What kind of dog's temperature is considered increased. What temperature in dogs is considered normal

It is known that the normal temperature in dogs is the guarantee of the right development and physical activity. It is its indicators that indicate the health and well-being of the animal as a whole. She has no constant indicators, it is individual for each breed. If the body temperature is regulated in the human body, the dogs cannot sweat, since only some breeds have sweat glands, the rest cooled their body with frequent breathing and the outward outward language.

Indicators of normal temperature in dogs can change throughout the day, especially with age. Significant deviations in one direction or another testify to the presence of some disease.

For a healthy animal, the normal temperature should be 37.5 ° -39.3 °. The indicator may vary depending on the physiology, the age of the PSA, the situation where it is located and the breed.

In addition to the dimensions and age, a slight increase in temperature (0.5-1.5 ° C) may be in sultry weather. An animal is looking for a cool place, it is often breathing. Especially hard to transfer large breeds of dogs.

Emotions for dogs play a very important role, for example, when fright, in aggressive state or overexcitation, the temperature can jump. This is the norm of physiology and it should not be frightened.

Important! With a significant deviation of the temperature from the norm, especially with other obviously observed symptoms of the disease, the animal should immediately show the veterinarian.

A certain dependence of the temperature of dogs from breed, age and dimensions was revealed. For example, the little dogs have a slightly higher than adult individuals. This is due to the exchange processes in the body - puppies are faster, therefore, the puppy's body is much warmer in comparison with the adult dog. Moreover, the heartbeat is also higher and ranged from 60 to 120 ° C. If the normal temperature indicator has a healthy dog \u200b\u200bequals 37.5 ° and higher (up to 38.5 ° C), then puppies are about 1 degrees.

Below is a table of average body temperature depending on the age and size of the animal:

But there are individual features that affect the deviation of values \u200b\u200bfrom the norm, they are in each breed and in each particular animal. This is conjugate, for example, with physical exertion, the state of fear, during childbirth or during a female flow.

Timely treatment and diagnosis - the key to successful deliverance even from heavy diseases. That is why monitor changes in temperature and health status is considered the main task of the owner of the dog, if he decided to start it and settle in his house.

Important! If the pet refuses to eat and drink, and the nose was dry, possibly hot, when other signs of malaise are observed, the most correct and correct solution - to measure the body temperature.

For these purposes, you can use the usual medical thermometer: electronic or mercury. The manipulation is not difficult, but still requires the gentle handling of the dog.

Measurements produced by the method of introducing a thermometer into the rectum (rear pass):

  1. At first, the thermometer should be completely reset and lubricate it with a bunch of vaseline.
  2. An animal lays the side, the tail rises slightly, slowly and very neatly the measuring device is introduced deep into the anus, about 2 cm.
  3. The dog at this moment should be absolutely calm, excitement or fright is unacceptable because they can provoke an increase in temperature values. And also, if the dog suddenly jumps, he may injure himself or break the thermometer, so the animal needs to be fixed in the lying position. To calm or as a promotion, it can be given some goodies.
  4. Positive emotions have a positive effect on the animal, so it should be praised before the procedure and after.

The temperature of the mercury thermometer is very uncomfortable because the time is required for this not less than 5 minutes. It is much easier to measure its electronic - it will show the exact result after 1 minute.

Therefore, it is more expedient to purchase an electronic thermometer, especially if the pet is involved in exhibitions or competitions, because such dogs measure the temperature several times a day.

To understand the reasons for increasing the temperature of the body in PSA, you need to know the main features of heat exchange processes. In a calm state, the animal gets the right amount of heat and should give it to the environment.

When it comes to the body much more than he is able to give, then the dog appears a heat that promotes violations in the performance of the body and vitality in it.

Symptoms accompanied by an increase in body temperature values \u200b\u200bin a dog:

  • loss of appetite (full or partial);
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • disorder in the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea);
  • vomiting or frequent urge to it;
  • complete refusal of normal activity;
  • dry nose moss, sometimes it can be hot;
  • appearance of convulsion;
  • wool loss.

Remember! The high temperature of the temperature is only a symptom of some disease, so if it is presented, an animal should be diagnosed for the identification of the disease and the appointment of the correct treatment.

Several basic causes of falling or increasing temperature:

  1. A significant increase in indicators can talk about the development of pyroplasmosis, endometritis (usually in females), when obtaining a heat strike, and so on.
  2. The decrease in value may be evidence of parvivirus enteritis (in young individuals or puppies), the presence of glitstic invasions and so on.

That is why it is very important to know what temperature in the animal. Unfortunately, not every dog \u200b\u200bbreeding understands that a reduced or elevated temperature is only a symptom, the result of the struggle of the pet organism, and not the disease itself.

In such a case, the veterinarian consultation is simply necessary. You can call a specialist in the house or independently deliver pets in a car. When transporting, follow the following rules, if the temperature:

  1. above 40 ° C - the PSA should be less disturbing, if possible, put the cold on the body (ice bag);
  2. 36.5 ° C and below - the dog needs to be wondering, it will make a warm height to the body so that the animal does not hurt.

Regardless of which temperature of the dog (increased or reduced) to engage in self-medication is extremely undesirable. If you bring down a high temperature before visiting a vehicle, then there is a possibility that: first, you can greatly aggravate the condition of the dog, and the disease itself, secondly, it will make it difficult to install the correct diagnosis.

Important! Only after properly performed diagnostics in the veterinary clinic, the installation type of infection, the severity of the disease and the appointment of therapy can be proceeded with the drug treatment for the veterinarian's prescription.

The owner of the sick dog can independently try to slightly knock down a high temperature to alleviate the well-being of a pet, before the start of full-scale treatment. These simple actions will help avoid the dehydration of the animal organism at elevated temperature:

  • ventilate the room;
  • cool the room at least 2 ° C;
  • curtain windows with a dense cloth or corders in order to protect it from sunlight;
  • wet the usual fabric in cool water and attach to the PSA tummy;
  • put a bowl with cold water near him, by changing it regularly.

Medical methods should be used exclusively in emergency cases when the temperature value is much higher and exceeds 40.5 ° C:

  1. An effective antipyretic means is the injection. Injection should consist of: 2 ml of analgin solution, 1 ml of no-shui in liquid form and 0.5 ml of diphrol. Inject injection intramuscularly.
  2. If the injection is not possible, it is possible to give a PSU 0.2 tablets (this is one fifth): analgin, paracetamol, diphedrol or suprastin. Any of the listed means is able to knock down a high temperature. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage, because it is very dangerous for the health of the animal.
  3. What method of treating puppies? To reduce the heat, the Malta should give children's drugs. The means intended for adults is strictly forbidden to give puppies.

It is best to use drugs specially designed for dogs, for example: vedaprofen. (quadrisol) and Karprofen.(Rimadil). These medicines are safe for animals, in contrast to most of the analogues used in the treatment of a person.

Even in the case when it managed to cope with heat, you don't need to calm myself, you should certainly show the dog by a specialist veterinarian to clarify the reasons for what happened.

Today, many families live pets, and dogs are no exception. Most importantly - do not forget to provide them with proper care and comfortable conditions for living.

Many pet owners are interested in how to understand that their pet is sick and needs the help of a qualified physician. What is the normal temperature of dogs? How to measure its ps? What if the obtained values \u200b\u200bare far from the optimal indicators? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

How to determine?

What is the temperature of the dog considered normal? It may vary depending on the breed and be in the range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. There are certain patterns that relate to the age of an animal and its size. For adult dogs of large breeds, indicators from 37.4 to 38.3 degrees are considered normal, for the average - 37.5-39, for small - 38.5-39 degrees. For puppies, the temperature will be slightly different. In large breeds, it can be in the range from 38.2 to 39, at the average - from 38.3 to 39.1, in small - from 38.6 to 39.3.

When to pay attention?

Measuring temperature in a pet must be carried out in the event of the following symptoms:

  • refusal of water and food;
  • language and mucous membranes;
  • dry and warm nose;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • cramps.

It is important.


What should I use for this purpose? A mercury or electronic thermometer is usually applied. The latter use is much easier, and the temperature measurement process itself takes less time - approximately half a minute. The thermometer must be individual. After all manipulations, it must be disinfected. Also should be thoroughly washed and handled hands with disinfecting.


Before measuring the temperature, the PSA needs to perform several simple operations. First, the thermometer needs to be disinfected and lubricated with vaseline or children's cream. Then the dog should be put on the side. You can measure the temperature and in a standing position if the animal calmly reacts to manipulations. Tail Lift for the base and insert the thermometer into the rectum. The depth of administration should be not more than 2 cm. After that, a certain period of time leaves (if it comes to an electronic thermometer - until the audio signal occurs). Then carefully pull out the device. If you did everything right, then no discomfort at the pet will arise.

To facilitate the procedure, you can use several simple tips:

  1. Animal is better at an early age to teach the temperature measurement. Then this process will not cause much hassle.
  2. You can sue the animal stand calm.
  3. During the procedure, the main thing is not to be afraid and behave naturally and calmly.
  4. After performing this process, the pet must be encouraged by some good.

Causes of heat appearance

The temperature of a healthy dog \u200b\u200bcan increase with exercise, fright, emotional shock. Also, heat occurs as a result of the reaction to the vaccination, with various diseases and inflammatory processes in the body. At SUK for one day before delivery, there may be a decrease in this indicator for 1-2 degrees.

What if the dog had a temperature rose? This can occur not only as a result of physical and psychological factors. The temperature in the animal may be a sign of serious illness. The heat is observed in such terrible infections as piroplasmosis, diarrhea, Chumka. In addition, similar symptoms can cause and poisoning with rat poison. If you excluded the influence of external factors, then you should immediately contact the veterinarian. A specialist will be able to conduct a primary inspection, diagnose one or another disease in a dog and prescribe treatment. In the event of an increase in the temperature above 40 degrees, it is necessary to immediately refer to the veterinarian. If the reasons for the heat are associated with natural physiological processes, such as teething, you can give an animal one crushed tablet "Analgin". In the absence of a result, in the case of the application of this method, you can try to introduce the PSU intramuscularly mixture "but-shop", "analgin" and "diphrol".

With a sharp drop in temperature, if it is not related to childbirth, the pet must be warm up using a warm blanket or heating. An animal must be accidentally taken to a veterinarian or cause a vet to the house.

Temperature in dogs before childbirth

It is especially important to observe the condition of pregnant bitches. For 12-24 hours, the temperature of the dog before childbirth may drop by 1-2 degrees and fall below the mark of 37 degrees. For this reason, animals in such a state it is recommended to measure this indicator twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Directly during childbirth, the animal can begin the heat. If you carefully watch the status of a dog, then do not miss the beginning of the birth. The main thing is not to fuss. Bitch can start whining, worry, often breathe.

Temperature before and after delivery is the main indicator of the status of a dog. Upon approaching the moment of the appearance of puppies, it is necessary to regularly take measurements. If a veterinarian will be present during childbirth, be sure to inform him of this information. The normal temperature in large dogs before the start of this process is approximately 37.4-36.6 degrees. Try closer to 60 day not to leave a dog one. In the first stage of labor appear bout. At this time, there is a stalk when walking, shortness of breath, rejection of food, vomiting. It lasts this stage for about 12 hours. Throughout the time, try to monitor the temperature of the animal. If it remains slightly below the norm, then everything goes fine.

Difference temperature in large and small dogs

Representatives of various breeds, basic vital indicators may differ. To determine their individual values \u200b\u200bfrom your pet, it is necessary to regularly carry out measurements. What is the temperature of the dog considered normal? For an adult animal, the optimal values \u200b\u200bare from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees.

For a puppy, a value of 39 degrees is considered to be. The breed of the animal also affects. The more dog, the more colder. Normal temperatures in small breed dogs ranges from 38.5 to 39 degrees.

Dog's heat: What to do?

Many owners want to know how to help their favorite with increasing body temperature. First it is necessary to determine what caused. It is best to start with an inspection of an animal. Pay attention to the behavior of the dog. Aggression, fright or nervous excelography can affect the temperature. In dry and warm weather, a pet can experience discomfort. Poor tolerate the heat of dogs aged and representatives of large breeds. A value up to 39 degrees is a normal temperature in an adult dog. But it should be borne in mind that everything can be determined by individual animal features.


If you decide to carry your pet at the exhibition, then you will definitely know how to measure the temperature of the dog. In this case, you will need to conduct a special schedule. If with regular dimensions you suddenly detect the deviation from the norm, try to establish the cause. A significant decrease or increase in temperature may be associated with a pet disease. In this case, it is necessary to visit the vet Cabinet or call a specialist at home. Control over this basic vital indicator should also be conducted in pregnant women.

Another case, when a constant temperature measurement is required, is the period before and after vaccinations. In this situation, attention should be paid to such factors as an increase in thirst, refusal of food, pallor of mucous membranes, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions.

Some owners think that the normal temperature in dogs can be determined by touching the nose. However, whether it is cold or hot, it is not at all an indicator. To find out the temperature, you need to take it. If the dog is sick, the results should be fixed in the morning and in the evening.

Dog's temperature: what does it mean?

If you notice the heat from your pet, it does not mean that he fell ill. Temperature in dogs can grow for a short time in warm weather or as a result of intensive load. In addition, heat may be associated with fright and excitement. At the bitch, the temperature increase is observed during the period. However, a smooth growth of 1-2 degrees should cause alertness, but with raising to 40, emergency measures can be taken. Causes can be different, starting with a thermal impact and ending with serious diseases of the type of pyroplasmosis and endometritis. Puppies have a heat may arise due to teething. Often, the temperature grows and with inflammation of the joints. Low indicators may be with such a littleness, as in some cases, the decrease in body temperature may be due to the transferred operation. When such symptoms appear, the dog should be wrapped. On the status of the animal, you must inform the veterinarian.

What to do when the temperature appears?

In the event of a dog, there are such symptoms such as lethargy, refusal of food, frequent urge to urinate, should be immediately determined whether the animal has a heat. It should be borne in mind that in some cases it arises in quite natural reasons. It is believed that 39.3 is the normal temperature of dogs that have recently survived childbirth. After the appearance of the puppies, first time must be monitored for the state of the animal. With a significant increase in temperature, the appearance of seals in lactic glands and highlights immediately refer to the veterinarian. Perhaps the heat is caused by mastitis or inflammation of the uterus.

If you are faced with the appearance of the heat at the PSA, then you will definitely note that this is a clear symptom of some internal problems in the body of the animal. Many are interested in what to give a dog from temperature. It is worth remembering that, removing the heat, you do not solve the main problem. In no case do not care, and carry the animal to the veterinarian. Only in the case of a rapid deterioration of the state of the PSA can be resorted to the methods of emergency decrease in temperature. Looking forward to the doctor, you can give analgin animal. But in no case are not potent drugs.

If the high temperature is associated with the teething of teeth or stress, then you can try to make the injection of "analgin", "Dimedrol" and "but-shta". When using other preparations, removing the heat, you can get a lubricated clinical picture. In this case, the doctor will be difficult to diagnose. The treatment prescribed by the veterinarian needs to be strictly observed. Almost impossible to cancel drugs at their discretion.


Significant changes in temperature in dogs can be caused by such diseases as the plague, endometritis, enteritis and piroplasmosis. The heat is the consequence of serious wounds, allergic reactions and vaccinations. Normal temperatures in dogs of small rocks may vary from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. As a rule, it is determined by age, breed and individual features of the animal. The attentive owner can always determine that the dog is not in order. With such symptoms as lethargy, the absence of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, be sure to measure the temperature. To carry out this procedure, you can use both a conventional mercury thermometer and a modern electronic thermometer.

If you decide to make a dog, do not forget that you are responsible for her health. Therefore, try to provide all the conditions for the carefree pet residence.

There is nothing worse when the pet is sick. After all, it cannot tell about his symptoms, cannot complain and show where it hurts. Therefore, the owners are very important to carefully watch their favorite and celebrate everything unusual in his behavior. In this article we will talk about high temperatures, signs and reasons for its appearance, as well as how to knock down the high temperature in the dog.

How to understand that the PSA has a high temperature

Normally, the temperature of the dog is 37-39 degrees. And puppies have a slightly higher temperature than adult dogs. In the pits of large breeds the body temperature is lower than their small fellow. Also, the body temperature depends on the time of year - in the summer it is higher than in winter.

Many mistakenly believe that the body temperature can be determined on the nose of the animal. This is not true. Nuh the dog works better if the nose is wet. Therefore, the dog often licks him. And when the dog sleeps, she doesn't need herch, at the moment it is more reluced by rumor. Therefore, the nose becomes dry. It is for this reason that it is impossible to make a conclusion about elevated temperatures only on the nose. But how to understand that the dog has a high temperature? What signs should the master alert?

  1. If the dog is looking for a cold place in the house. It can be wet rag on the threshold, tiled floor in the toilet, basement. The dog is trying to independently reduce body temperature.
  2. If the dog drinks a lot. At temperature, the body burns and to fill the loss of fluid, the dog is trying to drink a lot.
  3. Changes the condition of the dog. She becomes sluggish, her appetite disappears, refuses games, trying to retire. When a pet behaves exactly that, you need to understand why this happens.
  4. Take your dog. At high temperatures, its nose and ears become unusual hot. The heart beats rapidly, and the breath becomes frequent.
  5. And the most faithful way to determine the temperature is its measurement. To do this, it is necessary to place the tip of the degree in the anal opening of the animal and wait a bit. It is best to use an electronic thermometer - it acts faster and makes the sound at the end of the measurement. If the body temperature of the animal is 40-41 degrees, you need to urgently take action.

Causes of body temperature increase in dog

As is known, the body temperature in humans and animals increases due to a thermal impact. It can happen in the hot season when the dog played the sun for a long time or simply overheated. In dogs it happens quite often and does not require much treatment. You just need to drink a dog and leave it in a cool place.

Another frequent reason for increasing the temperature of dogs is nervous experiences. If the PSA is in a new home, if he changed the place of residence or host, and also if it is in a crowded and noisy place - this can provoke an increase in temperature. In this case, it is necessary to save the animal from stress and everything will be settled.

Sometimes body temperature can be caused by local inflammation. If the dog has painful injuries or open wounds, they can cause elevated body temperature. It is necessary to treat wounds by antiseptic composition. Sometimes the temperature increases due to the reaction to a particular vaccine. So the first day after vaccination behind the dog needs to be carefully observed.

The most common cause of an increase in the animal is a protective reaction of the body to the virus, bacterium, infection. This means that your favorite fell ill. It is very important to show a dog to a veterinarian who can put the animal diagnosis. Pay attention to other symptoms of the dog. Perhaps he has vomiting or diarrhea, blood in feces or urine.

Most often, the temperature rises at the dog at night, and not to get to the veterinarian in the coming clock. In this case, you need to know how to independently bring the temperature of the dog at home.

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to provide a cool room. If the dog falls into the cool place - do not chase it. In the cold season, open the windows, ventilate the room. In the hot season, the opposite, linger the curtains from the Sun and turn on the air conditioner.
  2. Provide animal free access to clean drinking water. If necessary, disappear the dog with a syringe without a needle.
  3. Use contact cooling techniques. Water towel and cover them back animal. You can also simply moisten the wool of the dog. Wet rags place on the inside of the thighs.
  4. If the temperature of the dog is above 40 degrees, you need to use drugs. Temperatures in dogs are shot down by the same drugs as in adults. To do this, use paracetamol, ibufen, nourofen - that is, any antipyretic means.
  5. It is best to give antipyretic in the form of a syrup. If the dog refuses to drink, you can put half a tablet on the back of the tongue - the animal will certainly swallow it.
  6. When the temperature is too high, it is possible to use antipyretic candles for an early reduction, for example, cefecon. It is best to use children's candles. If you have only an adult dosage at your hand, the candle can be simply divided by a knife in half.
  7. When you have a small dog or puppy dog, any antipyretic drug should be in a children's dosage. One teaspoon of children's syrup is usually enough.

After the antipyretic agent, relief and decrease in temperature comes quickly, after half an hour. But this does not mean that you should not find out the cause of fever. After the incident, refer to the veterinarian at the first opportunity to eliminate serious diseases. Take care of your pets, and they will repay you good and love!

Video: How to measure the temperature of the animal

- The question is quite wide and ambiguous. It is simply impossible to give a characteristic of the temperature norm of all breeds and ages of dogs, because in each separate case, the norm may be its own.

How to find out what is the temperature of the temperature for the dog, and what to do if the indicators differ from normal? Today we will deal with you.

The notorious fact is that the normal body temperature of the animal is an indicator of the correct development and physical activity of the dog.

It is this flashing "light bulb" that will signal you if something went wrong with the animals. The complexity is that the indicator of the "normal" temperature for each breed will be slightly different from everyone else.

If we consider the constant temperature of the human body, this is due to the sweating mechanism. In dogs, unfortunately, not all dogs are equipped with this feature and some instead of a comfortable air conditioner get a rowed fortname in the form of frequent breathing with a dried outward language.

The second interesting fact is that the temperature indicators of the dog, already within the same breed, may have some differences depending on age, or simply change throughout the day, but this value will be insignificant. Significant changes will talk about the deterioration of animal health.

The temperature rate is very different in dogs of different ages.

Normal temperature in dogs, what is she?

Affect this indicator can:

  • physiological features;
  • age of animal;
  • habitat;
  • breed.

In sultry weather, your pet will be very intensely looking for a place in place, and, a learning breath, the body will cool. In such conditions, for dogs, an increase in body temperature by 0.5-1.5 degrees may not be considered a very big problem.

This problem is heavier than everyone affects dogs of large breeds. The large surface area of \u200b\u200bthe body contributes to the absorption of a greater fraction of thermal energy.

The puppy has a temperature higher than an adult dog.

How will the breed of the dog and the size will affect the body temperature?

Cynologists around the world and research organizations have identified certain dependences of the body temperature of dogs from their age and dimensions. For example, y, the body will be a little warmer than large animals.

It depends on the features of the metabolic processes of the pet organism. In small dogs, these processes proceed a little faster, so the puppy's body will be much warmer than an adult animal.

If you take an absolutely healthy dog, then the adult is an individual will be in 37.5-38.5 degrees. At the puppy, this figure will be 1-1.2 degrees more.

The dependence of the body temperature on the size of the dog in puppies will have about the following form.

  • small breeds 38.5-39.3;
  • middle Size breed 38.5-39.0;
  • large breeds 38.0-39.0.

For adults, the dependency will look like this:

  • small breeds 38.5-39.0;
  • middle Size breed 37.5-39.0;
  • large breeds 37.5-38.5.

And even within a specific age and a specific breed, some deviations from the average temperature parameters may be observed. This may be due to some individual characteristics of the body, to be a consequence of physical exertion, the effects of fear factor, or estrus or childbirth in females.

If we are talking about a healthy individual, then you do not need to monitor the body temperature of the animal every day. Measurements should be done only to find out what the dog's temperature is in your particular case, it will be normal.

If we are talking about an unhealthy animal, then the temperature is necessary in the morning and in the evening, with the data of the notebook. So you can track the state of health.

Deviations from the norm

Not very experienced owners of dogs, consider dry nose. This information is not absolutely true. For a dog at night, dry and warm nose is an absolutely normal phenomenon.

During sleep, his animal simply does not lick him. The dryness of the nose is not a reason to run into the veterinary clinic, unless it is one, from the set of symptoms observed at your tailed.

A healthy animal, in most cases, looks cheerful. The dog will actively respond to what is happening around him, actively play and will have a good appetite. Wool will fit tightly and will have a healthy shine.

The patient's animal will be completely the opposite. Lost, rejection of food, anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, rapid pulse and breathing - these are signs when the alarm is already standing.

And if the picture of the animal's health acquires one of the above paints, then in this case, the body temperature measurements will help determine the severity and danger of the situation. The reasons for change in this case will be various diseases or infections.

A strong increase in temperature will be observed in plague, piroplasmosis, thermal impact, endometritis. The reduced body temperature can provoke, parvovirus enteritis, or other diseases.

Measure the temperature of the house

In order to measure the body's body temperature at home, you need to take a regular medical thermometer, mercury or electronic. The procedure itself is not very complex, but requires some particularly gentle conversion to animals.

Measurement of body temperature is carried out through the rear pass, in the rectum of the animal. Highlights of the procedure:

  1. Before measuring, the values \u200b\u200bon the measuring instrument should be reset, and the tip is lubricated it with vaseline.
  2. The dog needs to be put on the side, lift the tail and gently, slowly, enter the measuring instrument in the anus, to a depth of 2 centimeters.
  3. The dog at the time of measurements should be as calm as possible. The stressful situation can provoke a sharp increase in temperature. Invalid animal movements are not allowed. They can provoke damage from a broken thermometer.
  4. As a promotion, you can give an animal delicacy. Praise and encourage the animal you need both before and after the procedure.

This method is more suitable for inexperienced hosts. In more prepared cases, the measurement of body temperature is carried out in the position of the animal standing. This method can be useful when the animal passed the procedure and does not experience strong stress from it. In veterinary clinics, specialists are more often resorted to the second method.

What is the difference between mercury and electronic measuring instrument? The answer is simple and obvious - the only plus of a mercury thermometer is its cost. On financial benefit, positive moments end.

In order to produce accurate temperatures with a mercury thermometer, we will need at least 5 minutes. Not every dog \u200b\u200bwill fly in place with this procedure. And if we are talking about an animal that is bothering something, then the risks are visible to the naked eye.

The electronic device can give an accurate answer for 1 minute, so it is more expedient to acquire electronic thermometers, let it be a little more costly.

What to do when an animal temperature?

It is best to use or rectal, or a universal thermometer.

To clearly understand why this characteristics of the dog's body can be enhanced, it is necessary to deal with the foundations of the rules of the animal heat exchange.

Under normal conditions, the dog receives the required amount of heat to be given to the external environment. When, for some reason, the amount of heat than the heat is less than the resulting - an animal can state the temperature rise.

If we are talking about diseases, together with an increase in the body of an animal, you can observe the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting or vomit urge;
  • reduction of physical activity;
  • convulsions;
  • wool loss.

Any combination of the above is definitely a visit to the veterinarian. Remember, the earlier the disease will be diagnosed, the less depreciation will be the consequences of the disease for your favorite, and in some cases for members of your family.

Significantly increase the body temperature of the dog can, endometritis and similar diseases. Also, the heat punch can cause an increased temperature. The reduced temperature can be caused by parvivirus enteritis, mainly in young, or worms.

What a normal temperature in dogs knows the vet, and in these cases it is the veterinarian should diagnose the diseases of your dog and assign appropriate treatment. Often, self-medication can lead to deaths, due to the wrong diagnosis of the disease.

If the animal needs to be conducted in a car, then when transporting needs to be remembered:

  1. If the dog's body indicator is above 40 degrees, then the animal is less disturbing. If possible, put on the animal bag with ice.
  2. If the magnitude is too low, the animal should be bought and put on the body of the heating.

Emergency methods of lowering heat

To bring down the temperature to a bit and alleviate the well-being of the animal, before starting a large-scale antihow struggle, you should resort to the following actions:

  • ventilate the room;
  • cool the room for 2-3 degrees;
  • close the windows with curtains to prevent warning of the room with sunlight;
  • wet the fabric in cool water and attach a dog on the belly;
  • put a bowl of cold water near the animal and change it as water heats up.

The help of medicines should be resorted only if the dog's body is already warmer than 40.5 degrees.

  1. An injection of 2 ml of analgin solution, 1 ml of no-shny in liquid form and 0.5 ml of diphroll. Introduced intramuscularly.
  2. If there is no possibility to make an injection, then you need to give a dog 1/5 nourofen, analgin, suprastin, paracetamol or diphrolrel. Any of these means is able to knock down a high temperature.
  3. Puppies should be given children's drugs to reduce temperature. Adult preparations are categorically prohibited.

If you were able to cope with strong heat - this is not a reason to relax. You won the reason, but a consequence. And the reason still remains somewhere inside. And what kind of vet must answer you.

Treatment must be treatment

Now that we learned how normal body temperature in the dog, what body temperature in small breeds, large breeds and puppies, we already have an idea about whether it is worth alarming when a dog is warmer than half a degree.

Health indicator is the body temperature of the dog. The sharp increase of it or the opposite of the fall, indicates the pathological processes passing inside the animal organism. To clearly determine the state of the PSA, you need to have information what should be the normal temperature in dogs.

This will help with many diseases, states. A timely diagnosed diagnosis will begin to begin treatment, avoid complications.


If it is terribly raised, a person in such a state lies in delusion. It is important to know that the meaningful of dogs differs from human and depend on many factors. Range can be 2-2.30 degrees. The average is 37-39.3.

Causes of change

The temperature conjugates the number of animal years lived. Puppies 39 - normal. For pieces aged - 37.5-37.90. This is due to the metabolism. Little dogs and puppies are faster, the body is warmer.

Due to the hormonal background, which has significant differences, the bitches are higher than that of males. Such a difference in one breed. The size. Large less than small. Pregnancy and restoration after transferring disease.

Normal indicators of different ages

If you take the Yorkshire Terrier, then know that normal degrees, which are those who are voiced above. And if the animal is large, for example, shepherd, then in this case degrees may be lower, namely 37.4 and up to 38.

The thing is that small animals have hot blood. Each owner should know that the change in the temperature should be alert. Usually, the animal becomes sluggish, does not want, there is, drink and so on.

If you see that the puppy has signs of the disease, measure the temperature to it. Do it correctly, strictly through the rear pass, not otherwise.

In any case, do not insert a thermometer. Of course, you can try under the arm, but know that the result will be incorrect.

From which the physiological change depends

In a healthy dog, the temperature is temporarily raised under such conditions:

Increasing the degree of air indoors, heat in the summer season. An animal is looking for a cool place, it is often breathing.
Large breeds suffer (Alabai, German Shepherds, Rottweilelers). Also bad tolerate heat in old age all other breeds. The temperature rises by 1.5 degrees.

Being in a stressful situation, excitement. Aggression, fright can provoke a change in the state of the pet. During competitions, training, during exercise. Azart Game, a quick run accelerates metabolism. Having calmed down, through time, everything is restored.

After the satisfying lunch, the increased amount of food causes the body to work, the state is modified. An hour later everything is normalized. Hormonal background during flow, affects heat exchange.

Before the birth of puppies, it descends at 1.50. It helps to accurately identify childbirth.

At home

Use electronic, mercury is better not to take. It requires more time. To properly hold this procedure, conditions are satisfied:

  • It is impossible to allow nervous state. Extra emotions are reflected as a result. The excitement increases the indicator.
  • Put the animal side and calm down. The thermometer is introduced into the rectum to a depth of up to 2 cm.
  • Before Introduction, disinfect your arms and a thermometer. Lubricate it with vaseline, gently enter.
  • An animal must calm down and talk to him, distracting from the procedure.
  • After the audio signal, take out.
  • So that the animal reacted calmly, it is necessary to teach this with a puppy age.

Coincide with the command "Treat" when the animal lies the side and waits for the measurement. Encourage the Pinska for the executed command.

Without a thermometer

If it is not, but it seems to you that the state of the pet has changed, if there is a temperature in different symptoms.


In a healthy dog, the nose is always wet and cold. If there are changes in the body, it becomes hot, it appears various crusts, divorces, selection.

But warm and dry happens after sleep or in hot weather. If you make hands to armpits or the scope of the groin, at high temperatures, the skin will be very hot and sweetened to the touch.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe paha are lymphatic nodes. In case of infectious diseases, they increase, do well. The dog feels pain during palpation.

Another indicator of changes to the state will be a guise. In healthy, they are pink, wet. In case of infection - pale and hot or vice versa are inflated - red, swelling.

Pet ears are sensitive. Through them passes a large number of blood vessels. Increased temperature makes them hot.

If the injury or blast, then redness increases at this place. In the event of one of the symptoms, you need to consult a doctor, so as not to exacerbate the situation.

Signs of heat in dogs

Why is it rising? This is a protective response to a virus or an infection that hit the dog. High temperature kills part, protecting against negative influence.

The heat and fever define, measuring the thermometer. But there are signs defining, JKTPYM:

  1. The dog wants to drink all the time. Increased thirst.
  2. It categorically refuses food.
  3. The dog moves little, lies more.
  4. The work of the Diarrhea diarrhea, vomiting is disturbed.
  5. In the nose and eyes of the selection.
  6. There may be cramps, muscle spasms.
  7. The light-wide development develops, the dog hides in a secluded place, away from all.
  8. Abundant salivation.
  9. Urination is rare.

Pregnancy and childbirth

It takes peace for two months. Its normal does not cause any deviations. Last week, we need to measure the thermometer three times and keep a diary.

This is necessary to accurately determine the day of the appearance of puppies. 24 hours before the start of the generic activity, it falls for one degree. Birth will be held throughout the day.

Before the appearance of puppies, it rises, outrages with an unpleasant odor. All this indicates the problem.

The right sign of detachment of the placenta and the death of puppies. In such cases, urgent help of the veterinarian is needed. The only way to save the animal is an operation.


Fever occurs when bacteria hit, other reasons. Their intensive reproduction, mobilizes protective forces, the temperature rises.

Fever cause:

  1. Viral diseases - ,.
  2. Helminti contamination, high concentration.
  3. Allergic reaction to feed, external stimuli.
  4. Replacing dairy teeth in puppies.
  5. Poisoning of poor-quality products or poison.
  6. Corval diseases - wounds, climbing, boils.
  7. Heat or sunshine.
  8. Status after vaccination.

First aid

It can be confused at home. First you need:

  • In the room to ventilate.
  • Take cotton fabric, wet and attach to the stomach.
  • Near it should be a bowl with clean water. If the dog drinks little, be sure to let from the syringe, pouring several grams to several times.
  • Measure the temperature is necessary. If it rises above 40.5 degrees, injection is required.

Troinch is made - analgin (2 ml), but-shpa (1 ml), Dimedrol (0.5 ml).

  • Large-one.
  • Small - 1/5 tablets.
  • Puppies are categorically forbidden by "human".

Use such drugs - analgin, paracetamol ,. The dose is impossible to exceed the dose, dangerous pet health. By knocking down the temperature, be sure to consult a doctor.

It is best to have preparations that are used for animals - Vedaprofen, Carprophne. They are designed for different sizes, safe for their treatment.


A veterinary doctor at the reception will have to go full inspection to establish the cause of inflammation.

  • Urine and blood analysis.
  • Ultrasound and x-ray.

The diagnosis is established, and the treatment is determined. High reduce, only if it is above 40.5 degrees. Low indicates the decline of forces, immunity, oppressed state.

Pet needs intensive care measures:

  1. Droppers and injections for improving the cardiovascular system, lifting immunity.
  2. Warming an animal.
  3. Rubbing and massage.

After the temperature is restored, therapy is carried out, which includes various preparations:

  • To raise immunity.
  • Antiviral, antimicrobials.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • To withdraw toxins

Treatment will help quickly cope with the disease, avoid complications. Read new articles on our website. Temperature in dogs is a physiological phenomenon. What is it interesting?

And the fact that, if not a knowledgeable owner decides to measure the dog, the temperature and will see that it is raised, namely, 38.5, naturally he rents. Further actions are a trip to the vet and a terrible story that the dog fell ill.