Applique pattern from geometric shapes. Applications from geometric shapes - templates and blanks for printing different applications

There are many fun ways to fill the time, but geometric applique is going to be one of the funniest hobbies because it allows you to create real masterpieces of art. After that, she can decorate the interior of the home, creating a special atmosphere for relaxation or doing household chores.

Colored paper applique became very popular in preschool and school educational institutions. It allows you to develop a child's skills in a complex, improving his basic abilities:

  • motor skills;
  • thinking;
  • fantasy;
  • agility;
  • accuracy and others.

Types of application

Depending on the type of projects being created or crafts on paper, this hobby can be divided into 2 types:

What can be made from colored paper geometric shapes?

There is no single standard, like educational programs for children, to make various applications from colored paper, because every person's imagination is very different.

The main task is to develop all the basic skills in them. In most cases, the teacher independently decides which pictures the children will compose or gives them the opportunity to independently choose what they want to do. This is how not only motor skills develop, but also thinking, since the child chooses the character he likes.

Simple compositions

At first, simple flat figures are mastered. For example, an applique train will be a great option for boys. It can be made up of several regular geometric figures that the teacher or the child himself will cut out, depending on age.

Children begin to confidently hold scissors in their hands only by the age of 5-6, and cut out complex figures of irregular shape in the first grade. In fact, it all depends on the development of the child, his activity and abilities. That's why the train will be a great start.

It will require:

  • 3 rectangles of different colors and sizes. 1 will become a platform, 1 - a driver's cabin, 1 - a water tank;
  • the semicircle will be the front of the tank;
  • an inverted isosceles triangle can become an exhaust pipe;
  • a couple of circles - with wheels;
  • a long rectangle - a rod for an eccentric connection of the wheels.

The child learns from the materials presented to fold the image on a sheet of paper, spread glue evenly and evenly combine the details together. Fine motor skills of hands, thinking, imagination develops, if you offer him to make a little train without an example.

Another rather simple version of a paper masterpiece is a bird applique. It will require one large circle for the body, a pair of semicircles for the wings, several small triangles for the legs and beak.

You can create pictures of various animals from geometric shapes, allowing the child to independently think about whom he can make.

Volumetric applique from colored quilling paper

After developing the skills of creating flat compositions, they begin to volumetric applications from colored paper. Such crafts will be more difficult to master, therefore they are used in teaching for older children. For example, in the 4th group of kindergarten or 1st grade. Guys with good abilities can be identified in a circle.

In the early stages, it is better to master volumetric compositions easier. For example, applique house with cutout patterns is a good option. The wall can be flat, but the windows, roof and exhaust can be protruding.

The way to add volume is different. Parts made of paper can be bent, or they can be glued on an additional leg to the background of the same dimensions, creating a 3D effect with a shadow.

Butterfly applique is one of the simplest options that many children can master, even when making a composition in volume.

To do this, you can cut 2 identical parts. Glue one completely, and the second - bend in half and glue in the center. This will create wings. The head is formed from a circle, and the body from a strip.

Volumetric compositions from simple shapes

For younger children, you can offer to make an applique from circles of colored paper. From them, if you have imagination, both flat compositions on a white sheet and volumetric ones are made.

With circles, abstract thinking will develop well if you invite the child to complete an arbitrary picture.

When the children's imagination is already somewhat developed, they move on to more complex tasks. For example, mosaic applique, as a good option for further development of skills.

Give the pupil a set of cuttings of different or one shape so that he can come up with a composition on his own. If there are enough colors, then quite colorful pictures can turn out.

Cutting templates

If you do not know where to start the development of the child, then use a ready-made bunny template for applique or other animals.

There are many interesting sets with which you can comprehensively develop skills in children. In any case, all applications contribute to the formation of such qualities as:

  • figurative and spatial thinking;
  • perseverance;
  • exposure;
  • fantasy;
  • dexterity and motor skills of the hands;
  • accuracy.

As you reach a new level, the tasks for creating compositions can be complicated.

To get acquainted with colors and shapes, as well as to develop thinking and imagination with children, you can create applications from geometric material. These activities are good not only because they allow children to develop and learn about the world, but also because of the availability of the materials themselves. In this article, we will show you how to make different applications from geometric shapes.

Application: a house of geometric shapes

"House". Application for the little ones

Applications for young children should be as simple as possible and consist of a small number of details.

To create a children's applique in the form of a house of geometric shapes, we need:

  • templates for cutting shapes;
  • cardboard with an image of the final picture applied to it;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush.

Application "Big House"

After the child has mastered simple applications, you can move on to complex ones. To make it easier for a child to create large applications on his own at first, it is necessary to print ready-made templates on thick paper.

Templates usually have two parts. On one, the contour of the drawing is applied, and on the second the geometric figures themselves, which must be glued along the contours.

Application: machine made of geometric shapes

Boys are very interested in cars made of geometric shapes. The figures themselves for creating applications by older children are cut out on their own, and small children need to be given already cut blanks.

Application: animals from geometric shapes

Making animal applications from geometric shapes is no less exciting, but small children will need the help of adults, since they consist of a large number of details. The principle of application is the same as in the previous master classes.

Application: geometric chicken

Applications can not only be glued, but also played around this process. In order to play an exciting game for kids, we need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens or paints;
  • glue;
  • brush.
  1. On a sheet of white cardboard, draw the main outlines: the sun, chicken and chickens, and also draw the grass and clouds.
  2. A chicken, sun and four yellow circles, which are to become chickens, are made of cardboard of the corresponding colors.

We put a sheet of cardboard with drawn outlines and details on the table and start the show for the child:

“The chicken went out for a walk, to nip fresh grass,

And behind her are the children - yellow chickens.

The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud

(we roll the sun over the picture and remove it).

Darkness has come, don't go outside the gate:

Who got on the street - got lost and disappeared

(we remove the figures of chickens).

The chicken looked around, but the chickens were not visible.

The chicken began to call the sun

“Come out, honey, hurry! I'm sorry without the sun -

And the chickens are not visible! "

The child is asked to "find the chicks" by gluing them to the cardboard.

Geometric applique is considered the simplest type. In order to perform this type of applique, you do not need to be able to draw beautifully, think over the contours and silhouettes of details, since the picture consists of geometric figures cut out of colored paper - triangles, squares, circles. In this way, you can make a variety of applications in the form of animals, houses, cars.

The completed application in kindergarten can be in the form of a house, since the house is considered simple to perform. To make such an applique, it is enough for children to cut out one square, one triangle, several rectangles from colored paper, stick them on the base, and the work is completed.

Fish-shaped geometric applique

For preschoolers, the teacher can prepare a task - to make a silhouette of a fish from geometric shapes. For work, you will need sheets of colored paper, sheets of white paper, preferably thick paper, as well as scissors, brushes and glue. First you need to cut out parts of different shapes from colored paper according to a template. The silhouette of a fish can be designated in different ways, so you can give the child the opportunity to choose the model he likes and let him glue the parts to the base, which is a sheet of white paper, according to the selected model.

From geometric shapes, you can make not only the silhouette of a fish, but also the silhouettes of other animals. A great option is to invite children to make an animal, and then a presentation can be made based on these works.

Christmas tree applique

If this is grade 1, you can invite students to make a herringbone-shaped applique. To do this, you need sheets of colored paper in green and brown colors, as well as a sheet of white cardboard, scissors, a brush and glue. From a sheet of green colored paper, cut out four triangles of different shapes, then cut out another triangle from a sheet of brown colored paper. After that, you can glue the triangles onto the base one by one.

How to make a rocket applique

If this is grade 2, you can give the children a more difficult task, for example, make a rocket out of sheets of colored paper. The task is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to cut out more parts and follow the sequence when gluing the parts to the base.

Machine shaped

If it is grade 4, the teacher can invite students to make an applique in the shape of a typewriter. This will require sheets of colored paper, a sheet of cardboard for the base, as well as scissors and glue. In order to get an applique, you need to cut out the necessary parts from sheets of colored paper and glue them to the base. The car can be presented in several versions, it all depends on the child's imagination.

To complete the plot, pictures can be offered to children to complete the missing details, for example, traffic signs or the sun, forest.

Even kids can make applications from geometric shapes, because this type of application is considered the simplest, moreover, due to the fact that the image consists of multi-colored geometric shapes, little children learn to distinguish colors and distinguish one geometric shape from another. The video tutorials below will show you how you can teach children to make appliqués from geometric shapes and what kind of work can be done.

If you want to know what applications of geometric shapes are and want to teach children this art form, then this article is for you.

The applications that children make are sometimes very simple and naive, but they help children develop their skills in cutting, drawing and imagining. And also children really like to glue colored shapes on the background.

First, children glue figures on the background that adults cut out. But time does not stand still - children grow up. And children eventually learn to cut, glue and create themselves. And then the child should be taught the most interesting types of applications.

By making geometric applications, the child develops the eye and spatial thinking, learns to combine colors and becomes familiar with geometric shapes.

The simplest application of geometric shapes can be considered drawing up patterns on a long strip of paper. Then you can move on to the design of various objects, vehicles, animals, plants. Thanks to this, the child develops creative abilities.

For 1st grade students

Children already more or less use scissors when they go to grade 1. In this case, templates will become indispensable helpers. With the help of them, children will be able to cut the necessary parts out of paper, and it will be easier for them to create and learn how to make appliqués. Here are some simple geometric applique patterns:

Here are some examples of work for grade 1 children and their schemes:

Application "House in the village":

It seems to be nothing complicated, no complicated details. It's simple. A house, a sun, a tree, but there is something extraordinary in this picture. In addition, the child will make this picture even more unique, because it will be the embodiment of his fantasy and thinking.

Application "Cat with kitten":

To make an applique for this cat with a kitten, the child will need to cut out a wide variety of shapes and compose a holistic image of them to their liking.

Application "Merry Caterpillar":

The funny caterpillar will amuse your kids. It is interesting not only to consider it, but also to do it. After all, these circles and other details can be arranged in different ways. And each child will have their own unique funny caterpillar.

To make the above applications for a house, a cat and a caterpillar, you can simply print out the diagrams, then the children can cut out the figures and glue them on paper. But this is too easy. So you can make templates with your own hands. And then the children will cut parts of them from different colors and glue them.

For children 3-5 years old

There are also applications designed for preschool children. They are simple enough. Children will learn a lot as they work. Most importantly, they will become familiar with geometric shapes and where they can be applied.

Having printed templates, you need to make an application in the following sequence:

  1. Cut templates out of paper;
  2. Stick the pieces to their respective places.

And here are some more similar works.

These applications are quite simple to make, so they are suitable for young children, so to speak, beginners in applications. You can choose from a large assortment of drawings and print the one that suits your child best.

A smaller part of the image will serve as templates with which you will need to cut out details of different colors, stick them on the larger part, which will serve as a background for the applique.

The application is performed in the following order:

  1. Cut out the templates that are on the side of the page. Templates are obtained;
  2. Next, you need to cut out the details from the papers of the desired colors according to the prepared templates and stick them on the places corresponding to them.

For children of grade 4

In the course of making appliqués from geometric shapes for children who go to grade 4, children will learn how to clearly mark out the details according to a template, assemble individual geometric shapes into a full-fledged image.

First, the children should be shown what the work will be like when it is completed. Children will need: colored paper, cardboard, glue, ruler, pencil, scissors and a brush.

First, children need to prepare their workplace and prepare everything they need to make the applique.

See if you have everything ready for the lesson? We need: colored paper, cardboard, glue; ruler, pencil, scissors, eraser, brush; jar for glue, napkin, oilcloth.

In this order, you need to act to make the applique:

  1. Preparing the base;
  2. We translate and cut out details according to the template;
  3. We make an application.

Let's get started with the application of geometric shapes "Cat and mouse":

These are the details you need for mice and cheese. Templates for them are easy to make. Cut too. But it is very interesting to compose such beauty from simple geometric shapes.

Next, let's move on to the cat. These are the details needed to make a cat. As you can see, there is a felt-tip pen among the materials with which children can realize their imagination and draw a unique face for a cat.

Our wonderful job is ready.

There are many more applique ideas for kids. For example, such a beautiful boat. It can be done according to the diagram below.

An interesting idea is a garland of geometric shapes. It can be made in the form of a postcard and congratulate someone on the holiday with it.

A very cool idea for 4th grade children will be an application of geometric shapes on a free theme, that is, according to heuristic methods. This is very easy to do.

A variety of shapes and sizes are printed on white paper. Then they are cut out. Then they take dark-colored cardboard and glue all these figures onto it so that a certain pattern is obtained. This perfectly develops hand motor skills, since there are many figures for cutting, and imagination, because children need to come up with images themselves. The figures are the same, but the applications are completely different. This is the trick. Below are examples of work:

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Nadezhda Studenikina

Program tasks:

Learn to create composition of geometric shapes.

Anchor names geometric shapes.

To consolidate the technique of cutting out a circle from a square, a triangle from a square.

Instill neat glue handling skills (carefully stick the elements).


Colored cardboard, scissors, glue, brushes.

Box with geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, today we will have interesting class... In this magic box I have geometric figures... Let's remember how they are called.

The teacher takes turns out of the box geometric figures, children call them.

Educator: - Guys, what size are these figures?

Children: - Large, medium, small.

Educator: - Guys, do you know which of these geometric shapes, for example, you can make a house. What do you think geometric shapes are needed for this?

Children: - Square and triangle.

Educator: - Right.

(I show with an example figures)

Guys, but from geometric shapes you can make not only a house, but also much more. Let's take a close look around and name objects, toys, furniture, etc. that remind you geometric figures.

Children: - Answers of children.

Educator: - Right. Well done.

And now we will carry out with you. Each of you has a set of colored squares of different sizes on your table. Each square has an outline of a circle or triangle. To execute applique of geometric shapes, need these figures first cut out on a drawn square, and then lay out on paper, making up some composition... And only then carefully glue the details of your compositions... And so, think carefully what composition you want to complete and get to work.

Children cut and paste geometric figures creating your compositions... At the end classes the educator, together with the children, creates works, considering each of them, encouraging the best.