What is the optimal room temperature for a newborn. The correct temperature and humidity in the room for a newborn: we create an optimal climate regime

Air humidity in an apartment for a child: standards according to GOST and the consequences of deviating from them, recommendations of pediatricians

Air humidity in an apartment for a child: standards according to GOST and the consequences of deviating from them, recommendations of pediatricians

Microclimate in the room is determined parameters air. Temperature and relative humidity are the main indicators comfort for the life and healthy development of the child.

For preschool institutions GOST 30494-2011 determines the optimal temperature norms from 18 before 22 ° C in the cold season and 22-24 ° C in warm. Relative humidity according to standard tables in winter should be 30-40% , in the summer 30-60% .

State standards provide for microclimate norms specifically for kindergartens. At home control of the air condition in the child's room must be carried out constantly in order to create favorable conditions for his development, to exclude violation of water balance, to prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases.

Optimal temperature and humidity in the nursery

A feature of a growing child's body is fast metabolism, which is accompanied by increased heat generation. Moreover, the process thermoregulation carried out through the lungs or skin. A person inhales air at room temperature, and exhales heated to body temperature and humidified to 100% .

If the air in the room not enough cool and humid, then heat dissipation slows down and the baby starts to sweat. And since the reserves of water and salt in the baby's body are limited, dehydration can come very quickly.

Optimum temperature range for a child's room ranges from 18 to 20 ° C... the indicator in 50-70% ... During the daytime during air procedures, the temperature in the room can rise to 20-21 ° C, and during night sleep should not exceed 18-19 ° C.

Airing the room should be carried out several times a day and be sure before bedtime baby. In this case, the window must be opened to 5-10 minutes.

This microclimate contributes to healthy development child, normal metabolic processes, good mood and appetite. Unnecessarily Warm and dry air can cause dryness of mucous membranes, crusting in the nose, shortness of breath, and coughing.

Excessive sweating and as a result, dehydration of the body threatens with poor digestion, constipation, and blood clots.

How to measure humidity in a nursery?

You can determine the level of humidity in the apartment, including in the nursery, using psychrometric hygrometer... Its usually hang on the wall in the nursery. On the body of the device there are two thermometer and table determination of relative humidity.

One thermometer shows real temperature in the room (you can find out about its optimal readings). The tip of the other thermometer is permanently wrapped moisturized strip of fabric. The difference between the temperature values ​​is determined accurate relative humidity indicator.

Modern electronic hygrometers have a small body, they can be installed on or carried to other rooms. The device displays the temperature and humidity values ​​in the room, additionally they can display time and barometric pressure.

Some devices equipped with memory function and can record changes in readings over a certain period of time.

Hygrometer must always be in the children's room. The accuracy of the readings of the device will not replace any approximate calculations using improvised means. Optimal microclimate parameters are very important for the normal development of the child.

What if the room is damp?

Excessive humidity in the baby's room is as unfavorable as excessive dryness... Too humidified air significantly lowers the room temperature.

Hypothermia a child in a damp room is threatened with frequent colds diseases that begin with rhinitis. If you do not take action normalization humidity in the room, then a chronic rhinitis can develop into sinusitis.

Constant dampness causes the development of fungal microorganisms on furniture.

Toxic spores with the air enter the lungs and esophagus of a fragile child's body. Hence the occurrence of allergic reactions, general intoxication, mycoses of internal organs. With dampness and excess air humidity, it is necessary fight by all available means.

How to normalize (lower) the humidity level?

To be in a child's room, you need to find out the reason raising it. To identify source of dampness in the house, you need to attach a shard of glass to the outer wall of the room. If between the glass and the wall appears condensate, which means that moisture enters the room from the outside.

Insulate outdoor structures are better with material with good vapor permeability, for example, (read about how to insulate the walls in an apartment). They additionally increase the number heating devices.

With a periodic increase in the level of humidity as preventive measures you can use the general recommendations:

  • Full airing the room three times per day;
  • Insulation of a window opening;
  • Elimination of leaks through the seams and overlaps of the external structures of the house;
  • Installation oil cooler with insufficient temperature conditions;
  • Thermal insulation of niches behind heating devices;
  • Installation moisture absorbers with absorbent material;
  • Usage household dehumidifiers.

Advice: to achieve the goal (normalization of the humidity level), all or some of the listed methods of lowering the humidity level are used. The main thing is not to overdo it and to continuously monitor the microclimate in the child's room.

We create a comfortable microclimate in the nursery

In winter when the humidity of the outside air decreases naturally, the level of humidification of the indoor air sharp decreases due to the operation of the central heating system.

Dry hot air is not suitable for a room where a child is for a long time.

So ? To create a favorable microclimate in the nursery necessary:

  • Open windows three times a day for 10-15 minutes;
  • Conduct thorough wet cleaning in the morning and in the evening;
  • Dilute on the windowsill mini greenhouse;
  • To arrange open water tanks: vases, aquariums, in places inaccessible to the child;
  • Hang up decorative containers for water evaporation on heating devices;
  • Use household humidifiers air.

Installing a household humidifier will help quickly cope with excessive dryness of the air. Modern devices of the nozzle or membrane type are equipped with a system for regulating the intensity of moisture spraying and are automatically turned off when the humidity in the room rises. Ultrasonic humidifier works quietly and safely, so it is convenient to use it in the baby's room.

What do the doctor's say?

According to children's doctors, it is better "Overmoisten" indoor air than dry it out. When breathing, the child gives up a certain amount of water from the body to humidify the exhaled air. Therefore, the drier the air in the room, the more water the child loses.

At water imbalance, the baby experiences discomfort, becomes restless, as he is constantly thirsty. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat dry out, breathing becomes difficult, which makes it difficult to eat normally.

Having studied the experience of many generations, pediatricians have come to conclusion that it is not worth keeping the child in greenhouse conditions. Air in the nursery it should be fresh, moist and moderately warm. With intensive metabolic processes in a growing body, such conditions will be optimal for strengthening the health and normal development of the baby.

Fluctuations in the level of humidity and temperature in the nursery negatively affect the well-being and vital signs of the baby. Therefore, in the child's room, it is necessary support air parameters at a constant level.

To do this, carry out a regular microclimate control children's room with a hygrometer. With minor deviations from the norm, a number of preventive measures are taken to improve the situation.

From the following video You will learn about the humidity in the apartment for a child:

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With the birth of a baby, any mother cares deeply about creating optimal conditions for him, in which the child will feel most favorable. This applies not only to appropriate newborn care, but also to the environment. For a child, it is not so important what color he sleeps on or from a bottle of which brand he drinks milk. Much more important is the temperature in the room of a newborn baby. After all, this directly affects the condition, well-being and even the mood of the baby. Mom important monitor the maintenance of optimal temperature and humidity in the room.

Optimal room temperature for babies

Pediatricians advise keeping the temperature between 18-22 degrees. It is at this temperature that the child feels normal, and his development proceeds in more natural conditions.

In winter it is rather difficult to control the indicated temperature due to the beginning of the heating season. But you need to take care that the temperature in the room does not exceed 23 degrees .

Particular attention should be paid to maintaining a normal room temperature while the child is sleeping.... In a room that is too hot, as well as in a cold one, the child will sleep restlessly, wake up often, and be capricious. Parents should be at the right temperature for their baby to sleep comfortably. The air temperature in the room where the baby sleeps should be no more than 22 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child: one will sleep well even at 18 degrees, while the other will freeze at this temperature. Therefore, mothers should track at what temperature their child sleeps better.

To track the room temperature, place the thermometer close to the crib!

The canopy is small, but obstructs air flow and collects dust

It is also advisable to abandon the use of canopies and sides that adorn the baby's crib. Besides the fact that these things collect dust quickly, they also interfere with normal air circulation.

Another important point is the appropriate room temperature while bathing the child. Many parents believe that the room temperature should be slightly higher than normal when the baby is bathing. But this is far from the case.

If the bathing takes place at a higher air temperature in the room, then the baby will freeze after bathing in the already familiar conditions.

Therefore, if you are going to bathe your child, you do not need to specially raise the temperature in the room. It is enough to hold the baby in a warm towel for a while after bathing. Parents who try to teach their child from infancy to, on the contrary, after bathing for several minutes, are satisfied.

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Thus, the optimal temperature in the newborn's room should be constant. There is no need to specially warm up the room for sleeping or bathing the baby.

It should be borne in mind that these room temperature parameters are indicated for healthy, term-born children. If the child was born prematurely, he needs special conditions.... In particular, the air temperature in the room should be 24-25 degrees ... This is due to the insufficient level of their own thermoregulation in premature babies.

What is the danger of overheating or hypothermia

Scientists have long noticed that overheating of a newborn is much worse than hypothermia... The metabolic processes that occur in a newborn at a faster rate than in an adult lead to the accumulation of heat in the body. Getting rid of excess heat occurs during breathing and through the skin. If the room temperature is high enough, the process of giving off heat through breathing becomes somewhat more difficult. And the second heat transfer mechanism begins to work intensively - through the skin through perspiration. The child begins to sweat, blush, he has difficulty breathing, his pulse quickens. The kid can become lethargic, whiny, restless. Troubles such as dermatitis, urticaria, metabolic disorders and thermoregulation may occur. Therefore, it is very important not to exceed the permissible temperature limits in the room where the newborn is.

Hypothermia is no less dangerous. Low temperature conditions can lead to colds, which is fraught with serious complications.

In this regard, it is necessary to maintain the optimal room temperature at which the child will feel more comfortable.

How to maintain the temperature in a room

To achieve the optimal temperature regime, you need to determine which temperature is more acceptable for the child. Every child feels differently even at the same temperature. Determining which room temperature is right for your child is quite simple:

  • The child feels well, sleeps peacefully;
  • The child does not blush, does not sweat;
  • The baby's arms and legs are not cold, the baby is not covered with "goose bumps";
  • Breathing and pulse of the newborn are normal.

If the temperature in the room deviates significantly from the permissible limits, measures must be taken to regulate the temperature regime.

  1. If the room is hot, Then you can regulate the temperature with ventilation or air conditioner. Naturally, the child should not be in the room at the time of airing. It is advisable to take a walk with the baby at this moment. The air conditioner can be installed in the next room or in another part of the room where the child is. The main thing is that the baby does not fall under direct streams of cool air. Hot batteries are recommended to be covered with a thick blanket or blanket.
  2. If the room is cool, then you can achieve the desired temperature using heaters.

Video: temperature and humidity in a newborn's room

If it is impossible to control the temperature in the room

In a situation where it is not possible to control the room temperature, you need to:

  • Give the child more liquid (if the room is hot and stuffy);
  • Dress the baby depending on the room temperature (if it's hot - you can limit yourself only to panties, if it's cool - be sure to wear sliders, warm undershirt, socks);
  • It is wise to approach the bathing process (at an elevated room temperature, you can bathe your baby several times a day).

Air humidity

Homemade humidifier

An equally important indicator is the air humidity in the room where the newborn is. The air in the rooms is often quite dry, especially during the heating season. Therefore, care must be taken to maintain optimal humidity, which should be at least 50%. You can find out about the humidity in the room using a household hygrometer..

Frequent guests in childhood are colds. Imperfect immunity, imperfect defense systems, multiple contacts with carriers of viruses or patients in large children's groups are factors that explain the high susceptibility of children to diseases. In search of the ideal prevention option, parents try all sorts of methods, from simple fortified supplements to such extreme hardening as winter swimming, for example. But few people think that the first steps in solving the problem are extremely simple, cost nothing, and they begin with the correct microclimate in the room where the child is on a daily basis. The optimal temperature for the baby in the room and sufficient air humidity play an important role in reducing the incidence of illness.


Young parents, under the "sensitive" guidance of not such young grandmothers, are zealously trying to protect their baby from colds from the first days of his life. The temperature in the house is 25 degrees, the windows and doors are tightly closed, the child is dressed as "cabbage" and covered with several blankets. Well that's it! Now no virus can get here! Only the effect is, alas, the opposite. And one of the main reasons is that the optimal temperature for the child in the room is not chosen correctly.

The thermoregulatory system of the newborn is not yet fully matured. It can very easily both overcool and overheat. But overheating is much more dangerous for him. In infants, all metabolic processes are much faster and more intense than in adults, so their body produces a lot of heat. It is necessary to get rid of it, and the child has two ways for this.

  • Heat exchange during breathing: inhales air, for example, 20 degrees, exhales, warmed up to a body temperature of 36.6. Some of the heat is thus lost.
  • Through the skin when sweating.

The first option for a baby (and for adults as well) is the main one, since it is the most physiological and harmless. Heat exchange during breathing takes place without hindrance at an air temperature not higher than 22 degrees. Therefore, most pediatricians are inclined to think that the optimal temperature for a child in a room should be between 18-22 degrees. These figures are reached by regulating heating (if possible), and ventilating the room. In the cold season, ventilate 4-5 times a day for 15 minutes. In addition to lowering the temperature, in this way the oxygen saturation of the air is also increased, which is quite important, because the child's need for it is two and a half times higher than that of an adult. And viruses and bacteria are not "friendly" with fresh air. Do not be panicked by the movement of a cool air stream (draft). Unless the child is warmed up, sweating or just from a warm bath.

If too caring mothers considered the best air temperature in the children's room to be above 22 degrees, then they achieved the following results:

  • most of the heat loss occurs through the skin;
  • with then fluid is lost (the child is dehydrated) and salt (loses the necessary trace elements);
  • the delicate and sensitive skin of babies is not ready for such a test, which is manifested by prickly heat and diaper rash;
  • dehydration is accompanied by the accumulation of gas in the intestines, bloating and colic;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract disrupts their protective function, which prevents the penetration and spread of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • mucus in the nose dries up, forming crusts that interfere with breathing, cause snoring in the child and disturb sleep;
  • an insufficient amount of saliva (due to the same dehydration) is accompanied by the onset of thrush.

As you can see, the consequences of overheating for young children are very serious. But hypothermia should also not be tolerated. A newborn cannot yet produce warmth through muscle tremors, so the optimal temperature for a child in a room should not fall below 18 degrees. Prolonged exposure to low temperatures is fraught with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems.


Despite the fact that the mechanisms of thermoregulation in children after a year are more perfect, the above recommendations on the temperature regime remain relevant for them. Unless the upper limit can be safely lowered to 20 degrees. But if a child grew up, say, up to 5 years old in greenhouse conditions (the air temperature is not lower than 25 degrees, not familiar with drafts), then the change in the microclimate in the room should occur gradually. Otherwise, unadapted systems will not cope with the task assigned to them, and the transition to the correct parameters will end with a cold.

Of course, the optimal temperature for the child in the room will not completely protect him from seasonal viral diseases, but it will help to reduce their frequency, facilitate the course and speed up recovery.

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The microclimate in an apartment is determined by many factors. This includes air temperature. The word temperature is of Latin origin and means "normal state." Roughly normal room temperature is scientifically calculated to be 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. But, undoubtedly, the main requirement for it is to be comfortable for the people living in the apartment. In addition, the temperature regime in the house may depend on numerous nuances. It is worth considering them to create a comfortable atmosphere in your home.

Factors influencing the temperature in the apartment

First of all, let's take into account the external factors that affect the temperature in the apartment. So, room temperature may differ due to:

  • General climatic terrain features;
  • Change season;
  • Age and preferences tenants;
  • Features specific premises.

How the amount of allocated energy allocated for heating is measured is explained in this article:

Climatic features

The temperature standard in the room differs for each specific area. So, for example, she will different for northern and southern regions, for east and west. For African countries, it will be one, and for Asian or, for example, European countries, another.

The climate of different countries is different. And the climate is not only about temperature. This concept also includes the humidity in the apartment and outside, as well as atmospheric pressure. The combination of these factors affects the determination of the room temperature norm. As a rule, in hotter countries with high air humidity, the temperature norms for the living quarters are higher than for northern countries with a cold climate.

Change of seasons

Depending on the season, the temperature in the apartment can also vary. For example, in winter it will not be too high, but in summer it will increase accordingly. On average for the European climate, an acceptable temperature in the cold season 19-22 degrees Celsius, and in a roast 22-25. The difference at first glance seems insignificant, but it starts to matter with constant exposure.

Human factor

The main purpose of temperature control in an apartment is to create a comfort zone for people living in it. Someone even in the heat feels comfortable and does not think about buying an air conditioner, while someone even in the cold lives with open windows. However, do not forget that human preferences do not always correspond to the correct temperature regime. Overheating of the room, as well as its excessive hypothermia can be extremely adversely affect human health.

Be sure to take into account the difference in temperature norms for people of different sexes and ages. For example, the comfortable temperature differs for men and women by about by 2-3 degrees. Women are more thermophilic than men.

Particular attention must be paid to the temperature in the apartment where the Small child. For example, a baby has not yet developed thermoregulation of the body, so it is very sensitive to temperature changes, quickly freezes and overheats. Therefore, the temperature in the nursery must be stable. On average, this is 20-23 degrees Celsius.

Temperature for each room

Depending on what functionality this or that room performs in the apartment, the temperature regime changes.

You should also remember that there should not be too much temperature difference in different rooms. A difference of 2-3 degrees is considered ideal, so that, moving around the apartment, a person does not feel the difference.

Temperature norm in the apartment regulated by one of the GOSTs, as well as the rules for the provision of utilities. It is noteworthy that this norm has only a lower temperature threshold of 18 ° C, but it does not have a higher one. That is, the highest standard must be set by themselves, based on their own preferences and focusing on research in this area.

There is also a table that indicates the recommended air temperature in the room for housing, as well as the speed and humidity of the air.

Despite personal preferences, the temperature norm should still be adhered to at least minimally. This is especially true during the periods of summer and winter, when the temperature in the apartment and on the street is radically different. Therefore, going outside and returning home, we constantly exposed to temperature extremes... First of all, it is worth considering that the difference between the air temperature inside the apartment and outside it should not exceed 4-5 degrees. Failure to do this leads to the fact that the body receives a certain stress. Having, for example, cardiac problems can cause a heart attack. Also, non-observance of the temperature regime can lead to overheating or hypothermia of the body. Both conditions have dangerous consequences, about which a few additional words should be said.

Overheating of the body

An excessively hot atmosphere in the apartment creates conditions favorable for the reproduction of all kinds of bacteria. As a result, we get infectious diseases in a seemingly unsuitable hot season for this.

First of all, overheating has a detrimental effect on the heart. In conditions of excessive heat, the human body begins to lose moisture, the blood begins to thicken and, accordingly, the heart work hard to distill blood. This can be a serious problem for people with cardiovascular disease.

Also, overheating of the body is dangerous. dehydration, because, trying to maintain a balance of external and internal heat, we begin to sweat and, accordingly, lose moisture. Without replenishing it from the outside, we get dehydration of the body, which can lead to serious violations of the water-electrolyte balance and the nervous system.

To maintain the optimal temperature in winter, you need to choose high-quality heating radiators:

Hypothermia of the body

Hypothermia, in medicine " hypothermia"Is extremely dangerous for human health. Hypothermia affects the entire human body as a whole and can cause serious illness.

With a decrease in temperature, the body's heat transfer increases, with its prolonged low effect, the body does not have time to compensate for heat loss and maintain a normal temperature. The body temperature is considered to be low. below 36 degrees Celsius.

Overcooling of the body can cause acute respiratory diseases, as well as diseases of the nervous system. Hypothermia is especially dangerous in little children, since their body does not have adult heat transfer and therefore cools down much faster and suffers more from this.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the ambient temperature has a significant impact on human health. She can how to help him conduct hardening of the body, so it can, and vice versa, create conditions for the exacerbation of chronic and the acquisition of new diseases.

That is why you should be careful about maintaining a comfortable temperature in the apartment. It will not be difficult to do this by following the above recommendations.

If we talk about what the optimal temperature in the room for a newborn should be, then I will immediately note: I am against maintaining the temperature regime so persistently recommended by some experts at + 18 ° C. Why? Yes, because babies come to our world from the dark, closed space of the uterus with a temperature of + 36.6 ° C. In the first month of life, babies love warmth very much!

Temperature in the newborn's room. Video.

In my practice, there was such a case ... One family asked for advice, their baby was not gaining weight well. When I came to visit them, I immediately noticed that it was cold at home. Following the advice, the rooms were kept at + 18 ° C. The child did not gain weight because he spent everything he ate to keep warm. The need for warmth in babies must be respected. For example, you should not neglect the bonnets, which modern women do not like so much. Don't forget about socks. You can put them on before swaddling your baby. It won't be superfluous.

Mothers often complain that when they seem to be asleep in their arms, the child is lowered into the crib, he. This happens because from a close warm embrace, the baby suddenly finds himself in a cool space. To prevent such a baby's reaction, warm the bed in advance: put a bottle of hot water or a heating pad there, ask someone close to iron the diaper with an iron. Better yet, another trick works! You need to lie down with the child and after a while crawl out from under it, leaving your bathrobe with the smell of milk as a pledge to the baby, and cover it with a warm blanket. And then, most likely, he will sleep well and soundly. In general, this technique can and should be used. Clothing items left with a child with a mom's scent can work wonders and give their owner more free time.

Returning to the question of the temperature in the room for a newborn, I will say that the child is comfortable at such a temperature at which his parents can easily walk in a T-shirt and shorts. If the apartment is very hot, then the baby can be left simply in a vest and a light diaper. But at room temperature + 23 ° C - + 24 ° C, you need to put on a cap on the baby, put it in a pillow and cover it with a blanket. Don't be afraid you won't notice if it overheats. Overheating gives symptoms very quickly and is easily identified by a sweat. Hypothermia is harder to notice.