How to become an amazing girl. What is bad about the ideal and why, you should still strive for it

Many girls strive to get closer to a model, a standard. Then it will be easier to establish contact with a loved one, communicate with people, conquer new heights. Of course, having become ideal in your own way, it is easier to achieve happiness in your personal life. How to Become the Perfect Girlfriend? What exactly needs to be done, how to behave, how to change? How to conquer the desired man, please others with beauty, manners, achieve success in different areas? It is important to take into account many different points, try to surpass yourself in something, constantly improve. You are quite capable of such a task, if you approach the matter responsibly, you will act purposefully. Remember a few recommendations, strive for the goal. The results will not be long in coming.

How to become the perfect girlfriend for him? Appearance
In an effort to become the ideal girl for a loved one, almost all the fair sex first of all think about their appearance. Of course, the importance of your reflection in the mirror in a relationship with a man is greatly exaggerated. But there is something really worth paying attention to.
Watch yourself. Trying to look like a fashion model or a movie star is not worth it. Be yourself, create a harmonious and feminine image, attractive, moderately catchy.

We become the perfect girlfriend for a loved one. Character
Character matters a lot. To become an ideal girl, you have to change something in yourself, develop certain features, and forget about something forever.

  1. Become more tender, softer. Even if you are rapidly moving up the career ladder, earn a lot and make important decisions, you need to remain a woman. Don't be afraid to show weakness sometimes. Remember the smoothness of gestures, speak softly, develop melodic intonations.
  2. Keep calm. Most men dream of a calm, balanced girl. Learn to control yourself, control your emotional state, do not get irritated over trifles. Something pissed you off, are you outraged? Do not take any action, wait a little. Then you will be able to look at things more easily, to formulate your opinion more correctly. Thus, you will avoid quarrels, conflicts.
  3. Respect his personality. Don't take on the role of educator. Trying to change a man is a bad idea. You are both adults, it is important to respect the lifestyle and opinions of your beloved man. To become the ideal girl, forget about constant remarks, attempts to turn a man into someone else, corresponding to your ideas about the reference “prince”.
  4. Be delicate. Learn to give advice and persuade in such a way that your words really inspire confidence, a desire to listen to them. Remember that peer-to-peer demands are in and of themselves backlash. Any point of view needs to be argued, even if it seems obvious to you.
  5. Carefully build relationships with his family and friends. It is very important to establish contact with loved ones of a beloved man.
  6. Respect his interests, preferences, habits. Delve into the activities, hobbies of your loved one. If you want to become an ideal girl, try to be close to a man more often, but not to interfere with him, namely to share his hobbies. Do not break his usual way of life.
  7. Maintain your personality. You don't need to completely "dissolve" in your beloved either. A man can quickly lose interest in a girl who does not have her own interests, personal affairs.
  8. Create comfort, become an excellent hostess. Of course, you should learn how to cook, keep order in the house. Comfortable conditions are essential.
Learn to be perfect in different areas, watch your manners, habits, communication style. Respect the personality of your beloved man, be attentive to the people around you, benevolent. Become the perfect girlfriend and remember to constantly improve.

How to become the perfect girlfriend - 12 wisest tips for all occasions. Take it and do it!

The perfect girl.

It is about her that all the guys dream, it is her that all the girls look up to.

She is good at everything, easily achieves goals, boldly goes through life.

« How to be the perfect girlfriend, - think the fair sex, - how to become the most-most? ".

It is not easy to correspond to the ideal, but the most difficult thing is to understand what this ideal is, what are its components.

Who should I ask?

I think that it is reasonable to ask the opinion of both men and women on this issue in order to compose a complete portrait of the ideal girl and start working hard on yourself.

How to become the perfect girlfriend and why do you need it?

You know, the opinion of men about female beauty, behavior, knowledge and skills is not news for girls.

There have already been so many of these polls on the pages of magazines and online publications that you cannot count them.

Guys want everything at once: so that she is beautiful, and smart, and economic, and caring, and so that she achieves success in her profession, and so that she can be proud of her in front of her friends - in short, a three-page list.

Naturally, the guys themselves (not all, but many) do not worry too much to match such an ideal girl, so they swim fat, acquire bad habits, grow dull, do not develop, earn little, etc.

Do you know why this happens?

Yes, because they do not believe in the existence of ideal girls, considering “all women are the same,” which means that you need to find something more or less worthy among them.

Should we accept their position and stop striving for the ideal?

It all depends on what requirements you put forward to your chosen one.

For example, if you are ready to be content with a plumber Vasya with a vocational school education, that he will drink half of his already small salary and regularly beat you drunk, then there is no need to work on yourself at all.

If you set a high bar for yourself and want to be smart, handsome, rich for the role of the groom, then keep in mind that you will have to withstand serious competition among other girls, which means you need to try to become ideal in order to be out of competition.

What should be the ideal girl and who should you ask?

When articles appear on the site about what kind of girl guys want to see next to them, I immediately begin to receive angry messages from young ladies: “They love different!”, “I'm fat and nasty, but my husband adores me!”, “I will not change for the sake of a guy, it's humiliating "and so on.

I will not argue that there is a buyer for each product, I know several happy (seemingly) couples where the wife does not look very good and is inferior to her husband in all respects, I do not force anyone to change.

You can live by your own principles, rules, believe whatever you want, but you definitely won't deny the fact that beautiful, feminine, well, almost perfect girls have much more choice of guys and are much easier to arrange their personal life than stupid evil ones ugly.

If you want to know exactly what an ideal girl should be, then you should ask:

  • myself;
  • familiar guys;
  • girlfriends.

This will give you a complete look.

As for me, a girl should be:

  1. Nice and well-groomed.
  2. Feminine.
  3. Smart and wise.
  4. Caring, kind, loyal, loving, cheerful - in general, possessing a whole set of positive qualities.

What kind of girl should she look like?

Appearance is important for a girl.

Do not listen to those who tell you otherwise.

Yes, female beauty is a subjective concept and it is silly to measure it by model parameters, hair color, nose shape and long legs, but there are a number of signs by which you can easily distinguish a beautiful woman from an ugly one.

What a perfect girl should be?

She must be beautiful!

Beautiful ideal girl:

  1. Has velvety skin and clean, well-groomed hair.
  2. Always with fresh manicure and pedicure.
  3. He loves to play sports, so he has a fit figure.
  4. Prevents excess vegetation from appearing on her face and body.
  5. Fashionable and.
  6. Smartly uses decorative cosmetics.
  7. Thoroughly cares for his face, body, hair, arms, legs.
  8. Smells like a fairy flower, not like a bunch of stinkers.
  9. Monitors his health.
  10. Always has a neat look.

It's also very important that you look feminine.

The bet on sporty asexual style rarely works.

Most men believe that the ideal girl is a feminine fairy, and not a stout grenadier in a tracksuit, so you should rely on long hair, high heels, dresses, beautiful lingerie, exquisite perfume, etc.

And the ideal girl has impeccable taste, therefore:

  • knows how to combine things;
  • adds chic to himself with accessories;
  • observes moderation when choosing jewelry, etc.

A girl who strives to become perfect simply has no right to look ridiculous.

The inner beauty of the perfect girl

I agree with my readers who argue that external beauty is not everything, you should also have internal beauty.

It is this combination that allows an ordinary girl to become perfect.

When I talk about the inner beauty of an ideal girl, I mean:

  1. The presence of a sharp mind, good education, a desire to develop.
  2. Feminine wisdom that helps to establish contact with any guy.
  3. Such positive qualities as: kindness, loyalty, caring, cheerfulness, responsiveness, activity, honesty, naturalness, tenderness, sexuality and sex appeal.
  4. Lack of obvious flaws, for example: quarrelsomeness, deceit, tendency to betrayal, cruelty, aggressiveness, imperiousness, irresponsibility, love of whining and complaints, tactlessness and nervousness.
  5. The ability to be a good housewife (this does not mean scrubbing pots from morning to night) and creating coziness in the house.
  6. Passion and responsiveness in bed.
  7. Realization in life, so that you do not have to jump out to marry the first man you come across, who is ready to support you at the very least.

What an ideal girl should be through the eyes of men, you will learn from the video:

Becoming perfect is not easy.

You need to work hard and work on yourself to earn this title.

Not everyone can achieve perfection: someone gives up halfway, someone does not want to bother too much, and someone simply does not have enough wise advice.

  1. Think positively and always believe in the best.
  2. Learn to see beauty around you and create it.
  3. Do not waste time on nonsense: gossip, envy, lying like a seal in front of the TV, stupid TV shows, and so on.
  4. Learn to speak beautifully and coherently.
  5. Master the basic rules of etiquette, polish your manners to look like a lady, not a gopnik.
  6. Eat right and.
  7. Our environment characterizes us, if your boyfriend and friends are far from ideal, then most likely you will go down to their level, and not they will rise to yours.
  8. Keep your teeth and oral hygiene healthy - bad breath can seriously damage your ideal girlfriend.
  9. Smile and enjoy life.
  10. Be polite and friendly, but don't try to please everyone.
  11. Do good deeds, even small ones, but they can change life for the better.
  12. Love - people, life, nature, animals, plants, relatives and friends - and they will surely reciprocate you.

Or maybe you discovered your secret, how to be the perfect girl?

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1. Do not think about your shortcomings, think only about your merits.
2. Do not lower your collections, always look straight ahead.
3. Be positive, active, confident, so that energy and positive emotions are in full swing.
4. Speak emphatically.
5. Know how to listen to your interlocutor, respect someone else's opinion, even if it differs from yours, do not impose your own.
6. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, therefore, eyebrow care (correction) is a must.
7. Don't be afraid to change, look for yourself and try new things. Always move forward, be versatile.
8. Start your perfume and use it so that you have your own scent.
9. Instead of blush, spend more time outdoors.
10. Find yourself a hobby or hobby.
11. No need to copy someone, it is better to find your own style and be individual.
12. Fresh breath makes understanding easier. This is true! Have a pack of refreshing chocolates with you.
13. Eat the right food, then you will not need a diet. Make healthy eating a lifestyle.
14. Watch your gait, it should be feminine, never look under your feet, do not rush or slouch.
15. Reduce the size of the bag, the trunks do not look very nice.
16. Read more interesting books so that you have something to talk about.
17. Set goals and achieve them, listen to your intuition.
18. Learn to cook at least one dish well and tasty. Let it be apple charlotte, but perfect to be known as a good housewife.
19. Don't injure your hair with complicated styling, leave it for the holidays.
20. Don't tell everything about yourself on the first date.
21. Do not shout and be able to control yourself.
22. To become the perfect girl, play, try different looks, do not be monotonous.
23. Don't be smart, especially with men.
24. Love to give handmade gifts just like that to your friends and family.
25. To win over the interlocutor, take his hand during the conversation.
26. Get rid of terrible gestures: no need to chase crumbs on the table, pick the spine of a book.
27. Sexy does not mean not vulgar, keep this in mind when choosing clothes.
28. Take care of your hands, well-groomed hands are beautiful. Watch your face, acne is not pretty. See the selection.
29. Smile, let everyone know that you are happy.
30. No need to brag and tell a lot about yourself, let the interlocutor ask himself.
31. Don't cry over trifles, men don't like it.
32. Get more accessories.
33. Learn to make eyes.
34. Look the other person in the eye during a conversation.
35. Learn to compliment and compliment sincerely.
36. Wear only comfortable shoes for a beautiful gait.
37. Learn to laugh at yourself.
38. Be on the same wavelength with a man, learn to understand his humor.
39. Don't create problems out of nothing, keep it simple.
40. Do not sit at home, there are so many interesting things around!
41. Learn to raise your eyebrows, guys love that.
42. Stop thinking about how you look from the outside, be more confident and relax.
43. Do not forget about the birthdays of friends and family member, make a list and congratulate on it.
44. Choose your style of dress to be different from others, but don't be too weird.
45. Do not be envious and rejoice at what you have.
46. ​​Know how to confess your love to those who are really dear to you.
47. Do not talk too much, deeds are more important than words.
48. Be a good friend. Don't let people talk badly about people you care about. This is valuable.
49. Learn to share the interests of your loved one.
50. To become the perfect girlfriend, love your body the way it is. Take a bubble bath, your skin will become smoother and your love will be stronger.
51. Treat others with love.
52. Always answer your phone calls politely.
53. Only wear things that really suit you.
54. Don't be creative and don't get into an awkward situation.
55. Save and develop your talents to make your article even more beautiful and perfect.
56. Give free rein to your emotions, do not keep them in yourself.
57. Do not hide your neck and shoulders under your clothes.
58. Appreciate your time, do not waste it just like that.
59. Do not humiliate other people, you are not given the right to do so.
60. Be a leader in the company, in fact it is not difficult.
61. Don't be arrogant.
62. Be sincere and people will be drawn to you.
63. Collect songs and present them to your friends.
64. Sing more often, if you cannot, then learn and devote the first song to your man.
65. Be kind to other people.
66. Don't talk bad about your ex.
67. When you go to bed, think about pleasant things so that you wake up in a good mood in the morning.
68. Don't lie.
69. Do not drink water with gases, get rid of cellulite.
70. Don't drink alcohol other than wine. Don't smoke - it's terrible.
71. Do not bleach your hair, overgrown roots are terrible.
72. Watch your feet, a pedicure is a must.
73. Communicate only with those people who are pleasant to you.
74. Do not impose yourself.
75. Avoid pictorial gestures. Be more natural.
76. Do not overuse cosmetics. Learn how to do makeup correctly, here for example.
77. Learn the basic rules of etiquette.
78. Do not be ashamed of your weaknesses. Allow yourself to be whimsical sometimes. Cute and funny.
79. Do not be afraid to emphasize your merits. Long legs? Skinny jeans. Good skin? There is no toner. Long hair? Forget about chemistry. Better haircut in the salon.
80. Do not be lazy, work hard. One more skill will not hurt you.
81. Go in for sports.
82. Do not be silent, express your opinion.
83. Remember old friends, they often helped you out.
84. Be able to praise yourself, and start the morning with a smile.
85. Take the initiative to be remembered.
86. Don't be late, don't keep yourself waiting - it's disgusting.
87. Try to keep abreast of events in order to be an interesting conversationalist.
88. Trust yourself. Herding is out of fashion.
89. Be empathetic. Don't refuse help. You will be grateful.
90. Be honest with yourself and others so you don't make excuses.
91. Believe in miracles.
92. Give people a second chance.
93. Walk with your head held high, in beautiful clothes.
94. Less quarrels and conflicts.
95. More friendliness to others.
96. Don't be afraid to take the first step.
97. Trust people. And they will pleasantly surprise you.
98. Do not be afraid of difficulties.
99. Don't try to please everyone. You are not coins for everyone to like.
100. Be yourself. Smart. Beautiful. Well-bred. Loving. Happy.

Practice good hygiene. Regular personal hygiene is the first step to looking beautiful and attractive every day. Try to get into the habit of the following:

  • Take a shower at least once a day. It is not necessary to wash your hair daily (more on that later), but your body should be washed frequently. Have you already showered but sweating during your workout or on your way home? Wash yourself again.
  • Wash your hair at least every other day. How often you need to wash your hair depends on your hair type. If they are dry and rough, you can wash them every other day (and they will look better than washing them every day). Thinner, oily hair requires more frequent washing. Only wash your hair daily if it is really greasy and gets dirty very quickly.
  • Brush, floss and rinse. Do all three points twice a day and you will have a healthy mouth and an attractive smile.
  • Use deodorant. Apply deodorant (or antiperspirant deodorant) under your armpits in the morning immediately after waking up and repeat as needed. If you have problems with sweating, look for a stronger deodorant (usually available at pharmacies). Avoid spray deodorants - they are less effective and more harmful from an environmental point of view.
  • Take care of your nails. Do a small manicure and pedicure once a week after showering. Clean dirt from all 20 nails and trim and file them gently. You can use nail polish if you like. Don't bite your nails: it hurts and is messy.

Take care of your skin. If your skin is radiant and clear, you don't need a lot of makeup to look amazing, which comes in handy on days in a hurry. If you are under 11 years old, never wear makeup - you ruin your skin, and it will become noticeable as you get older. Teenagers can use makeup, but in moderation so they look natural. In addition, bright makeup is inappropriate at school.

  • Cleanse. Use a cleanser that suits your skin type. It is usually sufficient to apply it once a day (at night), unless you are engaged in vigorous physical activity. In the morning, you can simply wash your face with warm water.
  • Tone up. Immediately after washing your face, wipe your face with an alcohol-free toner or lotion to restore the acid-base balance of the skin. Use the tonic twice a day.
  • Moisturize. Apply moisturizer twice daily before applying makeup. If you have oily skin, choose a light product such as a gel; if your skin is dry, you will need a richer cream.
  • Get rid of acne. You can use products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to treat acne on your own. If that doesn't work, see a dermatologist. Whatever you do, don't try to pop the pimples! This will leave you with scars and only add more acne! Plus, if you crush or poke at them, you will have red spots all over your face. If a pimple pops up at the most crucial moment, try to mask it with a corrector.
  • Protect your skin from sun exposure. If you're going to be outdoors for more than 15 minutes, apply sunscreen to unprotected skin. (You will thank for this advice in 30 years, when your tanned friends have wrinkles and your skin is still supple and firm.)
  • Get rid of unwanted hair. How you care for your body and facial hair is up to you, but most girls in Western culture remove all facial hair except for the eyebrows, as well as under the armpits and legs. Choose a suitable method:

    • Plucking. This is the best and most popular way to shape your eyebrows yourself. If you are not sure exactly where to pluck, go to a beautician for the first time. After that, you can independently maintain shape by removing newly grown hairs.
    • Shaving. Shaving is the cheapest and most popular way to remove underarm and leg hair. Make sure your razor is sharp and apply a shaving cream or hair conditioner to the area you are shaving to keep you in control, soften your shave and help prevent cuts. If you are afraid to shave, you can remove hairs with a trimmer: the risk of cutting is much lower. If you don't want to use a razor, the tips in How to get smooth legs without shaving can help you.
    • Hair removal with wax. Self-waxing can be a terrible procedure, but waxing with a beautician is an effective way to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time if you have the money to do it. Make sure the master you choose adheres to strict health and safety standards.
  • Get your hair done. Which hairstyle suits you best depends on many factors - for example, face shape and hair type - but there are some basic tips that will be useful to everyone.

    • Brush or comb your hair, trim the split ends every 6 to 8 weeks, and try not to get carried away with styling products such as gel or hairspray.
    • More specific ideas can be found in the article "How to get a simple and beautiful hairstyle".
  • Do your makeup. Not all girls use decorative cosmetics, but it can highlight your natural beauty: the main thing is not to overdo it. Here are some basic guidelines:

    • Choose the lightest foundation. A make-up base should hide imperfections in the skin, but not hide it like a mask. Start with a compact powder, and if that's not enough, try a liquid matte finish.
    • Lighten under eye circles. If you are prone to dark purple circles under your eyes (for example, due to allergies or lack of sleep), you can apply concealer under your eyes to help your skin appear lighter.
    • Tint your eyes. You can do only with light shadows, or you can use all means: shadows, eyeliner or pencil, mascara.
    • Use blush to make your cheeks shine. Choose a shade that matches your natural blush and apply a little - don't overdo it.
    • Use lipstick or lip gloss. For daytime makeup, use a shade just a shade or two darker than your natural lip color. For special occasions, try a shade that matches the inside of your lips.
  • Wear perfume. With good hygiene, you will already smell good, but you can go even further. Use scented soaps and moisturizers, and try a little perfume or eau de toilette in the morning.

    • Determine which scents are right for you. What smells great on your friend may not work for you - the skin chemistry is slightly different for each person.
    • Use probes. Some websites sell small perfume samples at a discount, but it's easier to go to the perfume store and try the scents on slips of paper, and especially your favorites, right on your skin. Try several different perfumes to find yours.
  • Dress nicely. Dress in a way that looks attractive but modest. Here are some general ideas to keep in mind when choosing your wardrobe:

    • Buy some classics. Straight jeans, a white button-down shirt, a simple, pretty sweater, and a pair of smart boots are versatile pieces that can be paired with just about anything.
    • Don't fall prey to trends. Fashion comes and goes, so deal with the urge to buy something extravagant just because it's in vogue right now. Chances are it will go out of style before it pays for its price.
    • Don't overdo it with accessories. Follow the old adage: remove one accessory before leaving the house.
    • Make sure your clothes are always clean. Your outfit may be great, but it’s all for nothing if it’s dirty. Establish a wash schedule so that you never have to look for clean clothes in the morning.

    How to become the best version of yourself

    1. Be confident. Most people like confident and optimistic personalities. Why? Probably because people can be sad and withdrawn without outside help, but the company of a cheerful and contented person with life raises their spirits. Even if you don't always feel confident and happy, here's how to pretend you have magnetic confidence:

      • Develop good posture. Keep your shoulders back, your back straight, and your chin high. The way you present yourself speaks volumes to people, so show that you are confident in your abilities and are able to control the situation.
      • Compliment others instead of competing with them. If you notice that someone does something better than you, or can do something that you cannot do, give that person a sincere compliment instead of envy. You will feel good about yourself and also show that you are not intimidated by the achievements of others.
      • Pretend until it's true. Nobody feels confident and great all the time. But if you pretend to feel this way, you can really feel more confident during the day.
    2. Smile more often. Smiling is one of the best ways to get people to think of you as perfect.

      • The smile should be natural and casual. Don't try to stretch your lips too much.
      • The eyes should laugh too. When a smile causes wrinkles in the eyes (also called a Duchenne smile), it seems more sincere to people.
      • Have a sense of humor. Laughter not only improves your mood, but also helps those around you to relax. Try not to take yourself or anything else too seriously.
    3. Be polite and respectful of others. If you behave in such a way that the world sees your dignity and elegance, you will earn the respect and sympathy of other people. Here's what to try:

      • Work on good manners. Say please and thank you, do not discuss people in public.
      • Try not to swear. If you swear, people around you may think that you are uneducated, immature and more likely to ignore you. If you accidentally break off a harsh word, it can be considered an embarrassing moment, but swearing shouldn't become a habit.
      • Don't belittle yourself or others. Nobody is perfect, and there are times when criticism is needed. In most cases, though, try not to criticize yourself or other people in your everyday life.
      • Remember your values. Peer pressure can be violent or seductive, but this is all temporary. Your values ​​are your reputation and your future. This is what you really have; they work on them all their lives and destroy them in a second. Once you lose them, what do you have left?
      • Be mature. Learn to deal with situations maturely and intelligently. You don't have to whine or cry to get what you want. It's nice to be funny and funny, but remember not to make yourself a complete fool. Remain cool, calm, and collected whenever possible.
    4. Have your own interests. Your interests are what makes you interesting and unique, so take some time for them. Go in for sports, music, reading, any other hobby - so you will be a comprehensively developed and interesting person.

      • Participate in extracurricular activities, attend circles and sections. This is a great way to meet new people!
      • Keep busy. Keeping busy will make you interesting, so when you meet new people, you will have something to talk to them about. Think about it: you would be more interesting with someone who has interests and constantly something happens in life, and not with someone who is constantly at home.
    5. Focus on your education. The ideal girl always tries to be smart and get good grades. Take time to study, create a timetable for your homework, and try to show genuine interest in what you teach. This will help you in the future.

    6. Respect each and every one. Always respect others and never let others hurt you, this will only help you rise even higher. Listen to your parents and respect them. Clean the house or wash the dishes from time to time, they will appreciate this help.

      • Always listen to your parents, elders, and teachers. You may disagree with their words, but acknowledge that they have more life experiences. If you are obedient and respond to requests without bickering, they will notice and appreciate your maturity.
      • Advice
        • People appreciate those with whom you can always have a good time, not those who are always in a bad mood and with whom it is difficult to talk. If someone invites you to do something together or asks for something, don't say "oh, no, I can't, I'm sorry" and don't run away - people will think you don't want to spend time with them. If you are just going to sit at home idle, although you could go for a walk with friends, choose the latter. If you really can't, please explain it politely. At the end, suggest doing this at a different time - this will make you seem soft, open, polite, and people will understand that you do not want to upset them.
        • If someone criticizes you, don't take the criticism personally, but take it into account. Don't let criticism upset you.
        • Be kind. If a small child comes up to you and asks you to play with him, do so. Children will love you! Also, be kind to animals.
        • Don't let rude or impolite people hurt you. You don't have to listen to them. Stand up for yourself politely and quietly, but don't be rude or arrogant. Show them that you are above it by ignoring them or showing that you don't care. Most importantly, never discuss anyone in public, you never know who can hear you. Imagine that you are just unlucky and the teacher you are discussing is behind you!
        • Respect the opinions, dreams, views and interests of others. If your friend is a fan of a football team that you hate, don't talk about it. Try not to talk about football at all. Start talking about something else.
        • Be a person who is easy to communicate with. Getting close to people will help you stand out from the crowd. Do not be afraid to talk to the interlocutor about your affairs, and let him tell you about his: this way you will become closer, and he will appreciate it. Guys often act like they have no feelings, but they do, and they are no less difficult than girls.
        • Make people feel welcomed to them. Try not to say "oh no, I don't have time." If you are in a hurry, stop, smile and ask what the person needs. He will respect you and treat you with sympathy, and if you behave this way with everyone, then the faces of people will shine at the sight of you. And any girl is pleased when she is welcomed and accepted!
        • Be prepared to laugh, even if your nemesis is joking.
  • Hello dear ladies! If you have ever wondered “how to become an ideal girl in everything” at least once in your life, then my article today is for you. I invite you to speculate on the topic of appearance and internal content, how best to behave with a guy and what to do in order not to lose your real self in an effort to achieve perfection.

    Elaborate image

    First, let's talk about the appearance. How can you be beautiful if nature has not provided sufficient data? It's simple - makeup, the right clothes, the right amount of accessories and a delicious perfume.

    The Internet allows you to find makeup tutorials for every occasion. Learn to choose the right makeup for the occasion. Just for work it is best to stick to naturalness and naturalness. But for an evening reception, you can choose a brighter option.

    Don't hang yourself with chains and bracelets like a crow. Remember the golden rule of three accessories - less is more. And remember, they all have to fit together. A hot pink clutch is clearly not suitable for a blue evening dress and classic pumps.

    Examine your body. After all, there are several types of female figures: an apple, a column, an hourglass, and so on. For each type, certain clothes are suitable, which emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. For example, women with wide shoulders should not wear a heavy top, which will visually make the shoulders even larger.

    The book “ What to wear with what", highly recommend.

    They are greeted by their clothes ...

    It is good to be outwardly attractive, of course. But besides the wrapper, you should also have a delicious filling. You must be filled inwardly, so as not to be an empty-headed doll, which is simply pleasant to look at, but it is better not to talk.

    First, decide on your temperament. Each has its own characteristics and strengths. Read the article "" and you will understand how you can use your features to your advantage.

    Watch old classic movies. In it you can meet interesting female characters, whose behavior will tell you how to behave in a given situation.

    The main advice is to be yourself. Deception and an attempt to be better often scare people away. And honesty, openness and friendliness attract. Be sure to be honest with yourself. This will help you not to get lost on the path of self-improvement.

    In love, like in war

    Who is the ideal girl in a relationship? The one who tries to do everything for the guy? Or the one who fulfills all the desires of her man? No. This is a game with only one goal. In a relationship, both of you should be comfortable and comfortable. Of course, everyone has conflicts and quarrels.

    What is important here is your ability to meet halfway, the ability to hear your partner, and your willingness to solve a problem together.

    In a couple, the opinion of both is important. Therefore, try not to get hung up on your desires and wishes. If you want to make a complaint, first think about how you can solve the problem yourself. It is always much easier to blame your partner than to try to change yourself a little.

    In addition, it is very important to always remain interesting for a loved one. If you are sitting in front of the TV in the evening and a tense silence hangs in the room, then it's time to change something. To get started, read the article "". After all, if you are bored with yourself, then what can you expect from a man?

    A relationship only works if both partners are willing to go forward. When there is no respect and trust, there is no relationship. Everyone should have their own personal space. or work. Go about your business at this time.

    You shouldn't adjust to the person. Ideal does not mean obeying. Learn to listen carefully, do not shout or insult each other, trust and be honest, then you will have a warm and healthy relationship.


    In any business, it is very important not to rush to everything at once. So here, if you started working in one direction, then achieve some success in this direction and then move on to another.

    As the well-known proverb says: you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. So it is here. Change gradually. Start with something smaller and move on to more global changes. Nobody rushes you, so take your time. Calmly and confidently take one step after another.

    The ability to improvise will definitely help you. Of course, it is always impossible to be ready for anything. But in the article "" I tell you how to prepare yourself as much as possible for various conditions and circumstances.

    Remember, everyone has their own ideal. Therefore, being perfect for everyone will never work. Do not try to become a different person to please someone, a man, girlfriend or mom. You have your "I", do it, develop it, teach, and then you will definitely be successful.

    Develop and change first of all for yourself. Read the book by Evgeniya Belonoshchenko “ Born with character". You will get a lot of useful information from it about why people behave in one way or another. How you can change yourself and what you should strive for from an early age.

    Any changes have certain consequences. One of my clients changed herself for the sake of her husband. She worked very hard on her appearance, not without the help of doctors, she changed her character and demeanor almost beyond recognition. She became exactly what her husband wanted to see her. Only after a while he got bored of it, and he found himself another woman.

    Love yourself, learn to use your strengths, find weaknesses and work on them.

    Trust your inner voice. Listen to advice, but do what your heart dictates. If you still have questions, be sure to contact me for advice. I will consider your situation in detail and together we will find the most suitable solution.

    What does an ideal woman look like in your eyes? What about the perfect man? What will you surely never change in yourself?

    Love and appreciate yourself.
    Have a nice day!