Chinese New Year; New Year. New Year in China - interesting facts plus English expressions New Year in China story in English

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Chinese New Year is the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar.

The holiday is celebrated with big family gatherings, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and celebrating the coming of Spring.

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Jiao zi

At midnight, it "s a custom to eat jiao zi (dumplings), because the word jiao zi is similar to the ancient word for new replacing the old. Jiao zi symbolize wealth in the new year.

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The Gregorian and lunar calendars

The Gregorian or solar calendar is based on the Earth "s movement around the sun and has a fixed number of 365 days a year (366 during a leap year). In China the lunar calendar is used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New Year. It is based on the phases of the moon - which has a shorter cycle than the sun and falls somewhere between January 21st and February 20th.

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The origin of Chinese New Year

According to the legend, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the Nien. Nien came on the first day of New Year to eat livestock, crops, and even villagers. To protect themselves, the villagers put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. The Nien was afraid of the red color. So people began to hang red lanterns on windows and doors.

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Customs from the past

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Nowadays most families celebrate the New Year for about two week "s time, starting on the first day of the new year and end on the 15th. Everybody still follows all the customs that their elders have taught them.

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A two-weeks' New Year festival in China

TheFirst day It is a time when families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.

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The second day

It is for married daughters to visit their birth parents. Traditionally, daughters who have been married may not have the opportunity to visit their birth families frequently. On that day the Chinese pray to their gods. They are very kind to all dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.

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The third day

The third day is known as chì kǒu, directly translated as "red mouth". It is generally accepted that it is not a good day to socialize or visit your relatives and friends.

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The fifth day

This is the birthday of the Chinese god of wealth Guan Yu. It is also common in China that on the 5th day people will shoot off firecrackers ensuring his favor and good fortune for the new year.

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The seventh day

It is known as the common man "s birthday, the day when everyone grows one year older. People get together to toss the colorful salad and make wishes for continued wealth and prosperity.

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The eighth day

is the eve of the birth of the Jade Emperor. However, everybody should be back to work by the 8th day. All of government agencies and business will stop celebrating by the eighth day.

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The ninth day

It is traditionally the birthday of the Jade Emperor. Incense, tea, fruit, vegetarian food or roast pig, and paper gold is served for paying respect to an honored person.

Chinese New Year, which is literally called the Spring Festival.

It is considered the longest-running holiday in China. Each new year is associated with one of 12 animals and one of five elements.

2012 year falls for year Dragon, which symbolizes courage, prosperity and mutual assistance.

One of the most important traditions on this day is the lighting of fireworks, which, by the way, originates from superstitions. Legend has it that on New Year's Eve, evil spirits are looking for a new home. Having found a suitable house, they settle in it, and throughout the coming year they give its inhabitants all sorts of problems. So, the more noise when celebrating the New Year, the more chances you have to expel evil spirits from your home.

Having visited China to celebrate the New Year, it will already be difficult to look with enthusiasm at the local fireworks, since the scale with which the Chinese celebrate this holiday cannot be compared, with nothing!

The tradition of celebrating the New Year in red robes has appeared in China for a long time. According to legend, a monster that appears on New Year's Eve once ravaged the entire village, leaving only one family alive. Of course, it's not hard to guess that they were wearing red robes.

Since then, people have adhered to the tradition and choose red on this day. Just in case, suddenly a monster appears!

The weather did not please us, but it did not affect the atmosphere of the holiday. The procession with dancing dragons, to the accompaniment of Chinese drums, instantly tuned in to the positive.

Red and gold colors around and children handing out red envelopes with coins to passers-by made them smile.

I was surprised by the number of people on the streets, there was no overcrowding. Chinese food was wildly successful, and getting into any seedy restaurant took at least an hour. That's what the power of marketing means!

The performance in Trafalgar Square was not impressive. They concluded that Chinese folk dances are too lulling, and folk instruments will only be heard indoors.

The people demanded spectacles and a cheerful rhythm, which never happened.

After satisfying our aesthetic curiosity, we decided to go to a Chinese restaurant and satisfy our hunger :)

On the way, we met our friends conducting a flash mob called - TellTails & Animal Control Present: Chinese New Year Flashmob... About "TellTails" I will write a separate article later. I will just say that they sew tails, which you can purchase for any occasion in life. Tails are popular. London was shocked.

The whole performance ended with fireworks, which we, unfortunately, did not receive. The cold and the feeling of impending Monday took their toll. Having gone home, we compared the English Chinese New Year with the present one, once spent in Beijing for a long time. Incomparable, but still nice.

Kam hee fak tea! Happy New Year to everybody!

FashionByRussian by Olga Druzhinina / Volver Toledo

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “CHINESE NEW YEAR; NEW YEAR "in dictionaries.

  • NEW - adj. new, modern, fresh, recent
  • YEAR - m. year
    Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences
  • NEW - New
  • YEAR - Year
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • NEW
  • YEAR - year he is in his tenth year - he is in his tenth year he is thirty-two (years ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • NEW - 1.add. new; ~ new suit; ~ product eq. pioneer product; ~ familiar acquaintances new friends; ~ th new invention; ...
  • YEAR
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • YEAR - year
    New Russian-English Biological Dictionary
  • NEW - New
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • YEAR - Year
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • NEW - new
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • YEAR - year
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • NEW - new; (uncommon) novel; (modern) modern; (recent, last) fresh this business is new for him - ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • YEAR
    Russian-English dictionary
  • NEW - new; (uncommon) novel; (modern) modern; (recent, last) fresh this business is new for him - ...
  • YEAR - m. Year he went to the tenth year - he is in his tenth year he is 32 years old - he is thirty-two ...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • NEW - adj. new, novel; recent, fresh; original, innovative; modern, advanced
    Russian-English Edic
  • NEW - adj. new; novel (unusual); recent, fresh (last, recent); modern, young meet ...
  • YEAR - husband. year school days - school-days after three years - three years later after three years - in three years "...
    Russian-English Concise Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • NEW - new, (about building) new-built
  • YEAR - year
    Russian-English Dictionary of Construction and New Construction Technologies
  • NEW - New
  • YEAR - Year
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • NEW - modern, novel, most recent
  • YEAR - annum lat., Year
    Russian-English Dictionary of Economics
  • NEW
  • YEAR
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • NEW - 1.add. new; ~ new suit; ~ product eq. pioneer product; ~ familiar acquaintances new friends; ~ th new invention; ~ oh for smb. case new ...
  • YEAR - 1. year; astronomical ~ astronomic year; balance ~ balance year; budget ~ budget year; leap year ~ leap year; calendar ~ calendar year; accounting ~ accounting year; sunny ...
    Russian-English Dictionary - QD
  • NEW - further
  • YEAR - year
    Russian-English Law Dictionary
  • NEW - see also. perfectly ~. A fresh portion of the solution is introduced into the first unit. ... This technology ...
  • YEAR - see also. for the last ~ s; from ~ to ~; for the next ~ s. By the year 2000 ...
    Russian-English scientific and technical translator dictionary
  • NEW - (Greek kaine diatheke, lat. Novum testamentum) contains 27 books that make up the second part of the Christian Bible. The Greek word diatheke means "covenant", "testament"; ...
    Colier Russian dictionary
  • YEAR - m .; in op. - model year - model year - current year
    Russian-English Automotive Dictionary
  • NEW - see in connection with the development ... before ... new tasks have arisen; a new section is emerging; brand new; on …
  • YEAR - see in recent years; within 1 year; in recent years; light year
    Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms on Cosmonautics
  • NEW - adj. new novel (unusual) recent, fresh (last, recent) modern (modern) celebrate the New Year - to see the New Year in, ...
  • YEAR - husband. year celebrate the year Year - to see the New Year in, to celebrate New Year's Eve celebrate the New Year ...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • NEW - new new
  • YEAR - year year
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • CHINESE - adj. Chinese; Chinese remainder theorem
    Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences
  • CHINESE - Chinese
    Russian-American English Dictionary
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • CHINESE - chinese; ~ language chinese, the chinese language; ~ th diploma double dutch
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • CHINESE - Chinese
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • CHINESE - Chinese Chinese - Chinese, the language Chinese letters - double Dutch for him this is Chinese letters - it is ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • CHINESE - Chinese Chinese - Chinese, the language ♢ Chinese diploma - double Dutch this is Chinese diploma for him - it ...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • CHINESE - adj. Chinese - Chinese ink - Chinese idol - Chinese lantern - Chinese temple .. Chinese letter - double Dutch ...
    Russian-English Concise Dictionary of General Vocabulary

The celebration of the New Year is the most popular annual festival in Japan. At midnight, the bell rings out 108 times as a reminder of the 108 commandments of Buddha. Every person gets new clothes and takes three days off from work to visit his friends. Each door is adorned with green pines, bamboo, red lobsters, crabs and scarlet tangerines, standing forlong life and happiness. Everyone bows and smiles, giving the season’s greetings even to strangers. Many people play utagaruta, a traditional card game that involves matching lines of 100 poems.

Chinese New year's festival lasts for two weeks. It is preceded by an expulsion of demons and by theatrical performances. The most exciting event is the “Parade of the Lanterns ", headed'by a huge dragon which is carried through the streets. The Chinese prepare for celebrations by cleaning houses, paying debts, and closing shops. Every person wears holiday clothes and. has a supply of special pastries, candies and ornamented packages of tea to give to his friends. As New year's gifts, oranges are given and eaten as a symbol of good health. On New year's Eve everyone stays up all nighf, feasting and shooting.


reminder - reminders

commandment - commandment

to adorn [ə'dɔ: n] - to decorate

pine [ram] - pine

bamboo - bamboo

lobster ['Lɔbstə] - lobster

scarlet [‘Ska: lɪt] - bright red; Red color

tangerine [, tænd ʒ (ə) ’ri: n] - mandarin

to stand for - to mean, to symbolize

to bow - bow

season’s greetings [‘Si: zn’gri: tɪŋz] - congratulations on the holiday

to involve [ɪn'vɔlv] - to contain; suppose

(presence of something)

to match - match, match; match pairs

to precede - precede

expulsion of demons [ɪks'pʌlʃ (ə) n əv'di: mənz] - exorcism

lantern ['Læntən] - lantern

debt - debt

supply - stock

pastry [‘Peɪstrɪ] - confectionery (biscuits, cakes, auctions)

to feast - celebrate, feast, have fun


1. What new facts have you known about the celebration of the New Year in China and Japan?

2. Why does the bell ring out 108 times at midnight in Japan?

3. How do people in Japan celebrate the New Year?

4. How long does Chinese New year's festival last?

5. How do Chinese prepare for celebrations?

New Year in Japan and China

New Years Eve is the most popular annual holiday in Japan. Bells ring 108 times at midnight recalling the 108 commandments Buddha. Each person dresses in new clothes and takes three days off to visit their friends. All doors decorated with green pine trees, bamboo, red lobsters, to slaves and bright red tangerines, which symbolize long life and happiness. Everything bow and smile, Happy Holidayseven a stranger. Many liu dei play utagaruta, a traditional card game played by picking up in pairs of lines of one hundred verses.

The Chinese New Year holiday lasts for two weeks.He is preceded by the casting out of demonsand theatrical performances. The most exciting event is the Parade lanterns ", which is headed by a huge dragon that is carried through the streets. The Chinese are preparing for the celebrations: they clean houses, give away debts and close shops. Everyone dresses up in festive clothes, take with themvarious confectionery,sweets and decorated tea bags to give to friends. On New Years, oranges are given and eaten as a symbol of good health. On the eve of New no one goes to bed for years, everyone celebrate and set off fireworks.

Hello everyone! First of all, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you! May your wildest dreams come true in 2016! And for this to happen, dare to dream, moreover, do it more often! And then you will have everything!

Now a few interesting things, and then some English usefulness ... New Year in Russia is a traditional holiday that is celebrated in the vastness of our country in very different ways. Each of you probably have a huge number of memories of how this holiday came into your life.

First, it's a naively touching expectation Santa Claus and his gifts under the tree, matinees and round dances; then there are school concerts and performances, get-togethers with family and friends; then there are parties with friends, noisy companies and discos; further, perhaps, romantic New Years (well, or at least one such) by candlelight and tete-a-tete; and then again quiet family dinners, walks, children and matinees - just not yours)).

Do you know how NG is celebrated in China? After all, we all honor the Chinese calendar and every year we traditionally select gifts according to the symbols of the year, which came to us precisely from this crowded and colorful Oriental country. For example, 2016 is the year of the monkey, and numerous counters are full of this animal in different forms, forms and other manifestations)).

In addition, in China, the New Year falls on different days each year (between mid-January and February) - after all, the Chinese rely on their lunar calendar, which, in turn, is associated with lunar cycles. The full cycle of the Chinese calendar is 60 years (if anything, you can read about the numbers in English)! Since, in addition to animals, each year is also symbolized by a certain color and element (there are 5 of them). For example, this year is not just monkeys, but red fire monkey ... And if you count 12 years ago - 2004 year (Oh, what a year it was for me! ..) - it was a year blue wooden monkey ! That's it)).

Everything in China is interesting, confusing, symbolic and intriguing! By the way, as for the New Year itself, its celebration is a symbol of the coming spring ... Yes, it is actually called that - a holiday spring!

And here are some more interesting points:

Well, now it's time for the English language. I want to give you a few that will help tell you about everyone's favorite New Year! Chinese, Russian or English - it doesn't matter.

start afresh - start from scratch
preparations begin .. - preparations begin ...
houses are cleaned from top to bottom - houses are cleaned to the last speck of dust
the doors and windows are decorated with ... - doors and windows are decorated ...
the eve of the New Year - New Years Eve
this color is meant to ward off evil spirits - this color is designed to scare away evil spirits
say greetings from door to door - walk with congratulations from door to door
make resolutions - make decisions

I hope you read my note not without pleasure, or at least not without some positive emotion. All goodness and happiness!