Who in the Russian Federation is ranked among the regional beneficiaries. Benefits for pensioners: regional and federal

The state protects citizens who cannot fully support themselves on their own. One of the types of assistance offered is social benefits. They affect the main areas of life: medicine, travel, housing. Additional subsidies are provided for payments to retirees.


Benefits in the social sphere are the benefits offered by the Government at the legislative level for different categories of the population. In the Russian Federation, all types of available social preferences are divided into several groups:
  1. Medical.
  2. Housing.
  3. Pension.
  4. Travel cards.
  5. Other.
It should be noted that any types of social assistance can be provided only after a citizen submits an application to organizations that provide certain types of support. General types of benefits:
  1. Exemption from certain types of payments, fulfillment of various obligations, for example, to pay utility bills.
  2. Obtaining necessary medications, visiting doctors, getting consultations.
  3. Travel in trams, trolleybuses free of charge, and in some regions - in suburban transport.
  4. Spa treatment.
  5. Provision of apartments under a social rental agreement.
  6. Registration of children in kindergarten at a discount or on a full payment exemption basis.
  7. Discounts on tax payments.
  8. Possibility of opening an individual entrepreneur according to a simplified scheme.
  9. Provision of the necessary equipment for the prosthetics of some organs, body functions, for example, glasses, hearing aids.
  10. Discounts when visiting theaters, museums, cinemas, state parks.
In order to receive benefits, a citizen must meet at least one or two of the following criteria:
  1. Low income - as a rule, disabled people, the poor, pensioners, large families or families with a disabled child have it.
  2. Absence of one or two parents - due to their death or deprivation of parental rights.
  3. Reaching a respectable, retirement age.
  4. The presence of certain services to the country.
  5. Permanent or temporary disability.
  6. Difficult life circumstances, large families, loss of a breadwinner.
Certain types of benefits may or may not be available in some regions of the country.

Differences between federal and regional

Tax benefits or if you have 1, 2 or 3 disability groups can be provided at the federal or regional level. Funding for social support for citizens occurs at the federal level, throughout the country. The authorities of individual regions have the right to form some additional preferences in accordance with financial capabilities. The difference between federal and regional benefits is clearly shown in the table: Federal beneficiaries are:
  1. Persons with disabilities.
  2. Participants of the Second World War, hostilities - in Chechnya, Afghanistan.
  3. Liquidators of accidents at nuclear power plants, including the Chernobyl one.
  4. Persons who were previously underage prisoners of fascist camps.
The Pension Fund of Russia transfers additional financial assistance to the above categories of citizens. Additionally, they can receive non-material support. Such persons have the right to visit government agencies out of turn, and to receive housing in the first place. They are provided with easier working conditions, the possibility of obtaining additional leave - all these conditions are regulated by federal legislation.

Who are supposed to

The following categories of citizens have the right to receive state aid, compensation, discounts on housing and communal services and travel benefits:
  1. Labor veterans, disabled people of all groups.
  2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War, military operations.
  3. Citizens who have received state awards.
  4. Honorary Donors.
  5. Persons who have reached retirement age and have stopped working.
  6. Citizens from low-income families.
  7. Large families.
  8. Persons in the civil service.
  9. Citizens who are politically persecuted and their relatives.
  10. Persons who liquidated the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other nuclear power plants.
  11. Citizens without jobs.
In Russia, the main principle for the preferential system is equalization. That is, first of all, the state cares about those citizens who are least protected and who most of all need support. Funds are redistributed through the federal and regional budgets, and transferred in the form of compensations, benefits, subsidies.

The state considers the protection of minor children especially important, both those who have parents and those left without care.

How to arrange

In order to start receiving benefits, they must be formalized. All types of social assistance are of a declarative nature, and are charged only after a citizen applies to a state organization. In order to apply for benefits, you need to take the following steps:
  1. Get a status that gives the right to free travel, treatment, housing and other types of preferences. You will need to contact the ITU - for registration of disability, the FIU - when registering pension payments.
  2. The next stage is the preparation of all the necessary documents. Initially find out which ones should be provided and if photocopies are required.
  3. The application is written by hand, or filled in on a ready-made paper form. Some organizations can apply electronically.
  4. This is followed by an appeal to a state organization with a full package of documents. As a rule, they are taken for inspection. Both originals and photocopies may be required.
  5. An instant result almost never takes place; it takes from 5 to 30 working days to obtain benefits, depending on the instance.
  6. After a certain amount of time, you need to appear for a second appointment and find out the result of considering the application.
Some types of benefits are provided upon demand, after the presentation of a document confirming the right to receive them. Others (in cash) are transferred to the personal bank account provided by the citizen at registration.

Required documents

You need to confirm the status of the beneficiary only once by preparing a voluminous package of documents. Then it is only necessary to extend some types of social benefits. Basically, monetary compensation, pensions and benefits are valid throughout life. You will need to collect the following package of documents:
  1. Passport of a citizen of Russia - the original and a copy of the main spread with a photo, page and information about registration.
  2. Beneficiary certificate (pension).
  3. Extract from the house register, if the applicant lives in a private house.
  4. Certificate issued by the Housing Office, or the Management Company that serves the apartment building. The document is necessary in order to confirm the absence of debt for utilities.
  5. Certificates of receipt of state awards.
  6. Certificate of ownership of the residential premises.

All these papers in the form of originals and copies are provided to regional organizations responsible for providing citizens with social benefits. The list may vary slightly depending on the region.

When can you get rejected?

Citizens who fully comply with all the conditions do not receive a refusal, and subsidies and benefits are provided to them at the first request. However, there are several general reasons why social benefits may still be denied:
  1. The applicant does not have the right to receive state aid, or documents confirming it.
  2. Errors in official documents, incorrect data.
  3. Non-compliance of the applicant with the conditions for obtaining certain types of benefits. Thus, a pension can be issued only upon reaching a certain age.
  4. Contacting the wrong government organization that provides a specific type of social assistance.
  5. Lack of a certain benefit in the region of circulation.

The refusal is formalized, in writing, and, if necessary, it can be appealed. To do this, you need to submit a second application to the head of the department or to a higher authority.

Before applying for benefits to the department of social protection or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to clarify what types of social assistance the applicant is entitled to count on. This will save you a lot of time. Regional authorities can establish certain types of subsidies, for example, for free travel on the subway, which is not available in every city, or for certain types of assistance to orphans. Benefits can only be granted after analyzing the regional budget.

The privileged category of citizens is persons who receive assistance on behalf of the state or at the local level from the administration. Assistance can be provided in kind or in cash. In fact, for some citizens, the granting of privileges of this kind is associated with an exemption from a number of rules and obligations.

Benefits are a measure of social support that allows citizens to provide a certain level of living. In particular, it is about supporting the people on the list, economically and morally.

Assistance is provided to people who, for a number of reasons, are considered especially in need of such types of assistance or who are entitled to this right for special services to the state. The article will address issues related to who can count on receiving these types of support and on what grounds.

Preferences of this kind are used by the state as a tool to perform particularly important functions for the state. In particular, we are talking about ensuring social and financial equality. All types of assistance can be conditionally divided into several groups, and each of them has its own reasons and grounds. For convenience, let's make a small table.

Reason for granting benefitsApplicant category
Special need for financial and social support
  • women;
  • persons under age;
  • citizens with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • pensioners.
For special services to the state
  • families of the deceased participants of hostilities;
  • participants in military battles;
  • law enforcement officers.
For work in harmful and dangerous conditions for the benefit of the state
  • railway workers;
  • miners;
  • military;
  • persons affected by radiation.
To stimulate labor activity
  • Young professionals.

At the state level, decisions on granting benefits are made on the basis of federal bills and presidential decrees, and at the local level - on the basis of regional laws. Next, we will take a closer look at certain categories of citizens who can count on assistance from the state and the types of preferences that apply to them.

Who is the beneficiary at the federal and regional levels

In fact, there are a lot of beneficiaries in Russia. The main difficulty lies in the fact that some people do not even know that they have any rights. As you know, help is provided only on a declarative basis, and people who have no idea about their capabilities believe that it is not worth seeking help for a number of reasons.

In different regions and regions of our country, the list of privileges is somewhat different. If federal privileges apply to all beneficiaries without exception, then at the local level, social support has recently begun to be provided more targeted. In fact, there are two lists of applicants for benefits.

The first includes persons who are endowed with special rights at the state level, and the second includes persons who can count on assistance in the region of their residence. So, federal beneficiaries are:

  • children and adults with disabilities (with disabilities);
  • pensioners;
  • large families;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • persons in particular need of support;
  • young married couples;
  • WWII veterans;
  • persons without employment;
  • blood donors.

At the regional level, the list of beneficiaries has been supplemented by the following persons:

  • persons incapable of work;
  • women in position;
  • the widows and children of the killed soldiers;
  • persons who were dependent on another person who later died.

The list at the local level can be supplemented by other categories of citizens, but at the federal level, the list is closed.

Briefly about the benefits provided

Each group of beneficiaries has its own types of assistance. The priority is social support for young children and citizens with disabilities. Children are entitled to travel on public transport without paying a ticket.

Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to purchase a travel ticket at a discount, and parents of toddlers under 3 years old can buy medicines on preferential terms, if they are prescribed by the attending physician. If a child has a disability, then he is entitled to a special retirement benefit.

People with disabilities can also count on various preferences, such as free medical treatment and prosthetics, free travel and out-of-line services. Some of these types of assistance apply to veterans and retirees, as well as large families. Each group of beneficiaries has its own types of material assistance.

The procedure for registration of social support

As already noted, all types of benefits are provided on a declarative basis, however, in addition to an application in a standard form, you will need to submit a full package of mandatory documentation. In particular, documents proving the identity of the applicant and various certificates and extracts confirming the citizen's right to state aid may be required.

After submitting an application to the executive body, an employee of the department considers the appeal and makes a decision. In case of a positive result, the applicant begins to enjoy the benefits.


Persons included in the list of beneficiaries can apply to the executive body and apply for various types of benefits and allowances. Only certain categories of citizens who have at least one of the reasons for providing social support can count on such assistance.

The status of a federal beneficiary can be obtained by someone who belongs to one of the categories that meet the requirements of legislative acts on this issue. The state seeks, whenever possible, to support federal beneficiaries both in monetary terms and in the form of services.

Who is eligible to receive the status of a federal beneficiary

The list of persons who can count on receiving benefits under federal laws, and the amount of state aid are established by such legislative documents:

  • Law dated 17.07.1999 No. 178 - FZ;
  • Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ;
  • Law of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1-FZ.

According to these laws, federal benefits can be enjoyed by:

  1. veterans of all wars;
  2. those who were in concentration camps as a minor;
  3. disabled people (including disabled children);
  4. victims of radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other facilities.

If a person has the right to benefits not according to one law, then he has the right to choose the basis according to which material payments will be the most significant. And only beneficiaries, also irradiated by radiation, will be able to receive both those and other payments and concessions.

  1. Heroes of the Soviet Union and heroes of the Russian Federation;
  2. full holders of the Order of Glory, holders of the Order of Labor Glory;
  3. Heroes Soc. Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation.

All these honored people, if they fall under the action of two or more grounds at once, can receive the status of a federal beneficiary and enjoy payments on all these grounds.

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What benefits are provided

Federal benefits- This is a monthly cash payment, as well as a set of social services, the latter being part of the EDV. It is not required to separately apply for both; from the moment of acquiring the status of a federal beneficiary, everything that is supposed to be automatically assigned. The exception is those who have received radiation exposure, they should write a separate statement with a separate set of papers attached.

Where to contact

Federal benefits are funded by the Pension Fund. At the same time, these payments are indexed annually in proportion to the growth of inflation. In 2017, for example, all benefits were indexed from February 1, without any participation of beneficiaries. This means that no request for indexing is required.

What documents are needed

It is necessary for an applicant for the status of a federal beneficiary to apply personally or through his representative with the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • pension certificate (if any);
  • SNILS;
  • certificates of government awards;
  • papers confirming participation in wars, exposure to radiation, etc.;
  • medical documents confirming the presence of a disability, etc.

Each document must be in the form of an original and a copy. The application should indicate everything that is asked in the form, usually this:

  • personal data - full name, passport details, address, citizenship;
  • information about the location of the pension file;
  • on what basis the benefits are established;
  • list of enclosed papers;
  • signature, date.

The application form will be issued by the employees of the local branch of the FIU. When submitting an application, they will check the correctness of its execution, as well as the completeness of the set of documents. Also, the applicant will sign that in case of any change in his status he must inform the FIU.

The timing

The FIU is obliged to consider the application within 10 days from the date of application, during this period they must decide on the result, after which the applicant must receive an answer within 5 days, with a negative answer - with a detailed motivation for refusal. A written confirmation of the appointment of preferential payments is the document that certifies the status of a federal benefit recipient.

In case of a positive verdict, payments will be credited from the day of application (from the date fixed in the application). The money will be paid as long as the reason is valid, and the citizen has not ceased to be counted among those persons who are entitled to federal benefits - for example, if disability is canceled, payments will stop.

People of retirement age are among the most vulnerable category of citizens. In Russia, the authorities are making a lot of efforts to ensure good conditions for their existence. For this purpose, many subsidies have been introduced and continue to be approved. Taking advantage of the benefits, people get a chance to improve their financial situation. What benefits are provided for old-age pensioners is regulated at the federal and regional levels. They are approved by special legislative acts.

Benefits for pensioners and who is a pensioner

The question of whether there are benefits for ordinary pensioners is very relevant. First, let's figure out who a pensioner is.

In accordance with Art. 7 of the law of 17.12. 2001 No. 173-FZ have the right to receive an old-age pension:

  • Women who have reached the age of 55;
  • Men who have reached the age of 60;

From this age, the PF assigns a person a monthly allowance - a pension. In this case, the labor pension is calculated if there is at least 5 years of confirmed insurance experience. This category of citizens can be assigned appropriate benefits.

There are some categories of citizens who retire earlier. For example, mothers with many children raising more than three children. The possibility of early retirement has been established for them - at fifty. Also, such a right is granted to former military men, police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and some other categories of citizens.

A pension can be granted on the basis of:

  • Reaching the statutory age (old age);
  • Physical limitation (disability);
  • Service life (length of service).

Citizens who meet one of the criteria have the right to apply for a pension at the Pension Fund. Accordingly, they automatically acquire the status of a pensioner. The pension is often small. Therefore, the state provides a number of benefits for this category of citizens. Benefits for pensioners directly depend on the basis of retirement and the established list of subsidies in the region.

Groups of benefits for pensioners

Due to the unsatisfactory financial situation of persons of retirement age, the country's authorities establish a certain system of benefits:

  • benefits and subsidies;
  • financial payments;
  • priority right to certain services.

Preferential pensions are provided at two levels:

  1. Federal- subsidies are the same for the whole country.
  2. Regional- benefits in a specific area.

The first include subsidies on points:

  • communal payments;
  • getting medicines;
  • property tax exemption;
  • social guarantees;
  • fare payment.

Regional benefits approved by legislative acts of local government bodies.

The general list of benefits is not long, and the amount of additional payments is not very large.

Tax privileges

The list of tax benefits for pensioners can be formed on the basis of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and regional regulations:

  • Exemption from real estate tax in accordance with Art. Art. 401, 407 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Some regions give a privilege to old-age pensioners, as exemption from:
    • Reduction of the tax base of the land tax in the amount of ten thousand rubles (in some regions this figure is different). This amount is deducted from the cadastral price, tax is charged on the total.
    • Tax exemption for one vehicle with a capacity of less than one hundred horsepower.
  • Exemption from state. duties when applying to the courts, if the value of the claim is less than one million rubles.

The regional list of benefits for pensioners may differ. It is better to clarify a specific list in the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence. Pensioners can be exempted from the above taxes in whole or in part.

To take advantage of the privilege, you need to contact the specialists of the tax authority with a package of documentation:

  • statement;
  • pensioner's certificate.

Pension as income is not subject to personal income tax. Working pensioners pay this tax only on wages.

After purchasing an apartment, an elderly person has the right to return part of the money spent at the expense of the previously paid personal income tax. Even if a person no longer works, he can file a declaration three years in advance if personal income tax was paid at that time.

Suppose, in 2017, a citizen went on a well-deserved rest and bought a house. He has the opportunity to submit information about personal income tax from 2014 - 2016. to the inspection. On the basis of the required documentation package, he will be refunded 13% of the cost of the premises, but not more than the amount of tax paid to the state.

Utility benefits

The rules for the provision of subsidies for the payment of utilities by citizens of the country are regulated by Art. 159-160 ZhK RF. The right and rules for using them by certain categories of citizens are enshrined in individual regulatory acts. For example, the Federal Law "On Veterans" dated 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ.

Preferential pensions are also aimed at paying for housing and communal services. Usually, such a benefit is given to low-income pensioners, whose family earnings are less than the subsistence level.

Who are entitled to benefits for payment of utility bills:

  • disabled people of the first two groups;
  • retirees with more than two children;
  • participants in hostilities;
  • persons exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • labor veterans;
  • old-age pensioners whose utility bills exceed 22% of their income.

According to Art. 169 of the RF LCD, benefits are also extended to the payment of the capital repair fund, they are:

  • 50% for war veterans, persons with established disabilities, low-income citizens, persons who have reached the age of 70;
  • 100% for persons who have reached the age of 80;

The procedure for granting subsidies and the list of required documentation are determined by Government Decree No. 761 of 14.12. 2005 year.

The subsidy is not provided automatically, it must be formalized with an authorized body or the MFC. It is also possible to submit documents remotely through the State Services portal.

Medical Benefits

Since the health of elderly people requires special attention, the legislation provides for benefits for pensioners in the field of health care:

1. Gratuitous medical care in institutions:

  • all clinics and hospitals;
  • geriatric offices;
  • gerontological centers.

2. Pensioners with disabilities are eligible for certain free drugs.

3. The right to preferential prosthetics of missing limbs. Veterans can use the service free of charge.

4. Receiving medications for outpatient treatment with a 50% discount. The right is exercised upon the presentation of a doctor's prescription valid for ten days.

5. Free annual flu vaccination. To do this, you need to contact your doctor.

6. Once every three years, a free medical examination is carried out. People with disabilities due to illness or WWII have the right to undergo it annually.

7. Provision of vouchers to the sanatorium according to individual programs at the regional level. It usually includes:

  • providing travel to the place of treatment in the direction of a doctor in the country;
  • preferential treatment.

Recreational activities are regulated by separate regulatory enactments.

A pensioner can apply for valid medical benefits at a polyclinic upon presentation of a certificate. Discounts on drugs are available at any pharmacy location, including commercial pharmacies. To issue a voucher to the sanatorium, you will have to contact the specialists of the territorial department of the social protection authority.

Working pensioners and benefits

Quite often, people continue to work after retirement. The reasons for such actions are different. Someone wants to help loved ones, some simply do not have enough pension payments.

WITH there is a list of benefits for pensioners from employers:

  • The right to receive administrative leave at any time during the year;
    • old age pensioner - 14 days;
    • WWII participant - 30 days;
    • disabled person - 60 days.
  • Possibility of free advanced training.
  • The possibility of retraining;
  • Dismissal without working two weeks, at the request of a pensioner.
  • Regular leave is provided as a standard 28 days.

When applying for a job, a person must provide a pension certificate. An employment contract can be concluded for both an indefinite and an announced period, subject to the conditions determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Social assistance to pensioners

Social benefits are intended for a pensioner in a difficult situation. If a person lives alone and there is no one to help him, support is provided in the first place.

To arrange such assistance, you should contact the specialists of the social protection department. When it is not possible to visit him personally, you can invite a specialist from the instance to your home.

Social assistance is provided at the expense of the regional budget. The range of services is generally the same across the regions:

  • Financial support. Retirees, whose total income is less than the subsistence level, have the right to receive it. Compensation is issued monthly or one-time. Support can also be expressed, for example, in the provision of seasonal fuel for free or the provision of medicines.
  • Elderly persons, subject to certain conditions, have the right to count on the help of a social worker who:
    • will purchase products;
    • prepare food;
    • will do the cleaning of the premises;
    • will help you get to the clinic.
  • Retirees who need clothing should be provided with things.
  • In extreme cases, the pensioner will be sent to a boarding house, where he will be under medical supervision.

The provision of the above assistance depends on the specific situation.

Fringe benefits

At the regional level, benefits are established for travel in public transport. Its value is set by local authorities. If the pensioner refuses the concessional travel card, the amount is included in the monthly supplementary benefit.

Preferential travel pension coverage applies to transport:

  • bus;
  • airplane;
  • electric train;
  • train.

Benefits are granted at the time of ticket purchase. To do this, you must present a pension certificate.

Also, preferential pensions are aimed at providing targeted assistance. According to the legislation, it is expressed not only in monetary terms, but also in the form of:

  • food products;
  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • etc.

For non-working pensioners of any region considered to be the Far North, compensation is paid for travel expenses to a vacation spot within the Russian Federation.

The pensioner has the right to receive the due payments once every two years in the form of:

  • of money;
  • tickets.

To apply for a benefit, a pensioner must contact the Pension Fund of the city of residence or the MFC. You will have to account for the trip, so it is recommended to keep all tickets and contracts.

The preferential pension provision of our country has been approved at the legislative level. The list of additional subsidies is established in each region individually by local authorities. What benefits pensioners enjoy also depends on their material well-being. If the authorized body refuses to provide benefits, the pensioner has only one way out - to file a claim in court.

Currently, approximately 26 percent of Russians are entitled to certain benefits and compensation. However, practice shows: a lot of citizens do not know exactly what preferences are provided to them by law, and yet knowledge would allow them to significantly save money.

However, in reality, this kind of help is of two types:

  • provided to specific social categories;
  • subsidies for low-income families.

Meanwhile, there are federal and regional benefits in Russia.

What is the difference between regional and federal registers of beneficiaries

The difference in this case is one - financing. That is, if the existing register of beneficiaries is provided at the expense of the state budget, then it is federal, but when money is attracted from the treasury of a subject, then we are talking about a regional one.

In particular, federal benefits are listed in regulations issued by the country's top leadership. They are, in fact, closed for editing, and changes are made there only by order of the center.

At the same time, the privileges granted at the regional level are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation without obligatory coordination with Moscow. Thus, in a situation where certain assistance to a citizen comes directly from the local budget, he is deprived of the opportunity to receive a benefit of a similar order at the expense of the federal treasury.

The legislation indicates that if one or another support is in both lists, then the citizen will need to decide which funding to prefer.

Federal level beneficiaries

  • persons holding the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or the Soviet Union;
  • awarded with all degrees of the Order of Glory (or Labor Glory);
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • disabled veterans;
  • participants in the war;
  • war veterans.

If a citizen who had one of the above statuses dies, his immediate family members are allowed to use his privileges.

Among other benefits, Russian citizens are also provided:

  • who lived in besieged Leningrad;
  • prisoners of Nazi concentration camps;
  • Chernobyl victims;
  • victims of an accident that occurred in 1957 at the Mayak production association;
  • those who got sick as a result of exposure to radiation at the Semipalatinsk test site;
  • belonging to the families of those killed in the line of duty.

The federal list also includes disabled people, including children and families where they are brought up. It should be emphasized that the provision of benefits to the above categories of citizens does not in any way depend on housing conditions and certain norms of consumption of gas, electricity, water, etc.

In addition, they can also, for free:

  • get some drugs on a government-approved list;
  • ride in public transport;
  • take tickets for travel anywhere in the Russian Federation, etc.

At the same time, the level of assistance to disabled people directly depends on how many people live with them. Thus, the state fully compensates both the rent and the expenses for communal services for single citizens included in this category. In a situation where a disabled person lives with relatives, the amount of contributions is divided among all members of his family, and compensation is issued only in the form of one share attributable specifically to the beneficiary.

In general, citizens of the categories listed in the federal list, without exception, can expect to receive compensation in the amount of at least 50 percent of total utility costs. At the same time, such assistance is issued only for one apartment. In particular, persons with a second group of disabilities are given the opportunity to receive a discount on housing and communal services for only one living space.

If you have rights to a benefit on several grounds at once, it will be granted only on one of them. These are the requirements of Russian legislation.

Regional beneficiaries

  • labor veterans;
  • underage orphans;
  • children deprived of parental care;
  • large families;
  • persons holding the title of honorary donor;
  • employees in the education system;
  • medical professionals;

Moreover, in relation to the last two groups, benefits are provided only if they live and work in the countryside.

In addition to all of the above, certain benefits at the level of subjects are often provided by:

  • single citizens over 80 years old;
  • children under 18 months.

The list can be significantly expanded, but only after an appropriate decision by local authorities. They also determine the amount of compensation paid to each group of beneficiaries.

Social support in the regions is provided in various forms:

  • free firewood for heating the house;
  • discounts on utilities;
  • monetary compensation for certain expenses.

Who is provided with subsidies for housing and communal services

This right is acquired by those Russians who are forced to spend at least 22 percent of their total family income on communal services. At the same time, regional authorities can reduce this indicator at their discretion.

For example, for residents of Moscow, a subsidy is assigned if from the total earnings of all family members it is necessary to give from 11 percent to pay utility bills. That is, when the income is, for example, 40 thousand, then you cannot pay more than 4.4 for an apartment. Otherwise, it is necessary to contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence with a corresponding request.

At the same time, in Chelyabinsk, they practice fixed cash payments, the amounts of which depend on belonging to a particular category. For example, a labor veteran in this city receives compensation in the amount of up to 1,027 rubles every month.

Other nuances

It is worth knowing that all socially vulnerable categories from the federal list only need to confirm their status once. They are required to submit a document certifying that they are entitled to the requested privileges.

At the same time, most of the regional beneficiaries will need to find out at their place of residence exactly which documents they need to collect in order to receive preferences. The point is that the rules differ in different subjects.

If, for example, low incomes became the reason for receiving benefits, then the right to it will have to be confirmed in court. In this case, the procedure will need to be completed annually. Among other things, you will also need to present:

  • a certificate of income for each person living in the apartment;
  • extracts from the house book.

Documents for registration of benefits for housing and communal services

If we are talking about obtaining a subsidy, then the following documents will be needed:

  • blueprints of passports of all people living in the apartment;
  • papers confirming the right to housing;
  • a certificate from the inventory bureau;
  • certificates of marriage, birth of a child, etc.
  • certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • 2-NDFL form document for everyone receiving income.