How to make marbled nails. Fashionable shades, combinations and designs. Black marble manicure

Marble manicure is a real find. This nail design looks fresh, unusual and stylish. If you experiment with shades, you can repeat the pattern of an onyx or turquoise surface at home. Marble manicure can turn your pens into a real jewel.


Do you think you can't do a complex salon manicure yourself? Thanks to our step-by-step instructions for this trendy nail design, you will spend a minimum of time and effort. Get a marble manicure at home!

Marble manicure with film

  1. Apply to nails in one layer. Wait a few minutes for the base to dry.
  2. Cover the nail with two coats of a neutral polish (black, white, sandy or pale pink works best).
  3. While the base color dries, apply PVA glue to the skin around the nail. In the future, it will allow you to remove excess varnish in one motion.
  4. Take a neutral polish (which you used in the previous step) and a varnish in a contrasting shade. Place one point of each color on the nail plate. Then place a piece of plastic wrap on top and press it against your nail. This way you will be able to simulate the marble pattern.
  5. Carefully remove the PVA film and glue. If any excess remains on the skin, remove it with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  6. Repeat the procedure for other nails. Fix the finished result with a top coat: this will smooth the surface and protect the manicure from chips.

Water marble manicure

  1. Apply a base coat to your nails and let it dry.
  2. Choose two varnishes. These can be shades of the same scale or contrasting colors. In a glass of water, alternately drop each varnish. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. A kind of rainbow should form on the surface of the water. Use a toothpick to create the pattern you want.
  3. Dip each nail in a glass of colored liquid, one at a time. Remove the remaining varnish on the surface of the water with a stick. Wipe the area around the nail plate.
  4. Secure the finished manicure with a top coat.


Marble manicure with gel polish

You can also do such a manicure at home if you have a special lamp for drying gel polish.

  1. Apply two layers of white gel polish as a base, and a transparent top with a sticky layer on top.
  2. Put a couple of dots on the nail plate with varnish of any shade. Use a fine brush to create beautiful streaks. The drawing will be more interesting if you add a drop of clear coat or varnish of a different shade.
  3. Draw the missing lines with a brush to make the nail art look neat and textured.
  4. Repeat the procedure for each nail. Dry under the lamp.


The most beautiful marble manicure ideas

If you are already comfortable with the technique, take note of the interesting options for marble manicure. You can easily repeat any pattern at home!

White marble manicure

This is a very elegant option - pay attention to the white marble manicure for a special occasion. This color will be appropriate for a wedding and prom.

Marble nail art with other techniques

Marble manicure goes well with other techniques - it can be done with shellac and gel polish, supplemented with a jacket or moon nail art. Also, only a few nails can be made marble, the rest can be painted in a different way.

Nude marble manicure

Nude is still the hit of the season, and manicure in pastel colors with pink, beige, gray lacquer goes well with the marble pattern.

Bright tones of marble manicure

If you are ready to experiment and like to stand out from the crowd, choose bright shades in marble manicure. Blue, red, burgundy and many other tones are also found in natural stone - so they will look 100% spectacular on your nails!

Green marble manicure

A manicure that imitates turquoise or malachite should be distinguished into a separate category. This is one of the most beautiful and noble colors.

If regular green nail polish often looks too provocative, marble coloring transforms it into a stylish manicure for real ladies.

Photo source: Pinterest

Marble manicure with gel varnishes. Marble Design with Gelpolish (Video)

We do marble manicure with gel polish on our own

A real hit in nail art, both among professional masters and among lovers of creating beautiful nails at home, is marble manicure. Such popularity is quite understandable, because this design will be appropriate absolutely everywhere: at work in the office, at home, and on a walk with friends, and there is no need to talk about special occasions.

We select the color

Any color can be used for marble manicure. If extravagance is required, then you can even experiment with shades that are completely incompatible with each other. Basically, girls who choose this nail design prefer the classic palette:

  • white and pink. Using them, you can achieve the effect of natural marble on your nails;
  • blue and blue. They will help to create on the nails an imitation of a stone called "turquoise";
  • shades of green. By mixing such a palette, you can turn nails into a very valuable rock - malachite. It will add a special chic to your image;
  • beige tones. The combination of several colors from the beige range will allow you to create an interesting everyday manicure on your nails.

The above combinations do not mean that they must be strictly adhered to. The manifestation of imagination will allow you to make a manicure with a marble effect more original, especially since in nature marble has many shades and color combinations. One has only to choose the colors that you like and create an interesting design.

How to make marble on nails with gel polish, we study the methods of application

To create a marble effect on the nails, you can use several application options. Moreover, it is worth considering that such methods are used not only at home, but also by nail service masters in beauty salons. Therefore, you can not be afraid and start to design in the style of "Marble", because each of the methods has already been tested more than one hundred times.

Application methods:

  • water technology (as the name implies, it is necessary to use water when performing it);
  • with a brush;
  • using a plastic bag or cling film;
  • we use special gel polishes.

Now you can move on to learning each technique separately.

Water technology or aqua design

This method is very common and popular, because not only marble manicure is created with its help. Water in this technique acts as a coating on which the colors are mixed and further applied to the nails.


  1. a plastic cup (it is ideal for mixing, and its main advantage is that after the procedure it can not be washed, but immediately thrown away);
  2. water at room temperature;
  3. colored gel varnishes;
  4. basic coverage;
  5. topcoat;
  6. acid-free primer;
  7. Ultraviolet lamp;
  8. toothpicks;
  9. cotton buds;
  10. nail polish remover;
  11. cuticle oil.

Note! Before the procedure for applying the design, it is important to do a trim manicure. Move the cuticle back with the help of an orange stick. Next, cut it off and dry skin on the side rollers using nail clippers.

With a file we give the nails a shape and cut off the upper shiny coating, remove all dirt and sawdust with a nail brush. With a cotton pad dipped in nail polish remover, degrease the surface of the nails.

Application process

Let's go directly to how to make a marble manicure with gel polish using water:

  1. Apply a primer, wait until it dries. We cover the entire nail with the base, seal the butt and cure it in a lamp for 120-180 seconds;
  2. We cover the nail with the main color of the gel polish and - into the lamp for 60-120 seconds.
  3. In a glass of water we drip the varnish of the main color, wait until it spreads. We put a dot on top with the second shade. In this way, you can make several layers and arrange multi-colored dots in different places. Draw various patterns with a toothpick: spirals, zigzags or any lines.
  4. Place the nail parallel to the water surface and gently lower it into the water. Wrap the remaining gel polish with a clean toothpick so that there is no excess coating on the nail.
  5. Remove the gel polish around the nail with a cotton swab. Dry the entire coating for 120 seconds.
  6. We apply the finish and - into the lamp for 120-180 seconds. We rub the cuticle oil into the skin around the nail and admire the “Marble” style manicure.

Additional Information! In order for a marble manicure applied using water technology to be perfect, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The water should not be too hot or cold, only at room temperature!
  2. Gel polishes should be of good quality, medium thickness and not too old!
  3. It is best to use varnishes of the same company, so that they mix perfectly!

Brush application

Now let's consider the question: how to make marble nails with gel polish using a brush.

  1. After preparing the nail, follow steps 1 and 2 from the example above.
  2. Put a drop of a dark shade of gel polish on foil or glass.
  3. Using a thin brush, draw lines on the nail. When drawing one line, it is important to clean the brush before drawing the next line. They can be of any length and curvature, as well as saturation. It all depends on your imagination.
  4. Dry the applied drawing for 120 seconds.
  5. We overlap everything with a top coat, polymerize for 180 seconds. Apply cuticle oil. All is ready!

We use a bag or film

For home application, ordinary materials from the kitchen can also be suitable - this is a plastic bag or cling film. Application technique:

  1. We repeat the trimmed manicure and steps 1 and 2 from the first method.
  2. We drip small drops of different colors directly onto the nail, put a bag or film on top. We crawl it lightly over the surface, as soon as we get a drawing that suits, carefully remove the package. We cleanse the skin around the nail from excess gel polish, dry for 120 seconds.
  3. Cover everything with topcoat and cure for 180 seconds. Apply cuticle oil.

Marble effect gel polishes

For those who want to get a marble manicure quickly and effortlessly, it will be enough to purchase a special marble gel polish. It can be easily distinguished among the large assortment of varnishes from well-known companies. It has a specific consistency, represented by several shades in one bottle, and they do not mix with each other and, when applied to nails, give exactly a design in a marble style.

It's easy enough to create a marble look manicure. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions provided or buy a special gel polish. In any case, nails with a marble design will look beautiful, original and adorn any look.

Photo of nail coating with marble gel polish

It's no secret that contemplation of nature inspires a person. In art, many ideas are drawn from "natural" sources. You know that also has creativity. The world of animals, plants and stones is reflected in your nails. Every year professional designers and simply lovers of spectacular nail art invent unique ways to create colorful patterns and designs. One of the modern know-how is the emergence of marble manicure.

How is nail art done on water?

The unusual design follows the patterns of the noble stone. Marble nail art is sometimes called. It got its name due to the amazing way of applying a pattern on nails. The marble pattern is, in fact, created with ordinary varnish on water.

  1. The first step is to apply a base coat to the nails.
  2. Varnishes of various colors are alternately dripped into a glass of water. A kind of film forms on the surface of the liquid. A unique pattern is created with a toothpick.
  3. Each nail in turn is immersed in the glass parallel to the plane of the table. Residues of varnish on the surface of the water are removed with a toothpick.
  4. A foil with a marble pattern is imprinted on the nails. The skin is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  5. At the end, the marigolds are covered with transparent varnish.

For more information on how marble manicure is done at home on the water, you can get on our website in the article about water nail design. The session lasts about 1-2 hours. The process itself is quite laborious, but the result is worth it.

Do you not always have a lot of time to make a bright and? Then we propose to study the second method of performing a manicure with a marble effect at home.

Step-by-step instruction

We will tell you how to get a marble manicure done in a short time. The first time, the procedure will take no more than half an hour. After a few training sessions, you can easily do it in 15-20 minutes. To create a spectacular nail design, you will need some tools and additional materials:

  • base coat and two colored varnishes;
  • a piece of cling film (a regular plastic bag will do as well);
  • top coating (gloss will make your manicure more effective).

Of course, you will also need a set of tools for a hygienic manicure and preliminary preparation of your nails: nippers, nail file, orange stick and nippers for processing cuticles and side ridges.

Step one: preparatory activities

Tidy up your nails in a way that is convenient for you. You can make it classic, European, or by pretreating your hands with an antiseptic. Clean and smooth nails are the main condition for excellent results.... Therefore, do not neglect this point. When the handles are ready, apply the first coat of base coat. It protects nails from saturated pigment and evens out their surface.

Step two: create the drawing

When the base is dry, apply a colored polish to your nails. You can use any shade you like. Before proceeding to the next step, be sure to wait for the varnish to dry. When making marble nails, you are not limited in color choices. You can try bright, contrasting tones, or, conversely, more muted. It doesn't matter if it is a combination of yellow and blue or a neutral composition in grayish shades. Indeed, in nature, marble stone is replete with various colors.

Now get down to the most creative part of the process. Now you are going to create a marble effect on your nails. Prepare 10 pieces of film or plastic bag, crumpled into small lumps. Apply another coat of varnish in a contrasting color. Without waiting for it to dry, apply the prepared lump of film to the nail several times. The gaps of the first varnish will be visible. You can hold the tape with your fingers or tweezers, whichever is more convenient for you. Decorate each nail separately.

If the varnish is too easy to remove, apply another layer, wait a little and repeat the application procedure. Difficulties may arise due to the too liquid consistency of the varnish... Try a thicker polish next time.

Step three: the final touch

After the second coat is completely dry, apply a glossy top coat. This will create the visual effect of marbled stone. At home, you can use regular clear varnish. After creative experimentation, the skin around the nails, most likely, will not be clean.

Use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover. We give you some valuable advice: for a clearer and more even line of the painted surface of the nail, use a flat manicure brush with a beveled edge.

Several marble nail art ideas

You can independently, by trial and error, select interesting compositions, making marble nail designs unusual and unique. To inspire you, we bring to your attention a fascinating collection of photos, which present several ideas for marble manicure in different colors.

Bright nail art has sunk into your soul, but you don't always manage to carve out even 20 minutes of free time? Try a more expensive but practical option: specialty nail polish. You will be able to get the marbled effect in a very short time. In just five minutes, your marble on your nails is ready!

It doesn't matter which way you choose to create nail art. The main thing is that the final result pleases you pleasantly. Of course, you can go to the salon and trust the hands of professionals. But you will feel inner satisfaction and delight only by performing the procedure at home. After all, nothing pleases as much as personal success in what you love. In addition, manicure for short nails, as a rule, does not require very serious efforts, and marble is ideal for short lengths.

You have already familiarized yourself with the collection of photos of marble manicure, got your portion of inspiration and learned how to perform fashionable nail art step by step in two different ways. In conclusion, we invite you to watch very interesting and useful video tutorials. Visual master classes will help you systematize the knowledge gained and achieve excellent results. Be sure to watch all the videos, because the artists demonstrate completely different techniques and methods of creating marble nail art.

Marble manicure looks impressive, it can be restrained or bright, but it always looks stylish and elegant. How to make a wonderful marble manicure at home quickly and easily, what design suits different shapes and lengths of nails, we will tell you in this article.

  • First of all, the main color is applied, usually dark.
  • You need to wait until it dries and apply the next layer, already light.
  • After drying, a third shade of varnish is applied, also dark.
  • While the layer is still fresh, a crumpled bag is placed on its surface.
  • Press it firmly to the nail several times to leave noticeable marks.
  • When the varnish is completely dry, a top coat is applied to the plate.

This method is the easiest, but if you want a better and more contrasting effect and you have time for this, try other methods!

How to do a marble manicure
How to do a marble manicure
How to do a marble manicure
How to do a marble manicure

How to make a marble manicure using the painting method

This is one of the most common ways to achieve a marble effect. It is used both in salons and at home. To do this, you need several varnishes of different colors (at least 3), a thin brush or a needle.

  • First of all .
  • After the base, apply the base color varnish, and wait until it dries.
  • Now a new layer is the same color.
  • As soon as the last, third, layer has been applied to the nail, we begin to draw.
  • Several small drops of other shades are gently dripping in different parts of the nail.
  • With the help of a brush or a needle, fresh drops are driven and mixed with the last layer of the base color.
  • When the varnish is dry, the topcoat is applied.

What do we know about marble manicure? Surely less than a marble countertop. Since this is the trend of the current year, it is worth getting to know it better, "examining it under a microscope", learning how to do it. This is a real find, it always looks fashionable and fresh, goes well with different styles of clothing and colors. By experimenting with tones and halftones, you can repeat the pattern of a turquoise or onyx surface and feel like an artist! This approach will turn the pens of every lady into a real treasure!

New in design

This season, the original, but at the same time restrained and not vulgar manicure is relevant. The trend we are talking about today has won the hearts of beauties of all ages. Women are increasingly turning to nail service workers to apply a pattern that imitates the texture of a stone. This trend has successfully migrated since 2017, and is now gaining more and more popularity.

A big mistake is mixing more than 4-5 colors. It turns out messy and not neat. The exception is shades of almost identical tones.

Do you think you can't afford a salon manicure? You are wrong, thanks to the detailed instructions, everything will work out. More self-confidence and go ahead!

How to do it correctly?

There are many techniques for making a fashionable manicure at home. You don’t have to be an artist or take paid courses - everything is extremely simple. There are many ways, each girl chooses a convenient one: using water, paints, special "marble" varnishes.

Note: whichever method you choose, prepare your nails - shape, clean from dirt.

With film


  • Cover the nail with 2 layers of varnish, it is better to choose neutral shades: pale pink, white, black, milky.
  • While the main tone dries, the skin around the nail is smeared with PVA glue, in order to easily remove excess varnish.
  • Prepare the color that was used in the previous step and the composition of the contrasting shade.
  • Put 1 point on the nail plate with each color. Now cover them with plastic wrap and press down.
  • In this easy way, you can imitate a "stone" pattern. Then remove the film and glue.
  • Fix the finished result with a topcoat, this will prolong its "life".

Many girls have tried the method in practice. Usually it takes 1 hour to work, but if you get your hands on it, you can do it in 20 minutes.

Using warm water

Apply base and let dry well. Choose 2 shades. In a glass with liquid, drop each varnish in turn, repeat the procedure several times. A rainbow-shaped film forms on the surface of the water. Using a toothpick, we create the pattern we like in the water column, and then on our own nails, lowering them into the varnish "haze". It is convenient to remove the leftovers with a stick or a cotton pad.

Gel polish

It looks especially impressive. Don't know how to make gel polish? It’s as easy as shelling pears! If there is a drying lamp, everything will work out without salon services. First you need to apply a base, then white gel polish in 2 layers and a sticky layer. Then put a few dots on the nail in a different shade. With a fine brush, it is easy to form neat streaks. We draw each stain with a brush - nail art looks textured. Dry in a lamp for at least 1-2 minutes.

This version of marble manicure is one of the most common. It can be worn for a long time, from a week to a month, depending on the quality of the materials and the correct execution.

How to draw cracks with gel polish - step by step

On sale there are gel varnishes to simulate marble chips, with their help it is as easy as shelling pears to arrange marigolds - apply to the base, fix and dry! There are no tricks here, just choose the shade and pattern you like. It can be both regular and gel polishes. The latter look more impressive, such a coating is more voluminous and heavier.

Important points:

  • the more powerful the lamp, the faster the layers dry out;
  • it is convenient to create streaks using several brushes of different thicknesses;
  • you should not save on material, choose high quality, otherwise the coating will quickly peel off;
  • if the nails exfoliate, treat the irregularities with a buff;
  • to get an unusual pattern, drip a transparent glossy varnish into the base tone.

"Stone" manicure "Stone" manicure step by step

A masterpiece with acrylic paints

You can paint the "stone texture" on a regular coating and shellac. The main condition is to choose a not very liquid varnish, it will reach for the brush and roll. You will also need paints and a small mixing palette. Foil or metal plate is ideal. Plastic is less practical. The brush, if necessary, can be replaced with a needle or a toothpick.

These paints are easy to work with, even if you are new to artistry. First you need to draw a print on the palette, only then transfer it to the pens.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • To make the manicure last longer, you need to wipe the nail plate with alcohol or acetone.
  • Apply the base and dry. To get an original, slightly washed out drawing, apply it on a sticky layer. This is a trendy tip for nail designers.
  • Now we need to select the background. To create a white base, choose a silver or pale blue composition.
  • To get gray streaks with dark streaks, mix black and white tones. If the acrylics are too thick, you can add a little water.
  • Before you start drawing, take a look at the photo of the marble. It is not necessary to repeat it exactly, but it will be useful to see in what sequence the dark veins are located.
  • Create with a brush broken strips of different thickness and length, located in different directions.
  • Now the resulting result needs to be dried, then apply a transparent matte or glossy finish.

You can buy acrylic paints at any art store. The cost is quite affordable, and this is a definite plus - every lady can draw nails in different colors!

What's relevant in 2018?

Technology is clear, now write down some trending ideas.

White is festive and smart. You can select 2 nails for him, paint over the rest in light shades of metallic color. Suitable for proms, weddings and going to a restaurant for any occasion. Try to complement with golden or silver pebbles, stripes, it will turn out stylishly and gently.

Multi-colored in combination with other techniques. Looks spectacular in different color variations in combination with other techniques - French, Moon. Any color scheme! Bright and muted tones are suitable - pink, lemon, turquoise, as well as mint, coffee with milk, gray.

Advice: fashionistas highlight certain nails with marble, painting the rest with other techniques. They depict stripes, geometric shapes.

Nude is also a fashionable trend of this year. Pastel colors go well with marble. Any pastel color is chosen as the basis, most often beige, peach, pale pink.

The vibrant color scheme is just a godsend. The shades of green and turquoise imitate malachite stone. Amber-like yellow. Sometimes a bright varnish looks defiant, but not in a “stone” interpretation.

Secret for fashionistas: looks especially advantageous on square nails. The length is practically irrelevant!

In the warm season, take a look at the juicy berry tones - red, crimson, purple ... At first glance, it seems that such tones are combined with a "stone" print, but this is not so. Looks slightly eccentric, unusual, epithets can be selected indefinitely.

You can endlessly describe the fashionable novelties of 2018, but we will focus on the main ones. Thick acrylic is yesterday. Nail designers recommend using soft shellac. It belongs to gel polishes, but less traumatic, gentle and beautiful. Less trauma due to the fact that it is easier to remove. You do not need to file it down, but only apply a special solution, even ordinary acetone will do. You need to wait a while and remove with a cotton pad.

From idea to implementation

Trends 2018 are bright nails "with a twist", which is why many girls choose a manicure with a marble pattern. The girls draw gems at home and ask the nail masters about it.

They look amazing by themselves, and if you decorate them with rhinestones, broths, kamifubuki (confetti), they will instantly turn into a masterpiece. When mixing varnishes of similar shade, two colors are enough. Contrasting tones should be diluted with neutrals: beige or white.

Turquoise is at its peak. Perhaps this is due to the warm season, I want freshness and brightness. To make a "watery" turquoise nail art at home, you need a bowl of water and varnish in 3 colors: turquoise, black and gold to imitate mica. Since speed is important in forming the pattern, you need to open all 3 jars before starting work. Another trendy tone is mint. It is supplemented with black, graphite, yellow.

The shades of eggplant and burgundy look interesting. They are preferred by confident women.

The sequence of work will help you make a first-class manicure:

  • drip a drop of turquoise varnish into the center of the bowl with water;
  • wait until the drop spreads out, forming a circle;
  • after that, in the center we apply the second drop of black and the third drop of turquoise;
  • wait until the last drop spreads and start "mess" - mix all the colors on the surface of the water with a toothpick;
  • different shades can be obtained from the degree of mixing.

According to experts in the field of the fashion industry, the most popular combination for a marble pattern is black and white. In second place are pink and gray. Naturally, personal preference must be taken into account. If you decide to do nail art before a special occasion, you need to consider the color of the outfit and makeup. Crimson nails are unlikely to look good with a bright blue dress. Naturally, if this is not the idea of ​​a mega-creative designer.

To get stylish, work as carefully as possible. Before applying the pattern, degrease your nails, otherwise the coating will spread and lie poorly.

In 2018, experts do not recommend forgetting about the fashionable shades of the previous year: blue, light blue, gold, emerald, white, purple, black. "Malachite" can be made by mixing light green, emerald hues. The result is a vivid 3D stone effect. Nail art experts recommend combining a stone pattern with powder - the stones will shimmer even brighter!

Remarkably, "stone marigolds" look appropriate at any event, at any time of the year. They are versatile, and this is their advantage!

Let's summarize

You must be prepared for the fact that the first time may not work. Do not stop halfway and try again - for sure the result will be as you intended. After completing the nail art once, you can experiment, creating original patterns! Don't be afraid to mix colors and get fancy, courage and creativity are in vogue in the new season. Do not forget to share your work in the comments. You can draw inspiration from finished works, as well as take on board the ideas that nature itself presents. Each stone is original, interesting, unlike the other. You can convey this in your manicure!

More ideas: