LPG or manual massage reviews. LPG and other effective cosmetic techniques. The main types of procedures

In 1986, engineer Louis-Paul Guite invented and patented the vacuum massage apparatus. The prerequisite for this was a car accident, after which Louis-Paul needed a long rehabilitation with numerous sessions of manual massage. Observing the work of massage therapists, the engineer thought about creating a special apparatus that would become a more effective replacement for manual labor in the field of massage. And such an apparatus was invented! It got the name LPG - this is an abbreviation of the name of the creator. Subsequently, Louis-Paul Guite founded the LPG System company and patented a technology called LPG massage.

What the procedure is aimed at (what heals)

LPG is able to cope with body problems such as:

  1. Cellulite of the second and third degree
  2. Fat in problem areas, difficult to diets and sports. Most often these are fat deposits in the thighs, buttocks, and waist.
  3. Sagging skin is a common consequence of rapid weight loss.
  4. Swelling. LPG massage perfectly removes excess fluid from the body
  5. Stretch marks and scars.
  6. Flabby muscles, lack of tone. Due to the neurosensory effect, LPG massage not only tightens the figure, but also contributes to the formation of correct posture. Also normalizes the coordination of movements.

LPG massage is used not only to eliminate figure flaws, but also to tighten and reduce the fat layer of the face, décolleté, and tone the neck muscles.

The LPG device is in demand not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for carrying out rehabilitation procedures after various injuries of muscles and ligaments, as well as skin burns. Varicose veins, radiculitis, myositis are also included in the list of diseases for the treatment of which such massage procedures are recommended.

How is the LPG massage procedure performed?

To prescribe an effective course of LPG massage to a patient, a thorough diagnosis is required. This stage includes several steps:

  1. Determination of the type of figure by the preferred places of localization of fatty deposits
  2. Selection of zones for a more thorough study
  3. Determination of key points of influence

For this, the patient dresses in a special suit made of white nylon fabric. The suit protects the skin from accidental pinching and excessive pressure.

The patient is asked to lie on a special high table. The doctor examines the intensity of contraction of muscle fibers in different parts of the body, for this the patient needs to strain the muscles of the arms / legs / buttocks / abdomen. The size and location of fatty lumps are determined, problem areas are highlighted.

This is followed by the choice of rollers for the maniple of the apparatus. The manipula is a small chamber that creates a vacuum, due to which a fold of skin is drawn in between the rollers. The rollers knead the skin and fatty tissue underneath in different directions and at different intensities.

Different rollers achieve different massage effects. There are three types of them in total:

  1. Roll In. Roller effective for maximizing fat reduction.
  2. Roll Up. This is a roller shaping the contours of the figure, also used to smooth out cellulite.
  3. Roll Out. Helps improve skin tone and elasticity. Good against stretch marks and scars.

In addition to different rollers, the LPG device allows you to use different movements of the handles. This could be:

  • Twisting motion. It is used to combat chronic cellulite;
  • Rocking. It has an excellent effect even on dense fatty layers;
  • Smoothing. Smoothes the skin, improves elasticity, reduces scars.

After determining the actual method of influencing problem areas, the actual massage session begins. The program, specially designed for you, is entered into the computer of the device.

The masseur works intensively on the selected areas of the handpiece of the apparatus. At first, the effect can be unpleasant - after all, it is an intense massage aimed at reducing body fat. But do not tolerate if the pain is too strong, especially if this is your first session. You should get used to the load gradually, so be sure to tell the masseur about the pain - and he will change the selected mode to a more gentle one.

What is the real effect of LPG massage

With the help of a vacuum, a fold of skin and subcutaneous fat is sucked between rollers, which knead it. The result of this manipulation is an intense rush of blood to the fold, and lymph drainage is also provided. Lymph helps to remove from the body the products of destruction of fat cells, as well as toxins.

The destruction of fat cells - adipocides - has a beneficial effect on adjacent tissues - connective fibers and the skin itself. In the dermis, the production of collagen and elastane increases, and it is thanks to them that the skin can be regularly renewed and has a toned and youthful appearance. LPG massage achieves the following effects:

  • Decrease in body volume
  • The elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes taut and firm
  • Excess fluid is removed due to the lymphatic drainage effect of massage
  • Cellulite disappears or becomes less pronounced

The effect of LPG massage lasts for a long time, because the massage mechanism itself affects the deep physiological causes of skin and subcutaneous fat problems.

The proven positive effect of this method was noted by the US FDA ( Food and Drug Administration), thanks to which the LPG procedure has all medical certificates.

LPG facial massage

At the first stage of the course, about 8-10 procedures are carried out per month, twice a week. Then another 6-7 procedures with the same frequency, after which the number of procedures is reduced. At the third stage, the massage is carried out only once every two weeks. The final stage is supporting procedures (1-2 times a month).

LPG body massage

At the first stage of the course, 6 to 8 procedures are carried out per month with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. Then another 4-6 procedures within a week, after which the number of procedures is reduced to 2 within 2-3 weeks. At the final stage, the massage is performed only once a month.

The result, which lasts for about a year, can be observed after 6-7 procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages

LPG massage has many advantages, otherwise it would not have taken the first places in popularity among hardware procedures:

  • lack of pain (after getting used to the procedure). In the first minutes of the session, it can be a little painful, like during a cupping massage. But over time, the massage becomes pleasant;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period. After a massage, you can safely go about your business;
  • an instant burst of energy is another effect of this massage;
  • versatility. The procedure can solve many problems: from extra pounds to toning the skin;
  • suitable for overweight, for those recovering from pregnancy, as well as for people after surgery, such as liposuction.

But LPG also has disadvantages. These include:

  • Long wait for the effect. Losing weight quickly in one LPG massage session will not work. The course includes 10 to 25 sessions, which should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
  • It is necessary to maintain the result. If you do not control your nutrition and neglect physical activity, after six months you will need a second course.
  • You can get to an unqualified specialist. If he sets the wrong vacuum-aspiration mode, then there will be no effect at all, or large and painful hematomas will remain.

Photos before and after the procedure

What is the Difference Between LPG and Vacuum Roller Massage

The LPG procedure is a vacuum roller massage, but not every vacuum roller massage is LPG. Only the developers themselves can improve the device and improve the massage technology, since it is they who know all the subtleties of the effect of this device. But as you know, the market is always flooded with analogues of popular things, including devices for cosmetic procedures.

Many clinics and salons use the term "LPG massage" in their advertisements, but they perform the procedure of vacuum roller massage on replica devices. This LPG-procedure is carried out only on the equipment of the LPG Systems company. Outwardly, the analogs, of course, are similar to the original LPG apparatus, they also have a monitor, maniples and rollers, but the effect of such a massage will be much lower. Therefore, it is important to check the equipment on which you are going to undergo a massage course, as well as find out if the selected clinic has all the necessary certificates.

How much does LPG massage service cost in medical centers

LPG massage is not the cheapest procedure, its cost varies from 1000 to 1600 rubles per session. However, when buying a subscription for a whole course of procedures, many clinics offer discounts, then one session can cost you 700 - 900 rubles.
Do not forget that this type of massage requires a special suit. Its cost is approximately equal to the cost of one procedure - from 800 to 1500 rubles.

Contraindications and consequences

Contraindications to LPG are the same as for conventional manual massage:

  • neoplasms on the massaged area: moles, warts, hemangiomas,
  • skin diseases,
  • hernia (massage can provoke pinching),
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes,
  • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis,
  • malignant tumors,
  • pregnancy,
  • the first days of menstruation,
  • hemophilia,
  • epilepsy,
  • infectious diseases with an increase in body temperature.

At the same time, LPG can provoke some consequences. That is why a thorough examination by a doctor before the procedure is necessary - in order to predict and prevent possible side effects. Undesirable effects of massage include:

  • Slight swelling after the first procedures. It is associated with an intense outflow of lymph into the intercellular space.
  • Chills. A common side effect in people with vascular dystonia. A cup of hot tea will help get rid of this symptom.
  • The appearance of hematomas. Patients with increased capillary fragility may complain of bruising and bruising - in this case, it is necessary to adjust the intensity of the load.
  • Overstretching of the skin. If you have very thin skin, the procedure can cause sagging.
171 487 0 Hello! Today we reveal the secrets of hardware massage and tell in detail about lpg massage. In this article, you will learn about the benefits and varieties of this cosmetic procedure, its effectiveness and recommendations for use.

What is LPG massage

Lpg massage is a method of hardware massage. This method was developed in the 70s of the twentieth century by the French researcher Louis Paul Guitel. The method gets its name from his initials.

The principle of operation of lpg massage is based on mechanical action on the body or face using special attachments of the device in two directions - vacuum and vibration massage.

The apparatus for this procedure is a chamber with special attachments (handpieces). The maniples have rollers for vibrating massage at the end. The maniples grab or pinch a part of the skin at a speed of 4 to 16 times per second, and the vacuum has an additional effect.

Lpg massage is carried out through an individual special suit (endermologic overalls) for a hygienic and painless manipulation and better skin grip.

Recently, the so-called lpg integral massage has become popular, which is carried out by the latest generation of devices - lpg integral. It implements the latest development in the field of hardware massage - Ergodrive, which allows to achieve high efficiency in weight loss and weight loss, anti-cellulite prevention. The Ergodrive technology is nothing more than a special handpiece with greater efficiency, capturing a large area of ​​the treated area of ​​the body, affecting deeper than previous generations of handles. The strengthening effect at the end of the procedure for the elasticity of the skin is also important.

Lpg massage is also called endermological massage, lipomassage, cosmechanics, energy lifting... It is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. In medicine, it is used for treatment after surgery, in the postpartum period for recovery, to reduce keloid scars, to treat joints and initial varicose veins, from back pain. In sports, lpg massage has also found application as an excellent restorative method after injury and as a relaxing method under heavy loads.

Hardware lpg massage has an effect on subcutaneous tissues and muscles, forcing them to get rid of excess fluid, toxins, stimulating cell regeneration and the production of collagen with elastin. Blood circulation is enhanced and lymphatic drainage massage occurs, fats are broken down.

LPG massage is applied on any part of the body, suitable for any age and gender. Due to the physiological characteristics, lpg massage for women and men will differ in the zones of influence and other characteristics. There are lpg-face massage and lpg-body massage.

The lpg massage achieves the following results:

  • weight loss;
  • lifting of contours;
  • getting rid of cellulite and sagging skin;
  • removal of fatty layers;
  • getting rid of scars and stretch marks;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • relaxing effect on the body;
  • skin tightening.

Advantages and disadvantages of lpg massage

The main advantages of this procedure:

  • deep effect on skin, tissues and muscles;
  • security;
  • fast efficiency and noticeable visual results;
  • multi-purpose focus - improving the condition of the skin, tightening the muscle structure, splitting fats, removing fluid and toxins;
  • Complex effect - cosmetic (aesthetic, health-improving);
  • versatility of the procedure - lpg massage can be performed on any part of the body and face;
  • persistent and long-lasting effect.

The disadvantages include the presence of contraindications and the need for preliminary diagnostics to detect contraindications, the relative high cost of sessions.

Varieties of lpg massage

  • LPG vacuum massage - resembles a can massage procedure, but gives a different result. With the help of lpg vacuum massage, you can get rid of loose skin and its sagging, eliminate a double chin.
  • Vacuum roller lpg massage - affects both rollers and vacuum. At the same time, after capturing a certain part of the body, the rollers begin to work in different directions. It is very effective for slimming, tightening the contours and smoothing the reliefs.
  • Anti-cellulite lpg massage- the most difficult type of procedures that requires a highly qualified specialist and a high-quality lpg-massage apparatus. Allows you to get rid of the "orange peel" on any part of the body - arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest.

Indications and contraindications

LPG massage is indicated for the following problems:

  • Availability ;
  • puffiness, sunken face;
  • "double chin;
  • fuzzy facial contours and figures;
  • cellulite;
  • breeches effect;
  • scars, scars and stretch marks;
  • uneven skin relief;
  • flabbiness and sagging of the skin;
  • fatty layers on the body.


  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • wounds and damage to the skin;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • hernia;
  • conditions with fever and enlarged lymph nodes;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • epilepsy and other lesions of the nervous system;

LPG massage is used with caution during menstruation, rosacea and herpes on the face. After the underwent surgery, a period of recovery and healing must pass and only after that an lpg massage can be done.

An individual approach is also observed in the presence of varicose veins, taking certain medications.

How to do lpg massage: mechanism of action and stages

Procedure steps:

Step 1. Preparation.

  • At this stage, the body is diagnosed and examined by a specialist to identify contraindications to lpg massage. If they are not found, then problem areas are identified, a procedural scheme and the duration of the course are developed. Often, a photo is taken before the procedure, and then after the completion of the course, in order to visually assess the results.
  • To carry out lpg-massage of the body, it is necessary to purchase an individual suit, on which a specialist can immediately graphically mark problem areas and areas of influence.
  • It is not recommended to eat before the procedure, about three hours before it. Make-up should be removed from the skin, the skin should be dry.
  • You can drink at least 250 ml of pure water before the start of the session to speed up the cleansing of the body.
  • Sometimes it may be necessary to apply a special lipo-burning or anti-cellulite cream for mechanical treatments. They are used only as directed by a specialist.

Step 2. Carrying out the procedure.

Putting on a special suit, the patient sits on a massage chair, the specialist begins the procedure, while acting on problem areas in different ways. This is done to achieve the maximum effect depending on the condition of the problem: twisting, smoothing, sanding, swinging.

Curling helps more with cellulite, sanding for skin problems, swinging helps break down fats, smoothing gives definition to contours.

It is also provided by a specialist and assigned to the apparatus for the movement of rollers on certain zones of influence. There are three modes: Roll in, Roll up, Roll out... Each mode works differently and produces different results.

For some areas during the lpg massage, it is necessary to change the position of the body or make a certain physical movement recommended by a specialist during the procedure.

In modern devices, there are ready-made programs for influencing certain areas, setting the intensity of manipulations and speed or program parameters, depending on the desired result.

The duration of the procedure takes from 30 minutes to 50 minutes. After the session, no additional restorative manipulations are required. Minor swelling and redness may occur that go away on their own.

The maximum result and durability of the lpg massage help to achieve physical training, a balanced diet.

The rehabilitation period is not required and it is possible, immediately after the sessions, to do your usual things, to lead a daily lifestyle. Immediately after the session, a heavy meal is not recommended; it is better to do this after three hours.

For lpg massage of the face and body, different attachments are used.

Lpg face massage

The lpg massage technique on the face affects blood circulation, lymphatic drainage of the skin and subcutaneous layers, promotes cell regeneration, activates collagen production, evens out tone and color, and performs contour lifting.

With the help of lpg-massage on the face, the following problems are solved:

  • mimic wrinkles;
  • flews and impending century;
  • lifting of contours;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • alignment of tone and unevenness;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • uniformity of complexion;
  • getting rid of a double chin;
  • reduction of scars.

The presence of open wounds, abscesses, tumors can be added to contraindications to lpg-face massage.

Lpg body massage for weight loss

For the body, lpg massage works in problem areas such as thighs, legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, neck and décolleté. The procedure has anti-cellulite, lifting, lip-burning and aesthetic effects. For each zone and problem, different handpieces are used with different intensity of the hardware impact.

  • LPG massage of legs and buttocks allows you to get rid of cellulite in this area, reduce the volume, tighten muscles and skin, get rid of "breeches" and "ears".
  • L pg belly massage will strengthen the abdominal muscles, get rid of extra pounds of fat on it, reduce the volume, tighten the contours of the sides, eliminate or minimize stretch marks, scars.
  • Hand lpg massage makes it possible to reduce cellulite, sagging and sagging skin, strengthens muscles, evens out the relief.
  • LPG massage in the décolleté area and on the neck eliminates wrinkles, loose skin, removes fatty layer.

Possible side effects and complications

As with any procedure, lpg massage can have side effects:

  • swelling and redness- disappear on their own in a short time;
  • bruising and bruising- it is rarely observed and may indicate the wrong mode of the procedure;
  • painful sensations- are observed in the first minutes usually and then pass. But if pain persists throughout the session and from procedure to procedure, you must immediately inform the specialist. A possible reason lies either in the high intensity of mechanical stress, or in the increased sensitivity of the body to mechanical stress;
  • slight chills, feeling of fever in the first hours after the session- this can be observed with vegetative-vascular dystonia and it is enough to take a soothing tea, relax.

In case of any manifestation of side effects, it is necessary to immediately inform the specialist to adjust the program of the procedure and the scheme of the course.


Many people wonder whether it is possible to apply lpg massage after childbirth and cesarean section, other surgical interventions. Experts say that lpg massage is useful in these cases as well, with the only condition that there should be a recovery period after surgery within a year. And only after that LPG massage will become effective and useful in eliminating scars, stretch marks, tightening muscles and skin on the body.

To the question of whether lpg massage is effective or harmful for varicose veins, phlebologists do not have a clear answer. It has been noticed that lpg massage is able to relieve edema in the initial stage of varicose veins, in other stages of varicose veins it is ineffective and even dangerous. In any case, it is necessary to initially consult with a phlebologist.

How often to do lpg massage

The duration of the course is developed strictly individually, based on the problem and condition of the body, the desired effect.

For body and face, there are also differences in duration and frequency.

On average, at least 10 procedures are required, the optimal is from 10 to 20 sessions, including the main, corrective and supporting courses.

  • For lpg face massage 8-10 procedures of the main course are required, then 4-5 procedures of the intermediate course and, according to individual indicators, several sessions of supporting procedures. The frequency is 2 times a week, in the intermediate period - once every two to three weeks, at the supporting stage - once a month.
  • For lpg body massage the optimal number of sessions is 6-8 procedures with a frequency of three times a week, at the next stage the frequency is reduced to 1 time per week or less often by 4-6 procedures, the supporting stage includes an individual schedule according to indications.

The persistence of the result of the lpg massage lasts for six months, 8 months. This indicator is relative, since the preservation of the result also depends on the lifestyle, the presence or absence of supporting procedures, physical activity, diet, and personal characteristics of the body.

Compatibility and compatibility with other cosmetic procedures

LPG massage can be combined with the following procedures:

  • ozone therapy;
  • Elos therapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cavitation (ultrasound therapy).

These procedures perfectly complement the lpg massage and are fully compatible with it, subject to the contraindications and recommendations of a specialist.

LPG or manual massage

The cosmetologist will also tell you how to choose the most suitable procedure. When choosing between lpg or manual massage, one should be guided by the presence of contraindications, individual characteristics and problematicity. Numerous reviews and recommendations of specialists tend to choose lpg massage due to the greater efficiency and quick results, as well as the durability of the effect. LPG massage is more physiological and affects the deeper layers of tissues and muscles. Manual massage is inferior to lpg in terms of the durability of the effect and the speed of achieving the result.

Cavitation or lpg massage

It is also up to you and the cosmetologist to decide. These procedures are fundamentally different in terms of the method of exposure and hardware.

Cavitation is a method of hardware cosmetology based on the effect of ultrasound on tissues. In terms of the achievable effect, these two procedures are very similar. The most optimal effect is achieved through complex (joint) use of both LPG massage and cavitation.

The combination of procedures and the most suitable one for you will be determined only by a specialist.

When choosing between procedures or their compatibility, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the state of your health, the presence of individual characteristics of the organism. And in order to develop and recommend an effective complex of procedures in combination with lpg massage, you need to completely trust the cosmetologist, undergo a thorough diagnosis and not hide the presence of health problems.

Manual anti-cellulite and LPG procedure: both methods have a beneficial mechanical effect on the skin and help to improve microcirculation, normalize tissue metabolism, increase elasticity, and accelerate the outflow of fluid. But the methods also have significant differences.

Manual anti-cellulite massage. basic information

To treat problem areas (buttocks, thighs, abdomen, upper arms), the specialist uses several basic massage techniques: rubbing, kneading, twisting, vibrating movements, gripping folds with "rolling" the roller. During the session, the skin temperature rises by 1-2 ° C, and this also contributes to the enhancement of metabolic processes in the tissues. It is possible to carry out the procedure using cosmetics to enhance the effect.

LPG massage. basic information

Endermologic massage It is intended for modeling the figure, smoothing the skin relief (getting rid of the bumps and depressions characteristic of cellulite), restoring elasticity and eliminating asymmetry. The procedure is carried out on French Cellu devices equipped with various handles. The choice of a particular attachment depends on the treatment area: for example, for delicate areas, face, large areas of the body.

Each maniple works in a complex way: vacuum and mechanical action is combined. The fold of the skin is captured, and the rollers move in different modes of rotation, kneading the resulting roller.

Comparison by key parameters

  1. Required number of procedures- the same: a course of 10-12 sessions is required.
  2. Duration... For manual massage - from 30 minutes, for LPG - 15-40 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the treated area.
  3. Expected Result... Manual massage helps to reduce body volume and cellulite. LPG massage helps to model body contours, smooth out skin relief and increase its elasticity, smoothes stretch marks, stimulates the production of collagen fibers, and removes excess skin after drastic weight loss.
  4. Price... Manual massage from an experienced qualified specialist costs from 1,500 rubles. An LPG massage session costs from 800 rubles.
  5. Efficiency... In manual anti-cellulite massage, the degree of expression of the result directly depends on the skill level of the master, his experience and degree of preparedness. In LPG massage, the effect depends only on the regularity of the procedures and can significantly exceed the results of the manual one.

The main advantages of LPG massage:

  • The influence of the human factor is excluded... The procedure is automated, the intensity is verified and depends on the selected mode on the device. The equipment will not "get tired" and will not work less efficiently even by the end of the session.
  • Non-traumatic method... After the procedure, hematomas or persistent hyperemia (skin redness) do not appear.
  • Strengthening blood vessels thanks to vacuum action.
  • Painlessness.
  • Favorable cost.
  • Complex impact and high efficiency.
  • Lack of recovery period.

Clinic network "Laser Doctor" invites you to evaluate the advantages of LPG massage using the Cellu M6 Integral device. The treatment mode for problem areas is selected individually after consultation.

The problem of "orange peels" or cellulite affecting the hips and buttocks is familiar to many women. Half a century ago, few people knew about such a skin defect, but now modern salons and cosmetology clinics are vying with each other to get rid of it. Sessions of special anti-cellulite massage continue to be one of the most effective means in the fight for the smoothness of the skin of the body. With its help, you can quickly break down the stagnant fat under the skin, return the body to smoothness and elasticity, and make the skin surface smoother.

Hardware or vacuum massage is performed using special equipment. These are compact devices consisting of a stationary body and a flexible hose with a tip. At its core, the apparatus is an air compressor in which a vacuum is created with the help of an engine.

The specialist performing the procedure makes smooth circular movements, pressing the tip to the surface of the patient's body (inner and outer thighs, buttocks). The suction cups located at the end of the hose alternately pull back and then release the folds of the skin. As a result, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, resembling small tubercles, gradually dissolves.

The main types of procedures

There are several types of anti-cellulite hardware massage. Classic vacuum resembles canned procedures, only in an improved form. In addition to it, they also use:

  • combined (with vacuum action and roller smoothing);
  • vibration (using vibrating massagers or a special chair);
  • hydro sessions;
  • pressotherapy;
  • pneumatic treatment of problem areas;
  • ultrasound procedures;
  • endermology.

LPG - combined anti-cellulite massage

Combined anti-cellulite massage, or LPG, is performed with the help of devices. The patient's body skin is simultaneously massaged and smoothed. State-of-the-art equipment "knows how" to create a small skin fold, holding it in a vacuum. The fold gradually moves from side to side, and then smoothes out with a roller without leaving a trace. A similar technique is used by specialists for manual massage, this allows you to quickly break up the stagnation of subcutaneous fat without injuring the dermis.

The features of LPG sessions are:

  • the use of disposable suits to prevent damage to the patient's skin;
  • lack of painful sensations.

The duration of a vacuum massage session takes on average 30–40 minutes. The minimum recommended course consists of 10 procedures performed at intervals of 1-2 days.

Body shaping on LPG machine - video

Vibrating massage

The course of vibration massage can be carried out both in the salons and at home. For this, small compact devices, stationary or manual, are used. The essence of such procedures is that the equipment transmits certain vibrations to the body through replaceable attachments, the power of which can be adjusted. Some models of massagers successfully combine vibration and infrared effects. Heat rays accelerate the metabolism in the cells of the body, the breakdown of fatty deposits occurs much faster than with a conventional massage.

The most common types of vibrating massager attachments are:

  • roller - for smoothing the surface layers of the skin;
  • finger - for breaking down subcutaneous fatty tubercles;
  • ballpoint - to eliminate chronic cellulite;
  • needle - for exposure to greater depth, massage of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • wave (flat) - for gentle massage of a large area of ​​the body;
  • fabric - for working with sensitive, thin skin.

Hydromassage - the power of water

During hydromassage, not a vacuum is applied, but narrowly directed jets of water, which are supplied by a compressor under a certain pressure. Such an anti-cellulite massage causes pleasant sensations in patients, it has:

  • soft effect, no damage to the skin;
  • the ability to relieve muscle fatigue.

Hydromassage sessions, like classic vacuum procedures, accelerate blood circulation, improve metabolism in cells, as well as eliminate lactic acid


Pressotherapy is aimed at:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • removal of excess fluid from cells;
  • breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Before such a procedure, elastic cuffs are pulled on the patient's body, connected by hoses to the body of the device. The essence of the procedure is that the problem areas of the body are affected alternately with compressed and ordinary air.

Why pressotherapy is needed - video

Features of classic hardware massage

  • the production of "youth proteins" (elastin and collagen fibers);
  • improving blood circulation, vasodilation;
  • improving the quality of lymphatic drainage (removing excess fluid to the outside).

As a result, there is a decrease in the number of fat cells. In addition, massage helps to increase the elasticity of untrained muscles, although the hardware effect cannot completely replace going to the gym.

Numerous studies confirm that in 91% of patients, after undergoing a full course of instrumental massage, there was an improvement in the appearance of the skin on the thighs and buttocks. In the age group 25–55 years, there was also a decrease in the volume of the hips in 95% of cases. At the same time, other types of cellulite treatment (diet, increased physical activity) were not used.

Some doctors are firmly convinced that hardware anti-cellulite procedures can replace a more radical treatment - liposuction.

Recommendations and contraindications for sessions

  • fatty "bumps" (seals) under the skin in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, in the worst case - the appearance of "orange peel";
  • heterogeneous density of the skin;
  • reduced joint mobility;
  • local swelling of soft tissues.

Common contraindications for vacuum massage are:

  • thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • diseases of the blood, heart, vascular system;
  • consistently high blood pressure (hypertension, hypertension);
  • excessive excess weight (by 20 kg from the norm, taking into account age, gender, height, and more);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of a different nature;
  • carrying a child;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the skin (dermatoses, psoriasis, etc.);
  • the rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • the presence of tumors of various types.
  • nausea;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary organs;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before conducting a course of anti-cellulite massage, you need to consult a specialist who will accurately determine the type and duration of exposure to problem areas of the body.

Home massage tips

It is possible to perform anti-cellulite hardware massage not only in clinics and beauty salons. For home use, they produce convenient compact massagers with various functions.

For an independent fight against cellulite to be successful, several rules must be followed:

  • the execution of movements should take place at a leisurely pace, without strong pressure on the body;
  • if discomfort is felt during the session, the procedure must be stopped immediately;
  • try to relax the muscles of the body during a massage;
  • pre-clean the skin of problem areas, and then lubricate with a thin layer of non-greasy moisturizer, gel or essential oil;
  • some areas are not subject to massage at all (inguinal and popliteal hollows, etc.);
  • any exposure to moles and papillomas, if any, on the treated skin area should be avoided.

Massage movements can go in different directions:

  • clockwise - it is allowed to perform intense pressure;
  • against - only light stroking techniques are allowed.

The duration of one procedure ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour - it depends on the stage of cellulite and the type of effect on the skin. The best time for sessions is in the morning, although you can devote part of the evening to massage, 1-2 hours before bedtime.

During the period of menstrual bleeding, women need to refuse massage. In addition, the session should be 2 hours before or several hours after eating.

Ways to combat cellulite at home

To combat cellulite at home, you can use:

  • special brushes;
  • regular spoons;
  • manual massagers;
  • multifunctional stationary devices.

At the initial stages of cellulite, it is necessary to start with gentle methods of exposure. A regular brush with natural bristles and a cupronickel large spoon are useful for this.

The model of the brush is selected individually, the main thing is that it has a comfortable long handle. Beginners are advised to opt for a soft bristle, and then gradually move on to a harder bristle. With a dry brush, daily massage in a clockwise direction problem areas of a dry body (without cream), during one session, making from 40 to 60 circular movements. The full course is 1-2 months. If skin irritation occurs after the first session, it is recommended to take a time-out for a few days. To enhance the effect, rubbing an anti-cellulite product into the skin at the end of the sessions will help.

Brushing massage can be alternated with scrubbing. To do this, once a week, instead of a massage session, the skin of the problem area is exfoliated with coffee grounds.

Cupronickel spoon massage, or Koch's technique, is also suitable for eliminating cellulite in the initial stage. The rules of massage are similar to using a brush.

Brush massage from 52-year-old supermodel Elle Macpherson - video

Manual and stationary massagers for home use are now offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. They differ in cost, quantity and type of attachments, power, intensity, depth of impact on problem areas of the skin.

The choice of a model of an anti-cellulite massager is approached individually. However, it is necessary to remember about the effect of vibrations on the internal organs of the peritoneum, etc. Abuse of vibration massage can lead to negative changes in the body (prolapse of the uterus, etc.).

Vibrating massager for home - video

Side effects and possible consequences of anti-cellulite massage

Specialists in hardware massage note that after the first few sessions, people with untrained, flabby muscles feel mild soreness in the area where the skin was exposed. Usually, the unpleasant sensations disappear by 3-4 procedures, that is, after 3-4 days. Also, slight redness of the skin that occurs immediately after the end of the massage session is not excluded. It is caused by the expansion of blood vessels located shallow under the skin. Already after 30-60 minutes, the skin returns to its usual shade.

Among the possible consequences of vacuum anti-cellulite massage are:

  • pronounced painful sensations;
  • bruising or bruising;
  • local discoloration of the skin (hyperemia).

This is due to the incorrectly selected force of action of the suction cups or the wrong technique.

In very rare cases, the consequence of anti-cellulite massage is an allergic reaction caused by an individual intolerance to the components of the emollient. However, almost all modern gels and ointments used for hardware procedures in the salon are hypoallergenic.

Similarities and differences between manual and hardware massage

There are many similarities between manual and hardware massage:

  • both types of procedures are aimed at improving the appearance of the skin of the body;
  • in both cases, it is possible to adjust the depth of impact and pressure force;
  • the effectiveness of the course of procedures is high, the positive results persist for a long time.

Performing sessions manually requires high qualifications and sensitivity of the masseur's hands. In the hardware technique, these parameters are pre-loaded into the program, so it is impossible to quickly change them in the midst of a session.

There are also fundamental differences between the two massage methods. Swelling of soft tissues does not allow the vacuum procedure to be carried out, since hematomas (bruises) are formed at the point of contact of the suction cups to the body. On the other hand, manual lymphatic drainage helps to remove accumulated fluid outward, to reduce edema in size.

In addition, the machine does not feel tired, it is ready to work for a long time in intensive mode. Unlike machines, massage therapists need rest between sessions.

The biggest difference between manual and hardware massage is the depth of impact on soft tissues. Modern equipment models significantly benefit in comparison with the hands of a specialist.

The patient's sensations during manual and hardware massage are also different. Here, everyone is guided by their own preferences. You can manually knead a skin fold with a girth. This is the only technique that devices have not yet "learned" to make.

The classic anti-cellulite massage performed by hand can be combined with other similar treatments (honey massage, etc.). In contrast, vacuum effects cannot be combined with spa sessions. Otherwise, bruises form on the body, damage to blood vessels and capillaries occurs, which is very difficult to restore later.

Anti-cellulite LPG massage has proven itself in the fight against orange peel. Lipomassage was patented in 1986 by the French specialist Louis Paul Guithey. The name of the procedure is composed of the capital letters of the scientist's name. Initially, the device was created for the rehabilitation of patients with deep burns. However, doctors noticed that after using the technique, not only post-burn scars disappear in patients, but the whole body becomes smoother, more elastic and taut. LPG cellulite massage is one of the few treatments that has been thoroughly tested and approved by the FDA (federal drug oversight organization).

Which is better: LPG or hand-made anti-cellulite massage?

LPG anti-cellulite massage is more effective than the classic one, if only because the device corrects the affected areas not only by massaging the skin surface, but also by vacuum processing of deep tissues. Such an integrated approach will not only help rid the body of toxins, lactic acid, but also stimulate collagen production. The procedure takes about 45 minutes.

LPG anti-cellulite massage also has some additional benefits:

  • reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • increases lymph flow;
  • improves body contours;
  • relieves pain after exercise.

Manual anti-cellulite massage or LPG: which will give the result more efficiently and faster?

Understanding what is better: anti-cellulite massage or LPG, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the device's effect on the skin. During the usual massage, the specialist acts only on the surface of the body, while the apparatus literally "sucks in" the top layer of the skin and processes the deeper tissues. Although both procedures are non-invasive, lipomassage can eliminate even deep subcutaneous fat. In order to see the effect of LPG anti-cellulite massage (see photo), you will need only six sessions, while a classical massage therapist will have to go at least 15 times.

However, lipomassage, like any medical procedure, has its own contraindications and side effects.

  • pregnant women;
  • people who are taking blood thinners;
  • suffering from cardiovascular or skin diseases;
  • patients with cancer (especially with lesions of the lymphatic system);
  • people with progressive infectious diseases.

Side effects are extremely rare in the form of bruising and rashes in people with very sensitive skin.