Compliments with a hint of subsequent relationship. Do not be shy: how men hint at sex to girls. Write poetry with a hint of love

Sometimes it can be hard to muster the courage and tell a girl how you feel about her, so in this article we will analyze how to hint to a girl that I like her personally or by correspondence in contact, and whether it is worth using a social network when trying to tell her about your emotions.

Like any person, we tend to be nervous, afraid to confess our feelings, but the fear of being rejected may prevent you from building a happy relationship. Therefore, you need to gather all your will into a fist and confess your sympathy to the girl, perhaps she is also afraid to confess her feelings to you. So, the most necessary thing in the first stages is to get to know the girl better, to understand what she likes and what she wants. And only then look for an approach to it. Do not forget that all girls are different - one loves to be told about their feelings directly, while the other can be frightened at all.

Whatever one may say, guys often plan for a long time and think about how to make it clear to a girl that you like her, what to say to her, where to say, and when to say. If you have feelings for a girl, and you are crazy about her appearance, then a few phrases from which she will understand what attracts you to her can help you, for example:

  • “You have such beautiful eyes, I just can't take it away!”;
  • “The hair shines so cool in the sun, so soft”;
  • "It is immediately obvious that you are involved in sports, a beautiful figure."

If you decide to focus on the girl's appearance, you should not tell her, for example, about her chubby cheeks, she may start to complex and get upset about this, or compliments about her buttocks and breasts, they may also disappoint her, and she will consider you vulgar , a cheeky guy.

Make plans for the future, and think about how to make it clear to the girl that you like her using the methods of joint plans? Then it is worth understanding one simple truth - your sincerity with a barely familiar girl will be regarded as a joke, but if you have talked for a long time and are already thinking about how you will meet the sunrises and sunsets together, then these phrases will help you:

  • “You know, next year I want to give you an unforgettable Valentine's Day”;
  • “Maybe, of course, I am rushing things, but a joint vacation at sea during the summer holidays will give us the opportunity to relax and prepare for the new academic year. How do you like my proposal? "

A compliment is the simplest and most profitable step on the way to a girl's heart, so you can come up with a huge variety of them, and the girl will always be pleased. The main thing is not to overdo it and not translate the compliment into everyday flattery.

If you want to conquer your beloved, you should learn how to say compliments correctly. You should not memorize them, and in order to impress a girl, do not say obvious things, for example: “There is no one more beautiful than you in the world”, this is rather boring and already boring for everyone. Be creative with complements:

  • “Having traveled half the world, I have never met such a treasure as you”;
  • "Before we met, I thought what to say to you, but when I saw your charming smile, I forgot all the words."

Most importantly, remember to be sincere. If she realizes that you really admire her, she will appreciate your persistence. And if you try to memorize the text, she will immediately understand it and get angry. Do not repeat compliments very often, let them become unexpected.

If you suddenly overdo it, and your girlfriend is upset, ask her for forgiveness, and that you did not want to offend her.

You do not need long sentences, speak short, clearly and your intonation should not let you down.

If you still cannot overcome yourself or are not a male representative who can constantly flirt and compliment girls, but you are a serious straightforward guy, it doesn’t matter. This is even good, since the option suits you, to speak immediately and the truth about what you still want from a girl.

For example, let it be light, not complicated phrases:

  • “You are very beautiful, smart and I have been very fond of you for a long time!”;
  • "To be honest, I'm crazy about you!"

Tell the girl what exactly attracted you to her, how she stood out among others. And then she will feel her superiority over other females, which she will be extremely flattered.

Be honest, do not try to invent, because if you start to hang in front of the next compliment, it will seem very strange.

Let's pretend that you are already familiar with this girl, for example, study in the same group or class, work together, or you are in different courses, and now you meet your eyes, and you realize that this is exactly the girl with whom you would like to spend constantly its time. Then you shouldn't delay, it's time to confess your feelings to her, but you shouldn't do this in a crowd. Let you be alone. So that you feel more confident, and she is not embarrassed, as well as that her answer is sincere, since in the crowd of surrounding eyes she may not even announce herself, so as not to offend you or, on the contrary, accidentally humiliate you.

And if suddenly your solitude took place, take courage, tell her that you like spending time with her, chatting, and you want to take it to the next level by inviting her on the first date.

In fact, it is easier to ask a girl out on a date than to say after a while that you love her. Thoughts immediately begin to come to mind, what if she does not reciprocate? Is this really love? What should I do if she also says that she loves me? You need to be prepared for both positive and negative responses. And for this you need to prepare.


Practice your speech. Decide what you say after the words "I love you." The Veda girl will definitely want to hear some kind of continuation.

A declaration of love should be memorable, therefore, in order to get more chances that you will not be refused, choose a place for a date, as well as agree with the girl about the time and date in advance.

Even if, having confessed your feelings, you do not hear an answer, do not start asking questions: “Do you love me?”, “Do you want to tell me something?”. The girl may not feel love for you, but she could just be confused and embarrassed. Therefore, be patient and resilient before the meeting.


Seeing your chosen one, you do not need to rush immediately with words of declaration of love. Take a walk, enjoy each other, wait for the right romantic moment, and only then tell her: "I love you."

Do not rush the girl, she needs to be aware of what she has heard.

It is important to remember a few tips:

  • Try not to be nervous and not pretend to be a person who you are not;
  • Before you confess your feelings to her, think carefully if you really love her;
  • There is nothing shameful in practice, so rehearse your speech;
  • When you meet, give the girl all your attention, take care of her;
  • Having confessed your love, do not press on her, she will open to you when she is ready.

You are a cheerful and responsive guy, so this can be your trump card up your sleeve. Try to demonstrate your sympathy for her by using positive notes, for example, the phrases:

  1. “And I would marry you!”;
  2. "I envy the life of your cat, maybe you can take me in his place?"

If suddenly the girl also decided to joke, and even if she did not succeed very well, you should not criticize her, support and laugh together.

Now we will try to make it clear to the girl that we liked her, but at the same time you saw her for the first time. Here you will have to sweat, the most important thing is to try to bring her into dialogue, because if she is not interested in you, then she will flatly refuse to talk to you, and you simply cannot express your feelings.

What do we need to do?

  • Try the simplest thing, ask her for the time or how to get to a certain place;
  • After answering, you can compliment her, and if you get a smile in her face, you can continue communicating further;
  • Ask if she wants to spend time with you or talk on the phone, online;
  • A girl interested in you can herself hint to you that she would not mind spending time with you for a detailed acquaintance;
  • If, after the compliments, you saw how her face was embarrassed, or she is trying to look away and turn away from you, then you should not waste your time on her.

Now let's deal with the hints. They will depend on the type of your beloved, since we would not advise using vulgar hints for a modest and intelligent lady, she simply will not understand you correctly, but she will also be disgusted with you.

Let's take a look at some examples. Let the first one be "uninhibited", with this type of women you can throw jokes on bed topics and other 18+ topics, and also speak directly about your sympathy, about a beautiful, sexy body, etc.

There is also a "quiet, modest woman", with them you need to choose hints more carefully, since such girls usually hide any emotions in themselves.

In order to understand what type your girlfriend is, let her open up in the usual general, look at how she dresses and behaves with other people, and only then choose an approach for recognition.

We believe that the Internet is not the best place for declarations of love, of course, a little below, but if it came to hints on the Internet, then let's figure out how to hint a girl that I like her by correspondence, using the simplest methods.

The easiest and most effective way is to write to her in plain text that you are not indifferent to her. From the pros - she can immediately reciprocate you or not, but from the minuses - the girl can simply ignore the message, without answering anything, since she may receive dozens of exactly the same confessions.

Also, as an option, you can send her musical compositions, which to one degree or another hint at your feelings for the girl. You shouldn't dwell on music, you can also throw videos or simple pictures to it. An interested girl will reciprocate you, and then you can already offer her something more serious than just hints.

Now we hope that you have no questions left about how to hint to a girl that I like her in VK, since the methods described above are 100% effective and then either you will receive a refusal or a continuation where you can already invite her on a live date.

If you have not seen the girl before, but are in the mood for a declaration of love or sympathy, then we do not advise you to do this through social networks or other remote methods.

Here are some reasons why we think the internet is a bad thing to admit:

  • Your beloved can read the message and immediately leave the network without telling you anything, just ignoring your confession;
  • On social networks, beautiful girls are often confessed in love and moreover several times a day, if you want to be in the company of men who have not been answered, then go for it;
  • You will not be able to convey all the sincerity and show how important it is for you through messages in VK or SMS, it is best to do this face to face when you meet;
  • The girl may also think that you are trying to play her or want to make fun of her, so she will simply leave this message unanswered, or discard you a smiley.

Recently we chatted with friends, the topic came up, how to make it clear to a girl that you like her. I don't know who thinks and how, but you can invite her somewhere just for a walk. Surely she will understand that those girls who do not like the guy will not be invited for a walk. But there is a downside to the coin - it can resist.

Dear guys! Never hint to girls that you like them on VK. It immediately seems that you are afraid to say this in private. And if so, then why do we need such communication at all. And how many times the girls do not respond to such messages, just because they themselves do not understand anything.

I think that some kind of non-standard approach is needed. Surely, if a girl is beautiful, then many hint to her that they like her, because over time, immunity can develop. If a man wants to show, then he needs to show it with all perseverance, and not hint or state a fact.

Girls almost never take the first step, only the brave can. They are afraid of being rejected. Therefore, a man will have to take matters into his own hands. If he sees that he likes her, then why not take the plunge? Why empty hints, neither take nor give.

Hinting a girl about sympathy is a difficult business. Especially if she's very modest. Now I don’t know how and what to tell her. I'm afraid to go too far and offend. I read the article, but there are quite a few ways that I will apply. And I certainly won't write to her about it.

I was thinking about how to hint to her that I like her. The girl got ahead, said everything herself, that is, she wrote VK. You know what? I don’t want any more to be admitted in sympathy with me. It’s not very pleasant, and I’m not going to do it myself. Better to hint somehow with your eyes, smile, fool around together.

Once I saw a girl on the subway, I liked it very much. Didn't know how to speak to her. I went after her, fortunately I did not think that I was some kind of maniac. He ran up, asked how long it was, said that he had forgotten his phone at home. We talked and decided to exchange numbers. He took out his phone and began to write it down. It turned out awkward ...

Recently I asked a girl if she wants to continue talking in a cafe. She said so categorically "no". What a twist. Therefore, now, at first, I am trying to find out if the girl likes me even a bit, otherwise you will learn all the methods and you will be a fool.

And I just said bluntly, without hints. Why unnecessary body movements, if you can say everything to your face. I don’t regret it, there is no need to be afraid in any case. Then you will only regret it. Therefore, take courage, a year's supply of compliments and go to battle!

Damn, I like a girl and I rarely see her and every time I jelly that I don’t have a knot and today I gained strength and I’ll give a knot and I advise you not to be afraid to take the first step.

As a preface, I will note that I am always against memorized templates and prepared material. Therefore, do not use the material in this article as a magic pill.

Always learn to generate the words you want yourself.

1. Initially, it is better not to hint, but to speak as it is (the girl is not a telepath)

The best thing is to always tell it straight and as it is.

For example, tell her: “ You `re cool. You are super! I like you!»

  • Tell her why you chose her over the other ladies. And then then she will feel chosen by you! And then she will feel special to you! And it's super attractive and powerful.
  • Better not to hint, but to speak directly! The girl is not a telepathic person and cannot read minds.
  • Thus, you remind yourself why you have every reason to be with her, and how she touches you. This is where motivation and confidence comes from.

This is the first point on the topic of how to tell a girl that I like her.

2. If you are really attracted by her appearance (hairstyle), voice it

For example, you can compliment her hairstyle if she's really cool:

  1. « I like your hair».
  2. « Wow, I love your hairstyle!».

3. Hint at a joint future, where you are already a couple in love

You can use phrases to project your future together, where you are already a couple in love:

  • « What are you doing on February 14th?».
  • « What are you doing for Valentine's Day next year?».

These are such subtle hints of sympathy for the girl.

4. You can compliment her on being cute if she's really cute.

Compliments about what kind of girl is cute, you can think of different and a lot.

If she's really cute, that shouldn't be a problem.

If only because she reads from your face the charm of her femininity.

For example: " You are so cute. I will definitely give you a New Year's present».

Thus, I am not worried about how to hint a girl that I like her.

5. Let her know what is happening to you inside because of her

You can tell her about it implicitly, thereby creating a kind of intrigue.

« Why are you doing this to me?"- ask her this, thereby making it clear that she is very attractive to you.

6. Hints about her style at the beginning of dating

« Hi i like your style"- you can start your acquaintance with these words.

I'm talking about a case when a beauty is completely unfamiliar to you, and you take the first approach to her.

7. Offer to play funny roles like in a novel, voice your script

« Let's play a novel where you get pregnant from me and then we have to get married"- with this phrase you invite her to play different roles on funny topics.

Having said something like this, I no longer ask questions about how to make it clear to a girl that I like her.

8. Use this phrase to show sympathy for her and emotional closeness.

« Do you want to be my soul mate?"- a phrase of sympathy for her and emotional closeness (an example of an opener for starting a conversation with a stranger).

In no case should you say these words from the position that you cannot live without her, and she supposedly will somehow complement you.

9. We compliment her and blame her for it at the same time.

« You are so cool and pretty. What are you doing to me?"- I compliment her and blame her for it at the same time.

For example, these words close the dilemma of how to admit to a girl that I like her.

10. Be as close to her as possible

« I want to be close to a nice girl"- say this if she does not understand what is happening, and you sit down closer to her.

Thus, she better feels your condition, it is transmitted to her. It also happens in cases where the guy knows everything about.

11. In case you want to invite her to date

Let us examine the question of how to hint a girl about a relationship correctly.

  1. It is not necessary and not at all necessary to hint about a serious relationship.
  2. A relationship will only start when you spend the night in bed together. And you need to think about them only after that. Not before.
    Therefore, it makes no sense to offer to meet before that - zero!
  3. To a girl I like, I usually say that I want to see her more often. It is not necessary to copy my words word for word.

It goes something like this: “Listen, you are cool, and I feel good with you. Let's see each other more often and have a great time together! "

Then I usually ask which days she is more often free.

I never have a problem with how to tell a girl that I like her and offer to date.

For those who want to confess their love to her

For those guys who are asking questions about how to tell a girl that I love her.

First, ask yourself:

  • Have you slept together before, or did you have nothing? If not, then it is foolish to rush into such statements.
  • Do you want to tell her this because you do not feel self-sufficient and think that the girl will somehow complement you?
    If the answer is "Yes", then most likely sooner or later she will leave you.
  • Is this feeling mutual according to your feelings?
    If the answer is “No,” then why hurry up with such statements again? It is better to say your approximate words as in the 11th paragraph a little higher, or go for a run and choose the words that suit you from all 23 points.

For those who want to confess their love to their passion, you should remember and realize the following.

A woman doesn't want to be an adventure, she wants to go on an adventure with you. She wants to go to a more significant and bigger event than herself. Otherwise, if your focus is entirely on her, she loses interest in you, and you become in need of her eyes.

Remember this, so you won't need phrases about how to hint to a girl that you want to date her, and you will remove all doubts.

12. Invite her on an adventure with you

« Do you want to go on a date? Do you want to start an affair with me?"- it's better to say to an unfamiliar beauty when you just saw her.

Thus, you invite her on an adventure.

And I say this not even with the aim of inviting or calling her somewhere, but simply finding any reason to start a conversation with her.

This is all done playfully and the words should correspond to your condition, that is, should be.

Otherwise, this item will not work for you.

Then you can continue the conversation by changing the topic to any other topic.

13. Using jokes with bed hints

« I just posted on facebook that you and I were making love"- rapprochement through positive emotions and humor.

Ideally, there should be no filters at all. Know everything about communication and life in general.

14. Be the chooser, not the one who is chosen.

« I choose you, I like to communicate with you"- with this phrase you show that you choose her.

15. If you see her for the first time

« I just saw you and could not help but approach"- use when approaching a stranger.

You don't have to be mega-charismatic to know everything about.

16. Tell her that she is better than all the other women around.

"I like you more than those girls"- and you point to any random girls nearby.

One more words as an addition to the discussion of the topic on how to tell a girl that I need her, beautifully.

This can be done both in the club, if you just met her, and on a date.

17. Jokes about the wedding and her mother

"Can I call my mom and tell me that I met my wife?"- hints of your marriage as a joke.

18. We voice our feelings and feelings towards her with humor

There is such a strong chemistry between us, like in the TV series "Breaking Bad"- voice what you feel about her with humor.

It is always better to talk about your feelings for her in your own words, without memorized text.

Thus, you will pump this ability in yourself, you will not need any prepared material and you will know everything about that.

19. You don't have to give a reason why you are attracted to her.

“I am really drawn to you. I do not know why"- voice your strong attraction to her.

20. Let her know what you want to be with the most.

"I like to be with you more than friends."- you chose her among others and you want to be with her most of all.

21. Kiss her

On the question of how to hint a girl for a kiss:

  • Proceed from the position that you give a kiss, you don't take away.
  • I usually kiss myself and never verbally. don't ask permission.
  • If you initially positioned yourself correctly, then there will be no resistance to the kiss.

How did I do it

I had a case when one woman deliberately began to dodge my kiss. Initially, I did everything right and saw no reason to resist.

I didn’t want to play these cats and mice and immediately said bluntly: “ I want to kiss you".

To which she replied: “ What if I can't kiss?"(And everything became immediately clear).

To which I replied: “ I will teach you".

And there was no more resistance. It's so easy, without any games and other nonsense, you can hint a girl at the first kiss.

Video with my approach

In addition to the topic, I decided to show my video, where I meet a hot woman in the mall.

In it you can clearly see what I wrote about in this article.

It also contains answers to the topic of how to tell a girl that she is beautiful in your own words.

On finding a topic for conversation with women on dates, I am a site.

22. Use the role reversal token

A feature of changing roles between you and clues for a joint future:

  • "If you take me on a date, where are you taking me?"
  • "Where are you taking me on our date with you?"
  • "Stop seducing me"- a sly phrase with a change of roles, with which you will absolve yourself of responsibility.

Even if it is not she who seduces you, but you her, but it will remind you that you are a man and a woman.

23. Subtle, non-repulsive words about her figure and face at the same time

"Take your chest away, hide it from me, I only want to see your beautiful face."

Here is such a compliment to her figure and appearance at the same time, helping to confess sympathy in a girl, you can give.

Key Points to Remember

  • You let her know that you make her stand out from others and why you like her.
  • When you talk to a girl about your sympathy, you look straight in the eyes.
    It is foolish to look away, look away and speak to nowhere.
  • Keep it as simple as possible!
  • Be silly, don't be serious about everything.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • When expressing yourself, don't try to impress.
  • Don't be afraid to touch and touch her. She herself is waiting for this.
  • Never regard your openness in liking a girl as weakness. This is always a plus and it is strong, but at the same time, do not think that she will immediately float after your words and want you.
  • Be honest and congruent. Say what you think (don't forget about adequacy).
  • Let your emotions come out and they will attract her.
  • Don't focus on prepared words! Let yourself say ugly, but from the heart.
    And these will be your best words than borrowed from someone or prepared in advance.
  • Do not try to mimic James Bond or another movie hero from the movie, voicing his cool phrases.
    It will turn out to be only a cheaper and unnatural copy of the movie hero, whose life you still cannot live.
  • The best thing you can do is be your best self.
  • You need to understand that many of the phrases were spoken in a state of flux, and you don't need to wait after these phrases for unrealistic reactions from a woman and quick acceptance.
    In any case, you need to continue communication and not depend on prepared phrases.
  • The sooner you let her know how you feel about her, the better.
    The longer you wait with how to show sympathy for the girl, the more awkward it will be later.
  • Talk about your sympathy in places where there is no social pressure and unnecessary judgmental views of people. Better alone.

Why the Internet or SMS are the worst ways to show sympathy and feelings

If this is the first time you want to confess to a girl about your sympathy and intentions, then never do it over the Internet.

Better ask yourself: "What prevented you from doing this in your first minutes of acquaintance at the meeting?"

What prevented the girl from hinting that you like her when you saw her for the first time?

Why the internet is so bad for this:

  1. Girl can read your message and just walk out from online mode, without even answering anything to your deep lines about crazy love.
  2. On the Internet, very beautiful women sometimes several dozen men write letters of declaration of love on social networks per day.
    Do you want to be one of those gray fans?
  3. All the sincerity and honesty of your sympathy, you can convey all the openness to a woman only through your gaze when meeting eye to eye. But not through the monitor.
  4. A woman might think that you are dissembling or just kidding after reading your message. And already there is a wrong positioning and a wrong understanding of you.

You see him in your dreams, all your dreams are only about him, you see him in everyone you meet, you dream of a stormy love story, but you do not find the strength to take the first step.

Yes, the situation is still the same! But don't be discouraged! Today we will tell how to hint a guy about a relationship and take it to a new romantic level.

10 ways to get a guy's attention

  1. Flirting- the main female weapon. Boldly make your eyes, beckon and lure, wink and flap cute eyelashes, catch his eye and look straight into his eyes for a few seconds. If the guy is not a complete boob, he will definitely respond to your game.
  2. Smile- it is impossible to resist. Smile when you meet, laugh at his jokes, be cheerful and cheerful, men love carefree and happy women.
  1. Be defenseless and weak, make him feel like a real macho. Men are drawn to those women next to whom they feel strong and courageous. Walking in the park or returning from work late at night, ask him to accompany you home, show that you need his care and protection. will never miss a chance to show his courage. And then he will like this feeling so much that he will look for any excuse in order to experience it again. As a result, you will kill two birds with one stone at once - you will show the guy your interest and make him look at himself with different eyes.
  2. Be the center of his attention... Make friends with the company of a young man you like, this will expand your scope of opportunities and triple your chances of reciprocity.
  3. Invite him out on a date! Why not? Who said a girl can't do it first? Afraid of rejection? Present everything in a humorous manner, do not burden the man with a serious relationship. This approach will ensure you 100% success. For a first date, choose an amusement park or 5D cinema. There you can spend unforgettable moments in your life, which will undoubtedly bring you closer together.
  4. Find common interests... Does your adored person like to spend the weekend playing chess? Keep him company! Is he an avid soccer fan? Stretch yourself and learn the names of some of the most famous footballers. Is the man of your dreams attending a German course? Why don't you broaden your horizons too!
  5. Praise and compliment... At the slightest opportunity, express your admiration for his skills and abilities to the guy. From this he will get a lot of pleasure and will certainly want to know more about you.
  6. Be a good conversationalist... A man also needs to speak out, so become for him exactly the person with whom you can have an easy and casual conversation. In the course of the conversation, you will probably touch on a love topic, then you can subtly hint the guy about your feelings.
  7. Don't forget about tactile contact... In an era of total rush and constant employment, people stopped hugging and holding hands. But in this case it will play into our hands, because a man simply cannot fail to notice a girl who, as if by chance, constantly touches him.
  8. Tell your feelings straight... This method is perfect for those girls who are used to “taking the bull by the horns”. You can write a note and hand it on for Valentine's Day, put it in the morning press, or just stick it in your jacket pocket.

Hinting at relationships - correcting mistakes

Very often, girls make gross oversights that nullify all their efforts. What is absolutely forbidden to do?

  • Do not be cheeky in conversation with the young man you like;
  • Don't open up completely and completely. It is enough to subtly hint about your feelings. But to demonstrate ardent love and hang a guy around the neck is not worth it;
  • Don't be intrusive. Go on with your life, go to parties, meet your friends, spend your weekends outside the city. You do not need to turn into a hawk and relentlessly follow the object of your desires. Do not call him too often, do not get constant SMS, it gets boring very quickly;
  • Do not use intermediaries in love affairs;
  • Don't flirt with other guys in front of him;
  • Don't just become a friend. You are a woman, you must emphasize this in every possible way.

Fight for your happiness. If you want to get closer to your cherished dream - act, do not be afraid to take the initiative. Well, if the guy does not understand the hints - speak directly and come what may!

Hello to all readers of the old ladies' blog! When a guy talks to a lady and feels that he likes her, it can be difficult to admit his sympathy. Beauties can react in different ways, so you need to do it carefully so as not to "frighten off the prey." Today I will consider all the nuances of correct recognition and answer your main question: how to tell a girl that I like her.

Why are guys afraid to confess their feelings?

Nature endowed men with courage, strength and courage and decided that this is all they need for a successful existence. However, in matters of love, men are helpless and powerless like little children. A young man, under the influence of sympathy for his chosen one, gradually loses control over his mind, and this makes him vulnerable. He thinks about her a lot, strives for communication, meetings, but misses the most important thing - recognition of sympathy. To this may be added other reasons for the fear of young people:

  • low self-esteem ("I am not worthy of her", "I am nobody for her");
  • great popularity of the girl (she is told such things every day);
  • lack of experience in dealing with ladies;
  • the consequences of unsuccessful relationships with the opposite sex;
  • fear of rejection of reciprocity;
  • lack of confidence in your feelings (what if it's just sympathy?);
  • fear of becoming a laughing stock (she will tell all her friends and girlfriends, and everyone will laugh at me).

Especially this fear arises when a guy communicates with a very beautiful lady, and who has many fans. But all fears can be overcome if you know the basic principles in communicating with a girl you like.

Things to do before hinting at sympathy

You communicate with a girl and that you like her, but in the beginning it would be nice to find out about her attitude towards you. What is needed for this:

  • spend more time with her - this will show how she treats you;
  • communicate not only "live", but also social networks - on the Internet people are more liberated;
  • more often to look into the eyes of the chosen one - the eyes usually "give up" those who breathe unevenly;
  • take an interest in her life - if a lady herself has warm feelings for you, then there is no need to ask her too much, she will tell everything herself as if in spirit (practice shows);
  • to look after her is elementary: hold her hand when leaving, offer a chair, if she likes you, she will certainly appreciate your efforts;
  • ask friends about her attitude towards you - but there is no guarantee that she will not be told about it;
  • offer all possible help - ladies love it when men solve their problems and refuse it only in the absence of sympathy.

If such actions do not give a complete picture of your relationship, you can make a "knight's move" - ​​openly ask her how she feels about you. Here it is 50/50 - either she will not find what to say, or she will say: “You are just a friend to me,” or she is forced to admit her sympathy for the first. This method is perfect for confident guys.

What is important for a guy to know for successful communication

It will focus on important points that will help a young man take a step towards conquering a girl. So, let's figure out what principles each "elated" guy needs to adhere to:

  1. Positive attitude.

For an optimistic guy, luck will accompany him in all his endeavors, including in love affairs. Here you need to be confident and purposeful, and in no case back down, girls appreciate self-confident men. Weak-tempered and cowardly boys (namely boys - you can't call them men) run the risk of remaining in the friend zone forever.

  1. External presentability.

The neatness of a young man disposes to himself faster than his external data. Therefore, young people just need:

  • take a bath or shower regularly;
  • shave, get a haircut;
  • walk in clean clothes;
  • do not spare money for perfume.

In the latter case, you can even do this: buy perfume and ask the beauty: does she like them, if she likes, then you can safely use them and be sure that she likes your scent. If you feel that this is not enough to show sympathy for the girl, you can work on yourself and your body: going to sports clubs, playing sports will not only improve your appearance, but also give more confidence in yourself and your strengths.

  1. Tact.

A sense of tact will allow a man to develop one of the main components of a love relationship - respect for his soul mate. Therefore, if a young man intends to tie himself and the future bride into a serious relationship, then you need to be restrained and calm in communication. What does this mean? Do not use obscene language, jargon, tricky jokes, including directed at her. So the lady will easily begin to trust you, and your communication will become more relaxed.

  1. Less thought, more action.

As one humorist put it, "If you look at a girl for a long time, you can see her getting married." You can endlessly think about a beautiful person, dream, imagine yourself with her, dedicate poetry, but you can miss the moment of rapprochement and someone else will conquer your chosen one. Therefore, if you like a girl very much, you cannot postpone recognition of sympathy.

  1. Openness in communication.

Here I mean to freely express my thoughts and feelings, to be open to various topics of communication. Representatives of the fairer sex feel calmer in the company of the guy that everyone or almost everyone knows about (a parrot strangled in childhood, or the described pants do not count). So the girl will understand that you have no secrets from her, and will trust her secrets. Openness in conversation can play a positive role in bringing you closer together, for example, you can:

  • talk about a serious relationship;
  • to say that there are so few people in the world who value love and feelings;
  • listen to her opinion (and it will most likely be the same);
  • hint that you would like to truly love and be loved;
  • pause and follow her reaction (it can be ambiguous);
  • continue the conversation (change the subject if she is embarrassed, or continue if she is interested in the issue).

If fear continues to haunt, you can use such a technique: observing yourself from the side, rehearsing phrases in front of a mirror or best friend. All this will prepare the ground for recognition of sympathy, and we will talk about how best to do this further.

How to hint a girl that I like her

Every young man who has experience of communicating with the fair sex already knows how to hint to a girl about his sympathy, let's give an example of common techniques:

  1. Compliment.

This is a popular allusion to sympathy, both at first meeting and during long-term communication. You just need to remember that compliments should be appropriate. For example, if a lady is pretty, you can definitely mention this: “You are like an orchid, more and more beautiful every day”. Or rate her hairstyle: "You have a cool hairstyle, did you yourself?"

  1. Tell the truth.

Some guys who don't like to beat around the bush prefer to say everything directly, you can use this method as well. Come up and say: “You know, and I like you for a long time” or “I choose you, and why I’ll decide later,” “I can’t be silent anymore, I like you!”

  1. Intrigue.

Individuals of the female sex are very curious by nature, they do not like understatement, although they themselves use this method more often than men. You can act according to their plan - create some kind of intrigue, for example, say with a characteristic facial expression: "What are you doing to me?" or "Why me?" The effect will not be long in coming, believe me ...

  1. Distinguishing her from the surrounding girls.

This option works well if you study in the same educational institution or work in the same office, where there are many other representatives of the fairer sex. You can do this: choose the beauties standing nearby and say: “It's so good that even though you are near, there are only scarecrows around” (point to the girls).

  1. Good joke.

If a lady loves and knows how to joke, then you need to laugh at her jokes more often, so she will appreciate your attention and sympathy. But you should not remain in debt - you can even hint to the girl about the relationship with a joke: “Does your mother need a son-in-law?”, “Our children will not forgive us for this,” etc.

  1. Find a common activity.

If you have common interests and hobbies, you can take advantage of this. For example, go to a concert of your favorite band and continue to show signs of attention there. The euphoria from listening to your favorite performers will increase the effect of your closeness and sympathy for each other.

  1. Demonstrate interest.

As mentioned earlier, all ladies love the attention of the opposite sex, even if you are still on friendly terms. You need to purposefully call her to meetings, go to her (if this is practiced), with her, refuse to meet with other friends (for example, by phone). She will appreciate that this is all for her. Remember the movie "Friendship Sex", on the screen the couple started out with a banal friendship, but grew into deeper feelings.

How to write to a girl that I like her

If all of the above methods do not suit you or you are not confident in yourself, you need to try to hint about sympathy in social media. networks, for example: in contact or classmates. The chat is equipped with all kinds of emoticons, gifs and pictures that can be used in a message. Examples of messages:

“Hello my princess! May I call you that? "

"How's the most beautiful and cute girl doing?"

"Even your handwriting is beautiful."

"I am writing to you, what more, what else can I say, let me at least invite you on a date."

"Oh (name), you make me blush even here."

You can write on paper and pass it on through a friend or acquaintance, especially if you are close to each other. The lady will certainly appreciate such an unusual way of communication and understand that she is sympathetic to you and, possibly, will reciprocate your sympathy.

I had no problem with how to tell a girl that I like her because I have always adhered to the rules that are outlined in this article. Write your feedback and wishes in the comments, I will definitely answer, always yours, old ladies' man Panteley. I wish you success!

There are many ways to get a guy's attention. Sometimes he simply does not understand that your communication can go beyond friendship, and sometimes he does not pay attention to you at all. It is very difficult to answer the question of how to hint a guy about a relationship. There is no template that can be followed to attract a guy's attention and arouse his sympathy. Let's tell you how to hint a guy about a relationship.

How to tell if a guy likes you

Before taking active steps, you need to make sure that the man is ready to develop a relationship. Experts suggest using body language to understand the intentions of the stronger sex:

  1. First of all, you need to keep an eye on the body. A person who shows sympathy regardless of gender, completely unconsciously turns to the interlocutor of interest to him and sometimes even leans slightly in his direction.
  2. One of the components of flirting is glances. Shy men quickly look away if noticed. Confident individuals look at a woman for a while, and only then begin to look in the other direction.
  3. Bodily contact (light touching) is one of the signs of incipient sympathy.

If you notice these signs, you should try your luck and make it clear to the guy you like that you are also not indifferent to him.

How to show your interest in a guy's personality

There are some simple techniques that can help you show that you are interested in a man as a person:

  1. It is important to learn to listen without interrupting. In addition, it is desirable to have common interests in order to have topics of conversation.
  2. Try to smile at him more often, completely sincerely.
  3. Talk about the young man's hobbies to learn about his preferences. At the same time, it is important not to go too far and not strive to find out everything in one conversation. Being overly intrusive can scare a guy, so try to keep your interest natural and restrained. Tell about yourself.
  4. Laugh at jokes.
  5. Do not get into quarrels with the chosen one. At first, you should not defend your point of view too zealously so as not to be branded as a quarrelsome person. Communication should not carry any negativity.
  6. Despite the prohibition of quarreling, a competitive spirit can be maintained. To do this, you can watch competitions together or play games online.
  7. Learn to accept and give gifts. If the prospects for your communication are not yet clear, these can be small symbolic presentations.

At the initial stages, you need to get as close to the chosen one as possible, spend time with him and communicate in a friendly way. In order for a man to understand that you expect more from your union, actively flirt with him.

Remember that the representatives of the stronger sex generally do not always understand subtle hints, therefore, if all your attempts do not bring the desired result, it is worth talking directly. For example, ask, "Would you like to go out on a friendly date?" It is quite difficult to decide on a conversation, but even a negative outcome is also a result. If the chosen one does not reciprocate with you, you will not waste valuable time.

Use the technique of contrasting communication: flirt and at the same time do not forget about your own affairs, periodically keep aloof. In any case, do not impose if the guy openly avoids you. In this case, you need to forget about his existence for a while, which, if there is even a little sympathy, will turn on the instinct of a "hunter" in a young man.

How to use correspondence better

Correspondence is very important these days. It is often extremely difficult to manage, but it can also help you make a few hints about the development of the relationship. If you use social networks, for example, VKontakte, then be prepared for the fact that the young man may not be alone at the computer, so you should not conduct too frank correspondence and send ambiguous phrases. It is best to have interesting conversations on neutral topics on social media.

On the Internet, for flirting, you can use the opportunity to give gifts or successfully comment on photos. Remember that any phrase must be carefully thought out. It's good if you compliment your chosen one. The obvious advantage of social networks is that with their help you can learn more about a person. To do this, just look at the list of communities in which the chosen one is.

More personal issues can be raised in correspondence using short messages on the phone, since in this case you will be able to exclude the presence of third parties behind the back of your beloved. Here, too, it is important not to be annoying. If communication is quite lively, it is advisable to hint to the guy about your feelings with a simple message: "I can't stop thinking about you ...".

It's a good idea to bluff and pretend you were wrong and send him a message that was supposedly meant for the other guy. The text can be like this: "Sorry, Slava, I love another." Then you just have to play the embarrassment extremely truthfully and explain yourself. It is important that the name of the fictional boyfriend does not match the one worn by your chosen one.

Things to Avoid

It is difficult to build a serious relationship if you make the following mistakes when communicating:

  • do not remain a mystery for the young man;
  • take an active interest in the financial situation of a young person;
  • at the initial stage of communication, talk on intimate topics;
  • boast;
  • complain and whine often;
  • be annoying;
  • criticize a guy's hobbies or not be interested in them;
  • do not pause in communication (few people can spend several hours a day on correspondence, do not strive to ensure that the guy does not let his phone out of his hands for days or does not leave the computer).