Face cream at home: a great way to care for your skin. Facial cream at home - how to make a natural remedy at home

Every year, more and more representatives of the fairer sex are convinced that face cream at home is an excellent alternative to purchased drugs, after the purchase of which only fingerprints are often left in the wallet. You should not be upset if there is no way to buy an expensive branded product - you can independently prepare a composition that is no worse for dealing with defects on the skin. Another advantage of homemade creams is that they are completely natural, without chemicals, and therefore practically do not cause side effects and rarely have contraindications. How to make a useful and effective remedy, what problems can you fight with it, what are the best components to use?

The best ingredients and their properties

For ladies who are starting experiments with compositions for the skin for the first time, the main problem is - what is the cream made of, which can be safely used without the risk of receiving alarming signals from the dermis. The main thing to remember is that at home you can pamper the epidermis tissue with vitamins contained in the simplest components. The face will not hesitate to thank for such attention with a blooming and radiant look.

How to make a homemade face cream yourself? The recipe for the cream should contain the following natural ingredients:

  • bee products (wax, honey, propolis);
  • oils (olives, jojoba, almonds);
  • emulsifiers (purchased at the pharmacy);
  • herbal decoctions (you can cook at home especially for the cream);
  • pink or filtered water;
  • fruits vegetables.

How to mix a cream that is perfect for your face at home? A prerequisite is to choose components in accordance with your type of skin. Let's try to understand these intricacies, the peculiarities of the preparation of the formulations and learn how to use the made creams.

To make a face cream at home, you definitely need to know the basic requirements not only for making the mixture, but also how much it can be stored. Even if you cook the product at home according to all the rules, a small mistake is enough for it to completely lose its useful properties. How to turn the preparation of a cream into a pleasant pastime and make a face cream that has the effectiveness of an expensive brand drug?

Before you make a moisturizer or nourishing cream, you should read the simple rules:

  • use only heat-resistant, wooden or enameled dishes (metal objects contribute to the oxidation of the mixture, give the product an ugly gray tint, and, most importantly, significantly reduce the shelf life);
  • store your ointments in glass containers (at worst, you can use durable plastic);
  • stock up in advance with a syringe, pipette, measuring spoon (most recipes require a minimum amount of ingredients, a measuring cup will be useless here).

The storage time for homemade cream is no more than two weeks, but most often, within a few days, the prepared composition becomes unusable. In order not to spoil the food in vain, it is better to prepare a small amount of the product.

Important! In no case should you experiment with different products, especially if you have no experience, but follow the recipe exactly. At best, the amateur performance will end with spoiled products and mood, at worst - harm to the skin of the face.

Natural face cream at home, regardless of the ingredients, is usually prepared according to the same scheme. Even if a multicomponent product is cooked, the sequence of actions does not change. Before making a face cream, be sure to remember the whole process step by step - this will greatly simplify the work.

Home cooking step-by-step:

  1. Melt the solid base of the composition in a bath.
  2. Add thick or semi-liquid ingredients (honey, stone fruit or vegetable oils, glycerin).
  3. Bring to the desired consistency with water, rose oil, herbal decoction.
  4. Stir or whisk (recipes should tell you exactly how to combine all the ingredients into a homemade, homogeneous cream).
  5. Without stopping stirring, add essential oils.

Important! Immediately after preparation, the product must be cooled and poured into a storage container that can be tightly closed. If there is no cap, you can use a film - it is enough to wrap it tightly around the neck of the bottle so that bacteria or debris do not penetrate there, the effect of which will affect not only the shelf life, but also the quality of the composition.

Find out the recipe for the cheapest face cream at home:

Since most often ladies suffer from dryness and flaking, the question of how to prepare a moisturizer for the face that will successfully help to cope with unpleasant defects is one of the most important. There are many recipes, and almost all of them consist of the simplest components.

With parsley

  • 30 gr. hypoallergenic wax;
  • 45 gr. margarine;
  • 15 gr. chopped currant leaves, parsley, nettle leaves;
  • 15 ml of vitamin A;
  • 25 ml of vegetable oil (it is better to give preference to an apricot product).

Melt the bee product and margarine in the bath. After melting, add vitamins and herbal product. Before removing, add greens and grind thoroughly. A homemade moisturizer that uses greens can be stored for up to 4 days.

With shea butter, grapefruit seed extract, rose water

  • 10 gr. beeswax;
  • 22-25 ml shea;
  • 75 ml of a product from raw olive;
  • 90 ml rose water;
  • vitamin E capsule;
  • 3-6 ml grapefruit seed extract.

Melt the wax and vegetable oil. Add shea, vitamin, extract. Stir the mixture well, do not bring to a boil. Remove whisk and pour into a container intended for storage.

Moisturizers, regardless of the ingredients, are recommended to be applied every day - only this will allow you to enjoy the positive results. You can use different recipes and choose the most effective one for your skin.

A nourishing face cream at home must certainly have any oil or a mixture of them as an ingredient - it is they that contribute to the penetration of beneficial elements into the tissues.

With honey and gelatin

  • 20 gr. honey;
  • 12 ml glycerin;
  • 12 gr. gelatin granules;
  • 40 ml of filtered water;
  • 10 ml almonds.

Mix honey, glycerin, send to heat. After it becomes homogeneous, add the granules, mix until they are completely dissolved. Pour in oil, bring the product to the desired consistency with water (you may need less or a little more liquid - it depends on the density of the honey). After removing from the bath, stir vigorously.

Blend of oils and aloe juice

  • 7 gr. wax;
  • on a capsule of vitamin A, E;
  • 8 ml of cocoa butter;
  • juice squeezed from aloe leaf;
  • 13-15 ml of almonds.

Before making a cream at home, you need to make sure that cocoa butter does not cause allergies in the skin (it is this product that usually causes unpleasant manifestations). To do this, apply a few drops on the wrist and wait for the body to give a signal about intolerance to this product. If there are no unpleasant signs, you can prepare the product.

Combine wax and cocoa in a bath. After turning the mass into a homogeneous mixture, add the rest of the ingredients, immediately remove from the heat and quickly cool. Use ice for cooling - this will speed up the process.

Based on lard

  • 35 gr. petroleum jelly;
  • 40 gr. lard (be sure to take an unsalted product);
  • 4 gr. camphor;
  • 2 gr. salicylic acid.

Melt the lard, add the rest of the ingredients to it. Do not keep on fire any more, remove immediately and mix well until it partially cools.

With strawberries and bone marrow

The product will perfectly tighten the skin; in terms of its effectiveness, a natural face cream can be compared to an expensive lifting in the salon.

  • 50 gr. strawberries;
  • 45 gr. bone marrow;
  • 15 ml of honey;
  • 10 ml vegetable oil;
  • 20 ml camphor.

Grind the bone marrow and strawberries into a homogeneous puree. Add the remaining ingredients (add a little camphor, be sure to grind the mixture after each addition). Use the product without fail within 2-4 days.

Making a face cream at home that would be suitable for every woman is quite simple, because most products have only a few products as components.

With viburnum and grapes

  • 5-7 ml of juice squeezed from viburnum fruits;
  • 3-5 ml of grape seed oil;
  • 8 ml lanolin.

Send lanolin to warm up, add the rest of the ingredients. Grind the mass, cool. Better to use within one day, prepare fresh the next morning.

This tool can be used at home:

  • as a night face cream (use daily);
  • for dry sensitive skin;
  • for combined skin;
  • as a cream for oily skin.

The mixture has practically no contraindications, the only caveat is to apply only once a day, otherwise it will lead to addiction and the effectiveness will be much reduced.

Against rashes on the face, you can make a natural face cream that can quickly relieve inflammation on the skin and get rid of the rash. You can use it up to twice a day, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face from grease and dirt.

  • 12 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 7 ml of pantothenic acid;
  • 3 ml tea tree oil.

Mix ointment and acid, stir vigorously, pour in oil. A prerequisite is that the container in which the mixing process took place must be not only clean, but also completely dry, since the mixture does not lend itself to heat treatment and is quite capable of quickly deteriorating. The cleanliness of the bowl ensures that the shelf life is significantly extended. You can store it in a bottle of ointment for up to 3 months, be sure to close it tightly.

How to make a homemade face cream that not only cleanses and enriches the epidermis with nutrients, but also smoothes age lines? There is nothing complicated here, simple home components will successfully cope with the task set before them and will get rid of wrinkles for a long time.

With jojoba oil and starch

  • 7 ml jojoba;
  • 2 gr. starch (be sure to take a rice product);
  • 16 gr. wax.

Melt the wax, add the remaining ingredients, mix until smooth. Use only at bedtime. The secret of application is to place only along the massage lines, this will significantly increase the effect.

With honey and almond oil

  • 30 gr. good honey (it is better not to take a sugared product);
  • 55 ml lanolin;
  • 30 ml oil from raw almonds.

Mix all the ingredients, grind, then send to melt in a water bath. Stir more as it warms up, until the mass becomes fluffy and smooth. Even after the mixture has been removed from the heat, keep stirring. After complete cooling, transfer to a storage container and send to a cool place. The mass is stored for more than half a month. You can use it daily, you can several times - it will only benefit. If the skin is too oily, with enlarged pores, you can make a face cream at home based on a product made from olive raw materials - it has a more beneficial effect on the problem.

Self-made natural cosmetics are not just a worthy replacement for expensive drugs, but also an opportunity to feel like a professional cosmetologist. You can combine mixtures, experience the effects of different means on yourself, and, most importantly, make sure that it is quite possible to get rid of defects that look so ugly on your face without the help of a specialist.

Cosmetics are offered to the fairer sex very different. Manufacturers produce whole series of cosmetics with the addition of various components. But nothing beats a homemade cream that can be made from handy food and pharmacy products.

Before preparing a wellness mixture, you need to accurately determine the type of skin on your face.

Dry skin is common. It becomes the cause of unpleasant irritation and provokes the appearance of peeling. Here are the main signs of dry skin:

  • poor reaction to negative temperatures. In severe frosts, the skin on the cheeks, and the nose begins to peel off;
  • premature appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • frequent allergic reactions to store-bought creams and lotions;
  • unpleasant tightening sensation in the area of ​​the corners of the lips and eyes.

Such skin needs special care, it needs to be regularly moisturized and enriched with nutrients. Why does my skin get dry? There are many factors that can provoke dry skin:

  • Bad habits. Smoking has a particularly strong effect on the color and condition of the skin on the face and neck.
  • Tanning bed abuse or prolonged exposure to the scorching sun.
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics.
  • Metabolic disorders, painful thinness.
  • Violation of the kidneys.
  • Emotional breakdowns and prolonged depression.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Skin type can change after adolescence or after pregnancy.

Dry skin care rules

If you do not restore the moisture balance of the epidermis, the skin will flake off and unattractive redness will appear. Therefore, owners of dry skin need to be more competent in their daily care. It will be helpful to make a homemade cream for this type of skin. In addition, you must perform the following actions:

  1. you need to wash with water, the temperature of which is close to the temperature in the room;
  2. homemade nutritional masks should be done once a week;
  3. every evening, the skin of the face needs to be moisturized with a cream that you can prepare yourself;
  4. cosmetics should be of high quality, without alcohol.

The best recipes for dry skin cream at home

The cream is applied to the face after washing and removing makeup. Better to apply it before bed.

Deep moisturizing with aloe cream

Aloe leaves are thoroughly washed in warm water. It is necessary to grind the plant; to prepare the cream, you will need 4 dessert spoons of pulp. A few drops of glycerin and a teaspoon of olive oil are added to this green gruel. The cream must be mixed in good faith and hidden in the refrigerator. It is better to store a homemade cosmetic product in an opaque container with a closed lid. This amount of cream is enough for a week, you need to use it every evening.

Almond cream for dry skin

You need to purchase a small amount of beeswax (a teaspoon), mix it with lanolin. To mix the ingredients well, they are placed in a water bath. After five minutes, add a dessert spoon of almond oil to the hot mixture. And after 3 minutes, 4 large tablespoons of rose water without alcohol are poured in. After that, the mixture is removed from the heat and knocked down with a blender at the minimum speed. As soon as the resulting mousse cools down, a few drops of essential oil from rose petals are added to it. Reapply the mixer and leave it in an opaque jar for a few hours. The cream is applied every day, after the evening wash.

Winter cream for dry skin

Fifty grams of butter are heated in a steam bath, two dessert spoons of olive oil are added there. Two chicken yolks are ground in a warm mass. For a therapeutic effect, you will have to prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers. Dry herb can be purchased at a pharmacy. You need to take ¼ cup of chamomile and pour boiling water over it. The broth can be used after 3 hours, you need 2 large spoons. A decoction of chamomile is poured into the mass with yolks, then two teaspoons of honey and a small spoonful of glycerin are placed. The mixture is gently mixed with a blender. During this process, twenty grams of camphor alcohol should be poured into the future cream in small portions. The cream is placed in the refrigerator. It is used once a day during the winter season. The cream is applied in a generous layer for thirty minutes, then a napkin is applied to the face to remove the remnants of the nourishing cream.

Anti-peeling badger fat cream

You need a tablespoon of badger fat, which is mixed with three dessert spoons of St. John's wort oil. 5 drops of vitamins E, A and a teaspoon of melted beeswax are also added to the mixture. The cream is thoroughly mixed and placed in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then it is mixed again until thick and placed in the refrigerator. Apply the cream to the neck, face and hands in moderation.

Avocado Nourishing Cream

The avocado must be ripe, peeled, pitted and pounded well into a homogeneous gruel. Add a few drops of olive oil, a teaspoon of glycerin, and two large spoons of boiled warm water to the fruit mixture. The future cream is knocked down with a blender or a small mixer. It is applied for 15 minutes with a plentiful layer, and the remains are removed with a napkin.

Berry cream for dry skin

A teaspoon of glycerin should be mixed with four large spoons of freshly squeezed strawberry juice. The mixture is mixed and left for eight minutes. Now you need to beat the future cream with a mixer, gradually adding oatmeal flour. The mass should be of medium density. Apply homemade cream in the evening.

Storage periods

Homemade cream can only be stored in the refrigerator. It contains no industrial preservatives that do not allow the initial components to sour. Therefore, the shelf life of home cosmetics is no more than ten days.

You should not knead a lot of cream at once, otherwise you will have to throw away the spoiled cream. The storage container should be dark, so that the nutritional components of the homemade cream for dry skin are preserved.

All beauties who carefully and regularly take care of their facial skin know how often they do not want to take store-bought jars of creams.

After all, in addition to being useful, they can still cause certain harm, since they contain various chemical compounds. Learning how to prepare a high-quality homemade face cream is the dream of many beauties. And it is quite achievable if you put some effort into it.

Benefits of homemade face cream a before the store is obvious to everyone: natural ingredients will have the most beneficial effect on the skin without being affected by preservatives and fragrances. However, those who have decided to master the art of making face creams at home should be aware that extreme caution is needed in this matter. If you do not follow certain rules, such products can cause considerable harm to your appearance. So how do you make a homemade face cream according to these guidelines?

  1. Prepare yourself initially to the fact that you will not get the light and airy cream that you are used to buying in the store. Typically (with rare exceptions), homemade face cream is a thick, odorous, greasy and oily mixture.
  2. Prepare dishes in advance that will be used exclusively for cosmetic purposes for making the cream: you should not use it in cooking. You will need a large enamel bowl, three small bowls (glass), a clean tablespoon, a syringe (2.5 ml is sufficient), a jar for ready-made cream (any empty from the store), a whisk for whipping and a thermometer for water.
  3. Heat the base oil in a water bath to 60 ° C, pour the emulsifier into it until it is completely dissolved, then pour out the water (without stopping heating). When the mixture turns into a creamy consistency, remove from heat and cool to 35 ° C, stirring regularly. After that, the active substances and essential oils are added.
  4. There are recipes where the ingredients only need to be mixed.
  5. Be sure to test the prepared cream on your wrist skin.
  6. The shelf life of any homemade face cream is no more than one week. You need to store it in the refrigerator.

It is worth considering all these rules before deciding to use a homemade face cream: the result is definitely worth the effort and time spent.

Ingredients for a homemade face cream

What ingredients do you need to make a face cream at home?

1. Active substances:

  • for oily skin: hop or ginger extract, dry yeast;
  • for dry skin: propolis, bee bread, liquid vitamin E, pumpkin seed or linden extracts;
  • for sensitive skin: chamomile extract, liquid vitamin F, peony tincture.

To prepare a homemade face cream, no more than 7% of the active substance is taken.

2. Base oils:

  • for oily skin: peach, grape seed, hazelnut, almond, watermelon, corn, milk thistle, black cumin;
  • for dry skin: avocado, apricot, shea, jojoba, olive, peach, walnut, macadamia, sesame, coconut;
  • for sensitive skin: sea buckthorn, rose, black cumin, lemon, St. John's wort, burdock.

A homemade cream should contain at least 30% base oil.

3. Essential oils:

  • for oily skin: bergamot, lemon balm, rosemary, grapefruit, lemon;
  • for dry skin: patchouli, sandalwood, jasmine, myrrh, rose, blue chamomile;
  • for sensitive skin: rosewood, verbena, orange, spruce.

When preparing a homemade face cream, you only need 10 drops of essential oil.

4. Emulsifiers:

  • for oily skin: cetyl alcohol, sucrose stearate;
  • for dry skin: beeswax, guar gum;
  • for sensitive skin: stearic acid, sodium alginate.

Emulsifiers in homemade cream should be no more than 2%.

60% of homemade face cream is high-quality (mineral and filtered) water or any herbal decoction.

The best homemade face cream recipes

You can choose any recipe for homemade face cream, of which there are many. Initially, prepare a very small amount of the product so that you can first test it on the wrist, and then either use it or take on another recipe. The recipes are prepared in accordance with the technology specified in the basic rules for the preparation of the cream.

  • For dry skin

As a base oil - 30 ml of avocado, instead of water - 60 ml of orange water, the active substance - 7 ml of vitamin E (liquid), from emulsifiers - 2 g of wax and 10 drops of geranium (essential oil). This d This homemade facial moisturizer is ideal for dry, flaky skin that requires special care.

  • For oily skin

Base - 30 ml of almond oil, instead of water - 60 ml of basil broth, active substance - 5 ml of ginger extract, emulsifier - 2 g of sucrose stearate with the addition of 10 drops of grapefruit (essential oil).

  • For sensitive skin

Base - 30 ml of black cumin, liquid instead of water - 60 ml of green tea, active ingredient - 7 ml of chamomile extract, emulsifier - 2 ml of stearic acid, essential oil - 5 drops of verbena.

  • Homemade lifting cream

Drop a drop of iodine into a jar for cream, add liquid honey (one tablespoon), castor oil (one tablespoon), petroleum jelly (one teaspoon). Mix everything - the cream is ready to use!

  • Anti-aging homemade face cream

Mix grape seed oils, sesame and olive oils (7 ml each) as a base, add borax as an emulsifier (one teaspoon), water (40 ml), 5 drops of tea tree or lavender (essential oils), take liquid as active substances vitamins A or E (2-3 g each). For homemade cream, it is best to use cold-pressed olive oil.

  • For combination skin

Pour dry chamomile flowers (a tablespoon) with boiling water (100 ml), soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain, mix (4 tablespoons) with honey (a teaspoon), glycerin (a teaspoon). Stir until completely dissolved. In a water bath, melt olive and butter (tablespoon each), cool, add beaten egg yolk, camphor oil (tablespoon). Connect both masses.

Now you are a real connoisseur and have all the necessary knowledge of how to make a face cream at home correctly and efficiently. The skill will be acquired over time, but your skin will receive the necessary and very high-quality regular care, which it always needs.

With a huge selection of cosmetics on store shelves, not every woman can confidently choose what suits her best.

Someone is afraid to use a cream with unknown ingredients; someone's acquaintance with a fashionable novelty ended with an allergic reaction; some do not trust the products of the cosmetic industry at all.

All of them can be advised one completely reliable the way out is to create your own personal cream.

In this article:

Before making a face cream at home, the recipes of which have been recommended to you, you need not only to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the rules and procedure for their preparation, but also, after making a test dose, test it for an allergic reaction by applying the resulting mixture to the inside of your wrist.

Always remember that the ingredients listed in the recipe, no matter how natural they are, each skin can react differently.

Homemade face creams have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • there is no doubt about their 100% naturalness: you will not add preservatives or other harmful "chemistry" or hormones to your home cosmetics;
  • if you choose the right starting materials, the result can be much more pronounced than from using any of the most expensive cosmetic products;
  • if you make a homemade face cream in compliance with all the rules of preparation, it will not be addictive, which often happens with finished products.

When preparing for the process of making your own cream, it should be borne in mind that the first experience may not be entirely successful. However, do not be discouraged, you just need to scrupulously follow all the actions recommended by the recipe.

The technology for making a face cream at home is based on heating the components in a water bath, providing melting of the base.

Such a base can be beeswax or pork fat or vitamins in capsules, or some other ingredients.

Heating by means of steam is also required at the moment when liquid oils are added, and then after two or three minutes the fire can be turned off.

If wax is chosen as a solid base, you must keep your ears open with it: it must be added strictly according to the recipe. If you overdo it, the whole mixture will turn into a solidified mass, and the desired effect will not be achieved.

During operation, constant mixing of the mixture is required- first with a spoon, then with a mixer. Then the resulting substance is cooled by placing the dishes in cold water with the addition of ice. Stirring is also necessary at this stage, while essential oils are added. The process lasts until the received drug cools down.

Let's prepare a day cream

Natural face cream can be prepared for different purposes and times of use. The recipes for this cosmetic product include the most natural ingredients - fruits-vegetables, herbs-flowers or their juices and oils.


Its solid base is lanolin (5 g), liquid base (2 ml) with water (10 ml). The oils are melted using traditional heating. This mixture heats up to +40 degrees. Then water is introduced there, everything is carefully mixed and cooled.

Homemade cosmetics are placed in a clean, opaque bottle and stored in the refrigerator, and no more than a week.

Creamy chamomile

As a nourishing face cream, it is advisable to prepare a well-proven remedy at home from dried chamomile flowers combined with butter. To do this, you must first prepare a chamomile infusion: three large tablespoons of flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour.

By this time, the infusion will have time to cool down to the desired temperature. It is filtered and, after mixing 50 ml of butter and vegetable oils, this oil mixture is added there.

Two cream recipes for the night


Night cream for the face at home according to the manufacturing technology does not differ from other types. Heating is also used with a water bath, where crushed wax (1 tbsp) is melted with the addition of vegetable oil (three to four times more), boric acid (5 grams).

Also, the melted mixture is cooled a little and, stirring, add 1 spoon (large) of glycerin and lemon juice (the same 2 tablespoons).


Make a face cream very well using vegetable juices. From the gifts of nature that are at home (this can be carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin or eggplant, zucchini or potatoes, cabbage - all together, or only a few, or even one thing), taking 50 g of them, squeeze the juice and spoons mix three of it (tablespoons) with the yolk.

Melt the wax (1 teaspoon) in the described way, pour in the same amount of glycerin, a large spoonful of oils, peach and a mixture of vegetable juices and yolk. Warm up all together for two minutes and beat.

When we make a face cream at home, additional components of the future product must be added drop by drop - preferably with a pipette.

Thorough stirring is one of the basic conditions of the process. First, it is done with a spoon, and then with a mixer. At the beginning of the process, you should not use a mixer - at its high speed, the final product may exfoliate.

If the skin is fading

The composition of the product necessary for such skin quite logically includes fresh juices. To prepare a face cream at home, focusing on slowing down fading, it is proposed to use the following recipe:

  • collect in equal quantities (fresh) nettle and parsley leaves, currant and mountain ash, as well as pink, jasmine petals. Squeeze juice from this raw material on a juicer;
  • put wax in a small vessel in the volume of a teaspoon and, having melted it, add the same amount of vitamin A. After that vegetable oil, squeezed out and boiling water are added - in equal volumes (a tablespoon). All this happens with constant stirring. Then the dishes are removed from the steam and beat with a whisk or mixer until the potion cools down.

An equally effective recipe includes both a vitamin base and quince pulp in the composition of the nutritional mixture - a tablespoon of each.

The manufacturing method does not differ from others, except that instead of wax, lanolin is taken into this face rejuvenation cream at home and melted in equal amounts with honey (a teaspoon) in a steam bath, after which sea buckthorn oil with quince, yolk and steam are added to the mixture large spoons of boiling water. Everything is thoroughly mixed, removed from steam and carefully whipped until smooth.

Fighting wrinkles

Homemade face cream for wrinkles will be a good helper in smoothing them out, as well as nourishing the epidermis. It will take significantly longer to prepare, but it will be worth it.

The active herbal component is a mixture of leaves and herbs of different plants, collected in equal parts. Leaves - mint, linden, green tea; herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow are crushed and mixed.

A large spoonful of the mixture is poured (half a glass is enough), the dishes are tightly closed and insisted for a week. At the end of the period, the hood is filtered. Pine resin (1 teaspoon) is melted over low heat.

Further actions are similar to those already described: wax is melted for a couple, resin is added to it, two tablespoons (tablespoons) of extracts of plants and rose water, a couple of drops of vitamins A, D and E. The thoroughly mixed substance is removed from the water bath and whipped until a homogeneous consistency ...

Experts advise applying this anti-aging face cream at home in the morning and evening.

All components of your self-made cosmetic product must be selected correctly, taking into account the type of skin, its condition, problems, your age.

The product should be uniform in structure. It should be cooked in small portions so as not to let it go bad.

Helping your skin get younger

A rejuvenating face cream at home can be created using a wide variety of ingredients.


Warm petroleum jelly (10 grams) is placed in a vessel, twice as much melted honey and placed in a water bath. Stirring gradually, add a couple of drops of iodine and castor oil in a volume of 20 ml. After removing from the heating, whisk.

Coniferous birch

Grind the same amount (all ingredients - 10 g each) of birch leaves, chamomile flowers, needles (needles). Add warm water, homemade cottage cheese and well-grated raw yolk to this gruel. Beat with a mixer.

Taking care of your skin


What else can home cosmetics do? Face cream can help solve the problem. One of the recipes recommends this composition:

  • gelatin - 1 small spoon;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • glycerin - 2 of the same;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet.

Making a face cream at home according to the above recipe involves soaking gelatin in water (cool enough) to swell. Then all the components are mixed and heated with steam for a quarter of an hour. This is followed by whipping until the product cools.


You have dry skin. How to make a homemade face cream? The recipes are varied, and they include both different emollient oils and extracts from plants, given that this type of skin needs additional hydration and nutrition.

It is recommended to make a moisturizer for the face at home using the following composition:

  • apple juice - a large spoon;
  • white cabbage juice - two such spoons;
  • corn oil - 20 ml;
  • lanolin - 35 g.

Having melted the solid base with butter, mixed heated juices are gently added to the substance and mixed.

With equal success, this tool is useful for normal skin care.


Homemade sour cream with a high percentage of fat (1 teaspoon) is combined with an equal amount of lemon juice, a tablespoon of cucumber, an alcoholic solution of rose water (2 teaspoons), yolk. Then two drops of vitamins (A and E) and an essential oil - jasmine, or - are introduced into this mixture. All this is whipped and - in the refrigerator for several hours, so that the mass thickens. The product is recommended for use in the morning and in the evening. It is also suitable for dry skin.


What will a home doctor offer - a cream with enlarged pores? It is worth preparing a composition from natural yogurt mixed with wax. Add 7 ml of yogurt to melted wax (10 g) or any other base and beat.


You can tighten your face by preparing a lifting cream at home. Interesting that the recipe will bypass the steam bath. All components are added one by one to the intended bottle and simply mixed. The composition is as follows:

  • a drop of iodine;
  • honey (liquid) and castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • petroleum jelly - 1 teaspoon.

Let's do a massage

It is no secret how effectively massage affects the condition of the skin. And its quality equally depends both on the correct technique of execution, and on the cream that is used in this case. It is also easy to make a face massage cream at home.

30 ml of beeswax and unrefined sunflower oil are mixed with 10 grams of lanolin. While stirring vigorously, the mass is heated, as usual, until it becomes a liquid emulsion. Slowly, 70 ml of distilled water and 10 g of glycerin are added to the substance in a thin stream. When the composition turns white, the dishes can be removed from the steam.

Massage cream for the face at home after cooling is ready for use.

All self-made cosmetics are no less effective than the most expensive store-bought ones.

Experts believe that it suits literally everyone, because every woman knows the characteristics of her skin and will not include substances harmful to her in her cream. Perhaps the only drawback of such cosmetics is a very short shelf life, which is why recipes indicate such small quantities of ingredients.

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Natural cream recipe.

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Gone are the days when we firmly believed in the effectiveness and harmlessness of store-bought face creams. For many, the result of their use is clogged pores and disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Isn't it time to stop torturing your skin? Here's how you can make a natural moisturizer for your face at home. No complicated chemical processes and difficult-to-pronounce ingredients! Everything is available on the market and natural to the skin, like Mother Nature itself.

What to make a cream for moisturizing facial skin at home

All moisturizers are based on vegetable oils. The most common oils that have moisturizing properties, are readily available and are used in home cosmetics are olive and coconut. Other popular options are argan oil and jojoba. They are often used together, they both have healing qualities and care for the skin without making it greasy. You can also safely choose the following oils:

  • Apricot kernels - great for dry and aging skin;
  • Almond - absorbs slightly longer than other options;
  • Grape seed is a good choice for oily and acne-prone skin;
  • Avocado - for aging skin;
  • Hemp is a very light oil for all skin types.

Attention! Despite its popularity, coconut oil has the ability clog pores on the skin of the face. To choose an oil for making a cream that will not have this effect, see the table of comodogenicity of natural oils.

Note that the oil base should be at least 2/3 of the homemade cream. If desired, you can add nourishing oil to it, which will provide additional care and saturate the skin with useful elements. The best oils for this:

  • Tamanu - helps with acne, oily and scars on the skin;
  • Sea buckthorn - for all skin types, but especially for aging and dry;
  • Rosehip - regenerating, strengthening and rejuvenating oil;
  • Borago - high in oleic acid, which regenerates cells and helps the skin retain moisture;
  • Evening primrose - for problem and aging skin;
  • Nima is an antimicrobial and healing agent for acne and oily skin.

Essential oils can be a third ingredient for making a moisturizer at home. They have amazing properties for the skin, but must be applied gently so as not to cause an allergic reaction or give the cream an overly strong odor. When experimenting with recipes, try the following essential oils first:

  • Lavender - has a healing effect, helps with oily skin;
  • Mint - good for acne;
  • Chamomile is a healing and soothing oil for all skin types;
  • Rose is a wonderful remedy for aging, dry and normal skin;
  • Schisandra - promotes lightening, helps with acne;
  • Rosemary - for oily skin.

We have included all these ingredients so that you understand the peculiarity of homemade natural skin creams and can experiment on your own in search of the perfect composition. In the end, no one canceled the factor of individual susceptibility to individual components.

Here are 3 ways to make a skin moisturizer using coconut oil. Note that all of these recipes used solid white, not the liquid coconut oil commonly used on hair.

Recipe 1. Nourishing and moisturizing cream for dry skin


  • 1/2 cup olive oil (almond oil or your choice)
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup beeswax.

Additional component (optional) - 10 drops of essential oil.


  1. Combine oils and beeswax in a heat-resistant jug or jar. Note that when making creams, beeswax plays the role of a stabilizer that helps to obtain a uniform consistency.
  2. Place the jug / jar in a saucepan and fill it with water until it covers about ¾ of the container.
  3. Put the saucepan on the fire and, stirring occasionally, let sit for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour hot water out of the pot and replace it with the same amount of cold water. This will help you cool the resulting moisturizer quickly.
  5. Add essential oil to the mixture if desired.
  6. Using a blender / whisk / fork, beat the ingredients and stir until thick.

The cream is great for nourishing and moisturizing dry skin.

Recipe 2. Moisturizing cream for problem skin

What you need:

  • 1 cup fresh aloe vera gel
  • 20 grams of natural beeswax (a stabilizer that mixes well with oils and makes the cream less liquid);
  • 1/4 cup almond oil
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 10 drops of essential oil (the author of the recipe used grapefruit oil);
  • Blender.

How to make a moisturizer using this recipe:

  1. Melt beeswax, coconut and almond oil in a water bath (or see the option in the previous recipe);
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a blender bowl and let cool. If you don't, the consistency of the cream may not be as uniform.
  3. Add essential oils to a glass of aloe gel;
  4. Immerse the blender in the oil and wax mixture, whisk, slowly pouring in the aloe vera gel;
  5. Transfer the freshly made moisturizer to the prepared container and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Homemade moisturizing cream for oily skin


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 6 drops of lavender, tea tree or other essential oil of your choice.

This homemade moisturizer is easy to prepare. It is enough to mix all the elements. Vitamin E and essential oil perfectly refresh oily skin without giving it shine.

  1. They can be kept in the refrigerator for quite a long time. The expiration date can be guessed by the change in smell.
  2. Oil-containing creams are used very sparingly. It is recommended to apply them a little on clean face skin.
  3. In the first few tests, you may not get the perfect “creamy” consistency. The reason for this may be the absence of beeswax, different temperatures for the ingredients, the remainder of some of the components on the blender (due to which the proportions may be violated), etc. If you see the oil separating from the cream, just whisk it with a whisk. Either way, this moisturizer can be used because all of its parts are natural and harmless.

Enjoy the recipes and tips provided and be sure to tell us about the results! How did you refine the formulation and which oils are best for you?