The best diaper cream for a newborn reviews. Sanosan protective diaper rash cream. Baby Diaper Cream - Candidates

Diaper rash is an inflammatory change in the skin of a child under the influence of external factors: excess moisture, the greenhouse effect from diapers and direct contact with synthetic clothing or bedding.

  • excess moisture- urine or feces, the aggressive environment of which violates the protective barrier of the skin. As a result, microbes have the opportunity to live and reproduce. Most often, diaper rash occurs in the folds - inguinal, gluteal, axillary and cervical;

In order to prevent this from happening, the child must be washed regularly before applying the creams.

  • diaper- an assistant in the development of inflammatory skin processes. It, of course, absorbs moisture, but at the same time creates difficulty in air exchange. Mothers can not always change the diaper on time;

It should also be remembered that the child may experience an allergic reaction to the diaper, and then, as a result, diaper rash.

  • diapers and clothes for babies should not be made of synthetic materials. Flannel, footer soft to the touch, does not irritate baby skin. Better to use them.

Diaper cream for newborns

"Bepanten" under the diaper

It contains dexpanthenol (provitamin B5). This substance improves tissue healing, softens the skin. It can be used to heal minor abrasions, burns.

Available in two forms - cream and ointment. The cream is absorbed faster into the layers of the skin, leaves no greasy residue and penetrates deeper into the epidermis than an ointment. It has also proven itself well for the treatment of nipple cracks in women in labor.

Retail price in pharmacies of Bepanten cream is 470 rubles, Bepanten ointment is 250 rubles.

Young mom Valentine:“An excellent cream, most importantly - safe, as it is suitable for newborns. My daughter was 2 weeks old when she accidentally scratched her face. With the use of the Bepanten cream, literally in a day, the scratches healed. Perfectly helps out from diaper rash, especially when you have to walk with a child in a diaper. Without "Bepanten" nowhere. "

Zinc Diaper Cream

Zinc oxide has a local anti-inflammatory, drying and astringent effect. Today, in the modern pharmaceutical market, there are many brands that produce zinc oxide diaper creams.

The cheapest is domestic zinc ointment. The average price is 50 rubles.

Baby diaper cream

The most ancient remedy for diaper rash. The most popular brands are Bubchen, Sanosan, Johnsons Baby, Ushasty Nyan. They contain herbal ingredients - chamomile, calendula, which have a calming effect. The difference between them lies in the price and consistency. For example, Johnsons Baby is not so greasy, it is absorbed very quickly.

Delicate skin care for girls

The peculiarity lies in the fact that girls need to be washed correctly - from the tummy to the back, so that the remains of feces do not fall on the genitals. If you notice reddening of the genital gap in girls, it is better to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

The cream should not be applied to the genitals in girls and to the genitals in boys. This can disrupt their natural pH and lead to an imbalance in the microbiocenosis.

What is the best diaper cream?

  1. First place is occupied by cream and ointment "Bepanten", since by its organoleptic properties it is suitable for both a newborn and a mother. It is the most popular treatment for diaper rash.
  2. In second place are baby creams from a German company "Bubchen"... They have a multicomponent composition - panthenol, chamomile, and zinc. They help to eliminate redness in the shortest possible time.
  3. Next are brands such as “ Johnsons baby "," Sanosan "," Eared nanny ".

Of course, there is a lot to be said for diaper creams. But we should not forget that one suits someone, someone else. Each baby has its own individual immune system and the ability to respond with allergic reactions to the components of the creams.

Choose the cream that your child is well tolerated. Remember the right points of care to help prevent diaper rash and other unpleasant complications.

Girls, hello everyone! In today's issue of EcoTest, we will talk about baby diaper cream.

Fortunately, it is when buying baby care cosmetics that we most often pay attention to the composition. And especially advanced mothers try to buy baby cosmetics with ECO quality.

If you have read the results of EcoTest, for example, or, then you can see with the naked eye that the difference between products can be huge!

Unfortunately, cosmetics manufacturers do not care whether the cream is intended for children or for adults. Both there and there may be, for example, petroleum products, how silicones or paraffin, which, although they lay a film on the skin, as if protecting it from the effects of the environment, but nevertheless, this protection is only visible. Oil products do not allow the skin to breathe, and in general - well, they have no place on children's delicate thin skin.

And also - there is absolutely no place in children's cosmetics (and in cosmetics in general) - parabens... Especially methylparaben and propylparaben, which are suspected of affecting hormonal levels in the human body. I would not like to give this particular example, but some tests on rats have shown that under the influence of these particular parabens, the number of healthy sperm in males sharply increases, and in females, the size of the uterus significantly increases (from Routledge EJ, Parker J, Odum J, Ashby J, Sumpter JP (1998). Some alkyl hydroxy benzoate preservatives (parabens) are estrogenic. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 153: 12-19 / Oishi S (2001). Effects of butylparaben on the male reproductive system in rats. Toxicol. Ind. Health 17: 31-39)

I will not enumerate to you all the side effects of changes in hormonal levels in the human body, it is written about this enough literature ... And everyone should decide for himself. One thing is clear - at this point in time and the development of science, there is tons of other safe ingredients, which, just like parabens, prevent cosmetics from deteriorating quickly.

This time I chose for the eco test. In my opinion, it is the diaper cream that is one of the necessary (really necessary) means in caring for a child. Let’s first list the ingredients of which diaper creams were analyzed in this eco test, and then we’ll talk a little about whether all the beauty care for children that is available on the cosmetics market is necessary for babies.

Baby Diaper Cream - Candidates

This time the following diaper creams were tested:

  1. Weleda Diaper cream
  2. Lavera Neutral baby diaper cream
  3. Earth mama engel baby Diaper balm
  4. Alverde Diaper cream
  5. Natura Siberica Baby protective diaper cream
  6. Bubchen Protective diaper cream
  7. Mustela Stelactiv Diaper cream
  8. Johnson's baby Protective diaper cream Tenderness of nature
  9. My Sunshine Diaper cream
  10. Eared nanny Diaper cream

Before we lay out the results of the analysis of the ingredients of diaper creams in front of you and announce the winners, let's talk a little about baby cosmetics.

A few years ago, mummies were only familiar with, maybe, a couple of products provided for the care of babies. Recently, there are a lot of such products. There is everything from creams for various body parts to shampoos and bath foams. Advertising shouts to us that it is the delicate, defenseless skin of a baby that needs special care, blablabla. But, in a strange way, growth contact dermatitis and allergies is growing along with the offer of products from the segment of children's care cosmetics. Strange, don't you think?

Maybe, in fact, it is not at all necessary to smear children's skin with ten creams and lather with all different foams? Maybe it is because of this busting that our children suffer from skin problems?

I don’t want to blame baby creams for all sins; of course, household chemicals, food stuffed with pesticides and hormones, etc. also play an important role in allergy problems in children. But cosmetics also play a role here.

Example: my midwife, an energetic elderly woman, told me that the number of children (even babies) with neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis is growing from year to year! That earlier children with such problems were rather an exception, but now there are more and more such problems.

Take note!

Girls who have children or are going to have them))) My golden advice to you:

  1. If you are in a position and are going to become mothers soon, please, in kind. at home, demand that your baby is not washed immediately, as soon as he was born! The most that you can do with it is blot it, as if wiping it with a shoe. This is sooo important! At the moment of birth, there is a lubricant on the baby's skin, which he really needs. It is she who protects his skin in the first days of his stay in this world. Believe me, only thanks to this step you can prevent a bunch of problems that may appear later!
  2. Wash your baby during the first year ONLY WITH WATER! He does not need any shampoos, foams, gels, etc. No matter how cool "green" and eco they are!
  3. As for the hairs, they can only be washed with water until the age of six. If you really need to wash it with shampoo, then dilute it somewhere around 1:10
  4. If the baby's skin is dry, you can add a mug of warm milk with two teaspoons olive oil... And after bathing, blot the skin with a towel.
  5. If there are no special problems, then the ass can be smeared with just oil, preferably olive oil. It also prevents secretions from penetrating into the skin and prevents redness.

And if there is already redness, this is where you need a diaper cream.

Diaper cream - test

This time I tested diaper creams of all different companies - organic, regular, Russian, European manufacturers, and even one diaper cream from an American manufacturer. I checked the composition of the creams for the content:

  • Artificial fragrances (these are the ones that most often cause allergies)
  • For the content of oil products in creams, such as paraffins and silicones
  • For the presence of parabens (especially those that affect the hormonal balance of the body)
  • Other suspicious ingredients such as preservatives, colorants, gelling agents
  • For availability
  • And whether the manufacturer tests the product on animals (Why is this important?)

Here are the test results:

Diaper cream - summary

  • All diaper creams from organic cosmetics segment got an assessment GREAT... Good - everything, both composition and action. Personally, my favorite for a long time has been a diaper cream from a German company. Weleda... I used it for both daughters (for the youngest - I still use it). In general, I advise Veleda to everyone, everyone, everyone! I was especially pleased with the diaper cream from Natura Siberica... There is nothing suspicious in the composition, and if we take a low cost, then this cream really deserves the top five. Simply superb composition of the American brand Earth mama engel baby- contains gorgeous oils and nothing more. In addition, the company has an American certificate of organic cosmetics USDA Organic.
  • Diaper cream of a favorite brand Bubchen contains a dubious preservative, plus it is tested on animals, therefore, only SATISFACTORILY ... As for the cream advertised on the Internet Mustela Stelactiv... By the way, it contains not only a dubious preservative and solvent, but also mineral oil (a by-product of oil production). In short, for such a price you can buy a very decent eco cream
  • Diaper cream from Johnson's baby, My sun and Eared nanny got UNSATISFACTORY ... I explain why. Despite the fact that the tested cream from Johnson's baby positions itself by name Tenderness of nature as natural, it contains preservatives and parabens, which seem to be not entirely natural. The creams of domestic producers, unfortunately, again contain hormonally active substances (parabens), silicones and fragrances that can cause allergies. What a pity!

Girls, and what kind of diaper cream do you put on your babies' butts? Have you used any of the creams from this test?

Stay Healthy!

Until next time at EcoTest!

Baby's skin is very vulnerable. She needs special care. With inappropriate care, serious problems arise: redness, irritation and diaper rash. To protect the child from them, it is recommended to use special diaper creams.

There are a huge number of different products that protect the skin of babies from irritation and relieve diaper rash. Unfortunately, the use of some creams does not lead to the results claimed by the manufacturer. How to choose a quality product? What is the best diaper cream? These issues should be sorted out.

Review of popular diaper creams

The choice of a diaper should be taken very seriously. The cream should be suitable for a specific baby and protect his skin from irritation. Consider the popular diaper products.

Mustela cream

The product applied under the diaper should prevent reddening of the baby's buttocks and not cause allergic reactions. To solve this problem, French experts have created a cream for the Mustela diaper. The manufacturer declares that this remedy:

  • protects delicate baby skin from natural irritants;
  • limits the development of microorganisms;
  • soothes and nourishes the skin.

The cream can be used right from birth. On average, it costs about 600 rubles. The price is quite high, but this does not stop the parents. Many moms and dads who have applied this product under a diaper to their children have only positive impressions. The tool performs the functions declared by the manufacturer. The only drawback that parents say is that Mustela's diaper cream is dense in consistency. The product is not well absorbed and does not wash off well.

Bubchen creams

Under this German brand, several products are produced that protect baby skin. For premature and low birth weight babies there is a special protective diaper cream (series "From the first days"). Redness disappears from the skin thanks to zinc oxide. This substance also soothes the baby's skin and promotes healing of small wounds. Another useful ingredient in Bubchen diaper cream is shea butter. It has a softening effect.

Baby cream is another product marketed under the Bubchen brand that is intended to be applied under a diaper. Chamomile extract and zinc oxide cope with redness. The appearance of irritation when using the cream is impossible, because the beeswax, which is part of the composition, envelops the skin with a protective film and does not allow it to come into contact with feces and urine.

Both are inexpensive. The average price is 250 rubles. Almost all parents leave positive feedback. Creams are well applied, have a pleasant smell. However, there are also negative opinions. All babies are different, there are babies for whom Bubchen products do not help, and in some cases even cause allergies.

Weleda Calendula Baby Cream

For redness and inflammation in the changing area, a special baby diaper cream from Weleda can help. The manufacturer claims that the product can be used from the first days of life. Chamomile extract relieves inflammation, and calendula extract heals wounds.

The average cost of Weleda cream is 450 rubles. Almost no one leaves negative reviews. Weleda diaper cream is very high quality. It smells good and is easy to apply and absorb. Many parents notice the effect of the application the very next day after use.

Sanosan Diaper Rash Cream

From the moment the baby is born, the Sanosan diaper can be used. The cream contains such useful ingredients as olive oil, zinc oxide. According to the manufacturer, the tool performs the following functions:

  • eliminates diaper rash;
  • prevents the reappearance of redness and irritation;
  • soothes the skin.

Sanosan diaper cream costs about 250 rubles. He has a lot of positive reviews. However, some mothers do not like the remedy. They note that it is too thick, does not apply well and does not absorb. In fact, this feature of the tool should not be attributed to disadvantages. Any zinc diaper cream is dense in consistency. It is not absorbed into the skin, but forms a protective layer on it.

Cream "My sun"

This good diaper cream, containing natural ingredients, was created with the characteristics of baby skin in mind. It protects against irritation thanks to zinc oxide. After application, the baby's skin is moisturized and softened, because it contains jojoba oil, lactic acid and D-panthenol.

Diaper cream "My Sun" is inexpensive. Its price is about 50 rubles. This remedy is suitable for most children. In some babies, after application, the skin turns red, and pimples appear on it. Such a reaction indicates that the baby does not tolerate any of the components of the product.

Cream "Our mom"

The main task of this product is to protect the delicate baby skin from the negative effects of feces and urine. According to the manufacturer, the composition includes such useful components as sea buckthorn oil, calendula, chamomile and vitamin A. It is these substances that soothe the skin.

The approximate price of a cream for a diaper "Our Mom" ​​is 150 rubles. Regarding the reviews, it is worth noting that not all parents are delighted with this tool. For some mums and dads, the main disadvantage of the cream is the lack of zinc oxide in the composition. Without this component, the remedy does not cope sufficiently with diaper rash.

Babyline cream

When changing a diaper on the skin of the baby's buttocks, you can apply a special product - Babyline from a German manufacturer. The composition contains zinc oxide and chamomile. These substances have a positive effect on the baby's skin, relieve problems such as diaper rash.

The approximate price of the funds is 200 rubles. Parents speak positively of the Babyline diaper cream. There are practically no drawbacks. Only a very thick consistency and the complexity of applying the cream to the skin causes dissatisfaction.

Bepanten cream

Many adults are familiar with this tool. It is used for skin irritations, bedsores, abrasions, minor burns. The tool can also be used for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash in infants. The special Bepanten cream under the diaper is not available.

The cost of a small tube is about 300 rubles. Bepanten, according to reviews, copes well with irritation caused by the interaction of the child's skin with urine and feces. You don't have to use this tool all the time. Bepanten can be used to smear the baby's skin only when redness appears on it.

Method of using creams

How to apply the cream under the diaper - information that can be read on the packaging. Manufacturers recommend using the product every time you change a diaper or diaper. The baby's skin must be pre-cleaned. Before using the product you need:

  • wash the child or use wet wipes;
  • blot moisture with a dry towel;
  • give the skin of the crumbs a little "breathe".

Then you can apply the cream.

After using the product, do not immediately wrap the baby in diapers or put a diaper on him. The cream should be slightly absorbed. And air baths will be good for the skin.

It is not necessary to constantly use diaper rash remedies under a diaper. If a child has never had this problem before, then you should not think about how to use a cream under a diaper. You can apply the product for prophylaxis, for example, at night.

Cream or powder: which is better?

What remedy to buy in order to protect a child from diaper rash? Should you buy a diaper cream or is it better to pay attention to the powder? All young mothers, without exception, have these questions. In order to find the answers to them, you need to understand what the powder is.

This baby remedy looks like a powder. It contains such absorbent substances as talc, zinc, starch. Powder is used to powder the baby's skin with diaper rash. Thanks to the remedy, this problem can be quickly eliminated.

As for the choice - powder or diaper cream - both of these funds should be in the mother. You cannot use cream and powder at the same time, since this will not be of any use. If there is slight redness on the baby's skin, then the cream can be applied regularly. If there is diaper rash on it, then it is recommended to use a powder.

Prevention and treatment of diaper rash in babies

I like!

The life of modern babies is not complete without the use of diapers. They greatly facilitate the process of caring for a baby, but at the same time they can bring some discomfort. Redness, irritation, diaper rash are all possible unpleasant consequences. That is why it is relevant to talk about the cream. under the diaper. In our article you will find out when to use it, what types there are and how to apply it correctly.


Why do you need a diaper cream?

Diaper cream is an indispensable tool for baby's butt care, which ohare used by modern mothers. The baby's delicate skin is under a diaper for a long time, and therefore needs additional care. Diaper rash cream serves as such a protective barrier that helps protect against discomfort, irritation, redness, rashes, peeling ... Thanks to it, the natural water-fat balance of the skin is preserved, aboutn has anti-inflammatory, sedative, protective effect. A then the use of the cream is very necessary and justified.

You can find out the doctor's opinion on the use of diaper products by watching the video from the Newborn Baby Care channel.

What to look for when choosing a cream?

When choosing a diaper cream, you need to pay attention to several key characteristics. First of all, it is the composition of the product. All components in its base must be natural, and the presence of oils and extracts of medicinal plants will be a great advantage. Another beneficial ingredient is zinc oxide. Zinc cream is more effective not only as a prevention of diaper rash, but also in solving a problem that has already arisen.

The presence of paraffin, silicone and parabens in the composition is considered unacceptable. They will not bring relief to the child, but will only aggravate the situation. The functionality of the diaper rash cream is also of great importance. It is good when he not only helps in daily care and hygiene, but also copes with an already arisen problem - eliminates redness and irritation. The consistency of the product must be practical to use. Liquid will spread, very thick - poorly applied. The best option is a cream of medium density, which is well applied and absorbed without leaving wet marks or greasy spots.

Review of popular brands

When buying a cream for their child, parents want to choose the highest quality one. A review of the best brands will help you not to be mistaken in this. RThe rating is compiled on the basis of consumer preferences of young mothers, as well as their feedback.

V includes the following brands and names:

    Bubchen (Bubchen) - German cream production based on zinc oxide, panthenol and chamomile;

    Bepanten - this drug was created not only for newborns, but also for mothers, as it helps them in the treatment of nipple cracks during lactation;

    Sanosan (Sanosan) - made in Germany, contains olive oil, which is very useful for the skin;

    Sudokrem - is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, copes with diaper rash;

    Mustela is a French-made cream with good antibacterial qualities.

Consider a component composition, as well as the positive and negative characteristics of each agent.

Cream "Bepanten"

This drug is manufactured in Germany. The active ingredient is D-panthenol. It does not cause allergies and has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Bepanten is used not only for baby's skin care, but also for wound healing. It has proven itself excellently in the treatment of nipple cracks in nursing mothers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive characteristics of the cream are:

    easy application and fast absorption;

    effectiveness in the healing of irritations and minor wounds;

    a sufficient degree of hydration, which prevents the skin from drying out.

Among the negative qualities, the following are noted:

    inefficiency of spending;

    lack of antibacterial and drying activity;

    is produced in a tin tube, which is not very convenient for use.

Sanosan Barrier Cream

The German-made Sanosan diaper cream is known for its protective and soothing properties, as stated in the instructions. The substance contains zinc oxide, talc, D-panthenol and olive oil. In addition to eliminating diaper rash and redness, it prevents their reappearance.

An overview of the Sanosan cream from the Parents Marker channel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of this cream, it is worth noting:

    composition (the presence of many useful components);

    calming effect;

    prevention of secondary occurrence of the problem.

Only one negative feature is indicated - unhygienic packaging, since the product is produced in a bank.

Line of creams Bubchen

Creams Bubchen (Bubchen), made in Germany, are popular among buyers and occupy a ranking position in the list of drugs for babies from diaper rash. The component base of the product contains about twenty useful substances. Along with zinc oxide and panthenol, it contains shea butter, which helps to soften the skin of the newborn and strengthen its protective function. Also in this line there are creams with chamomile and beeswax.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Bubchen diaper products include:

    the presence of a convenient package with a dispenser, which helps to economically use the drug;

    pleasant aroma;

    speed of action, softening effect, protective function.

These creams also have negative responses. In some cases, they can cause allergies. In addition, the presence of zinc in the composition makes the consistency of the preparations thick, which increases the absorption period.

Mustela cream

Mustela Barrier Cream (Mustela) French production is known for its quick effect, after two to three hours it eliminates irritation. It has antibacterial and drying qualities. The composition, together with panthenol and zinc oxide, contains lupine extract, vitamin F, as well as unwanted components - solvent, preservatives and petroleum derivatives.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive characteristics are indicated:

    speed and efficiency of action;

    protective and healing activity;

    lack of smell.

The negative factors include:

    density and density of consistency, which increases the absorption time;

    not completely natural composition;

    short shelf life.


The Johnsons Baby diaper cream, which is quite common on the market, has not proven itself on the positive side, since, according to reviews, it does not fulfill its main function.

Advantages and disadvantages

Its advantages include, perhaps, only a pleasant smell and convenient packaging in the form of a soft tube.

A serious disadvantage of JOHNSON'S Baby cream is that it does not cope with diaper rash and irritation. In addition, it has a very thick texture, so it is difficult to apply and absorbs for a long time.

Antiseptic cream "Sudocrem"

To eliminate irritation and rashes on the delicate skin of the child, you can also use medications of a wide spectrum of action. For example, Sudocrem, which is actively used in dermatology. Its main characteristics are drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In pediatrics, this cream is prescribed for the treatment of severe damage to the skin (rashes, redness, crusting). It promotes the regeneration of the epithelium, while forming a protective barrier that protects the skin from aggressive external factors.

Review of Sudokrem cream from user Anastasia Snarskaya.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive qualities include:

    calming and regenerating effect;

    protection of the skin from the penetration of microbes and bacteria;

    prevention of repeated irritation and redness.

Among the disadvantages are noted:

    long-term absorption;

    the possibility of allergic responses;

    the presence of paraffin and benzyl benzoate in the composition;

    cannot be applied regularly.

Desitin ointment

To eliminate the existing problem of diaper rash, Desitin ointment is used, which is very popular among pediatricians and mothers.

Advantages and disadvantages

This drug forms there is a protective film on the baby's skin. Has a softening and drying effect. You can use the tool every time you change the diaper until the problem is completely eliminated.

The negative factor of the ointment is that it can cause local allergic reactions.

How to apply the cream correctly?

It is only necessary to apply the cream under the diaper on a clean body. Before the procedure of use, baby skin must be washed or treated with wet wipes. After this, you should blot excess moisture with a towel and let the baby's skin "breathe" for a few minutes. And then you can use the cream. Particular attention should be paid to the folds.

It is necessary to use a diaper rash remedy in case of a problem. Continuous use is not acceptable. With proper care of the newborn and frequent diaper changes, irritation and rashes practically do not occur. If the baby's skin is very sensitive, then the use of these drugs is allowed for prophylactic purposes.

For girls, the cream should be smeared with care to reduce the possibility of getting into the vagina. When used in boys, special attention should be paid to the folds and depressions near the penis and scrotum.

Which is better - cream or powder?

For a long time, powder has also been very actively used in caring for a newborn child. She helps with severe diaper rash. It is a powdery product that contains zinc, starch and talc. But you need to be careful - long-term use of it can dry out baby skin.

For mild manifestations and redness, use a cream. It softens and protects the skin. It is important to monitor your child's reactions. Indeed, in addition to recommendations, there are individual characteristics that help to select the right one.

It is impossible to assert which of the means is better: cream or powder. Each of them performs its own functions. Pediatricians recommend having both options in a children's first aid kit.

Baby's skin requires special care. With systematic and proper hygienic care, you will rarely encounter the problem of diaper rash.

All parents sooner or later resort to using diapers for their little children. Some mothers wear diapers for their children exclusively for the night or for a walk. Others use diapers even when the baby is at home. In any case, the use of these absorbents can lead to diaper rash and redness. Therefore, specialists in the field of pediatrics, in order to avoid any skin problems in a newborn baby, recommend using a special baby diaper cream.

Why do you need a diaper cream

The baby's skin is quite sensitive and receptive, and the constant presence in a dense and practically non-breathing diaper can entail a number of troubles:

  • redness on the newborn's ass;
  • rash;
  • irritation;
  • dermatitis;
  • peeling;
  • diaper rash (see about).

Therefore, it is important, before putting on a diaper for a child, to use a baby cream under it. Modern products have a soothing, protective, anti-inflammatory effect and provide reliable care for the delicate skin of a child.

In addition, a diaper agent can be used not only for prophylaxis, but also for treatment.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

How to apply the cream

It is necessary to apply the cream under the diaper, taking into account several rules:

  1. The baby's skin must be dry and clean. To do this, before applying the cream and putting on a diaper, you need to wash the child and blot the moisture with a soft towel.
  2. After that, do not immediately apply the product. Let the baby enjoy the air bath for 5-7 minutes. During this time, his skin is completely dry and ready for the application of a special cream.
  3. Now you can use the diaper cleaner. Apply the cream lightly to the area around the newborn's buttocks and a little on his buttocks. Pay attention to the folds and groin. Spread the product well to keep it from rolling. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed. Only then can the child be put on a diaper (See how to do it correctly).

Rating of the best creams

Which cream is the best to use under a diaper is a question that worries many parents. The following brands have proven their effectiveness:

  • Bubchen. This cream from a German manufacturer contains chamomile, panthenol and zinc oxide. Thanks to these substances, the agent has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and allows you to quickly eliminate redness.
  • Bepanten... Contains provitamin B5. It is considered an excellent treatment not only for diaper rash in children, but also for cracked nipples during breastfeeding in mothers. Almost all young mothers use this tool.
  • Eared nanny... These products from a well-known domestic manufacturer of childcare products are very popular due to their quality and reasonable cost. Peach and calendula oils included in the specified product have a protective property.
  • Johnsons Baby... This cream for newborns has a calming effect. Being hypoallergenic, it can be used from the first days of a baby's life.
  • our mother... The herbal extracts (calendula, chamomile), as well as sea buckthorn oil, quickly and permanently eliminate redness and diaper rash.
  • Sanosan... Another fairly popular diaper product from a German manufacturer. Contains: talc, D-panthenol, zinc oxide. Perfectly soothes and protects baby's sensitive skin.

Powder or cream

Often, young parents prefer the use of baby powder. In some cases, the powder really relieves irritation and prevents diaper rash, but do not forget that it dries out the skin (and this, in turn, can contribute to the appearance of flaking).

Therefore, when choosing what is better to use - a cream or a powder - it is preferable to focus on the effectiveness and speed of eliminating unpleasant manifestations. Every child has different reactions even to the same child's remedies. If you have noticed that redness and diaper rash on your baby's bottom disappear after using the powder, feel free to apply it. If baby cream is better suited to the baby, the choice is obvious.

Regardless of which means you prefer, remember: neither cream nor baby powder will eliminate the likelihood of diaper rash and irritation if the baby is constantly in a diaper. Try to put on a diaper for a newborn only in exceptional cases (for a walk, for a trip to a children's clinic, etc.).