Who blesses the newlyweds before the wedding. Prayer how to bless a son before the wedding an icon what to say. What is the meaning of a parental blessing

A special event - a wedding, a ceremony that connects two lives . The question of parental blessing arises only when the moment of joining of two loving hearts comes.

Everything happens almost like in a fairy tale. A boy and a girl are growing up in completely unfamiliar families. And until the hour determined by God, they are absolutely unaware of a miracle that must one day happen.

These are two worlds that exist separately from each other in an instant, which is already conditioned somewhere from above, must intersect and become one. At the moment of marriage and wedding, a sacrament takes place, a holiday of the union of two destinies into a single whole.

A holiday for all relatives and friends, a delightful apotheosis of light feelings, joyful tears and congratulations. In the traditions of our ancestors since the time of the baptism of Russia, there was a wonderful custom to give something. But there is a more important moment of celebration.

The newlyweds are sure to be blessed with a miraculous icon, which is considered "home" and is passed down from generation to generation.

The life-long road lies before the young and the parting words that parents give to the wedding should become a guideline for the future. Indeed, the future, well-being and harmony, what is today called the microclimate in the house, largely depends on the parting words of the father and mother. A very important moment was the return of society to the origins of folk wisdom and Christian values. One of them is the moment when the elders bless the newlyweds standing in front of them with a specific icon for this ritual.

Before the wedding, it is customary to prepare for the holiday for a long time and carefully, to look for what to give the young people. Usually, if you decide to hold a holiday in accordance with all traditions, then all loved ones are busy looking for the best scenarios for the celebration. Friends prepare funny scenes and ditties for the wedding, friends are looking for the right music and equipment, the elders are developing a menu, choosing what is necessary and practical to give.

But no matter how hard everyone tried to create a certain mood for the newlyweds, all the participants in the event, there is one obligatory moment. The father and mother of the bride utter sincere words and bless their daughter before the start of family life. Necessarily an icon, but which one? He holds an icon on an embroidered towel, but not anyhow, but the Kazan Mother of God, who has long been and remains the patroness of women, spouses, mothers and the keeper of the family hearth. Bowing before the miraculous face and looking at the icon, the young head, covered in waves of tulle and guipure, takes on all these responsibilities and promises to the Virgin Mary to bear the title of wife with honor.

Newlyweds are initially blessed each in their parents' home. The groom is admonished and blessed by the father and mother with the icon of Jesus Christ. This is due to the fact that a man takes much broader and more meaningful obligations for the future. If even before the wedding it could be a completely reckless and cheerful reveler, a shirt-guy, then after the celebration he will have to be the head of a new, just created family. Although, according to the ancient customs and traditions of Orthodoxy, it was believed that an icon should be consecrated or acquired in a church or monastery, it is now possible to purchase it through a church or specialized online store, but it is clear that it is not customary to donate or transfer them (icons) from relatives or friends.

It was there, having been before the celebration, that parents pray for the happiness of their children, asking God for a good life and prosperity in the house. By purchasing an icon for a wedding for a blessing, parents bring grace and peace to the house, which is so necessary for a future married couple. Towels that hold the icon are also traditional. After the words spoken by the parents, one of them bandages the hands of the newlyweds. This is a ceremony of uniting spouses for a wedding. Usually, icons wrapped in a towel are taken with them to the registry office, and then one of them is greeted before the start of the wedding feast.

Which icon should I take? The face of Jesus Christ. This is due to the fact that this role is assigned to the parents of the groom, that is, already the young husband. His father, welcoming the young, embodies the spirit of Christian values ​​and high morality in the newly created family with this icon. Mother, a newly-made mother-in-law with bread and salt, thereby symbolizing prosperity, prosperity and a happy family life.

Blessing words for the wedding or you should not look somewhere on the Internet or rewrite from friends, colleagues and employees. In this case, they come by themselves. The main thing is that this ceremony should take place with a pure heart and a high prayer to the Lord. And then grace will speak through the icon through the lips of even not too fervently believing parents. After all, every young couple deserves the best life, healthy children, mutual understanding and love.

And you can purchase the icons for the wedding, so necessary for the blessing, can be purchased with delivery in the specialized online store Gold24 with free delivery.

The mother's blessing of her child has a very strong protective power, a kind of amulet. Mother's love protects from trouble and disease. Blessing a daughter before the wedding is a special ceremony, a custom that goes back to time immemorial. This tradition is used by people all over the world, regardless of skin color and religion. In addition, a blessing at a wedding is one of the most touching and exciting events for both the newlywed parents and the newlyweds. Thus, the mother shows that she agrees with the choice of her child. Without the parents' disposition to the bride or groom, their union is unlikely to be completely happy, because, willy-nilly, they will have to communicate with relatives. They can either support a young family or interfere with their happiness. A wise mother will accept the choice of her daughter, otherwise she risks being to blame for her future misfortunes.

In Slavic culture, there are several stages and ways of receiving blessings. In ancient Russia, blessings were given even during matchmaking, before the wedding. Today, in a classic wedding, the blessing is given before the official wedding ceremony. You can bless only after the groom has passed all the tests and when he shows the guests his chosen one and gives the ransom for her.

There are several ways to receive a blessing:

  • verbally, face to face,
  • in writing when a mother gives a written blessing to her child. The written letter is then burned, but the time and day when it was written is remembered. This is followed by 7 days of reading "Prayer after the blessing of the child."
  • the child takes the written blessing from the mother himself, or rather he writes the letter himself, expressing all the most intimate in it, and then burns it.

Before that, you should read the prayer "For your child."

For the blessing, you will need an icon, which the mother transfers to a new family, where she will play the role of a relic. Although there are no clear church canons on this matter, it is customary to bless girls with an icon of the Mother of God. You can take any other icon that has been kept in your home for more than one generation.

When all the necessary conventions are met, the bride and groom stand in front of the mother. The words of the mother, when blessing her daughter before the wedding, sound when she holds the icon in her hands, turning her face to the young. There is no need to memorize special words, they must be sincere. The touching congratulations to the newlyweds for the wedding from their parents will be remembered for a lifetime. The wishes should not only concern the daughter, they also apply to the groom. If, in addition to painting in the registry office, a wedding is planned, this icon should be taken with you to the church.

Here are several options for a mother's blessing for her daughter before the wedding:

“I am a believing mother, I pray to the Lord, I give blessings to my daughter. I bless my daughter for her life with her husband. God save you from insults and quarrels, may Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker pray for you. I give you my blessing from the bottom of my heart. "

“Here is my blessing to the bride and groom for the marriage. Live in harmony, kindness and peace. Remember, the Lord is crowning you, and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker begs him. I give you a blessing. "

“I wish you to live in harmony and happiness. Be glad to your own and others' successes, understand and accept your soul mate as it is. I wish you all the best that the Almighty can give. "

“I wish you to love each other, to be generous with kindness. Be one whole and accept all the gifts of God with an open heart and gratitude. "

“My daughter, I bless you for a long and happy life, prosperity, family happiness. Be healthy and loved. Amen"

“Formal” blessing is not the only responsibility of the mother, she supports her daughter long before the wedding, helps to dispel unnecessary doubts and worries, participates in organizing the event and supports her in every possible way, can suggest original ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding.

Gifts for newlyweds for a wedding from their parents are also a kind of wish for happiness, because they already know for sure what will be useful to the young most of all in their family life.

In modern life, ancient traditions are used that have been improved over the millennia. One thing remains unchanged - a mother's blessing was considered and is still considered a powerful protection from all sorrows and troubles.

Blessing the bride and groom for a happy married life is one of the most important events during a wedding. The Orthodox believe that this rite has special power and can have a significant impact on the future fate of young people.

How is the blessing done? And what icons are used for it?

How do you prepare for the blessing before the wedding?

The custom of blessing is deeply rooted. In Russia, the rite was carried out immediately after the matchmaking, and the parents locked themselves with the young in a separate room and admonished them with an icon in their hands.

The image used in those days was a family heirloom and was inherited, thanks to which it acquired more and more power with each new wedding. After the blessing, the bride and groom were given 3 weeks to strengthen their desire to start a family. Now the ceremony is held on the wedding day, although the tradition of using icons is still preserved.

Young people should definitely prepare before the event. If earlier icons were passed down from generation to generation, now in most cases they are acquired in churches. Additionally, small towels are prepared, since the image cannot be held with bare hands.

Each participant in the ceremony must be notified in advance. It is very important that those who will bless have nothing against this action.

Who blesses the bride and groom?

By tradition, the parents give parting words to the young. First, the blessing comes from the bride's relatives, who confirm their consent to the upcoming marriage. After the future spouses get married and, the parting words are pronounced by the groom's parents, accepting the young one into their family.

Sometimes it happens that one of the newlyweds does not have parents. In such a situation, the blessing is given by someone close to you - older sisters, brothers or godparents. In the absence of such representatives at the wedding may be friends.

What icons do they bless the newlyweds with?

For the ceremony, they take icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Savior. You can take any image of the Mother of God, but traditionally the blessing is carried out with the help of the image of the Kazan Mother of God.

This face is considered one of the most revered and is of great importance for women, since prayers are offered up to it for the conception of children. It is also believed that she can protect the home from evil spirits and give the young a long and blessed life. The mother traditionally blesses her daughter with this icon before visiting the registry office.

Among the icons depicting Christ, preference is most often given to the image of the "Savior, the Almighty", which parents admonish their son with when creating a family. The icon depicts the Savior - in one hand he holds the opened Gospel, and with the other he blesses the person who is looking at him.

There is an opinion that the face of the Almighty is able to bring happiness, relieve sorrow, and ensure a prosperous life for the young. Sometimes instead of the "Savior Almighty" they use the icon of Nicholas the Pleasant. In Orthodoxy, they believe that he is able to protect from poverty and bring prosperity to the home.

At some weddings, future spouses are blessed with a wedding couple - a folding, where the icons of Christ and the Mother of God are connected.

How is the blessing ceremony before the wedding?

Only after receiving parting words from relatives, the bride and groom can be absolutely sure of a prosperous life filled with patience, love and mutual understanding. There are no traditional standards for blessing, but it usually takes place in several stages.

Before traveling to the registry office, the young are blessed by the bride's parents. They say parting words for their daughter and “release” her to a new family, and then repeat the same procedure for the groom. In this case, the face of the image should be directed towards the newlyweds. Then the future spouses are tied up with a towel and they count how many knots have come out - the same number of descendants in the family.

After the young people sign or, the parents of the groom carry out the blessing. They also say parting words, after which they put the banner of the cross on the spouses using the icon of the Almighty Savior. The ceremony ends with the offering of bread and salt to the newlyweds, which symbolizes the entry of the bride into a new family.

A wedding is not just a holiday, it is a whole collection of rituals, ceremonies and traditions that are performed in different countries in their own way.

For example, in Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus, the customs are similar, so the wedding day there is almost the same. I would like to dwell in more detail on the Slavic celebrations.

At the wedding, there are many paraphernalia that are already considered mandatory: a towel, a loaf, trifles and sweets for sprinkling the young, icons, candles, glasses for the young, a handkerchief bouquet for a young wife, and so on. Let's take a closer look at some of the above. Towel is unity and prosperity. It must be hand-stitched. On a wedding towel, each cross and symbol means something:

The loaf is served to the young after the wedding by the groom's parents along with their blessing. How to do it correctly and not forget anything? Not every very crucial moment knows what to use in this case. During the entire wedding, the newlyweds are blessed twice: the first time the bride's parents give their instructions after the ransom, the second time the groom's parents with a loaf are already congratulating the young family in the restaurant. Let's start in order. How to bless the newlyweds before the wedding?

After the groom passes all the trials prepared for him by his friends, the time comes for instructions from the future mother-in-law and father-in-law. The bride's parents should use the icon of the Mother of God, most often the Kazan one. This sacrament is best done away from the noisy company that has already started drinking champagne. The icon must be directed towards the young and held with a towel, not with your hands. Before blessing the young, parents say parting words and wishes to the new family. Then you need to put on the bride and let her kiss the image, then the same should be done to the groom. With a towel, hands are tied to as many knots as possible. There is a belief that a family will have as many children as there are nodes.

How do parents bless the young after marriage? When the bride and groom arrive at the restaurant, the father-in-law and mother-in-law holding her with a towel, similarly impose the sign of the cross on the young in turn. Then the parents offer a loaf of salt. People believe that whoever bites off the largest piece will be the main one in the family. Before blessing the young, the groom's parents should congratulate the children for becoming one family.

The main advice for parents who don't know how to bless the young is to be sincere. No need to prepare speeches and long speeches, speak from the heart. Only then will your blessing be truly parental and will certainly be remembered for the rest of your life. After the celebration, the icons with which they blessed the young are taken into the house of the young family and placed in

As you know, the word of parents is endowed with special power. A father's and mother's blessing can have a direct impact on the fate of children. Therefore, they turn to their parents with such a request before any important event. One of them is the wedding day. How to bless your son before the wedding? What words to say?

No modern wedding is complete without a parental blessing, just as in ancient times. The meaning of the ceremony is quite multifaceted. Parents agree with the choice of their child, approve of the union, wish love and happiness, give wise parting words to the young family.

Every mother should know how to bless her son before the wedding

So, the solemn day of the wedding is approaching. The blessing of the son's mother before the wedding plays a special role, therefore it must be prepared in advance, every word carefully thought out. You will have to spend some time writing your parting speech. As a rule, the words of blessing of the son are pronounced before the wedding, after the walk of the young, before entering the venue of the banquet. At the same time, the mother meets the newlyweds with a loaf and salt, while the father holds the icons.

However, this option is slightly simplified. According to ancient canons, a mother's blessing for a son is given twice before the wedding. The first time - in the father's house, the second - with his young wife (as described above).

What icons are needed?

Let's say the parting words are prepared. But that's not all. What else will the son's blessing require before the wedding? Prayer is an obligatory part of the ceremony. It is read according to tradition in front of the icons of the Mother of God (more often of Kazan) and the Savior. At the same time, the son must be on his knees.

The Kazan icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered images of the Mother of God. Since ancient times, she is considered the intercessor and patroness of all people. She is credited with a huge number of amazing salvages and miracles. This icon must be sure to bless the young before the wedding. They pray to the Mother of God for the protection of the house from evil forces, for loyalty, for the birth of children.

The icon of the Almighty Savior, or the Savior, is the most common image of Christ. In one hand, Jesus holds the Gospel, indicating the correct path in life, and with the other hand he blesses the one who looks at the image. They ask the icon of family well-being and happiness. She is brought into the newlyweds' house first.

In a word, icons are an obligatory attribute accompanying the blessing of a son before the wedding. The prayer is read in front of one of them, or in front of both. It doesn't matter whether it is a wedding couple or a folding, the main thing is not to forget about it. After the wedding, the young people hang these icons in the honorable "red" corner of their house. This will serve as a reminder of the solemn date for many years.

How are icons awarded?

After the blessing, the parents pass on the images of Christ and the Mother of God to their children, crossing them three times. Icons become a family heirloom for the new unit of society. They bring peace to their home and happiness to married life.

If the newlyweds are not believers, they simply wrap the icons in towels and hide them in a safe place, without exposing them to public display.

Distribution of roles between parents

The groom's mother and father are naturally very worried before the wedding. Preparing for the rite of blessing, they try, first of all, to figure out how exactly their roles will be distributed - who will be the first to address the newlyweds, who will hold the icons, and who will be bread and salt. In fact, there is no single template. Each wedding can be organized differently.

Choosing words for blessing

The most important thing in the parting words before the wedding is sincerity. The words of the blessing of the son before the wedding should come from the heart. Apart from prayer, you can say a lot, but the essence should be the same: the wish for a long and happy family life. The blessing of the son before the wedding should be sincere and exciting. Poems or prose, humor or romance - it all depends solely on the character and temperament of the children.

A few more nuances

There are also some serious points to keep in mind. It is necessary to give parting words to a son before the wedding not only with icons in hands. They must be kept with towels, just like a loaf.

After the words of the blessing of the young people, you need to cross them with icons and give them a kiss. The sign of the Cross is performed from top to bottom and from left to right - as it should be according to church canons. It is necessary to mentally “replay” this action in advance in order not to get confused at the most crucial moment.

A mother's blessing is a guarantee of a happy family life and prosperity

All ceremonies on the day of the wedding are permeated with some kind of mystery, an atmosphere of happiness and love. It was noticed that those parents who do not know how to bless their son before the wedding themselves did not receive such parting words at the time. Unfortunately, this tradition is gradually disappearing into oblivion.

The ritual must be revived!

If the parents of the spouses themselves received the blessing, it is a little easier for them. You won't have to think about words for a long time. How to bless your son before the wedding? Yes, just convey the parting words you heard before your wedding, so to speak, "by inheritance"!

If the parents of the newlyweds did not receive blessings, this is not a problem. You just need to learn a prayer and come up with words of wishes for fidelity, tenderness, love, prosperity, prosperity, etc. In general, all that is needed for a happy married life. By blessing their children sincerely and heartily, parents will give them a sense of support for many, many years.

A mother's parting words, by the way, bring a lot of gentleness and tenderness, generosity and the ability to forgive, receptivity and warmth to the relationship of young people, relieves the family from aggression and cruelty.

The three most important points!

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider how to bless the son before the wedding. Correctly spoken words - sincere, sincere - will give the newlyweds three very important qualities.

First, a parental blessing gives spouses confidence that they will always live in abundance. Secondly, it gives confidence that the newlyweds will protect each other as their parents have protected each other for many years. Thirdly, the spouses will feel unconditional support in all their endeavors and confidence in all their capabilities. Do not forget that female energy is the best assistant in building a future family.

In conclusion…

Blessing the mother on the wedding day is a very important ceremony. This is the guarantee of a happy and long family life, because along with the approval of the most dear person in his life - the mother - the child also receives intercession before the Lord God.

Before the registration, wedding and banquet, the mother expresses all her love in her words and wishes for happiness, in parting words for a long life together.

The old custom may be forgotten, but the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God must be prepared by the parents before the wedding. After all, it's a tradition. However, they can be replaced by any other valuable icon in the house. A towel or a rug, the kneeling of the bride and groom, the solemn speech of the parents, the sign of the cross and kisses - all this fills the surrounding atmosphere with something mysterious and enigmatic ...

The blessing at the wedding is manifested not only in this rite. Parting words are heard in every phrase uttered during the celebration in the banquet hall. The master of ceremonies at the wedding table, by the way, gives the parents the right to say the first words of congratulations. Fathers are most often laconic, so the spiritual blessing can be heard from the mother. Love, respect, harmony, mutual understanding, mutual support, patience, the appearance of the first child - the wish of all this sounds in the sincere words of the mother.

If there are any important valuable relics in the family that are passed down from generation to generation, they can be given to the young couple along with the blessing. At the same time, you can remember and talk about an episode from the life of a child, emphasizing his dignity, manifested in this situation. You can end your story with solemn words that this thing is passed along with your beloved child into the safe hands of the keeper of the family hearth, so she must take care of them and protect them like the apple of her eye!

In general, a blessing for a long and strong marriage, for the creation of a new friendly union - this is what the newlyweds urgently need. Both father and mother should approach this issue with special attention, do everything so that children feel their love and tenderness. In this case, the newlyweds will take an example from their parents, treat their kids with the same feelings.