How does a miscarriage occur in the early stages of pregnancy? Poisoning and injury. How does spontaneous termination of pregnancy occur?

Early miscarriage is common. According to statistics, every fourth pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion. What is the cause of this condition and how to prevent the threat of miscarriage? You will find the answer in this article.

Early miscarriage: causes

An early miscarriage in gynecology is a condition in which a woman loses a child for up to 12 weeks. Experts note that almost 60% of spontaneous abortions are caused by chromosomal mutations in the fetus. If a certain anomaly appears during the development of the embryo, the woman's body in most cases gets rid of the non-viable offspring itself.

Genetic defects can be inherited or develop spontaneously. It is impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, but the risk of developing mutations can be eliminated even before conception, protecting a woman from the negative influence of teratogenic factors.

Common causes of abortion:

  • Hormonal disruptions. Habitual early miscarriages can provoke hormonal imbalances, in particular, an increased concentration of male sex hormones that interfere with the production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). In this case, a properly selected course of hormonal drugs will help to eliminate the problem.
  • The influence of the Rh factor. If the embryo receives a positive Rh factor from the father, then the body of a woman with a negative Rh perceives it as a foreign object that must be disposed of. As a result of the Rh-conflict, spontaneous abortion occurs. A course of immunomodulatory therapy will help to correct the situation. Treatment is carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • Sexually transmitted infections pose a particular danger to the embryo. Infection of the fetus with the causative agents of syphilis, gonorrhea, toxoplasmosis, herpes or chlamydia causes damage to the membranes and provokes a miscarriage. Many pathologies can proceed secretly, therefore, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, the expectant mother must undergo a medical examination, which allows timely elimination of foci of infection in the body.
  • No less dangerous are chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs and general infections, accompanied by intoxication of the body. This list includes rubella, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, viral hepatitis. Even commonplace flu or tonsillitis pose a serious threat to the fetus.
  • Taking certain medications. Some drugs, such as antidepressants, retinoids, NSAIDs, or antifungal drugs, can cause spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. When planning conception, this moment must be taken into account.
  • Lifestyle. Improper, unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, bad habits (smoking, alcohol) are risk factors that provoke early miscarriage.
  • The negative impact of regular stress, psycho-emotional overstrain, deep personal experiences should also be taken into account. Experts recommend adjusting the lifestyle even before conception and trying to protect the woman as much as possible from the effects of any unfavorable situations and strong nervous shocks.

In addition, the cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be chronic diseases of the female genital area, previous abortions, congenital malformations of the genital organs, obesity, as well as the age factor. It is noted that after 40 years, the risk of termination of pregnancy increases several times.

How does a miscarriage happen?

The abortion process develops gradually, over several hours or even days. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, a woman can still be helped. How does a miscarriage happen? In its development, spontaneous abortion goes through several stages.

  1. Risk of miscarriage. The woman has minor bloody discharge, complaints of nagging pain in the lower back and suprapubic region. Examination reveals uterine hypertonicity. Even a slight discharge of blood is a dangerous sign that requires immediate medical attention. At this stage, it is still possible to stop spontaneous abortion.
  2. An incipient miscarriage is manifested by similar symptoms, which gradually increase and become more pronounced. Fragmentary detachment of the ovum begins, partial opening of the cervical canal occurs. But even at this stage, a woman can still be helped on condition of emergency hospitalization in a hospital.
  3. Miscarriage in progress - cramping pains occur in the lower abdomen, the embryo is completely separated from the endometrium, but still remains in the uterine cavity. Profuse bleeding begins, which indicates the final death of the embryo. The external and internal pharynx of the uterus open, in the lumen of the cervix or vagina, during examination, the elements of the ovum are determined.
  4. Incomplete abortion. This condition is characterized by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back, profuse bleeding. Elements of the ovum remain in the uterine cavity. Large blood loss is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, a drop in blood pressure, and fainting.
  5. A complete spontaneous abortion is spoken about after the complete release of all parts of the embryo. After the uterus is cleansed, it contracts, returns to its previous shape and size. All accompanying symptoms (pain, bleeding) disappear, the woman does not need further therapy, but remains under the supervision of a doctor.

But the fragments of the ovum do not always completely leave the uterus. In this case, the woman will have to go through the scraping procedure, otherwise the remnants of the embryo will begin to decompose in the uterine cavity and become a source of infection. The spread of pathogenic microorganisms threatens with dangerous complications and severe inflammatory processes. The operation in this case is necessary, otherwise there is a direct threat to the health and life of the woman.

The consequences of a miscarriage

An early spontaneous abortion can be accompanied by a number of complications.

  • Injury to the endometrium during curettage of the uterus in the future can lead to the development of endometritis.
  • Significant blood loss in uterine bleeding often causes post-hemorrhagic anemia, accompanied by constant weakness, pallor, dizziness, and decreased performance.
  • Hormonal imbalances after a spontaneous abortion can provoke repeated miscarriages, which reduce the chance of a normal pregnancy.
  • Psychological problems. A miscarriage during a long-awaited pregnancy is a strong emotional shock for a woman. Many couples are going through a difficult situation that destroys the hopes for the birth of an heir. At this stage, a woman and her spouse need the help of a psychologist in order to come to terms with the loss and continue to try to find a happy, full-fledged family.

If, after a miscarriage, the temperature rises sharply to high values, chills, severe weakness, purulent discharge from the vagina, pain in the pelvic region appear - an urgent need to consult a doctor. Similar signs indicate infection of the body and the development of a severe inflammatory process.

A few weeks after a complete abortion, an analysis for the level of HCH is required. If it does not decrease, there is a risk of developing a dangerous complication - cystic drift. Pathology is characterized by the proliferation of chorionic villi into bubbles filled with fluid. The consequence of this condition may be infertility, intrauterine infections, or the development of malignant choriocarcinoma.


Diagnostic methods

How is the threat of early termination of pregnancy diagnosed? If there is a suspicion of a threat of miscarriage, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination, takes into account the patient's complaints and data from laboratory and instrumental research methods.

During the survey, the obstetrician-gynecologist finds out the date of the last menstruation, draws attention to the presence and influence of unfavorable factors - occupational hazards, recently transferred infectious diseases, in the treatment of which certain groups of medicines were used, and other nuances. Next, the doctor assesses the general condition of the woman and the nature of the pain syndrome.

During a vaginal examination, the gynecologist finds out whether the uterus is in good shape, whether its size corresponds to the declared gestational age, and also pays attention to the state of the cervix and the volume of vaginal discharge. In addition to routine blood and urine tests, laboratory tests are performed to determine the level of progesterone and to identify the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the presence of which may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

A special role in terms of diagnostics is assigned to ultrasound examination (transvaginal ultrasound). This method is the "gold standard" for determining the threat of early miscarriage. If it is impossible to carry out it, they resort to the procedure of transabdominal scanning. With this method, it is possible to determine the termination of the cardiac activity of the embryo or the complete absence of the ovum.

Therapy methods

When alarming symptoms appear, it is important not to panic. You need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible for examination and treatment.

Inpatient treatment

The first recommendations for a woman are the exclusion of any physical activity and adherence to bed rest. Usually, a woman is placed in a hospital to maintain pregnancy. In severe cases, the patient is prohibited from getting out of bed.

In order to maintain pregnancy, doctors prescribe to a woman drugs containing gestagens (female sex hormones) that block uterine contraction. If there is a threat of bleeding, tronexamic acid is used. Antispasmodics will help relieve pain syndrome - no-shpa, drotaverin, rectal suppositories with papaverine. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe injections of vitamins, droppers with magnesia.

When hormonal deficiency is detected, the therapy includes drugs with progesterone - morning or dyufaston. In the presence of Rh-conflict, a woman needs to take medications that eliminate the threat of rejection of the ovum. After an ultrasound scan, your doctor may recommend suturing your cervix. This procedure allows you to leave the ovum inside the female womb.


Surgery is resorted to at the following stages: spontaneous miscarriage in progress, incomplete abortion or massive bleeding. The purpose of this intervention is to remove the remnants of the embryo and restore full hemostasis. The procedure is performed under anesthesia using a vacuum aspirator or by mechanical curettage (scraping) of the walls of the uterus.

If the patient is admitted to the hospital with a complete abortion, they do not resort to surgical intervention, confining themselves to monitoring the woman's condition. In the future, almost 85% of women who underwent a spontaneous abortion at an early stage, the subsequent pregnancy develops normally.

Home treatment

If the threat of miscarriage is insignificant, a woman can stay at home, provided that all medical recommendations are carefully followed. The main ones are:

  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • correct daily routine;
  • good nutrition - the basis of the diet is made up of fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, dairy products, dietary meat;
  • walks in the fresh air before bedtime;
  • a ban on taking hot baths - you should wash yourself in the shower.

On the advice of a doctor, you can take folic acid, vitamin B6 or special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. It is important to avoid negative thoughts and stressful situations during treatment. Close and dear ones at this time should surround the pregnant woman with attention and care.

Prevention of miscarriage

Every woman is advised to undergo a full medical examination and consult with a geneticist before planning a pregnancy. It is very important at the stage of preparation for the upcoming conception to exclude the influence of any teratogenic factors. Doctors recommend:

  • give up bad habits, take large doses of caffeine;
  • exclude work in hazardous industries;
  • maintain physical activity;
  • eat properly;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • treat chronic diseases in advance and eliminate foci of infection;

Additionally, you can take special vitamin complexes designed to prepare a woman's body for conception.

Early spontaneous miscarriage - termination of pregnancy in the first 20-22 weeks. This period is due to the degree of development of the fetus. It is by 20-22 weeks of gestation that the weight of the fetus reaches 500 g, and its organ systems are sufficiently developed for independent functioning. Statistics show that it is almost impossible to save the life of a child born before 20-22 weeks. What are the causes of early miscarriage? How to determine an incipient miscarriage? Is it possible to maintain a pregnancy with symptoms of miscarriage? Is it worth keeping a pregnancy when a miscarriage begins?

Early spontaneous miscarriage: the main symptoms of the condition

According to statistics, up to 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages, including 80% of all miscarriages occur in the early stages. Many miscarriages occur within 4-5 weeks, when the woman is not yet aware of her condition. Symptoms of an early spontaneous miscarriage are similar to those of painful periods:

  • Drawing, stitching, cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Back pain in the lumbar region;
  • Stitching sensations in the ovaries;
  • Bloody discharge or profuse bleeding;
  • Blood clots;
  • Bleeding discharge on any day of the cycle;
  • Scanty menstrual bleeding.

At an early stage, a woman may already feel the subjective symptoms of pregnancy, which include:

  • Swelling of the breasts;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Drowsiness, apathy, mental instability;
  • Increased appetite.

A decrease in the manifestation of these signs can also indicate an early spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, it is extremely important for every woman with the lowest probability of pregnancy to carry out early diagnosis (home tests to determine pregnancy of high sensitivity) to prevent this condition.

Why is an early spontaneous miscarriage dangerous? The main risks to a woman's health and life are that a miscarriage that has begun may not end. That is, at an early stage, for certain reasons, the death of the fetus and its partial rejection occurs. However, the process is not completed, and parts of the ovum remain in the uterine cavity, which can provoke inflammatory processes. A woman, not knowing about her situation, may perceive the symptoms of a developing inflammatory process (heavy bleeding, prolonged menstruation) as a failure of the cycle, without going to the doctor for a long time. The consequences of this situation can be various kinds of reproductive disorders (up to infertility), as well as death. What are the causes of early spontaneous miscarriages?

Spontaneous early miscarriage: causes of abortion

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prevent an early spontaneous miscarriage, since no doctor can predict the reasons for this violation of the course of pregnancy. In most cases, the causes of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage cannot be established even after a series of studies. The most common causes of early spontaneous miscarriages include:

  • Genetic disorders of the fetus. For the successful conception and development of pregnancy in the cavity of the fallopian tubes, the fusion of two germ cells (egg and sperm) must occur. The human body is unable to produce 100% quality cells. While the sperm is constantly being renewed, a woman's eggs are laid in her ovaries at 20 weeks of embryonic development, and they are not renewed during her life. The probability that a genetically defective cell will take part in the process of conception is quite high. The female body rejects a deliberately non-viable embryo;
  • Infectious diseases: chlamydia, cytomegaly, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, toxoplasmosis;
  • Endocrine disorders in a woman's body - a change in the level of hormones (deficiency of progesterone - a hormone necessary to maintain pregnancy);
  • Causes of an immunological nature: autoimmune disorders, in which the female body attacks its own proteins and genes, rejecting the fetus, as well as alloimmune disorders, when the woman's immune system attacks foreign genes and proteins (the paternal part of the fetal genome), which leads to early spontaneous miscarriage;
  • Uncontrolled intake of drugs prohibited during pregnancy;
  • Aggressive environmental factors;
  • Trauma;
  • Intoxication with alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
  • Defects in the structure of the uterus: two-horned uterus, submucous uterine myoma, intrauterine adhesions, the presence of an intrauterine septum;
  • Excessive mental stress of a woman.

Also in medical practice, there are frequent cases of idiopathic spontaneous miscarriage (miscarriage for unknown reasons). Most of the reasons provoking miscarriages can be excluded with the correct planning of pregnancy and a careful attitude to her body and health on the part of the woman. Any pregnancy should be under the supervision of doctors, which will help to exclude miscarriage. Is it possible to maintain a pregnancy when a miscarriage begins?

Early miscarriage: treatment and its effectiveness. Is it worth keeping the pregnancy

Miscarriage is a woman's condition in which the fetus dies and is expelled from the uterus. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy is accompanied by pain, bloody discharge (smearing, profuse bleeding, blood with clots), spasms. When the first alarming symptoms appear, a woman should immediately seek medical help. In rare cases, the pregnancy can be maintained. Pregnancy persists if, as a result of the examination, it was found that:

  • The fetus has a heartbeat (the pregnancy is alive and developing);
  • The level of hCG is growing and is within the norms for obstetric pregnancy;
  • The examination did not reveal any critical deviations or abnormalities in the course of pregnancy.

At this stage, it is important to establish what triggered the incipient miscarriage, and promptly eliminate this cause (low progesterone levels, uterine tone). With a complete miscarriage at an early stage, treatment consists in identifying and eliminating the causes that led to the termination of pregnancy. As a rule, women are prescribed oral contraceptives for a period of 3 to 6 months to restore the menstrual cycle and prevent subsequent pregnancy so that the body fully recovers from a miscarriage. If infections are detected, both partners undergo treatment, during which time contraception is recommended for couples to avoid recurrence of pregnancy and miscarriage.

In case of early miscarriage, treatment raises the main question for a woman: is it worth keeping a pregnancy that the body rejects? As a result of a saved pregnancy, with an onset of miscarriage in a fetus at a later stage of pregnancy, serious pathologies in development that are incompatible with normal life after birth can be identified.

You can still easily fit into tight jeans, you have not yet encountered morning sickness, age spots, stretch marks on your stomach. But you already have a test with two red stripes - the main proof of your belonging to the happy class of pregnant women.

Your treasure is still very tiny. Only the most sensitive equipment can record its presence in your womb. But that doesn't stop you from coming up with a name for him, talking to him and stopping at shops with baby clothes to look after something for the unborn, but already existing baby. But this joyful prospect, this rainbow illusion can be interrupted overnight by a terrible and inexorable word. Miscarriage.

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

In most cases, this happens when the woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes this happens to those who have already become attached to their belly-resident and fell in love with him. How to console a woman in this case? Only the next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet learned the bitterness of loss, should go through a small educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause abortion and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

The conversation will focus on early miscarriages occurring up to 12 weeks, because the vast majority of them occur during this period.

The most common causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy

  1. Genetic disorders in the fetus
    According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary, but are the result of single mutations that have occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence of harmful environmental factors (radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.). Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, unviable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage; you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, by protecting yourself as much as possible from the effects of mutagenic factors. But in modern ecology, the likelihood of mutations still remains, therefore, miscarriages that occur for this reason can be honored for the good, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

  2. Hormonal Disorders
    If the balance of hormones in a woman's body is imbalanced, an early termination of pregnancy often occurs. Most often this happens with a lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With early detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone drugs. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause early miscarriage - they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens are often the cause of recurrent (habitual) miscarriages. The hormones of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.

  3. Immunological causes
    As a rule, this happens with Rh-conflict. The embryo inherits the Rh-positive organism from the father, while the Rh-negative organism of the mother rejects the foreign tissues of the embryo. For the prevention of miscarriage in case of immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case has an immunomodulatory effect.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections: Trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpes and cytomegalovirus infections often cause miscarriage.
    Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage to the membranes, resulting in a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy.

  5. General infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of internal organs.
    All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 o C can lead to miscarriage. Rubella, viral hepatitis and influenza are in the lead in this list. Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk to the fetus. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a complete medical examination, identifying and treating all foci of chronic infection.

  6. History of abortion
    Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for the female body, which can cause dysfunction of the ovaries and adrenal glands; contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in the genitals. This can lead to infertility and recurrent miscarriages in the future.

  7. Medicines and herbs
    In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause termination of pregnancy or cause the formation of developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives are often the culprit in abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy - are contraindicated in early pregnancy.

  8. Stress
    Severe fright or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental stress are dangerous for the little creature in your womb. If you, by the will of fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least the same valerian.

  9. Unhealthy Lifestyle
    Alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular coffee consumption, unhealthy and inadequate nutrition are all allies of miscarriage. It is better to correct your lifestyle even before conception.

  10. Falls, lifting weights, intercourse
    All this, although rare, can become a trigger for termination of pregnancy, therefore, take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!

It's good when pregnancy is desired. However, two clear stripes on the test do not at all guarantee that the baby will be all right until birth. Sometimes the female body, for some reason, independently gets rid of the fetus some time after its appearance. It is about early miscarriage. Why is this happening and is there a way to prevent trouble?

Let's turn to unbiased statistics: a fourth of all early pregnancies are doomed to spontaneous termination. To be able to influence the course of events, it is important to know the causes of the miscarriage and its signs.

How does an early miscarriage occur?

Unfortunately, in the presence of serious prerequisites for a spontaneous termination of pregnancy at an early stage, it is almost impossible to reverse the pathological process. The fetus at this time is so small that the woman does not even understand what is happening to her. At first glance, it looks like the resumption of the menstrual cycle after a long delay (1 to 2 weeks). Menses, more profuse than usual, are accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, not all women go to the hospital after the incident. Only a few people get to the doctor's appointment - mostly those who were frightened by the sight of a released blood clot, resembling a torn bladder. Ideally, all women need a medical examination - if there really was a miscarriage, then additional cleaning may be needed after it.

When a woman is aware of her "interesting" situation, it is much easier for her to predict the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage. First of all, you should carefully monitor the sensations in the lower abdomen and back. Painful dull and pulling spasms that smear the discharge with bloody or tissue lumps signal danger. If you seek medical attention right away, there is a chance to maintain your pregnancy.

Early miscarriage is said to be when a pregnancy spontaneously terminates before the 12th week of the fetus. Late miscarriage occurs up to 22 weeks, and subject to timely and well-coordinated actions of doctors, a premature baby has every chance of surviving.

Early miscarriage: prejudice

There are many myths in society about the causes of spontaneous abortion. How to avoid early miscarriage, you will be told at any women's forum, but not all advice can be trusted. It is reliably known that before the 12th week of pregnancy, the following factors do not pose a threat to the intrauterine development of the fetus:

  • travel by air by plane;
  • insignificant blunt trauma in the abdomen;
  • moderate exercise;
  • a single case of spontaneous abortion up to 12 weeks in history;
  • active sex life;
  • stress.

The real reasons for early miscarriage

Doctors cite many socio-biological and medical factors as reasons for spontaneous abortion. Determining what exactly caused the misfortune is often very difficult: sometimes one factor lies at the heart of a miscarriage, and sometimes a whole complex. A certain percentage of women are familiar with this pathology firsthand: the unfortunate ones have experienced several miscarriages in a row. In medical circles, this phenomenon was designated as habitual miscarriage. We list the most serious and common factors that cause the threat of early miscarriage:

  • most often, the body itself gets rid of non-viable offspring if the appearance and development of the fetus is associated with a certain anomaly or genetic pathology. This can be a hereditary “breakdown” at the gene level or a spontaneous mutation caused by radiation, a dangerous virus or a harsh environmental situation. Alas, medicine is not able to change or prevent this process. That is why thorough preparation for the upcoming pregnancy is impossible without consulting the future parents with a geneticist;
  • a significant danger to the normal development of pregnancy is represented by disturbances in the functioning of the immune and hormonal systems. A woman needs to undergo the necessary examination at the stage of planning a child, then doctors will be able to eliminate all the "pitfalls" in advance. Quite often, progesterone deficiency, an excess of androgens, pathologies in the activity of the thyroid and adrenal glands become an obstacle to the fulfillment of the dream of motherhood;
  • another urgent problem for the successful development of the fetus in the womb is the Rh-conflict. The maternal organism reacts to the embryo as to a foreign object and gets rid of it, since the Rh factor of his blood is with a “-” sign, and it was taken from the father - with a “+” sign. If fears about this are real, the situation is corrected with the help of immunomodulatory therapy at the stage of pregnancy planning;

  • the undoubted enemy of a healthy pregnancy is infection (regardless of origin). In particular, these are all diseases that are transmitted "through bed": herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Pathogens, affecting the membranes, infect the embryo, which leads to miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy;
  • a disappointing ending of early pregnancy awaits a woman with chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of internal organs. The most insidious of them: viral hepatitis, rubella, pneumonia, flu, severe tonsillitis;
  • it is extremely difficult for a woman's body to cope with pregnancy due to the stress of abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancies in the past threatens with secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage in the future. A woman must certainly inform the doctor about such facts of her biography during pregnancy planning;

  • it is impossible to ignore such individual characteristics of the female body as, for example, congenital malformations and oncological diseases of the internal genital organs, ICI. These and other pathologies exclude pregnancy as such.

The first symptoms of an early miscarriage

The nature of the development of a miscarriage excludes a one-step process - spontaneous termination of pregnancy can be divided into several stages. So let's find out how to spot an early miscarriage.

The first "bells" are painful sensations covering the back in the lumbar region and the lower abdomen. Often at the same time, brownish or reddish clots stand out from the genital tract. Blood during early miscarriage is a very dangerous sign, which suggests that tissue detachment has begun. Even a few drops of blood on your underwear are a good reason for an immediate visit to a medical facility. Reliable prevention of spontaneous abortion is a regular visit to the antenatal clinic for a scheduled examination and delivery of all necessary tests. Only in this way will the expectant mother be sure that everything is in order with her baby.

What an early miscarriage looks like: the main stages

The first stage of pathology, the signs of which we learned above, is very common in expectant mothers. In order to save the baby, expectant mothers are forced to lie on the preservation for almost all of them until prenatal contractions. The initial stage of the pathology is marked by hypertonicity of the uterus, bleeding and discomfort resembling contractions.

The second stage of the violation leads to more serious consequences. At this moment, all the signs already indicate a full-fledged miscarriage at an early stage: a fragmentary detachment of the ovum from the inner wall of the uterus begins. However, at this time, the trouble can still be prevented, doctors say. This is possible thanks to the immediate and well-coordinated intervention of professionals, provided that the pregnant woman was admitted to the hospital on time.

The next stage of early spontaneous abortion is an on-the-go miscarriage. Now there is nothing to help the embryo. A pregnant woman is suddenly seized by sharp spasms, bleeding begins almost immediately - the most convincing sign of an early miscarriage. This indicates the final death of the ovum, which comes out in whole or in part (incomplete miscarriage). In the photo, a fertilized egg with an early miscarriage:

The pathology ends with a complete spontaneous abortion. After an early miscarriage, the uterus contracts and quickly comes to "pre-pregnant" size. A complication in this case is an incomplete abortion or a frozen pregnancy (diagnosed by ultrasound), when there is a high risk of pus formation or the onset of sepsis.

How to recognize a miscarriage early

At first glance, identifying a miscarriage is quite simple, so some women believe that if they feel well after the incident, they can neglect a visit to the hospital. However, this is a dangerous misconception: all signs of spontaneous abortion at an early stage are characteristic of other, more serious diseases, which, without proper diagnosis, can be mistaken for a miscarriage:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasm in the cervical region;
  • bloodless twisting of the ovarian cyst;
  • injury to the cervix.

It is possible to exclude these conditions only within the walls of a medical institution.

What to do in case of early miscarriage

Unfortunately, doctors are not able to radically change the course of events at the very beginning of pregnancy - you cannot go against nature.

It is common practice to prescribe Tranexam to stop bleeding. If a woman has had several failed pregnancies in the past, Utrozhestan will be appointed. When, thanks to the efforts of doctors, pregnancy can be brought to the second trimester, with a threatening miscarriage, it is worth stitching or a pessary if there is a short cervix with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In principle, this is where the methods of dealing with pathology end.

Now let's list what will not help in the process of developing a miscarriage:

  • bed rest - a conscious decrease in the mother's motor activity cannot stop the miscarriage if there are real prerequisites for its accomplishment;
  • taking drugs: No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6, Analgin.

A few weeks after a complete miscarriage, a woman needs to see a doctor and donate blood for analysis for the level of hCG. If all indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the level of the hormone has not decreased at all or decreased, but has not dropped to the required minimum, there is a likelihood of gallbladder drift. This is a dangerous complication that requires immediate medical attention.

An on-the-go abortion can be completed in several ways. If, during the examination, blood is still secreted from the vagina, and the ovum or embryo is still in the uterus, the doctor may determine the following tactics of action:

  • a wait-and-see approach lasting up to 7 days (it is possible that the body will reject the unnecessary without outside interference);
  • drug approach (a woman is prescribed Misoprostol, under the influence of which the uterine muscles are strongly compressed and remove the remnants of the ovum);
  • surgical cleaning (if vaginal bleeding becomes massive).

How to prevent early miscarriage

To exclude all possible factors provoking an early miscarriage, it is necessary to acquire offspring under the professional guidance of a doctor. For this, a woman undergoes a full examination not during pregnancy, but even at the stage of planning a child. This is the only way to make sure that there are no various "breakdowns" at the cellular level and internal pathologies. Moreover, parents-to-be are reviewing and adjusting their usual way of life in accordance with the upcoming changes: at this stage it is important to put an end to addictions, to establish a daily routine and diet.

Early miscarriage: how to know where to go next

After such a crushing failure, a woman is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment. If the cause of the incident could not be established earlier, doctors will carry out the necessary diagnostics to determine it now. This is important, otherwise a woman runs the risk of facing the same problem the next time she prepares for motherhood.

The ultrasound procedure is a mandatory step after an early miscarriage. If there are fragments of an egg or embryo in the uterus, the woman will need cleaning to avoid the development of inflammation or infection. After all the necessary procedures, the doctor will prescribe the patient a course of antibiotic therapy, which will exclude various infectious diseases, as well as a course of hormones that will put the woman's endocrine system in order.

Among other things, the failed mother is in dire need of professional psychological support. The loss of a baby, albeit so tiny, leaves an indelible imprint on a woman's mind. It is important to experience this moment with the support of a psychologist or relatives.

It is wrong to shut yourself off from the outside world and be alone with your unhappiness, as negative emotions will simply “eat up” all hope for the best. Psychologists recommend that women who have experienced a miscarriage do not be ashamed of their feelings and do not hold back aggression and tears - the sooner they get rid of them, the faster recovery will come. And in no case should you be afraid of the future: modern medicine and competent doctors will do everything possible so that the new pregnancy ends with the triumphant cry of the long-awaited baby!

According to experts, about 20-30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. This often happens in the first weeks after conception - before the woman knows about her condition. Since many people blame themselves for the misfortune, it is important to know why an early miscarriage occurs and how to reduce the risks of miscarriage. Knowing the symptoms of an unfavorable situation will allow you to call a medical team in a timely manner. And the help provided by professionals can change the situation for the better, giving the developing embryo in the body a chance for salvation and further life.

Why miscarriage occurs - causes and consequences

A woman who has experienced a miscarriage should know that what happened does not put an end to the issue of having children for her. "In 80% of cases, further pregnancies go well and end with childbirth," says Henry Lerner, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard Medical School. In the vast majority of situations, the causes of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages are unknown and are an isolated case in a woman's gynecological history. If a spontaneous abortion is repeated a second or third time, it is extremely important to look for the cause of the pathology in order to find out why a miscarriage occurs, and how to protect yourself from it.

For the threat of miscarriage, the reasons can be very diverse. Experts report that 80% of miscarriages occur within 12 weeks. In this case, the highest risk of an unfavorable coincidence of circumstances falls on the period from 4 to 6 weeks. Once your baby's beating heart can be seen on an ultrasound, the risk of spontaneous pregnancy drops every day.

Why there is an early miscarriage, explain the largest clinical institutions in the world. According to the information presented in the media:

  • Duke University North Carolina states that an accidental chromosome error is responsible for 70% of miscarriages before 6 weeks of gestation.
  • School of Medicine Scientists on Mount Sinai, they are sure that the main reason for the threat of miscarriage lies in the age of the mother and father. In women under 35 years of age, there is a 25% risk of spontaneous abortion during the first six weeks, and in women after 40 years, it rises to 42%.
  • Mayo Clinic researchers in Rochester report that up to 55% of miscarriages before 12 weeks of gestation are caused by mutations that form a fetal egg without an embryo.

In the medical literature, researchers identify several of the most common causes of miscarriage:

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities... According to scientists, this is the most common cause of up to 60% of miscarriages. Chromosomes are tiny structures in cells that carry genes. Each person has 23 pairs - one set from the mother, the second from the father. Sometimes, when a sperm meets an egg, a malfunction occurs, as a result of which the chromosomes cannot line up as nature should, which can lead to miscarriage, since the embryo in this case has chromosomal abnormalities. Couples who have miscarried several times must be screened for chromosomal abnormalities that can negatively affect pregnancy. Experts advise women to be patient if there is one miscarriage. If the situation repeats, laboratory analysis is required - chromosomal testing. If chromosomes are not a criterion for explaining why a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, doctors begin to look for other causes that can be treated.
  2. Abnormalities of the uterus. An incorrect or disharmonious structure of the uterus can be the reason for a miscarriage. This is explained by the fact that the embryo either cannot implant into the uterus, or does not receive adequate nutrition to support life. This type of anomaly explains up to 10% of situations in which a search is conducted, why an early miscarriage occurs and what explains a spontaneous abortion. The most common contributors to a dysfunctional pregnancy are a septum in the uterus or a weakened cervix that is unable to support a growing embryo. In the presence of such a pathology, the uterine septum is surgically corrected, and a suture is applied to the weakened cervix. And in addition to these factors, a woman after conception is recommended to bed rest or hospitalization so that most of the time she is in a calm and relaxed state, contributing to the normal course of pregnancy. If the risk of developing a negative condition is too high, the woman is placed in a hospital, where she is monitored around the clock.
  3. Immunological disorders... In the normal course of pregnancy, the embryo is not perceived by the female body as a foreign agent. However, there are situations when a woman's body recognizes a stranger in it, producing specific antibodies that try to destroy it.
  4. Causes of early miscarriage lie in such unfavorable conditions as hypo- and hyperthyroidism and uncontrolled diabetes. Both diseases cause unfavorable changes in the uterine environment, which create difficulties for the normal functioning of the embryo. With a history of these diseases, a woman should change her usual lifestyle and follow the recommendations of doctors in order to keep her condition under control. As for the state of the thyroid gland, specialized medications are used to normalize the hormonal background.
  5. Another explanation why there is an early miscarriage lies in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with this syndrome have high levels of the male hormone testosterone, which, among other things, causes irregular ovulation and disturbs the established menstrual cycle. Polycystic ovary syndrome causes insulin resistance even in women who do not have diabetes. This creates difficulties in the normal maturation of the endometrium. According to medical estimates, in more than 5% of women, this reason explains why a miscarriage occurs and what should be considered when planning the next pregnancy. Oral antidiabetic drugs such as metformin are used as therapy for the negative condition.
  6. Bacterial infections... Why a miscarriage occurs with the appearance of pathogenic bacteria in the body, doctors explain to women at the stage of pregnancy planning. Many microorganisms live on male and female genital organs without causing any tangible harm by their presence. But some bacteria can cause problems with the normal course of pregnancy and increase your risk of miscarriage. Ideally, it is necessary to undergo an examination before conception in order to cure diseases, since the only way to get rid of pathogenic microflora is to use antibiotics and other potent drugs.
  7. In preparation for pregnancy the doctor explains why an early miscarriage occurs, if the mother leads an asocial lifestyle or abuses bad habits. Among the factors negatively affecting pregnancy are alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, toxins. We have known about nicotine since childhood, however, over the years, the number of women who smoke does not decrease. Nicotine crosses the placenta, interfering with blood supply and fetal development. In smokers, the risk of miscarriage is twice the risk of spontaneous abortion in nonsmokers. Drinking alcohol and drugs on a daily basis also increase the risk of developing an unwanted scenario. It also increases in women employed in industries where strong odors - toxins - are present. These are dental offices, hairdressers and beauty salons, farms, hospital laboratories and other similar places. A woman who does not want to find out after conception why a miscarriage occurs should stop any contact with dangerous factors.

In addition to the listed factors, risk criteria are age and lack of vitamins in the body. Studies have shown that older women are more likely to experience early miscarriage, the reasons lie in the deterioration of health, which intensifies over the years, the risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus and genetic defects. There is medical statistics according to which a young woman at the age of 20-22 has a chance to give birth to a child with developmental disabilities in 1 case out of 800, and after 40 years in 1 case out of 120. Agree, the difference is more than obvious.

With regard to vitamins, it becomes obvious why a miscarriage occurs when the situation is examined in detail. Researchers have found that a lack of vitamins D and B increases a woman's risk of miscarriage. But an overabundance of vitamin A, on the contrary, threatens with complications. It is strictly forbidden to make an independent decision on the use of vitamin supplements. Recommendations are given by an obstetrician-gynecologist who has studied a woman's health and knows how to build a pregnancy management program.

Also, the reasons for the threat of miscarriage in the early stages include the following conditions among the dangerous factors:

  • Being overweight or underweight... Obese women (BMI 30 and above) have a higher risk of spontaneous pregnancy termination. The risk group also includes overly thin women, whose bodies find it difficult to cope with the growing load;
  • Large uterine fibroids and other tumors - benign neoplasms, often diagnosed during the gynecological examination of women. Particularly dangerous are large fibroids or tumors showing tissue growth in response to pregnancy hormones;
  • Certain drugs can cause a threat of miscarriage in the early stages. Each drug, each remedy and dietary supplement should be discussed with a doctor, since many medications can provoke the development of defects incompatible with life in the embryo;
  • Short time interval between pregnancies. This is not a dogma explaining why an early miscarriage occurs. But experts believe that getting pregnant again less than six months after the previous successful pregnancy means insignificantly, but increasing the risk of miscarriage, since the body of a woman who has recently given birth did not rest and did not get the opportunity to restore lost strength.

Be that as it may, but each of the above points is not the ultimate truth. It has been proven that a glass of good wine a couple of times during pregnancy will not harm. The medication agreed with the doctor will not cause it either. However, sometimes it is these factors in the case of abuse that are decisive in the development of the pathological state of spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

ICI is a common cause of later miscarriage

One of the reasons explaining why there are miscarriages is ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when, through the fault of the neck and isthmus that opens up under the pressure of the growing fetus, a spontaneous abortion occurs. The condition is one of the most common causes of miscarriage later in life - between 11 and 27 weeks of pregnancy.

The cause of this condition is the previous manipulations with the uterus - a history of abortion, childbirth, curettage. These manipulations negatively affect the condition of the muscle ring. If scar tissue has formed in areas whose structure was previously damaged, they become inelastic, incapable of stretching and subsequent contraction.

However, the reasons for the manifestation of ICI are not necessarily the physical nature of education. It can also be about the hormonal basis of pathology, when, following a rise in testosterone levels and a drop in progesterone levels, an abnormal condition develops in a woman's body, causing a miscarriage that has occurred.

The first signs of a miscarriage - symptoms and signs

Some bleeding during implantation of the embryo into the lining of the uterus is normal. During this period, implantation bleeding may develop, as a result of which minor bloody streaks or brownish vaginal discharge will remain on the underwear. According to the American Pregnancy Association, bleeding does not always indicate the first signs of miscarriage - in 20-30% of all pregnancies, some bleeding is observed in the initial stages, and about half of these situations do not prevent a normal full-term pregnancy. If the cervix opens slightly during bleeding, this is a dangerous condition during which spontaneous abortion can occur. The following signs of a threat of miscarriage in the early stages should be alerted:

  • Dark brown or bright scarlet blood from the vagina with convulsions;
  • Heavy bleeding with or without cramping;
  • Bleeding that will hold back tight lumps and pieces of internal tissue
  • Sudden onset of bleeding with increasing intensity of blood loss.

If these signs of a threatened miscarriage are observed, you should immediately contact your doctor or call the emergency medical team.

The alarming factor is spasms. In connection with the implantation of the embryo, minor convulsions may occur at an earlier date. This is a kind of reaction of the body to changes taking place in the body. Normally, spasms are mild and go away quickly. If the following signs of a threatened miscarriage are observed, the situation gets out of control:

  • Seizure intensity it grows, from a moderate nature they become heavy and strong, exceeding in intensity the spasmodic pains during menstruation;
  • Lower abdominal pain and cramping begin to move into the lumbar region and give off strong discomfort throughout the body;
  • Duration of spasmodic phenomena more than 5-10 minutes - a reason to be wary;
  • If the cramps are accompanied by heavy bleeding- this may be a sign of an incipient miscarriage, you should immediately see a doctor.

Fluid or mucus released from the vagina can also be a cause for concern, according to doctors. Light pink mucus interspersed with a harder mass may be placental tissue. If you have warning symptoms, hurry up to see a doctor. Other signs of early miscarriage include:

  • Unexplained and uncontrolled weight loss;
  • Sudden cessation of pregnancy symptoms (swelling and soreness of the mammary glands disappears, nausea for strongly pronounced odors, frequent urge to use the toilet, etc.);
  • Ultrasound does not show a heartbeat on a computer monitor, imaging equipment does not give an idea of ​​the developing life in the womb.

Often, the expectant mother herself feels that something terrible is happening. Even without knowing how an early miscarriage manifests itself, many women accurately determine the pathological condition.

After 20 weeks, the loss of pregnancy is called stillbirth. This pathology accounts for 1 child out of 200 prosperous children. In general, the causes of late miscarriage remain partly unknown, but the most likely factors for them are:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Smoking;
  • Excess weight;
  • Multiple pregnancies and more.

These reasons are similar to those that adversely affect the development of the embryo in early pregnancy.

Why there are miscarriages and what to do after a miscarriage

If a woman has had two or more miscarriages, she is advised to undergo an examination to find the cause. About half of the cases remain unanswered to the question of why a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, but in the other 50% health problems are found, which in a number of situations can be corrected by well-designed treatment. Most often these are autoimmune diseases (in which the immune system attacks the embryo, destroying it), thyroid problems, uterine deformities, or other causes.

Frustrated parents who are interested in why they miscarry can be tested for bleeding disorders (some women produce antibodies that attack their own tissues, causing blood clots to form that clog the maternal blood vessels that feed the placenta).

To examine the uterus, ultrasound, MRI and CT, hysteroscopy are performed, and the embryo itself can be tested for chromosomal abnormalities to clarify the causes of spontaneous miscarriage. If any of the reasons is confirmed, doctors do everything possible to eliminate the problem of miscarriage from a woman's life.

So, to diagnose a pathological condition and when certain symptoms of miscarriage appear in the early stages, the doctor uses:

  • Inspection for signs dilatation of the cervix;
  • Ultrasound to check the fetal heartbeat and identifying signs of embryo development. If the diagnosis is difficult, it is recommended to undergo a second ultrasound scan one week after the first. Ultrasound can also provide information about the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg develops in the fallopian tube. When performing an ultrasound scan, the bladder should be full. A woman is advised to drink a lot of water before visiting an ultrasound office. The method of conducting is different - the doctor can move the scanning element over the abdomen and use a vaginal probe to insert into the vagina to obtain better quality images of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Blood tests - are taken when there are signs of a threat of miscarriage in the early stages. Your doctor will check your pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), to compare it with previous measurements. If the nature of changes in the level of hCG is noticeable, this is a serious reason to be wary. In this case, special attention is required to lower the level of hCG in the blood or stop the hormone at the same indicators.
  • By taking blood tests the doctor determines the woman's blood group, if this has not been done earlier. According to the data obtained, one can also detect anemia - a dangerous condition for a pregnant woman.
  • Examination of tissues secreted from the vagina, confirming a laboratory miscarriage;
  • Chromosome tests- in the presence of two or more unsuccessful pregnancies in the anamnesis, both parents are sent to identify chromosomal abnormalities.

It is important to remember that most women who have had a miscarriage will have a successful pregnancy in the future. According to the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, even after four consecutive miscarriages, about 65% of women subsequently give birth to a healthy and strong child, which they carry throughout their pregnancy. Do not lose sight of the fact that when compiling statistics on why miscarriages occur in early pregnancy, fairly wide layers of the population in general are being investigated. The sample includes women of all ages, with different health problems and women who did not receive adequate antenatal care and qualified assistance when registering for a consultation. Your personal risk of miscarriage depends on many factors, such as age, general health, and previous medical history. It cannot be calculated based on statistical sampling.

Why there can be a miscarriage and what treatment is there

If signs of spontaneous miscarriage appear and the miscarriage has begun, there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Any treatment is aimed at preventing severe bleeding and infection. Talk with your doctor about the best treatment options for you. An individually designed therapeutic protocol, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient, will allow safe and effective treatment.

We examined above why miscarriages occur in the early stages, mentioned the causes of miscarriage in the second trimester, and outlined diagnostic procedures to identify a pathological condition. Let's take a closer look at the treatment options.

Wait-and-see tactics

Sometimes a wait-and-see tactic bears good fruit. After abnormal changes in a woman's body, doctors often choose this method. After the first signs of a miscarriage appear in the early stages and the diagnosis is confirmed, it is worth waiting for the tissues to leave the body naturally. This period can take up to three to four weeks. While waiting for tissue release, a woman may experience minor bleeding and bloody fluid from the vagina.

At the time of the passage of tissues through the birth canal, bleeding increases and becomes more intense, other signs of miscarriage may appear in the early and late stages - cramping spasmodic pains. At this time, it is recommended to use sanitary pads (it is strictly forbidden to use tampons), and soothe pain symptoms with pain relievers such as paracetamol. If an incomplete miscarriage occurs, and not all of the tissue has left the body, it is necessary to take a wait-and-see approach. But if, with a spontaneous miscarriage, the symptoms contain severe bleeding or signs of a developing infection, you should immediately switch to other therapeutic practices. Most often, the doctor recommends dilation and curettage. Discuss your options with a professional to make an informed decision.

What do you need to know?

  1. Why early miscarriages occur in order to minimize the risk of developing an anomaly.
  2. There are many reasons why some women choose to wait and look after their own condition after a miscarriage without taking any drastic measures.
  3. Many women experience fear and confusion when they find out why there is an early miscarriage, so bleeding causes them to panic. However, you should not panic at the first appearance of blood on your underwear. You need to call your doctor right away to find out what to do in the future.
  4. Waiting after a miscarriage usually takes longer than any other approach, such as surgery or medication. When implementing this tactic, the first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages in the form of bleeding and pulling pains in the lower abdomen can drag on for up to 4 weeks.
  5. For some women, the tactic of waiting is categorically inappropriate, especially when it comes to an infection developing in the body, severe bleeding, or a prolonged waiting period.
  6. Having experienced the signs of a miscarriage in the early stages, and while waiting for the natural release of tissues alien to the body, a woman is going through a period of emotional burnout and emptiness.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is available and can significantly speed up the release of the tissue of a dead embryo from the body after the termination of pregnancy. When a woman knows what symptoms of miscarriage indicate an unfavorable set of circumstances, she already knows what the blood clots coming out of the vagina are talking about. If an ultrasound scan shows that there are tissues left inside, medications stimulate their release within a few hours from the moment of administration. Sometimes the period increases, much depends on the drugs themselves and the characteristics of the female body. Drug treatment is not suitable if there are signs of infection and heavy bleeding, if symptoms of threatened miscarriage are observed for more than 9 weeks. If drug therapy does not work and the tissue does not come out, the doctor recommends the use of dilation and curettage.

What you need to know

  1. The tissues come out in the period from 4 to 6 hours after taking the medication recommended by the doctor. During this time, the woman can be in the hospital under the supervision of the attending physician. If the waiting period is prolonged, the specialist gives instructions on how to monitor the first symptoms of a complete miscarriage and sends the patient home for further waiting.
  2. After finding out the preliminary reasons why there may be a miscarriage, medication prescribed by a doctor may also provoke side effects. Tissue release tablets can be taken orally or inserted into the vagina. In the first few hours after taking the drugs, you may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and chills.
  3. A woman at this stage knows exactly what symptoms should be noted after taking medication in case of miscarriage. The doctor tells this in case possible complications develop. Some bleeding or short-term bleeding after taking medications is considered normal. When the tissue of a dead embryo leaves the body, there is an increase in blood loss with the appearance of clots.
  4. Probably increased pain and intensity of spasms. Pain relievers recommended by your doctor will help to cope with discomfort. For some women with high sensitivity and low pain threshold, pain relief injections are recommended, which give a faster and more effective result.
  5. If drug therapy does not give the expected effect, a surgical method of tissue removal is used.


It is important for a woman to get to the bottom of the truth why there is an early miscarriage, but before starting to identify the causes, you should take care of your health and eliminate the consequences of the miscarriage. If expectant tactics and drug therapy have not yielded results, surgery is used to remove the tissue of the deceased embryo - a small operation called curettage. It is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia.

The doctor gains access to the tissues through the woman's vagina. The cervix is ​​carefully opened by a specialist, and the tissue remaining after pregnancy is delicately removed. The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes, but a woman who has experienced such signs of an early miscarriage, such as bleeding, dizziness and other discomfort, should be under the supervision of a doctor for about 4-5 hours. This time is necessary to restore well-being.

After learning why you miscarried and deciding on curettage, you may have to wait several days for the procedure. During this period, the tissues can come out on their own, and then there is no need for an operation. In general, curettage is performed in situations where there are signs of an early miscarriage, such as severe bleeding and intense pain that cannot be suppressed. Also, the method is applied at the request of the woman herself, if there are no contraindications for its implementation.

What you need to know

The risks of having surgery are very low, but include:

  1. Danger of leaving some tissue to be removed inside the body, in the uterus. This can cause severe blood loss and the need to repeat the operation;
  2. The risk of introducing infection into the body;
  3. Danger of damage to the cervix or the body of the uterus, which is extremely rare (according to statistics - 1 case per 1000 operations), but, nevertheless, occurs in medical practice. As a result of the careless actions of the surgeon, a small hole or rupture of tissues forms on the uterus, which later self-heal.
  4. There are also risks from incorrectly chosen anesthesia.... This is a very rare situation, but it also occurs in surgical practice.

Waiting for treatment

If you have signs of miscarriage, such as heavy bleeding with clots and cramping pains, it is likely that the tissues of the dead embryo are being excreted from the body. If the bleeding is severe and does not stop for a long time, specialist help is needed. You should immediately call the emergency medical team if:

  • The signs of a miscarriage in the first and second trimester are incessant blood loss, in which a woman changes sanitary napkins more often than twice an hour;
  • Large blood clots;
  • Have severe abdominal and lower back pain that does not get better with medication
  • Severe fever developed. There was chills, convulsions, fainting;
  • An unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge appeared, which indicates signs of a developing infectious process.

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Many parents who have had a miscarriage fear that it will happen again in the next pregnancy. However, this is unreasonable, in most cases the pregnancy goes without complications.

The question of why it is impossible to become pregnant after a miscarriage without a period of restoration of physical and emotional health is asked by every mother who has lost a child. The answer is obvious - a certain period of time must pass when a woman will be ready for a new conception. It is important to take into account the mistakes made in the past and not to admit them again.

If physical balance returns to a relative norm within a couple of months after a miscarriage, then the psychological background of a woman who has experienced a loss can recover for a longer period. Many women, hoping to find balance, try to get pregnant right after an unsuccessful attempt, despite the beliefs of doctors to bide their time. Knowing what symptoms of early miscarriage appear and why they happen, women try to minimize the likelihood of developing a negative event to the maximum. But an organism that is not ready for bearing a child, weakened by previous failures in the work of the reproductive system, it may again fail to cope with the situation.

Often, a woman develops a depressive state, aggression, resentment towards others, she withdraws into herself, does not want to see anyone and meet with anyone. The best option is to visit an experienced psychologist. The specialist will help to cope with mental pain, to survive the accomplished event without prejudice to the mental state of the failed woman in labor. A woman should clearly understand that emotional instability is another reason why it is impossible to become pregnant after a miscarriage without restoring a surge of mental strength.

Sexual life after miscarriage

Sex after miscarriage is a highly controversial topic. There is considerable disagreement about whether an intimate life is safe and what period of abstinence from bodily pleasures is optimal. Many women themselves avoid sexual intercourse due to a difficult psychological state. Recovery from a miscarriage can take anywhere from four weeks to three months. Accordingly, the first contacts are possible no earlier than a month after the incident. If scraping was used, experts recommend extending the period to 1.5 months.

However, you need to focus on the condition of the woman. By this time, the bleeding from the vagina should be completely completed, and the cervix should return to a closed position to prevent infection from entering the organ. Ideally, a woman should consult with a doctor and see a gynecologist for permission to restore the relationship.

When to plan a new pregnancy

Once you have resumed your relationship, do not consider it unnecessary to consult with your doctor about contraception. This will allow you to prepare the body for conception, restore strength to bear a new fetus. Experts recommend postponing the start of a new pregnancy by six months, and in some situations by a year. During this time, you will undergo an examination, try to determine the reason for the miscarriage and be ready to prevent the negative scenario from repeating in the future.

While preparing for a new pregnancy, do not remember what symptoms of early miscarriage you had, do not transfer this condition into your life, try to remove it from your memory. When passing the examination, you will have to pass the following tests:

  • STI tests;
  • Examination of the organs of the reproductive system / ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Genetic tests;
  • Tests to determine the biocompatibility of spouses and other tests as prescribed by a doctor.

When a woman's cycle is restored, she becomes ready for a new conception. However, there is no need to rush. Based on the results of the examinations and analyzes passed, the doctor assesses the state of health, determines how long it may take to restore the body. If the timing has come, and the couple is sure that they are ready for pregnancy, the following aspects should be considered, the implementation of which increases the chance of a favorable coincidence of circumstances:

  • Parents-to-be must eliminate bad habits... These include smoking, drug use, and alcohol abuse. Many researchers have suggested that high caffeine consumption also carries risks for a normal pregnancy. Therefore, one cup of a strong and aromatic drink in the morning is a perfectly adequate dose if you cannot imagine your life without coffee.
  • Reduce stressors as much as possible, since overstrain, nervous situation in the house and at work do not contribute to the realization of this goal. It is necessary to provide the expectant mother with calmness, relaxation, rest. Eliminate quarrels and showdowns from your life. All of them are reflected in the psychological state of a woman.
  • The adjustments should also apply to nutrition, if it contains harmful products, fast food. The diet should be revised, include more vegetables and fruits, and if necessary add vitamins. Any supplements and medications must be approved by your doctor. To normalize mood and strengthen immunity, chamomile infusions, tea with lemon balm leaves and honey are useful, if there are no allergic reactions to them.
  • Eliminating harmful occupational factors from life will be a good step towards what you have planned.... If you work in hazardous work, inhale vapors that are hazardous to health and have to visit unfavorable facilities, talk to your doctor. Perhaps, taking into account your past condition, you will be issued a sick leave. Many women themselves give up their careers, preferring the birth of a healthy and strong baby.
  • Don't forget that being overweight Is another unfavorable factor for normal pregnancy. While you have time to prepare, shed those extra pounds that are holding you back from getting your ideal shape. Remove unhealthy snacks and overeating in the evenings. This will help you quickly get used to a properly built meal schedule.

Often, having become pregnant, a woman is in no hurry to share her joy with loved ones, remembering the evil eye and being afraid to believe in the happiness of conception. However, experts advise against doing this. In the early stages of pregnancy and later, the support of loved ones is very important. Do not deprive them of the opportunity to help you, support you mentally and physically.