Cosmetic masks from honey. Honey masks for wrinkles - reviews. Face mask with honey and lemon

Recipes and ingredients for honey face masks. Features of the preparation and use of cosmetics.

Benefits of honey face masks

Honey is a natural vitamin cocktail. In the process of ripening in honeycombs, the sticky golden liquid seems to be preserved, which allows it to be stored for a very long time. Because of this, honey is known for its antibacterial properties.

Benefits of honey mask for acne

Often, products with bee nectar are used to eliminate rashes and acne.

Acne Remedy Ingredients:

  • Vitamin C. It promotes rapid healing of wounds and inflammation. In addition, it improves the synthesis of fibers responsible for tissue elasticity. Eliminates dryness and flaking after using aggressive products to care for a problem face.
  • Zinc. Differs in antibacterial effect. It regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, contributing to the normalization of oily skin. In addition, the microelement relieves irritation and redness.
  • Polyphenols. These components are inhibitors of oxidative processes in the epidermis.

The benefits of a honey mask for wrinkles

With age, the number of wrinkles increases. At the same time, the drier the epidermis, the sooner it ages. This problem is also solved by honey.

The effectiveness of honey for wrinkles:

  1. Vitamin E. Improves the elasticity of the epidermis. It nourishes the deep layers of the skin and slows down the formation of wrinkles.
  2. Vitamin A. It prevents dry skin and stimulates the production of vitamin D.
  3. Folacin. This is a compound that combines folic acid derivatives. Such substances are involved in the synthesis of skin cells and rejuvenate it. With a lack of this compound, the skin quickly wrinkles due to a decrease in the rate of cell division.
  4. Vitamin H. It can be considered one of the main ones for maintaining skin health. It is he who is involved in the production of elastin, which preserves the contours of the face.

Benefits of honey mask for dry skin

Usually, some vegetable oils and fats are used together with honey to prepare masks for the care of dry epidermis. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the upper layers of the skin.

The effectiveness of honey for dry skin:

  • B vitamins. Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, B6. They stimulate metabolic reactions at the cellular level, improving the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Vitamin B3. Creates an invisible mesh-like frame that prevents moisture from escaping. This compound dilates blood vessels and improves blood supply to the upper layers of the skin.
  • Vitamin B10. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the epidermis from dehydration.

Benefits of honey face mask for oily skin

The composition of bee nectar contains many substances that regulate the amount of sebum and relieve inflammation. With regular use of masks with honey, you can get rid of acne and comedones, which are frequent companions of oily skin.

Benefits of honey for oily skin:

  1. Proteins and organic acids. Due to the presence of these components in the composition of bee nectar, it has astringent and healing properties.
  2. Bor. The presence of this trace element in honey promotes proper cell division, which minimizes blockage of the sebaceous ducts and the formation of acne.
  3. Phytoestrogens. These substances prevent the release of large amounts of sebum, which improves the condition of the face.
  4. fructose and glucose. Absorb excess sebum, improving the condition of the oily epidermis.

Benefits of rejuvenating honey mask

Honey is a universal remedy that will help to cope with any skin ailments. Bee nectar rejuvenates the epidermis and slows down the reactions that contribute to aging.

Useful components of honey for facial rejuvenation:

  • Vitamins A, C and E. These are natural antioxidants. They bind active particles that knock out some of the cells, accelerating the aging process.
  • B vitamins. Normalize muscle contractions, which prevents the appearance of new folds and wrinkles.
  • Dextrins. These are starch-containing substances, which are called "skin glue". Dextrins bind "broken" cells, preventing the formation of deep wrinkles.

Contraindications to the use of honey face masks

Despite the benefits of bee nectar for the skin and its rich chemical composition, honey masks have contraindications.

Contraindications for the use of honey for the skin:

  1. Diabetes. Despite the fact that fructose is a natural sugar, it should not be used by people with a diseased pancreas and diabetes.
  2. Vascular asterisks. The use of honey will aggravate the situation, and problems with capillaries will become more noticeable.
  3. Excessive hair growth. Honey will improve the nutrition of bulbs and hair follicles, so facial hair will become thicker.
  4. Bronchial asthma. This ailment retains carbohydrates in the body, so honey should not be used even to nourish the skin. Because it has a lot of sugar in it.
  5. allergic reactions. 10% of people have a pronounced allergy to bee products. If you develop rashes or redness when eating, do not use bee nectar on your face.

Recipes for honey face masks

Of course, it is not necessary to mix honey for making masks with something. But some products enhance the effect of bee nectar and additionally nourish and moisturize the epidermis.

Honey Lemon Facial Mask

This mask is good because it combines two unique products. Honey opens pores, and lemon saturates the deep layers of the epidermis with vitamins and useful minerals. This mask eliminates age spots and dries very oily skin. It is easy to prepare at home.

Recipes for honey and lemon masks:

  • Whitening. To prepare a unique remedy, mix 20 g of lemon pulp with 30 g of liquid bee nectar. Steam the skin and apply the mixture with driving movements. Rinse preferably with cold water.
  • Anti-aging. Mix equal proportions of lemon pulp with sweet nectar. Add the yolk and 25 g of vegetable oil to the vitamin mixture. Mix the ingredients with a silicone brush and apply a thick layer on the skin. After half an hour, remove with wet wipes.
  • Lifting. This is a very effective remedy for improving the contours of the face. In a bowl, add 25 g of honey and lemon juice. Add the egg white to this viscous liquid and stir vigorously. Apply with fingers or brush and leave on for 25 minutes.
  • For oily skin. Mix in a bowl 25 g of ripe lemon juice and bee nectar. Pour 20 g of sea salt into a thick liquid and pour in 15 ml of sage broth. You will get a viscous liquid with grains. Apply it on your face and lie down for 30 minutes. Wash off preferably with a decoction of sage.
  • Scrub. Heat honey in a water bath and add 20 g of lemon juice. Pour 15 g of oatmeal into the mixture. Mix and apply on the face along the massage lines. Leave for 15 minutes. Rub your face while rinsing. This will help you remove the keratinized epidermis.
  • For problem skin. Make a strong green tea brew. Mix 20 g of honey and 25 g of lemon pulp in a bowl. Pour in a spoonful of green tea. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.

Coffee honey face mask

Usually coffee is added when preparing masks as a scrubbing component. Coffee pieces gently exfoliate dead skin cells, while honey penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and cleanses them.

Coffee and honey mask recipes:

  • For acne. This is a wonderful scrub that will get rid of blackheads and inflamed pimples. Reheat leftover morning coffee. The thick must be warm. Add 25 g of honey to the coffee gruel. Grind 5 tablets of salicylic acid (aspirin) into powder. Pour into brown mixture. Leave on face for 30 minutes. It is allowed to prepare such a mask from freshly ground grains without brewing them.
  • Anti-aging. The mask is prepared from products that are available in every refrigerator. Crack an egg into a cup with coffee grounds and add 30 g of sour cream. The fatter the cream, the better. Add 30 g of honey. Stir the mixture and leave it on your face for 20 minutes.
  • Tonic. To prepare the mixture, mix the leftovers after drinking coffee with full-fat yogurt and cocoa powder. Pour 30 g of liquid honey into the mixture. Leave for 20 minutes.
  • Moisturizing. Brew real coffee. Add 25 g of honey and 20 g of olive oil to the thick. Stir the mixture and apply it on a cleansed face. Hold for 15 minutes.

Note! Coffee grounds should not be sweet, contain cream or milk.

Oatmeal in face masks is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, this cereal exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis and enhances cell regeneration.

Recipes for face masks with oatmeal and honey:

  1. Moisturizing. Pour a handful of oatmeal with hot milk. It is necessary that the liquid covers the oatmeal. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. You should have porridge. In the resulting viscous mass, add 30 g of honey and a mashed banana. Thick puree is best applied lying down, as the mass can move off the face. Leave on for 20 minutes and remove with warm water.
  2. Anti-aging. To prepare a healing agent, grind the flakes into flour and pour the powder with strong tea leaves. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the mass will increase slightly in volume. Pour in 30 g of honey and 5 drops of lemon juice. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
  3. Tonic. Mix a handful of cereal with 50 ml of warm water in a bowl. You can take a decoction of herbs. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Add 30 g of honey and yolk to the porridge. Keep on the skin for 20 minutes.
  4. For acne. Prepare a decoction of mint and chamomile. Warm it up and pour a handful of cereal with liquid. When the mixture cools down a bit, pour in 30 g of honey. Stir and hold for 25 minutes. Before the procedure, you should sit over the steam, covering your head with a towel. This will open the pores and improve the penetration of the mixture.

How to make a honey face mask at home

It is worth noting that masks with honey have their own nuances in the preparation process. After all, when bee nectar is heated above 60-80 ° C, all useful substances disappear. This is due to chemical reactions that occur at elevated temperatures.

Features of the preparation of honey face masks:

  • Heat treatment. Recipes often indicate that honey should be added to the liquid mixture. But do not rush to put a saucepan with a treat on the fire. You can only heat nectar in a water bath. Or just dip a cup of honey into a jar of hot water.
  • Mixture temperature. Often, eggs and warmed honey should be used to prepare the mask. Add protein or yolk to a barely warm mass. Otherwise, the egg will curl.
  • Consistency of honey. It is best to use fresh nectar for making masks. It contains the most nutrients and amino acids. But for the preparation of scrubs, you can safely use candied honey. It gently removes the keratinized epidermis.
  • Exposure time. If the recipe does not indicate that the mixture should be kept until dry, then leave the product for 15-20 minutes. This will be enough for the honey to open the pores and penetrate inside.

How often can you do honey face masks

The frequency of application of masks with honey depends on their composition and purpose.

Features of using honey masks:

  1. Moisturizers are applied every three days. Before use, it is desirable to clean the skin, but it is not necessary to steam it.
  2. Masks for oily epidermis with onion or lemon juice are used no more than 1 time in 7 days. Citrus juice whitens and slightly dries the skin. Therefore, instead of eliminating excessive greasiness of the epidermis, you will exacerbate the problem.
  3. Nectar and oatmeal masks can be used every other day. In this case, it is desirable to grind the flakes into powder or steam with boiling water. So you do not injure the skin.
  4. Apply nourishing honey masks once a week. They usually contain vegetable oil or other fatty ingredients. With frequent use, they can clog pores.
How to make a honey face mask - look at the video:

Honey is a unique product that will give health not only to organs, but also to the skin. Masks with bee nectar are often used to improve the body and hair.

Honey brings great benefits to the human body if eaten. Beauties at all times also used it to preserve youth and beauty of the skin. A honey face mask has been known for a long time, our ancestors used it. Although they did not have scientific evidence about the benefits of honey, they still used it as a cosmetic product for facial skin care, so in practice they were convinced of its miraculous properties.

Honey is a unique product

Traditional beauty products are making a comeback these days. People have ceased to be delighted with synthetic cosmetics, having tried it in full. Natural organic skin care products are much more effective and beneficial to use, because they contain the main force of nature. Honey is a natural product, so it is a real treasure for preserving the beauty and health of a person. It is rich in natural antibiotics, polyphenols, enzymes, organic acids, minerals and vitamins. A honey face mask for normal skin will give elasticity and a healthy glow. It will soothe oily problematic skin and remove inflammation. Dry skin softens and moisturizes.

The benefits of honey masks. History of the great Cleopatra

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra took care of her beauty. One of the favorite options for beauty treatments was a bath filled with milk combined with honey. These ingredients had a beneficial effect on her skin.

Honey maintains beauty, rejuvenates, promotes cell renewal, stimulates tissue regeneration, tones, relieves acne and various types of irritation, has anti-inflammatory properties, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

About all its healing properties, including the fact that a honey face mask gives a wonderful effect, the beautiful Cleopatra knew and often put it into practice.

Honey masks: indications for use

Honey masks, depending on the ingredients, are suitable for all skin types. Such a procedure should be abandoned only if there is an allergy to honey and there is a problem with dilated vessels. In all other cases, honey masks are an indispensable universal remedy and are applicable to all skin types. In the absence of desire or time, masks can be prepared simply from honey. It's great without the extra ingredients.

A honey face mask is ideal for people who have problems associated with dry skin, its withering, acne, dullness and peeling. She will solve them easily, because she nourishes and regenerates skin cells.

Rules for the use of honey masks

For the correct application of honey face masks, there are several points to consider.

  1. You should know your skin type. This is necessary in order to select additional ingredients.
  2. Make sure that there is no allergy to honey and other components that make up the mask. The test is easy to do. You should apply a mask on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist and wait 15 minutes, if the skin has not turned red during this time, then you can safely use it.
  3. Apply a honey mask immediately after preparation.
  4. Honey does not need to be heated much, because from a high temperature it loses its beneficial properties.
  5. Before applying the mask to the problematic parts of the face, you must first steam it out. This is necessary in order to open the pores.
  6. Keep the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, no more.
  7. Finally, wash off the mask with warm water.

Recipes for honey face masks

To eliminate facial skin problems, do not rush to buy expensive products in cosmetics stores. A positive effect can be achieved with folk remedies, without harm to the skin and with great savings. It is known that honey has an ideal effect on the skin, as it effectively cleans pores, maintains a natural fat balance, retains moisture well in cells, protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and makes it silky. Recipes for honey masks are varied. Below we describe all of their existing types.

Honey and aspirin mask

Aspirin cleanses pores well and is used as a scrub, safely exfoliating dead skin cells. Honey, in turn, penetrates into cleansed pores, perfectly impregnates the skin and makes it supple.

Face mask "honey-aspirin" perfectly rejuvenates the skin. It will not only prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles, but also help in the fight against acne.

Cooking method: one tablet of aspirin must be poured with two teaspoons of water to further soften it. Water is perfect for this. Then add one tablespoon of honey to the softened aspirin and mix well. The mask should be kept for 5 to 7 minutes. A honey-aspirin face mask is usually applied once a week.

Honey and soda mask

Oddly enough, soda has a beneficial effect on the skin. It removes impurities and cleanses the pores, that is, it protects against rashes of unwanted acne on the face. Baking soda can also kill bacteria and soothe irritated skin.

Face mask "honey-soda" is used by women, not only for treatment, but also for prevention. This mask thoroughly cleanses the face and helps to get rid of skin rashes in the form of blackheads and pimples. Recommended for people with problematic oily skin, as baking soda dries.

Cooking method: dilute three tablespoons of soda in 100 grams of water. Pour one tablespoon of honey into the resulting liquid. With regular repetition of the procedure, namely twice a week, acne will soon disappear.

Honey and glycerin mask

Women who are trying to maintain their attractiveness, over time, rejuvenating masks become simply necessary. Fortunately, there are folk remedies that can withstand age-related skin changes - masks. They have a complex effect on the skin, stimulate microcirculation, moisturize and intensively nourish it. The most effective of them can be attributed to glycerin.

Face mask "honey-glycerin" also includes two tablespoons of water, two teaspoons of ground oatmeal. Honey and glycerin must be taken in half a teaspoon.

Honey and egg white mask

In cosmetology, chicken eggs have proven their benefits many times. Egg white is especially useful. It contains vitamin B, which has an effect on the skin and gives it a drying and tightening effect. Face masks with the addition of protein are indispensable for combination and oily skin.

Inflammatory processes are often observed on oily skin, therefore, to prepare the mask, the main ingredient should be egg white, as it has a disinfecting effect. In addition, masks containing protein are often used to tighten the skin and smooth out mimic wrinkles around the eyes.

The protein mask can be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the face or only on problem areas such as the chin, cheeks and forehead.

As a rule, one protein is required to prepare such a mask. It is only used raw. To do this, you need to split the chicken egg and carefully separate the yolk from the protein. You can use two proteins. At the same time, the number of other components should also be doubled. Honey is a great addition to protein.

Cooking method masks next. A tablespoon of honey should be mixed with egg white. Thoroughly clean the face and apply a nourishing substance. Face mask "protein-honey" helps to narrow the pores and cleanse them, almost immediately removes redness and oily sheen.

Honey and egg yolk mask

Thanks to the rich mineral and vitamin composition of the yolk, masks from it will help dull, irritable and dry skin. They saturate the cells with nutrients and the necessary moisture, the effect of natural radiance is obtained, they smooth wrinkles, make the skin soft and silky. Face mask "yolk-honey" is perfect for dry skin.

Cooking method: mix a spoonful of honey with the yolk of one egg and add a few drops of olive oil.

Honey and oatmeal mask

An important component for the preparation of scrubs and masks is oatmeal. A mask made from oatmeal can be a substitute for any cleansing gels and nourishing creams, even the most expensive store-bought scrub. Especially if it is paired with such a component as honey, enriched with already various vitamins.

Masks made from the above ingredients are easy to make and do not take much time (literally up to 5 minutes). Before using oatmeal, it should be ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour. Face mask "honey-oatmeal" will help get rid of peeling, unhealthy tone, wrinkles, dryness, pigmentation, blackheads and acne.

Cooking method simple. Mix a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil into a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. This gorgeous refreshing mask is suitable for all skin types.

Honey and cinnamon mask

Cinnamon has a unique aroma. This miraculous plant is rich in substances that effectively fight against withering and aging of the skin of the face.

Cinnamon was given to us by the generous East. This once very rare exotic plant is now available to the general public in the form of cinnamon sticks or powder. Cinnamon contains iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, a lot of B vitamins, vitamins A, K and P.

Able to fight skin diseases and its age-related changes. Cinnamon, in fact, is a natural antibacterial drug that effectively copes with skin rashes. Face masks using cinnamon heal microcracks and wounds, defeat peeling, inflammation and acne.

The cinnamon-honey face mask has an easy recipe. For her, you need a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Honey and lemon mask

Such a nutritious option is suitable for the winter period, when the lack of vitamins is most noticeable, while the skin becomes pale and dry.

At home, the honey-lemon face mask is made as follows. For two teaspoons of honey, you need to take half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed in a blender. With light gentle movements, you need to apply the mask on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

The honey-lemon mask allows you to eliminate age spots on the face, up to their complete removal. Creates a rejuvenating effect because it brightens the skin. This mask will soothe oily skin, help smooth out wrinkles. With it, you can get a healthy natural complexion, even in winter.

Mask of honey and sour cream

Such an ingredient as sour cream is very popular with many women. It has been used for cosmetic purposes for quite a long time, as it contains a lot of vitamins - PP, C, E, A, D and many trace elements such as copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine and others. All this together has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Sour cream is used for all skin types.

"Honey-sour cream" - a face mask with such ingredients will be indispensable for people with dry skin. We recommend the following recipe. One spoonful of sour cream should be mixed with the same amount of honey. The mask will saturate and soften the skin, making it velvety and tender.

Today on the market of cosmetics there is a wide range of various masks related to facial skin care products containing honey. Are they really that effective? Is it worth paying extra for them? Most women, having tried a lot of facial products from various manufacturers, were only disappointed. In this regard, natural (homemade) products began to return to fashion, because they really provide the desired result. Masks made from natural ingredients with the addition of additional ingredients are easy to prepare at home, and their price is low. It is easy to create an image of a beautiful and confident woman. It is necessary to take care of your skin, because only then you can get a flawless appearance. Honey-based masks are very effective and useful products that are suitable for almost all the fair sex.

The healing properties of honey have been known since ancient times. But this product is useful not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Thanks to the use of a mixture of honey and other additional components, you can achieve a stunning positive effect, smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, cure acne, saturate the skin with useful substances, trace elements and vitamins.

A wide variety of cosmetics (creams, lotions, gels) are produced on the basis of honey, but masks give the best result. An effective face mask with honey can rejuvenate, moisturize and cleanse the skin. The unique composition of this bee product can make the skin as beautiful as after visiting beauty salons. A big plus is the possibility of using honey masks at home.


Before making a honey mask, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to honey or other components indicated in the recipe. The allergy test is done on the inside of the elbow. If no negative reactions (itching, redness) appear within 20 minutes, then cosmetics with honey for the face can be used.

An additional contraindication to a sweet cosmetic procedure is diabetes. It is also not recommended to use a honey mask if the vessels are dilated or there is a visible capillary network.

Before the procedure

Before you make a honey mask, you need to wash off your makeup and cleanse your face with products suitable for your skin type. To get the most benefit from the procedure, you need to carry out preliminary preparation: soak a towel in hot water and put it on your face. Under the action of heat, the pores will open and become better able to absorb nutrients.

The mixture for the procedure should be prepared immediately before use and do not store leftovers. If the honey has thickened, it can be melted in a water bath. To do this, just put a container of honey in a pot of hot water.

Masks based on honey can be done 2-3 times a week.

Honey, egg and milk are the main components of masks to preserve youthful skin

Recipes for homemade honey masks

  • The most effective anti-aging mask is a mixture of honey and aloe pulp. It is advisable to prepare aloe leaves in advance: they must be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks so that the beneficial properties of the plant can be fully manifested. You will need to mix 20 g of leaf pulp with 20-25 g of liquid flower honey. The resulting mixture is applied in a small layer on the face and neck for no more than a quarter of an hour. Then the mask should be washed off with cool water.
  • The following simple anti-wrinkle mask gives an excellent result: mix 10 g of honey with the protein of one egg, add 20 g of flour to the composition. The mixture should have a creamy consistency. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Regular repetition of the procedure will allow you to preserve youthfulness of the skin for a long time and smooth out small wrinkles that have already appeared. In addition, from wrinkles, you can apply a mask of honey and milk, mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is left on the face for about 20 minutes.
  • To prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to deeply moisturize the skin, helping it retain moisture. For this, the following recipe is useful: add an egg yolk and a spoonful of grated carrots to 50 g of honey. If the skin is oily, then carrots can be replaced with grape pulp. A moisturizing mask is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with cool water.
  • Based on the bee product, whitening masks can be prepared. To improve complexion and lighten pigmentation, mix 20 g each of honey and lemon juice. This procedure gives a nourishing, whitening and moisturizing result. The mask can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.
  • A nourishing mask with honey, made at home, brings significant benefits. For dry skin, the composition for it is prepared according to this recipe: mix 15–20 g of grated apple and honey, add 5 g of olive oil. The mixture is kept on the face for about 5-6 minutes, after which it is removed with a cotton pad soaked in milk.
  • For owners of combination or oily skin, a bran mask is ideal: mix 20 g of honey with 15–20 g of ground wheat bran. You will also need to add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture and heat it in a water bath. The mask should be applied to the skin of the face, without touching around the eyes, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • To cleanse the skin of blackheads, a simple homemade recipe is useful: add half a spoonful of ground coffee beans (finely ground) to 50 g of honey. Scrub-mask is applied to the face with gentle massage movements, excluding the area around the eyes. When the composition is distributed over the skin, it should be left for another 5-10 minutes to further provide deep nutrition and rejuvenation. The positive effect of the cleansing mask can be seen after a single application. The skin becomes radiant, soft and beautiful.
  • On the basis of honey make cosmetic masks for acne and blackheads. They allow you to completely get rid of problems with inflammation. The simplest recipe is a mask of honey and soda. Dissolve 30 g of soda in warm water (half a glass is enough), add 25 g of honey and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Using a piece of cotton, apply the mask on your face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
  • For skin prone to increased oiliness and acne, a honey-protein mask is recommended: egg white is mixed with 10 g of honey and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. After the procedure, oily sheen disappears and inflammation decreases.

Taking care of your beauty, regularly repeat honey procedures. Masks from this useful, unique, healing product will get rid of wrinkles and acne, give the skin elasticity, a healthy glow and make you look younger than your age.

We all know how beneficial honey is for health, but how often have you thought about using it to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of your skin?

It is known that the healing properties of honey have been known for a long time, and although earlier there was no scientific evidence of its benefits as it is now, our ancestors were convinced in practice of the extraordinary effects of honey.

Nowadays, natural and organic cosmetics are becoming more and more popular. We are gradually moving away from delight to breakthroughs in science and technology, and returning to traditional values. This is good news, after all, the main force in nature. The foods we eat have a greater impact on our health and well-being than any other factor.

And yet, these same natural products are real treasures, both for beauty and for the body as a whole. And one such incredibly affordable treasure is honey.

It belongs to the so-called superfoods. This is truly a unique product that probably cannot be compared with any other. Honey is rich in vitamins, minerals, organic acids, enzymes, polyphenols and natural antibiotics. It softens and nourishes dry skin, soothes problematic skin by removing inflammation, and gives normal skin a healthy glow and elasticity.

Benefits of honey face masks

The combination of honey and milk was very fond of Cleopatra, it was she who took beauty baths with these two ingredients.

Effects of honey on the skin:

  • nourishes;
  • moisturizes;
  • relieves irritation and acne due to anti-inflammatory properties;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration and cell renewal;
  • rejuvenates and maintains the beauty of the skin.

Honey face masks - indications and contraindications

Depending on the ingredients honey masks applicable to all face types, except for those who are allergic to this product. First of all, honey masks are recommended in the following cases:

  • dry skin;
  • aging skin;
  • for the treatment of acne;
  • to nourish and restore dull and flaky skin.


Despite the versatility of honey, there are still situations when it is better to refuse honey procedures. This:

  • allergic to honey
  • dilated vessels

In other cases, masks with honey are almost a universal remedy, and they are absolutely appropriate for all skin types. If there is no time or desire to prepare masks, you can simply use honey, it is good on its own.

How to use honey face masks

Before you start preparing a face mask from any product, you should consider several factors:

    1. The first thing you need to know exactly what type of skin you have in order to choose and combine additional ingredients correctly.
    2. Make sure you are not allergic to honey or other mask ingredients. Many people are allergic to honey, while you may not be allergic when consumed, and the skin may react inappropriately and vice versa. Therefore, do not be lazy, and do a mask test before applying to your face. Yes, the method is old, but proven - apply a little mask on the wrist and wait 15 minutes, if there is no redness, then you can safely use the mask, even if it is on the whole body!
    3. Honey masks are best used immediately after preparation.
    4. Honey should not be heated strongly, it loses its beneficial properties. This also applies to the consumption of honey in food, honey should not be added to a hot drink, it is better to eat it with a spoon.
    5. The effect of masks with honey will be more noticeable if you do them immediately after a hot bath, when the face is clean, steamed and the pores are open.

Honey face mask - the best recipes

Honey masks for dry skin

  • Egg, honey It is difficult to find a more suitable combination of ingredients to nourish and moisturize dry skin. The mask is prepared quite simply: 1 tablespoon of liquid honey is taken, mixed with half a fresh beaten egg (a whole egg is too much), or with one quail egg . Honey and egg do the job just fine, but you can also add 1 teaspoon of heavy cream, if desired.

  • Honey yolk. For those whose skin is very dry and even flaky, a mask is made with honey and yolk. 1 spoon of honey is mixed with one yolk and a few drops are added or jojoba oil.
  • Sour cream honey. very useful for dry skin, as it not only softens and nourishes, it makes the skin soft and velvety. Honey supplements sour cream with useful trace elements. And in this case, the mask is prepared too simply: 1 spoon of honey, 1 spoon of sour cream, everything is mixed, applied to the face for 20 minutes. Washes off with warm water. More recipes for sour cream masks in the article: sour cream mask.
  • Honey curd. Two tablespoons of honey are mixed with the same amount of fresh, soft cottage cheese. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and left for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Honey masks for acne

  • Aloe honey. This mask can really get rid of acne. But do not forget that you can finally solve the problem with acne only if you identify the cause. Whether oily skin, hormones, or something else. If honey has a good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, then in aloe juice it is several times more pronounced. Thanks to its caring properties, this mask gently relieves inflammation and treats acne without damaging or drying the skin.

Read also:

The recipe is also simple: 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 spoon of honey. Read more about how to prepare aloe juice, and how it is useful for the face, in the article: . In general, nothing new: mix the ingredients, apply on a clean face, leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. We repeat the procedure when the skin needs it.

  • Honey ginger. 1 spoon of grated ginger on a fine grater is mixed with 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of kefir. Apply the mask on the face and leave for 15 minutes. The benefits and harms of ginger

Honey face masks for oily skin

  • lemon honey. 2 tablespoons of honey mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Such a mask will not only remove oily sheen, but also renew and cleanse the skin.

  • honey squirrel. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey thoroughly with one egg white. Apply the mask on a cleansed face for 15 minutes. The mask narrows and cleanses pores, removes oily sheen and redness.

Anti-aging masks

  • Honey cinnamon. About why cinnamon is more than a seasoning and why it is useful, read the article: Cinnamon - benefits and harms. And besides being quite effective for weight loss, cinnamon also has an irreplaceable effect on hair and skin. We add cinnamon to masks, as it improves blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin. Meanwhile, honey eliminates redness, makes it supple and nourishes.

Read also: Egg face masks

How to cook: Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon until a smooth consistency is obtained. Apply the mask on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to apply the mask 2 times a week for 1 month.

  • Aspirin honey. An aspirin mask will not only get rid of fine wrinkles, it is also useful in the fight against acne. 1 tablet of aspirin is poured with two teaspoons of water, allowed to soften and crushed. Next, add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to the face for a short time - for 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than 1 time per week.

Masks for normal skin

  • Coffee honey. Great mask for all skin types. It cleanses, tones and nourishes the skin. 2 tablespoons of honey are mixed with 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. Apply to the face with light massage movements. Wash off after 15 minutes with cool water.
  • Honey banana. Mix 2 tablespoons of banana puree with 1 tablespoon of honey and apply on face. This mask perfectly nourishes and tones the skin.
  • Honey apple. The mask with apple and honey not only nourishes, but also renews the skin thanks to organic acids and vitamins contained in apples. Mix 2 spoons of fresh applesauce with 1 spoon of honey, apply a mask on the face. Wash off the mask with cool water after 15 minutes.

Honey face mask one of the simplest and most effective Pamper your skin and make a simple honey mask for 5-10 minutes every day while taking a bath and you will feel the difference almost immediately.

Face mask with honey is the leader among home care products. In popularity, it is on the same level as clay, but more nutritious. Often masks using honey give a better effect than professional treatments in salons.


Masks made from honey have a lot of useful properties:

Honey masks have only one minus - individual intolerance to the main component. They have no other contraindications. If there is no certainty that there is no allergy to honey, then before use, apply a few drops to the skin of the wrist and wait half an hour.

Mask Recipes

There are many different types of honey masks. We present only the best. Effective honey masks:

  • nutritious honey mask. With this type of funds, independent cosmetology care for the skin of the face begins. The tool contains all the necessary components for a good appearance. The remedy is very good because honey saturates the skin with the necessary substances, and oatmeal helps to moisturize skin cells and cleanse them. The recipe is quite simple. 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal flakes are boiled in 5-6 tablespoons of water for about 3-4 minutes, then the mask mixture should cool to a comfortable temperature. Next, a teaspoon of honey is added, everything is mixed until smooth. Before applying the product, the face must be cleaned with a scrub, then honey is applied for 15-20 minutes, everything is washed off with warm water;
  • for dry skin type. Such a cosmetic mixture allows you to eliminate various signs of dryness, additionally moisturize and nourish. For the mask, you need a tablespoon of melted honey, the same amount of olive oil, cream or. A mask of honey and olive oil is applied for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with warm water, and then apply the cream. you need to conduct a course: do 2 masks every week to get 6 masks;
  • honey and lemon mask. A mixture of lemon and honey helps to make the skin matte and tighten the pores, if you add soda, you get a remedy for acne. Lemon juice, heated are mixed in equal proportions until smooth. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes. You need to be careful with this mask, as it can cause skin itching or a slight burning sensation. In this case, you should immediately wash off the mixture and choose the option in which only a few drops of lemon juice are added;
  • mask for teenagers with orange. Homemade honey orange face masks have received very good reviews. From the orange it is necessary to pull out the pulp, crush it, then mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Before applying, the face is steamed, and then the mixture is applied for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mixture with warm water;
  • honey and cinnamon mask. Such a tool acts as a scrub, helps to exfoliate dead cells, make the skin smooth, and clean the pores. Honey gives the skin nourishment and softness. Not only cinnamon can be added to the mixture, for example, a mask of honey and salt gives the same effect. All components are taken in equal quantities and mixed. If the skin is too oily, it is better to take sea salt, for normal - sugar is suitable, and for dry - you should use cinnamon. The mask mixture is applied for several minutes with massage movements, the product is left for 15 minutes, and then washed off;
  • cognac and honey mask. This tool will give the skin tone, help balance nutrition, remove small redness. For cooking, you need to take a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice, cognac and yolk. Honey is slightly heated, then the remaining components are added to it and mixed. The agent is applied for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with cotton pads;
  • honey and egg mask. This tool helps to give the skin a natural color and make it taut. A tablespoon of honey is mixed, if, then another option is suitable - a mask of protein and honey. The protein is churned into foam and soft honey is added. Apply the product for 20 minutes;
  • wrinkle honey mask. The combination of honey and coffee tones the skin, tightens it, relieves puffiness, so it has a good effect on rejuvenating processes. A tablespoon of honey is melted in a water bath, and then a teaspoon is added to it. The agent is applied for 30-40 minutes and the next procedure is done after 3 days. Read more about how to do, as well as others.
  • honey moisturizing mask with cottage cheese. Such a tool nourishes the skin, saturates them with amino acids and necessary vitamins, slows down the aging process. For cooking, take a tablespoon of cottage cheese and the same amount of melted honey. All components are well rubbed and applied for 30 minutes. Also read about others.
  • tea mask for oily skin. The recipe for a honey and tea mask is quite simple: two or three tablespoons of certified black tea, one teaspoon of oatmeal, honey and lemon juice. Apply the product for 10 minutes, and then remove it with cotton pads, soaking them in mineral or distilled water;
  • acne honey mask. To prepare such a remedy, you need aspirin tablets, honey and water. Grind the tablets, mix with a tablespoon of warmed honey and warm water. does not apply to the entire skin, but only to problem areas. After drying, wash off everything with cool water. Read more in another article.
  • aloe and honey mask. Such a cosmetic mixture has bactericidal and healing properties. A tablespoon of honey is mixed with aloe juice. Apply the product for half an hour, and then wash it off with warm water;
  • honey and yolk mask. This remedy is well suited for skin that is irritated and inflamed, with enlarged pores. It is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and flour with yolk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes, and then washed off with slightly warm water;
  • honey and milk mask. For cooking, you need to take one tablespoon of milk and honey. Milk is poured into a container and liquid honey is gradually added to it. Milk needs to be warmed up a little so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Do not bring to a boil. After that, you can immediately apply the product on your face. It is great for dry skin to remove flakiness. It also fights fine wrinkles well, allows you to make the skin lighter, nourishes the cells well. Such a honey face mask for acne will also help get rid of it. The skin will become elastic, will receive the necessary toning. The mask is applied for 10 minutes. The procedure must be repeated regularly to get a good result;
  • kefir and honey mask. For cooking, you need to take a tablespoon of both components. They are mixed and applied for 15 minutes. Thanks to this tool, you can cleanse the skin of dead cells, even out skin tone, reduce problems with. Also, the mask relieves irritation, the skin becomes softer;
  • onion and honey mask. It is intended for problem skin. There are several types of masks that help fight various skin problems. Means with onions can be applied for no more than 15 minutes. For dry skin, you need to bake one onion, mash it and mix it in equal proportions with honey. For a mask from age spots, juice is squeezed out of the bulb and mixed with honey (1: 2). For withered skin, the onion is passed through a meat grinder, mixed in equal proportions with honey and milk;
  • clay and honey purifying mask. Mixed in equal proportions honey and. Added twice as much water. Everything is mixed and applied for 10 minutes. This remedy disinfects the skin well;
  • mustard and honey mask. This is another type of cleansing mask. For cooking, you need to take a lot of ingredients: 10 milliliters of honey, 5 grams of mustard powder, half a teaspoon of salicylic acid solution, a teaspoon of gelatin and a tablespoon of glycerin. fill it with water and wait until it swells. Then salicylic alcohol is added and. The mixture is heated in a water bath. After it has become liquid, honey is added. As soon as the gruel has cooled, mustard is added. If you make a mask for the first time, then you can increase the amount of honey and reduce the amount of mustard so that there are no burns. Apply the product for a maximum of 15 minutes;
  • warm honey mask. Means with warm honey are mainly used. They can be applied not only on the face, but also on the décolleté and neck. You can apply this mixture for a maximum of 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. You need to do the whole course: 4 months, 2 masks per week. There are two options for the means: 1) melt a teaspoon of honey, add the same amount of sour cream and a few drops of juice from any citrus fruits; 2) heat separately the same amount of honey and olive oil, then mix them, add the yolk and a little cranberry juice.

Correct use

It is very easy to make honey masks at home, but you should remember some precautions:

  • you can not do procedures with honey if there are purulent lesions;
  • do not use honey if you are allergic to it;
  • if you have diabetes.

Other components of the masks should be chosen very carefully. After the honey mixture is applied to the skin, you can not do other things. It is better to lie down in a dark room.

You can make masks 3 times a week, but no more. The maximum course duration is 4 months. Even the best honey masks should not be used for too long as they will lose their effect on the skin. You can repeat the procedure after 3 months, so as not to harm.

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