvaber for the colors for non-dissipation. The washed plot is dried by a terry towel and bind to a ribbon into a bundle. This lifehak will help free the space to work with the next layer.

After the hem becomes clean, the lower part of the dress should be covered entirely in a large number of soapy water. If you do not do this, but only the product is partially, then after drying or ironing, differences on the material may be noticeable. The same shortcomings may appear if the cloth is badly rinsed.

Wedding wedding dress manually needed with a liquid detergent for machine machines. Such substances have low foaming and are easily flashed out of thin tissues and porous materials. The water temperature during washing should be no higher than 35 degrees Celsius, and when ringed is cold. In the water for the latter rinsing, pour the table vinegar or add air conditioning for baby linen.

If you want to cut the top of the product, then it should be done by analogy with skirts. In places where rhinestones are glued, all surface pollution and deep spots need to be overwhelmed with an exceptionally soft sponge.

In machine

If you have decided to wash your car dress, then not only observe the allowable temperature of water, but also cancel the spin. If you have automatic programs, exhibit a sensor to a delicate or manual washing mark.

Before washing a wedding dress in the car, it is necessary:

  1. Understand the place of strong pollution: hem, armpits, in the collar and cuffs.
  2. Remove the tapes for tight corset, as well as all other false parts and decor elements.
  3. Pay attention to places where the fabric ignored.
  4. Flashing on the dress all buttons and close the locks "zipper".
  5. Place the outfit in the bag for washing delicate and small products, and only then load into the machine. If you do not have a wash bag, you can make a product in the sheet.
  6. If there are no stones on the dress, then the product can not be wrapped with a cloth. But in this case, the drum is recommended to put special balls for washing down jackets.

For machine wash wedding dresses, use only liquid detergents and be sure to add a rinse air conditioner into a rinsing compartment. Concentrated solutions of the latter must be diluted with water, otherwise you will not be able to avoid the bands and you will have to face difficulties upon subsequent ironing of the product. If you are using "pads" for washing, then the rinse can not be used.

It is not recommended to wash the dresses in the car made from various fabric textures, as well as products with a large number of handmade (buffers, sewn sequins, manual embroidery), as well as rigid corsets.

Dry cleaning

If there is a label on the dresses label, then you can read it if you can wash the dress at all. What if washing is forbidden? The first thing that comes to mind is to handle in dry cleaning. There you will have to leave a round sum that the size of which can achieve the value of the dress itself. If this option is not suitable, you can do without unbearable spending and clean the dress at home.

To carry out this operation, you need to purchase special means of household chemicals intended for dry cleaning of products from delicate tissues. Assortment of gentle stains increases every day. The most popular manufacturers of antipetins are Cosmetic firms "AMVEY" and "Faberlik", as well as the internationally well-known Vanish brand.

All "magic" means can be divided into:

  • dry powders;
  • special wet wipes;
  • sprays and aerosols;
  • gel pencils;
  • solutions.

The selection of a particular substance to remove stains can only be made after studying the instructions for use. But even if the tool is allowed to be used on this form of the fabric, you need to test the test at the invisible place of the dress.

Features of drying and ironing

In order for the dress after washing, it does not lose their attractiveness, the product needs to be dried correctly and stroke.

Drying dresses should be produced outdoors. It is important to provide a product of protection against direct sunlight. Dresses with multi-layer skirts or with a large number of heavy jewelry should be dried in three entry:

  1. On a bath terry towel. Such an operation should last until the water stops the water.
  2. On a horizontal dryer for clothes. It will not allow to draw fabrics with stones, buckles or heavy lace.
  3. On a hanger or on a mannequin. Such a process lasts until complete tissue drying. Multilayer skirts are allowed to stretch and secure clothespins.

Light and short dresses can be easily dried on a hanger, rope or on a mannequin.

You can only iron a completely dried dress. The heating temperature of the iron is adjusted based on the properties of the tissues, but most often it is one point on the regulator, as well as the "Silk" or "viscose" mark on more modern instrument models. It is desirable to use an iron with teflon coating when ironing. You can also resort to vertical excipation.

Embroidery and places on which rhinestones are sewn, you need to iron through auxiliary fabric. Better if it is a bleached Muslin or thin white sitherium. Applying a saparler for such purposes, it is also necessary to process with an inside.

Bulky dresses with ironing in any way begin to leve out from the bodice. Multilayer yew skirts, starting with the bottom. Internal ruffles, rods and Falds are stroked in two stages: first, together with the entire web, and then stitching them at the final stage of the process. It is convenient to do it when the dress is worn on the mannequin or securely fixed on the hanger.

And ironing, and the excipation is recommended from the inside of the fabrics. You do not need a soft lining-grid. It is very sensitive to heat and easily deformed. In any case, after washing, it will not be possible to return the appearance of the new one.

If you were not frightened by the difficulty in the washing of the dresses of the house, you can start this process right now, and a positive attitude and confidence in your abilities will help you make a dress and give it a second life. If doubts still do not leave, then look at the video about how wedding or evening outfits are erased in specialized services. And I will make sure that there is nothing impossible!

Marriage is one of the happiest days for any woman, but a pleasant bustle and festive feast often lead to the appearance of alcohol stains, food, sweat and just mud on a wedding dress.

Most often, the newly-handed wife draws attention to them only after a few days and then begins to break his head, how to wash his wedding dress.

Dry cleaning is the safest option, but for the pocket not everyone. It is not necessary to despair, there are some simple ways, how to bring the most important outfit of life in order.

The outfit of the bride sew from natural and synthetic tissues, decorated with beads, embroidery. Is it possible to wash your wedding dress yourself - a regular question of each newlywed.

It is possible to do this at home, but it is better to do washing as early as possible, preferably during the week until the contamination has absorbed into the fabric.

If the outfit is very strong or doubted that it will endure such a process, it is better to give it to dry cleaning. Professionals of their business quickly and with minimal risk will be put in order even delicate fabrics.

Features of washing

Wedding dress - a special outfit. Before starting to put it in order, you need to learn several rules:

  1. The water temperature must be minimal (30 - maximum 40 ° C). Wedding outfits sew from natural or artificial silk, atlas, fate, lace. Such delicate materials at high temperatures can sit down, stretch and the dress will be spoiled irretrievably.
  2. To wash the wedding dress, use the most soft of existing household houses: chips of the economic soap, a tubephosphate powder or gel, a means for dishes. All means are initially dissolved in water, but only then apply to fabric. It is not recommended to use bleach and stains, they can damage the gentle fabric.
  3. It is necessary to wash the product with hands either on delicate mode in a washing machine if it is allowed by the manufacturer. Squeeze, unscrew the dresses strictly prohibited.
  4. You need to dry out the outfit in a well-ventilated darkened room, placing it horizontally on clean fabric. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight so that the material is not burnt and not yellow.
  5. It is possible to stroke and disappear wedding dress with an offline or through a layer of another fabric.
  6. The product, decorated with beads or stones, is recommended before washing to turn inside out in order not to lose decorations.

How to put a lush wedding dress at home

Before starting the washing process, you need to carefully examine it to assess the damage. In some cases (if there are few stains), it is easy to put an outfit. For example, if the hem is contaminated or the corset can only be covered with these places.

For ease of removal of contamination, the product is recommended to soak. Due to large volumes of dress, it is more convenient to do in the bathroom:

  • dial water with a temperature of about 40 ° C;
  • dissolve in it gel for washing, powder, children's or economic soap;
  • gently immerse in the water the whole dress (or hem, if the desired only he);
  • leave the outfit in the water by 1.5-2 hours;
  • hand or cotton disk wipe highly contaminated places;
  • rinse in very cold water.

After that, you can start to wash manually or send to the machine.

How to wash the stains from dirt, food, champagne and others

Wedding dress can be fan with different substances:

  • grass;
  • alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks;
  • food residues;
  • cosmetics.

Pollution control methods in each case will be different:

  1. The stains from the grass are not easy to remove, but it is quite possible.

Lemon juice will help to get rid of them or 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Fresh citrus juice or antiseptic fluid on a cotton disk and rub the stain, rinse with soap water and repeat the procedure.

  1. Pot from the corset is removed with soap solution.

They are applied to stains and thoroughly rub the soft sponge from the wrong and outer side, and then rinse with ice water to transparency. For cleaning from sweat of the silk dress, a saline solution is used (one art. L. On the floor liter of warm water). The resulting liquid wet pollution and leave for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times, and after carefully rolled.

  1. Spots from wine and champagne are not uncommon on wedding dresses.

Summer alcohol will help to cope with them. The tool is applied to a piece of fabric or wool and cover them stain, carefully rubbing it away from the edge to the center. After half an hour, the polluted place was washed with warm water and repeated manipulation until the spot will not be slightly lighter. After that, a layer of talc or baby powder poured onto the stained site and smelling a slightly wetting. After drying, the powder is written with a brush and flashed. Footage of champagne is easily removed by conventional mineral water with gas, even without using detergents.

  1. Dirt from the hem remove the easiest way.

For this, the divergent outfit is suspended on her shoulders and lowered in a bath, filled with warm soapy water. After half an hour, the bottom of the dress must be carefully lost (from the inside and the outside), and then rinse. If the pollution is strong, a little stainover for delicate materials is added to the water (pay attention, directly to the tissue cannot be applied).

  1. Yellow spots.

You can remove, adding oxygen bleach to the cleaning agent. Chlorine-containing means can aggravate the problem.

  1. Footprints from ink will disappear, if you wet them half an hour with milk, and after - to wash and rinse the fabric.

Footprints from cosmetics can be easily removed with a powder and soap solution. A slightly transparent dishwashing fluid is applied to the spot from oily food, and then rolled in warm water.

How to wedding dress with hands

After the stains are removed, the product should be fully wrapped to refresh the color and remove possible divorces.

Poverty outfit from natural, thin fabrics or richly decorated, it is better to erase manually.

Do it according to the following scheme:

  • dial 2/3 water in a bath, a temperature of 35-45 ° C;
  • add a tool for washing and a little sparing spot (if you make the quality and composition of the material), wait when it is completely dissolved;
  • fasten the dress on the shoulders or dummage and immerse the heap (about one third, maximum half);
  • using bucket, wet the outfit before the corset and rub a soft brush or hands;
  • wait half an hour and immerse the dress completely;
  • neatly treat the bodice and sleeves;
  • prepare a new soap solution and wash the dress again.

After all the manipulations, the wedding outfit must be rinsed several times in very cold water (you can add ice). If the fabric is colored, you can add 100 grams of vinegar to the bath to refresh the shade.

How to wash in a machine machine?

Wedding dresses from dense and synthetic tissues are permissible to wash with gel-shaped means, if specified on the product label.

Washing Rules:

  • before loading in the washing machine, it is recommended to put a thin cloth or gauze on the decoration elements;
  • metal decoration elements are recommended to lubricate glycerin to preserve shine;
  • before loading, you need to gently fold the dress into a special grid;
  • the machine includes manual or delicate washing mode at a temperature of not more than 40 ° C with a minimum of revolutions. The spin function is defined.

After completing the washing, the dress should rinse several times to remove the detergent.

Some tips are given in the video to safely wash the wedding dress without damaging it.

How to wash your wedding dress depends on the material from which it is sewn, style and decor:

  1. Atlas or silk. The dress is erased completely only by hand at low temperatures.
  2. Synthetics. Such an outfit can be washed with saturated soap solutions, both hands and a typewriter.
  3. Jacquard. Only manual washing with soft means without using brushes and sponges.
  4. Fatin. Washing machine on a delicate mode is allowed. When rinking use starch to save the dress.
  5. Organza and chiffon. The dress from these materials is erased by hand, slightly squeezing the fabric from two sides.
  6. Dresses decorated with rhinestones, in front of the washing, turn inside out or close the decor with a thin cloth.

Dresses from plush, taffeta and combined fabrics or with a lush skirt better entrust professionals.

Drying and ironing rules

After any washing, the wedding dress cannot be pressed. It is suspended over the bathroom and allow water to drain. When the outfit snacks a little, it needs to be neatly decomposed on white towels or tissue, changing them as much as wet.

An ideal place is a warm room with good ventilation. Straight sun rays should not fall on the outfit, it can make it shade with gray or yellow.

Use a hairdryer or dry the poverty outfit on the battery or near the heater does not cost - it will make tight fabric and can lead to yellow spots.

Completes the process of washing the wedding dress ironing iron or sweeping. If you skip this stage, the outfit will lose an attractive look.

Iron it is ironing enough tight tissue (cotton, silk, atlas).

Algorithm of actions:

  • ironing board is closed with a clean cloth or put on a fresh cover;
  • dress suspend in such a way that the hem is located on the surface;
  • iron sole should be cleaned, it is not necessary to pour water into the device;
  • the mode must match the type of tissue, it is necessary to iron at the lowest possible temperature;
  • the ironing process starts from a loop or hem;
  • for sleeves, you need to use a special stand;
  • if the outfit is decorated with decor, it is stroked from the inside, but a thin material through gauze.

Instead of an iron, it is convenient to use steamers or steam generators. They reduce the time of ironing and do not leave traces on the fabric. Use the devices simply:

  • put on a dress on a mannequin or hang on a hanger;
  • turn on the steamer and start processing out the outfit from large parts, gradually moving into small;
  • leave the dress in a suspended state to complete drying.

Wedding outfit from chiffon in the absence of a steam generator can be sipped in the bathroom, filling it with ferry from hot water. The dress was left in a suspended state for 1-1.5 hours and dried, without removing with hangers.

After washing and ironing, the wedding dress needs to be treated with antistatic. After that, the dress can be removed in the closet or to put up for sale, if the preservation of the wedding dress for descendants is not included in plans.

Wedding dress can be cleaned at home only if the contamination is minor. It is difficult to derive and severe pollution, a dress from a capricious material or a very difficult cut better to entrust professionals.