Magical rites, signs, rituals. Modern wedding rite and tradition

Today, many traditions of the Russian wedding turned out to be irrevocably lost, and those few remaining existed in a very modified version. Nowadays, the interest of young people towards Russian wedding traditions has significantly increased. More and more young couples wish to celebrate their marriage just as their progenitors of one hundred, two hundred and more years ago, with respect to her beautiful and memorable rites and traditions. Today we will tell about what wedding traditions existed earlier.

Learn more than a few hundred years ago, the wedding was a ritual complex, which were performed in a strict sequence on a certain tradition of the scenario. The most important rites of the wedding in Russia were considered walling, collusion, bachelorette party, wedding, wedding night, wedding feast. Each of them had a certain semantic value. Watching, for example, was expressed in the negotiations of two families about the possibility of making marriage between a young man and a girl. The farewell of the bride with the virology was a mandatory stage, which characterizes the transition of a young girl in the category of married women. Wedding acted as a religious and legal design of marriage, and the wedding night - in the form of his physical bond. Well, the wedding feast expressed public marriage approval.

The execution of each of these rituals in a certain sequence was considered the right way to create a family. If the sequence of rites was broken, or any of them was not fulfilled, the marriage was considered insolvent (that is, the event was not fully completed).

Wedding ritual covered various ritual actions that were not binding on execution. For example, the views could not be carried out if future bride and groom lived in one village (village). If the guy who launched, lived in another village and nothing was known about his family, the views were carried out, according to all established rules. If the parents of future bride and groom knew each other perfectly, and no doubt about the marriage of their children did not arise, then the walling and conspiracy were carried out at the same time.

Despite the unity of the overall scheme of holding, the wedding ritual had a local manifold. For example, in the northern provinces of European Russia and Siberia had a wide distribution of a rite, in which the bride was supposed to visit the bath. This rite was part of the rites of a farewell of a young girl with a virgin. In southern Russia, a cuinary rite was a mandatory part of weddings. Separate rites were performed only in specific areas. For example, in the Pskov province, the bride with his "retinue" it was necessary to meet the "train" of the groom on the way to church and put a bouquet of paper flowers to his feet. In other Russian areas, the bridegroom was supposed to pick up the bride from the house of the parents and to take to the church.

In the wedding ceremony, certain actors participated - wedding ranks, whose behavior was subordinate to the rules established by the tradition, but some improvisation took place. The bride and groom were the main characters around which wedding action took place, and they played a passive role. The bride should have been submored by all their views, love and gratitude to the parents who were raised, and also to show their unfriendly attitude towards the bride and his relatives. In turn, the groom should have demonstrated respect and love for the bride. The initiative participants in the wedding were parents of young, godfall, as well as the closest relatives. Another actors in the Russian wedding were friends of the bride and groom or boyars, the matchmaker, a thousandth, friend, the assistants of the friend (rewards), calender (young married women, happy in marriage, having good, healthy children), etc.

The most important role was assigned to his friend or the head of the wedding from the bridegroom. Its responsibilities included to monitor the compliance of the wedded Russian traditions, the entertainment of jokes and sentences, as well as the protection of the wedding participants from unclean forces. In southern Russia, the calender played an important role that the wedding loaf was baked. Each single wedding chin had a special suit or clothing element at its disposal, decoration. For example, the bride during the ritual accounted for several times to change clothes, thereby demonstrating the change in their status. At the "Plakal" stage, the bride was relying to be in a mourning dress with a closed handkerchief, in the process of wedding and marriage, she wore elegant clothes, it was supposed to be elegantly dressed, and the most elegant and bright suit and a female headdress ended in the morning after the marriage night. The groom usually put on an embroidered square handkerchief (shirinka), which was attached to the header, bouquet of flowers, fixed behind the hat tape and pinned on the shoulders or tied instead of a towel belt. The matchmaker was distinguished by a shoulder embroidered towel or red gloves on her hands. The attribute of the boyfriend was whip. Wedding rituals, as a kind of theatrical action, included special songs, sentences, games, promsions, crying, conspiracies, dancing.

The core of the Russian wedding ritual was the complex rethinking of the mythical representations of antiquity and Christian ideas. For example, its part of steel, which reflected the distant ideas of people about the dying of the girl's soul during the transition of it to the category of married ladies and gaining it after the married night of the soul of Molodoha. Some rites were sealed to the cult of distant Slavic ancestors: crying the bride on the grave of parents with plenty of a blessing to marriage, farewell to the stove when leaving the house on the wedding day, etc. Often magical actions conducted during a wedding (ledging, producing), They had a pagan. The desire to protect and protect the young from the evil eye and damage, as well as any negative impact of the otherworldly force, forced to close the face of the bride with a handkerchief or a towel, rolling into the clothes of young needles, to pronounce conspiracy, swing the whip, to fill in the wedding train, choose the district path to the church. So that young people have not experienced in family life and have many children sprinkled them with grain and hop, treated chicken, sidelized on a fur coat, turned out to the fur. All these ritual actions were accompanied by prayers to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, St. Nikolai pleased. In general, Rusi attached great importance to the blessing of the parents, asked for the protection of Christian saints, which were mentioned in ancient bale.

Russian wedding ritual, the history of formation.
As the basis for the modern Russian rite of the wedding, the established traditions to the nineteenth and first quarter of the twentieth century were taken. Finally, he was presumably in the middle of the fourteenth century on the basis of the general Slavonic wedding ceremony. In the written materials of this period there is a brief description of weddings using words familiar to our ear: "Bridegroom", "Wedding", "Bride", "Wedding", "Svaty". There are also preserved antique miniatures and drawings with the image of wedding peters and marriage rites. In the sixteenth century, judging by the description of the princely weddings, the nomenclature of wedding ranks has developed and their functions have decided, there has been special wedding clothing, attributes, food, wedding folklore.

In the second half of the seventeenth century, the traditions of the Orthodox Church began to actively implement the tradition of the Orthodox Church: the rite of parental blessings arose, the rite of wedding was obligatory. The people's rite himself officials began to condemn, considering it a "demonic effect." In 1649, at Queen, Alexei Mikhailovic was introduced by a decree, which condemned many rites of the people's wedding and who for the holding of these ordered to beat people with baotogs, and the musical instruments used at the same time - to break and burn.

Watching was the negotiations of families who were interested in concluding marriage, and also was the main and obligatory ritual preceding the Russian wedding. It was considered early to marry in Russia, while the parents of a young man themselves were engaged in the choice of the bride for their son. Often, the youngs themselves did not even know about the upcoming wedding, they could notice them only during preparations for her. Commonwealth was approached with all seriousness and responsibility. Before it is decided to decide, the family council was collected, which was attended by the godparents and the nearest relatives. Of course, when choosing a bride, the opinion of the young man and relatives took into account, but the last word remained behind the parents. An excellent bride was considered a physically strong girl who possesses hardworking, capable of fulfilling economic and homework, showing respect and respect for the elders, modest, but having a sense of self-esteem. Special "demand" used girls from families with a good reputation. Belonging to the girl to the family, which was respected for several generations, made it possible to judge her as a decent daughter-in-law of the kind-tribe.

The material well-being of the family into account was not taken when choosing a bride. It was believed that young people could "give everything" themselves. Skates were very carefully chosen, because from their ability to talk to a conversation, to arrange relatives of the future bride, in a profitable account to submit a family of a young man often depended on the result of the matchmaking. Usually, the guy's godparents were played as a matchmaker, or someone from his close relatives. Sometimes the guy's parents in the matchmaker were invited to the respected and confidence of the fellow villagers. In addition, such a responsible role was offered to be eloquent, able to arrange marriage to people. In large handicrafts, large trading villages, cities used the services of professional fumes. But this custom became common at the beginning in cities, and it's pretty late. So in the middle of the nineteenth century, such a matchmaker, even in the cities, it was considered to be "unrealistic", so after receiving the consent of the parents for the matchmaker, they sent the "real" matchmakers.

Watching in those days passed with mandatory observance of various accepts, from which the future life of newlyweds seriously depended on the ancient beliefs. Usually wrap or negotiated about the conclusion of marriage came to the house of the girl's parents or close relatives of the groom. During this rite of the family of young people, they got acquainted and established "contacts", since their relatives had a rather serious weight at that time, so it was thought out literally to the smallest detail. For the walling, they chose certain days of the week, which were called "Light": Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, usually late evening or night time. All this was accompanied by various magical actions, which was supposed to provide a positive outcome of the case and prevented the refusal of the bride's parents. For example, in the Pskov province, the mother of a young man beat three times out of the door of the Woven belt, accompanying certain magical words. In the Russian villages of the Kazan province of Swaha, on arrival in the chief of the chosen, found a stue and turned around her three times around him, it assumed a good marriage (the girl will aroused three times around the nucleation during the wedding). In the Perm province of Swaha at the entrance to the house, the girls hit the heel about the threshold.

Entering the house of the future bride, the matchmaker behaved in the village customs: filmed the caps, baptized on the icons, they walked off the owners, did not go to the table without an invitation and did not sit on the shop. Swat first started the conversation and pronounced well-known phrases: "You have goods, we have a merchant"; "You have a chicken, we have a cockerel, whether you can not drive them into one glory?"; "We need not rye and not wheat, but a red maiden", etc. It happened that the matchmakers directly expressed the goal of his arrival, they came, they say, "not half the floor, not the tongue to scratch, they came to find a bride."

Parents of the future bride showed gratitude for their family respect, invited to go to the front part of the hubby or to the hube, put a treat on the table and invited to the table. Previously it was believed that the matchmaker must be very good to meet, even if the bride was not particularly "glanced" to the parents of the bride. If the groom was not in favor of the bridesmaid parents, then the refusal they always set out in a delicate form: "We have a non-sales product, I did not sleep," I'm still young, you have to wait. " In the case of the desired walling, and if the guy was well-known, the girl's parents were given their consent immediately. If the guy was a member or lived in another village, the parents asked for time at the matchmaker at thought: "I will marry a daughter - not a cake to bake," "Not one day I raised to give the gaze." The greeting of the matchmaker has not yet meant a complete harmony of the wedding.

In the cycle of the rituals, the matchmaking also included negotiations regarding the dowry, which was given for the bride, the amount of the amount of money (masonry), allocated by the parents of the groom on wedding spending, the amount of spending on the wedding feast, was discussed by the number of guests, which will be at the wedding from the bride and side The brides, the gifts that relatives will exchange during the wedding ritual will exchange. If families were wealthy, then legally certified marriage contracts could be drawn up, which mentioned all the details of the wedding and the future life of a young family. At the end of the family negotiations were determined with the collapse time, that is, prescribed the day of accurate decision regarding the wedding celebration.

Looking and looked.
Following the matchmaking, looked, looked. Syrya (Location, Sugrada) were held in the arrival of parents and relatives of the bride into the house of the groom to clarify his property situation. This rite also had a solemn holding, the bride's family was met very well: they demonstrated the house, economic buildings, cattle, the number of grain in barns, Avi, Khomno, were planted for a festive table, spoke of family legends. If families were not familiar, then the inspection was more stringent and thorough. If the parents of the girl for some reason were not satisfied with the farm of the groom, they could refuse the matchmaker: "Thanks for the bread-salt, it's time." If they liked the inspection, they spoke something like this: "Everything is good for you, we all like it, and if we need you, come to us."

On the loafers (stains), the girl was officially represented by a guy. Who launched his family. Usually this rite was conducted in the house of the chosen. It was attended by directly the groom, his parents and the nearest relatives. This action was accompanied by singing young unmarried girls (girlfriends of the future bride), which were also invited to this ritual. The girl put on her hair-out-out dress, she was displayed in the center of the hut, asking for a walk or turn on the spot. Guests and parents of the groom, who were observed at this process, expressed their approval to the girl. After that, the young hand on the hand was caught on the hut, got up on a pre-plated fur coat, kissed or bowed to each other.

If the bride groom was not like a girl, she could tell her parents on this, then refuse to give a wedding. For example, she could silently get out of the hut, replace the festive outfit on weekly, and return to the guests. This was regarded by guests as a refusal. But, as a rule, this rite ended with a beaker, while the bride's parents covered the table, and the parents of the groom brought the bumps.

A few days after the walling, he was held (in the house of the bride) collusion (handicraft), which served as a symbolic consolidation of the decision on the wedding and marriage. Also attended parents and relatives with the same side. Initially, negotiations were conducted on the bottom of the wedding, agreed on the magnitude of the dowry and masonry, the number of guests at the wedding feast. During the collusion, the bride began to be done, complaining about the fate and parents who force her to say goodbye to the free girl life and herd home.

The ending of the negotiations was a ritual ritual, in the course of which the fathers of young people got up opposite each other and beat them on the hands of the hands, which were wrapped with scarves or a small piece of sheepskin, after which they had a hand with the words: "Our son would be between us a common son , And your daughter would be a common daughter and our obedient rug. " Frequently on Rus's shaving of hands to each other legalized a mutually beneficial agreement, a contract. In some Russian regions, he was held on the table, where they put a loose cave, after which they were swallowed in half. Bread in this case served as fastening the contract.

After the mother's mother, the girl fastened the hands of the young, confirming her consent regarding the decision of the fathers. After that, everyone began to read prayer in front of icons with a burning lamp. The reached and consent was noted by the peak, while the young ones were not present on it.

After a crowd, it was impossible to refuse marriage, it was regarded as a terrible sin, the payroll for which will last all his life. According to custom, the guilty party in violation of the agreement was obliged to pay all spending on the wedding, as well as to pay "compensation" for disgracing the deceived side. After the conspiracy, the young people were called the bride and groom. The resulting young status had to correspond to (change behavior, external appearance). The bride was assumed after the collusion "torsion", "kill", to be nearing, that is, mourning his virginity. She should from now on to wear only mourning clothes, on the head of a handkerchief, taking off on her face, she could not comb her hair and braid braid. She practically did not say, explained by gestures, at home she moved exclusively with the help of girlfriends, who were now near her constantly, and often all over her. The bride was forbidden to go beyond the borders of the house and the yard, go to the parties and a walking of young people. It was allowed to get out of the house only in order to invite relatives to the wedding, yes to say goodbye to neighbors, a village and the "white light." Now she was removed from any economic work. Its only her occupation was the preparation of gifts, sewing dowry. There were those areas of Russia, where the bride before the wedding daily during the week had to go out and sadly. According to believe, the more the bride is crying, the easier it will be life with her husband. All women of the village were sometimes gathered for such "gatherings".

The groom after the collapper might and mainly walked with his friendships on his own and neighboring villages, parting with "youth". In addition, every day he had to go to the bride's house and pretending her friends with different goodies (candy, gingerbread).

Caisery rite.
The caravayan rite performed as a certain ritual action, which was associated with baking and distribution karabavi (round bread with decorations in the form of dough figures, artificial colors) during the princess table (wedding feather). Caparava baked in the house of the groom (sometimes in the house of the bride, and in some localities and there, and there) on the eve of the wedding or marriage night, or a couple of days before. This rite was divided into two stages: the first - directly its preparation (called the "Caparaway" stage), the second - the division of punishing on the wedding table or "loose to wear." On the entire existence of this rite the essence of him was alone, although it could be played differently.

The process of making karabavy symbolized the birth of a new life and ensured the fruitlessness of a young couple. He wore a ritual character. Prepare a loaf started in secretly intended time, before sunset, before this turning to God and holy ash builders. The rite was attended by a planted father and planted the mother of the groom (if they were happy in marriage), as well as young calender women, also happy in marriage and having healthy children.

For the preparation of wedding, punishing the water was gained from seven wells, flour - from seven bags. All processes, starting with the kneading test and ending with removal from the oven and distribution, guests were delivered deliberately theatrically. To give the shape, the test was laid in a special big bowl with a cross, and in turn, in turn, put a shop where the hay was covered with a tablecloth. Everyone who attended the special ritual was strictly forbidden to touch the test and bowls. Before sending a molded loaf to the oven, putting his mother went with him, sat down on the oven, and then, together with a planted father, he went three times a stove. Inserted it into the oven with the help of a special shovel, on the edges of which the burning candles were attached. Before finally, leave it to be baked, the loaf moved three times-put forward from it. After putting karabav, it was necessary to hit the shovel on the ceiling beam.

From the point of view of mythology, the oven symbolized the female womb or maternal loan, the bread shovel - the male beginning, and the cave - the fruit that turned out to be merged. Decorations from the test, which girls baked separately from Karabav, were in the form of figurines of the sun, stars, months, flowers, fruits, pets, that is, signs that were considered from the Russian personification of peace, good, happiness, satisfaction, fertility. During the entire process of manufacture and baking, special cavisa songs were performed, telling about the stages of its creation of cavisa.

The bacheloremniestnik (swallowdish) was called ritual actions in which the bride was forgated with the virgin. This rite was held in the house of the bride, all her girlfriends convened on him. Farewell to the bride with the greatness, as a rule, began immediately after the collapper and continued until the wedding. The bachelorette party symbolized the transition of a girl to the category of married women. The farewell of the bride with the "white light" in many villages of European Russia and Siberia took place in the morning and evening dawn behind the village of the village, where she came with his girlfriends. In the Pskov province of the bride with girls under the singing of sad songs solemnly walked around the village, carrying a small Christmas tree, decorated with ribbons, rags, paper flowers, or a bouquet of paper flowers.

In the villages of the Vladimir province, the bride caused his free life, sitting along with the girls on a bench at her house. All women of the village flew on it. In the Yaroslavl province, the bride with girlfriends caused in the middle of the village, at the house of her relatives, from the hut, where the appeals were held. The finale of the little girl was the so-called farewell with the "Music Beauty", held on the eve of the wedding in the house of the bride in the presence of parents, sisters, brothers and girlfriends. For almost all of Russia, the symbol of the virility was the "braid - maiden beauty". A ritual farewell to the bride with scythe was held: at the beginning, Spit was turned off, sold the bride, and then again broken. It was pushing it so that it was, as far as possible to spread: they walked the ribbons, cords, braid, pins rushed and even sewn threads. All this was accompanied by sad songs of girls and the bail of the bride. After carrying a braid, a girlfriend or brother's brother traded with the friendship of the groom, asking for a redemption for the bride. After receiving the redemption of the girl broke the braid under singing songs.

Framed hair demonstrated the willingness of the bride to marriage, symbolized the first step to a married life. Ribbons from braid girlfriend were divided among themselves. In the northern provinces of European Russia, in the middle and upper pillar, in Siberia, in Altai as a farewell with the "virgin beauty" of the bride in the company visited the bathhouse. The baths were treated early in the morning of the bride's girlfriend, accompanying this process with special songs. Then they were taken by hand sitting in the front corner of the heaven, the bride and led to the bath. At the head of this procession there was a friend of the groom, who read the spell from the unclean strength, waved the whip and sprinkled the bride with grain. The process of washing in the bath was quite long, the bride was batted by a birch broom, with ribbons, walked Kadas Kamen, beer, sprinkled with her grain. All this was accompanied by singing and giving.

Moneymother symbolized the farewell of the groom with idle life and was held in the groom's house in the last pre-wedding day, or early in the morning on the wedding day. Parents, relatives and friends of the groom were present on it. Collected a treat for those present, wedding songs sang. After that, the native groom, or he himself went to the bride with gifts. This rite did not differ in particular prevalence, met only in some villages of European Russia.

Wedding train.
This tradition is the departure of the bride and the bride to the church for the wedding. Early in the morning in the house of the groom on the wedding day, his friend, one or two rewards, groom's groom parents, early swash (close relative of the groom), who ordered in the manufacture and baking karabavi (in her duties included the sideways of the train, ... who were accompanied by the groom to the crown, the boyars - the root of the groom. In different regions of Russia, the composition of the wedding train could vary. The parents of the groom, according to tradition, were not present at the wedding. They were preparing for a meeting of young and directly wedding feast. Behind the bride went in winter we went to the sleigh, in the fall on the koshevakh, proms, buns. Horses were very carefully prepared for this event: fed Ovat, cleaned, sacred tails and mane. They were decorated with ribbons to the wedding, breaking the bells, puments, and the sleigh stood with carpets, pillows.

He headed the boy a friend, while he chose the road to the bride even so that the "life of a young couple was smooth, without quarrel." On the way to the bride, the train met residents of the village and blocked the path in every way: they locked the entrance gates, stretched ropes. As a ransom, a friend offered wine, candy, fruits, nuts and gingerbread. At the house of the bride, the train met her girlfriends, closed the gate and sang songs about the bride and his retinue, as about the robin, who came to pick up a girlfriend. A friend headed the march, waving the whip, as if cleaning the road from unclean power. Then he joined the conversation with friends, who after a good redemption passed guests to the house. Then in some villages of Russia, the bride and a friend began to look for a hidden bride, and in others - to buy her from her older brother. All this was accompanied by mossembly songs who performed the girls to the groom and trace. The ritual action was expressed in the desire to save the bride from the imminent symbolic death that marriage was thrown according to mythological ideas.

Then the town was invited at the table and treated. The bride and the bridegroom should have been sitting with the edge of the table and could not be struggled to food. It was believed that in front of the mystery of the wedding should be morally clear, refusing the "carnal" pleasures, including from food. Also, the bride and groom should not have eaten together with married and married relatives, it was possible only after the marriage night. After treats, the father of the bride passed his daughter to the groom with the words that he transmits her forever at the disposal of her husband.

In the church of the Bride and the Bride, they drove in different wagons: the bride accompanied by the dashboard, and the bridegroom - with the thousands (the main leader). The bride was connected to the wedding train: a challenge, which managed horses, godparents, the nearest relatives. The first person was still driving, accompanied by rapidly on horsebacks, then the wagon of the groom, then the bride, and for them all the other relatives. The parents of the bride also attended the wedding. In the church, the wedding train was driving quickly, loudly links the bells, thereby notifying all about her approach. During the trip, the bride and the bride carried out peculiar magical actions: the bride, having left the native village, opened her face, watched after the removed houses and threw a handkerchief, in which "all her sorrows were collected," the groom periodically stopped the train in order to cope Brides, did not happen to her something during a dangerous path. At the same time, a friend has read a prayer conspiracy throughout the path.

Wedding was a marriage conclusion ceremony in the Orthodox Church, which was combined with legal registration in metric books. The rite was carried out in the Church of the priest and included the engagement, in which the bride and groom gave consent to the marriage and exchanged rings, and wedding, that is, the imposition of married crowns on their heads, which symbolized the imposition of the glory of God.

During the wedding, prayers were read with the goal of God's blessing of the marriage. The priest gave instructions. In the Christian tradition, the wedding opposed a certain sacrament, symbolized the connection of a man and a woman into an indispensable divine Union, which existed after death.

The rite of wedding associated a number of ritual magic actions that provided protection against evil forces, happy marriage, healthy offspring, economic well-being, longevity. It was believed that at this moment the young are more vulnerable, according to the then ideas of villagers, sorcerers could turn them into stone, animals, leave without offspring in marriage. To protect against this, the wedding train should not stop, following the wedding, it was impossible to look back. A peculiar protection from the dark forces was considered to be the ringing of bells attached on carts. For the charm in the clothes of the bride, sometimes the bridegroom, fucked pins, pinched the needles, poured linen seed or millet, the garlic was placed in his pocket, etc.

Some ritual actions were aimed at preventing treason with young. For example, it was forbidden to stand or pass between young. It was believed that during the rite of wedding, it was possible to ensure health with young, for which, at the time of circuit, the priest of marriage around the nucleus, special conspiracies pronounced.

To ensure the economic well-being of a future family, before approaching the young to the church, they spread the white new tissue to the church, threw money under their feet, shoved the bride, and during the wedding, the bride was crushed behind the sinus, poured salt into the shoes, fucked her shoes. It believed that items in the hands of the bride and groom during the wedding ceremony have magical properties. For example, wax wedding candles and water with a blessed icon were used in the treatment of babies, a wedding shirt - to remove pain in a woman during childbirth. In some villages, the owner of the house put on a wedding shirt on the first day of Seva to ensure a good autumn harvest. The wedding ring was used at fortune telling on the sagnes. After the wedding of newlyweds in the northern provinces of European Russia and in many villages, Siberia and Altai went to the parental house on the wedding feast. There, at the end of Pera, their marriage night was held.

And in some South Russian villages after the wedding, everyone returned to his house, but in the evening the groom came to the bride, there was their first marriage night. The wedding day began only after it was announced that young became her husband and his wife. If the couple lived without a wedding, their husband and wife were not recognized, and their children were considered illegitimate. Meanwhile, according to people's ideas, one wedding was not enough to recognize the marriage. It was necessary to conduct installed ritual actions, according to tradition.

Princely table.
The princes table (wedding or red table) is a wedding feast, which was held after the wedding in the house of the parents of the groom. According to tradition, the tables were put along the half and shops of the letter "g" and only in some areas - across the flooring. According to the tradition, the guests were seated in a certain order, the audience was also placed - "Glyaudykikov", served food and drinks, sang songs. The bride and the bride was not called anything else, as the "Prince of Young" and "Knigns of Young", they sat in the front corner of the hut. Guests cleared in order of relationship: the closer the relatives, the closer it was located to the bride or the bride. The wedding feast was usually invited by guys, neighbors, girls from the village, but they did not sit at the table, they performed as the audience. Wedding tables were covered with white tablecloths. Initially, bread and pies decayed on the tables (middle). On the edge of the table, in accordance with each place, the guest was laid down a slope of rye bread, and on top of a cake. Before the newlyweds, there were two loaves of round bread, laid on each other and covered with a handkerchief. As soon as the guests occupied their places, drinks were served and food. The dishes alternated with drinks, while the number of dishes should have been even (a symbol of happiness and good luck).

The beginning of the wedding feather serve the rite of opening the "Young Princess". After the wedding, the wife took place in the house, while her face was closed with a handkerchief. Usually, the father of the groom, held a hubby bread or a pie in his hands and raised the bride's handkerchief, after which he took him in his hands and drove him three times around the heads of newlyweds under the exclosed. This rite performed as a dating of the relatives of the groom with a new family member. The bride and groom during the wedding feather did not eat anything and did not drink, it was forbidden. In the sign of the bunch of a bowl in front of them stood empty, and the spoons were knitted with a red ribbon and were located with handles to the center of the table, and the dishes for drinks turned upside down.

The end of the wedding table was the departure of the young in a special place, they were given dinner there. In some localities, the young after dinner was "surrounded" or put on her a female headdress. The second part of the wedding feast was the mountain table, which were "Prince of Young" and "Young Princess" in a female headdress and elegant clothes. At that moment, parents and relatives came newlyweds and sat down at one table with relatives and parents of the groom. The mountain table was expressed in giving the bride's bride, from close to the most distant. The gift was put on a special dish, the young fit to the relative of her husband and asshed a low bow. Taking a gift, on the dish he put a row: gingerbread, candy, money. It was during the mountain table "Princess Young" for the first time called the father's father, and mother-in-law - Mother. After that, the young took part in a common meal. However, they served certain dishes: porridge, eggs, honey, oil, bread, pies, milk. At the same time, young milk drank from one glass, ate with one spoon and from one cup, ate bread from one piece. This confirmed the unity of the young inseparable communication. At the end of the mountain table, the division of division karabav.

The end of the connected table was the departure of the young to the place of the marriage night under maintenance of singing guests. Peters also were held on the second, and on the third day, but somewhat in another form. Their essence was in the symbolic acquaintance of their husbands with a new family member and the distribution of gifts.

Wedding night.
The wedding night (sidet) - the physical and legal bond of marriage was carried out in the parent house of the groom. In South Russian provinces, after the wedding of the newlyweds, everyone returned to their home, she was held in the house of the bride's parents to the main wedding party. Usually, a bed for newlyweds was fine in a cold room (cage, chunge, dental, sauna, less often hlev or sheepdower), while the bed was used from the dowry bride. With the help of various devices, a high marriage bed was built: bags of flour bags, then rusty sheafs, a couple of mattresses from the hay, less often in a lot of pillows. All this was covered with a white embroidered sheet to the floor and a beautiful blanket.

Helfed the bed of dumps from the side of the bride and groom, as well as mother or sister of the groom. After that, under the bed was kept by Kochergu, a few manneys, a frying pan, and then went to bed with a rowan or juniper branch. The branch in the future stumbled into the wall. It was believed that all this would protect newlyweds from evil forces, and bags with flour and rye sheaves will provide them well-being. The lamps performed the symbol of future children: the more they are on the marriage bed, the children in the family will be much.

Newlyweds were kept by a friend, dashpers, less than all those present on the feather under the laughter, noise, additives, erotic instructions, songs. The first, according to the tradition, a friend was included in the room with a marriage bed and hit the whip in bed for a couple of times in order to scare out the unclean power. In some places of Russia, a custom who agrees to whom a friend paid the redemption by beds (for those who knew bed) were also widespread. The door of the room outside was locked and put on the outside of the tellery or our own guard, which was guarded by newlyweds from the unclean strength and the necessary guests. Left alone, newlywed before you lie down to bed, it was supposed to eat bread and chicken, in order to secure a consonant marital life, wealth, healthy offspring. The newlywed should have demonstrated humility and submission, removing the boots from her husband. This vintage rite is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". The newlyweds demonstrated its position as the owner in the family, forcing the bride to ask him permission to go to bed with him. During the marriage night, a friend was departed several times and was interested in whether sexual contact was held. According to custom, which was distributed almost in all areas of Russia, if everything has been completed safely, the guests informed the guests, the young after that was either deposited to the guests, or did not disturb until the morning. The guests after such news were sainted by erotic chastushki, which said what happened between the young.

The next thro those who accompanied the young to bed came to wake them, in order to check the triad chastity of the girl. It could be witching differently: a knock on the door, screams, ringing bells, beating the pots about the threshold, wrecking the blanket, dusted with water. The alert of parents, guests, and the whole village about chastity or his absence from the bride took place through ritual-gaming actions. For example, in the villages of the Perm province, if the newlyweds were a virgin, the towels and tablecloths with red embroidery were highlighted at the home of the newlyweds, their boyfriends tied horses to the arcs, on the way to the parents of the newlywed. In the Vladimir province, the marriage sheet, posted in the front corner of the hut, spoke of the honesty of the bride. In some villages, guests led by the Swash and his boyfriend with shouts, the ringing and noise drove around the village and waved the newlywedgox shirt.

If it turned out that the young lost his virginity before marriage, then her parents were put on the neck of the Homut, the Father served beer in a leaky glan. Humiliation has been subjected and swash. The mandatory innocence of the bride, and in some villages and groom before marriage, proceeded from the premises of the peasants that the transformation of a girl in a woman, and the young men in a man could possibly occur only during certain rites and only under compliance with a certain sequence. The violation of the order was considered a violation of the move of life, encroaching on its foundations.

It was also believed that the girl who lost her innocence before marriage would remain fruitless, early widow or leave the widow a husband, and the family will wake in hunger and poverty.

Surrounding young.
Surroundings of the young was also a wedding rite, in which the bride changed the hairstyle and the headdress on women's. The ritual was held immediately after the wedding on the church pellet or in the wedding of the church, in the groom's house in front of the princess table, in the middle of the wedding fellow, after the marriage night. In this rite, it was necessarily attended by the groom, his parents, friends and dashs. All this was accompanied by singing. Instead of one braid, two twisted and laid around the head, after which they covered with Kokoshnik.

In Russian villages, the Altai County was held after arriving from the crown. The bride was put in the angle, closed with scarves on each side, twisted two braids, put them around their heads, put on Samsuur and handkerchief. Then the young shown the bridegroom and asked them both to look into one mirror, in order to "live together." Songs who sang dashs when changing hairstyles and headdress, in different locations sounded differently, but the essence was alone: \u200b\u200bthe statement of the girl in the new status.

Chucks (allocated, fertilizers) completes the sequence of wedding rituals. This is a feast that was arranged for the youngsters in the home of the parents of Molodoha. Her parents to their arrival prepared in advance the treats. The mother-in-law treated son-in-law pancakes or scrambled eggs, he also showed his attitude towards her. If he bought a pancake or ate the scrambled eggs, it means that her daughter retained her virginity before marriage, and he was grateful for this, if she was blossomed damn it, or ate scrambled eggs from the middle, then the young turned out to be "dishonest", that is, did not save Chastity before the wedding. Then he expressed her claims for the bad raising daughter. Then the young were leaving home. With a prosperous outcome of La Pier in the parental house, Mroduha lasted.

Two loving hearts decided to create a new union. Ahead of many pleasant troubles for the preparation of the celebration. It's time to remember what our most couples are trying to adhere to at least the most basic. All customs carry the semantic load, about which we often do not remember, fulfilling all the incomplete rules, rather, in habit, to be like everyone else. Let's try to figure out that they symbolize customs and traditions at the wedding in Russia.

Wedding Dress

The first thing that comes to mind when you remember the wedding traditions in Russia is a wedding dress. Romantic and air, modest and innocent, luxurious and elegant - it can be any, the main thing that the bride felt in it the most beautiful on his day. Despite this, most girls choose white outfits. And only in rare cases agree on the robe, in which someone has already married. Usually it is my mother's dress if she has a happy marriage. Why exactly white and new? This color symbolizes youth and innocence. Therefore, many women who get married the second time choose blue or variations of champagne color, believing that they have already worn their white outfit. A new dress symbolizes a new life, which begins from the date of marriage.

By the way, the white color in the tradition of the wedding in Russia came from Europe. Frequently, our girls were married in red dresses, which symbolized fertility. Fashion variable, including wedding images. Many modern brides tend to leave traditional colors by adding bright or, on the contrary, tender ribbons or other finish. Red now choose only the most extraordinary and extravagant paintings.


The history of Fatas as the attribute of a wedding dress has about two thousand years. Roman brides hiding faces for a veil in modesty, chastity and secrecy. Only after the ceremony, the husband could take this veil with his beloved. In the east, Fata did not decorate the young, and kept between future spouses so that they could not touch each other to their first night.

Wedding traditions in Russia oblige brides, the first time married, to wear a veil. If the marriage is the second, it becomes unnecessary. Today it is not so serious to this custom. Fata is perceived, rather as an accessory that complements the hairstyle, along with the diadema, for example. Sometimes instead of it put on a small veil, attached to the hat. You can also do without this element of the wardrobe.

Old and new, borrowed and slightly blue

This phrase of tradition in Russia is described as a whole outfit of the bride. "New" is undoubtedly a dress - a symbol of entry into a clean and bright family life. "Old" - usually these are decorations transmitted in the family from the mother to the daughter. It is not necessary to talk about family diamonds, it is quite acceptable to use some detail of the maternal wedding dress. This thing will symbolize the connection between generations, that particle of parent heat, which they invested in their daughter and which it will bring to his own family. "Borrowed" is a thing that led girlfriends. It will mean that next to the young family will always be friends and close people, always ready to help and support. The blue color in the dress is a symbol of peace and harmony in the future family. It can be used in dresses and accessories. Often put on a blue garter.


Wedding traditions in Russia, as in other countries, do not cost without the exchange of rings. Young people who are going to get married today are chosen decorations made of precious metals - gold, silver, platinum, smooth or stones, decorated with carvings and engraving. And yet traditional wedding rings are smooth, without inserts and decorations. Why so? Ring - endless straight, without beginning and end. It symbolizes a long future family life. Each pebble or irregularity, by popular beliefs, mean some misfortune on the way of a young family, since the ring is closed, the troubles will be repeated once at once, in a circle. So choose most often smooth rims.


Discussing the traditions of the wedding in Russia, it is impossible to forget about the important custom of getting a parent blessing. It is it that gives a happy ticket to a family life. The lack of parental approval so far can be considered a significant reason for the wedding does not take place. Each of the newlyweds in the morning on the day of the celebration should bless a mother or godpa.


As many years ago, a modern traditional wedding in Russia does not do without a rite of time impact exists in our country. He symbolizes the transition of a girl from parental nest to her husband's family. The sacral meaning of this rite is almost lost, now the redemption has become a funny action designed to entertain guests. The bridegroom has to be exercised by an unwanted cans to cope with all the tasks that bride's girlfriends prepared him. Often they help to demonstrate how well the future husband knows a loved one and what a paradise life he promises her. If the task is not fulfilled, you have to bother with money or candy - from the smallest participants. Before the bridegroom is his friends. Sometimes they manage to break through, skipping some of the tasks. In any case, the redemption is one of the most fun rites.

And the boutonniere groom

The best Russian wedding traditions are associated with the bride bouquet (and the most beautiful). Previously, the bridegroom was his himself. He could rush colors in the field or ask any of the neighbors to cut the plant in the garden. In such a request, I usually did not refuse. Today, a rare girl will allow the bridegroom to order a bouquet in the cabin without its approval, yet it is one of the main wedding accessories and must harmoniously fit into the image. The bridegroom is not allowed to see the dress in advance, so he is unlikely to choose flowers on his own.

For the first time, the bouquet plays a bouquet on buying a bride. When the future happy spouse overcomes all obstacles, he gives his bouquet to his beloved. Redemption stops at the moment when she takes a bouquet in hand - this means consent. Further, the girl should take out one flower out of a bouquet and pinch him on the chest of the groom. From here, the tradition of boutonnieres. It always consists of the same colors and similarly decorated.

The custom of throwing a bouquet of the bride in the crowd of unmarried friends, and the second is a garter to the friends of the groom, came to us from Europe. Not so often, the well-known sign works, but the cheerful tradition perfectly worried. And guests support it with pleasure. The main bouquet usually protects, for throwing, the second, smaller sizes are ordered, which can pick up his girl who caught his girl, sometimes use artificial flowers.

Sowing of newlyweds grain

After graduating from the marriage ceremony, usually at the exit from the registry office, guests waiting for newlyweds are built on both sides of the exit, forming a tunnel, through which the bridegroom has a bride, and shower them with grain, minor coins or rose petals. This action is included in the wedding traditions of the peoples of Russia and many other countries. Different items can be used, but the meaning of the rite is the same. He symbolizes the wishes of happiness, wealth and fertility of a new family.


At the entrance to the house, where newlyweds will live, young people expect the parents of the groom with bread-salt - festive carabically. He is decorated with the depicting swans, bunches of rowan and other symbols of wealth, loyalty and fertility. Bread symbolizes the wealth and well-being, which the young family watches, and the salt should protect them from evil forces. Young should bite off every piece of punitive and eat. There are signs - who grabbed a larger piece, he will be the head of the family.

There are other wedding traditions in Russia related to the arrival in a new home. The groom should certainly be transferred to the bride through the threshold in the hands. This custom must protect it from the evil eye, diseases and other misfortunes. If the girl did not enter his legs, she was not in this place.

Even for the youngs, they spread the fur coat up - a symbol of wealth. Who's first kneeling on her, the head of the family.

Beating dishes on happiness

Many in Russia come from the villages. The custom beat the dishes on happiness too from there. On the second day after the celebration, it was customary to beat clay pots. If the sudine crashed, then the girl married clean and immaculate. If even cracks did not appear, it was possible to start till the bride. It was considered that the more fragments, the more happiness will meet young on their way.

New wedding rituals

In each city, there are variations of wedding traditions and their places where young must come to stay during a walk after the registry office. Among them, it definorates the bridge, through which the bridegroom must transfer the bride on the hands so that it does not touch the legs of the earth. Often, locks are hanging on the fence of the bridge, indicating the wedding dates and the names of the newlyweds. Together they lock them out and throw the key into water, as if fastening their union and throwing the only possibility of its destruction. Sometimes there are ribbons on trees.

The sacral meaning of wedding rituals is often not known to anyone. They are perceived only as old good traditions and a way to enjoy guests. Nevertheless, most couples entering into marriage seek to follow the customs known to them, believing that they can make their marriage more successful.

At each wedding, you can see a variety of traditions that came to us since ancient times, but they still try to stick.

We are familiar with many wedding traditions - this is the created family, the redemption of the bride, exchange, eating punitive, white wedding dress, shrinking with young coins, rice, candy, flowers, throwing garters, and the bride bouquet, the bride's bridesmaid in Cheboth. This list can be continued and continuing, you can find exactly what your pair is most likely to find it in every wedding tradition. We offer several options for traditions at the wedding, which even after a lot of centuries continue to be relevant.

Every people have their wedding rites and traditions

Every wedding is a bright, rich event with positive emotions.

In European countries there is a tradition to hold a small dinner before the wedding. Such a pre-wedding dinner is very often observed and newlyweds in our country. That evening, close friends of the bride and groom, their parents, relatives, and, of course, the young themselves, are going together in order to get to know each other before the wedding day. If you are interested in such a tradition, then you need to know such things before it:

  • Venue dinner and time. Since this dinner is not an official event, it is not necessary to celebrate it in a cafe or in a restaurant. You can meet someone at home (from the parents of the bride or the groom), to arrange a departure for the city, arrange a picnic, cook the ear, fry the kebabs. Such a dinner is best arranged three or four days before the wedding date, since before the wedding itself everything will be occupied by other, more important things.
  • Who should do the organization of such a dinner? It can organize newlyweds themselves, and their parents, relatives or friends. Much depends on who will be invited to dinner. You can call both relatives and friends, and you can restrict ourselves to the invitation of only the most relatives so that they can take a closer look.
  • How can you entertain invited to pre-wedding dinner? This question is one of the most important. Since the purpose of this evening to bring to the relatives, then you can invent anything. Newlyweds can prepare oaths in advance, come up with original recognition in love, tell everyone the story that they met. They can make gratitude to parents for help in preparing for the wedding and hand them memorable gifts. Relatives or friends can with the help of a slide to arrange a show of joint photographs of newlyweds. You can come up with a variety of interesting contests. You can just spend the evening in dealing with loved ones. It is important that the organizers of this evening spare all the details with the bride and the bridegroom.

There are such Western countries in which the wedding dinner implies the full rehearsal of the wedding ceremony, up to the feast.

Traditions and customs on wedding day

  • Home. From the ancient Russia came the custom of the home of the hearth. To date, the hearth is put on to light the marries of the bride and groom. It is believed that in this way they transmit the young family experience, harmony and tradition. In fact, this tradition is carried out by igniting candles.
  • White color . This is a very old tradition. The dress for the wedding should be white, since it is this color that is considered a symbol of innocence, indisputability, harmony and purity. But recently, girls often violate this tradition and make their own adjustments. Modern brides often choose such colors of wedding dresses like an ivory color, cream, pale pink. Some prefer to marry a bright red dress. Everyone has their own style and taste. But still white color of the wedding dress remains traditional.
  • The first dance of the new family. Many first dance do not seem like a wedding custom. It seems that with the help of dance, young demonstrate their dance skills and beautiful outfits. But it is absolutely wrong. The first dance of a young family displays their feelings, relationships, harmony.
  • Throwing the garter of the bride. This is a relatively new tradition, but it is already present almost at all weddings. The groom should be removed from the legs of his wife a garter and throw it with all those present at idle guys. In whose hands there will be a gap, this is to marry soon.
  • Throw a wedding bride bouquet. This tradition is one of the most beautiful and memorable. Throwing his bouquet, the bride gives the opportunity to come out of the present unmarried girls in the near future. Some brides throw their festive bouquet at the very end of the wedding, others do it between the feasts, some prefer to throw a bouquet after the end of the marriage ceremony.

It is necessary to choose such traditions that will like and the bride and the bridegroom. This day should be only yours, he must give you a lot of positive emotions, colorful impressions and leave memories for life! Love each other and be happy!

Wedding traditions of the peoples of the world:

And what are the traditions or customs you know?

The exchange of rings, throwing bouquet and garters, removal of Fata - all these traditions and rites have long been familiar to us. Without them, no wedding celebration is required. However, there are also other interesting traditions and rites in the world, which will not only help create a romantic atmosphere at the wedding, but also diverse a festive program. In the article, the wedding portal. WS offers to your attention top 5 interesting and unusual wedding traditions.

Beautiful tradition, symbolizing the union fastening is the zagging of the node or literally "Tie The Knot". Tie a knot, you promise to always be together and walk in life hand in hand. You can tie as traditional harness and multicolored tapes.

It is possible to carry out the zero to the node immediately after the painting or at the wedding banquet. You can save this nodule as a family relic, which will remind you of the day of the wedding.

In Europe, it has long been accepted to exchange wedding crews, recognizing each other in love and loyalty. This beautiful tradition was already appreciated by many newlyweds in Russia, because there is nothing touching and romantic than gentle words heard from the second half on the wedding day.

You can pronounce oaths during the on-site registration before the exchange of rings. If you are going to register marriage in the registry office, it is worth discussing this with the administration to fit into a strictly regulated time. In addition, the oaths can be pronounced at the end of the wedding evening and launch the heavenly lantern into the sky with your names. Romantic, isn't it?!?

An important step in preparation for this ritual is to write oaths. Be sure to discuss with the bride, which it will be: tender and touching or humorious and ironic. If you want to add something personal in the oath, understand only to you only, think about how your relatives and friends will react to it. Discuss the text structure so that your oaths are harmonious. The content itself, of course, should not speak to each other, better to make a surprise for a loved one wedding day. Practice in front of the mirror in the skiing of the oath, check out the time you need. Ideal if you write 1-2 minutes, otherwise your guests can lose interest in your narration.

Another beautiful wedding tradition is a joint planting of a tree, as a symbol of the beginning of a new family life.

You can plant a tree in the forest, at the cottage or even in the yard of your home. An excellent place will be the park if you manage to agree with the administration. But even if you can't find a suitable place, but you don't want to go to the forest, you can simply plant a village in a pot and put your "family" seedling on the balcony. The main thing is to choose a suitable plant for this.

You can spend this tradition during a wedding walk or banquet. Ask the lead or your guest to pronounce beautiful, while you are busy planting a tree. And the photographer at that time let him capture every moment of this touching ritual.

Note that the landing of the tree is associated with the ground, therefore prepare themed aprons and gloves so as not to get dirty. Do not do without shovel, as well as a pot, if you decide to plant a tree not in nature. And forward - to landing your "family" seedling - the symbol of your love and loyalty!

Due to the fact that the exit registration is gaining increasing popularity, we want to pay attention to the beautiful tradition of escorting the bride, which can often be seen in American films. Father under solemn music leads the bride to the altar, where she is waiting for the groom. Such a beautiful tradition will create a family coziness atmosphere at the reception ceremony, because there is nothing touching than the father who gives her beloved daughter in the hands of another man.

Sand ceremony

The wedding tradition of the Hawaiian Islands has already captivated the hearts of many Russian couples. And it is not surprising, because such a colorful ritual gives many positive emotions, both newlyweds and guests.

Reed Khasanova August 30, 2018, 19:37

It is believed that adherence to some wedding will adopt give Heat and happiness in family relationships. Century traditions are not subject to doubt and discussion, since they are transferred from parents to children. Often, the nearest relatives are responsible for their customs, without which the wedding event turns out to be infallible. Undoubtedly, many newlyweds have to look for a compromise.

Photo of the wedding ceremony

Modern traditions at the wedding

Traditional wedding ceremony in Russia starts with the meeting. Usually it passes with. Pone salt on a wedding for young prepares, as a rule, Mom Groom. Since the time of the USSR, champagne added to bread, although vodka poured in some regions in the old man.

These traditions are very subjective depending on the values \u200b\u200bof the family of the bride and groom

Wedding rings laid on a handkerchief, which raised above the bride and groom's top. Such a wedding rite in Russian traditions meant committing a love covenant in heaven, as the head of man was associated with the world of heaven.

Newlyweds at the time of marriage were surrounded by special trepidation. Upon ideas of our ancestors, the creation of a family was the creation of a new world, where not two people are connected, and the sun (groom) and the land (bride).

Slavic wedding customs

Another wedding Slavic ritual in Russia - rite around the stove. When the young man led his wife to his house, the first thing she did, was bowed and prayed a hearth, as he was considered the heart of the dwelling.

Fellow villagers drove dances around the hut newlyweds throughout the wedding night. So people gave a blessing to a new family. Vintage superstitions and signs on happiness were pronounced in rich clothes. Red or gold belt At the wedding were a faith. In the future, after the holiday, if the husband was in departure, the wife was looking by his wedding belt, so as not to hurt.

Like the belt, the ring had the shape of the circle and meant the absence of the beginning and end. Both were considered a symbol of loyalty, walking evil, instincts or chaos

Any Slavicchain, including wedding, symbolized the fence from evil.

Nowadays, some pretty old customs are still used by the newlyweds. For instance, . This tradition was transmitted from generation to generation. The tower was inherited as a dowry or seized by the bride on his own and used in the ancient rituals of the ancient Slavs, since allegedly had a healing force.

In some provinces from the groom Rolled the gang trackbefore the womb of the bride. When it was approached on the wagon, it only went on it. So it happened, because their homes had images of two universes, and all the rest is a unprecedented world.

Wedding in the Old Slavonic style

Sometimes near the threshold laid fires. Groom with friend jumped through firebefore going to the bride, cleansing everything so that the marriage is in innocence. Some customs and traditions of holding Russian weddings are still used in modern thematic celebrations.

Wedding without traditions - Interesting and unusual wedding ideas

The most popular ceremony is: the bride with the bride move the black and white sand from the vessels into one container, thereby promising to each other that from now on they will be one and never can serve. The drawing, which is obtained when mixing the sand of different colors, always turns out to be individual, as well as fate in humans.

Sand ceremony at the wedding

The next touching ceremony begins with the fact that newlyweds are written before the wedding two letters to each other. In them, young people are guessing the first 10 years of married life. You can specify the following provisions:

  • what joint goals they adhere to;
  • what feelings they are experiencing on the night before the wedding;
  • how they are waiting for this day;
  • who will drink most on the holiday;
  • who will make the most incendiary dance;
  • who will say the longest toast;
  • who will give the biggest bouquet;
  • what they swear to each other.

Moreover, Messages can be added:

  • invest additional letters to future children;
  • add pictures;
  • share feelings in verses.

The longer the letter gets, the more interesting it will be read on the 10th anniversary of the wedding. Next, you need to buy a favorite drink that will not deteriorate for such a term. He puts in the box along with letters. The cover of the lid is sealed and, accordingly, printing.

Wine ceremony

If it happens that newlyweds will not be able to cope with any life situation, this box can be discovered ahead of time. Having got a favorite drink and remembering your feelings, establish relationships. This idea is called the ceremony of the box of the box and is even recommended by psychologists.

Hay or wooden chips, as well as ribbons, make a box more elegant. You can close it with a lock or nails

Beautiful wine ceremony at the wedding is better spent during registration. So marriage will be more complete. The time capsule can be a family relic, reminiscent of this day, and a good interior item.

How to make wedding rituals most relevant

When drawing up a list of guests, newlyweds often know who of them will come with a couple, and who are alone. The transfer of the wedding relay is a favorite story. For a successful competition, it is possible to calculate idle friends and friends, and then play their numbers at auction.

In addition to the bride attribute, such as a garter, guests are thrown and a piece of tie, acting as anti-garter. The one who will catch it, according to tradition, will not have time to marry. Especially in demand, such a rite will be among idle men with a good sense of humor.

From the first dance of young Do not refuse even in the absence of skills, because help can be obtained from a professional. A choreographer or director will add professional movements to amateur movements. Special entourage gives a team or bright props.

First wedding dance of young

Another option is the performance of a duet song. The first wedding live clip is not forbidden to exercise under the phonogram. Guests are hardly waiting for this, so happily surprise in any case.

What are the wedding customs for parents of the bride and groom?

As already mentioned, parents can put a slingshot at the wedding, but there are still a number of uniting ceremonies. The first thing to do the parents of the bride is - give a blessing to marriage. To do this, the father leads the bride to the bridegroom, standing at the altar, and the banquet dances with her.

Parents at the wedding

Classical traditions at the wedding for parents of the groom include his dance with a native and godmother. A good idea - to arrange these dances in one or more of the following ways:

  • slidesh show from children's photos;
  • bengal lights;
  • candles;
  • confetti.

Family Correction Obders Call ceremony of family hearthAlthough all guests can participate in it

For this, the candles are distributed to all married and married so that everyone can pass the part of his family hearth and the warmth to newlyweds. Newlyweds blown lights and make desires in honor of the first birthday of the family.

Parents give the last candles, they seem to give. Only Mom of the Bride participated in the ceremony. She passed the daughter of a corner from his oven to prepare dinner for the first time in a new house. In modern times, Mom Groom is attached to this.

Ignition of family focus

The participation of parents at the son's wedding mainly occurs in the banquet part of the event. Besides familiar toasts with stories from life they can singHaving inspired in the framework of the European wedding.

Thus, parents and guests express sadness about the care of a bachelor's life. In Russian traditions invited should meet the bride In the house of the bride or the bride, and not at the restaurant. Each family decides in its own way. It is possible to listen to, and you can simply wish you a good way from a clean heart in a new family life.

Parents escort the bride and groom

By asking the question who should pay a wedding by tradition, it is necessary to refer to the Slavic rule about the dowry. Since the parents about the marriage of the parents themselves, they paid for the walk they. Depending on the cost of the bride from the parents of the groom, the fee was charged. To date, everything is individually in this matter.

Traditions on the second and third wedding day

The second day of the wedding is usually carried out in nature, in a cafe or sauna in the afternoon. The duration of rest is usually 6 hours, but this is not the limit. The script for this day is thought out in advance. Small stylization and thematic actions Decorate the continuation of the celebration best.

By tradition, her husband and his wife prepare pancakes at the wedding on the second day to sell them. It is believed who will eat more, the whole year will be lucky. You can replace them with a multi-level finished cake.

The wedding cake

If the young ride on this day around the city, the tradition of overlapping the road at the wedding obliges to give delicious hotels. If you give a treat to those who could, then the couple will be able to soak off the bad luck. On the third day of newlyweds open gifts, view photos and send postcards to guests. Some are sent to the local bridge and hang as a symbol of eternal love.

Wedding traditions of the world

Any marriage implies a marriage agreement in which the rights and duties of newlyweds can be discussed.

Oriental weddings begin with the conclusion of testimony by parents in the mosque to give the rite the sacred. In Arab countries, without this paper, young people do not even populate into one room together.

After the business part, two people who create a family have long been obliged to give their consent loud three times. In addition, if the newlyweds have insincere intentions about the wedding, their marriage is considered invalid.

Therefore, the strongest bonds are usually created in the East. But in the Russian Federation, a comprehensive marriage contract has no legal force until it is registered in the registry office. Otherwise, the Muslim wedding in Russia is no different from the traditional Islamic.

Wedding traditions are a lot. Their variations are even more. They make a wedding more solemn. But at the same time, the more traditions are driving her perception, because actually it remains less time for communication, games and dancing.

Another interesting tradition is a combination of young families. Video rite of breeding at the wedding can be viewed here: