Lotion tonic how to use. How is it different from lotion? Why massage lines are needed

  • What is a face tonic
  • What are tonics for?
  • Types of tonics
  • Composition of face toners
  • Review of facial toners

What is a face tonic

It would seem that everyone knows what a face tonic is - a transparent or translucent liquid in which active ingredients are dissolved to moisturize, refresh and cleanse the skin. Sometimes the solution has a shade: pink indicates a calming effect, blue indicates refreshing qualities, green indicates the ability to solve skin problems.

What are tonics for?

As you know, there are three main stages in skin care: toning,. But, according to the admissions of beauty users, the second stage is often neglected (laziness, lack of time, lack of awareness - it is necessary to emphasize what is needed), considering the tonic to be an optional remedy. And they are very wrong. The fact is that this tool performs several important functions at once. What does the tonic do?

Sometimes the shade of a tonic can indicate its functionality.

  1. 1

    Completes the skin cleansing process. Even if you have thoroughly removed your makeup with milk or cleansing lotion and then washed with foam, you will most likely still find traces of dirt on a cotton pad moistened with tonic. This means that it is the tonic that finishes the cleansing process after the stages of makeup removal and washing.

  2. 2

    Restores pH balance. Some cleansers, as well as hard tap water, can temporarily disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin, which, in turn, weakens its protective functions and reduces its ability to withstand aggressive environmental factors. The tonic quickly brings the pH level back to normal.

  3. 3

    Prepares the skin for the application of serum and cream. The toner is a kind of vehicle that allows the active ingredients in the serum and cream to work more effectively on the skin.

  4. 4

    Refreshes the skin., lack of blush, dry skin areas, even enlarged pores and inflammation - if the tonic does not solve all these problems globally, then it minimizes exactly. To obtain evidence, conduct a two-week experiment on the regular use of the tonic, or better, extend the testing to 28 days - this is exactly the period the body and skin in particular need to form new "habits".

Toning is included in the daily ritual of skin care for a reason. To see if a toner is really necessary, do an experiment: use it for at least two weeks, and after that, you will notice that the skin has become fresher and clearer, and the complexion is even.

Types of tonics

The main rule when choosing a tonic is to focus on your skin type, otherwise this product will not fulfill its task or it will not do it effectively enough. In order for the tonic to work one hundred percent, you must carefully read the label before buying, and then follow the tips for using it.

The toner effectively removes the remnants of impurities from the skin and decorative cosmetics.

    For dry skin. Choose toners with powerful moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, juice or aloe extract. Use the product twice a day or more often, especially if you spend most of the day indoors with air conditioning or central heating, or in extreme climatic conditions (sudden temperature changes, hot or, conversely, frosty weather).

    For sensitive skin. Capricious skin will not be irritated by products with a delicate effect and soft texture, sometimes slightly oily. When choosing a tonic, pay attention to the composition: there should be ingredients with a calming effect, for example, extracts of chamomile, cornflower or rose. Unwanted substances - parabens, perfumery fragrances, dyes.

    For oily skin. If you are annoyed by an oily sheen and excess sebum, due to which the makeup lasts for a maximum of an hour, a toner with a sebum-regulating and mattifying effect is suitable. This effect is provided in particular by zinc. For oily skin, products with moisturizing ingredients are also good, because often such skin, oddly enough, suffers from dehydration.

    For problem skin. The curse of this type of skin is blackheads, rashes, inflammation, excess sebum production. Tonics with astringent and exfoliating ingredients (salicylic acid, zinc, tea tree oil) will help keep the situation under control.

    For normal skin. All that the tonic can give to happy owners of problem-free skin is cleansing, maintaining the optimal level of moisture, softening, nourishing with minerals and trace elements. All these needs will be satisfied by a tonic based on thermal water.

    For combination skin. If you have dry skin around your cheeks and oily skin around your forehead, nose and chin, try two toners in one session. Apply moisturizer to dry areas, mattifying sebum-regulating - to the T-zone. This is called multi-tone, that is, the use of two tools of the same category at the same time.

    For aging skin. The main requests of aging and aging skin are lifting, increasing elasticity and density. This is facilitated by tonics with hyaluronic and glycolic acids, plus a special massage during application. Pay attention to products with a high content of antioxidants (vitamins C and E, resveratrol), especially if you live in a metropolis, often experience stress and do not sleep much. The antioxidants in the toner will help fight the negative effects of the environment and delay the development of external signs of skin aging.

Using a well-chosen tonic, you will increase the effectiveness of your creams (day and night) at times, because the skin will better perceive their active ingredients.

Composition of face toners

The composition varies depending on the purpose and tasks that need to be solved. Below are the main components that are most often found in formulas.

A face toner is a clear colored liquid in which active ingredients are dissolved.

    Aloe. The juice and extract are almost universal: they soothe, soften, moisturize and regenerate the skin.

    Allantoin. Effective for skin healing and regeneration. relieves inflammation, irritation, tightens pores and softens the skin.

    Hyaluronic acid. A powerful moisturizing ingredient that prevents moisture from evaporating and smoothes the skin.

    Glycerol. The most common moisturizing ingredient. promotes the penetration of moisture into the deep layers of the skin and helps to retain it.

    Glycolic acid. Cleanses, exfoliates, softens and brightens the skin, helps to reduce the depth of wrinkles.

    Salicylic acid. Exfoliates, removes dead skin cells, regulates the sebaceous glands.

    Alcohol. It is usually present in low concentration and serves to stabilize the formula. Simple alcohols (alcohol denat) in toners provide an antibacterial effect and better penetration of active ingredients into the skin.

    Thermal water. from thermal springs, located, for example, in the French cities of Vichy and La Roche-Posay, - a storehouse of minerals and trace elements useful for the skin. The special composition helps to normalize the water balance of the skin, neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, increases the protective properties of the skin, and soothes it.

    Zinc. Indispensable for oily and problem skin: relieves inflammation, controls oily sheen, reduces blackheads.

    Calendula extract. Relieves irritation, soothes, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Rose extract. Has a wide spectrum of action: rejuvenates, moisturizes, softens, fights dangerous bacteria and even tightens pores.

    Chamomile extract. Soothes sensitive and irritated skin, provides protection and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Witch hazel extract. It constricts blood vessels, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Application: how to apply toner correctly

It is advisable to use the toner twice a day, after cleansing and before applying the serum and cream. When applying, avoid the area around the eyes, unless the leaflet indicates that the product is approved for use in that area. There are at least three ways to apply the tonic, and the choice of the one you need depends on personal preference.

When applying toner, you can use a cotton pad or cloth.

Cotton pad

This is the most common method and is suitable for all skin types. Apply a few drops to the disc and wipe the skin from the center of the face to the periphery, avoiding pressing:

    from the center of the forehead to the temples, in one smoothing motion on each side;

    from the wings of the nose to the ears;

    from the center of the chin to the ears;

    from the brow space to the tip of the nose.

Cloth napkin

Ideal for sensitive skin. Saturate a tissue napkin with tonic (you can use a pharmacy gauze folded in 2-3 layers) and put it on your face like a mask. Press lightly with your palms, leave for a few seconds. Such tonic masks are very popular in Asia.

Do I need to rinse off the tonic? No. As you remember, it increases the effectiveness of the active ingredients in those products that you apply after toning.

Review of facial toners

If you are still undecided on the choice of toner, we offer several options for different skin types - from delicate sensitive to problem prone to acne.

All body systems require periodic cleansing and replenishment, and facial skin is no exception. Environmental factors can affect the condition of the face not in the best way, weathering, overcooling or overheating the skin. All negative influences are immediately visible - the skin dulls, blush is lost, circles under the eyes and more and more noticeable wrinkles appear. Comprehensive care involves a three-stage procedure: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. And if there are no questions about the need for the first and last stage, then not everyone knows why restoration and toning are needed.

What is a face toner and what is it for?

The toner is a special solution that effectively removes the remains of soap and other cleansers, as well as excess sebum. Its use has the following effect:

  • antiseptic effect on the skin;
  • the negative impact of hard water when washing is minimized;
  • helps to restore the natural balance of acidity;
  • helps to neutralize redness and slows down the aging process by nourishing the dermis with antioxidants;
  • the product not only refreshes the face, but also significantly increases the effect of the cream, which is applied after.

Regular use allows not only to fix problems one-time, but also to prevent their occurrence in the future. Blood circulation improves, wilting processes are slowed down, and fat is produced without excess. The composition of the product almost always includes alcohol, and if we are talking about oily skin, then its percentage can be up to half of the total volume. Also, the ingredients may include matting agents, essential oils, herbal extracts, vitamins, etc. When choosing a product, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the composition does not contain acetone, mint, menthol, camphor and fragrances.

How to use the product correctly

To begin with, it is worth choosing the right tool. There are several main varieties of this product, one or another is used depending on the initial condition of the skin and the purpose of use. So, the composition of tonics includes alcohol, but in small quantities, refreshing tonics do not contain alcohol elements and are intended for gentle care of dry skin, and astringents do an excellent job with the imperfections of oily skin due to the significant content of alcohol.

In order for the use of the tonic to give the desired effect, it must be applied taking into account a number of recommendations. So, the product can only be applied to skin that has been previously cleansed with the help of special products. As for the method of application, there are two points of view. Some masters of the beauty industry prefer to use cotton pads, soaking them in the product and evenly rubbing the face with tonic along the massage lines.

Other professional cosmetologists say that the use of cotton wool harms the skin, provoking the activation of wilting processes, and therefore it is advised to apply the tonic exclusively with your fingers. Regardless of the situation, the owners of sensitive skin have no choice in this matter - you can only use your fingers, and very carefully, while cotton wool can provoke irritation.

Another method of applying tonic to the face: a piece of gauze is moistened with the product, and then applied for a few minutes. At the end of the procedure, you should use a cream. If the application of the tonic caused a number of unpleasant sensations, including burning and itching, then you should immediately put the bottle aside - it does not suit your skin.

What is the best face tonic for your face: an overview

Today, to simplify skin care, manufacturers are creating toners with a wider range of uses, endowing their products with new ingredients and, therefore, functions. Let's take a look at the characteristics of several popular toners from leading cosmetics companies.

L'Oreal "Endless Freshness"

The Infinite Freshness product contains alcohol, which ensures its drying effect. The toner does a good job of cleansing the skin and helps pimples heal faster. Paraben free and marketed as a hypoallergenic product. The color of the product is absolutely colorless, liquid, has a pleasant smell, which gives off a little alcohol. Available in a 200 ml bottle. Due to the fact that the hole in the lid is small, it is consumed sparingly.

Clean line

The line of tonics The Pure line is known for its inclusion in the composition of natural ingredients and relatively low cost. For example, tonic lotion for normal and combination skin contains cornflower decoction, thanks to which it perfectly relieves irritation, fights inflammatory processes of the skin and moisturizes it. Available in 100 ml bottles. The product has a light, watery texture like all tonics. The aroma of the products of this manufacturer is pleasant, herbaceous.

Natura Siberica Cleansing for Oily Skin

The active action is based on the content of extracts of oregano, sage and green tea. Has a calming effect on the skin, eliminates redness on the face, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, thereby giving it a healthy appearance.

Green tea, one of the ingredients, provides action to slow down the aging process of the dermis. Packaging with a volume of 200 ml, the price category is average, like the products of Libriderm.

Refreshing tonic by Garnier

The toner does not dry out the skin, but acts gently, moisturizing and refreshing it. The smell of the product is fresh, unobtrusive, quickly disappears when applied to the skin. A big plus of the product is that it does not tighten the skin and does not leave a sticky layer on the face.

The toner is suitable for normal and combination skin; it cannot dry oily and problem skin. The main purpose of the product is to delicately remove impurities and give the skin a feeling of comfort.

Moisturizing from Bioderma (Bioderma)

This product is recommended for use on sensitive and dehydrated skin types that are dry, normal or combination. The light texture leaves the skin with a pleasant feeling of freshness after application.

Thanks to the use of Bioderma tonic, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a natural shine and a healthy color. Available in a convenient 200 ml bottle.

How to make a tonic at home

Many believe that the best tonic is the one made from natural ingredients. To create a skin toning product at home, use one of the following recipes.

Apple cider vinegar recipe

There are several variations of this tonic. The first recipe is perfect for normal to dry and skin conditions. To prepare it, you need to mix half a glass of clean water and 5 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. To nourish the skin, you can vary the composition with a few drops of essential oil.

The second option is for oily skin. Water and vinegar are taken in a ratio of three to one, respectively. Store the toner in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

How to make chamomile with your own hands

Chamomile lotion has excellent soothing properties, it relieves inflammation and erases signs of fatigue from the face. The simplest version of the remedy is an infusion on water (a tablespoon of chamomile is poured into a glass of boiling water). To combat acne and excess oil on the skin, add a tablespoon of vodka to the infusion.

Owners of dry skin should use this recipe: half a glass of rose water, a drop of geranium and chamomile oil. Shake well before using any tonic.

What is the difference between lotion and tonic

It is sometimes very difficult to navigate in cosmetic terms, since many products are very similar in their properties, but have different names. The difference between tonic and lotion lies in the purpose of the application and the effect that both remedies have. So, if the tonic helps to cleanse the skin and prepare it for applying the cream, then the lotion disinfects it and relieves inflammation. Lotions are suitable for problematic and oily skin, when without active exposure it is impossible to achieve a good condition of the integument.

It is very important that when using both the toner and the lotion, there are no discomfort on the skin, for example, a strong feeling of tightness or stickiness. Otherwise, it is worth purchasing another product.

Toning is one of the important components of facial skin care (along with cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing). However, not all women know what a face tonic is and how to use it correctly.

Some women believe that toning means tightening the skin and smoothing out wrinkles. But this opinion is wrong. Toning is first of all restoring the natural pH balance of the skin after cleansing it from cosmetics and impurities. Also tonics supply the skin with antioxidants and other beneficial substances, relieve inflammation and irritation, tighten pores, and ensure better absorption of the cream.

If you have a quality cleanser, you don't need to use a toner. But it's better to get it all the same: it complement the cleansing process By removing the remnants of makeup and dirt, it will give the skin a feeling of freshness, improve its color and relief, and make the process of skin care more effective. Tonics are especially necessary for people with oily or acne-prone skin.

How to choose a face toner? If you are using the same series of cleanser, cleanser and cream, you just need to purchase a toner from the same series. When using skin care products from the same line, care is more effective because they complement each other.

If you are not a fan of "serial" cosmetics, the tonic should be chosen depending on the type of facial skin and the composition of the cosmetic product. Typically, a toner contains water and a moisturizing agent (such as glycerin). Also tonics may contain extracts of medicinal plants. Usually such tonics are quite versatile.

However, some tonics may contain alcohol. In this case, it is imperative take into account skin type when choosing a tonic. If you have dry or sensitive skin, choose the most gentle toner possible. It is best if there is no alcohol in it at all, but if you absolutely want to bring a product with alcohol, its content should not exceed 10%. Such tonics are also suitable for owners of normal skin.

If you have oily or combination skin, the alcohol content of the toner can be up to 20%. All toners in which the alcohol content is higher than 20% are suitable only for topical use on problem areas of the skin (for example, with acne). Generally, it is better to avoid alcohol tonics using specially designed products to combat acne and regulate sebum secretion.

The names of toners may contain the words “cleansing”, “moisturizing”, etc. This does not mean that such a tonic can replace a cleanser or moisturizer. He still performs his first the main function is toning, it's just that this tonic also emphasizes an additional function.

It is applied after and before applying the cream. In this case, the toner will remove the remnants of cosmetics and sebum, restore the pH balance and prepare the skin for the application of the cream. Toners also contain special ingredients that help the skin retain moisture longer.

Just dab some toner on a cotton ball or swab and rub it over your face and neck. This should be done with light movements.- no need to rub and press. The tonic is not applied to the area around the eyes. If, after applying the tonic, you feel a burning sensation, itching, redness or peeling appears on the skin, then this remedy is not suitable for you. Wash your face to relieve discomfort and try a different tonic.

Do not neglect the regular use of the face tonic, because all skin types benefit from the use of this product, without exception. The main thing is to choose the right tonic., apply it only to cleansed skin and remember to use a moisturizer afterwards.

Facial toners in our store


The classic version of facial care includes a set of procedures: cleansing, toning, nourishing and moisturizing. Gel, mild soaps and cleansing foams remove makeup and cleanse the skin, different types of creams nourish and moisturize. Why is there a tonic between these cosmetics, what tasks does it perform?


Occupying an intermediate position between cleansing and moisturizing preparations, the tonic partially fulfills both functions.

What is a tonic liquid? This is a solution that solves several problems:

  • softens the effects of washing, restoring the natural acidity level after exposure to soap and chlorinated water;
  • continues cleansing - removes the remnants of dead scales, excess fat and cosmetics;
  • refreshes, gives a firm and toned look;
  • tightens pores and reduces inflammation;
  • moisturizes, nourishes - depending on the components included in the composition;
  • prepares for the next stage - applying the cream, enhances the effectiveness of the latter.

If the tonic is applied regularly, the effect will not be long in coming. By improving blood flow and reducing fatty secretions, the skin is rejuvenated, looks healthy, rested and well-groomed.

I don't mind, but ...

There is another point of view that suggests narrowing the range of use of tonic drugs. According to this opinion, the product is necessary only in certain situations:

  • for oily and problem skin types that need careful care;
  • on trips when there are no conditions for normal cleansing procedures;
  • in heat to remove sweat that irritates the skin.

Skeptics are convinced that with an effective and gentle cleanser, there is no need to further cleanse your face. They warn against using an alcohol-based tonic too often: they should only wipe the inflamed areas, otherwise they can lose their natural protective film. For daily use, it is better to choose products with salicylic acid, which stabilizes the secretion of sebum.

Supporters of the deliberate use of tonic cosmetics do not consider it useless. The use of products containing antioxidants, moisturizing and nourishing ingredients will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Ultimately, skeptics suggest not to succumb to advertising slogans, but to carefully study the product label.

Types of tonics and their composition

A wide range of tasks determines the variety of options for tonic products.

  • Moisturizers... The delicate variety does not contain high concentrations of active ingredients - alcohol and fruit acids. Herbal extracts help to eliminate irritation, soothe and gently cleanse the epidermis: calendula and aloe, horse chestnut and mint. It is imperative to have vitamins and a moisturizer, such as glycerin.
  • Matting... The task of this type is to remove oily sheen and rashes, to even out the tone. The composition of matting agents includes salicylic acid and alcohol, as well as extracts from plant materials and vitamins.
  • Exfoliating... Acids come to the fore: salicylic is combined with citric, lactic, tartaric and other fruit variations. They remove keratinized particles, get rid of age spots and fine wrinkles, and activate regeneration processes. The effect is noticeable after 3-4 weeks.
  • Anti aging... Amino acids and peptides, hyaluronic acid and collagen, vegetable oils and multivitamins fight the signs of wilting. These substances fill the epidermis with moisture and retain it, restore blood circulation, nourish and soften the skin. Stimulation of the processes of cellular renewal is visible with the naked eye: edema disappears, the oval of the face is tightened, the color is refreshed and evened out.
  • Hydrolat... Fragrant water, which contains essential oils of plant origin, is more gentle than concentrated versions of the liquid. Linden water removes redness and maintains protective functions, while pink water removes capillary reticulum and pigmentation.

Subtleties of choice

The basic rule is to choose cosmetics that are suitable for the type, age and condition of the skin. For a teenage girl, a matting tonic is suitable, for an elderly lady - an anti-aging. Hydrolates are recommended for all types and ages, in this case they are guided by the peculiarities of the action of the essential oil in its composition.

Products with a combined effect are also produced. Two-phase preparations are popular, which first cleanse and then saturate with moisture, vitamins and microelements.

Cosmetologists recommend choosing a tonic from the same line as the rest of the care products. This rule is especially important when a whole complex of plant extracts or sea minerals is collected in one bottle. Incorrectly selected cosmetics will declare themselves unpleasant sensations, a burning sensation, tightness or stickiness.

If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of tonic drugs, refer to proven recipes for home cosmetics. Rich in antioxidants, green tea will help treat problem types of inflammation and rejuvenate mature skin. Watermelon will saturate with moisture, and parsley will whiten and refresh the complexion.

Terms of use

Small subtleties, in which a positive result appears faster:

  • the product is applied to cleansed skin, so you should first wash yourself using foam or gel;
  • a cotton pad is moistened with a tonic and lightly wipe the face, from the center to the temples and ears; the eye area is gently bypassed in a circular motion, rubbing the eyelids - the lower from the outer edge to the inner corner, the upper - in the opposite direction;
  • if the touch of cotton swabs is unpleasant for sensitive skin, the pads of the fingers are moistened with the agent and applied to the face with soft tapping movements; you can buy a tonic spray or cover your face with a natural cloth soaked in liquid for a few minutes;
  • a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied.

Part of a complete program

Toners completely free the epidermis from make-up and sebum residues, and also soften the irritating effect of hard tap water. The action of modern means is not limited to this. They disinfect and soothe, refresh and moisturize. The skin prepared by the tonic absorbs the beneficial ingredients of the cream better.

Do not neglect tonic preparations: without proper cleansing, it is impossible to carry out effective nourishing and moisturizing procedures.

The skin is the first to feel all the negative effects of the external environment, therefore it requires constant cleansing, hydration and nutrition. To maintain the health of the skin requires the complex use of cosmetics.
First, they need to be cleaned with milk, washing foam or soap, and then using a tonic for toning, after which it will be possible to apply cream or serum.

But some girls doubt the need to use a tonic, considering this remedy to be another advertising ploy and a waste of time and money.
To understand what role this product plays in skin care, you need to study its properties in more detail.

What are the benefits of the tonic?

The tool is used on the final stage of skin cleansing. It removes residues of fat, cosmetics and impurities from the face and décolleté.
With regular use of the tonic, it is capable of:

  • restore the normal acidity of the skin;
  • refresh the epidermis, tone it;
  • improve the effect of cream and other products;
  • normalize the condition of the skin;
  • neutralize the effect of hard water;
  • remove redness and irritation;
  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • increase the amount of antioxidants to eliminate toxins.

This is the general effect of the tonic, but there are several options for its composition, each of which has its own targeted effect on the skin.

Moisturizing toner softens the skin, keeping their lipid layer intact. It does not contain alcohol, it contains components that prevent moisture loss - glycerin, hyaluronic acid and others.

Refreshing tonic suitable for normal skin, it degreases and cleanses it. It may contain a small percentage of alcohol, but it can also be non-alcoholic.

Makeup remover toner- a two-phase remedy, removes cosmetics from the face and tones it up, as with which it is almost identical, or any other.

Astringent tonic- product for oily skin. It is able to improve the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminate unhealthy shine and give the surface of the face a matte finish. It contains alcohol, which dries out the skin. Its effect is perfectly manifested on combination skin, since the proportions of moisturizing and drying components are optimally kept in the composition of the product.

Acne tonic has antiseptic properties as it contains ingredients such as tea tree ester, zinc and salicylic acid. It relieves inflammation, evens out tone and tightens pores.

Exfoliating Toner contains a large percentage of acids: fruit and chemically obtained. They actively smooth the skin surface, and with regular use they remove the effects of acne. After using this product, the skin becomes fresh and rested.

Lifting tonic intended for fading skin. This product brightens and refreshes mature skin. The instructions for it say that it has a rejuvenating effect, but if you apply only it, then there will be no effect, for this you need to use a tonic in combination with other means.

Main cast

For the most part, it consists of water, herbal extracts or herbal decoctions. Alcohol is present in some of its types. It may also contain:

  • vitamins;
  • moisturizing ingredients;
  • antiseptic substances;
  • essential oils (olive, tea tree, cocoa, grape seed);
  • matting agents;
  • panthenol;
  • urea;
  • ANA or BHA.

When choosing a tonic on a plant basis, it is necessary that other cosmetics are natural, otherwise a conflict situation may arise, and this will be reflected on the face.

The procedure of superficial peeling - cleansing the upper layer of the skin from the accumulation of sloughing epithelial cells - is included in the program of mandatory facial care. However, in order to maintain the ideal state of mature skin, deeper cleansing procedures are necessary. Learn more about the types of peels in the salon and at home

How to use it correctly?

There are several must-haves to help you get the desired tonic effect:

  • First, you need to cleanse your face with special products.
  • Cosmetologists believe that intensive rubbing of the skin with cotton swabs contributes to the premature appearance of fine wrinkles, given this, when using a tonic applied to a cosmetic disc, you need to make light circular movements without pressure. At the same time, massage should be done by tapping with your fingers.
  • To cleanse the face, you need to start from the cheeks moving towards the ears, and then from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then go down the face and from the middle of the chin lead the disc to the auricles. Around the eyes should be wiped with extreme care, given that the skin there is very thin. On the lower eyelid, you need to start from the outer corners and go to the inner ones, and vice versa along the upper.
  • For girls with very sensitive skin, you can use a tonic spray or moisten a piece of gauze, cut to the size of your face, in it. Then spread it on the skin, wait a couple of minutes until it starts to act and remove the fabric

After cleaning with a tonic, many people ask the question of whether it is necessary to rinse it off with water afterwards? Answer: no, it is the final product at the stage of skin cleansing.

You need to use the tonic twice a day. In the morning it will help to improve blood circulation, reduce expression lines and give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. And before going to bed, it will eliminate dead cells, the remaining cosmetics and excess sebum.

Watch a video on when and why to use a face toner

One of the most proven and effective home scrubs is the use of ground coffee beans. In addition to the cleansing effect, coffee in the composition of such products has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, toning and gently polishing its structure. Take away to the piggy bank

Difference from lotion

Both of these products are intended for skin care, they have the same consistency, but have different properties.

Lotions always contain alcohol, they have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. They are mainly used for problematic skin.
Tonics they provide hydration, nutrition, toning and narrowing of pores, they are suitable for any skin.

For oily skin it is better to use a lotion, tonic is perfect for dry and normal skin.

The cosmetic procedure is popular among Hollywood celebrities, such a Hollywood makeover allows you to get rid of skin problems, even out tone and remove pigmentation, see the article for details.

Selection rules

When buying a tonic, you need to focus on your skin type and choose the appropriate type with the desired percentage of alcohol. It is necessary to examine the label and check that the composition of the product does not contain the following components:

  • citrus fruits;
  • acetone;
  • menthol or mint;
  • camphor;
  • fragrances, fragrances.

You also need to make sure that the tonic does not have astringent properties, since after using such a remedy, a sticky feeling will remain on the face and with prolonged use it can significantly disrupt the acidity level of the skin.

And although almost all modern remedies are hypoallergenic, it is still worth purchasing a tonic of the same series as the cream used, then you can definitely exclude side effects in the form of irritations.

A video for you about the rules for choosing a tonic

The beneficial properties of lemon have been known since antiquity. It was used as an antidote for snake bites, as an antioxidant to get rid of toxins, to normalize blood pressure and speed up recovery from colds. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of its ether, which is often used in medicine and cosmetology. Check out