How to dye eyelashes correctly - do you know everything? How to add mascara to your eyelashes and make your eyes look expressive

Any woman. Whether your lashes are long and curled, or short and straight, you probably use mascara to enhance the beauty of your eyes. However, not everyone knows how to dye eyelashes correctly, and therefore cannot achieve the desired effect.

Many women do not know how to properly use mascara to get long, thick and voluminous lashes. Instead, they experiment with different types of mascara, which promise them the desired results that they cannot achieve. You don't need to be a make-up artist to distinguish well-colored eyelashes from ineptly colored ones. Mascara is used to frame the eyes, and can completely transform the look of your lashes, increasing their volume and length, and, at the same time, giving them a natural look. When mascara is applied incorrectly, the lashes stick together and the effect can be reversed: the lashes can look unnatural and very unattractive. But lash sticking can be completely avoided.

If you want long, frizzy lashes that make your look shine instead of heavy, follow a few guidelines for applying mascara.

How to apply mascara to prevent lashes from sticking together

Since lashes tend to stick together due to too much mascara being applied to them, you can avoid this by removing excess mascara from the brush by wiping it off with a tissue before dyeing your lashes.

How not to apply mascara

We all did this: quickly move the brush up and down in the tube of mascara before applying mascara to the lashes. In no case should this be done. Moving the brush up and down, we force air into the tube of mascara, as a result of which the mascara dries quickly, and we have to buy mascara more often. Instead, gently insert the brush into the tube, pull it out, and remove excess mascara from the brush (for example, blotting with a paper towel), then apply the mascara to your lashes. You will get much better results if you do this instead of aggressively moving the brush up and down.

Be mindful of how many layers of mascara you apply. If you are preparing for an evening out, you may be applying more mascara than if you were going to work. In these situations, multiple coats of mascara can look very sexy and accentuate the eyes well, but be careful. If you apply more than one coat of mascara, apply a second coat before the first is dry. It is very important. The main reason for stuck lashes or lumps of mascara is waiting too long between coats of mascara. Therefore, be sure to apply all layers at once, without letting the first layer dry before adding the next.

Never curl your eyelashes after you've applied them. If you need to use an eyelash curler, do so before applying mascara. Curling your painted eyelashes can damage them, not to mention the curling tongs will stick them together. There are also types of mascara that curl your lashes, so if you want long, curled lashes look for a curling or fake-effect mascara. .

Adding water, vegetable oil, or some other substance to the tube of mascara when it runs out, you are making a big mistake. First of all, tap water contains bacteria that can not only irritate the eyes, but even cause some pretty dangerous infections. Also, by adding any liquid to a tube of mascara, you dilute it, and the color of the mascara deteriorates, and the mascara may simply smudge. If the ink does run out, buy a new one. It's not worth the risk.

Don't be afraid to mix mascara

A good mascara should have two ends, or two brushes: one of them is voluminous, giving expression to the lashes and making the eyes more "open", and the other is lengthening, to immediately give the lashes their natural length. If you combine both types of mascara, the result will be expressive and bold, and the lashes will be long, thick and voluminous.

While the thought of buying a popular but cheap mascara seems tempting, try to avoid that temptation. When it comes to cosmetics, especially eye cosmetics, it is best to consider buying quality products, preferably natural ones. If health is important to you, you are likely to be careful about what you ingest, and so should you be about the cosmetics you put on your face every day. The low price of mascara is attractive, but remember: you get what you pay for.

Before proceeding directly to the application of mascara, it is necessary to determine which option is needed in each particular case.

  • For owners of eyelashes with a soft texture choose mascara with a stiff brush. She will not only paint over the hairs evenly, but also separate them.
  • For hard eyelashes the option with a liquid texture is suitable, equipped with a hard brush to distribute the pigment along the hairs.
  • Sparse eyelashes can be painted to make them lush using mascara with a thick texture. It fills in the gaps between hairs, separates them and adds volume.
  • With long eyelashes there are practically no problems. For make-up, in this case, it is better to choose the option with the effect of increasing the volume.

8 basic rules

On a subconscious level, it would seem that every woman possesses the skill of creating beautiful makeup. However, one intuition in this matter is sometimes lacking. Many people make a lot of mistakes when applying mascara, and as a result they get the result in the form of stuck together "spider legs" or unaesthetic lumps. Not everyone knows: is it possible to paint in one way or another, what kind of mascara to choose so that the eyelashes look magnificent and the mascara does not stain the eyelids?

To beautifully and ideally paint eyelashes with ordinary mascara like in the photo, you need certain knowledge, skills and advice.

  1. Volume . Do you want to make your look more expressive? Use the appropriate type of mascara, which should be applied as follows: dye the lashes in a direction from the roots to the tips. Coloring should be started from the inner corners of the eyes, gradually moving towards the temples.
  2. Combing. Don't want mascara to clump and lashes stick together? Comb them well with a brush, not only from the inside, but also from the outside. So you can not only get rid of excess funds, but also make your look more expressive.
  3. The corners of the eyes. Not sure how to dye your eyelashes so that they are long even at the corners of your eyes? Use a brush with short, fine bristles. When painting, try to open your eyes as wide as possible.
  4. Eyelash combs... If the cosmetic product used has a liquid consistency, use a special eyelash comb, which is used by professional makeup artists. Apply the mascara to the base of your lashes and gently stretch along the entire length of the hairs with a dry comb.
  5. Colour . Quite often, owners of blond hair use charcoal black mascara for eye makeup, which makes them look somewhat vulgar. Tinted mascaras will help to make your makeup more natural, which will emphasize the natural beauty of the face.
  6. Know when to stop. How to dye your eyelashes so that they don't stick together? The answer is simple - don't apply too many layers. For daytime eye makeup, it is enough to apply 1-2 layers of mascara, and for evening - 3-4 or use false eyelashes. It is necessary to apply the next layer without waiting for the previous one to completely dry.
  7. Nice bend. To give your lashes a graceful shape, use the curling tongs, which must be used before applying mascara. By the way, the mascara itself must be provided with a brush with a twisting effect.
  8. Length . How to properly paint your eyes with mascara to keep your eyelashes long? Paint over the top and bottom hairs and then dust them with loose powder. Apply subsequent layers in a zigzag motion.

In the video, one of the options for how to dye eyelashes is considered step by step.

It is important to remember that you only need to apply mascara on clean eyelashes, otherwise you risk getting untidy makeup that will quickly crumble.

Basic techniques

There are two main techniques for dyeing your eyelashes with mascara for a beautiful, mesmerizing look. You can do this yourself, at home.

  1. When applying mascara, the brush makes a zigzag movement in the direction from the roots to the tips of the cilia. When finishing the stroke, fix the brush for a couple of seconds. The described application technique allows you to make the eyelashes more voluminous, and the look is open.
  2. Dip the brush in mascara and bring it as close to your lashes as possible. Then start blinking. This will help create a natural, clump-free makeup. It should be noted that this technique is only applicable to the eyelashes located on the upper eyelids.

Nuances of application

  • In order to avoid sticking of hairs and the formation of so-called "spider legs", it is very important to keep the brush horizontally during the application of mascara. This will help you comb through and distribute the mascara evenly over your lashes.
  • Do not apply too many layers... Modern cosmetic brands offer mascara with a variety of decorative effects. To increase the length of your lashes, it is not at all necessary to apply layer by layer, making the lashes heavier. You just need to use a special lengthening mascara.
  • It is very important to use only high quality fresh eye cosmetics.... The opened mascara can be used for no more than three months, then it must be replaced. Otherwise, you run the risk of developing allergies or irritation.

We told you how to properly dye your eyelashes with mascara to always look great. Using the given rules, you can easily perform even the most complex eye makeup!

  • The main mistakes when using mascara
  • How to remove mascara?
  • Means for removing eye make-up: rating

To keep your eyelashes long, voluminous, lush, not sticking together or sticking together, you just need mascara? Of course, the quality of the product really plays an important role.

Which mascara to choose?

    For everyday life, choose mascara with a neat brush-comb, which will help to paint over the eyelashes well and slightly emphasize them, but not turn them into the main detail of the image. Among these mascaras is the now classic Hypnôse from Lancôme.

    For special occasions, use a large, fluffy brush like Big Fatty from Urban Decay or Lash Sensational from Maybelline New York. It is they who "envelop" the cilia with color, at the same time providing them with maximum volume, lengthening them and giving an expressive, attractive bend.

But the point is also how to use the chosen mascara. With light strokes, applying it to the ends is far from the best tactic if, as a result, you want to get an expressive look, seemingly extended or.

How to dye eyelashes: basic rules

Prepare your eyelashes

First, use to give your lashes a graceful curl, and then apply a primer like NYX Professional Makeup's Big & Loud Lash Primer to coat them with a layer of texture to make them look fuller.

Eudon Choi © fotoimedia / imaxtree

If you don't have a special primer on hand, you can powder or dust your eyelashes. Also, a transparent eyebrow gel is often used as a primer.

Start with the lower eyelashes

If you paint first, on the contrary, the upper ones, then they are 99% likely to leave imprints on the upper eyelids while you are busy with the lower ones.

Sharon Wauchob © fotoimedia / imaxtree

Dyeing exclusively on the ends of the eyelashes is an option for those who prefer makeup without makeup

Of course, you cannot get a full-fledged eyelash makeup in this way. To get the most out of your mascara, start from the roots. This will "lift" the lashes and at the same time make the look more open. Make zigzag movements - thanks to them, it will be possible to paint over each eyelash as efficiently as possible.

Marcc Jacobs © fotoimedia

It is not always possible to paint over thin hairs at the inner corners of the eyes the first time. It is for them that at the tip of the mascara brush they make roundings with additional bristles - and use them to process “hard-to-reach places”.

Eyelashes should be painted on both sides.

Almost all girls paint the upper eyelashes only from one side - from below. But from above, they remain without ink - and this is a big omission. To make the eyelashes longer and more voluminous, paint them on both sides: both from the bottom and from the top.

Lela Rose © fotoimedia / imaxtree

Be careful with lower lashes.

If you carelessly wield a large brush from a voluminous mascara, you can, firstly, get the effect of spider legs, and secondly, stain the skin of the lower eyelids. By the way, for the lower eyelashes, makeup artists recommend using waterproof formulas so that the mascara does not spread and smudge: during the day, it is the lower eyelashes that come into contact with the skin more.

MSGM © fotoimedia / imaxtree

To perfect your lash makeup, use a clean brush after applying mascara. Brush her eyelashes; this will improve separation and remove clumps.

Mascara brushes: main types

Few people know that the effect that mascara gives depends largely on the chosen brush. Their different types are suitable for different purposes. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Straight brush

This is a classic version of the brush, which allows you to independently adjust the length and density of eyelashes when dyeing them.

Oval brush

This is ideal for girls with sparse eyelashes who want to increase their volume and create a "doll" or "cat" look.

Curved brush

It curls the lashes and creates a seductive look. A curved brush with villi of different directions will suit girls with "naughty" eyelashes and will allow them to be securely fixed. And a slightly curved brush will create a natural effect - choose it for everyday makeup.

Conical brush

The cone-shaped brush lengthens the eyelashes due to the different length of the villi, and also allows you to paint over each, even the shortest of them.

Eight brush

It allows you to quickly and easily paint over the eyelashes in the corners of the eyes.

Round brush

If you want to lengthen and curl your eyelashes, and also carefully paint over them in the corners of your eyes, choose mascara with a round brush.

How to properly paint eyelashes with mascara? Video tutorial

  • If you are using an eyelash curler, do so before applying mascara. Otherwise, eyelashes will become brittle and brittle.
  • Keep an eye on your mascara - as soon as it expires, using mascara will become harmful to your eyes. It is necessary to change the product every six months.
  • Molly Goddard © fotoimedia / imaxtree

    How to remove mascara?

    Removing mascara is just as important as applying it. Use only special makeup removers.

    • Before you start to rinse off mascara from your eyelashes using make-up remover, you can slightly moisten them with water, and then gently remove the pigment by running your fingers over your eyelashes.
    • Remains of mascara on the eyelashes and eyelids must be removed with a special tool. If you don't rinse the mascara thoroughly enough, the next day the new layer is unlikely to be evenly distributed. Most likely, because of this, lumps form on the eyelashes.

    Eyes are not only a mirror of the soul and a way of perceiving the world around them, but also the most expressive feature of the female image. Therefore, make-up artists are advised to pay special attention to the makeup of this particular part of the face. The problem of short or insufficiently thick eyelashes is now easily solved. Modern cosmetics are designed to hide visible imperfections and emphasize natural advantages. But choosing the right mascara is only the first step towards perfect makeup. Despite the seeming ease of use, not everyone knows about using mascara to achieve the desired effect. The choice of means and the method of coloring depends on the condition of natural eyelashes. But there are some universal tips from makeup artists, thanks to which you can learn how to correctly ink.

    Eye makeup, depending on the time of day, differs in the intensity of application and the brightness of the shades used. For classic owners of any eye color, it is enough to apply mascara in one layer. The lengthening one in this case will be the most relevant. For an evening out, you can experiment with colors. For example, paint elongated and curled eyelashes with charcoal black, and shade the edges with red mascara.