Hollywood party contests. Candlesticks, roses and rhinestone. Hollywood-style wedding banquet: sophisticated lightness

Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Quincy Jones, Count Basie, Joe Pass, Oscar Peterson, Judy Garland and Fred Astaire

cheese snacks, vegetable salads, hot sandwiches, grilled steak, profiteroles, mousse, cake, chocolate covered strawberries, mini pies, muffins, cocktails: Bloody Mary, Cosmopolitan, Martini, Tom Collins, Manhattan "

tango, foxtrot, waltz, step
themed games, contests, dances

“From minute to minute, the hosts of the holiday will announce the start of the next award ceremony for the nominees of the prestigious Oscar. Well, now we are next to the red carpet, on which our favorite actors and actresses continue to march, knocking with stellar heels! ”- so, or something like this, you can start a real Hollywood party. I already imagine myself among the paparazzi who are in a hurry to record everything that happens around to the smallest detail: the outfits of the heroes-artists, mood, gait, etc. The lenses click, flashes blind the eyes of cheerful celebrities, and they, continuing to smile sweetly, walk gracefully into the hall ...

And in the hall of the hall "seasoned" journalists of prestigious publications are already waiting for the guests, wishing to interview them. Ask a friend to wear a badge, such as the prestigious glamor E! Live! ". Let the "journalist" ask the guests about their emotions, feelings about the upcoming event, about the outfit and the name of the designer who created this stunning masterpiece.

Everything should be as believable as possible, sincere. Such a technique will help your guests to very quickly get involved in the game, which is called "Hollywood Life". Well, then - start the ceremony, or - offer guests other Hollywood-style entertainment.


Sometimes it turns out that some stars come to social events incognito. Look around, maybe there are some real Hollywood celebrities among you, disguised as ordinary people?

Game 1. "Yes" and "No" in Hollywood

Props: cardboard stars with names of celebrities on Velcro.

Participants: all guests.

Rules: the guests' task in the first minutes of the holiday is to unnoticeably attach stars to each other's backs with the names of those Hollywood celebrities whom (in their opinion) this or that person is similar. When the presenter announces: "Stop the game!" They start asking other guests leading questions: "Is this a woman?", "Is this a blonde?", "Did she die young?" etc. The audience has the right to say only "Yes" and "No". After the participant calls the name of the star hidden behind his back - the tag is removed from him, the game continues with the next “star”, which “ascends” to the stage.

Also, before the start of the Oscars ceremony, your guests (as experts of the Academy of Cinematography) must vote on the subject of which of the present nominees has a chance to get the award.

Game 2. Oscar nominees

At the entrance to distribute to the guests printed sheets with the name of the nominations and the names of the guests. Let everyone write down the names in the necessary columns and return the sheets to you, and you will calculate the results and prepare the cherished envelopes for the Ceremony.

The second option is more practical, although not anonymous. Draw a large booth with a list of nominations on one side and the names of the party members on the other. Let the guests come to the stand and tick the necessary boxes.

Nominations may include: "Most Revealing Dress", "Best (Worst Hairstyle)", "Strangest Behavior", "Amazing Couple", "Best Actor (Actress)", "Funny Joke", "Best Stage Costume".

When the voting is over, start the Ceremony itself. Let the winners in each nomination take the stage, holding their hands to their chest with excitement and holding back tears of happiness! From there, they make fiery speeches about how happy they are to stand here now, and how grateful to the whole world (and most of all to their dog Tobby) for inspiring them to the most brilliant role in their life! When the emotions about the Oscar subside a little, you can offer the guests other games.

Game 3. Melodrama versus action movie

Props: cards with the names of films (melodramas and action movies).

Number of participants: two teams with an equal number of players.

Rules: players are divided into two teams: fans of action movies and melodramas. All other guests are judges in this competition. Each team should take turns taking cards with the names of their films, prepare for 5 minutes and act out in front of the judges a small (but very capacious and convincing) scene from the picture. Those actors who prove by personal example that their genre is better will receive championship in the competition and prizes!

And one more mindfulness game.

Game 4. Crown of the Hollywood Princess

Props: crown, hat (or large bowl), pieces of paper, pen.

Participants: all comers.

Rules: on the leaves we write the names of all the girls present at the party. Anyone wishing to participate, comes to the hat, takes a note, reads to himself the name of the future "princess of Hollywood". After reading it, he goes hunting. His task is to put the crown on the girl's head so that she does not have time to guess about your intentions. The "prince" who can remain incognito receives an award in the form of a kiss from the "princess" and thunderous applause from the audience.

Game 5. Name a star

Props: photographs of movie stars, sheets of paper, pens.

Participants: all comers.

Rules: show in turn the photos of movie stars that you have prepared for the game, and the participants call their names. Whoever knows Hollywood cinema best is awarded a prize.

If you have a personal gym or an equipped backyard playground, you can invite guests to participate in a Hollywood stunt competition.

Game 6. Hollywood tricks

Requests: mats, ropes, plastic swords, large foam blocks, cardboard boxes.

Rules: try a few Hollywood tricks using the extras. For example, take Tarzan's famous flight on a liana, the battle of kung fu masters, rescuing a hostage from a building captured by terrorists, etc.

If men usually take part in the previous competition, then the next one is more attractive to girls. After all, almost every representative of the beautiful half of humanity at least once in her life dreamed of a career as an actress or singer.

Game 7. Casting for the role

Rules: create a commission of "honorary" producers and directors. Name the film you are casting for the main characters. And - start viewing the talents of applicants!

Each of the girls (in real life), coming to the casting, is ready to do everything in order to get the coveted role! You can check this "all"! For example, asking the candidate to make a "swallow", or make a grimace. You are the commission, you have the right! And all the other guests who received an honorable place of spectators in this game can laugh heartily at everything that happens! In addition to games, several creative contests can be held at a Hollywood party.

As a rule - one of the final competitions of the event. The rules are traditional - the owner of the best costume (and the person who managed to recreate the chosen image as much as possible) gets a prize! As a prize, real tickets for the next film premiere are best suited.

Props: discs (plastic plates).

The essence of the task: throw the plate (disc) to the maximum distance.

The dance program at the Hollywood party is a must! At the end of the evening, for the best performance of foxtrot, tango, quickstep, waltz and other dances - also a prize! By the way, since we mentioned dancing, we cannot remain silent about the music appropriate for a Hollywood party.


Jazz works best for background and dancing. Create a playlist of meters of this genre.

Duke Ellington ("Caravan", "Sentimental Mood", etc.).

Louis Armstrong ("How Beautiful This World").

Billie Holiday (God Bless the Child).

Ella Fitzgerald (Let's Call It All Undo).

You can also use songs from other famous artists.

Quincy Jones.

Count Basie.

Joe Pass.

Oscar Peterson.

And also, you can add to the playlist the recordings of those actors who created songs for their films themselves (and sang in the frame with their own voice too). For example:

Judy Garland.

And, of course, the soundtracks for modern popular films remain unrivaled at a Hollywood party.

After the award ceremony for the Best Dancer in Hollywood, you can invite VIPs to the festive table.


Hollywood Party Drinks

Alcoholic cocktails are an integral part of Hollywood glamor. Serve your favorite American mixes at the party.

March 9, 2017

Luxury, glamor, vivid emotions and cool photos - all this is a party in the style of the Oscar ceremony.

In order to organize such an event, there are two ways:

  • Order a party from professionals - a special company for organizing events.
  • Organize the entire evening yourself. This option is more time consuming, but more affordable financially, because everything here can be done based on your capabilities and wishes.

It is on the second option that we will stop and reveal all the subtleties of how to easily and quickly organize a chic Oscar-style party.

1. Ceremonial invitations

It's no secret that personal invitations are sent to the main film awards ceremony. Therefore, it also makes sense to send out invitations to your guests a few weeks before the party. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that they should arouse interest and delight by their appearance alone, as well as their appearance should correspond to the style of the evening.

The color scheme of invitations can be different, but, nevertheless, it is worth giving preference to gold and red colors. After all, they are primarily associated with the ceremony itself.

It would be appropriate to use on the invitation the image of a gold Oscar statuette, the words "HOLLYWOOD" and a red ribbon. The shape of the postcards can be very different:

The invitation card must indicate the date and time of the event, as well as the place where the event will take place. Do not forget to clarify what dress code is supposed to be.

2. Room decoration, decorations

The success of the holiday largely depends on how the room is decorated in which everything will take place. Therefore, it is worth making a little effort to decorate it with dignity.

First of all, need a red carpet, along which guests will pass to the hall for the celebration. It is desirable that it be monochromatic. If there is no such one, then you can always attach a piece of red fabric according to its size to the track of any color. The best and inexpensive option is to buy a few meters of red carpet.

To emphasize the importance of your guests, you can install small gilded posts, which are tied together with a red ribbon... If the columns are not made of anything, then you can safely use ordinary thick cardboard from boxes from household appliances. We cut out the posts, glue them with gold foil and fasten them to the wall. Then it's up to the red ribbon and the desired effect is achieved.

Gold foil can be your best friend when decorating an Oscar-style party room. From it you can make stars of different sizes and decorate walls and even chair backs with them. Also hang posters of Hollywood stars and the word "HOLLYWOOD" in large letters on the walls.

Do not forget about the famous golden statuette. Her images can be used to decorate the walls of the room. Just do not overdo it, because the grip is the complete opposite of the sophistication of the ceremony.

Tables are best covered with red or white tablecloths. If the room allows, then you can make not one common table, but several small ones, designed for 2-4 people. Tables should be nicely set. The presence of fresh flowers on them is encouraged.

Don't forget the white starched napkins, neatly twisted and secured with a gold ring, which can also be made from gold foil. Stylish cards with the names of guests next to each plate will look beautiful and in the style of the evening.

It's a good idea to organize a photo zone. To do this, place a banner on one of the walls with the name of the party and the corresponding symbols. Such a banner can be ordered in the printing industry, or you can print it at home on sheets A-4 and glue it neatly.

3. Costumes and images

The third prerequisite for a great party is fancy costumes. For such a celebration, exclusively evening dresses are suitable.

The fair sex can appear at an event, both in a long and in a short evening dress. The color scheme can be very different. The most important rule here is that the dress should be individual and luxurious. By the way, sequins, rhinestones and beads can add luxury to outfits.

Dresses with a deep neckline and rather revealing cuts will be appropriate for such a party. The length of the outfit can be either mini or maxi.

The presence of beautiful jewelry and accessories will only add the necessary chic, so you can safely wear earrings, necklaces, pendants and bracelets inlaid with stones that shimmer beautifully even in artificial light. All this wealth will go well with high gloves and a beautiful clutch. High heels are an almost unbreakable rule for a party like this. A small hat or an interesting hairpin in your hair will finally complement the look.

With men, the situation is even simpler. They will look gorgeous in a tuxedo and white shirt, if, of course, you can get a tuxedo. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't matter, because a beautiful suit in combination with a tie or bow tie also looks gorgeous. The color of the outfit can be white, black or dark blue. Although recently, the factory of stars has been surprising with its colors.

4. Banquet menu

What is a holiday without a banquet? But just for a party in the style of the Oscar Ceremony, a table littered with basins of Olivier, jellied meat and a huge amount of fatty foods will not work. Food and drinks should be consistent with the general theme of the holiday. The food should be light and tasty. It is good if there are delicacies on the table. But if this is not possible, you can get by with ordinary dishes, but only arrange them in the spirit of a movie get-together.

It is advisable to put all the snacks on the dishes in portions. Canapes, tartlets, mini pizzas, various cuts of meat, cheese and fish will look good. Guests will appreciate the presence in the festive menu of sashimi, baked rolls, sushi and various seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid). There should be a lot of fruit on the tables. In general, everything can be done in the form of a buffet table.

Without sweets - nowhere. Small cupcakes will look original. They can be very different in taste, but one thing should unite them - this is the theme of cinema. All sweet treats are decorated according to the theme of the party.

The choice of drinks must be treated with extreme caution. Since the Oscar ceremony is extremely far from a binge, then you should not abuse strong alcohol. The simplest and most affordable drink of the evening will be champagne, which will add chic and luxury to the holiday. It is best served in glasses with high legs: this will help emphasize the sophistication and grace of the celebration. If you are ready for more complex preparations, then it is worth learning how to prepare some of the most popular cocktails. After all, they are the star of the program of many Hollywood parties.

As a reference : At 89 ceremonies in 2017, red wine and champagne were served at the very beginning, and already during the banquet for drink lovers, whiskey, vodka and cocktails with rum were served stronger.

And remember, there is no place for disposable tableware at an Oscar party that is more suitable for fast food than for the red carpet.

5. Party script

So that guests do not get bored, it is imperative to think over an interesting entertainment program followed by the presentation of golden statuettes. By the way, you can buy souvenir figurines, or you can make them yourself from chocolate and wrap them in such familiar gold foil.

If you want to fully enjoy the contests with your guests, then it makes sense to hire a professional host. But if you enjoy the celebration, then the cards are in your hands.

For example, you can announce to the guests that today the award ceremony will be held in an unusual format - that is, the winners in the nominations will be determined in real time (during contests).

The best way is to select the contests as original as possible and definitely related to the film industry.

Competition "The best editing of all times and peoples"

This competition is open to 2 to 5 people. To carry it out, it is necessary to find and print in advance a series of plot drawings that tell a story. There should be such sets according to the number of participants. You will also need scissors and a few rolls of duct tape.

Before the start of the competition, the pictures are thoroughly mixed in order to break the chronology of history, and are given to the contestants. They need to reconstruct history by laying out and gluing the pictures in the right order. The competition is held on time. Whoever is the first to correctly and accurately “edit” the proposed story becomes the happy owner of the title “The best editing of all times and peoples”.

The funnier the story in pictures you choose, the more interesting it will turn out.

Competition "Difficulties in Translation"

As you know, representatives from different parts of our planet become Oscar nominees. And not all of them ideally speak foreign languages. And therefore, often when translating the names of films, various incidents are obtained. Therefore, the guests are invited to decipher the name of famous films, which are presented in the form of shape-shifters (antonyms).

For example:
"Secondary reflex" ("Basic instinct")
"Sultry King" ("The Snow Queen")
"A Day at the Club" ("Night at the Museum")
"Forward to the Past" ("Back to the Future")
"Glass Leg" - ("Diamond Arm")
"Cat's Liver" ("Dog's Heart")

The one who guesses the most and receives the "Best Expert in Foreign Translation" award.

Competition "The most talkative actor"

No special preparations are needed here. You will need several glasses of water (according to the number of participants), a list of tongue twisters and the participants themselves.

As you know, actors have a very well-developed articulation apparatus, so that their speech is understandable under any circumstances. Therefore, the essence of the competition is that the participants must read the tongue twister, which they got by lot, so that those present will guess it. It would seem, what is so difficult and why is water needed? But, as you already guessed, they will have to read tongue twisters by typing water in their mouth. Even if no one can guess a single tongue twister, it will still be fun. And to raise the degree of fun and protect the outfits of the participants from various surprises, you can put bibs on them.

If the winner or winners are determined, then they will receive the "Monster of the Spoken Genre" award.

Dream Planet Makeup Competition

To carry out, you will need several sheets of Whatman paper, a dozen markers of different colors and thick blindfolds.

Before the start of the competition, guests are invited to compete in creating the most unexpected fantasy makeup. When the participants are determined, each of them will be brought to a piece of Whatman paper attached to the wall, given several markers and offered to present a make-up that will suit the king of the planet Dream. When the participants say that they are ready, the facilitator informs them that a good make-up artist will be able to apply makeup with his eyes closed. Then the eyes of the contestants are blindfolded and the countdown begins. The competition takes about 3 minutes. At the end of the time, the blindfolds are removed, and a vote is taken by audience applause. Whoever gets the most applause will receive the title of "Best make-up artist of the evening."

Other contests

During the party, guests can also be invited to solve movie riddles, answer movie quiz questions, create a live poster for a famous movie from the guests present, dance an incendiary dance to a movie soundtrack (Pulp Fiction, for example) and much more.

Hollywood themed party featuring exclusive decorations, flower garlands, balloon arches, an exciting program, the best soundtracks, movie posters and tiered cake. You can organize such a party on your own. Plunge with friends and colleagues into the atmosphere of great Hollywood!

Party invitations can be made in the form of a mini movie poster, a ticket to the cinema, a cinematic firecracker, etc. When signing invitations, refer to the film party and film awards. Please also indicate the dress code: "Hollywood style".

New Year decorations in the style of "Hollywood"

So how to decorate your party venue? Use everything related to Hollywood cinema. Cinematic firecrackers, LED lights, old reels of film and videotapes strung on a rope, balloons in the form of stars. Posters for films, posters of stars, as well as the Hollywood sign, near which guests will want to take pictures, are appropriate. Be sure to build a red carpet. Red tablecloths will also help create the right atmosphere. You can't do without the stage where the awards will be presented!

Hollywood Party: Script

After gathering the guests, the host conducts various games and contests. The best participant receives a film award in any category. Awards can be comic - statuettes, paper diplomas, red ribbons, and champagne with special labels. You can hold contests with the following nominations:

It would be nice to make a real little movie to commemorate the theme party. You can also hold an auction. It is necessary to buy inexpensive souvenirs that have something to do with Hollywood films. The analogy can be related to the plot or title. The presenter takes out a souvenir and asks to guess the film, who answered correctly - that one has a gift.

Any holiday should be fun and unusual, remain in the memory a bright spot of incredible memories, possibly supported by photo and video chronicles. All these conditions are perfectly combined in a cinema theme, which is close to many, which will make the party attractive for any circle of guests.

What do most people associate with luxury, glamor, fame, festive chic, breaking the usual everyday life with sparkling lightning? Hollywood is the abode of dreams, idols and ... unusual ideas for an unforgettable party! And the reason can be anything: New Year's celebrations, name days, corporate parties and especially anniversaries: a great reason to be in the spotlight!

It takes a bit of inspiration to organize it: revisit the Oscars, movies featuring stellar parties such as The Hangover in Vegas, King of the Parties or, if you love retro movies, Hollywood Party.

And, of course, read this article, in which we offer many interesting ideas, tested on experience, as well as new products with which you will surprise your guests without making a titanic effort.

So, let's get down to preparation. Camera, motor ... Let's start!

Hollywood Party VIP Invitations

Of course, all guests, getting to a Hollywood party, are automatically ranked as star status: let their lives be illuminated at least for a while by the glitter of spotlights, camera flashes and involvement in the world of cinematic dreams.

Sending or presenting invitations is the first sign that the Hollywood atmosphere at a future party is coming to life. Upon learning of the invitation, your guests in the next couple of weeks should not know the rest, preparing costumes and anticipating something incredible.

In addition to the traditional information about the place, time and dress code of the meeting, the invitation may contain a personal code for a lottery draw, as well as an offer to prepare a number for participation in the "talent show". If the party is dedicated to a specific movie, indicate it in the invitation. This will allow guests to choose their role and suit ahead of time.

Of course, now in specialized stores you can buy invitations in any style, but the manufacturing process will begin to bring you closer to the holiday long before it starts, and the invested individuality will pay off a hundredfold by the admiration of the guests, especially since it is not at all difficult. Here are some interesting tips!

For Hollywood-style party invitations, use cardboard or shiny thick paper, the main colors are white, red, gold and black. For decoration, you will need rhinestones, sparkles (special markers with a gel base, any gold and silver powder, for example, as for manicure delights).

Show your imagination and design your invitation in the form of:

  • a piece of film (black background, perforated edges, text written in white or silver);
  • Oscar figurines (you can stick it on a card or write text on a cut-out silhouette; do not regret the gilding!);
  • stars from the Walk of Fame (cherry red or gold);
  • crackers for takes (an accessory that everyone invariably associates with the world of cinema);
  • an envelope of the nominee for the award, in which the presenters present the results for the announcement (make it bright, decorate with the logo of the Oscar or your personal film award);
  • a ticket to a movie premiere;
  • collage of photos of Hollywood celebrities.

You can download templates for some invitations from the link at the end of the article.

Preparing a "film set"

A worthy stage should be prepared for the characters in the festive series of "a film about your life". If you are going to rent a room, choose a spacious one, preferably with columns and a small stage. An interesting solution can be renting a cinema, a club, a theater foyer.

A beautiful holiday can turn out in the "open-air" format (with tents, small tables and certainly a dance floor, which is also a stage). But if you're on a budget, you can add a touch of Hollywood chic to your home as well.

Let's designate the place of action right away! To make your guests feel the festive atmosphere even before entering the room, hang a banner over the door with the words "Hollywood" or "The Oscars". In the hallway or in front of the house, you can install large white letters "HOLLYWOOD", which will immediately make you feel like on the Hollywood Hills, and at the same time form a wonderful photo zone.

the Red carpet... Another Hollywood symbol that you absolutely must embody. Spread the scarlet material where your guests will march into the hall, fence off the passage on both sides with posts with ribbons or ropes to match the track. You can make a fence using Oscars or balloons like in the photo above.

It would be nice to organize the crowd of people behind the counters, and especially the paparazzi with cameras. It is quite possible to make figures from packaging cardboard, foam, etc. and paint. Or, alternatively, select and paste a photo with the desired frames in the background. Here are a few more elements for future bright frames of photo chronicles!

An indispensable attribute of a Hollywood party is a stage, even if it is small or improvised. After all, it is there that the fate of the Oscar nominees is decided!

If there is no stage in the hall and it is impossible to arrange at least a small podium, fence off part of the room with balloons, a light balustrade, or highlight part of the room with a floor covering of a different color. Direct the bright light of lamps, spotlights to this area, put a small microphone on a stand, you can use a fake one, drape the back wall with heavy curtains - and the stage is ready!

Premises... Decorate it with everything you can associate with the cinematic world: mock-ups of movie clappers, rolls of film, director's chair and horn, spotlights (all this could well be cardboard, plywood or foam, but if you find real objects, it will be even more realistic!)

Place photos of actors, posters and posters, emblems of famous Hollywood film studios, printed frames from films on the walls. Drape windows and doorways with velvet or cherry and gold iridescent fabrics.

Try to track down an old movie projector. Even a simple projector beam and the buzz of a film strip can spice up your party and add charm to it. And a piece of chronicle launched on time will add authenticity. Take care of the screen in advance. There are firms that will lease you an old Rus cinema projector.

Additional ideas for Hollywood decor:

  • Balls... Balloons will create a festive mood, several of them must certainly be in the form of stars, red and gold: let them soar under the ceiling or over the chairs of the guests!
  • Garlands... You can decorate the room with luminous garlands: such lighting will be especially effective during dances. Compositions from old videotapes or CDs will look original. If you get hold of a skein of film, you will get an unusual streamer from it.
  • Palm trees... Artificial palms or living in large tubs will be appropriate: in Hollywood this plant is in special honor, in Los Angeles they are in abundance.
  • Walk of Fame... Another Hollywood landmark that can be embodied in an adapted form at the holiday. The easiest way is to roll out a roll of paper and invite guests to leave their handprints with paint and signatures on it. Or you can be a little sophisticated and prepare flat square boxes with a gypsum mixture that can be quickly diluted; in this case, rubber gloves should be available for guests. Another impressive entertainment and a wonderful memory of the holiday!
  • Oscar figure... Take a regular store mannequin (with a ball for a head), paint it with golden paint from a spray bottle or cover it with sparkling cloth, gold foil, then put a bow tie on it and the Oscar is ready! A recognizable figure can greet guests at the red carpet finale, stand in the corner of the stage, take part in a photo shoot and simply cheer up guests.
  • Guest is a star... If the host of the party has photos of future guests and the ability to work in Photoshop, he can create an element of the interior, near which guests will certainly crowd for a long time: a collage where all the guests will be portrayed as famous Hollywood actors captured in the most memorable moments of the films. Or just their portraits in unusual roles: a great material for decorating walls and creating an atmosphere!

Prize fund

To maintain the style of the party, the host should make sure that the entertainment and rewards for participating in them do not fall out of the atmosphere. You need to prepare prizes for guests in advance.

We offer some directions in which your imagination can work:

  • magnets depicting the realities of cinema (clapperboard, camera, etc.) or an Oscar figurine;
  • postcards with images of actors;
  • CDs with trendy films;
  • tickets to movie premieres;
  • popcorn cups (always useful in the movies!);
  • bottles of wine or champagne with original stickers created in a graphics editor. They can be bought in the online store or downloaded (link to accessories and decorations at the end of the article);
  • Any item that can be associated with a Hollywood movie, for example, a pack of spaghetti from The Godfather, a bag of peanuts with the subtext “Be Die Hard,” a toy revolver (Pulp Fiction), etc.

Hollywood Gift Ideas

If you are a guest who has received a Hollywood-style birthday invitation, consider that your gift, or at least an element of it, should also be in the appropriate style. The owner or (especially) the hostess of the evening, if he is a birthday person (s) or a hero of the day (s), will be pleased that you treated his idea with enthusiasm and attention.

Based on gender, age and preferences of the hero of the day, you can choose "star" gifts:

  • perfume with a bottle in the form of a star or a figurine;
  • lamp "Starry sky";
  • a set of glasses or other dishes in a pretentious glamorous style;
  • a personalized T-shirt, pillow, cup with the inscription "I am a star" or a portrait of the hero of the occasion in the Hollywood interpretation;
  • a gift statuette of an Oscar or other suitable subject, for example, "Best Actress", "Best Actor", etc. You can supplement the gift with a corresponding diploma;
  • multi-photo frame with star-shaped windows;
  • sweets in original personalized packages in the appropriate style;
  • for a girl - glamorous jewelry;
  • a set of handmade gingerbread stars and Oscars;
  • deluxe edition of a book about your favorite actor or actress.

We comply with the dress code

Invitations are sent ahead of time, not only so that guests can plan their time, but also so that they can prepare an image in which they will appear at the theme party.

Let's try to help you find your own approach to choosing a festive look.

1. Nominee or VIP guest at the Oscars

A great reason to look stunning and at the same time fully match the style!

F women must be dressed in a dress: the ceremony will not tolerate exceptions. The outfit should demonstrate the elegance and femininity of its owner, and light creativity is appropriate. But don't overdo it, because you don't need the Most Ridiculous Suit award, which the journalists who keep a close eye on everyone who steps on the red carpet are generous.

Choose a one-color dress, no shorter than the knee, a floor-length is also possible. Simple but effective jewelry (pearls, gold). Small clutch bag. High-heeled shoes. A hairstyle to work on: not the right occasion for naturalness and artistic disorder!

Men a little simpler: as a rule, any member of the stronger sex is great in a tuxedo or suit with a bow tie. Instead of a strict bow tie, you can wear a tie with a pattern to soften the formality a little.

2. Hollywood shocking

Many remember Lady Gaga's meat costume, loves to shock the red carpet and Oscar-winning Jared Leto. If you want to remain in the memory of the public and are not afraid to break stereotypes, you can build a suit from unusual materials or combine the incompatible in it.

Women can use their fantasy to the fullest, especially if it's a reel of film! Create a costume with elements reminiscent of cinema, use any materials that are at hand, transform into the most incredible fairy-tale creatures - today it is welcome! Just avoid vulgarity: you can shock you like that, but you can hardly like it.

Man, especially if its appearance has always been habitually decent, it can also push back the frames and become a little different. Try to combine in clothes the most unexpected elements of different times and peoples, for example, a classic jacket and a Scottish kilt, an Arab burnous and a knight's helmet ... Or risk dressing in a fluffy suit like the English comedian Cohen.

3. Hollywood is movies!

If the host announces an evening dedicated to a particular movie in the invitation, well, match the given style.

For example, "Gone with the Wind" gives a huge scope for the choice of characters: and let 20 Scarletts come to the ball at once, each will be unique in a dress with a fluffy crinoline and an intricate hat!

Or maybe the organizer would like to organize a competition for the best match to the genre and indicate in the invitation one of the directions of Hollywood creativity? Well, open the top films of the selected genre and turn on your imagination, choosing bright and recognizable images.

Gangster movie.

Of course, "The Godfather!" Men want a striped suit with a rose in the buttonhole or tight pipe trousers with suspenders and a shirt with rolled sleeves. Women can flaunt in elegant dresses decorated with sequins and rhinestones, and hats with a veil, coquettishly nibbling on a long cigarette holder.


One of the most beloved Hollywood genres. The most famous, though not the first, movie researchers consider "Singing in the Rain". Men can parody the hero of the charming Jim Kelly by wearing a dark raincoat, decorated with sparkles that imitate the streams of rain, a hat and by all means taking an umbrella.

The woman will be inimitable, reincarnated as Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" (blue fitted sundress and white blouse) or Mary - the nun-governess from the legendary musical "The Sound of Music" (strict dress with an apron); a lot of options are provided by "Cabaret" - here the images do not need comments!


A genre that is always popular! And choosing an outfit for a party in this style is easy: what only Hollywood has not shot comedies about! A man can dress up in a police uniform (a cadet of the "Police Academy"), put on a velvet jacket and a shirt with a fluffy frill ("Austin Powers").

A woman, wearing a short silk red dress, can declare that she is the heroine from "Everybody's Crazy About Mary" in the main scene of the film. It's easy to comb your hair and pair a cozy knit sweater with shiny black pants, or wear an off-the-shoulder evening gown to morph into Sally (When Harry Met Sally).


The most beloved Hollywood melodramas, where good fights evil against the background of love, provide a lot of opportunities for reincarnation! For example, a suit, a cane and dark glasses will allow a man to become the charming Al Pacino from Scent of a Woman and get a lot of applause for the legendary tango. A light suit with a blue plaid shirt and a red baseball cap may well serve to create the image of Forest Gump!

Many women remembered Julia Roberts' scarlet dress with a corset and white gloves in the role of "Pretty Woman." And if you have short "French" bangs, then in any cute modest dress you can easily play Amelie.

Science fiction, fantasy.

All paths are open before you - from the fabulous images of "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings" to the monochrome "Matrix", "Star Wars". An excellent selection of carnival looks are presented by Pirates of the Caribbean.

4. Gorgeous retro

Another win-win Hollywood look is to think about the legendary stars and dress (and get the appropriate hairstyle and makeup) in the style of Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Greta Garbo for women, Gary Cooper, Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin himself for men.

Each of these images has been dizzy for generations!

Watch retro movies, have fun and get lots of ideas.

Well, how did your mood improve during the preparation process? You have already begun to plunge into the fascinating and fabulous world of Hollywood dreams, even if it happens in the form of a game, but our whole life is a game, isn't it?

You are already looking forward to the passage of guests on the red carpet. What's next? How to treat and entertain guests at our party in a Hollywood way, we will show you in the next article.

Hollywood party preparation videos

Watch a video about decorating a Hollywood party. Maybe you will find a couple of useful ideas in it.

And in this video, pay attention to what outfits ladies choose for such a holiday.

The correct approach to its organization will help to make the holiday memorable. To do this, you need to move away from the usual patterns and try something new. For example, guests will remember a Hollywood-style party for a lifetime. Almost any holiday can be decorated in this theme - New Year, birthday, graduation, pre-wedding party, corporate, etc.


You can avoid incidents and overlaps if you clearly plan everything and highlight the main aspects:

  1. Make a guest list.
  2. Send invitations.
  3. Free the room.
  4. Prepare decor.
  5. Prepare costumes.
  6. Hire a photographer.
  7. Create a menu.

It is advisable to remove all unnecessary from the room in which the party will be held, regardless of the scale. There should be no need to clutter up walls and passages, there should be as much open space as possible. You can hide outlets and similar elements that do not fit into the atmosphere of Hollywood from prying eyes with the help of palms - real or artificial.

The invitations by their appearance should speak of luxury and fame, setting the guests on the right wave. Blanks for cards can be made of thick paper in black or red. The corners of the square sheet must be wrapped inward to make it look like an envelope. You can mark the edges of the envelope with a gold marker or glitter on an adhesive basis. Glue a white sheet of paper with a printed invitation inside the card.


The most important element of the hall's decoration is the red carpet at the entrance. Not a single Hollywood party can do without her, photos from the right angle will adorn any family collection. It is imperative to place protective ropes on the sides of the path. For the entourage, you can place several cardboard paparazzi silhouettes with cameras nearby.

Of course, arriving guests must be met by a real photographer. This will help to cheer everyone up, make you feel in the center of attention and smile.

To decorate the room, you can use the following colors:

  • Red,
  • black,
  • White,
  • gold,
  • silver,
  • chocolate.

Everything in the interior should talk about cinema, fame and luxury. These can be living roses in tall glass vases, film reels, palm branches, posters and much more. Black and gold balloons will be a great decoration.

A lot of attention needs to be paid to lighting. It is advisable to use as many fluorescent lamps as possible, the light should not be dim. It is advisable to make an imitation or use real spotlights - not a single secular party can do without them.

Photo-walls are very popular at such holidays. As a background, you can use the image that is used during the Oscar awards.


A Hollywood-style party can have many different themes, the clothes directly depend on the choice of direction. It is possible in the style of your favorite movie, then the outfits will have to correspond to the era and genre of the film.

Great freedom of choice is provided by the theme dedicated to the Oscars. Clothes for such a party can be described in two words - luxury and shocking. Dresses embroidered with stones and fancy combinations of satin shawls will also be appropriate for women - anything is possible in Hollywood! Men can wear a tuxedo, formal suit, or a white shirt and dress pants. The bow tie is an invariable detail of the men's wardrobe for such a party.


The table on which the snacks will be located must be covered with a white, red or gold satin tablecloth. Particular attention should be paid to table decor and appliances. So, it must necessarily contain several ice buckets for champagne, small vases with fresh flowers. Rose petals and imitation gems can also be placed between the dishes.

Guests will be pleasantly surprised if their seats at the table are booked in advance. Near each place on the plates, it is necessary to install holders with the names indicated on them. The budget option is to insert a toothpick into the candy, on the other end of which a leaf with the guest's name is glued.

The treats on the tables may not be related to the theme of the party. Other light snacks are also great options.

Champagne, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails are an integral part of the Hollywood party. It could be Mojito, Cosmopolitan, Manhattan and even Bloody Mary.


In order not to get bored guests, it is necessary to make a list of entertainment in advance. When there is a Hollywood-style party, the script could be built for an Academy Awards. You can dilute the presentation of prizes in one category or another with thematic contests.

When all the guests have gathered, the host or organizer of the event must acquaint the guests with the purpose for which they have gathered - the presentation of the film award.

During the event, contests are held, the winners of which are awarded prizes. Gifts can be humorous - copies of figurines, bottles of champagne, red ribbons, paper diplomas or certificates.

"Screenwriter of the Year"

"Special Effects of the Year"

The name of the nomination may not be announced until the very end of the competition. Participants of the competition must repeat funny dance moves behind the presenter or coach, standing in front of the audience. The more stupid and absurd the dances are, the better. After the audience laughs enough, it is necessary to announce that all participants in the competition will become the winners.

"Dresser of the Year"

It is necessary to select several participants, give each one a piece of fabric and a set of pins. The goal is to create a real Hollywood outfit for yourself or your partner without the help of threads and needles. After the costumes are ready, a fashion show should be held and the winner in this nomination should be determined by the number of applause.

"Makeup Artist of the Year"

Props for the competition should be prepared in advance. Large portraits of stars should be cut into small fragments - eyes, nose, chin, lips, etc. Contestants must show observation and voice the names of those stars from the fragments provided. You can make the competition more fun if you use fragments of pictures not only of the stars, but also of the participants in the event.

"Film Musician of the Year"

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare several fragments of soundtracks for famous films. Participants must guess the film by the piece of sounding music. The winner is the one who guesses the most films.

After the competition part, you can have more relaxing entertainment. No Hollywood party is complete without filming a movie. You can pick up funny phrases from different films and distribute them to guests, so that each one in turn will voice them with the necessary intonation. Of course, everything should be recorded on video. Many will be happy to receive a funny mini-movie after the party.

The end of the party should be spectacular. You can captivate guests by making their own stars on the Walk of Fame. The easiest option is to cut stars out of cardboard and ask guests to write their names on them. All guests will remember making a cast of a hand in a special form of plaster.

Thus, at home, you can organize such a party that all Hollywood stars will envy! With a little imagination and a little effort, you can spend an unforgettable holiday and touch the bohemian world of movie stars.