How to look beautiful during pregnancy? Can I cut and dye my hair, use cosmetics? Skin care for stretch marks and face. Maternity wardrobe: what to wear and how to dress for pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful condition, but you may not feel all its charm when your body begins to change. It is very difficult to remain beautiful and attractive during this period.

When you first find out that you are pregnant, you may be in seventh heaven with happiness, but this feeling of euphoria will not last long. With each month your belly will begin to grow, you will gain weight, there will be excruciating toxicosis, pain, discomfort ahead. All of these changes can make you wary and insecure, but you should feel attractive and desirable during pregnancy!

If you are looking for ways to love yourself and your body during pregnancy, it is definitely possible if you follow our tips!

Choose clothes made from soft materials

If you are going to look gentle and romantic during your pregnancy, choosing soft tissue is the right decision. When you choose more comfortable clothes from materials like silk, lace and satin, you are sure to be beautiful and sexy even with a big belly in front.

While these fabrics are nice and soft to the touch, the main benefit is that they don't constrict your belly. You can opt for bandage dresses, but it's best if the garment is comfortable and breathable!

Don't be afraid to show your belly

During pregnancy, many women choose to hide their bellies under large shirts and dresses, but showing off your plump tummy doesn't mean you can't be attractive during this period!

If you hide the body under large and loose clothing, then you can appear much more than you would like. A situation that many women dread is buying a completely new wardrobe for just a few months. But you don’t need to do that!

The perfect way to show off your shape is to wear the clothes you wore before pregnancy. Throw all tight shirts and blouses aside until better times, and feel free to wear not too tight, easily stretched things.

While you shouldn't be afraid to show off your belly, make sure to cover it up with clothes! You may be tempted to sunbathe, and if you are enjoying your time by the pool, it’s okay to soak up the sun for a bit, covering your bare belly slightly. It is not recommended to walk in the sun with a bare belly, so try to cover it as often as possible!

Don't sacrifice your old style

What many women find it necessary to do is sacrifice their style when they find out about an "interesting" situation. But you don't need to do that! Although some people consider certain styles inappropriate for a pregnant woman, who are you all these personalities to forbid to look attractive in such an important period of life!

When you are in position, certain clothes and shoes may be small after a while, but if you feel comfortable, feel free to wear them! If you like tight-fitting dresses with over the knee boots, don't feel like they shouldn't be worn!

Heels are a staple in many women's toilets, and you can still wear them during pregnancy. While you're comfortable, go!

Low running shoes are your friend

If you are a fan of heels and boots, you may find yourself in a bad mood about the prospect of wearing low-speed shoes. While sandals, ballerinas and moccasins can sometimes look boring, they are a better (and safer) alternative to walking in heels. And do not think that such shoes turn you into an ugly person with no sense of style.

One of the main so-called side effects of pregnancy is swollen legs and ankles. Instead of trying to put on a pair of trendy ankle boots or boots, opt for ballerinas and flat shoes. They can be comfortable and stylish too!

Invest in Maternity Jeans

When you are pregnant, you notice that the biggest change in your body is in the size of your waist. While you may be able to wear your favorite tops and dresses, you will find that you will have to say goodbye to your favorite jeans for a while, but not for good!

It might be more comfortable to go through the second half of your term in leggings or sweatpants, but let's face it. If you have beautiful hips and slender legs, then you can't do without a pair of jeans! This is why you will need maternity jeans if you want to look attractive during this period.

You will be pregnant for several months, so don't buy too much, a pair will be enough for you. Stick to the classics and go for black or navy blue.

Don't forget to wear dresses

Don't want to wear clothes that squeeze your stomach and hinder your movements? Casual dresses made from soft cotton blend perfectly into the wardrobe of the woman who wants to feel sexy during pregnancy. The material will allow you and your belly to breathe, emphasizing all the charms of your figure.

Pamper yourself

As your pregnancy progresses, you may get tired of rolling around in bed at night and waking up trying to find a comfortable position. You may feel tired and even look like this. Unfortunately, this can prevent you from enjoying your wonderful condition.

What should be done for those women who need an impulse? An amazing way to regain your sense of sexuality during pregnancy is to pamper yourself. Plan a shopping trip. Take a ticket to a sanatorium, where you will be provided with a whole range of medical procedures.

It is often said that you look good when you feel good. In this case, feeling good is the most important step that will give you confidence, give wings, and you will continue to enjoy your pregnancy.

Wear beautiful underwear with confidence

It would seem that for the entire period of carrying a baby, you need to say goodbye to beautiful underwear, but that would be a big mistake! Before diving into the world of sweatpants and pajamas, wear underwear. This is a great way to feel attractive during pregnancy!

Like clothing, it must be made of materials that are pleasant to the body! Most of the lingerie is made from silk, satin and lace, so you will feel feminine and confident.

When you are pregnant and rejoice that your child will soon be born, you should not be ashamed of your body. Of course, your body will change, you will gain weight, but this is not a problem, it should not stop you from feeling like a beautiful woman!

Love your body and take all the changes that are happening to you for granted, and don't let anyone stop you (other than safety, of course) from feeling attractive during pregnancy. You deserve to be beautiful, desirable and in a good mood!

Every woman wants to look good during pregnancy and after childbirth. But, alas, very often many expectant mothers have a pregnancy with complications, painful and painful. And here it is far from "beauty" and constant dusting of the nose.

But, nevertheless, you need to want and think about how to look more beautiful in this albeit difficult, but such a wonderful period for each of the female representatives. With this you will please your other half, because for him now you are both a future mother and a beloved woman in one person, and if you look 100%, he will constantly admire you. To do this, you need to follow a number of simple and uncomplicated rules.

So how do you look good during pregnancy?

1. 8-9 hour night sleep. It is the night one! During pregnancy, my friend slept almost all day, and then at night she suffered from insomnia, read books, spent nights at the computer. Then, after giving birth, she wondered why her miracle, her daughter completely refuses to sleep at night. I, laughing, said that she was all like a mother, but at that time my friend was no longer laughing, and she could not accustom her daughter to the correct regime, realizing that she was wrong.

2. Walking in the fresh air. It is fresh! We're not talking about shops now. You should try to walk away from roads, in parks, near water bodies. Such walks are beneficial not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

3. proper nutrition. Proper nutrition will help not only the expectant mother to look good during pregnancy, but also to any person, therefore, I think you have thought about this for a long time and try to consume only the necessary and healthy foods.

4. I am an adherent of the fact that during pregnancy (and not only) you need to try to exclude the effects of chemicals on the skin. But, at the same time, you should not completely abandon skin care, all the more you can use folk methods of care. Which ones? I will talk about this in the next article)))

5.Tune yourself to the positive, not think about the bad, listen to good music, watch positive films, surround yourself with beautiful things - observing this lifestyle during, before and after pregnancy, you can not think about how to look good, because you will beautiful and you will radiate beauty.

The long-awaited article on maternity style and wardrobe. :-)

Dear girls, as a mother of two children, I tried to tell you in detail about the features of the wardrobe for this wonderful period.

I hope you enjoy the article and find it useful!

How to dress during pregnancy?

A woman waiting for a baby is especially beautiful. It is during this period that the qualities that are inherent in us by nature are especially vividly revealed. Femininity, charm, universal love overwhelm us. Of course, at this time we are faced with certain difficulties. One of these difficulties is our wardrobe, when we realize that most of the clothes with each month of pregnancy cease to fit us.

In this article, I’ll show you how to stay stylish during your “fun” period, as well as give practical advice on building a functional wardrobe that will work for you even after your baby is born.

Wardrobe during pregnancy


When shaping your wardrobe, give preference to basic things. Choose a color rather than an elaborate and decorative cut. Things sewn in a straight line sit on any figure, but different "complexities" do not interact well with volumes and curves. And the volumes and curves over the course of 9 months, as you understand, will only increase :)

Your figure will change noticeably during pregnancy, so it is better to decorate it with clothes made from high-quality natural fabrics of a laconic cut. This will make you feel comfortable.

And the color will help diversify your wardrobe and, accordingly, make the image interesting.


Also, in the last few seasons, things with a straight cut and oversize are in fashion. Wearing these clothes will make you look good before and!

You can buy such things at any clothing store. You don't even need to shop in maternity stores, which are famous for their unattractive assortment. Just stop paying attention to the fitted things and see what a really large selection of clothes for this period you will find in the most ordinary and familiar stores!


From brands like ASOS, ZARA, H&M and many more, including specialized ones, you will find skirts and trousers with an elastic waistband that will conform to the shape of your rounded tummy. It is very convenient!

Avoid clothing made from heavy, non-stretch fabrics. Since your body size is changing rapidly now, such clothes are more likely to find a place for themselves on one of the shelves in your wardrobe marked "until better times" than in one of your looks.


When choosing things of a straight cut, you should not overdo it and choose too shapeless clothes. Remember, the more you want to hide your pregnancy under oversized clothing, the larger you will look in it.

If you still want to hide your "interesting position", then in the early stages of pregnancy, a few simple techniques will help you with this.

Look for blouses and knitwear that don't flatter the waist. There are sooooo many such clothes in all brands. Just choose stores of the usual price range or search for the necessary items online.

A straight cut blazer or vest will help hide the hint of the tummy.

Wearing fitted jackets of an outdated style, you run the risk of feeling uncomfortable and can give out your position by emphasizing a rounded waist.

Please note that for reliability, you can release the top over a skirt or trousers, i.e. do not fill it, and throw on top of a blazer or vest.

Straight cut dresses (cocoon or tube) also perfectly mask the first signs of a wonderful position.


Another important point that is relevant for many is to wear or not to wear tight-fitting things during pregnancy. If you look at the world stars, then during pregnancy they actively wear tight-fitting things, wanting to emphasize their rounded tummy.

We believe that tight-fitting clothes are suitable for slender girls who have not gained excess weight during pregnancy. Only in this case, the knitted sheath dress will look beautiful on you, and you will inform the whole world about the upcoming event in your life, not forgetting about the sense of style.


During pregnancy, you should also pay special attention to shoes. Everything is very individual! Someone runs on stiletto heels to the maternity hospital, and someone has swelling and "hello" ugg boots and ballet flats are 2 sizes larger.

From a purely medical point of view, go for low-heeled or flat shoes and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Fortunately, "" is in vogue right now. Sneakers, sneakers, loafers, boots - you can definitely choose a stylish and relevant option.


Don't forget about dresses. During this period, a knitted wrap dress that you can wear after pregnancy is perfect for you, as well as a dress with a high waist and a loose fit.

A jersey or cashmere sweater dress is another practical piece that you can wear throughout your pregnancy. And, of course, a cocoon dress! In such options, you will be very comfortable.


If in the office a dress code and a sweater dress are not an option, then, again, straight-cut blouses or draped blouses, slightly loose shirts, comfortable skirts and trousers with an elastic belt will come to your aid (it will not be visible under the top ), plain knitwear, blazers, cocoon dresses and wraparound dresses.

If you find it difficult to find blouses or dresses with sleeves, then you can always throw a loose cardigan over your shoulders!

For important meetings, you can wear low-heeled pumps, and you can store a pair of comfortable shoes under the table. :-)


In the cold season, an elongated down jacket will warm you. Choose the correct size depending on the length of your pregnancy and your volume. A soft cashmere coat, wrap-around model, is also perfect for you.

The modern abundance of information about pregnancy persistently convinces us that any woman during pregnancy only becomes more beautiful and attractive, that the birth of a new life inside transforms her, a woman begins to radiate inner light and special spirituality and, as a result, she looks better. However, sometimes it seems that such a romantic look is presented by a person who knows about pregnancy rather superficially and has not come across it closely or deliberately keeps silent about the trials awaiting the expectant mother. Today we are going to talk about how to look good while pregnant.

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Photo Gallery: How to Look Good Being Pregnant

So, during pregnancy, in addition to various kinds of physical ailments (early toxicosis, late toxicosis, nausea, dizziness, edema, constipation, significant weight gain, numbness of the limbs, etc.), a woman experiences discomfort associated with her appearance: fragility increases nails, teeth are destroyed, the condition of hair and skin deteriorates, acne and rashes, age spots, especially on the face (the so-called "mask of pregnant women") may appear. A blurry figure can present surprises in the form of skin stretch marks (stretch marks) both on the abdomen and on the chest, which can only be eliminated later with the help of a specialist. And the very shape of the breast changes noticeably. Consider the possible steps a mom-to-be can take to minimize the unpleasant effects of such surprises.


For growing breasts, oppression and discomfort are unacceptable, and primarily in the interests of health. You will have to put aside all unsuitable bras (no matter how beautiful and exclusive they are) on the far shelf to wait for the end of the feeding period and get a couple of simple cotton ones, but comfortable and not constraining the breast (preferably without pits). Change them as your breasts grow, if necessary. Cotton - because in some cases, during pregnancy, intolerance to artificial materials is manifested. Because the breasts are full and heavy, to maintain its shape it is not recommended to take off the bra before going to bed. To maintain the health of the breasts and prepare for the upcoming feeding, it is necessary to wash the breasts daily with warm water and soap and wipe the nipples with a hard towel. Such "hardening" for the nipples in the future will help to transfer the feeding process more easily and avoid cracking. Modern cosmetology offers special moisturizing creams and gels for breasts that prevent stretch marks. You should not neglect such proposals - specialized cosmetic companies that have been working in the field of motherhood and childhood for more than one year can significantly alleviate the suffering of both future and established mothers.


It is almost impossible to prevent the appearance of pigmentation during pregnancy, because this process takes place at the hormonal level, but its manifestation can be reduced. It is necessary to use cosmetic creams with special sun protection and not to abuse the sun exposure in principle. The appearance of rashes and pimples is often associated with the cosmetics used. Despite the fact that you may have been using the same brand for more than one year, and it has already proven its effectiveness, do not forget that hormonal changes are taking place and in the new system of active growth some components of the cream you are used to may well be rejected by the body as inappropriate. To achieve improvement, you can try another type of care, but if no creams help, resort to natural grandmother's remedies. An excellent substitute for moisturizing cream can be a natural oil such as olive oil. However, there is no indication to give up cosmetics altogether. Just when choosing it, you should be more critical and exclude cosmetics containing components that can cause allergic reactions.


The destruction of the teeth, as well as the nails of the expectant mother, is associated with the active formation and strengthening of the skeleton of the future baby throughout pregnancy, in connection with which he literally "pulls" calcium out of the woman's body. If it is not replenished in the required quantities, this will affect the body of both the child and the mother. Thus, only superficial care - brushing teeth and strengthening nails with the help of special oils and other manicure products - will not solve the problem. It is necessary to systematically take calcium supplements in order to replenish its reserves in the body and satisfy the baby's need for it. Often calcium is included in vitamin complexes for pregnant women, but if the problem persists, you need to check what is the dose of calcium in the vitamin complex that you are taking and how much it satisfies your daily calcium needs with your baby. Of course, your doctor will give recommendations in this matter.


Most of the questions arise among pregnant women about the changing figure. Will she be able to become the same after giving birth? The answer is that it can, only for this it is necessary to make some efforts, both during pregnancy and after the birth of the child. A growing belly, like a growing breast, mercilessly stretches the skin and to prevent the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks), it is recommended to systematically moisturize the skin of the abdomen. It is better to use for this, again, specialized creams containing special components, the action of which is directly aimed at increasing the elasticity of the skin. After the sixth month of pregnancy, when all the baby's vital organs are already formed, the belly goes into active growth. By the eighth month, it exerts a serious physical stress on the entire body of the mother. To improve health, reduce stress and prevent sagging of the abdomen, it is recommended to wear a special belt - a bandage. Bandages are available for prenatal, postpartum and universal. Clothing will certainly help to hide the changing forms. However, no matter how much you want to look smaller than your size, you should not wear dragging things, this can significantly damage the developing fetus and your health as well. Clothes should never be tight or uncomfortable. Modern fashionable models for pregnant women, combined with the competent use of accessories, will plunge you into the new world of pregnancy, cheer you up and help you forget about ailments. The same goes for shoes. And of course, to maintain good health and physical health, no one has canceled sports exercises. Only it is with physical exercises that you need to be especially careful and try to approach this issue competently, because your workout will now look very different. Much of what you used to do in a normal state can now be unacceptable and even dangerous. Therefore, to maintain physical activity, outdoor walks and special exercises for pregnant women are recommended. Regular exercises, the exercises of which are adapted for each stage of pregnancy, will help to keep your muscle mass in shape, strengthen your back and legs (they bear the greatest load during pregnancy), and avoid congestion and swelling. Like any physical activity, gymnastics stimulates blood circulation and, in this case, oxygenation of the fetus.

Waiting for a baby is a special time. Despite all the changes in the body, it is important for women to look beautiful. Fortunately, modern maternity fashion allows you to show your style. Let's figure out what to wear for pregnant women in the spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons.

The main requirement for things for expectant mothers, in addition to an attractive appearance, is convenience. Clothes should be made of natural fabrics, under no circumstances should they be crushed. In the cold season, it will warm and hide the tummy of a maternity coat.

Summer calls for lighter outfits.

It is important for women in a position to decide what they are striving for - to emphasize or hide the belly. With this in mind, the style is chosen. Although, you should not limit yourself in the choice of kits.


For many, jeans remain their favorite clothes. The expectation of a child is not a reason to refuse them, as the photos show. Maternity fashion offers options with a special knitted insert. do not lose their relevance. But due to the peculiarities of the organism at this time, they may not be very convenient. Then it is better to pay attention to options with medium-width legs or even flared legs.

Bright accessories, a deep neckline will help divert attention from the tummy.

Jackets & Blazers

For working expectant mothers, do not forget that in their free time a basic denim jacket will add ease.


If the question arises of how to dress for pregnant women, then you can choose a cute and at the same time feminine option -. This is perfectly visible in the photo. It can be denim or other fabrics. Summer allows fashionable shorts to be worn, other times shorts are replaced with long legs. Delicate blouses add romance to the look. A jumpsuit with a tight top also looks good.

Clothes for summer and winter

Summer is a hot time. A coat for pregnant women at this time is not relevant, it's time to pick up a jumpsuit, and for a beach holiday - a swimsuit. Tankini models are especially popular, which allow you to hide your stomach from the harmful effects of sunlight. The tankini swimsuit is separate, the upper part is made in the form of a T-shirt or top. Floral prints, animalistic, various stripes look beautiful. You can choose a tankini swimsuit if you look at the photo.

Fashion for pregnant women fall-winter will help you look stylish in the cold season. For example, a sweater would work.
A long, oversized sweater looks good with or with wide leg jeans, especially when tucked in. But there are translucent options that are suitable for the summer.

Outerwear is indispensable. Coats for pregnant women will emphasize femininity and visually add harmony, and a loose cut will allow you to wear them after childbirth.

Many models will look good with a belt in the future.

Prints, decor, shoes

Maternity kits are varied, and it will not be difficult for any of the women to find their own style, focusing on the photo. It can be casual, discreet clothing, such as a jumpsuit, and sophisticated evening wear. Special attention should be paid to drawings and decor on things.

The sophisticated decor in the form of flounces, soft folds, ruffles allows women to look especially attractive. Beautiful drapery is able to hide voluminous forms, which is important for overweight women of fashion. In this way, even a coat for pregnant women or a tankini swimsuit can be decorated, but more often such solutions are used for evening ensembles.

Shoes complete any look. While celebrities are almost always in high heels in their photos, in everyday life this is often uncomfortable. Therefore, ballet flats, sandals for the summer are the most practical and fashionable options. In autumn and winter, you can wear, for example, boots on a low run.

The style of the beauties in the position depends on their preferences. For some, comfort is important first of all, other girls try to emphasize their forms. Fashionable summer or winter wear will make you look beautiful in any situation, be it a playful denim jumpsuit for every day or a tankini swimsuit for going to the beach.