How to remove deep folds near the lips. How to remove wrinkles puppets at home

Movable facial experience, age-related skin changes - the main causes of wrinkle mesh on the face of a woman. Nasolabial folds will boost fair sex representatives. In an effort to eternal youth, women carefully take care of the delicate skin of the face, the surgeon's knife is used, numerous cosmetics use. How to remove wrinkles over the upper lip? Carefully solve the issue of salon procedures - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, peeling. Facial gymnastics, homemade masks and scrubics recipes also should not be written off.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth at home

Collagen fibers that support skin frame are gradually thinned. Thin, gentle skin of the face susceptible to a lack of liquid, tobacco smoke, ecology, age-related changes. Cosmetologists pay special attention to the clients who oversail the thirty-five-year-old frontier, to care for the face in the area around the mouth. Dry, weakened leather over the upper lip requires a careful relationship. Masks and scrubs, cosmetology fillers, lifting creams - minimal arsenal of means that help remove wrinkles.


Movable facial expressions, reflecting emotions, experience, often becomes the reason for the appearance of deep and not very folds above the upper lip. Avoiding their appearance will help cosmetic cream at home from wrinkles:

  1. Moisturizing. Thinking on how to remove mimic wrinkles over the upper lip, women forget about the need to restore the water balance of the skin not only from the inside, drinking up to two liters of fluid, but also outside. Pick up with your age moisturizing cream containing group vitamins B, E, antioxidants.
  2. Tightening. These means contain hyaluronic acid, which, after 40, the body consumes in accelerated mode. Daily use will help reduce the depth of nasolabial folds, but expect an instantaneous and resistant effect capable of removing wrinkles above the upper lip, it is not worth using lifting creams.
  3. Filler. Produced by pharmaceutical companies specializing in skin beauty, these special "volume recoveors" are applied by a subtle tool (needle without a pointed tip) directly to the wrinkle area. Filling the fold, elastin and collagen, which are part of the fillers, penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis. "Pulling out" the skin from the inside, they help to remove the mimic wrinkles at the mouth.

Before applying creams, it will not be superfluous to purify the skin of the face from dead epidermis particles using scrubics. For a tender zone above the upper lip, a coffee scrub with honey, beer yeast and vitamin V. Get rid of wrinkles on the face will help such a way of correction as a mask. Ready fabric with impregnation lifting, homemade, based on natural components, they contribute to the restoration of the water balance, improve the elasticity of the skin, leveled the complexion.


Special gymnastics for face - a great option to strengthen the muscles of the nasolabial zone, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, Facebilding will help pull the chin, reduce the "outstanding" cheeks. How to remove brush wrinkles over the upper lip, performing a set of exercises? Strengthening the muscles of the obscalog part of the person will take at least 3-5 months. To achieve a sustainable result, repeat the lifting gymnastics twice a day at an interval of 3-4 days:

  1. Pull your lips, as if you are going to say the sound "y". Press your hands tightly to the lips. Try to overcome the pressure hand, continuing to use nasolabial muscles. Remove your hand, exhale the air in the mouth without changing the position of the lips. Repeat motion at least 15 times.
  2. Stretch your mouth, not blur teeth. Lower the bottom of the lip so to open a row of teeth, gums. With proper execution, the muscles of the chin are well strained, which allows you to remove wrinkles above the upper lip, and tighten the oval of faces, getting rid of the second chin.
  3. Put the upper sponge, leaving the immovable lower jaw, forward. Try to strain the muscles of the upper jaw. Make an exercise up to 10 times with a small respite.

Effective folk remedies

Homemade masks and scrubs will come to the rescue women who prefers the natural components for the care of the face. White and blue clay, aloe, honey, cucumber, strawberries possess pull-up properties, perfectly moisturize the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles over the upper lip. Effective to combat nasolabial folds will be masks using:

  1. Pea, oatmeal, honey and milk. Mix two pieces of crushed oatmeal, one piece of finely faded pea, half of the portion of dry milk and honey. Distribute the mixture evenly above the upper lip and diagonally from the mouth to the wings of the nose. Leave until complete drying. Gently remove the wet sponium.
  2. Honey and aloe. Fastened plants leaves (2 pcs.) Connect with a tablespoon of honey heated to room temperature. Apply a moisturizing mask follows with light movements of the fingers towards the top of the top lip to the nose. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  3. Cosmetic clay, eggs, essential oil. Whipped egg mix with 2 tbsp. Spoons of blue or white clay, add 5-6 drops of grapefruit oil to the mixture. Lubricate the nasolabial part of the face with a thin layer. Such a mask has an excellent lifting effect, helps to make wrinkles over the upper lip less noticeable.

What procedures offers cosmetology

Salon / Medical Procedures - Beauty Prints, Grinding / Peeling Face, Biorevitalization, Operational Interventions of Plastic Surgeons - are more effective compared to households. Benefits should include the duration of the effect (from several months to the pair-triple years), rejuvenation of the skin, a stable result.

However, one should not forget about unpredictable individual reactions, contraindications. I decide to contact the beauty clinic or salon, pass the examination of the qualified specialists - the dermatologist, the surgeon. What methods offer modern cosmetology to remove wrinkles over the upper lip:

  1. Botox (injection). The introduction of this substance with the help of injections into subcutaneous layers causes partial muscle atrophy around the nose and mouth. Mimica becomes less mobile, the skin is smoothed. The "unpleasant" consequences include the effect of "masks", so it is necessary to resort to such a method in the case of deep briquettes after 45 years.
  2. Mesotherapy. A saturated vitamin and stabilizing cocktail is introduced into the surface layers of the epidermis. Contains in collagen, vitamins of "youth" group B, trace elements. The steady result of the reduction of wrinkles over the upper lip is achieved through three or five procedures.
  3. Paraffin therapy. Restores the water-electrolyte balance of the skin of the face. Having warmed epidermis, paraffin improves metabolic functions, displays toxins, saturates with useful trace elements. Effectively helps to remove shallow wrinkles around lips and nose: stimulating the turgors of the skin, paraffin therapy makes the face smooth, taut.
  4. Biorevitalization. Microscopic doses of hyaluronic acid introduced with injections with thin needles under the skin, stimulate their own "production" of this substance by the body. The introduction of hydrocolloid launches the synthesis of collagen fibers, the elastin, which is responsible for elastic skin and the absence of folds above the upper lip, helps to remove nasolabial wrinkles after one-time application, but the supporting effect is not allowed (from 3 to 10 months).
  5. Laser and chemical peeling. Deep grinding of the skin using preparations or laser radiation is directed to the "removal" of the top layer of the epidermis around the lips and the wings of the nose. Smoothing irregularities, roughness, peeling reduces the manifestation of wrinkles on the face.
  6. Plastic surgery. This cardinal method of getting rid of the folds above the upper lip is based on the introduction of special gels in the deep layers of skin. The contour plastic in this case is used to fill the wrinkles: as a result, the skin on the face "cracks", helping a visual woman looks younger for 10-15 years.

Prevention of the appearance of brush wrinkles

The inevitability of the appearance of briquette wrinkles above the upper lip is possible to move over time. The first signs of the formation of nasolabial folds declare them after 25 years, and obvious wrinkles are formed after 40. Preventive methods are capable of preventing their premature appearance:

  1. Refuse to eat alcohol, animal fats, fast carbohydrates.
  2. Revise the diet, increasing the daily dose of plant fiber.
  3. Wipe the face zone over the upper lip of ice cubes from herbal decoctions, tea roses.
  4. Use night masks with vitamin E by adding a few drops to the moisturizing or nutritional cream.
  5. Effectively remove the first manifestations of nasolabial folds helps cucumber lotion, daily moisturizing masks with cucumber, aloe, yeast.

Video: how to remove wrinkles around the mouth

At some point in the life of wrinkles around the mouth, they begin to give the age of a woman. And if the moment of preventing them was missed, it is necessary to look for possible means to solve the resulting age problem. How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, how to remove the first signs of aging? Consider the problem and ways to solve it.

The first thing to remember is to completely remove wrinkles around the mouth and stop aging beyond anyone. But the correct lifestyle, care and timely procedures will help make nasolabial folds less noticeable, pull the skin and slow the aging. Below are the main ways to help learn how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth

Getting rid of bad habits

There are two main enemy:

  • cigarettes;
  • the sun.

Smoking in itself causes the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, which over the years become deeper and "imprinted" in our face. What can we say that because of this bad habit, the complexion is worse and the overall skin tone is lost.

The second enemy is the sun. The skin of the face is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, due to which it begins to lose elasticity and acquire wrinkles. Do not forget to use cream with UV protection to prevent premature aging.

So how to remove mimic wrinkles at the mouth? An important role is played by care for gentle skin in this area. Do not forget to carefully clean this zone with lotions, do regularly peeling, nourishing and moisturize with special creams. Selecting carcase cosmetics, look at the rejuvenating components included in its composition. Vitamins, glycerin, hyaluronic acid - not a complete list of ingredients that will help keep moisture in the intercellular space, to preserve youth, make the skin smooth and elastic. Antioxidants slow down the aging processes. Retinoides stimulate collagen production. Keratin is involved in cell regeneration. Be sure to choose cosmetics suitable for skin type and by age, otherwise you do not get rid of wrinkles, but only add new ones.

Now on sale a lot of special skin masks around the lips, designed specifically for the fight against wrinkles near the mouth. But you can make masks yourself, which are already tested by women not one generation. No one pleases the first manifestation of wrinkles around the mouth, how to get rid of them with folk remedies?

  1. Honey masks have already passed the time check. We mix honey, sour cream and cottage cheese in equal proportions, distribute evenly on the lips and the zone around them (it will not be superfluous to make a mask onto the whole face), we wash it in 10-15 minutes.
  2. A mixture of honey, olive oil and cream taken in equal shares is effective. It helps even with deep nasolabial folds and pronounced wrinkles.
  3. Avocado has a good moisturizing effect. Mix the honey and flesh avocado (1 teaspoon) with a yolk of one egg. The resulting mass is applied to the nasolabial folds for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Solid wrinkles help compresses from a mixture of olive and vegetable oils. Just wet your napkin or cotton tampon in oil and put on the lips and area around, leave the compress for 20 minutes. Then we remove the remaining oil with a clean napkin. Some are successfully used for such compresses sea buckthorn oil or grape seed oil.
  5. ¼ Cucumber rubbed on the grater, add a teaspoon of almond oil and egg yolk. Mix it all. We apply the resulting mass on the area around the mouth and leave for 30-40 minutes, then wash off.
  6. You can make a mask of pure egg squirrel. I smear your lips and zone around. We are waiting for a sense of depression, and we also apply. We repeat 3 times. After 10-15 minutes we wash off.
  7. ½ CHL Fish fat mix from 1 tsp. Olive oil and 1 tsp. Starch. The mixture is applied to nasolabial folds for 20 minutes. This mask is very useful due to fatty acids contained in it.

Such wrinkle masks around the mouth are made 2-3 times a week. Sometimes such masks are effective thanks to 100% natural composition and lack of preservatives.

Use of gymnastics

How to remove wrinkles near your mouth with gymnastics? No one pleases the appearance of wrinkles at the mouth, how to remove them without resorting to the help of a cosmetologist? It is not enough to moisturize the skin. It is necessary to return the tone of the muscle around the mouth so that the skin is pulled away, and wrinkles have been reduced.

Several times a day it is worth noting a simple face gymnastics:

  1. Alternately pronounce the sounds "a", "and", "y", "s";
  2. Inflation cheeks and rolling the air inside left-right, up-down;
  3. Take a breath, inflation cheeks and dramatically exhale through slightly open lips;
  4. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the lips, folded with a tube;
  5. In turn, lift the left, the right corner of the mouth;
  6. Squeeze your lips, pull them inside, relax.

Each exercise is done 5-10 times. For a better result, the set of exercises should be changed. A small self-massage will complement the gymnastics for the face, improving blood flow to problem areas. The cream and masks are recommended to be applied after gymnastics - on the heated skin, their effect will enhance. Such a simple training allows you to look like 5-7 years younger and early age developing, expensive salon procedures will replace.

Salon treatments

How to get rid of Mimic wrinkles around the mouth, tells a beautician. All of the above funds are good when wrinkles have just begun to appear and still shallow. But when the age changes are visible to the already naked eye, the hike to the beautician is inevitable to preserve the youth of the skin around the mouth. Mature cream and masks help help badly, because they are no longer able to fully fill the absence of fat and moisture in the area around the lips. Only a professional will tell you how to remove wrinkles around the mouth, it will select the most suitable method in each case.

Chemical peeling

One of the secure procedures is chemical peeling. It activates the development of collagen by updating the top layer of the skin. Therefore, laser therapy is valid for the principle.


The injecting of Botox and other "Proshi Beauty" are very popular. They act in different ways. Some block muscle cuts for a while. Others fill wrinkles from the inside due to their composition.

Plastic surgery

The latter action is a facelift by means of plastic surgery. With it, it is corrected by the oval of the face and the signs of aging are removed.

These cosmetic procedures give a long effect, but it is still temporary. How often will have to visit the cosmetologist, depends on the correctness of the skin care after the procedure.

Remove wrinkles around the mouth with the help of proper nutrition

Getting rid of bad habits, it is worth buying useful. Food is needed rich in vitamins A, C and E, microelements, amino acids and proteins. The diet should appear: cottage cheese, kefir, nuts and legumes, spinach and various fruits and vegetables. Famous natural antioxidant - green tea, called in the east longevity elixir, improves the appearance of the skin and the overall condition of the body.

But the most important thing is water. This simple element, about which we are so often forget, can work wonders. Water saturates the cells with the necessary moisture, improves metabolic processes, increases the overall skin tone. On the day you need to consume 8-10 glasses of water.

Remember that only constant care and care for the skin will help preserve youth. In order not to wonder how to remove new wrinkles, at the first signs of the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, take comprehensive measures that will eventually become a habit. The education of new wrinkles is easier to prevent than to remove already available. Now you know how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth.

In contact with

  • Types of wrinkles around the mouth
  • How to remove wrinkles around the mouth
  • Cosmetology procedures
  • General Tips and Recommendations
  • Overview of cosmetics

The main causes of the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth

Wrinkles around the mouth, as a rule, become noticeable closer to 40 years. Similar to this not only the biological age and associated changes in the skin. There are some more factors that should be considered that the folds on the skin of the lips appear not earlier, and later the average period.

    Active Mimica

    This is one of the main reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles in any muscular activity zone. Some women are struggling to control the facial expressions, but it is impossible to smile (and not needed), it is better to invest in good anti-aging care.

    Sleep face in a pillow

    For skin beauty, this is a very bad habit. Just remember how the face looks like after night hugs with a pillow, and you will realize how the skin has suffered all night from squeezing and deteriorating microcirculation.

Take the rule to sleep on your back and buy a special orthopedic pillow. And yes, the pillowcase on it will be silk - it is useful for the skin.

Types of wrinkles around the mouth

Before starting a full-fledged struggle with wrinkles around the mouth, it is necessary to find out what type they treat. From this largely will depend on the care of the skin in this area.

    Brush wrinkles (They are also called the wrinkles of the smokers) - these are vertical folds above the upper lip, which are finally formulated, as a rule, closer to 50 years.

    Nasolabial folds - Longitudinal wrinkles running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

    Puppet wrinkles They received their name due to the fact that they resemble the structure of the face of the same dolls. These are two furrows coming from the corners of the lips to the chin.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth

Immediately say: completely eliminate the formed wrinkles only with cosmetics will not work. However, you can reduce their depth and sharpness, as well as to engage in the prevention of new ones.

Massage and self-massazha

Effective anti-aging tool - massage and self-massage, which can be mastered independently to carry out the procedure at home. Relaxing facial muscles, self-massage on a regular basis will improve the quality of the skin, will increase its elasticity and improve the complexion. But here it is necessary to take into account something.

    The best time for massage - evening, it is at this time the day the skin is configured to the update.

    The procedure can last 5-15 minutes - as much as the oil will be absorbed.

Wrinkles around the mouth become noticeable closer to 40 years.

Anti-aging cosmetics for lip skin

Choose the right anti-aging care against wrinkles around the mouth - the task is simple. Of course, if you pay attention to the composition.

  1. 1

    Acids (glycolic, dairy) and retinol Could noticeably accelerate the process of cell regeneration due to efficient exfoliation of damage skin cells. Formulas with these components help reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, as well as to give the face a fresh and rested appearance.

  2. 2

    Collagen and hyaluronic acid Sat the skin moisture, returning elasticity.

  3. 3

    Oil plants Do not make moisture to evaporate, which will be especially useful dry skin.

  4. 4

    Sugar and glycopeptides Accelerate the production of own collagen, the reserves of which are thinned with age.

  5. 5

    Molecule proxilane - Another beloved with cosmetic technologists, which can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles with regular use.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetology offers a whole range of procedures for the correction of wrinkles in the area around the mouth.

    Botox injections Reduce the activity of the circular muscle of the mouth, thereby smoothing the skin and warning the appearance of wrinkles.

    Injections of hyaluronic acid and lipophilling Fill wrinkles, literally erase them from the face.

    Negotiable chemical peeling Due to the impact on the deep layers of the skin, reduces the depth and amount of wrinkles, however, has a side effect - acids increase the photosensitivity of the skin. Therefore, the procedure is carried out in the autumn-winter period under the cover of photo protection.

A massage works well against wrinkles around the mouth.

Perhaps the most serious anti-aging factors are bad habits and stress. And if you can finish with the first, manifesting the power of will, then before stress we are practically powerless. Not everyone is able to change the unloved job, move from megapolis to the countryside, save yourself from the daily noise background and society is not the most pleasant people. However, these stress factors can be compensated if:

    resting regularly and restore the body's resources on vacation and on weekends;

    add to your life sport;

    adjust the diet - to eat more vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamins and minerals;

    provide a healthy full sleep; This luxury, if desired, it is quite possible to afford if you refuse many hours of sticking in the smartphone screen.

A couple more "little things", which prolong the youth of the skin, is a mandatory demaciage before bedtime and applying a moisturizing cream. These manipulations will occupy no more than 10 minutes and will become a significant contribution to the prevention of wrinkles.

Overview of cosmetics

As a preventive action, you will have to develop a whole ritual of lip skin care, including several funds:

    moisturizing creams and serums with peptides and vitamins;

    exfoliants (after 30 years is better chemical);

    sunscreen creams, as well as lip balms with a protective factor; For the city in the warm season, SPF 15-25 will fit, for the sea or ski resort - SPF 50; It is used after the peelings at any time of the year.

Name Application Active components
Lip Cream Sollagenist Re-Plump, Helena Rubinstein Apply daily on the lips throughout the surface, leaving the contours. The proxilating molecule stimulates the collagen synthesis in the skin. Collagen microspheres instantly smooth out small wrinkles and give the visual volume of lips.
Regenerating Serum Deep Action "Revitalift Laser X3", L "Oréal Paris Use on "problem areas" - nasolabial folds, areas around the mouth, on the nose.

The proxilating molecule stimulates the generation of key components of the cell matrix. Hyaluronic acid supports the optimal level of moisture in the skin.

Firming care against signs of aging at different stages of the formation of Slow Age, Vichy Apply on the cleaning skin around the lips in the morning and in the evening.

Antioxidant Baikalin prevents the oxidation of skin cells. Bifidus probiotic reduces skin sensitivity and strengthens the protective barrier.

Upgrading Moisturizing Serum Retexturing Activator, Skinceuticals Apply 3-4 drops to the cream, better - in combination with a sunscreen.

The hydroxyethyl urea and aminosuulfonic acid complex stimulates cell regeneration. Hyaluronic acid satures the skin of the skin moisture. Kombucha lines the complexion of the face, charges the skin with shine.

The appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and lips is due to age-related changes in which the skin becomes less elastic. To cope with the problem and suspend the fading processes, it is recommended to use several approaches at once to rejuvenation. Currently, there are many ways that give good results not only in salon conditions, but also at home.

Wrinkles around the mouth and lips appear in the event that over the years the skin loses its former elasticity. In this case, there is a significant decrease in the number of hyaluronic acid in cells, elastin and collagen ceases to be produced. The skin becomes more exposed to stretching. That is why people are emotional who are accustomed to active facial expressions face the problem before.

The main types of wrinkles around the mouth and lips depending on the cause:

  1. Mimic - arise with the active manifestation of emotions, the corners of the mouth are used primarily.
  2. Age - manifest as aging the body. In men, such a process is less pronounced.

Depending on the localization, the following types of wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. In the corners of the mouth - are races that go down to the chin.
  2. Above the upper lip is, as a rule, small multiple vertical grooves.
  3. Nasolabial - start from the nose and smoothly go to lips. There are such types of wrinkles before everyone else, as this zone is especially exposed to stretching during a smile.

Additional classification depends on the starting of the aging process. At the same time, wrinkles are distinguished:

  • small - barely catching the eye and manifest themselves during a smile or sadness;
  • average - noticeable with a naked eye, but affect small areas;
  • deep - pronounced and are pretty massive grooves.

As the body agrees, the skin loses a large amount of moisture, the muscles become less elastic and stronger. This leads to the omitting of the epidermis and the appearance of wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth and lips

To get rid of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, it is necessary to approach the solution of the task complex. To eliminate minor changes, domestic equipment, such as creams and gymnastics, can be used. To get rid of medium wrinkles, additionally with household means you can contact the salon services. At the same time, a good result is given by Fillers, for example, based on hyaluronic acid.

To eliminate deep wrinkles, it is better to use radical measures such as a circular face lift. What method will be optimal depends on the degree of age-related changes and health status. After all, surgical intervention is not always shown.

Home procedures

At home, nutritious masks, massage, gymnastics and creams will be best help. However, it is necessary to understand that in the presence of deep wrinkles it is impossible to achieve rapid results. Masks need to do at least 2 times a week. At the same time in order for the nutrient formulations to penetrate deeper, pre-heat the skin with the help of massage.

Face exercises (FaceBilding) also give good results if you perform them daily. You need to finish the procedure with a contrast washbasin and nourishing cream.

Exercises for the elimination of wrinkles around the mouth and lips

There is effective specifically to combat the faithful and age wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Main exercises:

  1. Put your palms on both sides of the pussy. Fingers must rest in the corners of the mouth. Then you need to strain your lips, slightly stretching them. Lower for a few seconds and relax your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Put the index and middle fingers in the corners of the mouth. Trying to raise upper lip up, overcoming resistance. Just 20 times.
  3. Source position is the same. Only this time the lips need to be pulled out the tube forward, and the fingers slightly pressing on the corners of the mouth, preventing this process. Just 15-20 times.

It is very useful to exercise from different types of wrinkles, which is to pull the lips to the tube and from this position try to close and open the mouth. At the same time you can feel how the muscles work. This exercise can add a complex or perform it separately.

The use of creams from wrinkles around the mouth and lips

The use of creams in combination with other procedures gives a good result. The corresponding formulations are used to combat different types of wrinkles:

  1. Nutritional creams with vegetable extracts. Such compositions are suitable if there are shallow wrinkles. They, as a rule, have an eco-friendly composition, minimum of fonders and preservatives. These creams deeply moisturize the skin, stimulate the metabolic processes in cells.
  2. Moisturizing compositions with lifting effect. Promote skin nutrition, have a tightening effect and are used in the presence of medium in the depth of wrinkles. The composition often includes collagen and elastin stimulants, however, with surface exposure, the skin does not give a pronounced result.
  3. Creams with hyaluronic acid. Apply if there are deep wrinkles. Of course, such formulations cannot eliminate age-related changes, but prevent further moisture loss by cells.

After 30 years, every woman should use creams suitable by age, as it was during this period that the first small wrinkles appear in the zone around the mouth and lips. It is advisable to use filter formulations that will prevent the penetration of harmful UV radiation into the skin.

Creams should be used only after pre-cleansing the skin 2 times a day with massage movements.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth - video

Massage and masks for the area around the mouth

Massage gives excellent results if it is carried out with moisturizing creams or cosmetic oils. It is better to do it before going to sleep, it is enough once a week for 3 months. Then you should take a break for 10 days. You need to make movements during massage by special lines. It is recommended to use stroking, plugging and patting.

Masks with lifting effect will give an excellent result, if applying them 2 times a week. At the same time, it is not necessary to use purchased tools, you can prepare the compositions yourself. The most effective recipes:

  1. Toning mask. It will take 1 tsp. Orange juice and as many cosmetic jojoba oil. Next, you should mix both ingredients and apply to the problem domain. Leave for 10 minutes, then wash off with water. Repeat every week.
  2. Lifting composition. Lemon essential oil and lavender oil 1 drops. Such components must be divorced in 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream. Then put on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off cool water. Repeat 2 times a week.
  3. Moisturizing mask. It will take 1 tsp. Olive oil and 0.5 h. germ wheat. Both ingredients must be mixed and apply a problem area. Leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with water. Repeat every week.

The result from the use of masks will be better, if you pre-clean the skin scrub. So nutrients are better imbued in the problem area.

Ingredients for Masks - Gallery

Orange juice satures vitamin oil with jojoba feeds epidermis lemon essential oil helps maintain skin in tone Essential lavender oil contributes to the acceleration of regeneration in the exposure area of \u200b\u200bsour cream

Application of phillers

For smoothing wrinkles around the mouth and lips often use injection methods. Several injections are made in the nasolabial fold zone and in the corners of the mouth, then neatly fingers distribute the composition so that it does not concentrate in the same area. For this purpose, fillers are used, which are different types:

  1. Based on hyaluronic acid. Such drugs are absorbed, as a rule, within 6 months. This group of filler often includes vitamins that improve the condition of the skin and smooth wrinkles. Due to the saturation of cells by moisture and useful substances, stimulation of the production of own hyaluronic acid occurs.
  2. Based on collagen. Such fillers are also solved for 6 months. They stimulate the production of their own collagen and fill the space under the skin, smoothing wrinkles.
  3. Slowly absorbable fillers. They are based on calcium and polycaprolctone hydroxyapatite. Such drugs are solved for 2 years. Throughout this time, a pronounced lifting effect is provided.
  4. Silicone-based preparations. Do not react with tissues and are not absorbed. Such injections give a result that will continue for a long time. Compared to absorbable analogues, it is the least useful for the body.

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are considered the most effective and secure to date. However, with the improper distribution of the substance, small tuberculos under the skin may appear.

Surgical suspension

Surgery skin suspension is the most efficient method of getting rid of deep wrinkles around the mouth and lips. However, this method has its drawbacks. After surgery, rehabilitation is necessary. With the wrong tightening there may be a skew, and the face will look unnatural.

During the operation, the doctor must accurately calculate the power of tension so that the annoying consequences will then occur, which will require additional intervention. At the very beginning there is a small incision in the area behind the ears. Then the doctor pulls the skin so that wrinkles are smoothed. Excess epidermis excishes and superimposed seams that are removed in a few days.

The operation is carried out only under general anesthesia and in the absence of contraindications, such as diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the lesions of the CNS and oncological pathology.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient must be walking in a special bandage, which will fix the seams. The result can be seen immediately after the operation.

The suspension of the area around the mouth and lips is made gradually with regular execution of all recommendations. If we are patient, then you can see how after a few months wrinkles will become less pronounced. It should be constantly moisturized by the skin with nutritional compositions and not forget about the salon procedures.

18 809 0 Stop the Running Time is impossible, and it is inexorable to an excellent female face. Wrinkles around the mouth appear one of the first. But this does not want to part with his youth and beauty. How to return your skin elasticity and get rid of these unwanted wrinkles? You can talk about this by hours. And you need not chat, and do! Because it would be possible to eliminate this problem, the main thing is to take yourself in hand, start and not stop to the victorious end.

So, today's article is devoted to how to effectively remove wrinkles around the mouth. And first, after all, we find out the reasons why they (wrinkles) may occur.

Mimic wrinkles around the mouth: Causes of appearance

Unfortunately, the age of age before the age wrinkles come. They are formed just in those areas that are most susceptible to facial expressions: corners of the mouth, zone above the lip. Here, the structure of the skull and the arrangement of the muscles on the face also plays a small role.

Here are 10 factors that can serve poor service:

  1. The area around the lips is always in motion. And the circular muscle of the mouth is smashed with enough thin skin, which is why it is stretched. In addition, there are very few subcutaneous fat. This is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles in this field.
  2. Time. Reducing collagen generation with age also affects skin condition.
  3. Head position during sleep. If it is incorrect, then the skin is wrinkled. In adolescence, you can see how quickly everything is restored. But then it remains forever.
  4. Fast slimming.
  5. Smoking. No matter how trite, but this habit gives one hundred percent warranty that wrinkles on the face will be very early. This can also include an unhealthy lifestyle in general.
  6. Sun, cold, wind. Natural factors can affect the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  7. If the face misinterpreted or not to pay attention to him at all, then you can quickly achieve a unwanted effect - mimic wrinkles.
  8. No teeth. Leads to a change in the face.
  9. Genes.. Play a far from the last role.
  10. Chronic diseases.

Wrinkles are the most different:

  • Mimic . Crying, laughter, any emotion or grimace is subsequently converted into such wrinkles.
  • Age . The collagen deficiency is to blame.
  • Deep . Pleats and furrows around the mouth. Here is something to eradicate the most difficult, rather even impossible. But it can be significantly reduced.
  • Surface. Occupy the upper layers of the skin. Even a dilettant in this business will easily cope with them (unless, of course wants).
  • Brownish . Thin mesh in lips. Usually she likes to occur somewhere, and is connected again with a shortage of collagen. Salon procedures help here well.
  • Puppet . These wrinkles go from the corners of the lips to the chin, creating the expression of the face of princess-nemes.
  • Transverse . Sens on the chin.
  • Wrinkles in the corners of the lips .

What can help clinics and beauty salons

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth? Modern cosmetology will help in this. You only need to make yourself get to the nearest good reliable salon. Here can offer funds and ways for every taste and wallet. For example:

  1. Injection. Several species singled out:
  • Plastic Using Hyaluronic Acid . To say goodbye to their mouths at the mouth can after this procedure for several years.
  • Prices Botox. . The effect lasts from six months to eight months.
  • Mesotherapy . Rejuvenation, moisturizing, regeneration.
  • Biorevitalization or "Natural Revival" . Ensures brush wrinkles for a whole year.
  • Vector Lifting, Plasmolifting, Bioarming - All this procedures returning youth.
  • Lipolifting. . Wrinkles are filled with purified fat, which belongs to the patient himself.
  1. Hardware methods. Perhaps their effectiveness is lower than that of beauty injections, but the duration of the result is much higher. In the cabin can offer such techniques: a grinding with a laser, radio frequency lifting, electrophoresis, ionophoresis, myostimulation and hardware peeling.
  1. Surgery. This is, of course, not a salon procedure. This is the extreme, which, nevertheless, quite often, women are used in the fight against wrinkles. How can surgery help? These are operations such as:
  • thread suspension of facial muscles;
  • plastic face.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth at home: Tips

If for some reason there is no time for the interior (or money), then you can return the beauty of yourself at home. There are many ways. The main, systematicity and regularity and the necessary effect will be achieved.

It is necessary to use every day specially selected cream from wrinkles. It must necessarily be vitamins (it is important to A and E), antioxidants and peptides. Plus, before bedtime, every evening rub the essential oil: apricot, sandalwood or menthol.

Some funds are always at hand, just few people know that they can be used in the home industry of beauty:

  • (you just need to make a slicer);
  • (just like a tomato);
  • honey (apply for wrinkles by a quarter of an hour);
  • fish fat (drink in the form of capsules).

You can refer to traditional medicine.

Recipes from the people

  • Yolk + ½ tsp. vegetable oil + honey 1 tsp. + 20 minutes of time \u003d leather without wrinkles.
  • Carrot grate finely, add the flesh ", cream and honey 1 small spoon. Keep just 15 minutes.
  • Grated very fine bow 1 tbsp. l. Mix with honey and milk, which take 1 tsp. To impose on a problem area (you can on the whole face other than the eyes) for 10 minutes.
  • Imprease the fabric with the infusion of oak bark and make a 15-minute compress on the area around the mouth. You can wipe my face after it.
  • On the face of 5 or 10 minutes to face such a composition: casca of cucumber, mixed with a yolk.
  • A mixture of honey, cottage cheese and sour cream in equal proportions in 10 minutes on the face 3 times a week wonders!
  • Lips and area around them can be lubricated by a protein from 1 eggs. Rinse after the processed area is pulling.
  • The compress of vegetable oils smoothes a small mesh. It is only necessary to moisten a napkin in oil and impose minutes by 20 minutes.

Important! After each such procedure, masks or compress, it is necessary to lubricate the face with cream.

By the way, cream from wrinkles can be cooked at home. So:

Homemade wrinkle cream

As part of:

  • gelatin, it needs 2 teaspoons;
  • lanolin, alum, gasoline tincture, camphor - on a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • neroli oil - only 5 drops;
  • glycerin - 1 small spoon;
  • water purified from impurities - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking: You need to melt alum in water, then pour oil, add gelatin. After he swells to attach to the glycerin mixture. Mass cook before gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not forget to constantly stir. Next, put the remaining ingredients and mix. You have to cool the finished mixture, and then beat to the condition of the cream. Keep refrigerated. Do not forget only the cream use, preferably every day.

And you can still do at home (only regularly!) Face exercises.

10 wrinkle exercises

  1. Lips in the tube and relax 20 times.
  2. Cheeks to inflate and back "blown" - 20 times.
  3. Round the lips on "O" and B and. p. So 20 times.
  4. Tube to squeeze, jaw forward, hold, then - the initial position. From 3 repetitions.
  5. With closed mouth to inflate in turn of the cheek - 10 times.
  6. Inhale deep to do through the nose, exhale - through the mouth, relaxing the lips. Repeatedly.
  7. Inhale breathing through the corners of the lips. 5 or 10 repeats.
  8. Sing the vowels, 10 times the whole "set".
  9. Smile relax, 20 times.
  10. Inflate balloons.

It is possible that the execution of these exercises will seem routine in a couple of days, and there will be a thousand reasons to postpone them. At this point, it is necessary to remember, for which all this is done that youth and beauty costs.

The area around the lips can be massaged: from the lips to the side of the ears, from the mouth to the nose, only very carefully. Do not overdo it and stretch your face. You can use a soft bristle toothbrush.

And if you do it all in the complex - exercises, then mask, ice cube and massage cream from wrinkles, the result will not make it wait for a long time.

Wrinkles around the mouth and world brands

Remove the unloved wrinkles around the mouth can be creams from well-known world manufacturers.

Esteelauder spawned a stunning proofreader of mimic wrinkles perfectionist CP + R. It is contained in a tube with a very convenient applicator, which can be applied to this tool. What is the composition? This is not a secret: innovative development: serum capable of rejuvenating and peptides that adjust wrinkles. The price bit bites: +/- 3 thousand rubles .

The cream from fromvanessa called Liqiuskin is wonderful on the smoothing of the epidermis, and also very well relaxes the facial muscles. It is worth it from 2 thousand to 3800 rubles.

But the TriumphTechnologiesGroup offers everything for 2500 rubles Enjoy a unique anti-aging cosmetic product, cream with black caviar extract - CaviarMoisturizingcream.

In general, global manufacturers can not sleep well until all wrinkles are smoothed on female faces, and something new things are constantly appearing, although the old did not lose their properties. Such things are better to buy in specialized salons, shops, or perhaps pharmacies. They necessarily include an instruction in which the composition and properties can be seen and readings with possible restrictions.

How nutrition, call and wrinkles are connected around lips

In order for the skin to remain young, beautiful, elastic and elastic as long as possible, it also needs more useful vitamins and elements that can give food. And if the power does not supply this? That's right, the skin, and the whole organism suffers from this.

  • Make sure that your diet is complete, with the right relationship of BJ.
  • What else loves beautiful skin? She needs "normal" fats. They are in eggs, good cream oil (just do not overdo it!), Fish, nuts, olive oil, cod liver and.
  • Skin food prevents the premature appearance "ugly mesh" around the mouth. Everyone knows that the correct protein food contributes to the restoration of obsolete cells of the body, i.e. Milking. What you need after a 30-year-old turn!
  • Cell regeneration is very important, therefore, no less useful is regular. Only at least eight glasses per day! Ideally two liters.

Smoking, alcohol, excessive mimic, sleepless nights are all relatives of an unhealthy lifestyle, and enemies of beautiful skin. It is necessary to take this into account, make a desire to have a face without wrinkles.

Once again about the benefits of sleep: his deficit produces a hormone of stress, and it is poorly reflected on health as a whole, and not just on the skin. Well, when 8 hours, and also go to 23.00. The body will say only thanks.

We can't keep your face with completely fixed days, so the wrinkles will still be. But we can do everything so that they become practically imperceptible, affecting them a whole complex of measures. And fulfilling these recommendations:

  1. Once again about smoking. It is necessary to say goodbye to this habit forever. Yes Yes! Take your will and yourself in a fist and quit all the same. There are thousands of ways in the world than soothe or occupy yourself. And then, when it becomes easier to breathe, and each cell will be rejected from this dependence, the skin and wrinkles are grated, and the skin color will become healthier.
  2. If you believe advertising, the "orbits" or "dirol" have only useful properties. Yes, they are. They bring money to manufacturers, because we buy them. And chew, and we do not think that it is harming the youth of the skin around the lips. We need to take a note: no more than 5 minutes after eating, if it is very necessary. And that's it. Not more!!!
  3. We must learn to control the expression of the face. Let it be a light half jelly. Only not dull and sour grimace, full of noble discontent. In any minute you need to remember your skin! And if you teach yourself always half smooth, you will notice how with time your psychological state will improve, the mood will be raised and saddened.
  4. Heat and sun is good. But only with filters from 30 or 50. Ultraviolet rays have a subsection ability to apply the skin, it is impossible to forget about it. Staying in the sun (not necessarily on the beach, even in the city) Do not forget to use lip balm with protection from 20 SPF.
  5. Lovers of such gymnastics like Facebilding, of course, honor and praise. The main thing, not overdo it, because, as already here, there is no fat and skin in the zone near the lips, and the active gymnastics, can, on the contrary, instead of the pulling effect, stretch it.
  6. It should be started to use the face cream not after 45 years, when all wrinkles, what you need, have already been formed, and now it is necessary to get rid of them. And at least, barely noticing any changes. It will bring its fruit, 100%!

Caring for yourself is a job! Daily and endless. But the result is invested!

Facebilding is very important to preserve the beauty of your lips. These videos will tell you all the subtleties and secrets of skin care around the mouth. Do not be lazy and look at them.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience, which will help other girls to stay attractive and preserve youth for a long time.