How to decorate a plastic ball. Paper balls for the New Year: stylish decor. DIY foam ball

Helpful Hints

To decorate a Christmas tree, home or office, it is not necessary to purchase a large number of Christmas balls.

Beautiful balls can be made do it yourself at home from various materials.

Just stock up on a few simple Christmas ball making tools, and take the time to make crafts and be patient.

All New Year's balls are made quite simply, and even children can be involved in working on them.

On our website you will also find:

Craft for the New Year: a ball of bows

You will need:

    glass or foam ball

    hot glue

    small ribbon bows.

* Bows can be made by hand or bought ready-made (usually they are self-adhesive).

Take a ball and glue it with bows.

If you are using a foam ball, then a strong thread or tape is glued to it.

Volumetric balls for the New Year: a ball of foam and fabrics

You will need:

    foam ball

  • brush for glue

1. Using a skewer, make a hole in the center of the styrofoam ball.

2. Now take the tape and use a skewer to thread it through the hole. Pass the end of the ribbon through a small bead and tie the ribbon into a knot.

3. Pass the other end of the ribbon through another bead and also tie a knot. You can secure the knots with PVA glue.

4. In a bowl, dilute the PVA glue and a small amount of water.

5. Cut the fabrics into several pieces of different shapes and sizes.

6. Using a brush, apply glue to the ball and start gluing gently pieces of fabric.

* Do not apply too much glue.

How to Make a New Year's Eve Ball: The Golden Snitch

You will need:

    thin wire

    thin paper (papyrus paper)

  • self-hardening mass for modeling

    acrylic paint

    brush for paint.

1. On paper, draw a pattern of wings for your Snitch. Use this pattern to model thin wire wings. Twist the ends of the wire.

2. Place a sheet of thin paper on the table and place the wire wings on it.

3. Apply a little glue to the wire on several sides and gently bend the paper.

4. Carefully cut the paper around the wire to make wings.

* You can paint the wings with acrylic paint.

* You can also apply glitter. To do this, spread the wings with PVA glue and sprinkle with sparkles.

5. Glue the wings to the ball with self-hardening mass for modeling.

* You can also use Styrofoam instead of a glass ball. In this case, the twisted ends of the wire wing are simply screwed into the ball. The foam ball will also need to be decorated with paint, for example.

Christmas balls from chewing candies for the New Year

You will need:

    foam ball

  • hot glue

    small gummies or marmalade

1. Take a foam ball and use glue to glue a piece of tape to it and thread it on top with a pin so that the decoration can later be hung on the Christmas tree.

2. Start adding glue drop by drop and stick candy or marmalade (or marmalade pieces) to the ball.

* Instead of sweets, you can glue almost any decoration: buttons, sequins, small tinsel, and so on.

A ball of acorn hats for the Christmas tree for the New Year

You will need:

    acorn caps

    acrylic paint and brush

    foam ball

    jute rope

    thin wire (floristic, for example)

    thin tape

    glitter (optional)

  • hot glue.

1. To paint a foam ball, choose a color that is close to the color of the acorn caps. This step can be skipped. It is only needed to hide the white color of the ball.

2. Start adding hot glue drop by drop and stick on the acorn caps. You can pierce the foam ball a little with these hats. Glue the hats as close to each other as possible, but do not bother too much - there will still be gaps, and this is normal.

3. Make a loop out of the wire, twist the ends and screw them into the ball. Now you can cut the rope and thread it through the loop to hang it on the Christmas tree.

4. You can also make a bow out of ribbon and glue it to the top of the balloon with hot glue.

5. You can apply PVA glue to the outer parts of the acorn caps and sprinkle glitter on the glue.

DIY crafts for the new year: balls decorated with thread

You will need:

    knitting thread (the thicker, the easier it will be to fix it)

    foam ball

  • wire or pin.

1. Bend a piece of wire into a U shape and insert it into a foam ball. The wire will help you later hang the ball on the Christmas tree.

You can use a pin, which you need to pierce the thread and then insert into the foam ball. In this case, you will need to leave a small tail at the thread (which you will then glue to the ball) in order to hang the ball on the Christmas tree.

2. Cover half of the ball with PVA glue and begin to gently wind the thread around it.

3. When you have almost reached the center of the balloon, turn it over, apply glue to the other half and continue wrapping the balloon with thread.

Do-it-yourself volumetric balls for the New Year

You will need:

    cardboard (white or colored)

  • printer (to print the template)

* You are invited to print two versions of templates for two balls of different sizes.

* Each ball is made from 12 pieces of paper of the same size.

Paper ball templates for the New Year



1. Print out the templates and cut them out by making cuts in the indicated places.

2. Make a small hole in one cut flower, thread a thread through it, tie its end into a knot and secure it on the back with tape.

To make it easier to assemble the ball, consider the part with the thread as the "north pole" of the ball. Add details to it until you reach the "south pole".

3. Use cut lines in each cut out element, fasten all the details to make a ball.

Beautiful balls of paper strips for the New Year.

Option 1.

You will need:

    colored cardboard

1. Cut a sheet of colored cardboard into several identical strips.

2. Fasten all strips with a stapler. First, cross two strips at a right angle and fasten them together, then add two more strips diagonally and also fasten (you can use glue).

3. Bend each strip in turn and secure the ends.

The ball can be decorated with tinsel by cutting off a small piece and gluing it.

Christmas balls for the New Year

Option 2.

At the end of the text instruction you will find a video instruction.

You will need:

    colored cardboard (multi-colored magazines)

  • cocktail tube


    needle and thread (or wire)

    awl or screwdriver

  • various decorations (optional).

1. You need to cut 6 strips of colored cardboard. The stripes should not be too wide.

2. Using an awl, make a hole at the end of each strip.

3. Lay out all the paper strips as shown in the image, and make a hole in the center with an awl.

4. Prepare a thread, a needle and a bead that will need to be attached to the bottom of the future ball.

Cut the thread to the desired length so that you can hang the ball.

Pull the first bead all the way to the end.

Pull the needle and thread through the hole in the center of the strips, and leave a bead at the bottom.

5. Cut off about half of the cocktail tube (its length is 1/4 of the length of the paper strip), insert it into the center of the workpiece and thread a thread with a needle through it.

6. Start bending the strips up and pulling a thread with a needle through the hole at the end of each strip. It is also better to fix the bead on top.

Video instruction:

* You can use wire instead of thread.

Crafts for the new year: paper balls

How to decorate a foam ball for the New Year

New Year's Eve Styrofoam Cupcake

Styrofoam ball craft for the New Year

Paper balls for the New Year (video)

Ball of paper strips for the New Year

Paper ball for the New Year

No other holiday has such a joyful and magical period of preparation as the New Year and Christmas. Today we invite you to recharge your batteries with anticipation and have a lot of fun creating Christmas balls for the Christmas tree with your own hands. Do not wait until the festive atmosphere itself descends into your home! Start getting inspired for 2019 now by creating special decorations for your home!

In the last article, we told you how to make . So now it's time to show 40 ways to make Christmas balls from ribbons, threads, fabric, beads, beads and other improvised materials and materials. Best ideas with step by step photos!

How to make Christmas balls from threads with your own hands (12 photos)

How can you make a beautiful Christmas ball of thread? The easiest and fastest way is to wrap an old Christmas tree ball with thick knitting thread or twine. Use glue to keep the thread secure. Complete the result with lace, ribbons and beads. DIY Christmas balls made of thread will look very vintage and romantic on the Christmas tree.

From the same thick threads, you can make DIY Christmas balls in eco style. All you need for this is glue or paste, a few balloons and twine. The beauty of this method is that you can decorate the received toys in any way (with branches, electronic candles, etc.) and give them any size. Do you want to make large Christmas balls with your own hands from threads? Then just push harder!

Finally, you can create stunning Christmas balls with thin sewing threads with your own hands. True, the process will take a lot of time, but just take a look at the New Year's balls of thread in the following photos! This is a real art, whose name is temari. We offer several ideas and schemes for beginners.

DIY Christmas balls from ribbons

Each Christmas ball made of satin ribbons will look very elegant and will only enhance the sparkle of your Christmas tree. In order not to waste a lot of time and effort, you can wrap a regular old ball with a narrow ribbon and decorate it with beads, sequins, ribbons or lace. The method is similar to decorating balls with threads, only the result will be more luxurious. See Christmas balls from ribbons in the following photos:

If you are diligent and patient, then try cutting the fabric into pieces and using needles to make chic New Year's balls from ribbons with your own hands using the step-by-step photos below.

Also read:

It will be much easier to make Christmas decorations from pieces of fabric. You just have to stock up on styrofoam balls in the store to use them as a base.

DIY Christmas balls: decoupage decoration, beads and more

On the night of December 31st to January 1st, we not only celebrate the new year, but also see off the old one. Therefore, Christmas decorations and toys in a nostalgic style are always in great demand. DIY decoupage Christmas balls are a great way to bring the spirit and romance of the past into your home. Read more about the decoupage technique in the article. The secret is to thin old postcards or other paper well before sticking to the surface. Photo for inspiration:

Do you have a lot of old Christmas toys? See how you can update them and decorate Christmas balls with your own hands:

At the end of our article, we offer you a few more ideas for crafts - this time using transparent balls. Delight family members by preparing a New Year's ball with a photo inside with your own hands for everyone.

Also read:

In addition to photos, you can decorate transparent Christmas balls with your own hands with pine needles, finely chopped paper, scraps of old garlands, etc.

DIY Christmas balls, created by parents together with their children, are not just symbols of celebration, but inexhaustible sources of precious memories that will live as long as the toys themselves last. Each such ball is a real work of art, in which a piece of the creator's soul is also invested. Therefore, their value is incredibly high. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of interesting and unusual ideas that will prompt, how to decorate Christmas balls with your own hands for 2017.

How to make Christmas balls with your own hands?

Making Christmas balls at home today will not be a problem. Handicraft and art stores provide a wide selection of decorative items, as well as special blanks that can be used as the basis for future toys.

DIY Christmas balls from threads and glue

You can create original Christmas balls with your own hands from threads and glue. For this you will need the following materials:

  • balloons;
  • decorative threads (preferably dense);
  • PVA glue;
  • container for glue;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Consider how to make balls of thread with your own hands step by step.

1. First, inflate the balloon to the required size and tie it tightly. To give the ball a rounded shape, it is recommended to wrinkle it slightly. Next, you need to thread the thread chosen for decor into the needle, pierce it near the bottom with a plastic vessel taken under the glue. After the thread should be let through the container and pour glue into the last one.

Attention! To make the ball durable and not lose its appearance, it is not recommended to dilute the glue with water.

2. Next, the thread must be impregnated with glue. To do this, it should be pulled through a container filled with PVA. Immediately, it is wound on a base balloon. While the thread is being wound, turning the ball should be done very intensively. Since the balloon will be removed from the inside at the end of the procedure, the winding should not be done very tight in the place where it is tied. It is better to leave a small free space at the bottom.

3. When the ball is as tight as you thought, you need to cut off the thread, but leave a small tail so that you can later form a loop.

4. It is recommended to put such a ball in a dry place for a while until it is completely dry. If you do not want to wait, you can use a hair dryer and speed up the drying process of the toy. This will only take 5 to 10 minutes. When the threads are completely dry, you can pierce the base balloon with a needle and pull it out from the inside of the toy in the place where the string was, but very carefully so as not to damage the created beauty. From the tail of the thread, you need to make a loop and you can decorate the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas balls from ribbons

Do-it-yourself Christmas balls from ribbons look bewitching. To make them, you need to have the following set of materials in your arsenal:

  • satin ribbons of two colors: one is about 2.5 cm wide and about 3 m long, and the second is a little narrower, about 1 m long;
  • ball-blank;
  • wire;
  • awl;
  • beads and sequins;
  • thermal gun;
  • loop thread.

Important! since the base will not come out of the finished ball, inexpensive lightweight foam blanks can be used.

You should start and form a loop for hanging a future toy. To do this, it is necessary to mark the middle on the blank for the ball and use an awl on both sides to pierce it through and through. A wire with a bead fixed on top should be threaded into the punctures.

From the ribbons you need to form petals, make a flower out of them, collect on a thread and glue to the ball so that the wire is in the center of the flower. Attach an ornament to the top and create a top. From it it is necessary to move down and glue the petals from the ribbons, alternating colors, for example:

  1. in the first row: two whites, two reds, two whites, two reds;
  2. in the second row: one white, three red, one white, three red;
  3. in the third row, you need to increase the number of petals: two white, six red, two white, six red.

Next, you need to glue the petals without adding until such time as they become too close to each other. At this moment, it will be necessary to reduce their number to the original (i.e., up to eight) and glue it to the end.

To make the ball more magnificent, it is necessary to make more petals in the first row - not eight, but ten.

DIY paper balls

For lovers of openwork products, an interesting way to make New Year's toys can be a paper version. Such Christmas balls will be in harmony with any interior, and it will not take much time to make them.

First you need to prepare:

  • thick colored paper (A4);
  • a knife designed for artistic cutting;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • beads;
  • openwork patterns.

1. The selected templates are printed on paper. Their size can be adjusted depending on the paper size and personal preference. Next, the templates must be carefully cut. To do this, use a knife for artistic cutting.

If there are concerns that the drawing will be erased during the work, you can close it with a paper sheet.

2. When the pattern is cut, you should start cutting out the sweep of the ball.

3. Using a round pencil, it is necessary to give the scheme a rounded shape. Poke holes at the tip of the petals.

6. Then you should create a loop of beads. To this end, they must be strung on a string and pulled inward through those holes that were previously made in each petal.

6. The final touch is the creation of a loop for hanging. And the ball is ready to decorate the Christmas tree.

DIY foam ball

Styrofoam balls have many options. Blanks from this material are chosen as the basis for future Christmas decorations. Such balls are decorated with multi-colored pieces of felt, sequins, paper flowers, beads, threads, etc.

As one of the ways to create an original Christmas tree decoration from polystyrene foam, you can consider a “cake ball”. To make such an appetizing decor element, you will need:

  • foam blank in the form of a ball;
  • PVA glue;
  • small white sparkles;
  • a thread;
  • scissors;
  • red bead.

To begin with, the foam spherical blank must be liberally smeared with glue. Then it must be lowered into a container with pre-poured small sparkles and carefully rolled in them so that there are no missed places. Then you need to let the ball dry thoroughly.

After the final drying, using a cloth or corrugated paper, you can form a beautiful skirt - a wrapper for a cake, which is attached from below. Glue a red cherry bead onto the top of the resulting decorative treat. The last step will be the formation of a suspension from a thread on a foam ball.

Other Styrofoam Ball Options

DIY Christmas balls - decoupage

Decoupage is considered an interesting type of modern decor. This art can also be used to create Christmas balls.

This requires a set of tools and materials, consisting of:

  • plastic balls (about 8 cm in diameter);
  • napkins with New Year's drawings;
  • multi-colored acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • semolina;
  • sequin;
  • sponges for washing dishes;
  • modeling boards;
  • contours for working with ceramics and glass.

A small amount of white acrylic paint should be laid out on a board, dip a sponge in it and apply to the ball using point movements.

Important! It is recommended to carefully ensure that the sponge is evenly and well saturated with paint. Otherwise, do-it-yourself decoupage of Christmas balls will be spoiled by the visual effect of the presence of snow on their surface.

So it is necessary to paint all the balls that you plan to decorate. While they dry (about an hour), you should start preparing the napkins. The upper painted layer must be separated from the lower one and carefully cut out the New Year's drawing. Next, you should dilute the glue with water in a ratio of 50/50. The cut out drawing must be moistened in an adhesive solution and attached to the ball. The process of gluing it is recommended to start from the middle, smoothly moving towards the edges.

And then around the glued picture you need to create a background of the corresponding color. To do this, the acrylic paint must again be laid out on the board and applied with a sponge on top of the white background on the ball. After this procedure, Christmas decorations should be left in a dry place until completely dry, and then completely cover their surface with acrylic varnish.

You can create the effect of snow like this: mix white paint with semolina (you should get a thick, mushy consistency) and apply with a thin brush to those places on the ball where snow should lie. When the snowball dries, you can decorate it with silver sparkles, which must be applied to the surface previously coated with varnish. With the help of a thread, a loop is made, and the creative process is completed.

Other DIY Christmas Ball Ideas

Among other ways to make Christmas balls with your own hands are:

  • Soft fabric balls. To bring this idea to life, you will need flaps of different sizes. As a base, you can use an old sock, well filled with rags or cotton wool so that you get a spherical figure. You can also purchase foam blanks. Decorating balls with flaps is possible both in the form of ruffles and by tightly sewing fabric rectangles to each other to give the toy a “shaggy” appearance. Decorate fabric balls well with buttons of various sizes and shapes.

  • Christmas balls lace. It is also necessary to take foam blanks, which are pasted over with pieces of openwork lace. It can also be tinted to provide a vintage look. Lace can be made independently - knitted with a thin thread and a hook.

  • Toys made of floristic sponge ("oasis"). A ball should be cut out of this material, to which small toys and spruce branches should be attached using wire pins. They are suitable for a large and lush Christmas tree.

  • Balls from old CDs. The latter should be cut into small pieces of various shapes and carefully pasted over glass transparent blanks with them. By the same principle, you can decorate balls with beads.

DIY Christmas balls, master classes for their manufacture, reviewed by us, will certainly help you be inspired to create creative designs for Christmas decorations. Create with pleasure, share your experience, replenish the treasury of creative ideas and the best examples of their implementation!

The New Year is getting closer, so I want to touch this magic already. Of course, it’s still too early to decorate the Christmas tree, but you can get creative, for example, make Christmas balls with your own hands. There is an article on the blog about it, there are a lot of interesting ideas.

Balls are considered the most popular decoration, of course, you can buy them, the choice is huge - small, large, plastic, glass. But handmade items are not just decoration, they are a mood, a part of the soul. Such a toy will stand out on your Christmas tree or be a great New Year's gift.

Now the English expression has become popular - hand made (hand made), which means "hands make". And this is not just a fashionable word, now handmade things have become appreciated. Huge supermarkets are opening, where you can buy a lot of goods for hobbies, creativity, needlework, there would be a desire.

I propose to look at different design ideas - from simple ones that anyone, even a child, can handle, to more complex ones.

DIY Christmas balls for 2020 with the symbol of the year

The upcoming 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat, which means that a Rat toy must be on the New Year tree. There are many ideas on the net, we will consider those that will have a round shape.

Did you know that ordinary apples were the predecessors of the balls. In Europe, Christmas trees were decorated with this biblical symbol in ancient times. In one of the lean years, glassblowers came to the rescue, making apples out of glass. This innovation caught on quickly. Candlelight was reflected in glass products, which made the decorated Christmas tree more festive.

To make a ball in the form of a symbol of the coming year, you will not need much - any New Year's ball, acrylic paint, acrylic varnish and pieces of fabric to make a hat and ears. Watch the video for a detailed tutorial.

Video on how to make a Pig pom pom ball

If you have leftover yarn in your bins, then you can make Pig's cute face out of a pom-pom, detailed step-by-step instructions in the video. Children will like this Christmas decoration, because they love soft toys so much.

Schemes for collecting voluminous Christmas balls from paper

It's easy to make beautiful Christmas decorations out of paper. You can use colored paper or white paper, drawing your own drawings, snowflakes on it, or stick interesting pictures on it. Children will like such creativity, such balls can be made not only for the home, they can be taken to kindergarten or school. For manufacturing, you will need ordinary office paper, multi-colored or white, glue, scissors.

Modular paper ball

Such a product is made from modules that are glued together, they can be of different colors or plain, it all depends on your preferences.

Work description:

Large do-it-yourself honeycomb ball (step by step instructions)

Looking at such a product, it seems that it is very difficult to make it. In fact, even a child can cope with such work, the main thing is to understand the manufacturing principle.

It is better to study on a large model, then you can use it to decorate the interior, take it to a kindergarten or school to decorate a large Christmas tree. Having understood how it is made, you can easily repeat the steps on small products.

The main rule: do not get confused with the order of applying glue.

How to do:

Ball-honeycombs can be made from fewer halves, then honeycombs will be rarer.

DIY Christmas balls in shabby chic style

Shabby chic balloons can be very different, because this is not a technique, it's just a style.

The founder of this style was the Englishwoman Rachel Asheville, who initially bought up old furniture, decorated it for herself, and later began to sell her work. Accordingly, a common interior was created for such furniture. The peculiarity of this style is tenderness, warmth, and not pretentiousness of expensive things.

Today, “shabby chic” is a fashion trend based on the principle of giving things a “shade of antiquity”.

Chic style is often compared with Provence style:

  • it is characterized by angels, soft floral motifs, mainly roses, peonies;
  • from geometric patterns, a slightly noticeable cell or strip is allowed;
  • the color scheme is light, soft, mostly white, beige, peach, pink. You can add shades of lilac, salad, lavender, blue, as long as they are not bright;
  • shabby chic is lace, organza, satin, linen, delicate chintz.

Not surprisingly, handmade items (hand-made) fit perfectly into this style, New Year's toys were no exception.

Scrapbooking technique for decorating balloons

Scrapbooking is the best fit for the shabby chic style, as this technique involves decorating.

To make such balls with your own hands, you don’t really need a master class. It is enough to buy ready-made inexpensive plastic New Year's toys or foam blanks in the needlework departments.

For decor, find in your bins, which every needlewoman has, pieces of fabric, lace, ribbons, jewelry, interesting buttons, beads and, having shown imagination, make an exclusive decoration for the Christmas tree.

Decoupage Christmas balls

The now very popular decoupage technique is perfect for the shabby chic style.

It is not difficult to master it, in the article mentioned above there is a detailed master class for beginners. It is enough to choose pictures, decor in the right tone and unique works will catch the admiring glances of your guests.

In the video, I propose to watch a master class on making a New Year's ball in the shabby chic style using the reverse decoupage technique.

Decoration of Christmas balls with beads

Craftswomen working with beads do not disregard Christmas decorations. From small beads, delightful works are obtained - Christmas trees, angels, cones and much more. Iridescent reflections of small colored beads create a sense of a fairy tale in the house.

Balls are also decorated with beads, and in a variety of ways. They are completely braided, creating beautiful patterns, making exquisite openwork decorations.

To make such beautiful toys, you will need beads, nylon thread or fishing line, a needle, and, perhaps most importantly, patience.

And the master class in the video will help you, good luck!

How to make a ball on a Christmas tree with a photo with your own hands

Now you can order different toys - personalized, with a logo, with a photo, but for creative people it will not be difficult to make such things with their own hands. Read on and you will see that everyone can make a balloon with a photo.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • detachable transparent ball
  • acrylic paint - white and colored
  • glue "moment"
  • sequins
  • photo

Work description:

Christmas ball of satin ribbons and fabric

The fantasies of needlewomen have no boundaries; ribbons and pieces of fabric are used to decorate Christmas tree decorations.

And it’s already not easy “blinded, from what was”, different techniques are used, kimekomi, kanzashi, artichoke. Balloons decorated with these techniques are simply a work of art.

Kimekomi technique for fabric Christmas decorations

Products made using the kimekomi technique are somewhat reminiscent of our patchwork technique.

We use it for the manufacture of quilted bedspreads, blankets, sofa cushions, and other products, but not for New Year's toys. But it turns out that balls made from scraps of fabric also look very original and beautiful.

In Japan, kimekomi was used to make dolls by pressing strips of fabric into slotted wood blanks.

Materials for work:

  • foam blank
  • glue stick
  • stationery scissors
  • shreds of fabric
  • sharp object with a rounded tip (table knife, knitting needle, crochet hook)
  • various items for decoration

The principle of operation is simple:

Fabrics for such work use a variety of both elasticity and strength. It is easiest to work with elastic fabrics, the most difficult - with loose fabrics with a rare weave.

Christmas balls kanzashi

Kanzashi is a technique similar to origami, only it does not use paper, but satin ribbons. This art came from Japan, women used kanzashi to decorate their hairstyles. Now this technique is used not only to decorate hair clips, but also to decorate clothes and objects.

According to the craftswomen, if you figure out how to make kanzashi, it becomes clear that this is not at all difficult.

Like it or not, you can find out by watching a video on making a Christmas ball using this technique.

Decorating balls using the artichoke technique

Artichoke is another patchwork technique that is actively used to decorate Christmas balls.

The meaning of the technique is simple - you can draw an analogy with origami - we add pieces of fabric and attach to the base.

Candy Christmas ball

New Year, sweets, sweets - these concepts are inseparable. Imagine how happy your child will be when he sees a delicious toy on the Christmas tree, although it is unlikely to hang for a long time. Sweet balls can be an original New Year's gift.

For the manufacture of sweet toys, you can use a foam blank and use glue, tinsel, pieces of fabric, ribbons to form a ball.

Another option is to use split balls. This option is quite simple - you just need to fill the transparent blanks with sweets and decorate them beautifully.

New Year is a magical holiday and you can touch this magic with your own hands, creating real masterpieces. Charge your loved ones with inspiration, let each member of your family make their own New Year's ball so that your Christmas tree is the most elegant.

Good luck and a fabulous New Year.

Hello, friends! Blog "ShkolaLa" continues active preparations for the New Year 2017! Our och. skillful hands do not know rest. They have already made beautiful ones. Already converted to . And they have already done it. Well, today they will make Christmas decorations from foam balls.

White foam blanks are sold at art supply stores. Moreover, they can be not only in the form of balls, but also in the form of bagels, and in the form of Christmas trees, icicles and other interesting shapes. And it's a pleasure to work with them!

Today we will tell you how you can make such beautiful toys with your own hands.

Welcome to our New Year's Eve Workshop!

Lesson plan:

Shiny and sparkling ball with sequins

It looks like this.

But it may look different, it all depends on the pattern and color of the sequins that you choose.

To make this decoration, we needed:

  • foam ball;
  • sequins;
  • carnation pins;
  • glue gun (if not, you can use glue, but using a gun is much more convenient);
  • braid in order to make a loop for the ball, for which we will then hang it on the Christmas tree;
  • a small piece of children's foam for creativity (foamiran), it will also be needed when we make a suspension;
  • pencil or pen;
  • scissors.

To begin with, we come up with a drawing and outline it on the surface of the workpiece. We just have a wavy stripe in the middle. And you can make, for example, a snowflake.

We take sequins of the intended color and carnation needles. We attach a sequin to the needle.

And we begin to stick needles with sequins into the workpiece along the intended line. Make sure the sequins are close to each other. And be careful! Don't prick!

Our blue wave is ready!

We decided to lay out the space above the blue wave with silver sequins.

Carefully prick them in rows.

The top is done!

Well, we made the bottom one of light green sequins. The ball is ready!

Now let's make a loop. To do this, take a small piece (about 12 cm) of white zig-zag braid and cut a small circle out of silver foam.

We collect from the above just such a design. You can read in great detail about how to make a toy hanger.

Using a glue gun, glue the loop to the top of the toy. The first one is ready!

Christmas decoration "Cake"

Let's be honest that initially we were not going to make a cake, but we were going to make a ball from decorative cords, but suddenly ... Okay, first things first.

So, to make this toy, we needed:

  • foam ball;
  • decorative cords in two different colors (we purchased them in the Fabric store), each cord is 1 meter long;
  • beautiful braid for decoration;
  • glue gun;
  • two needle-pins with balls at the ends;
  • foam and ribbon for making a suspension.

First, with the help of pins, we pin the ends of decorative cords to the workpiece.

And we begin, applying hot glue to the ball, gluing the cords in a spiral.

According to the original idea, we should have had enough shoelaces for the entire ball. But suddenly ... they took and ended.

But now we know that two meter cords for a foam ball with a diameter of 6 cm are not enough !!! We went to the store to buy more material, but they were no longer there. What to do? Do not leave the toy unfinished. And here's what we came up with.

We have silicone molds in which we often prepare soufflés. And for the sake of the New Year, we decided to donate one mold. Our half-finished beauty, placed in this form, is very much like a pie, right?

Only the form needs to be decorated. For this we took:

  • a silver ribbon, which we glue to the mold with a gun;
  • red sequins;
  • PVA glue.

The tape was glued on. Glue was poured into one plate. The other was sprinkled with glitter.

Dipped the mold in glue.

And then in a plate of glitter. Here's what happened. Left to dry.

When the mold was dry, we glued the ball to it with a gun. The suspension was made according to the technology already known to you. The foam used was red. She also plays the role of a cherry. It turned out such a sweet Christmas decoration!

New Year's Disco Ball

Why "disco"? Previously, such balls hung under the ceiling and let the bunnies go in different directions on the discos. And ours is hanging on the Christmas tree!

For the manufacture we needed:

  • foam spherical blank;
  • old unwanted DVD;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • braid and foam for making a suspension.

First, we will make a suspension for the ball.

We begin to glue the mirror pieces on top.

And we are slowly moving down.

As a result, we have such a ball. Imagine how beautifully it will sparkle when multi-colored garland lights flash nearby on the Christmas tree!

Very cute chicken

Another styrofoam ball will turn into a charming chicken.

For this we need:

  • blank;
  • double-sided yellow colored paper;
  • yellow acrylic paint (gouache is also suitable);
  • a small piece of orange foamiran;
  • PVA glue;
  • carnation pins;
  • sponge;
  • yellow sequins;
  • red satin ribbon;
  • white braid for making a suspension;
  • half beads (this is for the eyes, if there are no half beads, then the eyes can also be made from cardboard);
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewer.

For convenience, we put our foam blank on a wooden skewer.

In some container, mix yellow paint and PVA glue in equal proportions.

Using a sponge, apply the coloring mixture to the surface of the ball.

If the sponge is pressed tightly against the ball, and then sharply removed, the surface will turn out not smooth, but similar to an orange peel.

Immediately, while the paint is still wet, sprinkle our future chicken with yellow sparkles. He is supposed to shine, because he is New Year's. Let the ball dry.

When the ball is dry, we proceed to the manufacture of the scallop and at the same time the suspension. Take a red satin ribbon about 10 cm long, a piece of white zig-zag braid, carnation pins.

We put a white braid on the very top of the ball, on it the tip of a red ribbon and fasten it with pins. In general, we do as in the photo.

We throw the free end of the tape in the other direction, form a loop and again stab it with a needle.

In the middle of the scallop we make a wave and pin again.

And at the end of the scallop we again make a loop. The scallop is ready.

We lift the white braid up, with the help of a needle and a white thread we connect the ends, we get a suspension.

Cut out a rhombus from a small piece of orange foamiran.

Fold it in half and get a beak. We attach the beak with a pin.

From two dark half-beads we make the chicken's eyes.

From yellow double-sided paper, cut out a pair of wings and a tail. At the ends we make cuts, it's like feathers.

With the help of scissors we curl our wings and tail a little. We spread the feathers in different directions.

We attach the wings with the help of three carnation pins to the body of the chicken.

And we attach the tail in the same way at the back.

From orange foamiran we cut out such paws. Which we also attach to our toy with pins.

New Year's toy "Chicken" is ready!

Almost like a real snowball

Christmas ball, surprisingly similar to a snowball. The truth is, it never fades.

How to make it? Now we'll tell you. So we needed:

  • foam ball;
  • white acrylic paint (gouache is also suitable);
  • various beautiful ribbons, ribbons, lace, sequins to decorate toys;
  • PVA glue;
  • semolina;
  • glue gun;
  • wooden skewer;
  • scissors;
  • spoon

We put the ball on a wooden skewer. We mix white paint with PVA glue in a ratio of 1: 1.

To the resulting mixture of paint and glue, add the same amount of semolina. And mix everything thoroughly.

The resulting composition, resembling cottage cheese in consistency, is gradually applied with a spoon to the entire surface of our ball. Instead of a spoon, you can use some other tool, for example, a plasticine knife. Do not try to make the surface absolutely flat and smooth. On the contrary, it should be rough. Let the ball dry.

Let's start decorating. We took a piece of silver gray lace and a blue ribbon, as well as silver sequins. We will fasten them to the "snow" ball with carnation pins.

We got it like this.

It remains to make a suspension. The toy is ready!

Christmas decoration "Gift for the Rooster"

This ball should please the owner of the coming year, the Rooster. After all, it is made from millet.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • foam ball;
  • millet;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic glossy varnish (you can do without it);
  • tassel;
  • sponge;
  • glue gun;
  • sequins;
  • beautiful ribbons for decoration.

We put the ball on a wooden skewer. Pour PVA glue into one plate, pour millet into another.

Using a sponge, thickly apply PVA glue to the ball.

Roll the ball in millet. We make sure that the millet covers the entire surface. And leave to dry.

To give our millet ball a beautiful shiny look, we cover it with acrylic varnish. This procedure, by the way, will further fix the grains. Dry again.

After the toy has dried, proceed to the decoration. We used colored zigzag ribbons for this. Which were glued with a gun.

We glue the first tape exactly along the equator.

The second is perpendicular to the first.

We also glue the braid of two more colors. From the last ribbon, we immediately make a loop for hanging. Add sequins for shine. We fasten the sequins with the help of carnation pins.

Here's what we got!

Well, since we have done a good job, we have the right to have a good rest! Let's listen to a song about New Year's toys, as well as bumps and crackers to create a New Year's mood!

All the best!

Come visit again!

Here you are always welcome!