How to remove oily shine from makeup. Get rid of harsh cleaning products. Oatmeal mask for oily shine on the face

Problematic skin in the summer brings a lot of grief to the owners - oily shine on the face and the foci of inflammation cannot be hidden for a long time under a layer of cosmetics.

A third of women have oily or combination skin, and they are not comforted by the fact that with age it is less prone to wrinkles and does not need to constantly use nutrients. In order to correct the situation, you need to know what causes this condition.

Oily sheen reasons

Gloss is determined by:

  • The volumetric layer of the epidermis.
  • Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The upper layer of the skin is constantly exposed to the action of fatty acids, this leads to the expansion of the pores, their swelling. Excessive oil production clogs pores and affects the formation of blackheads. The fabrics do not breathe, there is no normal process of exfoliating the top layer.
  • These processes create an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that cause inflammation in the skin, which makes the pores more visible.

The reasons for the oily effect are as follows:

  • Mistakes in nutrition - there are too many sweets, spicy and liquid dishes on the menu. Sweet carbonated drinks, baked pastries, strong coffee, and excessive dietary habits are harmful.
  • A hereditary type of reaction to hormones - a hormonal surge is experienced by everyone, but only heredity determines the increased fat content. This is very often typical for men, after a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood, the oily shine of the face disappears.
  • Incorrect use of cosmetic care products containing alcohol - with excessive drying of the skin, the opposite reaction follows, it becomes even more oily.
  • Incorrect use of peeling cosmetics and inappropriate nourishing cream - inappropriate cosmetics makes the face look fat.
  • Constant presence in a humid or gas-polluted production environment.
  • Violation of metabolic processes, which are provoked by diseases of the thyroid gland, intestinal tract, liver and gallbladder.
  • Staying under conditions of prolonged stress, mental and physical stress, constant fatigue - this stimulates the release of testosterone and provokes oily skin.
  • Constant use of certain medications.

Only in women can this skin feature be caused by:

  • Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy.
  • The body's reaction to menstruation.
  • Gynecological diseases that cause the release of testosterone (formations on the ovaries).
  • Obese.

In men, the cause of greasy integument can be:

  • Taking steroids.
  • Diseases of the testicles.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

Eliminating these causes will make your skin drier and healthier. Let's take a look at what you need to do to eliminate the oily shine of your face.

Cosmetic care products for oily sheen

How to get rid of oily shine on your face? For this:

  • you should choose the right tone - if there are only individual areas of oily skin, you need to select tonal serums for them;
  • use high-quality powder, which will quickly get rid of the defect;
  • you need to constantly use matting wipes, not wiping, but getting wet problem areas, the fatty glands are most active 4-5 hours after waking up;
  • do not use sodium lauryl sulfate for cleansing - they make the skin even more oily;
  • it is necessary to choose only specialized cosmetics from leading companies - Vichy, Avon;
  • before applying cosmetics in the morning, wipe your face with salicylic acid, then use a good day cream for oily or combination skin;
  • use the entire line of the company's specialized products - this will provide comprehensive care (such products usually contain extracts from citrus fruits, mint, medicinal herbs, mud).

Home remedies

To improve the condition of oily skin:

  • it is necessary to exclude frequent washing of the face with hot water, it is better to use cool water and contrast washing - alternation of warm and cold water;
  • after washing, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, it is possible from a decoction of herbs;
  • it is necessary to use masks made of white clay, which will remove the oily sheen and normalize the condition (frequency - at least twice a week);
  • you need to apply masks of chopped parsley and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of potato starch for density;
  • you should use a yeast mask made from fresh live yeast with the addition of one or two tablespoons of white clay;
  • try to apply masks from an apple grated on a fine grater and a teaspoon of honey.

For wiping, you can use:

  • lotion made from rose petals;
  • green tea lotion.
  • salicylic acid solution with mineral water in a 1: 1 ratio.

You can prepare pink lotion for oily skin like this:

Take petals of 4-5 roses, chop them finely, and place in a dish with a screw lid. Pour 1 tbsp there. l. pharmacy glycerin, 2 tsp. brandy or vodka 1 tsp. pharmacy alcohol and 2-3 tablespoons of warm boiled water. We remove the closed container in a dark place and stir the contents once a day. Insist 10 days.

Beautiful skin is a real dream. The perfectly flat matte surface of a beautiful face is able to get rid of complexes, make a good impression, and emphasize a well-groomed expensive appearance. But a greasy shine, which often appears for no particular reason, can instantly ruin even the most carefully thought-out image.

How to remove greasy face shine? Consider the simplest, most affordable and effective methods that really help to cope with trouble at home.

Where does the oily sheen come from?

First, it's worth deciding where the problem comes from. This is usually one of the manifestations of oily skin. In this case, the area of ​​the forehead, nose, chin is especially affected. Here the sebaceous glands are most active, therefore they produce excess substances that clog the pores, creating an ideal environment for microbes to multiply.

Sometimes the trouble is caused by excessive sweating, especially in the hot season. Thus, the skin is protected from excess ultraviolet radiation. It can also be a reaction to stress, allergies, the result of using inappropriate cosmetics. Often the appearance of the problem is noted by lovers of visiting tanning salons, prolonged beach tanning.

An instant protective reaction of the skin can occur even with very dry skin. Such phenomena do not require correction, on the contrary, if possible, the person should be given time to take a break from chemical cosmetics, replacing it with natural food products, cleansing, or completely abandon them for a short period.

Prevention of oily sheen

You can get rid of this trouble if you regularly cleanse your face correctly and use cosmetics that are strictly appropriate for this type of skin. The last point is especially important, since nutrition plays a decisive role in the formation of the health of the integument. At the same time, products specially designed for oily skin types are distinguished by the lightest consistency that does not clog pores, allowing cells to breathe freely. Usually they have the structure of a gel, light foam, emulsion, are well distributed on the surface, and are instantly absorbed.

Evening cleansing must include makeup remover and proper washing. It is advisable to use products with a light texture: gels, foams. In the middle of the day, you can use special wet wipes to eliminate oily sheen (sold at the pharmacy). Water-based creams have also worked well. Powder and foundation should be mineral based. They are ideal for use in hot weather, do not create a film, and have a good cellular respiration effect.

Various lotions and tonics give a good effect, but they must be combined with high-quality cleansing. Moreover, these funds can be used only in the morning and in the evening, without abusing them during the day. Otherwise, the result will be null. Cosmetologists express a similar opinion regarding store-bought masks intended only for prophylaxis, maintaining a healthy appearance, and not eliminating the causes of an unpleasant phenomenon. Perhaps the exception is clay-based masks. They do an excellent job of their task, providing a good healing and supportive effect.

Be sure to regularly use special peels for deep cleansing, or go through the cleaning procedure in the salon. It is almost impossible to achieve a good result without such procedures. And also give up the habit of squeezing out pimples, blackheads, blackheads. Remember, this is how the infection gets in! It is better to replace your fingers with a special soft brush for the face, which will help to effectively use the cleanser, well remove the remnants of dead particles, and make a light massage.

How to get rid of oily shine on your own?

An excellent solution would be the use of inexpensive folk methods, homemade cosmetics on a natural basis. Such funds have a penny cost, but they give an excellent lasting effect, help to maintain health, a radiant appearance.

Recipe number 1. Kefir washing. A fermented milk product of room temperature (kefir, yogurt, acidophilus) is applied to the previously cleansed face. The composition lasts for about a quarter of an hour, after which it is well washed off. The mask perfectly dries inflammations, reduces pores, removes a shiny look. You can use the product quite often, but you do not need to overexpose the composition on the skin, since the acidic acid actively removes excess moisture and sebum.

Recipe number 2. Mix egg white(slightly foamed beforehand) with the zest of one lemon (you can replace it with lemon juice, then you need about 10 drops). Apply the composition and leave to act until completely dry, then wash well. The mask pulls out greasy pores well, relieves irritation, dries slightly. Despite the excellent effect, the product can be reapplied no more often than after 10 days.

Recipe number 3. Milk washing... After about a day, you can wash your face at night not with the usual water, but with milk or whey. The products perfectly moisturize the skin and are a reliable cheap way to remove oily shine on the face.

Recipe number 4. Washing with decoctions of herbs... It is useful to replace the usual tap water with herbal decoctions. So, chamomile, linden, calendula, which have an anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect, have proven themselves well.

Recipe number 5. Steam baths will help you get rid of the oily sheen of the skin at home. To do this, sometimes before going to bed, you need to let the covers breathe over a saucepan with a decoction of chamomile and sage. Ten minutes is enough for an effective procedure. After that, you need to blot your face well with a gauze napkin. You can improve the result with the help of subsequent washing with slightly cool water with a few drops of lemon juice. Such a useful sauna will prepare the skin for the use of caring cosmetics and tighten the pores.

Smooth, matte skin of the face, as if glowing from the inside - what woman does not dream about it? Even with such natural beauty, efforts are needed to preserve it. But what if the skin on the face shines with an oily sheen? How many troubles and even suffering this type of skin delivers, but you can fix the situation. This article will show you how to deal with this problem.

Why the skin on the face shines

Undesirable shine mainly appears due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, while secreting a lot of sebum. There are many reasons for their activity:

  1. Failure at the hormonal level. You cannot cope with this problem without a doctor, cosmetic products will help only temporarily, and the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications for you.
  2. Dermatological diseases that prevent the outflow of sebum. Oftentimes, the glow of the skin is accompanied by the appearance of acne. You should definitely contact a dermatologist, only he knows how to help you.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins. To eliminate this cause, eat right, eat fruits and vegetables, cereals, take bifidobacteria for a while.
  4. Excessive emotionality, a state of constant stress, hidden experiences - all these psychological problems can also become the reasons for the activation of the glands responsible for the production of subcutaneous fat. Try to pull yourself together, do not let emotions prevail over common sense. Take soothing herbs.
  5. Naturally oily or combination skin. The forehead, chin and nose shine.

How to tell if your skin is oily

If you have any doubts about your skin type, then test it as follows:

  • cleanse your face;
  • take a sheet of tissue paper and lightly press it against your nose, forehead and chin;
  • look at the paper, if there are stains on it, then the skin is oily.

There is also a positive moment in this: wrinkles will appear later than your friend with dry skin.

Problem prevention

In order for such a problem as a greasy shine on the face to not make itself felt, you need to properly care for your skin:

  1. Clean your face regularly and choose your cosmetics responsibly. For oily skin, special products are needed that do not interfere with the skin's breathing. These include rapidly absorbing foams, gels, emulsions.
  2. Make it a rule to cleanse every night, be sure to remove makeup using products that have a light texture. During the day, use special wet wipes, they are sold in pharmacies and are good at removing oily sheen. If you buy a cream, then pay attention to what kind of base it has, water is suitable for you, and foundation and powder are necessarily mineral-based.
  3. Use toners and lotions in the mornings and evenings, but only in tandem with cleansing.
  4. When you have such an opportunity, visit salons to cleanse your face, and if not, use peels for deep cleansing. Gels-scrubs with nettle in their composition are effective. It will remove the shine and prevent inflammation. Apply the cleanser with a special soft brush.

Traditional methods of getting rid of oily sheen

Self-made natural cosmetics are effective and inexpensive. Here are some recipes:

  1. A good result is given by washing with fermented milk products, for example, yogurt, kefir, acidophilus. The face is first cleansed, for 15 minutes. apply any of the listed products, then rinse off. If there is irritation, then kefir is mixed with oatmeal chopped in a meat grinder, chamomile is added.
  2. When you wash your face with milk or whey instead of water every other day, the oily sheen will gradually disappear.
  3. A good remedy is egg white whipped into foam with lemon zest, but it is used once every 10 days.
  4. A good result from a mask of yeast diluted with warm water. Apply it for 20 minutes and then wash off.
  5. Give your face a 10-minute saunas twice a month with herbs such as sage, chamomile, and calendula. After the procedure, blot the skin with a gauze pad and wipe with lotion or water with a few drops of lemon juice.

The oily shine of the skin of the face gives many problems to girls and women. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to get rid of unnatural shine, eliminate excessive oily skin.

Oily shine on the face is a rather unpleasant common problem that women most often face. Excessive fat content of the epidermis causes trouble for both girls and mature women. An especially relevant question of how to remove oily shine from the face arises in the warm season, in summer or spring. Of course, you can mask the shine of the epidermis with cosmetics, matting tonal creams, powder, and decorative cosmetics. But the problem will be solved only for some time, therefore, in order to eliminate the oily sheen from the face, it is necessary to understand and eliminate the main root causes of the oily epidermis.

The epidermis, regardless of the type, secretes fat, which protects the skin from negative external factors. Sebum forms a protective film on the face, which retains moisture in the structural layers of the dermis, slows down the aging process of the epidermis.

Thanks to the protective layer, the epidermis retains its elasticity, healthy appearance, and its youth. But in some cases, the sebaceous glands begin to produce fat in large quantities, as a result of which the skin becomes excessively shiny, looks unaesthetic, unattractive. Shine is most often most noticeable in the T-zone, lips, chin, central forehead, on the nose, since the epidermis on the cheeks, under the eyes, is usually drier.

Oily skin is accompanied by an unnatural shine, enlarged pores. Most often, the unpleasant "companions" of the oily epidermis are acne, comedones. The sebum of the fat clogs, clogs the pores, creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

An unnatural shine can appear on clean, dry skin, especially during the hot season, when the temperature in the shade reaches 20-28 degrees. For this reason, in order to restore a healthy appearance to the epidermis, it is necessary to systematically properly care for the skin of the face, use high-quality, professional cosmetics and lines.

Beautiful, healthy matte skin is every woman's dream. Oily shine, unnatural color of the epidermis, other problems with it cause trouble, contribute to the development of complexes, can ruin even the most thoughtful image. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out what leads to the appearance of greasiness, shine of the skin of the face. Knowing the cause, you can quickly fix this problem using simple, affordable, effective methods.

Reasons for the appearance of an oily sheen

Representatives of the fair half face the problem of the appearance of an unnatural shine of the face, regardless of age, whom nature has endowed with a fatty type of epidermis. This type of skin is characterized by a high activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, especially in the warm season. With oily epidermis, an unnatural “gloss” is visible on the forehead, wings of the nose, and chin.

The main factor that leads to excessive oily skin in women is hormonal changes. With hormonal imbalance, the sebaceous glands begin to more actively produce sebum, which leads to the appearance of shine on the face.

A greasy sheen may appear due to disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, the digestive tract, especially in case of malfunctioning of the liver, biliary tract.

The reasons contributing to the greasiness of the skin include:

Oily shine of the skin of the face can be the result of the use of low-quality cosmetics, occur for purely psychological reasons (frequent stress, fatigue, neuroses).

How to get rid of the oily shine of the face

There are many effective ways that you can remove excessive fat content of the epidermis. To solve the problem, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, to know what systematic skin care should be.

If the cause is hormonal imbalance, dermatological problems, after examination at the medical center, the specialist will prescribe a treatment course, effective medications. In case of problems of a dermatological nature, it will be useful to visit a beauty parlor, a spa salon, and undergo a complex of special cosmetic physiotherapy procedures.

In the case of vitamin deficiency, slagging of the body, metabolic disorders, which led to the appearance of an unpleasant shine on the face, it is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle, diet. It is necessary to cleanse your body by choosing the most optimal, convenient way for yourself. A change in diet, a short-term diet, cleansing enemas, the use of herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures based on medicinal plants will help.

For vitamin deficiencies, eat berries, fresh fruits, vegetables. You can also drink a vitamin and mineral complex.

Proper care of the oily type of epidermis

Proper daily care will help prevent the appearance, get rid of oily sheen. Special attention should be paid to their epidermis for owners of oily skin types.

With oily epidermis, you must adhere to the following rules.

You need to be very careful when choosing decorative cosmetics. It is worth refusing to use tonal bases, creams, oily powder. Such products clog the pores, promote their expansion, the formation of acne, and the appearance of acne. The wrong choice of cosmetics will only exacerbate the problem.

The beauty industry is ready to offer decorative cosmetics, special care products for oily skin based on natural ingredients that will eliminate unnatural shine, restore the epidermis to beauty, youth and health. A matting loose powder of light texture, napkins, but at the same time they should not contain alcohol, will help to disguise the oily sheen.

You need to cleanse the oily type of epidermis twice a day, using a soft cosmetic brush, gels, gentle tonics. Moisturizers should be applied in light circular motions in an even layer.

For washing with an oily type of epidermis, you can use decoctions, tinctures based on medicinal plants.

If rashes, inflammations are noticeable on the face, before the cleansing procedure, wipe it with alcohol-containing tonics and lotions with a sterile cotton pad. The composition of the funds should include zinc oxide, hyaluronic, glycolic, salicylic acid, which has an antibacterial effect.

Three times a week, you can use special exfoliating agents, peeling gels, which will narrow, quickly cleanse the pores from excess sebum, remove dead keratinized particles of "dead" cells from the epidermis surface.

Steam baths for the face can be performed several times a month. On the eyelids, under the eyes, before the procedure, it is worth applying a moisturizing light cream. For the procedure, you can use:

  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • sage.

Leaning over the prepared mixture, cover your head with a towel, hold your face over the steam for several minutes, closing your eyes.

After the manipulations, you just need to blot the skin with a clean paper towel, apply a nourishing cream to clean skin. Before applying the product, you need to rinse your face with cold water, add a few drops of lemon juice, wipe your skin with an ice cube.

After steam baths, you can also make a nourishing mask. For oily epidermis, masks based on fermented milk products, fresh vegetables (cucumber, cucumber-carrot), clay, yeast masks with lemon juice are suitable.

Before going outside in sunny weather, be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin. It is best to use sunscreen, oil-free gels. You can remove excess sebum from your face with moisturizing antibacterial wipes throughout the day.

Do not overuse artificial tanning by visiting tanning salons too often. Exposure to high temperatures does not in the best way affect the state of the epidermis, activates hormonal processes in the dermis, and increases the production of melanin.

Care for different types of epidermis

Regardless of the type of epidermis, facial skin care should be systematic. You should not use harsh soaps for washing, which provoke the production of sebum. For cleansing, use mild daily cleansers, which must be chosen according to the type of epidermis. The water for washing should be at room temperature. Hot water activates the sebaceous glands. It is best to use separated, filtered water for washing.

Make-up should only be applied to previously cleansed skin. It is equally important to monitor the shelf life of cosmetics. Once every seven to eight days, you need to completely clean the sponges, brushes for applying make-up.

Once every seven days, it is necessary to cleanse the epidermis, peeling gels, face scrubs with small particles. You can eliminate the oily shine of the face with the help of nourishing masks, which you can very simply prepare yourself using the available ingredients at home.

With a combined type of epidermis, in order to reduce the oily skin in the T-zone, daily care should include three stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. In the summer, in the heat, it is worth refusing to use nourishing creams at night.

Alternative medicine

You can remove oily shine from your face, restore beauty and health to your skin using the following recipes of alternative medicine.

  1. Beat the egg white, adding the crushed zest of one lemon, lime. Apply the prepared mixture for ten minutes. After the cosmetic procedure, rinse your face with warm water.
  2. Apply a fresh cucumber or a few slices of vegetable to your face. You can add a little boric powder to the cucumber gruel. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
  3. One Art. l. flowers of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, lemon balm, sage, nettle pour 500 ml of warm water. Cook over low heat for ten minutes. Leave for 30-40 minutes under the lid. Strain the broth. Apply gruel from medicinal plants to the skin for half an hour on cleansed skin.
  4. An effective exfoliating cleanser is regular table vinegar. It is enough just to moisten a cotton pad in vinegar, wipe your face with it.

As a tonic, cleanser, you can use citrus fruits, lemon juice, orange peel, tangerine. You can mix in equal proportions the juice of one lime and a fresh cucumber.

Systematic regular skin care, properly selected cosmetic products for different types of epidermis will help prevent the appearance of oily sheen and normalize the sebaceous glands. If the above methods did not help get rid of the oily sheen of the face, you need to contact the cosmetology center.

16 730 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about oily skin and how to remove oily shine from your face at home. Unfortunately, ideal women with flawless skin exist only in photographs. Girls go to beauticians, look for folk recipes on the Internet and mask imperfections with cosmetics. One suffers from dry skin, the other - from sensitive, and the third wants to remove the oily shine of the face. Oily skin is not a sentence, it even has advantages over other types: it ages later and is less susceptible to environmental influences.

How to determine oily skin type

If you are reading this article, most likely, your skin is really oily, because dry rarely shines. But to dispel all doubts, we list the signs of oily skin type:

  • wide pores... They quickly become dirty and therefore expand, the face looks loose, bumpy. It occurs with pores on the forehead, nose, chin, and sometimes on the cheeks;
  • frequent inflammation, rashes, acne, itching, redness... The glands that produce sebum are very active, the excess of this fat accumulates, hardens, forms plugs on the surface of the skin, interfering with its natural cleansing. Hence blackheads and inflamed acne;
  • makeup does not hold on the face: foundation and powder, blush "floats" or disappears two to three hours after application;
  • the skin shines... Greasy shine appears by lunchtime or two hours after the morning toilet.

A quick test will also help determine the oily skin. Take a thin paper towel and apply it to your face right now. If there are marks on the napkin, the skin produces more oil than it needs. The test can be performed at any time of the day, but not immediately after washing.

Why does the face shine

We will not take into account situations in which any skin will shine: a sultry day, stuffiness in the room, a bath, a sauna, and so on. The shine of the skin in such cases is a consequence of the situation, and not a regularity inherent in the body. The reasons why an oily shine appears on the face are different:

  • malfunctions of the stomach, intestines, liver... When the internal organs do not function properly, it is immediately reflected in the skin;
  • hormonal disorders or surges... Sebum is intensively produced before menstruation, during pregnancy or after it, with an imbalance of the endocrine system. Many adolescents and young women are familiar with the problems of oily skin, which recede with age and the skin goes into a different type, becomes normal or combination;
  • constant stress badly affects the appearance... The nervous system makes the glands work more actively, the skin becomes oily;
  • neglect of healthy eating: excess in the diet of spicy, fried, smoked, sweets and soda;
  • hereditary skin type and improper care of it;
  • passion for low-quality cosmetics.

Oily skin care

Daily care consists of sequential procedures. At first, the process may seem long and time-consuming, but over time you will get used to it, automatically carrying out each action.

The first procedure is cleansing or washing. All care tips begin with the words: "The main thing is cleansing." And it is advisable to cleanse oily skin in two stages.

  1. Remove makeup with milk, makeup remover, or micellar water. Wet cotton wool abundantly, because dry cotton wool is the expression wrinkles in the future. If this morning washing and makeup was not on your face, still use milk: wash it like foam. Cosmetic milk collects impurities from the surface of the skin, using it, you gently prepare your face for the next stage.
  2. Wash with gel or foam for oily to combination skin. It is good to take a remedy with aloe, cucumber, chamomile, witch hazel, tomato, apple in the composition. Gels with salicylic and lactic acid are effective, the content of which in daily home remedies should be no more than two percent. Acids very gently dissolve the upper layer of cells, remove excess fat, and cleanse the pores.

Wash your face twice a day, even if it doesn't seem like enough. The more thoroughly and more often you wash off the fat from the skin, the more diligently it will develop new ones. For washing, prepare yourself a decoction of chamomile or sage, it should be at room temperature. Do not wash your face with hot water, it expands the pores, provokes the glands to work harder. Cold is also harmful - it dries and ages the skin.

The second procedure is toning. The tonic removes the remains of gel or foam, tightens pores, nourishes the skin with useful substances from its composition. Keep in mind that alcohol products are harmful to any skin and oily skin is no exception. Point inflammations are dried with alcohol lotion, no more. You need to cleanse your face, but not dry it out. And for an anti-inflammatory effect, the same chamomile, aloe, salicylic acid are added to tonics.

The third procedure is moisturizing. When the skin lacks moisture, it more actively produces sebum. Use a light water-based cream to moisturize. Or buy aloe gel - it moisturizes, heals, and resists inflammation of the epidermis.

These three procedures should be done carefully twice a day: upon waking up in the morning and before bed. Add to them regularly special care :

  • Use an active exfoliator twice a week with your evening wash. Five years ago, scrubs were the only known method of exfoliation for most women. But now there is access to enzyme peels, to peels with fruit acids, to soft rolls. Compared to these products, the scrub is too aggressive and acts superficially. And you should not use it on skin with acne, you can spread the infection across the face. So, two nights a week, your grooming looks like this: milk, foam or gel, peeling, toner, moisturizer.
  • mask according to the needs of the skin. Masks are done two to four times a week. This is an intensive care, and even if you do not use professional cosmetics, but products from the refrigerator to prepare the composition, regular use of masks will delight you with an excellent result. Oily skin regularly needs masks that moisturize, cleanse and regulate the sebaceous glands.

And two more important points in dealing with oily skin:

  • do not touch pimples, do not manually clean the pores by yourself. From inept actions, scars arise, the infection spreads and the situation is aggravated. Mechanical cleaning - only by a beautician;
  • try to use makeup less often. Powder, blush and foundations clog pores and prevent skin from breathing. Give them up for at least a month - and you will be surprised at how much cleaner your face has become.

There is no single and reliable remedy for oily shine on the face. As there are several reasons for this trouble, the solutions are varied. It is necessary to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, to exclude hormonal disruptions. And do not forget about local skin treatment: thorough washing, well-chosen cosmetics, hygiene, masks for matte skin.

For a short-term solution to the problem, put little helpers in your purse. They can quickly refresh your skin and save your appearance.

  • Matting napkins. It is worth applying such a napkin to the skin, and excess fat will be absorbed into it, leaving the face matte.
  • Thermal water. Sold in spray bottles. Used directly over makeup. It moisturizes and refreshes the face.
  • Powder. Regular powder will save you from shine in five seconds, but will aggravate the overall condition of the skin. Mineral powder will not clog pores and take care of your face. Some craftsmen make its analogues at home from oatmeal, and although such a homemade powder does not mask imperfections, it mattes perfectly.

To make oatmeal powder, pour two tablespoons of the cereal into the grinder. When you grind the flakes, fine dust will collect on the lid of the grinder - this is the powder. Shake it into a dry cream jar and continue grinding, adding flakes as needed. It is convenient to apply the powder on the face with a wide brush, and at home you can also use it with your hands. Use it in the morning and your face won't shine until noon.

  • It is useful to use at home cosmetic ice. It is prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs: sage, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden, string are suitable. Perfectly tightens pores and mattifies the skin with frozen watermelon juice. Rub the skin with ice cubes in the morning and in the evening. As a result, the pores become smaller, the oily sheen disappears, and the skin is toned.

Ice rubbing is contraindicated in case of rosacea and too sensitive skin.

Masks from oily shine

Add masks to your weekly beauty plan, they will not only cope with excess oily skin, but also moisturize it, nourish it, cleanse and tighten pores. There are many recipes, so empirically select a composition that will satisfy the needs of your particular skin. Do masks twice a week, 10 procedures per course. Then use another recipe. It is necessary to change the means so that the skin does not get used to the same ingredients and gets more useful from different products.

Clay mask

The leader in leather matting is any clay: white, blue, black, pink. Dilute two tablespoons of clay with boiled water or chamomile decoction, apply a thick layer on your face and rinse off after 20 minutes. It is better to do this mask in the morning, after washing your face and before using the tonic. The procedure will provide matte skin for two to eight hours.

Protein masks

Egg white unclogs pores and tightens them. This product is successfully combined with lemon or aloe. It is more convenient to apply protein masks with a cosmetic brush, in layers: wait for the first layer to dry and apply the second, then the third. It'll be enough. When the last layer is dry, the mask can be washed off.

  • Whisk in a teaspoon of aloe leaf juice with one protein. This composition helps with rashes, red spots, soothes the skin.
  • For one protein, take a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask refreshes, whitens, cleanses well and tightens pores.

Kefir mask

Kefir dries, heals and whitens the skin. You can simply apply it on your face for 15 minutes. But it is better to mix a tablespoon of the product with a tablespoon of oatmeal or pea flour. Massaging lightly, apply the mixture to the skin and rinse off after 20 minutes.

Yeast mask

Both live and dry yeast are equally useful. Dissolve a tablespoon of yeast with a teaspoon of milk and pour in 5 drops of lemon juice. Wash off the mass after 15 minutes with warm water.

Cucumber mask

Mix with a blender or grind two tablespoons of oatmeal and half a small cucumber. Leave to swell for 10 minutes and add a teaspoon of plain yogurt. Keep on face for 20 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

Potato mask

Mix the juice of one potato tuber with an egg white, pour in 3 drops of lemon essential oil. Keep it on for 20 minutes. The mask not only removes oily sheen, it rejuvenates and brightens the skin.

  • To make the skin produce less sebum, eat foods that are healthy for the body: fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, fish, whole-grain cereals, natural oils. To cleanse the intestines, add flax seed, bran to cereals and salads. Drink decoctions of herbs and rosehip infusion, clean raw water.
  • Instead of a tonic, it is useful to wipe your face with cabbage or cucumber juice. Try rose water as well: it nourishes the skin and dries it a little.
  • Use light water-based creams, try to give up tonal ones altogether. Leading cosmetic companies produce special day creams for oily skin with a mattifying effect. Their effect lasts for several hours, but only on the skin without make-up.
  • Avoid touching your face during the day, especially with dirty hands. Wash all makeup brushes, puffs, sponges once a week.
  • Use mild cleansers and cleansers. They should be free of alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate, so as not to dry the epidermis.

Despite the fact that your skin is oily and rough, it needs care and gentle care. Help her become more beautiful, she will respond gratefully to all your efforts.

Remedies for oily shine on the face

Today we would like to introduce you to unique cosmetics that have established themselves in our market. La Roche-Posay is the new name for French problem skin care products. For more than 40 years, La Roche-Posay specialists have developed unique products to combat all skin imperfections. But since our article is about oily sheen, we have prepared for you special products that will help you eliminate this nuisance, but also prevent the appearance of other imperfections: acne, blackheads, inflamed acne.

  • EFFACLAR GEL AND EFFACLAR DUO SET (+)- set for oily acne-prone skin. Includes foaming cleansing gel and care cream gel.
  • Serozinc is the first oil control spray Hypoallergenic. Fragrance free. Dermatologically tested.
  • EFFACLAR DUO (+)- Cream-gel reduces pronounced imperfections due to Niacinamide, Piroctone Olamine, Lipo-Hydroxy Acid and Linoleic acid. Corrects and prevents the appearance of post-acne marks thanks to the powerful anti-inflammatory component Procerad. Effective after 24 hours.
  • EFFACLAR - pore tightening lotion... The lotion effectively cleanses pores and reduces their size, mattifies and smoothes the skin surface thanks to a combination of cleansing ingredients and Lipo-hydroxy acid.
  • Micellar water ULTRA- Thanks to the new formula of the product, there is a strong capture and retention of all makeup particles and micro-impurities. Contains La Roche-Posay thermal water.