When milk comes after childbirth. When is the milk coming? We establish lactation

Breast milk is the very first food for a baby, and at the same time the most useful and nutritious. Fortunately, gone are the days when cows or cows were considered a more suitable food. Today, newly minted mothers can breastfeed their babies as much as they can.

Those women who gave birth for the first time may worry why they do not have milk immediately after giving birth. But everything is very simple - the absence of milk after childbirth is quite normal, and the appearance of milk is expecting you very, very soon.

Usually, in the first few days, a woman's nipple secretes colostrum - a clear liquid, sweet in taste. At first, this is quite enough for the baby. Fatter milk is still beyond the power of his digestive system. After all, she has just started to work, the intestines have just begun to be populated with beneficial bacteria.

In no case should you now give your child a mixture from a bottle, believing that he will not be full of colostrum. Feeling how easily milk flows from the nipple, perhaps yours is larger - because in this case you need to work hard to get food.

What should mom do when milk comes?

The arrival of milk is usually observed 2-3 days after childbirth. Sometimes this happens on the 5-6th day. And when the long-awaited milk after childbirth appears and arrives, it brings new questions. Indeed, often the chest is very poured and even turns to stone.

In the first few days after the arrival of milk, you should refrain from drinking liquids. The mouth will feel dry - but you shouldn't drink a lot. You can often rinse your mouth with water.

You may need to express milk after breastfeeding. The baby is still very small and needs only 20-30 grams, while much more milk is arriving. Over time, everything will return to normal - the breast and the baby will adjust to each other. Milk will arrive exactly as much as the baby eats.

In the meantime, you need to wait a few days. You will likely need help breaking down breast stones and expressing milk. While you are in the hospital, a midwife or other nursing staff can help you. You will be taught how to express excess milk correctly so you can do it yourself at home.

However, you don't need to get carried away with pumping. Once the feeding process is normal, you don't need to do this, otherwise you risk plunging into the endless process of "pumping-pumping-arriving-food-pumping". After all, milk will begin to arrive as much as it was taken from the breast during the last feeding, including how much you managed to express. Expressed milk turns out to be superfluous.

Breast milk combines a large number of nutrients from the mother's body. In addition, this unique product contains specific antibodies that form the immunity of a child in the first year of life.

Breastfeeding women should avoid stagnation in the mammary glands, as it is equally harmful to the child and the female body.

Breast milk characteristics

Full growth and development of a newborn baby occurs only if the required amount of nutrients is supplied to the body. Mother's milk is an invaluable source of nutrition. The harmonious composition of this product provides:

  • fast and easy assimilation;
  • intake of the required amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • the formation of useful microflora in the lumen of the large intestine;
  • maintenance of the body's defenses, and the formation of resistance to infectious diseases;
  • intellectual and physical development of the newborn.

The mammary glands of the expectant mother begin to increase in size already in the last months of pregnancy. This is one of the components of preparing the female body for the birth of a child. The increase in breast volume occurs due to the growth of the glandular tissue that produces milk.

After the formation of milk in the glandular tissue, it flows through the mammary ducts of the gland to the area of ​​the nipple halo, where the excretory ducts are located. If the baby is correctly attached to the breast, then there is a uniform stimulation of the nipple and the emptying of the mammary glands through all the ducts.

When the baby carries out mechanical stimulation of the nipple area, the production of the hormone prolactin is activated in the female body, which stimulates the lactation process. Thus, the more often stimulation occurs, the more milk will enter the mammary glands.

Varieties of breast milk

The precursor to breast milk is colostrum. This product has a very greasy consistency, and it contains all the components necessary for a child. Colostrum production may stop within 24 hours after birth, but this usually occurs 3 days after the baby is born.

Colostrum contains a minimal amount of water, therefore the volume of production of this product is much lower than that of breast milk. A nursing woman should not worry, as the amount of colostrum that comes from the mammary glands is enough for the baby.

The next stage is the appearance of breast milk. It is less high in calories and comes in significant amounts. During the first months, a newborn baby receives a large amount of antibodies in breast milk. Thanks to this, the baby's body is completely safe.

Depending on the location, milk is divided into the following types:

  • Front milk. Located on the inner surface of the mammary glands. The color of the foremilk is light, closer to transparent. This milk contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Medium milk. It contains fewer proteins, but more carbohydrates.
  • Back milk. Hind milk contains a large amount of fat, which leads to its high density. Most babies eat fore and middle milk during feedings, ignoring hind milk portions. The distant location of the rear portions makes it difficult to suck out such milk. If the baby only eats the front and middle portions, it will lead to quick satiety for a short period of time.

It is recommended to attach a newborn to the second breast only after the first breast has been emptied.

How often breast milk is renewed

A nursing mother should closely monitor the diet during lactation. Certain foods in the diet can cause health problems in a newborn. From the moment food is consumed until its components enter breast milk, it takes from 2 to 9 hours. A young mother should monitor the behavior of the baby.

Alarming symptoms are excessive restlessness, moodiness, crying, refusal to latch on to the chest, upset stools, and frequent regurgitation of food. If a child has one of the symptoms, then the woman should analyze her diet in the last 24 hours.

The use of such products leads to the appearance of alarming symptoms:

  • all kinds of nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • legumes, cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli (increase gas production in the intestines);
  • caffeine-containing products;
  • whole milk products (provoke intestinal colic in a child);
  • spices, spicy dishes, smoked meats (affect the taste of breast milk).

Breast milk renewal occurs after each feeding of the baby, provided that the baby has completely emptied the mammary gland. The more often the baby is applied to the breast, the faster the milk renewal takes place. If we are talking about changing the chemical composition of milk, then the reference point is the concentration of substances in the blood.

Nature provides for everything in our life: from birth to death, various changes take place in the human body. The appearance of a baby is the most important stage in the fate of every woman, therefore, the occurrence of various deviations is very worried about her. The onset of lactation in young mothers is accompanied by the question: when does milk come after childbirth, and what are its functions?


In the first days after the birth of a baby, the mammary glands produce a substance - colostrum. It is this that is the first food of the crumbs. The fact is that immediately after birth, the baby's ventricle is not able to digest milk, and colostrum prepares the gastrointestinal tract, starts the digestion mechanism, and regulates the intestinal microflora.

Colostrum is several times higher in calories than milk, contains protein that contributes to the saturation of the body. A child needs only a few drops of liquid in order to get enough, because the volume of his ventricle after birth is only 7 ml.

Colostrum contributes to the formation of passive immunity, prevents the development of various infections, it prepares the child's body to receive breast milk.

On what day milk comes after childbirth depends on a number of factors: the appearance of a child earlier than the due date, the first or second pregnancy, a cesarean section - all this affects the process.

The baby is full-term

The first pregnancy, with its normal course, is characterized by a lack of milk in the first two days. Colostrum is replaced with a thick, yellowish mixture, and only 3-5 days does real milk appear.

The signs of milk arrival are as follows:

  • the breast is enlarged and thickened;
  • painful sensations in the mammary glands;
  • if there is a lot of milk, the nipples become flat.

Premature baby

Premature birth, as well as stimulation of labor, lead to the body recovering from stress for a longer time, so the appearance of milk may be delayed by 1-3 days.

After a cesarean section

With a successful operation, the period, the time when milk appears in a woman in labor, is the 3-5th day. An operation performed for a premature pregnancy prolongs the recovery period, so milk may appear in 7 days. There is also a possibility that it will not appear at all.

Second and subsequent childbirth

With the second and subsequent births, the formation of the lactation process occurs faster, and the symptoms are no longer so pronounced. The local temperature increases slightly, it is accompanied by a slight increase in the breast and slight pain.

In any case, if the normalization of the lactation process is delayed, there is no need to panic. There are cases when milk arrives after childbirth only after a week or later.

The first acquaintance of the baby with the breast

After the baby is born, it must be immediately attached to the mother's breast. The first acquaintance affects when milk comes after childbirth, since it is at this moment that the processes of developing a nutritional formula are launched. Healing colostrum fills the intestines of the baby, in addition, it has a sedative effect on it.

With the normal course of childbirth, the well-being of the woman and the child, it is better to organize their joint accommodation. In this case, you can apply the baby as needed, thereby stimulating milk production.

The process of establishing lactation for each woman takes place individually, how to speed up the arrival of milk after childbirth depends on the correct actions of the young mother.

  1. Correctly apply the baby to the mammary glands. First, you need to sit comfortably and provide the baby with the most comfortable position. Then, you need to make sure that the baby's mouth completely captures both the nipple and areola. This is the only way to prevent the appearance of cracks and the development of various breast diseases.
  2. Do not wash breasts with soap before applying. The soap removes the naturally occurring protective film, resulting in micro-cracks. It is recommended to lightly lubricate the teats with colostrum.
  3. Change your breasts periodically. This should be done even if there is less milk in one of the breasts.
  4. Feed your baby more often. This helps to stimulate milk, therefore, if the baby requires, he needs to be fed 10-20 times a day.
  5. Provide night feeding. Due to the fact that prolactin is produced at night, full night feedings should be organized.
  6. Reduce fluid intake on the third day. It is during this period that milk most often appears, so excess fluid leads to pain.

An experienced doctor will tell you how to speed up the appearance of milk after childbirth, therefore, if necessary, it is better to seek professional help.

Milk production rate

The appearance of milk after childbirth is characterized by some peculiarities: its production occurs continuously, and the rate of production depends on the fullness of the gland. The faster the emptying occurs, the faster it fills, and the rate of filling of each gland is different.

Well, when milk appears after childbirth in large volumes, then the production process slows down. The average amount of milk produced per hour varies between 10-40 ml.

There are several phases of production, the onset of which depends on when milk appears after childbirth in women:

  1. Endocrine. The production is stimulated by the hormones of the new mother, observed during the first days after childbirth.
  2. Autocrine. Milk production is stimulated by the emptying of the breast as a result of its active sucking.

It is known that breast size does not affect how many days milk appears after childbirth, however, the amount of fluid that is placed in the mammary glands depends on this parameter. Some mothers have 80 ml, others - almost ten times more.

A mother with any breast size can provide adequate nutrition to her child, however, in the case of small breasts, production is more active, so you need to more often apply the baby to it. Larger women need to schedule feedings so that a new portion is produced each time, since the total milk volume is sufficient for several feedings.

How to behave correctly when starting lactation

Not all women know what to do when milk comes after childbirth and how to avoid unpleasant consequences. Young mothers face various problems: fever, lactostasis and other side effects. It is during this period that the qualified consultation of a specialist is especially valuable, who will explain to a woman how to understand that milk has come after childbirth, and tell her how to behave in this situation.

  1. Limit fluid intake. In the first days after childbirth, it is better to reduce the usual amount of fluid consumed, since its excess provokes swelling. Not only water, but also compotes, teas, soups contribute to this.
  2. Frequent small meals. This will help relieve swelling and tension. If the child is not nearby, then it is recommended to express some milk - from these actions, the mother's well-being will significantly improve. Don't overdo it with pumping, as complete emptying will produce more.
  3. Feeding time should not exceed 15 minutes. This time is quite enough for saturation. All the rest of the time will be spent playing with the breast, which will lead to injury.
  4. For any suspicious symptoms or feeling unwell, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Possible complications and how to avoid them

Lactation is a process that is formed in any pregnant woman; cases are known to medicine when milk appears in pregnant women before childbirth. The characteristics of the body of each woman in labor are individual, therefore it is impossible to predetermine the exact day of the appearance of breast milk. Regardless of the day on which milk comes after childbirth, every woman should pay due attention to the development of lactation, otherwise, milk production may stop.

Statistics show that artificial formula completely replaces breast milk in 3% of feeding cases, very often the reason for this is the mother's illness. To prevent unwanted situations from occurring, you need to take appropriate precautions.

Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of the mammary glands, as well as to preliminarily familiarize yourself with all the warnings and in which month of pregnancy milk appears in some cases.

  • warm up the mammary glands before feeding;
  • take care of a variety of feeding positions to completely empty the glands;
  • to prevent stagnation of milk, if it is poorly sucked out, by additional expression;
  • thoroughly wash the breasts using water without soap and gels;
  • gently wipe your breasts with a towel after a shower;
  • wearing special antibacterial bra pads that are sold at the pharmacy;
  • you can not massage the chest;
  • do not stay in the heat for a long time, do not take a hot bath or shower;
  • enrich the diet with vegetables, fruits, proteins and fats to ensure the nutritional value and caloric content of milk;
  • wear special underwear for nursing mothers made from natural fabrics.


For more information on the appearance of breast milk, see our video.

The birth of a child is the most wonderful event in the life of every woman, which is eagerly awaited and prepared for. But along with this, a lot of questions arise in front of the newly-made mom, which make her worried. The most relevant of them are questions about feeding the baby: when milk comes, what to do if it is not available, how then to feed the baby. Let's try to answer each of them.

The first days after childbirth

When milk appears, the woman giving birth feels painful sensations in the mammary glands. But mom will have to endure them so that the baby not only becomes full, but also receives the necessary nutrients contained in breast milk.

When the baby is just born, there is still no milk in the mammary glands. Pressing on the breast releases colostrum, a thick, yellow liquid. It is very valuable. Despite the fact that only a few droplets stand out, it brings tremendous benefits to the crumbs. Thanks to colostrum, the baby's immune system begins to develop. This product prepares the newborn's body to fully accept and digest food. Breast milk is very nutritious, which is why the baby quickly becomes full.

In the first days after birth, when the child is not yet strong enough, a few sips of colostrum are enough for him. Many new mothers are worried about this, believing that their breasts are empty and there is no milk there. To some extent, this is the case, there is still very little nutritious product, but only a baby who has been born is enough. When the baby adapts and gets used to the new conditions, he will need more food so that he can get enough. This is where the question arises when milk comes after childbirth.

The appearance of breast milk - how it happens and what affects it

Several factors should be noted that influence the process of the appearance of milk in the mammary glands:

  • The mode of delivery is natural childbirth or cesarean section.
  • Full-term pregnancy or not.
  • For the first time, a woman gives birth or already has children.
On the third day after the baby is born, milk appears. At the moment, it still has a yellowish color, but less dense in consistency than colostrum. If there is a lot of milk, it is allowed to express it. Three days after giving birth, there is usually a sharp flow of milk. The breasts become larger and harder, in some cases, with a large amount of breast milk, changes also occur with the shape of the nipples. An increase in temperature is sometimes observed.

If the pregnancy is premature and the woman gave birth ahead of schedule, or stimulation was used, the body of the new mother is restored much longer. For this reason, milk may be delayed for several days.

How long it takes for breast milk to arrive depends to a large extent on the medications used during the caesarean section. In this situation, the appearance of milk occurs after five days.

When does a primiparous woman have milk?

The body of each particular woman has individual characteristics. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to name the exact time when milk appears. According to statistics, women who become mothers for the first time usually receive milk three days after giving birth. This only happens in situations where the baby is full-term and was born through the vaginal birth canal.

It also happens that breast milk in firstborn women comes after 5-7 days. After that, an increase in the inflow of a nutritious product for the baby will be observed daily. Its peak usually occurs after the tenth week after childbirth. So it will remain until the end of breastfeeding.

When lactation begins, the mammary glands increase in size, the woman feels rather pronounced pain sensations, dilated veins can be seen through the skin, and an increase in body temperature is observed. A woman will feel similar symptoms for two days, then lactation will improve. The volume of breast milk in the first week after the baby is born is 200-300 ml. For women who have not become mothers for the first time, everything happens a little differently.

Whatever baby is born, he is always long-awaited. Immediately after birth, it is applied to the mother's breast. Despite the fact that there is no milk there, there is a drink that brings invaluable benefits - colostrum. Even if its amount is small, this is enough for a newborn in the first days. But my mother is still worried and waits for full-fledged milk. She is scared that she will not be able to feed her child, and he will not be full. For women who have not become mothers for the first time, and they already have babies, the arrival of milk occurs more quickly when compared with primiparous. In most cases, the baby can eat well on the third day.

After repeated childbirth, the appearance of breast milk is no longer accompanied by such severe pain, the feeling of fullness of the breast is less pronounced. The female body is already prepared for lactation and knows what to do in this case.

However, no matter what the count of the baby is born, when milk comes, this process is accompanied by a feeling of heat in the chest. It is for this reason that in the maternity hospital, the temperature is measured not in the armpit, but in the bend of the elbow.

What if the milk doesn't come?

Some women have to deal with such a phenomenon when milk does not come in due time after childbirth. Then the mother begins to worry and ask what to do for the appearance of milk. This often happens due to the fact that the breasts are not developed. Milk flow is not visible, so it seems to be absent. To improve lactation, you can use the following methods:

  • massage the chest;
  • include in your diet foods that enhance lactation;
  • take special medications to increase lactation.

The most preferred option would be to frequently apply the baby to the breast. Even when one gets the impression that the baby is sucking "in vain", do not despair, you should continue to apply.

For normal lactation, prolactin is responsible - a hormone that is produced in the body of a new mother. It is possible to enhance its production if the newborn is often applied to the breast, especially at night, since it is at this time that the active production of this hormone is observed. Therefore, you should feed the baby at night, and as a result, milk will certainly arrive.

How to make milk come faster?

All mothers want to feed their baby as soon as possible, for this you need milk to come as early as possible. There are several guidelines to follow to speed up the arrival of a nutritious product.

Prior to this, it was noted that prolactin is responsible for the flow of milk. Its production in a woman's body increases when she breastfeeds a newborn. This is the reason for more frequent latching of the baby to the breast. Thanks to this, the volume of the nutrient fluid will increase.

The opinion that it is impossible to feed a baby at night is wrong. It is not only possible to do this, but also necessary. The production of hormones is activated precisely at night. Breasts should be changed every feeding. That is, if the last time the mother fed the baby from the right breast, the next time you need to give him the left one. Thanks to this, there will be uniform development of the mammary glands. On the fourth day after childbirth, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed in order to prevent severe pain when milk appears.

In conclusion, it should be said that one should not despair even for those mothers who have not received milk even after a week. It happens that the baby receives the first droplets of the nutritious product ten days after birth, and sometimes even later.

Video: first milk after childbirth

On the 1st day after birth, you can usually express a few drops of colostrum, in the future, its secretion increases in different ways. In some cases, milk arrives gradually, and on the 4th-5th day there is a lot of it. In other cases, the flow of milk is sudden, violent (3-4 days after childbirth). The mammary glands harden within a few hours, increase in volume, become painful, dilated veins appear through the shiny, tense skin, and the temperature rises.

This condition can last 1-2 days. After that, if the mammary gland is well emptied, normal lactation is established. Sometimes, most often in primiparous, milk appears late - secretion begins only on the 5-6th day and even at the beginning of the 2nd week. From the moment of milk flow, the secretion increases continuously, reaching a maximum between the 10th and 20th weeks, remaining at this height until the end of the lactation period. The duration varies widely and depends on the individual characteristics of the breast, as well as on how long the mother breastfeeds the baby. The daily amount of milk in the 1st week ranges from 200-300 ml.

Complications of breastfeeding

In recent years, complaints from young mothers that they are low on milk have become commonplace. Meanwhile, true agalactia (lack of milk production) is extremely rare. As a rule, it is due to the underdevelopment of the mammary gland, but it can also be associated with the increasing physical exhaustion of a woman, experienced by her mental shock. In the last two cases, it may appear if the mother creates normal living conditions.

Most often, when a woman claims that she has no milk, we are talking about a decrease in lactation - hypogalactin. Its reasons can be different. Among them - insufficient nutrition of the woman herself, overwork, lack of sleep, restless family environment, social instability.

Infant age of a child is a period when a woman especially needs the attention of loved ones, their help. And if, in addition to the worries associated with feeding and caring for a child, other household chores are entrusted to her, she simply does not have enough time to sleep and sleep. And this is immediately reflected in the amount of milk. Therefore, in the treatment of hypogalactia, it is necessary: ​​adequate sleep - 7-8 hours a day, good nutrition with the use of at least 1 liter of milk, diluted with 1 liter of strong tea, or the same amount of fermented milk products. Psychotherapy is also recommended.

Some women successfully use a decoction of nettle to enhance lactation (20 g of dry leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insist and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day) or collection (take 25 g of anise fruit, dill, fennel, oregano herb; the fruits are crushed in a mortar or coffee grinder, mix well; pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist and drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day).

Medicines, acupuncture, physiotherapy procedures prescribed by a doctor are also used. When treating hypogalactia, it is recommended to follow the baby's feeding regimen, and most importantly, to thoroughly express milk after the baby has eaten (to the last drop). After expressing milk, it is good to take a hot shower, especially on the breasts. If the mother has little milk from the first days after birth, the baby should be applied to the breast at least 7 times a day, and if he asks, then at night, and with each feeding - to both mammary glands.

There is also another violation of lactation - galactorrhea, spontaneous flow of milk. The insignificant release of milk before feeding and during it from the other breast is a physiological phenomenon. With galactorrhea, milk flows out of the breast between feedings. Sometimes it flows continuously, severely irritating the skin of the breast. However, the total volume of milk flowing out may not be large. Often galactorrhea is combined with hypogalactia. Galactorrhea is considered a manifestation of neurosis. Therefore, for its treatment, first of all, normal sleep and good nutrition are necessary. They also carry out medication, physiotherapeutic or psychotherapeutic treatment.

It also happens that a child, while sucking a sufficient amount of milk, nevertheless gains poorly in body weight. There is a suspicion of inferiority of milk. It usually has a bluish, watery taste. When analyzing milk, either a lack of protein, or fat, or carbohydrates is found in it. In the first case, cottage cheese, meat, eggs are added to the woman's diet, in the second - cream, butter, flour products, in the third - confectionery, sugar syrup.

Often, babies are deprived of their mother's milk due to the fact that during pregnancy, women with an irregular nipple shape (inverted, infantile, flat, split) do not try to correct it. If during pregnancy a woman pulls them out, then with the onset of lactation, the nipples become more convex, and the baby eventually adapts to them. Otherwise, pads are first used and at the same time after feedings they pull the nipples with their fingers, do a massage, be sure to express the remaining milk using a breast pump - in short, they strive to change the shape of the nipples so that the baby can breastfeed.

It creates difficulties in feeding the baby and the so-called tight breast, when there is a lot of milk, but the baby cannot suck it out. To make it easier for the breast to empty, you need to express some milk before putting your baby to the breast. If this technique does not help much, the doctor prescribes quartz irradiation and breast massage.

A very unpleasant complication arises if during pregnancy a woman did not prepare the delicate and vulnerable skin of the nipple for feeding the baby and, moreover, during the first attachments to the breast, allowed him to suck for a long time. Appear. They are very painful and can lead to inflammation of the mammary glands. Sometimes the cracks are deep and bleed. When feeding, they try to give the baby a sore breast less often or feed through a pad.

After the baby has eaten, the milk is carefully decanted to prevent mastitis and the cracks are treated with 2% tannin ointment, 2-5% silver nitrate solution, 3% methylene blue solution, 2% formalin alcohol, vitamin A. If inflammation began, the nipples are lubricated with synthomycin emulsion, which quickly removes its manifestations, Kalanchoe juice, plantain juice, Shostakovsky's balm, 0.2% furatsilin solution. Local ultraviolet irradiation gives a good effect.

A serious illness of a nursing mother is mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary gland as a result of germs entering it. To prevent this disease. The following rules must be observed: once a day, wrap the breast with warm water and soap, prepare for expressing milk in the same way as for feeding a child - put on a scarf, a mask and wash your hands thoroughly. Between feedings, you should put on a bra and change it at least once a day.

You need to be especially careful if nipple cracks appear. When treating mastitis, milk stagnation in the gland must be avoided. And therefore, despite the pain, the baby continues to be fed and the milk is expressed after feeding. Only with a severe course of the disease, especially if pus enters the milk, breastfeeding is stopped. She is tied up high, warming compresses are applied (simple, with alcohol, Shostakovsky's balm). Physiotherapy is recommended. In extreme cases, oral antibiotics are prescribed.
